
How much to boil three-liter jars. How to sterilize jars: proven methods

Summer is not only the time for holidays, but also the time for preparing twists for the winter. And so that the prepared preservations do not swell ahead of time and your work is not in vain, you need not only to be able to twist the jars, but also to sterilize them correctly.

It is desirable that you have an electric oven with a temperature selection function. In this case, the lids can be sterilized together with the lids, but only those that do not have rubber bands and can be twisted.
Rubberized lids cannot be disinfected in this way, due to the possible drying, melting and tearing of the rubber under the influence of high temperatures. They will have to be boiled separately in water, as described in the previous method.

  1. Preheat the oven to 110-120 degrees.
  2. Wash the jars and lids with baking soda and place them on a wire rack. It is not necessary to wipe the container. Put dry jars upside down, and wet jars upside down so that all the moisture can evaporate freely.
  3. One and a half liter containers must be sterilized in an oven for 20 minutes. Classic three-liter jars - half an hour. Half a liter is enough for about 12 minutes.

The advantage of this method is that when you sterilize the jars, there are pans at the bottom, and the lids are also boiled. And already any.

  1. The size of the pot used depends on the number of jars. Therefore, calculate and try on yourself. Have you chosen? Fine! Pour water and put on fire.
  2. Rinse and clean jars and lids with baking soda. The lids can already be thrown into the pan.
  3. Wait for the water to boil, then place a metal colander or large sieve on top. Check the structure for stability. Banks must be placed upside down.
  4. It is enough for half-liter jars for sterilization to stand for a couple for about 10 minutes, for one and a half liter jars for 20 minutes, for three-liter jars for half an hour.
  5. A sign that the jars have been sterilized are voluminous drops of water, which should be formed from steam. After waiting for the required time, carefully pick up the jars and put them on a clean non-terry towel upside down so that the droplets that appear are drained.

Sterilization of jars in water

  1. Wash jars and lids with a new baking soda sponge.
  2. Boiling jars will require or large sizes saucepan or enameled bucket. It all depends on your needs.
  3. In any case, fill the container with water, put the jars there, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Five minutes in boiling water is enough to sterilize the jars.
  5. The jars should cool on their own, so taking them out, do it very carefully, trying not to burn yourself. Lay the container upside down on a soft towel.

The reserve of preservation in winter is very important - after all, it allows you to feast on vegetables and fruits almost the same as in summer and autumn. However, in order for the preservation to stand for the right time, it is important that the jars and lids are clean. It is important to know how much you need to sterilize jars for a couple. Otherwise, they will not be able to stand for the right time.

In order for banks with reserves to be kept without loss, it is important that they are clean. It is also necessary that there are no chips or cracks on them.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to carefully rinse the containers and lids. This can be done, for example, using baking soda. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

When sterilizing by boiling, the containers are placed in a large pot filled with water, which should reach the neck. When applied this method lids are treated at the same time.

You can also use the microwave to process dishes. In this case, the containers are placed inside, pouring a little water into them. It is enough that it be 2 centimeters or a little more. If small containers are sterilized, they can be placed on the bottom. When you need to process a three-liter, it can be placed horizontally, remembering to add water inside.

To carry out the processing, it is enough to set the power equal to 900-1000 watts. During sterilization, the water must boil.

If you place glass items in the microwave without water, they will burst.

You can sterilize in the oven. You will need to put the dishes on a baking sheet with the neck down. Covers are laid out nearby for sterilization. Rubber inserts are removed during the procedure. After turning on the temperature of the oven should be 150 degrees. When everything warms up, the procedure will begin.

For half a liter

Sterilization can be done in several ways. If this is done for a couple, then 10 minutes will be enough for dishes with a capacity of 0.5 liters. When boiling, the duration of the sterilization process will also be 10 minutes.

The procedure in the microwave will not take so long - it will take no more than 5 minutes.

After placing the dishes in the oven, it will need to be kept there for 10 minutes.

1 liter

If steam sterilized, then for a liter container it is enough that the processing time is 15 minutes. When processing in boiling water, the time spent will be the same. When using a microwave, it is enough to keep the dishes for no more than 5 minutes. It will take 15 minutes to process in the oven.

For 3 liters

Steamed or in boiling water, the procedure takes 25-30 minutes. In the microwave, it is enough to hold a three-liter jar for 7-10 minutes.

Required temperature

The required degree of heating is determined by which option was chosen for sterilization:

  • in the oven we are talking about 150 degrees;
  • in the microwave, it is enough to use a heating power of up to 1000 watts;
  • when boiling, a water temperature of 100 degrees is used (steam is heated to a higher temperature).

How long does it take to sterilize jars with blanks?

To sterilize jars containing blanks, you will need a large pot. In it, before starting the procedure, you need to put a napkin on the bottom.

Sterilization is done in the following way:

  1. Place a container on a napkin.
  2. They heat up the water. It should become like a bank. If the water is too cold, it may cause the glass to burst.
  3. The volume of water poured is taken so that the level reaches the shoulders of the dishes.
  4. The lid should not cover the container - it is placed so that it is simply covered from above.

If there is no such information, then the processing time is determined based on the volume of dishes:

  1. For a 0.5-0.7 liter can, it is equal to 10 minutes.
  2. For a liter - 15.
  3. If the jar is two-liter, then 20-25.
  4. For a three-liter - 25-30 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, you can see how a large number of large drops flowing down.

How to steam sterilize containers?

There are several ways to do this. Next, we will talk about the most famous of them.

To carry out the sterilization procedure at home, you must do the following:

  1. You will need a pot of water, put it on fire.
  2. From above it is covered with a grid, divider or something similar.
  3. Place containers upside down on top.
  4. The structure is set on fire. The steam rising from the boiling water processes the canning jars reliably.

A special nozzle designed to cover the pan can also be used. It is purchased in a specialized store.

There is a way to do this using a kettle. First, it is filled with water and put on fire. When the kettle boils, remove the lid and replace it with a container with the neck down.

It must be remembered that the dishes become hot during processing and there is a risk of burns. That's why prerequisite for this work is to use oven mitts or oven mitts.

What to do so that the jars do not burst during sterilization

The jar may burst from warming up if it is cold. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to warm it up before starting work so that it becomes warm. In this case, you can be sure that it will not burst.

How to sterilize jars in a pot of water, many novice housewives do not know, and how many time this procedure must take place. This is discussed in detail in this article. The information provided will be useful to every housewife, as it will allow you to qualitatively prepare jars for various preparations for the winter, including how sterilize jam jars.

Jars preparation

Important! To wash the jars take a new sponge and brush.

  1. Reusable twist caps are inspected for rust and deformation. If there is even a little rust or scratches, it is not recommended to use such covers so as not to spoil the workpiece.
  2. Sterilization is carried out with a gradual increase in temperature, as a sharp change in temperature can cause the jar to crack.

Having selected whole glass containers and washed them thoroughly, proceed to the main sterilization procedure. There are several ways, but most often they sterilize the jars in a pot of water.

Process Technology

This sterilization method is convenient to use for small jars with a capacity of up to 1 liter, since during this procedure the jars are placed in a saucepan and kept in boiling water for a certain amount of time (described below).

Having prepared the jars and choosing a suitable pan, proceed to sterilization:

Important! If the glass containers do not fit in the saucepan in height, they can be placed sideways.

This method very simple and convenient, since it does not require special devices and you can immediately process a large number of cans, of course, if there is a large pan.

Steam sterilization over the pan

This is one of the most common methods for preparing jars for canning. For this method you need:

  • small saucepan;
  • metal grate;
  • banks.

Important! The wider the pot in which the water will boil, the more jars will be sterilized at the same time.

The steam sterilization process is as follows:

  • Water is poured into the pan, almost to the brim and put on fire.
  • When the water begins to boil, a grid is placed on top of the pan. For this, an oven rack or a stand for hot containers is suitable.
  • Place the jars upside down on the grate.
  • Condensation will appear on the inside of the glass containers, which collects in large drops and flows back into the pan. It is necessary to keep the jars until the condensate washes their entire inner surface.
  • Glass containers are removed from the grate with an oven mitt and placed on a clean towel on the table with the neck down.

Important! Lids can be kept in boiling water for several minutes.

Sterilization of jars is carried out for 6-10 minutes. It all depends on the intensity of boiling water. They stay clean for 2 days.

Watch the video! Sterilization of canning jars

Steam cans can also be sterilized inside the pan:

  • At the bottom of the pan put a grate or metal lids.
  • Glass containers are placed on the grate with the neck down. The main thing is that there is a distance between the bottom of the pan and the neck of the jar.
  • Pour some water and put on fire.
  • When the water begins to boil, the steam will clean the inside of the jars.

The advantage of this method is that the steam does not rise high and does not increase the humidity in the kitchen. For greater effect, the pan can be covered with a lid.

Watch the video! How to sterilize jars before canning and lids

Sterilization with blanks

Sterilization lends itself not only to empty jars, but also with blanks. Usually, this method is resorted to when canning lecho, adjika and vegetable salads in jars small in size, which are cooked using cooking.

How to to sterilize:

  • The hot billet is laid out in washed jars and covered with a lid.
  • A cloth is placed on the bottom of the pan and glass containers are placed.
  • Warm water is poured so that it covers the jars to the neck, but does not get into the interior when boiling.
  • Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  • From this moment, 15-30 minutes are recorded.

Important! How much to sterilize jars depends on the volume of the container. For 0.5 l - 15 minutes, for 1 l - 25-30 minutes.

  • After the specified time, the container is taken out of the hot water with special tongs and rolled up with lids.

Many salad recipes for the winter provide for this type of sterilization, since the preparation undergoes additional heat treatment in the process.

There are many ways to sterilize jars that rely on high temperatures and other electrical devices. You can find out more about in the microwave and in the double boiler on our website.


The shelf life of blanks for the winter depends on the quality sterilization of cans. Therefore, this process should be given Special attention. Improperly prepared containers can damage the cans and spoil the blanks.

Watch the video! Sterilization of jars with cucumbers - an original way of sterilization

The main stage in canning, perhaps, can be called the sterilization of cans. Since without this stage, our blanks simply will not be stored, we simply have to know.

We note right away that there are several ways to sterilize jars, and if only one is known in your family, improve your knowledge, suddenly you will like our options more.

So we select right amount jars for our blanks. They must be free of cracks or chips. I wash the jars well, you can use ordinary baking soda as a detergent.

How to sterilize jars empty?

To begin with, we will figure out how to sterilize empty jars. Here are the most popular ways.

How to steam sterilize jars

This method can be called the most "ancient". Even our grandmothers sterilized jars for a couple. What will be required for this?

  1. We take a pot of water, cover it with a net, a splash screen or a divider. Instead of these devices, in the hardware store you can find a saucepan attachment with recesses for 1 or more jars at once.
  2. We put the jar upside down in the recess. We boil water in a saucepan. In this way, the jars are steam sterilized. Instead of a saucepan, a kettle is also suitable, where instead of a lid we put our grid or nozzle.
  3. How long to sterilize jars for a couple? Volumes of 0.5 and 0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes, 1 liter for 15 minutes, 2 liters for 20 minutes, and 3 liters for 30 minutes. But many housewives do not adhere to the specified time frame and sterilize jars for no more than 15 minutes.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

  1. Pour 2 centimeters of water into 0.75 and 1 liter jars. If the volume is larger, respectively, pour a little more water. We put the jars in the microwave, choose the power of 900-1000 watts. Banks put without lids! Sterilize the jars in the microwave for 5 minutes, the water should boil.
  2. An important point is that there must be water in the jars, otherwise they will burst. Banks of 2 and 3 liters are sterilized on their side, but water must be poured.

How to sterilize jars in the oven

This method has become a favorite of many housewives. In the oven, you can sterilize jars of any size and in any quantity, as far as the oven allows. This method compares favorably with microwave sterilization in that the lids can also be sterilized right there.

  1. Wash the jars and put them directly wet on a baking sheet or grid upside down in the oven.
  2. We heat the oven to 150 degrees, as soon as the oven heats up, we sterilize the jars for the required time: 0.5 and 0.75 l - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 minutes, 2 l - 20 minutes, 3 l - 25 minutes.

Along with the jars, you can also put wet lids on the grate, but only metal ones and without rubber inserts.

Sterilization of jars in a pot of water (boiling)

  1. To sterilize jars in a pot of water, take a large pot, put jars of water poured up to the neck. We also pour water into the pan itself so that the jars stand up to their necks in water.
  2. Bring water to a boil and sterilize in the same time previous method: 0.5 and 0.75 l - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 minutes, 2 l - 20 minutes, 3 l - 25 minutes. You can also boil the lids along with the jars.

How to sterilize lids

Since you don’t want to mess around with sterilization for a long time, many housewives tend to choose a method, how to sterilize jars and lids together.

  1. Before sterilizing the lids, inspect well to make sure they are intact, without visible damage. The lids, together with the jars, are sterilized both in the oven, and in boiling water, and for a couple (where the jar stands on a grid, and the lids are sterilized in boiling water).
  2. The lids can also be prepared separately - boil in a small pot of water.
  3. Sterilization time for lids is 10 minutes. Remove hot lids with meat tongs to avoid burning yourself.

Whatever method you choose to sterilize jars, be careful. Hot cans are easy to get burned! Use kitchen towels or potholders. And now the jars can be filled with our blanks and closed with lids.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

Banks are also sterilized directly with blanks. Let's find out how to do it.

How to sterilize jars with blanks in boiling water

This method is the most common.

  1. We put a towel at the bottom of a wide pan, put jars with blanks on top.
  2. Pour water into the pan at the same temperature as the blanks themselves. If the water is cold or very hot, the jar will burst. Water should reach the shoulders of the jars.
  3. We cover the jars (do not roll them up!) With lids, bring the water to a boil and sterilize as much as indicated in a specific recipe. If the time is not indicated, then usually 0.5 and 0.75 cans are sterilized for 10 minutes, 1 liter for 15 minutes, 2 liters for 20-25 minutes, and 3 liters for 30 minutes.

Do not forget that the jars are very hot!

How to sterilize jars with blanks in the oven

The same manipulations are carried out in the oven. Sterilizing jars in the oven is considered very convenient.

  1. We put jars with blanks on a wire rack or a baking sheet. The oven should be cold or slightly warm.
  2. Place lids on top of jars. We bring the oven to 120 degrees. We sterilize according to the recipe. Again, if the time is not indicated, then we sterilize 0.5 liters for 10 minutes, 0.75 - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 15-20 minutes.
  3. We take out the jars with kitchen mittens, hold on to their sides.

Frequently asked questions about sterilization

Do jam jars sterilize? Do I need to sterilize compote jars?

All jars for blanks are sterilized! It is this procedure that guarantees that your workpieces will safely survive until winter and will delight you with their taste. Due to the high temperature, the jars literally become sterile, hence the name of the procedure.

How do you sterilize lettuce jars? How long to sterilize jars of cucumbers?

Each recipe must indicate the time of sterilization of a particular workpiece. If it so happened that they forgot to indicate the time, pay attention to the methods of sterilizing jars with blanks a little higher. The time depends on the method of sterilization and the volume of the jar itself.

How many minutes to sterilize jars?

If sterilized empty, then usually it is: 0.5 and 0.75 liters - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes, 2 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 25 minutes.

If the jars are already with blanks, then: 0.5 and 0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes, 2 liters - 20-25 minutes, and 3 liters - 30 minutes.

See the information above for more details.

At what temperature should jars be sterilized?

If water is used during sterilization, then the jars are sterilized precisely during its boiling.

If the procedure is carried out in a microwave, we select a power of 900-1000 watts. Set the oven to 150 degrees.

I hope we have covered enough how to sterilize jars if you have something to add, we are waiting for you in the comments!

Sterilization of containers for storing pickles is necessary in order to destroy bacteria that provoke spoilage and decay of blanks, and due to which a rolled-up can can “explode”.

Advantages of the method

Due to the small dimensions, a large number of cans, especially large ones, cannot be placed in the microwave at the same time. However, this disadvantage is more than offset by the five advantages of the method.

  1. Favorable microclimate. There is no steam and suffocating heat in the kitchen, as when using a water bath to process containers.
  2. Efficiency. Microbes are exposed to a double action: microwaves and hot steam.
  3. Rapidity. Processing empty containers and sterilizing blanks in the microwave takes two to three minutes, while when using a steam bath, the process lengthens to 40 minutes.
  4. Security. The risk of burns is minimal if basic precautions are followed.
  5. container integrity. Properly performed sterilization will eliminate the problem of cracked cans.


Can you sterilize jars in the microwave so they don't burst? Neither metal nor plastic lids can be placed in the microwave, they must be processed separately by dousing with boiling water or boiling for five to ten minutes. Here are four more tips to help you properly sterilize jars in the microwave.

  1. Time. Do not leave the containers in the switched on device longer than the recommended period, they may burst.
  2. Water. Sterilization of jars in the microwave without water is impossible. The liquid is either poured directly into the container (wet method) or into a container next to it (dry method).
  3. Capture. Remove the jar from the device only in mittens, which must be dry, otherwise the container will crack due to temperature fluctuations. Grab the jar with both hands on both sides, in no case by the neck.
  4. maintaining sterility. Turn the treated jar upside down and place it on a clean, ironed towel with a hot iron.

After processing the jars in the microwave oven, you need to wait one to two minutes before opening the appliance door and taking out the containers.

Sterilizing jars in the microwave: step by step

How long does it take to sterilize glass jars? For products home canning only whole cans are suitable without chips and cracks, if there are these defects, the container will burst. Containers with "eternal" stains should also be sent to the trash can.

wet method

Wash the containers with warm water and laundry soap or soda, dry thoroughly with a towel. Then you can sterilize the jars in the microwave by following the four-step instructions.

  1. Filling. Pour 10-15 ml of liquid into a container.
  2. Installation. Put the container in the microwave, set the power to 700-800 W and note the time.
  3. Treatment. The steam released during heating will destroy the bacteria. How many minutes to sterilize jars in the microwave? Two or three is enough.
  4. Extract. Carefully remove the container from the device, drain the water and put the workpiece in the jar, or put it on a clean towel, turning it upside down.

If you need to sterilize a three-liter jar, 50 ml of water is poured into the container, then it is turned over on its side and placed in the device. It is advisable to lay a clean rag folded in several layers. Increase the sterilization time to four to five minutes.

Dry way

For some preservation methods, for example, for packaging jam, completely dry, disinfected containers are required. When dry sterilizing jars in microwave oven the liquid is not poured into the container itself, but into a glass placed nearby. Before processing the container, wash it with soda or laundry soap, dry it on a clean towel, turning it upside down. The sterilization algorithm consists of four steps.

  1. Accommodation. Arrange empty containers in the microwave with a glass filled two-thirds with water.
  2. Setting. Set the mode to 700-800 watts.
  3. Sterilization. Continue processing until all the water has boiled out of the glass, this usually takes about five minutes.
  4. Extract. Carefully remove the container, turn on a clean towel.

with conservation

Some pickles are additionally heated already in the container to increase the shelf life. Traditionally, containers with preservation are processed in a water bath, however, judging by the reviews, jars filled with blanks are easier and faster to sterilize in a microwave oven. It is enough to follow four steps in sequence.

Put canning containers without lids in the microwave.
  • Boiling. At maximum power, bring the marinade or syrup to a boil.
  • Treatment. Reduce power to minimum, wait certain time(see information below).
  • Extract. Carefully remove the containers from the appliance, roll them up, turn them upside down, place them on a tray and wrap them with a blanket until they cool completely.
  • To speed up the process, you can put the workpiece in a jar, but pour the liquid component not completely, but two-thirds of the volume. Let it boil, remove from the microwave and fill the container to the brim with boiling marinade or syrup.

    Sterilization time depends on the filling of the container, the table below shows the processing time for the main types of preservation.

    Table - How much to sterilize jars with blanks in the microwave

    - Squash;
    - cucumbers;
    - zucchini
    1 minute 40 seconds
    whole tomatoes1 minute 10 seconds
    Compote of pears, apples or gooseberries1 minute 40 seconds
    Compote or plum1 minute 30 seconds
    Compote of cherries, peaches, cherries, apricots1 minute 15 seconds
    pickled pepper1 minute 30 seconds
    Raspberry or strawberry jam1 minute 5 seconds

    Since in jars with blanks for the winter, when heated in a microwave oven, the temperature does not rise above 100 ° C (as is necessary for sterilization), this process is more correctly called pasteurization. Although this method allows you to save more nutrients and the integrity of canned foods, it only kills vegetative forms of bacteria, while spores survive. Therefore, such blanks are recommended to be stored in a cool place.

    Do not be afraid to put a container with cucumbers or tomatoes in the microwave oven: after processing, they will not turn into boiled ones, but will remain crispy and elastic due to the short heating period.

    Knowing how to sterilize jars in the microwave, empty and with blanks, you don’t have to worry that the preservation “will not survive” until spring or will explode, especially if you watch a video on the Internet where everything will be shown. And the savings thanks to modern device time is the best gift for loved ones.

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