
How to count money in Thailand. All about the currency of Thailand: the history of monetary units, housing prices, food, transport

It is impossible to live even one day in Thailand without spending a certain amount of money. There are too many goods and services around, and smiling Thais seem so friendly that many tourists automatically reach for their wallets and pay, pay, pay ...

The national currency of the Kingdom of Thailand is the Thai baht (baht, thai baht, THB). In 2014-2015, the rate of the Thai baht against the ruble was two to one, that is, 100 rubles are now equal to 50 Thai baht. Many tourists still remember the golden times (until 2013), when the ruble was equal to the baht, and for 10-20 thousand rubles a month you could rent decent housing in a resort, right on the seashore. Now the amounts in rubles have doubled. But back to dad. The most popular banknotes in the country are 20, 100, 500 and 1000 baht. For example, twenty is considered standard for a tip to a waiter, receptionist, massage therapist, random assistant who prompted you with the necessary information. Of course, no one will be offended by 100 baht, just keep in mind that twenty is already enough. But it is advised to avoid paying with coins, no matter how much you want to get rid of them. Coins of 10, 5, 2, 1 baht resemble banknotes: each banknote depicts a portrait of the monarch of the Land of Smiles (Rama the Ninth). That is why money in Thailand must be treated with respect so that you are not accused of insufficient respect for the king. Do not step on banknotes and coins, tear them. Try to pass them to the seller with respect. There are also “penny” in Thailand, their Thai name is satang. One baht is divided into one hundred satangs, and if you were given yellow coins instead of silver coins for change, it means that you were paid with “penny”. In ordinary shops, in transport and street shops, satangs are usually not accepted for payment. You can spend or exchange them for more money in several places: these are the 7-11 chain of stores, Family Mart and Big C supermarkets, Tesco Lotus and others.

Before the trip, tourists often decide in what currency to take money to Thailand. For those who are going to winter in this country or plan to stay for a long time, this issue is even more relevant. For the first time, you can stock up a certain amount dollars (from 100 to 1000) or euros. It is advisable to have both small and large bills, then you will be exchanged money at any bank branch. Rubles are not changed everywhere, but in large resort cities such as Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, you can easily part with rubles and purchase local currency. In the center of Bangkok, it will also not be a problem to exchange rubles. Another convenient, but not very economical way to get Thai currency is to withdraw cash from any ATM on the street, in mall or at a bank branch. Round-the-clock ATMs are easy to use, one of the Thai banks, Kasikorn bank, even provided the interface of all ATMs in Russian. With ATMs of other banks (Bangkok bank, Krungthai bank) you will have to “communicate” in English. The only catch when withdrawing cash is a huge commission. Each Thai ATM will charge you 200 baht (which is 400 rubles), and you will also have to pay a commission to the bank that issued your card. For example, if you withdraw 10 thousand baht, then in fact 20,000 + 400 (Thai bank commission) + approximately 500 (commission) are withdrawn from your account in rubles. Russian bank), the total is about 21 thousand rubles.

In large supermarkets, you can easily pay with any bank cards Therefore, it is not necessary to carry large amounts of cash with you. Taxis often use a meter unless the fare has been negotiated in advance. Cost of travel to major cities starts from 40 baht, in less populated areas, where the competition of taxi drivers is less - from 100 baht. The cost of food and drinks in numerous cafes and stalls on the streets usually varies from 10 to 100 baht. For transport and small purchases, you need to carry bills of 20 and 100 baht, and public transport often costs no more than 10 baht (so stock up on a few coins).

Money of Thailand: Thai baht, its history, currency and banknotes of Thailand.

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The Thai baht (THB) is the official currency of Thailand, which is divided into 100 satang and denoted as ฿.

The monetary unit of the country is Baht (THB), in 1 baht there are 100 satangs. Current exchange rate: 1 THB = 2.43 RUB (1 USD = 32.45 THB, 1 EUR = 36.25 THB).

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The history of the Thai baht is rather straightforward. The designation "bat" came from a measure of silver, equal to about 15 grams. Together with the history of the country, the currency of Tai was stormy and thrown from side to side. For example, after silver lost its value, the baht was pegged to the gold standard and the pound sterling. Indeed, in those days, Thailand was very friendly with the British Empire, adopting a lot of good and bad from it.

Then, having made friends with Japan, or rather their Nazi bloc, it was decided to tie the baht to the Japanese yen. Of course, after the end of the war, a change in the forward currency was unavoidable. In the fifties of the 20th century, it became the American dollar. After that, the rate of the Thai baht was revised more than once, only in 1984 it "settled down" and came to a rigid pegged rate of 25 THB per 1 USD. Today there is no hard link, but the course has not gone far from its original version. As of June 2011, it is approximately 30 THB per 1 USD.

Banknotes and coins

Today, banknotes are in circulation in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht, as well as coins 1 (white), 2 (white and yellow), 5 (white) and 10 (bimetallic) baht. Satang, in turn, is equal to 1/100 baht and comes in the form of banknotes with a face value of 50 USD. and in the form of coins in 50, 25, 20, 10, 5, 1 and 1/2 satangs.

The national currency of Thailand is the baht, officially it is designated THB. One baht consists of 100 satang. You can only pay in Thailand with baht, the only exceptions are Duty Free shops at the airport (they accept dollars and euros). Therefore, upon arriving in the Kingdom, you will have to change money or withdraw from the card in local currency. Otherwise you won't be able to buy anything.

Thai money is divided into denominations of 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 baht and coins - 25, 50 satang and 1, 2, 5, 10 baht.

On the front side of any bill you will see the same image of the King of Thailand, Rama IX. The reverse side has a unique pattern. On the front side in the upper right corner it is written in Arabic numerals, what value each bill has. All bills are different in color, so they are easy to remember.

The coins of Thailand differ in size and color. To date, there are only coins in denominations of 25 and 50 satangs of brown color, the rest of the coins of a larger denomination - 1,2,5 and 10 baht. Their color can be golden or silver.

In Thailand, it is considered an insult to be careless with money. Banknotes cannot be crushed, walked on them with their feet, draw on them, and so on. This is perceived as disrespect for the king himself, and criminal liability is even provided for this.

Thai baht exchange rate

In 2017, the Thai baht exchange rate is set at the following equivalent:

  • 1 USD = 35.05 THB;
  • 1 EUR = 37.35 THB;
  • 1 USD = 0.59 THB.
  • 1THB = 0.028 USD;
  • 1THB = 0.026 EUR;
  • 1THB = 1.69 RUB.

In exchangers in Thailand, the exchange rate may differ slightly, as banks charge a commission.

What money to take with you?

The rest of the money is best kept on the card. bank card must be in international format. What currency your card is in does not matter much, so you can withdraw money only in baht, and the money is converted by your payment system(visa, mastercard) and your bank in your home country. Therefore, if you receive income in rubles, then take a ruble card. It makes no sense to change rubles for dollars and put them on the card.

I have a separate article where I wrote,. I advise you to read it. There I described in detail how currency is exchanged when withdrawing cash from a card.

How much money to take?

Thailand is a relatively inexpensive country, so your costs will not be too high. Of course, we are all different, we have different needs and financial opportunities. From my experience, I can say that if you are traveling on a tour package for 2 weeks or less, then it is enough to take $ 1,000 per person. This amount will be enough to have a bite to eat in a cafe, travel on excursions, visit various entertainments at your resort, buy souvenirs, clothes, products.

As for me, I go to Thailand on my own and pledge 1000 dollars for one month. This amount includes housing rent ($300-400), motorbike ($100), food, gasoline, mobile connection, clothes, souvenirs and entertainment. I rarely go on tours. This amount is enough for me. Although I know quite a few guys who manage to live on $500 in Thailand.

To better understand how much money to take to Thailand, I recommend reading my article, where I painted the main cost items.

How to withdraw money from the card?

You can cash out money in Thailand at a bank or ATM. The easiest way to do this is at an ATM, as they are everywhere and work around the clock. For withdrawing money, the ATM takes a fixed commission of about 200 baht. Therefore, it is more profitable to withdraw a large amount once than to do it many times and pay a commission for each operation. But note that each ATM has maximum amount for withdrawal - 20-30 thousand baht, it is impossible to withdraw more than this amount.

You can also withdraw money from the bank itself. There are quite a lot of them in Thailand and they differ in color. Many tourists prefer to withdraw money from a bank, as some of them do not charge a commission, unlike ATMs. I will not name which specific banks do not charge a commission, since the rules are constantly changing. It’s better to go around several banks yourself and ask to withdraw money from the card without a commission, then you will know for sure. First of all, I advise you to look at Krungsri Bank (yellow) and Bangkok Bank (blue). To withdraw money from a bank, you must present your passport, and the card must be international and your name must be written on it.

Read more about that in my separate article.

How to change money?

All tourist cities a large number of exchangers. You can also exchange currency at the bank. Course in different banks may differ, but not by much. The most not favorable exchange rate at the airport, so I do not advise you to change money there. To exchange currency, some banks ask you to show your passport.

An interesting feature is that the exchange rate for dollars in Thailand is set depending on the denomination of the bill. The most favorable rate is for banknotes with a face value of 50 and 100 dollars. Therefore, if you take cash dollars to Thailand, change them for large bills.

Arriving in Thailand, keep cash, cards and other valuables in a safe. Most hotels provide this option. Shouldn't be carried around large sums of money. Despite the fact that Thailand is a religious country, there are cases of theft here too.

Leaving for vacation or work in Thailand, many people are interested in the exchange rate of the local currency and the possibility of its exchange in the country. The main currency of this state is the Thai baht. Let's talk about the features of this currency, about the exchange rates of the baht to the ruble and options for a profitable exchange in different countries, banks and exchange offices. We will tell you how to convert rubles to baht.

RUB to Thai baht exchange rate calculator

Thanks to the system's online calculators, we can quickly convert baht to rubles.

View the currency calculator, which calculates the dynamics of the movement of the baht in exchangers for today or for the past period.

To buy any currency, numerous exchangers operate in the cities and airports of Thailand, offering a stable price, which practically does not differ from the world ratio of currency pairs.

The exchange rate of the ruble to baht in exchangers in Phuket

The difference in baht exchange rates in Phuket is small. But doing the exchange at the airport is not very profitable.
Banking points:

Buying local currency in other places, such as hotels or small exchange offices, is both risky and unprofitable. Experienced tourists recommend the official TMB exchanger as the most profitable in Phuket.

The exchange rate of the ruble to the baht in the exchange offices of Pattaya

Tourists recommend the most profitable exchange office, which is located on the ground floor at the airport. It is located at the City Line exit. Also, the most profitable purchase of local currency is offered by kiosks with a red and yellow design. In descending order, banks can be arranged in the following order:

It is possible to make a purchase directly at ATMs, but the exchange rate is not very favorable and a commission is taken.

The exchange rate of the ruble to the baht on Koh Samui

It is important to know that everything exchange offices Koh Samui is located behind the passport control area. On the island itself, there are enough bank branches and points that exchange Thai baht. For owners plastic card exchange at ATMs is possible. For security, it is better to use terminals located on the territory of banks. Tourists are advised to change currency in green or red exchangers, they give more there.

  • It is not very advisable to buy currency at the Bangkok airport, since its cost there is always much lower than in Phuket or Pattaya exchange offices, and accordingly there will be less money.
  • At home, you can use the 49 currencies exchanger, where you can exchange rubles for baht in Moscow at a good price. But it is more profitable to exchange rubles for euros, and then change them in Thailand.
  • Russian tourists always want to know if it is possible to exchange rubles for baht in Thailand? We advise you to better stock up on dollars or euros in Russian Federation at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia, and then convert them to baht. Yield will be more profitable.
  • Regarding the baht thb ratio − CNY or Kazakhstani tenge, then exchange rate will correspond to the quotes of these denominations at the current moment.

When using local ATMs to buy baht, you need to know that a service fee of 150 Thai baht is taken for one transaction, which is also a lot. Therefore, it is better to change a large amount at once, without breaking it into small parts.

When traveling to Thailand, you need to take care of financial security your vacation, making it interesting and unforgettable.

If you want to know the exchange rate of the baht to the ruble, then enter the amount you need below into the calculator, the second digit will be substituted automatically.

Baht to ruble exchange rate - calculator

Despite the fact that the exchange rate of the baht to the ruble is constantly changing on the exchanges, there is an average value that is set for the whole day. This calculator uses the current exchange rate for today, updating the data every day, so you don't have to worry that the information on the ruble to baht exchange rate is already out of date.

We are also often asked what is the best currency to bring to Pattaya? It is better to come here with dollars, because here the exchange rate of rubles will be higher than in Russia. Therefore, buy dollars in Russia and exchange them in Thailand for baht.

Previously, it was possible to cash out money from any personalized card in any bank without commissions, but now they take 180 baht, as in an ATM. But there is a bank where you can withdraw without commission so far, this is the yellow bank (Krungsri). Any name cards, even if your card is in rubles. Do not forget to take your passport, without it you will not be able to withdraw money.

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