
How many decibels should be at night. Permissible noise level

Loud noises in the apartment can poison life making it simply unbearable.

Are there any permissible limits in decibels established by law, in terms of the noise level in the apartment, are the limits the same day and night, and how to prove that extraneous sounds are too loud?

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Norms established by law

What noise level is acceptable in the apartment?

Quiet life in apartment building(hereinafter - MKD) is unrealistic, people note important events their being feasts, make repairs, change furniture and plumbing fixtures.

Each of the residents of the MKD understands and accepts the need for repairs or the crying of a baby, but it’s a completely different matter when the neighbors cannot be calmed down or at least reduce the volume level of the sounds produced.

The concept of loudness is a controversial issue based on the subjective perception of sounds, therefore Noise levels in the home are set the following laws:

  • Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 (as amended on July 3, 2016);
  • Norms No. CH 2.2.4/;
  • SanPiN

Many subjects of the Russian Federation set their own limits on the levels and intensity of various sounds, because noise not only causes unpleasant sensations, they harm the health of others.

So, on the territory of Moscow as a separate subject of the Russian Federation, the following legislative documents have been adopted for management:

  • Law of the City of Moscow of July 12, 2002 N 42;
  • Law of the City of Moscow dated January 29, 2003 N 4;
  • Moscow GD of February 8, 2005 N 73-PP;
  • Law of Moscow dated November 21, 2007 No. 45.

Noise is measured in decibels, and it is in these units that they are accepted. limiting values.

In the daytime

From 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., the upper limit for any noise permitted by law, is 40 dB.

To make it clear how loud this is, we can give the following examples for comparison:

  1. At conversation average pressure on the ears will be about 65 dB.
  2. Gun Shot close will produce a noise of 160 dB.
  3. alarm clock(mechanical) gives a volume of 80 dB.

From these examples, it becomes clear that the 40 dB level represents sounds of modest intensity, comparable to quiet conversation, and from 13-00 to 15-00 afternoon rest time is announced when there should be complete silence.

Weekends and holidays the schedule changes: the morning is allowed to start only from 10-00, and you can make noise (not much - up to 40 dB) no later than 22-00. Exceeding the specified limits is permissible by 15 dB, but no more.

But what about when repairs are due, because it will be necessary to drill and knock?

Yes, but not on weekends holidays when such activity is completely excluded.

Allowed to make repairs and carry out construction work during weekdays, from 9-00 to 19-00, and the total time should not last more than 6 hours, and with a 1-hour lunch break. Limit term repair work in an MKD apartment is 3 months.

At night time

During the night hours, taken from 23-00 to 7-00, the maximum permissible noise level is permissible up to 30 dB.

This corresponds in volume to a quiet conversation, and totally unacceptable:

  • turn on the TV and other audio or video equipment with sound;
  • shout, knock, rattle, whistle, sing, etc.;
  • blow up pyrotechnic devices;
  • carry out repairs, as well as loading and unloading operations.

In every case there are exceptions, because loud sounds cannot be dispensed with, if:

  1. Citywide celebrations are held with concerts, fireworks, etc.
  2. The noise is caused by the action of intruders and their capture.
  3. An emergency situation has occurred, such as hostilities, fire, flood and other force majeure circumstances, etc.

But constantly ignoring the neighbors' requests not to make noise, especially when there is a sick person or a shift worker in the family, is unacceptable and illegal.

Why is loud noise dangerous?

Frequent exposure to loud, above-normal levels of sounds hazardous to human health, because it can cause:

  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • deafness
  • diseases of a nervous nature.

Constant long-term exposure to an increased sound background can threaten with a catastrophe, and 200 dB-th sound is fatal for each of us.

What can be sources?

In an MKD apartment, many sounds can be annoying with their loudness, preventing you from relaxing, falling asleep calmly and quickly, reading a book and just living normally. Sources of increased sound background can be:

  • turned on at high volume TV, tape recorder, etc. reproducing devices;
  • playing musical instruments, especially piano, piano, trumpet;
  • sounds of scandal, screams;
  • loud feasts with songs, dances;
  • operation of elevators, pumps;
  • noises emitted by the vent. equipment;
  • sounds of running power tools, etc.

There can be many sources of cacophony, everything that happens is heard in the apartment behind the wall, under or above the dwelling, as well as in the yard- the rumble of a motorcycle, car, tram, train, construction site, loading and unloading at a built-in store, etc.

But it is important to understand that playing musical instruments - tenants' right, as well as sort things out or celebrate a birthday.

Another thing is that the loudness of what is happening annoys the neighbors, however, such actions can only be regarded as petty hooliganism, and have nothing to do with the noise to be measured.

Where to apply?

What to do if you think that your apartment is noisy? First of all, you need try to determine where the apartment comes from disturbing sounds.

Regardless of the result of your research, you should contact the written, HOA or other service company.

The board must respond send your employee, who must verify the presence of noise and report this to management.

At the expense of the company's funds, the management company should attract specialists to measure the level of sounds and identify their source. The problem must be solved.

In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, you need to contact to the prosecutor's office or to Rospotrebnadzor, each of these bodies is obliged to appoint an examination (at the expense of the Criminal Code) to determine the level of impact, its intensity and duration, as well as the source.

If the sounds come from outside - from a club, construction site, shop, workshop, enterprise, then such a question is beyond the competence of the Criminal Code, and you should immediately address your request to the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor.

Representatives of these services will find where the noise is coming from, and, based on the results of the examination, they will issue an order. After the agreed period, the experts will check to what extent the situation has changed, and may follow a fine requiring the immediate cessation of sound exposure.

If the noise has already harmed the residents, then if the results of the examination are available, there is a right and reason go to court but the fact of causing harm must be documented.

Why is expertise needed?

The fact of the presence of noise impact on people while they are in the apartment can only be confirmed by an examination, all other arguments will remain unfounded, that is, unsubstantiated, and there will be nothing to present to the court.

Examination of the noise level in the apartment is a documentary basis for applying to the judicial authorities.

When is a sanitary and epidemiological examination in relation to noise not carried out? Sanitary and epidemiological expertise may not always be carried out, there are Circumstances that preclude the involvement of experts:

  1. When noises are caused by natural or random phenomena.
  2. Anxiety is caused by the work of the alarm system - anti-theft, fire, etc.
  3. When holding mass cultural, sports, religious or political events.
  4. Work is underway to eliminate the consequences of accidents, natural Disasters etc.
  5. The inconvenience is caused by traffic.
  6. Rattle, rumble are heard during the removal of ice, snow, etc.

Expert actions will also be denied in the case when neighbors make noise - this falls within the competence of law enforcement agencies.

How and what to measure?

A tenant suffering from noise exposure should apply to Rospotrebnadzor, a sanitation station or an independent company.

Specialists at the request of tenants leave with equipment called sound level meters.

There are special technologies, following which, experts take measurements at several points in the room, then derive the average and compare it with the allowable standard values.

The result of the work of experts - measurement protocol, which will indicate the frequency and dynamic noise levels. They can also check the effectiveness of sound insulation.

At their own expense, conducting such studies by commercial firms is unprofitable: the price level is very serious (3 measurements will cost 10 thousand rubles during the day, at night - 15 thousand rubles for 3 measurements, and regarding sound insulation, the actions of experts are estimated from the starting cost services in the amount of 30-50 thousand rubles).

Judicial or pre-trial examination will cost 25-35 thousand rubles, and if the issue concerns sound insulation, then up to 70 thousand rubles.

You can learn about how and with what you can measure the noise level in an apartment from the video:

Who is freezing?

Measure the noise level in a residential area with the issuance of a protocol, conclusion, examination only experts are eligible– representatives of Rospotrebnadzor or independent expert organizations that have the proper level of accreditation and are members of the SRO.

Such procedures are not performed independently.- you need special devices and methods known to professionals.

In addition, you need a document that will be recognized as legal if it is issued by an independent accredited company or the expert service of Rospotrebnadzor. An examination can be appointed by the court, then one of the forensic expert institutions will work.

What is the cost of measuring the noise level in an apartment by Rospotrebnadzor? For measuring the noise level in the apartment by Rospotrebnadzor will take 540 rubles. for 1 point, a total visit of experts during the daytime will cost about 5 thousand rubles, at night - no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Responsibility for violation of norms

Systematic violation of noise exposure standards, as non-compliance with the norms of sanitary and epidemiological well-being, punishable by fines according to Art. 23.13 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

If an individual is deaf to the requests of other people who are forced to ask for help, then for the first time they can give him a warning or write out a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles.

In case of repeated violation, the amount of the fine is doubled., and in case of chronic disregard for the law on silence, a fine in the amount of a double minimum wage may be imposed, the amount of which will be 2x9 = 18 thousand rubles.

If sounds interfere with normal living in an apartment, then you need to fight for your rights.

All bells should be rung- go to the Criminal Code, complain to the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor, call the police.

Having collected the evidence base, the tenant suffering from the effects of sounds has the right to go to court and win the process.

O permissible noise standards in the apartment, as well as the responsibility for their violation, you can learn from the video:

The state of the Russian Federation provides for an hour period during which it is forbidden to make noise, listen to music and carry out repair work in residential buildings. Plus, the silence and tranquility of citizens is protected during the day and at night. There is also the concept of the level of permissible noise. The noise level in the apartment (its maximum permissible norms in decibels) is especially relevant for residents apartment buildings living in big cities. Here, unacceptable noisy activities can come not only from neighbors. When loud sounds cause concern, even at the permitted time, when the maximum permissible noise level is exceeded, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to conduct an examination and bring the violator to justice. For example, neighbors may listen to music too loudly through amplifiers, and construction may be underway under the windows.

The level of noise, any sound, is measured in decibels. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the norm of 55 decibels in the daytime and 45 decibels at night. These maximum permissible norms should not be exceeded in any case, since exposure to increased noise adversely affects human health. In particular, the nervous system suffers, headaches occur. Therefore, it is important to know how to act in such cases.

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Rules of law

The maximum allowable in the daytime and at night is not set by the codes of the Russian Federation, but by the sanitary authorities. No matter how many decibels the outgoing sound is, whatever the source, a mark of seventy or more is already considered harmful to the physical and psychological state of citizens. And if at night you can deal with violators by calling the district police officer, when, for example, neighbors listen to music loudly. Then in the daytime it will be more problematic to deal with the situation, without special expertise. This can be done by calling the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station or a commission from Rospotrebnadzor. In any case, the complaint will be officially recorded, and after the necessary measurements have been taken, an act will be drawn up.

In addition to the noise reproduced in residential buildings from neighbors, there is also such a thing as compliance with the standards by the developer during the construction of residential buildings and premises. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the sound insulation of an apartment building should not exceed fifty decibels. This refers to the noise that is transmitted through the air. For example, the conversations of neighbors, the usual operation of the TV behind the wall, and so on. If the established allowable standards are violated, the developer will face a rather large fine after filing a complaint from the residents and conducting all the examinations.

Why is loud noise dangerous?

Whatever the reason, and no matter how long extraneous sounds exceed the permissible noise in decibels, both during the day and at night, this interferes with rest, work, and study. Very negative effect on the human body. Such an impact can have unpleasant consequences:

In addition, in the Russian Federation, it was found that exposure to sounds above seventy decibels increases the risk of accidents and leads to hearing loss. Such an impact is especially negative for young children, women, citizens retirement age as well as for the disabled.

Comparative indicators of the permissible noise level in decibels:

You can also notice that it is not dangerous to be under the influence of noise up to sixty decibels for a short time, but systematic noise from sixty will lead to disorders and disorders of the nervous system.

How is it measured?

For many citizens of the Russian Federation, it is problematic to measure the permissible noise level in residential buildings on their own, since special devices for such measurements - sound level meters, are very expensive, and you cannot call them essential items. In addition, it does not make sense to buy such a device, because independently recorded data will not be accepted by any institution. Specialists should draw up acts.

The need to check whether interfering noise exceeds acceptable limits, and complain about violators, is not uncommon. For example, it can be not only, but also a club located near the house or in the house itself, a karaoke bar, and other entertainment facilities. In this case, you need to contact the specialists of state or private structures of the Russian Federation, who will measure the sound in this apartment of a residential building. At the same time, such a measurement will be carried out more than once, ideally twice in the daytime and twice at night. The closed and open window will also be taken into account.

You can also contact specialists to measure the level of permissible levels if ordinary sounds from the street penetrate into the apartment of a residential building, which cause discomfort. This is done in order to check whether sound insulation standards are observed during the construction of a residential building. If such a fact is proved, repair work to improve sound insulation will have to be carried out by developers.

Whoever conducted the examination in the Russian Federation in residential premises, after that legal document with all recorded information. This document can be used when filing a lawsuit.

Why is expertise needed?

Exceeding the permissible noise level of residential buildings in the Russian Federation is one of the main factors of environmental pollution. This means that such an indicator must be regularly monitored in order to avoid deterioration in health. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station has developed a number of normative documents, which determine the degree of danger of noise, both in a residential area and on the street, industries, medical and educational institutions. In the daytime and at night, these are different indicators, by the way, during the day they are higher.

Table of permissible noise level for air conditioning and ventilation systems

Control in different areas is carried out by different departments. Deals with production noise State Inspectorate. At the workplaces of other organizations, the controlling body is the Labor Inspectorate, but the permissible norms in residential premises are checked directly by the sanitary and epidemiological service itself.


Increased noise in residential buildings, especially if it is regular, at night or during the day, cannot be ignored. Because sooner or later it will affect human health. Whether it is the sound of music from neighbors, discos in a neighboring building, repairs using electric tools, it does not matter.

Before hiring a noise meter, it is worth checking to see if they are licensed for the job. Prior to the start of cooperation, albeit short-term, an agreement must be drawn up between the experts and the customer. After taking measurements, it is important to make sure that the documents contain the correct information. And only after receiving a document on the examination carried out, you can contact the sanitary and epidemiological service or Rospotrebnadzor directly. In extreme cases, if this does not give any results, you need to go to court.

The noise coming from neighboring apartments can seriously affect a person’s life, preventing him from resting. Therefore, you should know what level of sounds is considered acceptable, what punishment is provided for in case of its violation, where to complain when neighbors violate the requirements of the law.

How to measure the noise level in an apartment (in practice)

Many people living in multi-storey buildings often wonder how to measure the noise level at home?

Measurement of the level of noise sounds can be carried out using:

  1. Special technical devices;
  2. Special programs designed for computers and tablets;
  3. By calling a specialist from Rospotrebnadzor, who, at the end of the procedure, will draw up a document that will reflect the result of the measurement.
  4. Subjective assessment by ear. To make such an assessment, see the table or infographic below in the text.

Professional sound level meter

So, what is a sound level meter and how to measure decibels with it?

A sound level meter is a device that measures sounds in decibels.

This device is equipped with a microphone, an amplifier and filtering elements, a detector and an indicator. This device operates with a battery for approximately 60 hours without charging.

Sounds are measured using a microphone. The data received by the device is displayed on its screen.

Noise measurement software

With development modern technologies, you can measure the sound coming from your neighbors using various computer programs or applications for phones and tablets.

In the case when the measurement is carried out using a computer, then a microphone should be connected to it. With it, the computer will receive the reproduced noise, and the program will analyze it.

The same principle of action for programs that are designed for tablets or phones.

Please note that you do not need to install a microphone in addition to the phone, since the device is already equipped with a built-in microphone.

We call a specialist

Currently, noise measurement can be carried out by contacting a specialist.

Sound level measurement services:

  1. Forensic - expert organizations in the process of trial, on the basis of a decision of a judicial authority;
  2. Authorized employees of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as structures that have the status of non-state and have accreditation from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out this activity;
  3. Design organizations, members of design and survey SROs.

Noise level measurement by such specialists is carried out in several stages:

  1. An apartment is being studied, as well as an apartment building in which it is located or another room in which it is necessary to measure sounds;
  2. The noise outside is measured, as well as the noise in the room with the windows open and closed;
  3. The presence of ventilation or other structures in the room that are sources of air exchange is checked;
  4. Measurement is made at night (if necessary);
  5. The noise level emitted by technical devices is measured;
  6. The data is analyzed and a conclusion is drawn.

We turn to Rospotrebnadzor for noise measurement

In order for an employee of Rospotrebnadzor to measure the noise level, you should contact the authority with a statement. In order for the procedure to be carried out promptly, it is allowed to call a specialist by phone, which can be found in the territorial department of the body at the place of residence.

The application must indicate:

  1. Full name of the body;
  2. Applicant's personal data;
  3. Data on the location of the room or other source of loud noise;
  4. Noise measurement requirement.

After receiving the application, the authority sends a specialist with devices.

The procedure for obtaining data is also carried out in several stages.

At the end of the work, the employee must draw up an act that reflects the data obtained as a result of the study.

Permissible noise levels by law

Experts have found that high noise levels adversely affect human health. In this regard, the state has fixed the permissible noise level at the legislative level.

The legal basis for assessing the noise level is the following regulatory legal acts:

  1. Federal Law No52 of March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population";
  2. Sanitary standards SN 2.2.4 / “Noise at workplaces, in residential premises, public buildings and on the territory of residential development”;
  3. SanPin "Requirements for residential buildings".

If you do not want to study these laws in detail, then let's say briefly that 55 dB is the limit for daytime noise. 45 - for the night.

Noise sounds are measured in decibels.

These acts distinguish the maximum level of noise sounds in the daytime (7.00 to 23.00). The upper noise limit cannot be more than 55 decibels during the daytime.

During the lunch period (13.00 - 15.00), in accordance with the law, any sounds that may disturb the peace of neighbors are prohibited.

For weekends or days recognized as holidays, other time limits are set, from 10.00 to 22.00, during which the noise level cannot exceed the specified level.

At night, which, in accordance with the law, is such in the period from 23.00 to 07.00, it is forbidden to make sounds that are more than 40 decibels.

When a renovation is carried out in a residential apartment, the following requirements are established:

  1. Work can be carried out only on working days, from 9.00 to 19.00;
  2. The total period of time for the implementation of repairs during the day cannot be more than 6 hours;
  3. The maximum term for the implementation of repair work is no more than three months.

To the question, a detailed answer in our other article. ⇐

Liability for violation

For non-compliance with the law on the level of noise, a person may be held liable.

  1. There are the following places where the reproduction of loud noise is punishable by law:
  2. Apartment buildings, as well as premises in them;
  3. Adjoining territories;
  4. Premises belonging to medical, cultural, recreational institutions;
  5. Territories belonging to dacha communities.

Liability is carried out within the framework of administrative proceedings.

In order to bring the prescribed liability to measures, an authorized employee must draw up a procedural document - a protocol.

At the federal level, the following penalties are provided:

  1. For an individual from 100 to 1,000 rubles;
  2. For a legal entity from 10,000 to 20,000.

Please note that local authorities may impose other penalties. For example, in Moscow, the fine for an individual is approximately 2,000, and for a legal entity up to 80,000 rubles.

Where to complain

There are several bodies that exercise the power to prosecute in case of violation of the law on silence:

  1. First of all, you can contact the police by calling 02, as well as by filing a complaint about the violation of silence with the district official. As a rule, based on the results of consideration of the application, the employee must draw up a protocol on violation of the law.
  2. You can file a complaint about a violation of the law by your neighbors to the service utility company. Such an appeal will be especially relevant if the silence is broken during the repair process in the apartment. After the appeal, the employees must proceed to the apartment, however, the owners may not agree to a conversation with the employees.
  3. Prosecutor's office. Represents a body that oversees compliance with the laws of the country.
  4. Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the authorities of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Are there exceptions to the rules

The law establishes the following cases, upon occurrence of which it is allowed to exceed established level noise:

  1. Holding mass events, using music, as well as launching fireworks;
  2. Measures that are aimed at detaining persons who have committed a crime;
  3. In the event of an emergency, as well as in the event of measures aimed at preventing them.


Thus, exceeding the permissible noise level is an administratively punishable act. A person whose rights are violated has the opportunity to independently measure the noise level, as well as apply with a corresponding application to the authorized bodies.

The vast majority of modern citizens do not live in hotel private houses, but in apartments. Up to several hundred people can live in one apartment building. Of course, it is unlikely that the inhabitants of the second floor will hear what is happening in the apartments, for example, on the 16th floor. But what happens at the neighbors below, above and on the sides is usually well audible, and often this noise not only interferes, but makes life unbearable.

It is for this reason that permitted noise level limits were established in city apartments. This was done, first of all, in the interests of other residents, so that nothing would interfere with them. These norms are different, depending on the time of day, day of the week, etc. But, if the established rules are not followed, violators can be held accountable and fined. Or, if they do not respond to warnings, they may even be detained.

Permissible level according to SNiP

There are certain noise standards established by law, which cannot be violated. The noise level is measured in decibels. In order to measure it, you can use a special device. Although, now there are special applications that measure noise, They can be downloaded and installed on mobile applications to measure.

True, there is no guarantee that the results of their measurements are 100% reliable. In general, you need to call Rospotrebnadzor or the sanitary and epidemiological service so that they measure the noise level and issue an appropriate conclusion with the results obtained. If the excess of the permissible noise level is confirmed, the owner of the apartment can file a lawsuit against the person, organization or even municipal authorities through whose fault this happened.

If this is a private person, most likely it is one of the neighbors. If this entity, in most cases, noise standards are violated by some shops, nightclubs or other establishments that may be located nearby. If it is a municipal or city government, we are talking about the roadway located nearby, the airport, the football stadium, etc. In the latter case, special panels are usually installed that absorb most of the noise in order to provide the residents of nearby houses with peace and quiet.

Currently, during the day in the apartment, the maximum noise level from neighbors should not exceed 55 dB, and at night 45 dB. Most people don't realize what noise level these figures correspond to.

To understand a little how much it is, you can compare the level of other noises in decibels:

  • crying baby - 80 dB
  • included vacuum cleaner - 75 dB
  • weapon shot - 180 dB
  • alarm call - 85 dB
  • conversation - 30-40 dB
  • a working hammer or jackhammer - 120 dB, etc.

Noise level comparison in decibels

This does not mean that the neighbors, in order not to disturb others, cannot turn on the vacuum cleaner or use the alarm clock, despite the fact that their noise level is above acceptable standards. After all, they will make noise in their apartment, and not with their neighbors. And between them there are partitions, interfloor ceilings etc. All this absorbs some of the noise, but not always. Therefore, it is required to comply with the norms so that the neighbors do not complain.

In general, this should be done by specialists. You can, of course, purchase a noise meter, try to measure the noise level on your own, but this is impractical, because the procedure has its own nuances that only professionals know about.

How to measure the noise in the apartment? Sound level meter - a device for measuring the noise level

And in order to sue a person who increases the noise level, you must have an official protocol confirming that the apartment is noisy. That is why the services of Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological service, or private expert organizations that have a valid license and appropriate accreditation are required. True, their services will cost a lot: from 5-6 to 30-50 thousand rubles.

Noise violation - what to do?

First, you need to find the culprit and try to talk to him, if possible. There is a possibility that the person himself will understand what disturbs the others and will stop making noise. Too many violators do not respond to complaints and requests from neighbors. In this case, the neighbors need to call the district police officer. He will fix the violation, draw up a protocol, make a warning remark. Every time you need to call the precinct. But, you can write a complaint without representatives of the authorities.

If his warnings do not help, the violator will first be fined 1000-2000 rubles. If these measures fail, the violator will be fined again. But, now the amount of the fine will be equal to two minimum wages established in the region. You can call specialists to take measurements, collect all the protocols of the district police officer, and take all this to the court so that they take radical measures.

Noise time by law

There are certain norms that differ, depending on the time of day, day of the week, etc. If these are weekdays, you can make noise from 8:00 to 21:00. At this time, you can do cleaning, watch TV, do some other work, etc. During this time period, most people are awake, go to work, do various things at home and also make noise. Of course, it is necessary to make noise during this time interval within the normal range, without overdoing it so as not to disturb others.

No noise is allowed between 23:00 and 07:00. This is night time, when people sleep, relax, and loud noise will prevent them from doing this. On weekends, as well as on holidays, you can make noise from 10:00 to 22:00. In some cases, these rules may be violated, but legally. For example, you can make noise on the night of December 31 to January 1, launching fireworks and loudly celebrating the new year. Also, noise is allowed during some holidays, festivals, etc., which do not last long.

What time can you do repairs in the apartment

Noisy repairs can be done from 9:00 am to 19:00 pm. At the same time, you still need to take a break during lunch from 13:00 to 15:00. In the evening, it is forbidden to carry out noisy repair work. By the way, the duration of the repair itself cannot last longer than 3 months.

Watch the video on measuring the permissible noise level in the apartment:

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