
The right of military personnel performing military service under a contract to housing. Providing official housing for military personnel Local military personnel are not entitled to housing

In accordance with the current Russian legislation, military personnel have the right to receive service housing within no more than three months after signing the contract, if they do not have a permanent place of residence. This right can be exercised by military personnel with their families when signing the first contract, graduates of military higher education institutions educational institutions with officer rank and military personnel with families living in a military town.

In addition, there are special social programs, thanks to which contract employees have the right to purchase or receive an apartment as personal property. This program is called a savings mortgage system and you do not need to invest in it. own funds. The conditions of the system are such that state budget funds will be credited to the personal account monthly, which can be used after banking institution a military man will enter into a loan or mortgage agreement for the purchase of an apartment. This agreement It is allowed to conclude no earlier than three years after opening a personal account and the first transfer. But such a transaction is not necessary, since there is a second option for receiving Money- a series of twenty years of contract service.

Who is eligible for the certificate?

Before you get the right to financial assistance and an apartment for a military employee under a contract, he needs to issue the appropriate certificate in the prescribed manner. This document is a personal certificate giving the right to obtain an apartment with the help of a free state benefit. The certificate indicates not only the last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient, but also the amount of the subsidy, as well as the region in which the serviceman intends to purchase an apartment. It is impossible to transfer the certificate to anyone and you can only receive it one time.

The right to receive the certificate itself is granted to persons whose military service has been at least ten years. In this case, a mandatory requirement is the absence of personal residential property. The categories of citizens in need of social assistance include:

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Sequence when obtaining a mortgage

Conditions of the accumulative mortgage system, which gives the right to receive ownership residential apartment, for military contract employees are strictly regulated. Social help is required when:

The conditions of the program for obtaining a military mortgage under a contract are such that it begins to operate immediately after choosing a bank and completing the relevant documents with it.

Basic conditions and personal costs

In order to use your right to receive funds that have accumulated in a serviceman’s personal account over three years of accruals, you need to know some nuances, conditions and procedures. The accumulative mortgage system implies that an initial fee According to the agreement for the purchase of an apartment, it will be paid by the state in a lump sum. Further payments will be made every month to a bank account from a personal account by the responsible authorities. In accordance with legal regulations monthly amount payment will be equal to one twelfth of the annual loan federal budget. Moreover, each payment is indexed taking into account inflation.

They also give the right to use funds when compulsory insurance acquired ownership of an apartment and the life of a serviceman. In this case, the deadline established for this procedure must be observed.

You should also prepare for personal financial expenses that the state does not cover. These include Notary Services, apartment appraiser services and optional early repayment debt.

Free housing

We should not forget that contract employees have the right to receive temporary office and free apartments.

Service housingSocial housing
Municipal or departmental apartment. It could also be a dorm room. This type of housing is located in a military camp. It is impossible to privatize a service apartment, since it is considered temporary place residence. After dismissal, the serviceman and his family are required to vacate such living space within three months. You can get a service apartment on a first-come, first-served basisFree apartment with a contract social hiring. The rules for receiving provide for the issuance of such real estate only to those who are officially recognized as needy and are included in a special register of the Ministry of Defense. In this case, a service life of at least ten years is required. The disadvantage of this option is that you can stand in line for more than one year, and social housing can only be privatized by a court decision

Providing housing to military personnel without any further conflicts or difficulties is possible by participating in the savings mortgage program. According to the law, it is given to every contract employee with ten years of service, and if all requirements are met, they are given it without controversy.

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Among military personnel, as among other categories of citizens, there is a problem with housing. Especially to solve this problem, the state has developed a program to provide the military with square meters for preferential terms and free of charge.

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In the future, the received service housing for military personnel can be privatized, thus registering it as property.

Who is eligible?

The right to receive a service apartment according to state program persons who entered the contract have military service. At the same time, a request for housing can be submitted almost immediately from the moment of starting work.

Along with the serviceman, his family also applies for a service apartment, taking into account the standard square meters per person.

However, for this, the marriage of a serviceman must be officially registered. For a single military man, the living space standard can be doubled.

At the same time, the further acquisition of real estate by military personnel has its own specifics. Thus, some categories of military personnel can receive personal square meters already after 5 years of service, others - only after 20 or upon dismissal. For individual military personnel, the only available options for securing real estate are a housing certificate or a military mortgage.

Single register

Military personnel have access to the Unified Register, an electronic information database operating since 2010. All contract workers who have received an identification number. The register is available on the Ministry of Defense portal.

What information can be obtained from the Unified Register:

  • data on changes in military legislation;
  • a map of housing construction for military personnel for the near future;
  • possible settlement options;
  • date of registration;
  • place in ;
  • list of documentation for registration of home ownership.

The service also allows you to verify personal data and obtain other information.


At the same time, apply for a target housing loan a serviceman has the right to almost any financial institution that provides a similar service. The choice of housing in this case is made taking into account the living space standards per person. If a citizen wants to purchase more spacious real estate, he has the right to do so by attracting personal finance.

At the same time, contract workers can take advantage of mortgage lending without waiting for the three-year period from the start of service to expire. But in this case, the mortgage will be provided for general conditions. Subsequently, you can use the capital funds of the savings-mortgage system to repay the loan.

Upon dismissal

The state fully repays military mortgage a citizen who has served in military service for 20 years or more.

Also, full repayment of the housing loan is made if the military man served at least 10 years and was dismissed for one of the reasons:

  • reaching the maximum age for military service;
  • organizational and staffing changes in the unit;
  • health status;
  • the presence of family circumstances provided for by current legislation.

Also, the state pays off the mortgage in the event of the death of a military personnel. In this case, financial and credit offices do not have the right to demand the missing amount from family members of the deceased.

By contract

Not all military personnel can request the provision of service square meters, but only those serving under contract and their families:

  • Military personnel who took up a post after completing training at the appropriate institution and received an officer rank.
  • Military officers in the rank of officer who entered service on the basis of a presidential decree.
  • Soldiers, warrant officers, sailors, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen who are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Military personnel under contract who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

The following categories of persons do not apply for housing:

  • Foreigners;
  • conscripts;
  • officers already provided with square meters.

Conscripts are housed in barracks.


Citizens who have not received housing for military personnel can count on monetary compensation. This procedure has been in effect since 2014. Instead of receiving square meters, an employee can take from the command sum of money to purchase an apartment in a new building or in secondary housing.

In this case, military personnel are free to independently choose the location of the property, right up to the city. They have the right to spend money on housing that seems most worthy to them.


When providing housing to military personnel, all benefits provided for by housing legislation are taken into account.

Citizens engaged in service may also receive subsidies provided for by federal laws, as well as regulations, if any exist at the location of the military unit.

Submission procedure

In order to qualify for official housing, a citizen must contact his command with an application, as well as a list of necessary documentation.

The type of housing a military man will be provided with - an apartment or a room in a dormitory - is influenced by the size of his family.


The right to obtain their own housing arises for military personnel:

  • for those who entered into a contract before 1998 - upon completion of five years of service;
  • upon completion of 20 years of service or with 10 years of service and the availability of preferential grounds.

Registration of persons who served in military service for 10 years or more is carried out no more than three years before dismissal upon reaching the maximum permissible age. If there are other preferential grounds, registration is carried out in the year of dismissal.


In 2020, housing is provided to military personnel on the basis of an application, to which documents are attached confirming the need for housing.

Their list most often includes:

  • A copy of the marriage/divorce document.
  • Extract of service record, documentation to confirm service.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Information about the TIN of the applicant and his relatives.
  • Documentation from the citizen’s early places of residence.
  • Photocopies of personal accounts.
  • Information about the rights of a serviceman and his relatives.
  • Photocopies of documentation on the provision of any social guarantees.

If the applicant cannot present any documents, he should provide a certificate stating the impossibility of presenting them. Also, upon request, other documents confirming the status of a person in need of housing can be collected.

Conclusion of an agreement

The contract for the rental of official housing concluded with a military personnel specifies the following basic provisions:

  • procedure for providing housing;
  • content features;
  • procedure for vacating the apartment.

How to get a military pensioner?

As already mentioned, military pensioners with extensive experience retain their own right to receive housing.

They apply for a subsidy, calculated based on current living space standards:

  • 18 sq. m per person in a family of three;
  • 42 sq. m, if there are only 2 people in the family;
  • 33 sq. m for single pensioners.

Consequences of deliberate deterioration of living conditions

The legislation does not contain a clear description of acts that could be classified as worsening living conditions.

Nevertheless, these are all actions carried out with the aim of appealing to the command in the future for improvement living conditions, for example, to obtain new, more spacious housing.

In this case, there are sanctions applied to violators. They consist of a ban on registration as an entity applying for a subsidy when purchasing housing. This is stated in housing legislation.

Is it possible to privatize?

The law does not prohibit the privatization of official housing. However, it is worth considering that this procedure is prohibited for apartments located in closed military camps.

How in general view The procedure for privatization of official housing looks like:

  1. The applicant applies to the Ministry of Defense to transfer official housing to the municipal fund. This is required to obtain the opportunity to re-register the status of real estate as private property.
  2. If the command agrees, it is worth concluding a social rent agreement with the municipal authorities.
  3. In the future, a standard privatization procedure should be initiated with further registration of the transfer of ownership rights.

If the Ministry of Defense refused to transfer housing to the municipal fund, the serviceman has the right to appeal this decision in a court. Claims must be supported by relevant evidence. You can go to court within 3 months from the date of receipt of the refusal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Military service always involves constant moving. When a military man does not have a family, transferring from one unit to another does not bring much trouble. But what should family people do? Decent housing is needed to accommodate loved ones. The state is ready to help solve emerging housing problems. How to exercise your right and what is needed for this?

Contract service assumes that suitable housing with all conditions must be allocated for the military man and his family. Military officers who are officers have the opportunity to receive apartments from the RF Ministry of Defense. In the future, it is even possible to purchase housing in full property ownership.

In order to provide existing officers with living quarters, the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation is creating a specialized housing stock. Everyone who has entered into a contract for military service, in accordance with the contract, has the right to receive a residential apartment, a private house or a room located in a dormitory for personal use.

It is quite natural that the area that is issued for use must contain all the conditions for the normal presence of a person. According to the law, more than one family should not live in one allocated apartment. Also prerequisite is the location of the specified premises directly in the place where the service is taking place. The absence of such an opportunity leads to the fact that the commander or superior is charged with taking care of the placement of the serviceman in a nearby city.

The law obliges the military leadership to provide a service apartment to accommodate the employee’s family no later than 3 months. The size of the housing provided cannot be less than statutory minimum. Today this value is 18 square meters. m. for 1 person. The absence of a family for a serviceman makes it possible to double the housing provided.

There may be situations when placing a single military man in a separate apartment is impossible. Then he is moved, on temporary terms, into an apartment with another family, in a separate room. Or they use a maneuver fund for this. But it is worth noting that any action is carried out after the consent of the employee himself.

Who has the right to demand the allocation of separate housing belonging to the military administration fund:

  • Junior officers who have entered into an agreement for military service until January 1998;
  • Those who graduated from a military professional educational institution received a position in military structures;
  • Officers serving in the military department who entered into their first contract and entered service after 01/01/1998;
  • Ordinary naval forces and junior officers who signed a military service agreement after the offensive of 01/01/1998;
  • Employees who are in military service and have a mortgage loan agreement. Not now such housing is absent or located in another city;
  • Military personnel serving in specialized military closed camps.

This list includes everyone who can request the allocation of accommodation from the reserves of the military administration.

Despite the simplicity and clarity of the military regulations, the issue of allocating office space for housing has its own nuances.

  1. A military man does not have the right to privatize housing given to him and his family for living. This is explained by the fact that the living space is the property of the military department and is part of a specially allocated reserve fund. Privatization is possible, provided that the specified premises are transferred to the ownership of the municipality.
  2. Office space cannot be donated. It also cannot be sold or inherited. It is impossible to exchange one apartment for another, even if they are located in the same entrance of the house.
  3. This apartment, owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, cannot be rented out or a sublease agreement can be concluded. This also applies to cases where a military man has a need to move due to a change of duty station.
  4. If a serviceman decides to terminate the contract, and this occurs at the personal request of the citizen, then the employee must leave the official residential premises immediately after dismissal.
  5. A military family can live in a service apartment, even after purchasing their own housing under the program mortgage lending, but not in this city.

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The allocation of housing occurs upon the written application of the serviceman. The application must be submitted to the Housing Department of the RF Ministry of Defense. The location of this organization and the schedule for accepting applications should be located on information boards in each military unit. At such information stands in as usual internal information of the part itself is posted.

You also need to attach a package of documents to the application form, which the military assembles independently:

  • Documents are provided that can confirm the identity of the applicant. Supporting documents from family members are also submitted. These are passports, birth certificates, for minor children, and other documents. Copies are made of them and placed under the application;
  • A paper stating that this citizen, actually signed a contract to serve in the military;
  • A document confirming information about the employee’s marriage or divorce. A copy of the paper is attached to the housing application;
  • The paper that needs to be provided confirms that the employee does not have another premises in this city, and there are no other social employment contracts. At the same time, other members of the military family should not have similar contracts drawn up or have the area under ownership;
  • A document confirming the vacancy of residential premises in another city from where the serviceman and his family members arrived.

When the Housing Department receives all required package papers from the military, the case is reviewed within ten days. During this time, the issue of the need to include the applicant in the list for the subsequent issuance of official residential premises is resolved. As soon as a vacant room becomes available, the structural unit of the Department must notify the employee in writing. Three days are given to complete this procedure.

To confirm consent, a corresponding letter is submitted to the structural unit of the Department of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The military person must submit written consent within 5 days from the moment he received notification of free apartment. Refusal of the proposed accommodation must also be in writing and submitted to the Department no later than 5 days after notification. The absence of a response from the military regarding acceptance or refusal of the provided living space is not a reason for leaving this area behind him. It will be given to the next waiting service member.

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After agreeing to accept housing, a rental agreement is concluded with the military man and his family, owned by the military department, related to official housing stock. The document lists everyone who intends to live on the territory of the apartment, the terms of use, and the rights and obligations of each party that arise. A separate clause specifies the conditions under which the contract can be terminated:

  1. If there is consent of the serviceman and the department.
  2. If the employer himself asks for termination of the contract. You can do it at any time.
  3. Through the court, upon presentation of a corresponding demand from the military department.
  4. There has been a change of ownership of this residential area. This means when the housing stock is transferred to the management of another department.

The situation of eviction of a tenant from a service apartment through the court is possible in several cases:

  • The serviceman or his family does not comply with the requirements for the maintenance of rental housing specified in the rental agreement;
  • Non-payment of housing rent and utilities, within 6 months;
  • Violation of the integrity (destruction, damage) of the official residential premises provided under the contract, caused by the serviceman himself or members of his family;
  • Regular violation of public peace, violation of the rights of people living nearby. Failure to use official residential premises for their intended purpose, which violates the main clauses of the lease agreement.

It is worth noting that the document on renting an apartment for a military serviceman is valid only for the period of service in this region.

When a military officer joins the family, the latter can count on improved living conditions and increased living space to comfortably accommodate the whole family. To exercise this right, you must submit a written request to the appropriate structural unit of the Housing Department. The application is accompanied by a certificate of family composition indicating the addition to the family and a birth certificate.

In case of reverse action, when a divorce is filed, the eviction of the former spouse occurs only by decision of the court.

When the term of service under a contract ends or a change of place of service occurs, the acquisition by a military man of his own housing and office space must be vacated. On this procedure three months are allotted, during which all citizens living on the square must vacate the apartment. In this case, a certificate is issued by the Department or its structural unit indicating that the military officer has been deregistered, and the premises he occupied have been completely vacated and, according to the agreement, transferred back to the owner.

In this case, you also need to collect a certain package of documents and submit them to the Department:

  • Passports and birth certificates of children. They contain marks informing that these citizens have been deregistered at their address of residence. Copies of documents are provided;
  • An extract is made from personal account to confirm that debts are due utility bills No. A copy is also provided;
  • An extract from the house register is made at the passport office. Provided to confirm the deregistration of everyone who was previously registered at the address of the service apartment;
  • A paper informing about renting or renting another apartment. Information about receiving another service apartment for use may also be indicated;
  • The act of transferring the vacated premises. The document describes technical condition, the presence or absence of repairs, sets of keys to the premises being rented are described.

Legal relations related to the implementation of the right of military personnel to housing are enshrined in Article 15 Federal Law dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel.” This norm determines the forms and procedure housing provision military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), depending on the length of service and their categories. The law provides for three main forms: the provision of funds (subsidies) for the construction or purchase of residential premises; provision of residential premises (federally owned) into ownership or under a social tenancy agreement, allocation of official housing. Military personnel who entered into a contract for military service before January 1, 1998, exercise this right through the first two forms. Official residential premises for the entire period of service are provided to officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, privates and sergeants (citizens Russian Federation), who entered service after January 1, 1998, officers who graduated from military educational institutions later than the specified date, as well as in closed military camps. In case of absence service apartments(rooms) the command rents housing for subordinates or pays monetary compensation for subletting in accordance with the procedure and in the amounts determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. For the first five years of service, these categories of citizens retain the right to previously occupied residential premises and maintain priority for improving housing conditions at the place of residence before service. After 20 years of military service (if discharged after 10 years for health reasons, reaching the age limit for military service or in connection with organizational and staffing events), the named military personnel acquire the right to receive a subsidy or an apartment (in ownership or under a social tenancy agreement) at their chosen place of residence. If military personnel own apartments (residential buildings), regardless of their location, they are provided with exclusively official residential premises for the period of service. However, if the areas of such apartments (houses) do not comply with the established standards, military personnel are provided with living quarters in addition to those available within the housing standards. In addition to the above, military personnel have the right to join housing construction cooperatives and receive land plots for individual construction. Contract military personnel from among foreign citizens in the positions of privates and sergeants are provided with premises in dormitories for the entire period of service. In accordance with the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 117-FZ “On the savings-mortgage system of housing for military personnel”, from January 1, 2005, provides for another form of exercising this right of contract servicemen - the state makes annual savings contributions to repay a targeted housing loan when purchasing an apartment (house) under the mortgage lending system .This right is available to graduates of military educational institutions who graduated after January 1, 2005 (who graduated from such institutions in the period from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008 and received their first officer rank during their studies); officers called up for service from the reserves after January 1, 2005; warrant officers and midshipmen with at least three years of military service as of January 1, 2005; private and non-commissioned military personnel who have entered into a second service contract; citizens who received their first officer rank in connection with their appointment to military position, as well as those who completed training courses for junior officers after January 1, 2005. At the same time, each participant in the savings-mortgage system acquires the right to enter into an agreement with an authorized federal body a targeted housing loan agreement no less than three years of its participation in this system. Deputy Head of the Organizational Directorate of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, Colonel of Justice Pavel Kochetov



The housing subsidy has a strictly targeted purpose:

  • purchasing housing on the primary or secondary market
  • repayment of existing mortgage loan
  • housing construction.

Eligibility housing subsidy:

1. Subject to dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, or for health reasons, or in connection with the general military service, the total duration of military service in calendar terms is 10 years or more or 20 years (after the expiration of the contract or by family circumstances specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”).

2. Members of the families of fallen (deceased) military personnel, citizens discharged from military service,

3. Citizens living on the territory of closed military camps (included in the List of closed military towns approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2006 No. 752-r), recognized as a participant in the Subprogram by an authorized body or structural unit(Clause 4 of Order No. 2050 dated November 8, 2011)

Submission procedure

Direct receipt of payments is made on the basis of an application to the housing authority of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (sample application Appendix No. 1)

Conditions for providing subsidies to military personnel:

To exercise the right to a subsidy, military personnel must:

Sign a contract before January 1, 1998 and be recognized as in need of improved living conditions;

Be dismissed from service (due to deterioration in health, age limit, reduction) with a service period of more than ten years;

Have a military service period of 20 years and use departmental housing;

Be dismissed from service with the provision of departmental housing (if the service period is 10 years).

Required documents to receive a housing subsidy

To take part in the housing subsidy program, a serviceman must first register as a person requiring improved living conditions. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents to the executive body confirming the quantitative composition of the family and the presence of other real estate in the property. Such documents include:

Passport documents of the military, family members;

Certificates of birth of children, adoption, marriage, divorce;

A certificate confirming the duration of military service, service record data, extract from a personal file;

House book, 5-year statement of personal accounts;

Other documents that confirm that the military person is entitled to additional living space.

Documents are reviewed within 20 days, after which a decision is made to register persons requiring improved living conditions (or to refuse).

Appendix No. 1

(name of the authorized body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

(military rank, full name)

Residing (registered) at the address ________________________________________


(zip code, postal address, Contact phone numbers, email address)



Please list to me,_________________________________________________________________________

(military rank, full name)

A subsidy for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (living premises), provided in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (hereinafter referred to as the housing subsidy).

Passport _________________________________________________________________________________

(series, number, by whom and when issued)


(series, number, by whom and when issued)

Personal number ____________________________________________________________________________

Family composition:


(full name, date of birth)

Children: _____________________________________________________________________________________

(full name, date of birth)

(full name, date of birth)

Other family members: __________________________________________________________________________

(degree of relationship, full name, date of birth)

Bank account details: _________________________________________________________________



My family and I are aware of the following:

  1. According to paragraph three of paragraph 16 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the provided housing subsidy can be used exclusively for the purpose of acquiring or constructing residential premises (living premises) under the conditions under which I and the members my family will lose the grounds for recognition as needing housing.
  2. The transfer of housing subsidy funds to a bank account is the fulfillment of the state’s obligations to the military personnel to provide him and his family members with housing.
  3. I and my family members are subject to deregistration as those in need of housing within 3 days after the amount of the housing subsidy is transferred to the bank account I opened.

Applicant's signature _________________________________

Signature of adult family members



For a minor ___________________________________


The following documents are attached to the application:

Bank account agreement dated “……” ___________ 20___ No.______________

Military personnel must complete the following actions:

  • open a bank account to service the subsidy (funds will subsequently be transferred here);
  • provide the housing security authority with an agreement on opening a bank account, an application for transfer cash payment to a military man on his personal account;
  • purchase housing (primary, secondary market), by signing the corresponding agreement.
  • provide a completed purchase and sale agreement state registration(with a Rosreestr stamp confirming the registration of the transaction) to the financial support body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • if the subsidy is aimed at repaying a mortgage loan, then the financial support body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is provided with a credit (mortgage) agreement and a mortgage agreement for residential premises.
  • if the subsidy is used for housing construction, a document confirming the ownership (other right) of the property is submitted to the financial support body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation land plot, intended for the construction of a residential building, design and estimate documentation, as well as documents confirming the commissioning of a residential building.

Deadlines for payment of housing subsidies to military personnel

The timing of payment of subsidies to the military is clearly established by law:

Within ten days after receiving an application from a serviceman, the housing support authority checks the availability of residential real estate for the serviceman / members of his family;

Within ten days after receiving the response, a decision is made to provide subsidies to military personnel and retired persons;

Within three days, the specified decision is sent to the financial support department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

A copy of the decision is issued within three days interested person(military personnel, retired citizens, family members);

The total period for transferring cash payments to a military personnel should not exceed thirty calendar days;

Within three days after the military man was able to receive the funds due to him, financial authority notifies the housing authority about the payment made.

The legislation provides only one basis for refusal to transfer payments - if the serviceman ceases to belong to the category requiring improvement of living conditions.

The calculation of subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing is calculated according to a certain formula:

Subsidy amount = The total area allocated to a military man and his family X standard cost per square meter X correction factors.

Military experience is an indicator that can increase the size of the subsidy. Four categories of military personnel have been defined, to whom, if they have more than ten years of experience, the correction factor:

10-16 years – 1.85;

16-20 years old – 2.25;

20-21 years old – 2.375;

more than 24 – 2.45.

For each subsequent year of service over 21 years, the military personnel are entitled to an increase in the subsidy using an additional factor of 0.075. Maximum size correction factor – 2.75.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense there is an online calculator for calculating subsidies - http://mil.ru/files/files/calc/. Here are the necessary explanations and tips - you only need to enter data about family composition, length of service, the right to additional square meters, the visitor is instantly given the final result.

The amount of the subsidy is calculated when funds are transferred. It is on this date that the quantitative composition of the family, length of military service, available space, benefits, rights to additional square meters, and the standard cost of one square meter are taken into account. meters, the area of ​​the selected housing.


Provided to military personnel - citizens recognized as needing housing, and members of their families:

a) who entered into the 1st contract for military service after January 1, 1998, provided:

Achieving a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;

Dismissal from military service on preferential terms with a total duration of military service of 10 years or more;

b) who concluded the 1st contract for military service before January 1, 1998 (with the exception of cadets of military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education):

Upon dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, with a total duration of military service of 10 years or more.


Provided to military personnel - citizens recognized as needing housing, and members of their families, subject to the conclusion of 1 contract for military service before January 1, 1998 (with the exception of cadets of military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education) and completion of military service

Determination of priority when recognizing a military personnel in need of provision of living quarters

The authorized body conducts single register military personnel registered as needing residential accommodation, information from which is included in in the prescribed manner posted on the Internet information network on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (www.mil.ru).

Right to extraordinary security have:

Military personnel subject to dismissal upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or organizational and staffing measures, and recognized as needing residential premises in accordance with Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2010 N 1280;

Military personnel with 3 or more children (Clause 17, Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ);

Members of families of military personnel recognized as in need of living quarters and who died (died) during military service (clause 3.1. Article 24 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ);

Military personnel suffering from severe forms of diseases included in the List approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 378 of June 16, 2006.

Military personnel, citizens whose residential premises are recognized in the established order as unfit for living and are not subject to repair or reconstruction (Clause 2 of Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

The procedure for providing residential premises (under a social tenancy agreement or free ownership)

Residential premises are distributed by the authorized body to military personnel registered as needing residential premises, in order of priority.

Allocation of living quarters to a military personnel:

- Issuing a notice to a serviceman (a copy is sent to the unit commander);

Serviceman's consent to living quarters (see Procedure for receiving and submitting notices)

Verification of documents, request to Rosreestr (request is submitted to all family members);

Concluding a social tenancy agreement (obtaining a decision on the provision of residential premises for free ownership)

Procedure for receiving and submitting notices

(The procedure is determined by the Instruction on providing military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Russia dated September 30, 2010 No. 1280)


1. Receive the notice and sign for its receipt.

2. Within 5 working days, inspect the apartment with the original notice.

3. Fill out counter No. 1 (consent) or No. 2 (refusal) and make a copy of the completed notice.

4. Cut out the completed spine No. 1 or No. 2 of the original notice and attach it to a copy of the entire notice (THE ORIGINAL NOTICE REMAINS WITH THE MILITARY SERVANT!!!).

5. Hand over to regional administration housing support, territorial department (branch) or through authorized representative a copy of the notice and the counterfoil of the original notice.

PROCEDURE AFTER SUBMISSION OF A COPY OF THE NOTICE- If you agree with the notice: after submitting a copy of the notice and the counterfoil of the original notice in accordance with Order 1280, within 30 days you must submit documents for verification and conclusion of the DSN. - If you refuse the notice: submit a copy of the notice and the counterfoil of the original notice to the regional housing department, territorial department (branch) or through an authorized representative to return to the queue.

Standard for providing total living area

Important! Right to additional total area residential premises (clause 2 of Article 15.1 of Federal Law No. 76-FZ) size at least 15 square meters And no more than 25 square meters have officers in the military ranks of colonel, equal or higher, undergoing military service or dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, as well as commanders military units, military personnel with honorary titles of the Russian Federation, military personnel - teachers of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations of higher education, military departments at state educational organizations higher education, military personnel are scientific workers with academic degrees and (or) academic titles.

In addition, the right to an additional area of ​​20 sq. m. m of living space have:

Heroes of Russia

Employees of the Investigative Committee.

The procedure for inspection and occupancy in distributed residential premises

1. Receipt by a military personnel (citizen) of a notice for allocated residential premises.

2. Viewing the living space:

Based on the notice, the Management Company provides the serviceman with the opportunity to inspect the residential premises proposed by the housing support body of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

3. The serviceman gives consent or refusal to allocated living quarters. Attention!!! More than 5 days should NOT pass from the date of receipt of the notice to the date of the decision (refusal/consent) of the military personnel

4. In case of agreement with the allocated residential premises, the serviceman collects documents in accordance with the Instructions on the provision of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a social tenancy agreement, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 No. 1280 (document submission period is 30 days).

5. After reviewing the submitted documents, a decision is made to conclude a social rental agreement with the serviceman/decision to provide ownership of residential premises free of charge.

6. The serviceman provides Management company a copy of the social tenancy agreement/extract from the decision to provide ownership of residential premises free of charge. An inspection report is drawn up, a Service Agreement is signed, and keys are issued.

7. Check-in.

List of regulatory documents:

  1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  2. Law of the Russian Federation of January 15, 1993 No. 4301-1 “On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory”
  3. Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”
  4. Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/06/1998 No. 1054 “On the procedure for registering military personnel subject to dismissal from military service, and citizens dismissed from military service into the reserve or into retirement and service in internal affairs bodies, as well as military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service who need to obtain residential premises or improve living conditions in their chosen permanent place of residence.”
  6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 817 “On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space.”
  7. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 N 1050 (as amended on December 30, 2016) “On the federal target program “Housing” for 2015 - 2020”
  8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153 (as amended on November 20, 2018) “On some issues in the implementation of the subprogram “Implementation government obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation" of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015 - 2020."
  9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 No. 378 “On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment”;
  10. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 No. 1280 “On the provision of residential premises to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a social tenancy agreement and official residential premises” (together with the “Instruction on the provision of military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, residential premises under a social tenancy agreement”, “Instructions on the provision of service residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”)
  11. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2011 No. 2050 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of lists of citizens participating in the subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2011 - 2015, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1050, registered with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and who have expressed a desire to receive a state housing certificate in the planned year, registration of citizens living on the territory of closed military camps, registration and issuance of state housing certificates in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation »
  12. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 No. 510 “On approval of the Procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service "

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