
Housing allowance calculator for military personnel. Subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel

Families of servicemen who have served more than 10 years are entitled to free housing from the state. If earlier the military were given apartments, then since 2014 new rules have come into force and instead of ready-made apartments, the military receive money to buy housing. It may not be so easy to figure out how to get this money, how much is due in a particular case.

You can try to figure it out on your own, contact the housing authorities, or even hire a lawyer.

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The order was introduced in August last year. He determined a new procedure for obtaining housing for servicemen. Instead of previously received apartments in 2017, there is a housing subsidy for military personnel, which can only be spent on the purchase of a house or apartment. The amount of the payment is determined by the number of members of the military family and his length of service. The funds received can be spent on the purchase of housing throughout Russia or invest in housing under construction.

Receipt of funds to military personnel in 2017 is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • length of service must be at least 10 years;
  • a military family should not have their own apartment or the housing they own should be smaller than what is required by the standards for a family of this size.

Receiving funds is possible if you stand in line in the region for the improvement of living conditions. It is much faster and easier to receive money, unlike an apartment, in such a queue - usually about a month after the application is submitted. The procedure for this is as follows:

  1. Conclude an agreement with any bank to open an account. This is necessary in order to transfer money.
  2. Bring to the local housing authorities an application for the transfer of a subsidy and the details of the account opened for this purpose indicated in it.
  3. Get money into a bank account.
  4. Money can be spent on the purchase of a finished apartment or invested in an apartment in a house under construction.

The money is credited to the serviceman's bank account within a month after the application is submitted to the relevant authorities.

The application for the transfer of funds must be supported by some documents:

  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • passports of all family members over the age of 14;
  • birth certificates for children under 14;
  • an extract from a personal file confirming military service;
  • in the presence of adopted children - a certificate of adoption;
  • additional documents confirming the relationship with the applicant.

After providing the necessary documents, it remains only to wait for the receipt of funds, which is much easier than waiting for an apartment, as it was before.

If you already have an apartment?

If a serviceman or members of his family already have their own apartment, and there is a right to receive an apartment payment, this does not mean that this right cannot be used. A housing subsidy for military personnel can be spent not only on the purchase of an apartment or house in their absence, but also on the purchase of housing that meets the standards: that is, if a military family lives in a small apartment that does not meet the standards for such a number of people, the allotted money can be spent on acquiring more housing. Of course, in this case, the serviceman will receive less than his colleagues who do not have housing at all.

The calculation of this amount depends both on the prescribed meters and on those already available.

So, if the military man lives on the territory of 36 square meters, and has the right to purchase 42, then the amount of the subsidy will be equal to the cost of 6 square meters of housing.

How can I find out the amount of the subsidy?

There are two ways to find out the amount of a subsidy that is due to a soldier. The first special calculator on the website of the Ministry of Defense, which itself calculates according to the necessary data. In this calculator, you need to enter information about the size of the family, the length of service of the military, the available area and other data. You can calculate its size yourself.

To do this, you need a regular calculator. The calculation of the amount of the subsidy in 2017 is done according to the following formula:

P \u003d O * C * Ks

P is the estimated amount of the subsidy, H is the area of ​​the apartment that a family of this size is entitled to, C is the cost of 1 sq.m. living space in the Russian Federation, Kc - the coefficient of the duration of military service. All this information must be entered into a calculator and multiplied.

The figure that determines the cost of a meter of housing is determined by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services. According to 2017 data, this figure is approximately 35,915 rubles.

The procedure for determining the correction factor depends on the length of service and is 1.85 for military service of less than 16 years (but more than 10 - otherwise the subsidy is not allowed at all), 2.25 for service of less than two decades, 2.375 for a period of 20 years, 2.45 - military personnel with a service life of 21 years. For each subsequent year, it adds 0.075, but its maximum size remains 2.75. The calculation of the coefficient for the families of military personnel who died in the course of service is carried out according to a coefficient of 2.75.

Calculation of the required area

The calculation of the total area for which funds are issued is even simpler - you don’t even need a calculator for it:

O is the number of square meters that a family of this size is entitled to, D is the bonus area that is due to certain categories of the military, L is the area that the family already has.

The norm of living space for 1 person in 2017 is 33 meters, if the military man lives alone, 42 if he lives with his wife without children or without a wife, but with one child. If the number of family members exceeds 3, then each of them is assigned 18 meters of living space.

The additional area entered into the calculator is a kind of encouragement that relies on special categories of the military. The procedure for granting subsidies assumes that the presence of several grounds for obtaining additional space does not increase its size - only one of them is counted.

What housing can be purchased with a subsidy?

After receiving funds, the housing subsidy for military personnel can be spent on the purchase of housing. In this case, the acquisition can be made in the primary or secondary market, from a legal entity or individuals. An apartment or house purchased with subsidy money must comply with technical and sanitary standards, be landscaped in accordance with the conditions of the locality in which they are located.

The area of ​​the purchased housing may be more than the required, but not less.

The proceeds can also be used to pay off the mortgage.

Calculation of the UDV for the purchase of housing by servicemen depends not only on the existence of a contract with the RF Armed Forces, but also on other factors. A citizen should not own housing. If there is an apartment, assistance is issued provided that the area does not meet the established requirements.

The value of the EDV for the military

The amount depends on several factors.

These include:

  • length of service in a military unit;
  • the number of members in the family. For 1 citizen, 33 squares are provided, for 2 - 42 squares. meters. If 3 or more faces - 18 squares for each;
  • the presence or absence of their own housing;
  • rank of employee. In the presence of a rank not lower than a colonel, a citizen will have the opportunity to receive additional square meters. meters.

If a situation arises that the family owns an apartment, but it is smaller in area than established by the regulations, then it is calculated based on how many meters are missing to reach the standard.

The military has the right to independently choose the option in accordance with which the living conditions are improved. The citizen is obliged to provide a report on the purchase of housing. This must be done no later than one month from the date of registration of the right of ownership.

Calculation of the payout amount

The procedure for making settlements is reflected in Federal Law No. 76 of 1998. To find out the amount of the surcharge, you will need to use the formula.

C \u003d ZhP * C * PC, where:

  • C is the amount of the subsidy;
  • ZhP - the size of the living quarters that must be provided to a citizen who is doing military service. The calculations take into account the number of members in the beneficiary's family;
  • C - price per square meter. The cost is determined at the legislative level of the subject in which the person lives. Currently, the national average is 45,000 rubles;
  • PC - coefficient of the correction value. It completely depends on the length of service of a particular citizen.

Initially, it seems that using the formula is quite simple, but in practice there are many difficulties. Therefore, often turn to the calculator.

What is the correction factor when calculating EDV

The size of the correction factor is 2.5, provided that the serviceman has a length of service of 15 to 20 years. In a situation where the service life is 21 years, the value 2.6 applies. over a longer period of time, then an annual increase of this coefficient by 0.066 is provided for it.

All values ​​of the correction factors are given in the table:

If a person dies in the line of duty, the right to receive subsidies for the purchase of housing passes to the widow. In this situation, in the course of calculations, factor of 3.

An example of calculating the EDV for a soldier

Citizen Ivanov served in the military for 22 years. The number of members in his family is 4. Ivanov applied for a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

In the region of residence of a person, the cost of a square is 34,100 rubles. When using the above formula, the calculation is as follows: (18 * 4) * 34100 * 2.5 \u003d 6199380 rubles.

This amount will be due to Ivanov, provided that he submits all the documentation to the authorized body.

Calculator for calculating subsidies for military housing

To accurately calculate the amount of the payment, you can use the EDV calculator. You can find it on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. The system automatically calculates the amount of assistance that a military family can hope for.

You will need to indicate in the form:

  • the number of members in the soldier's family;
  • availability of rights to receive additional space;
  • the size of the apartment owned;
  • cost per square meter, valid at the time of calculation;
  • the period during which the person is serving.

After amendments to Federal Law No. 76 of 1998 “On the Status of Military Personnel”, the procedure for obtaining subsidies for the purchase of housing has become easier. Until 2013, the military could ask for help from the Ministry of Defense only if they did not have their own housing or if it did not meet the established size standards.

For example, when a child appeared in the family of a citizen, and it was necessary to improve the conditions in which the military lives, it was necessary to stand in line and wait for apartments to be provided from the department. Since 2013, funds have been allocated to improve housing conditions.

Calculation of the EDV for the military who own housing

If a citizen is serving in the military and owns an apartment, the right to a EDV is not lost. The main condition is that the size of housing is less than the current standards (less than 18 squares per person).

The amount of the payment will be equal to the amount required to purchase the "missing" area. The legislator does not establish restrictions on the calculation of the size of the UDV.

How is the calculation of the additional area when assigning EDV

There are certain categories of military personnel who are entitled to receive additional financial assistance. It is expressed in the fact that in addition to the calculated amount, the cost of 15 square meters of housing is paid.

This allowance is:

  • persons who hold commanding positions;
  • citizens teaching in educational institutions of military type.

Status must be documented.

How long does the military wait for the calculation of the EDV

The state authorities have established a specific period during which the verification of the documentation submitted by the citizen is carried out. need no later than April.

If the person went on a well-deserved rest, contact him necessary in the military commissariat department. Employees of the authorized organization decide whether to provide housing benefits to military personnel or not.

The response to the application is sent to the unit where the citizen is serving.

Note! Verification of documentation cannot take more than 30 days. If the decision is in the affirmative, a copy is sent to the finance department and payment is made.

How is the EDV calculated if the military gets divorced

The EDV of the military for an apartment in 2020, when calculating, implies taking into account all members of the military family. Persons in the family at the time of the application are included.

Article 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation reflects the procedure in accordance with which a person is recognized as a relative. Members include those who live in the same premises as a citizen doing military service. If a child or parent lives with a beneficiary, then he is taken into account in the calculation.

When a person lives separately, it is not taken into account. In addition to parents and children, other citizens can be recognized as relatives when they are moved into service housing in this status.

This suggests that for a divorced military, the calculation is based on the number of family members who live with him. If the ex-wife or husband moved out of the apartment - they are not taken into account when calculating the amount of the subsidy.

EDV for FSB officers

The UDV for housing for FSB servicemen is expressed in the form of the provision of official housing or compensation for rent for an apartment. Funds may also be issued for the purchase of their own space. The options depend on the financial capabilities of the regional unit where the citizen serves. All employees of the FSB have the right to these subsidies.

Departmental housing will be transferred to the property.

In this case, the advantage is given:

  • persons with a length of service of 20 years;
  • those who left the service due to reaching the age limit;
  • citizens who have been suspended from duty for health reasons.

You can use a calculator to calculate cash assistance. The same data is entered as shown above. For example, if in the amount of 26 years and lives alone, the subsidy will amount to 3,477,540 rubles.

Thus, only those military men who are on the waiting list as those in need can apply for a housing allowance. The citizen and his family must meet the established requirements. The amount depends on the number of members in the family.

In recent years, the procedure and rules for state housing subsidies for military personnel have been significantly simplified. Previously, the military, standing in line for housing, was provided with housing only in those houses that were built by order of the Ministry of Defense, but now the military receives certain amounts in the form of housing subsidies and chooses which housing to spend it on.

Russian legislation provides for a type of deferral for receiving a housing subsidy. A serviceman may not apply for it right away, increasing his length of service and, accordingly, increasing the number of square meters of living space assigned to him in the future. Of course, this factor is attractive for those families that do not spend large amounts on living in rented housing, otherwise the benefits of delaying obtaining a housing subsidy will be doubtful.

Housing subsidies for military personnel

Housing subsidies are one of the ways of economic and financial support for military personnel, which are provided in cash.

  • has the right to purchase a dwelling in any territory of the Russian Federation, having a certificate for receiving a housing subsidy;
  • can buy a dwelling that is larger in area than it should be, since the amount of a serviceman's subsidy for housing often exceeds the market value of the dwelling;
  • determines independently the quality of the future living quarters;
  • has the opportunity to use maternity capital if there are not enough financial resources to buy a home.

How to get a housing subsidy for a soldier

According to the legislation, the following categories of military personnel are entitled to receive a housing subsidy:

  • those who signed a contract before 01/01/1998 (exception: cadets of military educational organizations) and members of their families recognized as in need of better living conditions;
  • dismissed from military service (when they reach the age limit, for health reasons or as a result of staff reduction), who managed to serve 10 or more years, and members of their families, subject to the need to improve their living conditions;
  • military men who served 20 years, who were provided with official housing;
  • dismissed after service (minimum 10 years) for health reasons or when they reach the age limit, who were provided with service housing.

The amount of the subsidy payment

The amount of the subsidy for the military is calculated individually by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on three factors:

  • standard cost of one square meter of residential premises
  • number of squares
  • length of service of a soldier.

As a result of multiplying the above indicators, the total amount of the subsidy for the right to receive housing for the military is obtained.

The calculation of subsidies for military personnel for housing, first of all, depends on the standard cost of one square meter of housing in Russia. Moreover, it also provides for the calculation of subsidies for housing for the military, who need housing above the established standard by 15-25 square meters in the following cases:

  • for those with a rank higher than a colonel (inclusive);
  • in the conduct of scientific and teaching activities;
  • when the state of health deteriorates, etc.

The length of service of the military also plays a big role in calculating the certificate for receiving a housing subsidy. The longer the experience, the greater the correction factor: from 1.85 to 2.75.

There are standards for the cost of housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other subjects of the federation, for example, for Moscow this figure is 90,400 rubles, and for the Moscow region 51,225 rubles, in St. Petersburg the cost of a square is 58,112 rubles, in the Leningrad region - 41 220 rubles, in Sakhalin the standard price per square meter is 53,723 rubles, in the Republic of Crimea 29,000 rubles, and in Sevastopol - 30,000 rubles.

To make it more clear, consider an example:

Officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, served in the army for 20 years, married, has a family (wife and three children). We begin to count: the amount of the housing subsidy = 5x18 (18 square meters of living space for each family member) x 35,915 rubles (standard average market value of 1 square meter for 2015) x 2.375 (adjustment factor for length of service) = 7,676,831.25 rubles.

What documents are required?

List of required documents:

  • passports of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth certificate of the child (children);
  • an extract from a personal file on military service in federal executive bodies;
  • a court decision on establishing family ties of citizens of the Russian Federation with the applicant;

The package of documents is small and it will not be difficult for you to collect it.

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Calculation of housing subsidy for military personnel causes you trouble? The article will explain in an accessible form by what formula and according to what rules it is charged to regular military personnel and retirees.

Since January 1, 2014, amendments have been made to the Federal Law “On the Status of a Serviceman” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, designed to solve the housing problem among the military as soon as possible. Now they are entitled to receive subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing anywhere in Russia, regardless of the state of the housing stock of the Ministry of Defense. Until that time, a serviceman could become the owner of a dwelling in several ways:

As a result, officers, contractors and warrant officers waited for years for their turn to receive housing, occupying service apartments and waiting for the order to be fired. According to the existing legislation, it was impossible to dismiss them without providing an apartment. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense paid them a certain monetary allowance, and considerable, spending up to 40 billion rubles. in year.

The main advantages of housing subsidy

The introduction of a housing subsidy has a number of other benefits for military personnel who need housing and are on the waiting list:

  • Firstly, a serviceman has the right to purchase housing at his own discretion in any place, regardless of whether the Ministry of Defense has housing stock in the chosen region or not. The dwelling can be anything: an apartment or a private house with a land plot.
  • Secondly, a military man can buy a larger living space than he is supposed to, without investing his own funds and without taking out a bank loan, since in many Russian regions the subsidy exceeds the market value of housing.
  • Thirdly, an officer or contractor will be able to independently determine the quality of the purchased premises, including its layout, condition, floor or view from the window.
  • Fourthly, now, together with the subsidy, it is allowed to use maternity capital if there are not enough allocated funds for the housing you like. Previously, military personnel did not have such a right.

Features of calculating housing subsidies for the military

From February 3, 2014, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76 dated February 3, 2014, the housing subsidy is calculated according to a certain formula. This takes into account several factors:

  1. Standard cost of 1 sq. meters of housing in the Russian Federation.
    This indicator is set by the Ministry of Construction based on the average market value of housing in Russian regions. In the 1st half of 2016, it amounted to 36,008 rubles. in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2015 No. 951 / pr. In the future, the amount will change every six months, taking into account the average cost of housing throughout the country.
  2. The total area of ​​housing.
    The total area of ​​the premises is calculated taking into account the composition of the military family. In accordance with the introduced rules, a large family consisting of 3 or more people will receive the largest living space, since each member is entitled to 18 square meters. meters. A married couple without children can count on housing with an area of ​​42 sq. meters, and a lonely bachelor - an apartment of 33 square meters. meters. But here, too, there are a number of subtleties. In particular, the standard is reduced by the total area of ​​the dwelling if:
    • it belongs to the military himself or to members of his family on the basis of property rights;
    • it is occupied by a serviceman or members of his family under a social lease agreement, which the tenant is not going to terminate;
    • it was sold or alienated by the military or members of his family as a result of civil transactions.

    In the latter case, 5 years should not elapse from the moment of holding, otherwise the reduction in the standard of the total area is not carried out.

    Don't know your rights?

    Some categories of military personnel are entitled to an increase in the total area of ​​​​housing an additional 15 square meters. meters. This group includes colonels, captains of the 1st rank, generals, commanders of military units, teachers of military universities and departments, as well as military men with honorary titles of the Russian Federation and academic degrees or titles.

  3. Service experience of a soldier.
    All military personnel were divided into 4 groups, for each of which a correction factor was calculated taking into account the total service life:
    • from 10 to 16 years old - 1.85;
    • 16-20 years old - 2.25;
    • 20-21 years old - 2.375;
    • 21 years and over - 2.45.

    With a long service, over 21 years, the coefficient increases by 0.075 for each year of military service. But in the end, the figure should not exceed 2.75, but contract soldiers and their families are provided with an increase in the correction factor to 2.375.

    In the end, all 3 of the above indicators are multiplied, and the total amount of the subsidy that the military is entitled to receive from his department is obtained. It is considered provided from the moment the money is transferred to the account of the serviceman through the Federal Treasury. At the same time, the procedure for its payment depends on the regulations adopted by the federal body of the region where military service is carried out.

Who can use the housing subsidy

A housing subsidy can be received by any person who serves in the army or is discharged from military service and is found to be in need of housing in the manner prescribed by law.
But what about the military who already owns the living quarters? In this case, it is worth checking whether their area meets the established standards. For example, a married couple lives in an apartment of 44 sq. m., and over the past few years she had 2 children. According to the new rules, a family is entitled to housing with a total area of ​​72 sq. m. meters. By elementary calculations (72 - 44) we get that for the missing 28 square meters. meters, a soldier is entitled to a cash payment.

Electronic formula for calculating the amount of the subsidy

The amount of the subsidy can be calculated independently, taking into account the above factors, or you can use the online calculator. It is located on the official website of the Ministry of Defense and was specially designed to assist the military in calculating the amount due to them for the purchase or construction of housing.

The section contains all the necessary explanations and tips. It is enough for a person to enter data on the number of family members, the right to additional space and the length of service, so that the calculator instantly performs the necessary calculations and gives the final result.

Let's say the family of an ordinary military man who has served 10 years consists of 3 people. However, neither he nor his family members have their own housing. According to the calculations of the calculator, he is entitled to about 4 million rubles. Of course, this amount will not be enough to purchase a residential property in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it is quite enough to buy a 3-room apartment, for example, in Novosibirsk or Kazan. If the military seeks to live in the capital after his dismissal, he should remain in military service and earn additional points to the correction factor. True, here it is worth hurrying in order to have time to get "live" money, since by 2023 mortgages will become the main form of providing military housing.

Features of obtaining a housing subsidy for widows of military personnel

Widows of military personnel can also benefit from a housing subsidy if they do not have their own apartment and are found to be in need of housing. In this case, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is calculated by the number of all family members, taking into account the deceased or deceased husband. At the same time, for this category of families, the maximum correction factor is set - 2.75, regardless of the total length of service of a serviceman. As a result, the family will receive a cash payment, which will definitely be enough to solve their housing problem.

An interesting fact, but the government expects that the innovation will have a positive impact on the demographic situation, since the amount received is directly dependent on the number of military family members: the more minor children, the more money. In addition, it is assumed that now the military will strive for as long as possible not to retire. And this is also quite understandable: the correction factor depends on the length of service. The higher it is, the larger the cash payment received.

In the Russian Federation, military personnel are entitled to a subsidy that is allocated for the purchase of residential real estate, that is, the state allocates to this category of citizens an amount that they can only spend on an apartment or house.

Funds are issued in the form of a certificate, which is presented to the bank or gives the right to transfer money to the seller of the residential premises selected by the army officer.

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With a mortgage, the subsidy can be used to repay part of the loan, both the first and last, as well as intermediate payments.

Basic conditions for obtaining housing

The concept of a subsidy means material assistance to people who need something, financed from the budget of the state or local authorities.

The military can also be recipients of such funds, they are provided to improve their living conditions, but if sometimes they are given housing from the state, then money can also be allocated for purchase.

There are some features that relate to contracted military personnel who need housing, among them:

Not only the military themselves, but also family members, for example, a widow whose husband died in the line of duty, have the right to a subsidy.

If there is no personal living space, then the state provides assistance, and the share of the deceased spouse is also taken into account in the calculations.

All the features of providing support for the acquisition of housing are indicated in the laws of the Russian Federation, for example, in the regulatory act “On the Status of a Serviceman in the Russian Federation” and its article 15.

There is also the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Defense 510 of 2014 and some other legal documents.

In addition, they have the opportunity to receive an additional 15 sq. m. meters of housing, this was introduced in 2014.

According to the laws, the following can count on an increase in living space:

This list is exhaustive and no adjustments can be made to it. But it is important not only to know who is eligible for a subsidy, but also how to get it, because this requires certain documents and actions, and the final amount of assistance can be calculated independently.

Required package of documents

Before sending a request for assistance from the budget, a whole list of documents should be prepared, they will be studied by representatives of the federal authorities to determine whether the military really needs help.

All papers can be submitted directly at the place of service, but first you need to study the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, article 51 of which stipulates the features of recognizing a person in need of better living conditions:

When applying for a subsidy, the following list of documents may be required:

  1. Statement.
  2. Copies of the passport of the applicant, as well as all family members.
  3. Birth certificates of children.
  4. Document of marriage or its dissolution.
  5. Papers confirming the absence of own living space.
  6. An account statement for the last five years for each of the family members, income statements are also suitable.
  7. An extract made from the house book for the last five years.

Sometimes there are situations when it is simply impossible to obtain certificates, and in this case it is necessary to write a statement stating the reason for the absence of these documents.

If you managed to collect everything, you can submit the package at the place of service. In some cases, it may take about 30 days to consider and form a response, and it can be both positive and negative.

When approval is received, an application should also be submitted to the Life Support Department, indicating one of the following goals:

  • purchase of an apartment;
  • construction of a private house;
  • improvement of existing conditions.

During the time that payments are made to a separate account based on the results of the application, the military needs to draw up a contract of sale, or document the construction.

Such a paper should contain clauses stating that the entire amount or part of it is repaid by a certificate. In the absence of such information, the contract will not be accepted, and the subsidy will not be assigned.

It is also necessary to take into account the norms currently in force for living space per family member, because it is precisely the tightness in the existing housing that also gives the right to request a housing subsidy.

So, the standards are as follows:

If a person belongs to the above categories of citizens who are entitled to additional living space, then he can add it to these minimum indicators.

Funds under the certificate can be spent not only on new buildings, but also on secondary housing, as well as an individual house.

If you wish, you can apply a subsidy to real estate under construction, and you only need to conclude an agreement with developers.

How to calculate it correctly

The correct calculation of the subsidy is a task for civil servants, for whom this is an official task.

But in some cases, you need to find out for yourself what amount of assistance he can count on when requesting from the authorities.

The easiest method is to use the official calculator of the Ministry of Defense on the official website of the department, where, after entering the basic data, an approximate but close to reality result is provided.

There is also a special formula, using which you can get a result close to reality.

To do this, you need to prepare, collect the necessary information, after which the calculations will be as accurate and close to reality as possible.

Video: on this topic

Using a calculator

The 2020 military housing subsidy calculator can be used to easily calculate the amount.

As a result, it will be shown what approximate amount the state's assistance in buying a home will have, but you need to know some features of entering information.

The form of the calculator itself consists of several columns in which you need to enter the existing data:

Number of family members The indicator is available from one to 16 people
Right to additional square meters It is only indicated whether there is such a right or not, based on this information the result will be adjusted
Residential area Which is available at the moment, it means exactly the space that is considered a place for life
total area It is indicated in square meters, and if zero is indicated in the previous paragraph, then there is no need to enter any information here either
Standard cost of "square" Installed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it has already been entered by default at the level of 37848 rubles, but if necessary, you can enter your own value
Service duration The initial indicator will be 10-16 years old, but for old-timers there is an option with 25 years or more

As a result, the introduction of data will give a result that a contract employee who meets these conditions can expect.

Photo: military subsidy calculator

Of course, the calculations are made individually and may differ, but special discrepancies should not be expected.

Calculation formula

In the same calculator, which is listed on the website of the Ministry of Defense, there is also a formula used to calculate the amount of assistance.

She looks like:


The ratio of the coefficient to the length of service has the following progression:

With each subsequent year, the size of the coefficient increases by 0.075, but in the end it cannot be more than 2.75.

By entering a small list of information, you can get acquainted with the final result in the form of an approximate amount that can be paid to the military as assistance for the purchase of housing, but it is advisable to use the formula that is on the official website of the department.

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