
Alternative sources of income. Alternative sources of income and family budget

Index funds allow you to receive income from investments in the stock market absolutely passively. For example, if you invest in a fund based on the S&P 500 index, your funds will be invested in Common Market, and you do not have to think about how to manage your money and whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All these moments will be managed by the fund, which forms its own investment portfolio depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund that works with any index. There are funds involved in various business sectors - energy, precious metals, banking, emerging markets and others. You only need to decide for yourself that you want to do it, then invest and relax. From now on, your stock portfolio will run on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This area is developing very quickly. You can make videos of absolutely any category - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews - anything ... and then put it on YouTube. Then you can connect to these videos Google adsense, and automatic ads will appear in them. When viewers click on this ad, you will earn money from Google AdSense.

Your main task is to create decent videos, promote them on social networks and maintain enough of them to earn income from a few clips. Shooting and editing a video is not so easy, but after that you will get the full source passive income capable of lasting for a very long time.

Not sure if you can do it on YouTube? Michelle Phan has combined her love for makeup and art with making videos, has amassed over 8 million followers, and now has her own $800 million company.

  1. Try affiliate marketing and start selling

It's a technique passive income, more suitable for owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your site and receive a fixed fee or a percentage of sales.

Making money this way is not as difficult as you might think, because many companies are interested in selling their products in as many places as possible.

You can find partnership offers either by contacting manufacturers directly or on specialized sites. It is best if the advertised product or service is of interest to you or corresponds to the theme of the site.

  1. Make your photos profitable on the web

Do you love taking pictures? If so, you might be able to turn it into a source of passive income. Photobanks, such as and, can provide you with a platform for selling pictures. You will receive a percentage or a flat rate for each photo sold to a website client.

In this case, each photo represents a separate source of income that can work again and again. All you have to do is create a portfolio, upload it to one or more platforms, and that's where your action will end. All technical issues of photo sales are handled through the web platform.

  1. Buy high yield stocks

By creating a stock portfolio high yield, you will receive a source of regular passive income with an annual interest rate much higher than the percentage of bank deposits.

Do not forget that high-yielding stocks are still stocks, so there is always the possibility of capital revaluation. In this case, you will receive profit from two sources - from dividends and return on invested capital. To purchase such shares and fill out the relevant forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an ebook

Of course, this can be quite a laborious process, but when you write a book and publish it on trading floors, it will be able to provide you with income for years. You can sell the book on your own site or enter into a partnership agreement with other sites that are relevant to the subject of the book.

  1. Write a real book and get royalties

As with writing e-book, first here you have to work hard. But when the work is finished and the book goes on sale, it will become a completely passive source of income.

This is especially true if you manage to sell the book to a publisher who will pay you royalties on sales. For each copy sold, you will receive a percentage, and if the book is popular, these percentages can result in substantial amounts. In addition, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper of ObviousInvestor.com recently did this. He wrote the book Investment plain language”, which was sold only on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created an entire series. These books are in total.

  1. Get cashback from credit card transactions

Many credit cards provide cashback in the amount of 1% to 5% of the purchase amount. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow you to provide yourself with a kind of passive “income” (in the form of reduced spending) from actions that you still perform.

  1. Sell ​​your own products online

In this area, the possibilities are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It can be something you created and made by yourself, or it can be a digital product (software, DVDs or instructional videos)

For trading, you can use a specialized resource, if suddenly you do not have your own website or blog. In addition, you can enter into a partnership agreement by offering goods to sites of relevant subjects or using platforms like (American marketplace for the sale of digital information products - ed.).

You can learn how to sell goods on the Internet and earn quite a lot from it. It may not be completely passive income, but it is certainly more passive than a regular job that you have to go to every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls rather into the category of semi-passive income, since investments in real estate imply, according to at least, low level of activity. However, if you have a property that you are already renting out, the only thing left to do is to maintain its condition.

In addition, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for a commission of approximately 10% of rent. Such professional managers help to make the process of profiting from such investments more passive, but they will take away part of it.

Another way to invest in real estate is to pay off a loan. If you take out a loan to buy a property that you will rent out, your tenants will pay off this debt a little each month. When the entire amount is paid out, your profit will increase dramatically, and your comparatively small investment will turn into a full-fledged program for leaving the main job.

  1. Buy a blog

Thousands of blogs are created every year, and many of them are abandoned after a while. If you can acquire a blog with enough visitors - and therefore with enough cash flow This can be a great source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google AdSense, which pays once a month for ads placed on the site. To provide additional income you can also enter into partnership agreements. Both of these streams of profit will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial standpoint, blogs typically sell for 24 times the monthly income the blog can generate. So if a site can make $250 a month, chances are you can buy it for $3,000. This means that by investing $3,000, you can receive $1,500 annually.

You may be able to buy the site for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. Some sites host "eternal" materials that will not lose their relevance and will generate income years after publication.

Bonus Tip: If you buy such a site and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to increase your monthly income, and you will be able to sell the site again for a substantial amount over time higher price than you gave away when buying.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn money.

  1. Create a selling website

If there is a product that you know a lot about, you can start selling it on the profile site. The methodology is the same as when selling a product of your own manufacture, except that you do not have to deal with the production itself.

After a while, you may find that you can add similar products. If this happens, the site will begin to generate significant profits.

If you can find a way to deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the customer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. It may not be 100% passive income, but it is very close to it.

  1. Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Let's say you decide to invest in real estate, but don't want to pay attention and time to it at all. Investment trusts can help you with this. They are something like a fund that owns various projects in the field real estate. The funds are managed by professionals, so you don't have to interfere with them at all.

One of the main advantages of investing in REIT trusts is that they usually bring higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your interest in the trust at any time, making such assets more liquid than owning real estate on your own.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Did you know successful company that needs capital to expand the business? If so, you can become something of a short-term angel and provide that capital. But instead of giving credit to the owner of the company, ask for a share of the shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will passive partner also involved in the business.

Every small business needs a referral source to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and whom you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out if they have a payment system for referrals.

You can add accountants, landscapers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners, whoever you know to the list. Be prepared to recommend these people to your friends, family, and colleagues. You can earn commission on every referral just by talking to people.

Do not underestimate referral programs in the professional field. If the company you work for has bonuses for recommending new employees or new clients, take advantage of it. This is very easy money.

  1. Rent out unused accommodations on Airbnb

The concept appeared only a few years ago, but very quickly spread around the world. Airbnb allows people to travel the world and pay far less than regular hotels. As an Airbnb member, you can use your home to host guests and earn extra money through rent alone.

The amount of income will depend on the size and condition of your home and its location. Naturally, if your house is located in an expensive city or near a popular resort, the income will be much higher. This is a way to make money from free spaces in your home that would be empty anyway.

  1. Write an application

Apps can be an incredibly lucrative source of income. Think about how many people have smartphones today. Yes, almost everything! People are downloading apps like crazy – and for good reason.

Apps make people's lives easier. Whether it helps you post beautiful pictures or keeps track of tasks, there is always an app that is useful to someone.

You may ask: if there are so many applications, why should you try to create another one. Isn't there too much competition? All this is true, but fresh creative ideas can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can capitalize on it.

Don't know how to program? No problem, you can learn. There are a lot of different courses on the Internet, including free ones. Alternatively, you can hire a developer to create an application based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially generate relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Every person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your hobby?

There are several ways to create and deliver your own online courses. One of the most simple ways is to use sites like

Types of passive income - those in which the presence of stable financial income does not depend on daily work activities. Any of us have heard of people living off such income - those who do not have to go to work. They are called "rentiers", that is, living at the expense of rent.

Rent is the income that the owner receives from fixed capital placed in real estate, deposits, securities, etc. "From the same opera" - sources of passive income associated with copyright. By the way, the last option is not ordered to anyone these days. Everything is simple here: having created something once and having fixed the copyright for your own offspring, you will have such deductions for each next sale.

If you are a professional (no matter in what area) - you have real opportunity monetize your own knowledge. Just record the training course on video or audio and release it to the market.

Why are we not a rentier

Today we will consider options for passive income and its possible sources. Its huge advantage is the release of personal time, which can be spent on favorite activities, family, vacation, household chores, or somewhere else. Anyone who works hard all day at work is almost completely deprived of such a wonderful opportunity.

Managing personal time at your own discretion does not mean spending your life in entertainment establishments, or lying on a warm beach - many people would be happy to do charity work, help the sick and homeless, or create works of art. To start making all these dreams come true, you need the most stable passive income.

Everyone has heard the expression "money to money". What does it mean? Nowadays, a situation is not uncommon when, having a generally good salary, a person "eats" it completely, buys things on credit and borrows money from relatives and friends from payday to payday. This goes on for years and decades.

But why is this happening? I think the main problem such people that the idea of ​​passive income does not even occur to them. They are not able to engage in the creation of an asset that will continue to work for their well-being. Everything that they earn, these people immediately spend, and thus deprive themselves of the only chance to ever escape from the captivity of financial slavery.

Do you recognize yourself?

Some of these consumers can be classified as "financial zombies". These are those whose asset has long been a negative value. That is, their expenses are greater than their income. Debts accompany them throughout their lives. Having given one loan, they immediately take the next one and so on.

Another category is a little more prosperous (but this does not make it any easier) - it tries to somehow correlate its expenses with the amount of earnings. They sometimes have a set of necessary goods - housing, a car, etc. Most of this was purchased on credit, which puts the owners in a dangerous and unstable position. After all, if any unforeseen financial circumstance happens, their well-being will crumble like a house of cards.

There is progress...

In contrast to the above categories, there are those whose asset can be considered positive. That is, their income is higher than their expenses. Most ordinary citizens from this group prefer not to have debts or minimize them and even have some savings, but such saved finances do not play a fundamental role, since they accumulate extremely slowly and are located either under the mattress, or (at best) on the passbook.

The most advanced of fellow citizens are those who are haunted by the idea of ​​passive income. Such people try to seize every opportunity to invest available funds and create your own additional financial source.

Let's go to the authorities

Many people know such a name as Robert Kiyosaki. This investor and businessman has written a number of popular books on the basics. financial literacy, which will not be superfluous for anyone to read. For example, one of the interesting and most effective tips of this author looks like in the following way: the mistake of almost each of us is that, having earned a certain amount, we are trying to distribute these funds to anyone, but not to ourselves. We pay rent and utilities, but we keep nothing for ourselves. You should start just with yourself by creating your own monetary asset. Subsequently, it will become the basis for investing in a business or other source of permanent income.

Another "pro" in financial matters by the name of Rockefeller once uttered a phrase that a person who works full time has absolutely no time to earn money. For all the paradoxical nature of this saying, its wisdom lies on the surface - indeed, working in the office or in production, each of us is able to earn for himself personally only for current expenses to maintain everyday existence. For actions leading to wealth and well-being, there is neither strength nor free time left.

The conclusion is this: the main resource is time, which is well known to any of the wealthy people. The idea of ​​passive income is based on the correct distribution of this invaluable asset. And only having achieved this, you can start moving towards financial success. Everyone knows that all those who have achieved wealth initially had a specific list of goals. Well, the third, most important component for creating passive income is active, purposeful work over a number of months or even years.

The result should be a legitimate opportunity to quit a job you hate and start living on the dividends.

Passive income: examples and options

Now let's talk about the ways in which passive income is created. All its sources can be attributed to four varieties - investment (or financial), intellectual, marketing or legal (that is, one that is required by law). Passive income in Russia is no different from that in any other country in the world.

We will receive passive income of a financial or investment nature if we invest in a certain financial instrument, which will bring us a certain percentage of profit. Sources of such investment may be in the form of real estate, securities, bank deposits, own business (if acquired) or equipment owned by us, which can be rented out.

The second of the listed options, called intellectual, arises, as mentioned above, through the creation and implementation of any product of mental labor. The information business that is widespread today on the Internet is based on this principle. Many professionals in various fields develop and design their own training courses, then release them for sale an unlimited number of times.

"Partnerships" - an interesting topic

In the same way, it is possible to buy rights to resell a similar product, which can bring no less income. This type of income is called affiliate marketing. Other sources related to this item may be royalties, patents for perfect inventions or developed technologies.

Earnings on affiliate programs- an excellent solution for those who do not hope too much to create their own intellectual product - because this saves time and mental resources. You just need to join such a program or acquire the right to resell (resale) the selected book, video or audio course.

Other income without investments

Marketing passive income is one in which you organize your own marketing system or several of them. An example of such a structure could be your own website on the Internet or a personal brand, the right to use which you can also sell. A combination of several of the above strategies is also possible.

What is meant by the concept of a personal brand? This is a commercial use of a famous name. An example is shooting in commercials for movie, television and sports stars. Becoming the "face" of a particular trademark they get good money.

The fourth variety - the legal income of a passive nature - includes all cases when people, in addition to a certain (sometimes not too high) remuneration for their work, receive certain bonuses from the state. This may be, for example, an early retirement with a guaranteed receipt, which is typical for the military, etc.

Going online

Creation of a website for making money on the Internet (or a blog). These days it doesn't require a large number sophisticated technical knowledge and skills. You can make an acceptable site with your own hands by mastering the minimum information that can be easily and free of charge found on the Web. There are many step by step instructions and video courses.

Of course, your own blog or website will bring you a monetary return far from immediately. It will take at least six months, and most likely a year or two, to promote it and bring it to an acceptable level. All this time you have to work on your own project on a regular basis, optimize it and bring it to perfection. this work will take several hours daily. However, you can count on the first small revenues in a few months from the start.

Having created and promoted a site, you can sell it, and for a very good amount. It is quite possible for a person who has mastered this technology to organize his own business for the "production" and further sale of profitable Internet pages.

How do they earn money? The most popular ways include generating income by placing contextual advertising blocks and similar articles on resource pages, of course, not for free. Affiliate links are placed on the sites and advertising space is sold, they also actively offer training courses to buyers, both their own and partners.

In a word, there are a lot of ways to use such a valuable resource as a blog or website on the Internet, and there is always the opportunity to choose something that suits you.

For those who are not deprived of intelligence

Creating a product that has the status of intellectual (such as books, educational videos, new technologies, etc.) implies the presence of a certain talent, as well as high level professionalism in any of the areas.

If you are an inventor or developer of an industrial design that has become fundamentally new, then your products of labor can be safely attributed to intangible assets. This term refers to those derivatives of our intellect that generate income in the absence of a material form. Examples are trademarks, brands, or patented inventions.

Let's get down to earth

Income from renting an apartment (or other real estate - if available) is a well-known and very common option. But there are others like it: it is possible to "lease" not only buildings or retail space, but also equipment related to a variety of industries - trade, construction or manufacturing.

Yes, and other expensive items (for example, vehicles) will bring you good dividends. Sometimes it is more profitable to dispose of equipment than real estate. In particular, by purchasing tools and equipment for construction, you really organize a good and quite profitable business based on their rental. The payback of such activities is very high and in time it significantly exceeds the similar indicator for rented real estate.

Do you want to become a shareholder?

Investment in securities(or other financial instruments, which include a huge number of banks, PAMM accounts, mutual funds) is a widely accepted practice these days. Such activity is considered one of the varieties of business.

Replenishing the number of professional investors is not an easy task. This activity quite complex and requires a competent approach, as well as quite serious training. Ownership financial instruments it is impossible without a more or less acceptable education in this area, the ability to compare various information flows, take into account risks and predict the situation.

Investing in securities has certain advantages over, for example, bank deposits, in the form of a higher level of profitability, but at the same time, a high risk of losing invested funds sometimes crosses out all the advantages. When you decide to dive into the world of stocks, mutual funds and PAMM accounts, remember that with the exception of long-term bonds, stable income is not so easy to achieve here, and the risk of incurring significant losses is always quite high.

Everything can be sold!

A relatively simple and, perhaps, generally available option for creating a source of passive income is considered to be participation in network marketing. The amount of initial investment, if any, is not too large and rarely exceeds a hundred dollars.

A necessary condition for those who are trying to succeed in this field is sociability, readiness for contact with a large number of people. In the future, these people - your team - are able to bring money without your participation by organizing their own network, a percentage of the income from which you will receive.

Do you need a lot of money?

The classic and perhaps the best way was and remains the creation of your own business. If this action takes place in virtual reality, that is, on the Internet, global financial investments at the initial stage, as a rule, is not required. That is, such an option is available to people with very limited material resources.

Even earnings without investments are quite real, or you can earn money on the accumulation of a small initial capital right here, on the Internet.

Exists great multitude options for starting and promoting your own business both online and in real reality. In "life", of course, this requires large expenditures and overcoming many difficulties of an organizational and legal nature. In addition, the competition here is very, very high. But still, looking around carefully, you can look after your own niche, not yet occupied by rivals.

What's in real life?

For example, a very promising business with passive income in our time is the purchase and placement in large hypermarkets and other crowded places of machines for various purposes - from payment terminals to units for selling coffee and pies. Such a business is called vending. A person purchases and installs machines at his own expense, which then bring him a constant and stable income.

In a small article, we do not have the opportunity to consider all types of passive income - there are very, very many of them. Its options are offered to us today by the mass media, and the Internet has been and remains their indispensable source. We want to end our material with important tips.

A few parting words

  1. At all costs, try to regularly carve out the time left from the main work, which you will spend on creating your future asset. Think constantly about how you can best use it. Your goal is to ensure that earnings from your main place of work do not remain the only source of money for you. You must find sources of passive income that allow you to make a profit more than once or twice.
  2. Do not limit yourself to creating a single such source. There can and should be several options for passive income, and the more, the better. After all, there is always a risk of losing one or most of them. In this case, losses will be compensated through parallel channels. You can see the importance of this postulate by reading about multiple sources income from Robert Allen.
  3. Don't forget self-education. Knowledge is an asset that won't hurt anyone. To understand the world of finance, to understand how money is made, where it comes from and where it goes, is no less important than coming up with an interesting idea for investing or successfully being in the right place on time.

The principles of creating passive income do not carry any special secrets. If you are determined to succeed, have the necessary minimum knowledge and some free time, the result will most likely please you sooner or later.

Any person involved in or knows: in addition to certain skills and knowledge, it is necessary to have time or money, or both, to engage in this type of activity.

And if we are talking about quality promotion exclusively in positive side we must know that a decrease in one of these components very clearly entails an increase in the other. In this article, I would like to analyze in detail the case when we have enough time, but the material side is lame and needs to be corrected somehow.

1. HYIP project (HYIP)

A HYIP project, or more simply a pyramid, is the following. You buy a package (all sorts of books, manuals, programs) from a person supposedly to make money on the Internet and then you sell it to people you attract on various forums, job sites, etc. Then you buy the next one and sell it the same way, it all depends on you, your available time and your communication skills.

2. Auctions

The point is the following. You are looking for some kind of project that sells different scripts, earning methods and stuff like that. Looking for some script for $2-3, but don't buy it. Then you go to some auction, for example, hammer.ru and put up a lot there in the form of a script you allegedly have at a fixed price of 10 bucks and wait. When a buyer shows up, you quickly buy the script for $2 and sell it for $10. As a result, we have a profit of 8 bucks, which is not bad. The only problem may be that the buyer can ask you in detail about the script or manual or subsequently require technical support, so you yourself also need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you are selling.

3. Earnings on football surebets

The bottom line here is that in different sweepstakes there are different odds for the same match. You bet on the same match on different teams in different sweepstakes, as a result of which, regardless of the victory, you are in the black. However, here it is necessary to clearly monitor the coefficients and be friends with mathematics. You can also put in different time for the same match. The point is to make one bet before the match, and after a certain time, or a goal, make another, opposite one. The amount of bets is determined by special formulas. One bet loses, and the other one wins, the trick is that the winner is always more than the loser - formulas give such an effect. For this, there are also special programs, but they cost a lot, so programs are not our case.

4. Financial betting

Here you make a bet on a special site and predict the rise or fall of something relative to something, for example, the dollar against the euro or gold against the dollar or oil against platinum. If you understand and be able to analyze, you can earn. If not, no one canceled the game of roulette)

5. Clicks, transitions, captchas, profiles

The most tedious and laborious work. However, with due perseverance and self-organization, it brings a certain stable income. Just what you need. Here you go to a special platform, for example, an entrance or a moneymaster, register and either enter captchas, or walk around the ordered sites, or fill out questionnaires. By the way, having a sufficient database of sites with profiles, you can earn good money. So, English-speaking partners sometimes offer questionnaires for $3-4.

These are not all ways to create initial capital and its subsequent investment in the promotion of your site. So, you can still use webmoney, acting as a kind of bank, to earn money on paid posts in forums, having skills in working with Photoshop, you can get a good freelance job, etc. In fact, there are many ways to earn money and it all depends on you!

What methods of earning have you tried?

Have a nice day, everyone!

Oh, what a beautiful old-fashioned expression: "a man of a free profession." There is no need to drag yourself into the presence, choke on the horse, bow to the owner ... The Soviet government destroyed this area of ​​\u200b\u200bemployment. But in modern Russia there are plenty of freelancers. Only today they are called freelancers, from English freelance, which can be translated as “freelancer”, or as “landsknecht”, that is, a mercenary in the Middle Ages, a soldier of fortune.

If you can't find a job, why not try freelancing? Perhaps this is your destiny!

In the era of globalization and scientific and technological progress, the remote work market is gaining momentum. Why keep an employee in the office, waste precious space on him, buy him a computer, pay for his sick leave, if you can find on the Internet in a few minutes those who will do this work much cheaper and better? After all, a freelancer who is not bound by contracts wants this client to continue to contact him.

You can envy a freelancer: he distributes his time himself, often earns more than those who do something similar in the office, does not depend on anyone. But there are also disadvantages: orders are not flowing steadily, they are sometimes dense, sometimes empty. It happens that they “throw” with payment. However, this can happen in any job.

So, if you decide to become a freelancer, then start by choosing a profitable and more or less unique niche for your work. Inform potential customers that you, for example, are developing websites for online stores. Or write articles on economic analysis. It is clear that there is not much difference which site to develop and what to write an article about, but customers prefer narrow specialists, and not “generalized craftsmen”.

Once you have chosen your niche, study it carefully. Find out who your competitors are, how they work, what their prices are, who your prospective customers are, what they want.

Then declare yourself: post ads on specialized freelance sites, start a website or blog where you will offer your services. Post your portfolio there.

Study payment systems for transferring money both online (various online wallets) and offline (find out which banks are involved in transfers). Get the maximum number internet wallets.

Do not dump, appreciate yourself and your work.

Meet other freelancers, chat with them. If possible, give them some order. Trust me, they won't forget about you.

Collect positive reviews about your work, post them on the site.

And do not be greedy: if the customer is not satisfied with what you have done, just return the money to him. You did not earn money on this order, but you earned something that is much more important - a reputation. And perhaps the person to whom you returned the money for the order you made, but who did not suit him, will still do you a good service.

Don't be upset if you fail. Good luck will definitely be waiting for you ahead, it all depends on your perseverance.

How to become a rich litigator

Russian, former Soviet, people are traditionally afraid of the courts. And very in vain! Having bought some low-quality thing, we change it for months, endure humiliation from sellers and managers, and as a result, in most cases, we remain with low-quality goods on hand. And having received a poor-quality service, it’s even easier for us to give up and say: “Well, what can you do with them ... don’t sue them ...” Exactly in court! In countries with long market traditions, it has become a good tradition to sue manufacturers. There are, of course, twists and turns. The most famous was an American named Stella Liebeck, who won $ 2.9 million from a McDonald's diner. 79-year-old Stella bought coffee at McDonald's, parked to drink it, but, opening the lid of the cup, spilled coffee on her lower abdomen and thighs, receiving 3rd degree burns of 6% of the skin. She sued because she felt the coffee was too hot and scalded her even through her clothes. McDonald's offered to settle the case for $20,000, but the old woman, who spent 8 days at the clinic, refused and won the case. The court ruled that coffee should be hot, but not scalding.

Soon there was a joke award named after Stella Liebeck, which is awarded to such plaintiffs. The organizers of the award write: “Our mission is not only to entertain the public. We also want people who will get acquainted with the covered trials to become a kind of jury trial. What are the goals of the people involved in the proceedings? Do they want justice or are they driven by a thirst for easy money? And how should one evaluate the actions of lawyers who imagine themselves to be defenders of national justice? However, we do not give any assessment of the cases that we cover. We leave that opportunity to American citizens."

One of the plaintiffs who received this award, Merv Grazhinsky of Oklahoma City, bought a 10-foot Winnebago motorhome. And during the first trip I went to the highway, set the machine to 115 km / h and went to the salon to make myself a cup of coffee. The bus left the highway and overturned. Grazhinsky sued Winnebago for the fact that the car manual did not contain a warning about the inadmissibility of such an act. He won one million seven hundred and fifty thousand and a new "Vinnie". Since then, the firm has changed the text of the manual.

It is clear that such stories are not even funny, but rather sad. But here it is like this: either the rights of consumers are protected and there are overlaps (there is no escape from this), or consumers are left with broken irons. In Russia, we are not yet talking about high amounts of compensation, we would like to return our own.

Compensation statistics show that payments (including both material and non-pecuniary damage) in cases of consumer protection amount to an average of about 60 thousand rubles, and about the injury of a breadwinner in connection with the performance of labor duties - about 100 thousand rubles. Human life is valued differently, but only in a few cases compensation for the death of a person amounted to more than a million rubles. If a person died due to legal entity, then, as practice shows, payments are about 300 - 500 thousand rubles. In 2008, the Sovetsky District Court of Astrakhan ordered the Russian Railways to pay 300 thousand rubles for the death of a person on a train: during the movement, a passenger fell from the top shelf of the car and crashed to death. The court ruled: the conductors are to blame for not offering the passenger to use seat belts. The deceased left behind a wife and a small child.

The amount of compensation is very different: in Kaliningrad, the court ruled to pay 100 thousand rubles in compensation for moral damage to a woman who was attacked by a dog walking without a leash. And in Moscow, a man received only 10,000 rubles in the same lawsuit.

Lawyers acknowledge that the amounts paid on such claims are constantly growing. We cannot expect that payments will be equal to Western ones, but we can hope that they will soon become quite worthy.

How to file documents in court

The claim is filed with the court at the location of the defendant. The statement of claim must be paid by the state fee. However, for consumer protection claims, the law makes an exception (Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"), and the plaintiff is not only exempt from paying state duty, but may also file a claim in one of the courts of his choice: at the place of his residence, at the location of the defendant, as well as at the place of conclusion or place of execution of the contract.

You can apply statement of claim judge on personal reception or send it by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

Consumer Rights Societies help file a claim free of charge and advise plaintiffs on the various legal nuances.

How to get a patent for an invention

Everything that we use every day, without which we cannot imagine our lives, was invented by someone. People get very good money for using their inventions. A patent for a talented invention is often bought for millions of dollars, by some to put the novelty into production, by others to put the patent on the back burner so that the innovation does not destroy their business. By the way, there are quite a lot of such cases, and they have even found their way into fiction. Frédéric Beigbeder writes in his book “99 francs”: “... you accidentally find out that there are heavy-duty washing machines, which, however, no manufacturer wants to produce; that some guy invented breakable thread for stockings, but a big pantyhose company bought the patent from him and blew it; that the patent for "eternal" tires is also on the back burner, and this despite the fact that thousands of people die on the roads every year; that the oil lobby is doing everything in its power to slow down the spread of electric vehicles (at the cost of polluting the atmosphere with carbon dioxide ...) ... "

Major Japanese electronics manufacturers, including cell phones, for several years now they have been announcing a new type of battery for cell phones, which will work not on mains charging, but on alcohol. In fact, this is a whole revolution: ten milliliters of alcohol is enough for a week of talking, and in standby mode, such a phone can work for several months. Slow charging will disappear, phones constantly sitting down at the most inopportune moment: the charge ends - just buy a small vial of alcohol at the nearest kiosk and forget about recharging for several months. Despite the fact that trial batches of such phones have already been produced, mass production still does not begin. Some say it's because of the conventional cell phone battery makers, who realize that the great and wonderful battery business will end with the release of such a phone.

But we, after all, are not going to save the world, we just want to earn some extra money, right?

A patent is a title document certifying the priority, authorship of an invention, utility model or industrial design and the exclusive right to an invention, utility model or industrial design.

An application for a patent must contain:

- a description of the invention, disclosing it in sufficient detail for implementation;

- claims expressing its essence and fully based on the description;

- drawings and other materials, if they are necessary for understanding the essence of the invention.

Then an examination is carried out, which decides whether the idea is new and whether the invention itself is feasible. If the answer is yes in both cases, a patent is issued.

In our country, 5-10 thousand patents are sold annually for amounts ranging from one thousand to one hundred thousand dollars. Some do not sell the patent, but transfer the rights to use the invention. In this case, the inventor receives either a certain percentage (2-10%) of the profit from the introduction of the invention, or a fixed fee. For a year, he thus earns an average of ten to thirty thousand dollars.

How to find treasure

At first glance, this is perhaps the easiest and most beautiful way to get rich. But only at first glance. The job of a treasure hunter is hard and even dangerous. But since the treasure hunters are not transferred here, apparently, she still brings old copper nickels for bread and caviar.

Today, in accordance with Article 233 Civil Code RF, the found treasure comes in equal shares to the property of the person who owns the property where the treasure was hidden (house, dacha, country cottage area, land in the village, etc.), and the person who discovered the treasure (unless other shares were established by special agreement between them). But this rule applies if you got the treasure with the knowledge of the owner of the land or building, and if you found the treasure without the consent of the owner, then he is entitled to 100%.

Therefore, having found a treasure on your six acres, you get all the good found in your property. But there is one exception.

If there are things in the treasure that can be classified as "monuments of history or culture", they will be taken from you into state property, rewarding 50% of the total value of the treasure for the efforts.

Experienced treasure hunters say that every village has at least one treasure! And where else was the peasant to hide from the bandits, landowners, royal yarryzhek and all the others who love to profit at the expense of others, accumulated by hard work? Naturally, to the mother earth! Treasure hunting was also developed in Holy Rus'. Peasants often went into the forests in search of treasures in whole villages. And Count Uvarov, who has earned the curse of archaeologists and all the bad words that education allows them to use, opened ten thousand mounds in search of relics!

However, for gold and diamonds it is better to go to warm islands inhabited by pirates. Basic a precious metal Russian treasures - silver. Another thing is that often our treasures reach a very large sizes. For example, almost 49,000 silver kopecks were counted in the 17th-century treasure found in Vologda.

And peasant treasures of copper coins often weigh tens of kilograms. Copper, of course, is not very valuable, but a rare coin found in the treasure can serve as consolation, which will not only more than pay for all the searches, but even, possibly, bring considerable profit to the treasure hunter. Recently, at the E-wow online auction, a coin was sold for $ 9.5 million, found, however, not in Russia.

There were almost no gold treasures in old Russia; they began to be buried in the 19th-20th centuries. True, the revolution and subsequent years in terms of the number of buried treasures will give odds to any ancient century.

Before you start searching for the treasure yourself, you need, firstly, to work a little as a historian, and secondly, to acquire equipment for searching for treasures.

It can be either an expensive metal detector or an ordinary metal probe. But if you are looking for a probe, be prepared for various difficulties. Not only will you have to stick it into stubborn soil, but you will also have to dig wherever resistance is felt. A good collection of cobblestones is provided to you. The probe is best used when searching in attics, but more on that later.

Among treasure hunters, as in any profession, there are specializations. Some prefer to search in attics - attics, others on the beaches - beachgoers, others specialize in underwater treasures - divers, fourth - in dungeons - diggers. There are also grave-diggers, or, as they used to be called, mound-diggers, who open mounds, but often do not disdain the graves of abandoned village cemeteries.

If you are interested not so much in the process as in enrichment, then it is better to start looking for your treasure from the beach. A simple metal detector will help you here, as the finds lie shallow, under a few centimeters of sand. Here you can find lost watches, earrings, rings and rings - if you're lucky, of course. And if you're not lucky - a couple of handfuls of trifles are provided to you.

Another thing is that there is no romance in the beach search. It can be found in attics. Here, by the way, it is quite possible to do without a metal detector: there is a lot of various iron in the attics, and it simply will not work. Here you need a probe and logic.

It is unlikely that you will find anything worthwhile in the attic of a Khrushchev or a modern nine-story building; you need to find a house that, at least, survived the revolution.

First check to see if anything is lying on the beams. This is the easiest way to cache, it was used most often. There you can find old noble or merchant family photographs that were dangerous to keep at home; some old papers, also not very comfortable in the thirties; yes, and little else! After examining the beams, go to the walls. It is not worth looking for a carefully made hiding place in the load-bearing walls of the house, going under the roof, but there, quite possibly, there may be some kind of gap or recess with something interesting.

Next is the hardest part of the job. Use a feeler gauge to check the attic backfill. Remember: do not O it is not clear why it is necessary to unscrew some large nuts located there. Most likely, a chandelier hangs on them in the apartment below you, and these nuts are of no independent value!

In the backfill, you can find anything, from the same old photo albums to personalized weapons and jewelry hidden in dashing years. But, most likely, your finds will be some tins from under old monpensiers or a kerosene lamp, which ended up there by chance, as Sharik from Prostokvashino said, "in the course of life."

Going down from the attic, look carefully at the house itself: if it is settled and intended for demolition, then you are in luck! You are already moving into a new category of treasure hunter, into a "burglar"! There is nothing wrong here, unless, of course, the house is really settled.

In an apartment, the hiding place, most likely, can be under the window sill board, in the chimney pipe or in the ventilation.

There are also voids in the floor, under the parquet (a couple of planks may well rise), or in the wall (a loose brick may be under the wallpaper). But you should not hope for these cases, unless you know for sure that something was hidden in the apartment.

Diggers are looking for treasures in dungeons and caves, where robbers often took refuge. certain periods Mother Rus' abounded in its existence. Just remember that without special training it is better not to meddle in the cave: do not create unnecessary problems for the Ministry of Emergency Situations and your loved ones. It is not too difficult to find cavers and to start walking around the caves with them.

For those who believe that it is a sin to strive underground ahead of time, there is an even more romantic kind of treasure hunting - diving. Divers are looking for treasures underwater. You simply will not meet such a quantity of beauty and such an amount of gold (the bill goes to tons!) on the surface! But you have to pay for beauty, and therefore you will need not only expensive diving equipment, but also sponsors who will help you raise the Spanish galleon you found to the surface.

The next category of treasure hunters is black trackers, or trophy hunters. In battlefields, they are looking for weapons, explosives, military insignia, parts of uniforms and soldier's belongings. We do not recommend doing this. Not only because of the Criminal Code, which does not treat some of these finds very positively, but also because of the great risk to life in such searches. It's just that money still smells, and digging up other people's graves, even not officially marked, is not very good.

The same can be said about the hillocks, or long-legged buzzards. Leave our history to science and archaeologists and remember that any burial mound is considered a cultural monument; for its ruin, you can get acquainted with the Criminal Code.

If you certainly want your search to be surrounded by fresh air and Central Russian landscapes (here, however, how it will turn out), then the most suitable specialization for you is a field worker, or just a digger, the most common among treasure hunters.

You need to start with an old map. Comparing it with the modern one, you will see where the disappeared villages and manors are located. There and st O um check all the fields and meadows.

Treasures, although they were buried in conspicuous places, but, as practice shows, time is merciless, and most of the caches in our time are found in an open field.

And a few more tips: do not chase a metal detector that “pierces” meters into the depths, unless, of course, your goal is a tank buried by no one knows who. The fact is that such devices feel good either large objects in the depths, or small ones, at the very surface (lost coins, crosses, buttons and rings).

Take a minimum of things with you, remember that you will have to carry them on yourself!

Try not to interact with the locals. All of them are convinced that treasure hunters are always looking for gold and are also very rich. Disguise yourself as tourists, fishermen or, better, hunters, which the local population is usually afraid of. Otherwise, you risk losing your finds, a metal detector, and even a couple of whole bones.

Do not tell anyone about what you have found, remember the proverb: “Found - be silent, lost - be silent!”

Part of the money earned (if you are so lucky that you also earned on the rusty buttons found) donate to a good cause or remember the former owners of your finds.

And remember another proverb: "To find a treasure, you need to know exactly where it is buried." This is true, and if you want to find something really serious, then you cannot do with the old map of the area; you will have to sit well in the archives, find out where they lived richer, and where social cataclysms were more abrupt ...

The state will pay you

Surely many read this headline with a smirk: yeah, well, then they will catch up and pay again. Others thought that we are talking about pension. But in fact, in Russia there is a so-called tax deduction system, with which you can return part of the money that you spent on treatment, education or buying a home.

The taxpayer has the right to receive social tax deduction in relation to the amounts that were paid by him for treatment in medical organizations in Russia. At the same time, the deduction is provided for the costs of treatment not only of the taxpayer himself, but also of his second half, parents and children under the age of 18. This tax deduction also applies to the cost of purchasing medicines. There is only one restriction: medical services and medicines must comply with the lists approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 201. To these medical services services for diagnostics and treatment in the provision of emergency medical care; services for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and medical rehabilitation, in the provision of outpatient or inpatient medical care.

The amount of the social tax deduction cannot exceed 38 thousand rubles, but in the case of expensive treatment, the tax deduction is accepted in the amount of the actual expenses incurred.

If you do not have money, then your employer can pay for you, and the state will reimburse him for these expenses.

To receive a social tax deduction for medical expenses, you must submit to tax authority the following documents:

- income tax return individuals;

– an application for the provision of a social tax deduction in any form;

- an agreement with medical organization or a copy of it;

– payment documents or their copies;

- a certificate of income in the form No. 2-NDFL from each place of work.

If you want to reimburse the expenses for the treatment of loved ones, you just need to present a document that confirms your relationship.

Social tax deductions are provided upon graduation calendar year. But an application for a refund can be submitted within three years from the date of the provision of the service or the purchase of medicines. It happens very simply: the state does not take a 13% tax from your salary until the specified amount is reimbursed.

Social deduction for education

Also, a Russian citizen can reduce his expenses for education, both his own and his children under the age of 24, wards under the age of 18, in relation to which the taxpayer is a guardian or trustee, and former wards (after the termination of guardianship or guardianship) under the age of 24.

Maximum amount deduction is 50,000 rubles.

If you pay for your education, then its form (full-time, evening, part-time, external study) does not matter. But when paying for the education of their children or wards (former wards), the deduction is provided only if they have chosen the full-time form.

Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not say when paying for which types of training a tax deduction is provided, it only indicates that this training is in educational institutions that have an appropriate license or other document confirming the status of an educational institution. That is, it can be a school, an institute, and foreign language courses. The main thing is that this institution has a license.

In order to receive a deduction, in addition to the application and income statement, you need:

- A copy of the contract with educational institution on the provision of educational services to the taxpayer or his child. The contract confirms that the payment was made specifically for tuition.

– Documents confirming the actual payment for tuition by the taxpayer.

Territorially educational establishments are also not limited, and you can use the deduction to pay for your studies abroad, the main thing is that the institution where you study has a license valid under local law.

Deduction for the purchase and construction of housing

The tax deduction when buying an apartment includes the amount spent on the purchase (construction) and the amount of interest on mortgage loan.

The tax deduction may also include:

- development costs design and estimate documentation;

- expenses for the purchase of construction and finishing materials;

- expenses for the purchase of a residential building, including unfinished ones;

– expenses related to construction and finishing works or services;

- expenses for connection to networks or creation of autonomous sources of electricity, water, gas supply and sewerage.

When buying an apartment, the tax deduction may include:

– acquisition of an apartment or rights to an apartment in a house under construction;

– purchase of finishing materials;

- work related to the decoration of the apartment.

In order to apply for a property tax deduction, you must provide tax office the following documents and their copies:

- certificate of ownership or other documents confirming the ownership of the living space;

- contract of sale;

- an act of acceptance and transfer of an apartment (note that an act of acceptance and transfer of an apartment, as a rule, remains in the bank).

The tax deduction for the purchase of housing is granted only once in a lifetime. From January 1, 2008, as a property tax deduction, you can present the amount of expenses for the purchase (construction) of housing within the limit of 2,000,000 rubles. The amount of interest on a mortgage loan that can be presented as a tax deduction is not limited by law.


Downshifting (English downshifting - slowing down or weakening a process) is the philosophy of "living for yourself" and "refusing other people's goals." It began with the fact that people abandoned the desire for the generally accepted benefits promoted, such as the constant increase in material capital, career growth, etc., devoting their lives to themselves and their families, moving to work that pays less, but gives a lot of free time.

Over the past few decades, downshifting has changed significantly, and today this word is usually understood as a departure to warm countries. The capital of downshifters can rightly be called the Indian Goa. Apartment rented in Moscow allows you to rent in Goa big house on the seashore, eat in restaurants and indulge in nothing. By Indian standards, of course. According to the Western ones, downshifters do not look too rich, but they, in fact, do not strive for this. Downshifters become diving instructors somewhere near the warm sea, open cafes, paint pictures - doing what they always wanted to do.

Not a bad ending to a career, right?

Chapter 14


The crisis is getting closer, and before each, even the most successful, "middle manager" sooner or later the question of saving the budget will arise, especially if this budget is a family one.

Of course, we will not go to extremes. And we will not give up the TV, as, for example, a resident of the Moscow region refused, who decided not to repair a broken TV in order to save on electricity; and from trips on the subway, like student Elena, who stopped taking the subway to reduce tuition costs, and spends three hours every day on the road to school. There are savings for a penny, and moral suffering - for the whole thousand. dollars.

No, we will go the other way - we will begin to comprehend the basics of maintaining a family budget.

family economy

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "money"? What associations does this word evoke - a cruise liner, a pleasant rustle of banknotes or an empty wallet and a feeling of irritation? Imagine that in answering this question, you are describing a subconscious mindset that directly affects the contents of your wallet. Money needs to be loved, it needs to be taken care of, but we will talk about this a little later, but for now, let's remember those we love and care about right now. How do you find a solution financial problems- amicably and unanimously or in disputes and conflicts? Psychotherapist K. Gerber believes that money measures not only the level of well-being of your family, but also the harmony of relationships in a couple, more precisely, not with money, but with your attitude towards them. If everything is harmonious in your relationship, then claims on the basis of “you earn little” will never arise, but if there are interpersonal problems in a couple, discord between partners, then conflicts over money are inevitable. That's right - the cause of conflicts is not money, but confusion in feelings or cooling.

But if you belong to the category of happy couples and the problem of how to reconcile a debit with a loan is solved, albeit clumsily, but amicably, then let's leave psychology and do accounting!

As a child, everyone read the fairy tale about Pinocchio, and you probably remember the feeling of annoyance that the wooden kid experienced when he sowed his five gold coins on the Field of Miracles. So that our hard-earned rubles and dollars do not disappear in this way, let's start by analyzing where and how your money is scattered during the month.

If student times have already sunk into oblivion, and month after month you barely reach your salary, and have already borrowed and reborrowed from everyone you can, it’s worth analyzing your money management habits and choosing best way family budget planning.

Any crisis can be dealt with, including the monthly financial crisis in your family. First, let's decide on the scheme of maintaining a family budget. When both partners work, three main distribution schemes can be distinguished.

1. General piggy bank. This method involves complete trust in each other, and it is usually used in families with a patriarchal way of life. Or just in very, very close-knit families. Another option is when the difference in the income of the spouses is extremely large. Here the communist principle "From each according to his ability - to each according to his needs" works. Both partners put their earnings and earnings in a common "piggy bank" and take money from there as needed. Issues of paying utility bills and other fixed monthly payments are resolved jointly, as well as decisions regarding large purchases are made jointly. For other expenses, no one reports to anyone.

Despite its simplicity and prevalence, this is not a very good planning option (planning as such is not here). In addition, those who earn less, in fact, lose nothing and can safely continue to sybaritize, relying on a partner, instead of making efforts to increase their income.

2. Family and personal. This method is based on equal financial participation each spouse in total spending. Such budgeting is possible only if you have already decided on the approximate amounts for all items of expenditure (apartment, food, child, mobile connection, internet, travel expenses, etc.). Take blank envelopes and sign them according to the main directions family expenses(see above). Calculate the required amount and divide it by two. Having received income, everyone puts in an envelope fixed amount(The amounts of the "contribution" can be either absolutely equal or calculated as a percentage of income - for example, everyone donates 70 percent of income to the "common piggy bank"). Everyone spends the rest of the money as he wants.

A good option for individualists or couples whose relationships are just developing. The disadvantage of the method is that usually all the money that is set aside for personal needs is spent within a month without a trace.

3. Two wallets. The Western option, when the income of the spouses goes to different bank accounts. Personal savings are also in different accounts. The costs of the joint household and children are paid by agreement. For example, a wife pays the bills for an apartment, a husband pays food and expenses for children. Or, the second option, the cost of food, children and utility bills are divided in half, plus everyone buys what he considers necessary for the house. The rest is spent at your own discretion.

If only one of the spouses has a stable income in the family, then the only model for distributing the family budget in this case is the “common piggy bank” and austerity. Spending decisions should ideally be made jointly, but typically the working partner soon dominates financial decisions.

In order not to delve into psychology again, let's better listen to the advice of specialists of a different profile - what economists and just rich people will advise us to optimize our expenses.

when you got the money

So, when you receive a long-awaited amount, do not rush to spend it right there (otherwise the money will never stay in your wallet for a long time). Let this advice smell of magic - it is also the smell of money: let the entire amount that you received at least “sleep” in your wallet. The next day, the desire to spend will not be so all-consuming.

Do not carry a large amount of money with you to work - the desire to spend it at the end of the working day will be almost irresistible, and you will definitely get something "pretty", but absolutely unnecessary. When money is running out, only for food and travel, then, having suffered today over this "magic", tomorrow you will realize that you can quite do without it.

Check more often how much money you have available - at home, in accounts and in your wallet, it disciplines and sobers.

Count your expenses

If you can’t understand in any way into which “black hole” your money is flying away, start counting expenses - make a simple estimate. Keep receipts, start writing down all daily expenses. (Everything means EVERYTHING, down to a cake at the Bush, breakfast at McDonald's, a taxi ride, or buying a new beauty milk that "costs a penny.") In a month or two, when it becomes a habit, you will finally understand , how much money, it turns out, flies away for nonsense! You will understand and be horrified at first, then decide how often you will allow yourself unforeseen expenses in the future, and, perhaps, soon you will be able to optimize your budget.

You can get a thick notebook and write down income and expenses there. Remember the drawing lessons and line the spread into several columns: apartment, food, expenses for the child, clothes, shoes, mobile services, cosmetics, leisure and so on.

For the advanced there are dozens computer programs accounting for a personal budget, and most of them can be downloaded for free (for example, "X-Cash", "4konverta"). They are easy to use, and with their help, the right thing becomes a fun game.


After several months of strict accounting, you can move on to planning.

1. Gather the whole family for advice, even if it consists of only two members - you and the cat.

2. Finally, decide on the exact figure of your income.

3. Decide where you spend the most money and how you can cut those costs.

4. Subtract mandatory expenses from the fixed amount of income. The rest can be spent on the little joys of life.

5. Compose full list expenses that can be cut quite painlessly by slightly stepping on the throat of bad habits. (Quit smoking. If you smoke one pack of 30 rubles a day, then by quitting you will save exactly 10,950 rubles a year. Just think of what much more pleasant things you can spend this amount on!)

6. Analyze whether it is possible to find a cheaper (but no less high-quality) alternative to your usual purchases? (Google, ask colleagues or friends.)

Let your family unite in a single impulse in the face of temporary economic difficulties!


Ten percent of all money earned must be saved (all the most popular practical aids and the richest people talk about this). You have to put it off REGULARLY. If you feel sorry for ten percent, start with five, just do it with every money you receive (even if you were charged a tiny fee for a small part-time job).

Set goals

You can’t put off “for a rainy day”, otherwise it will really come, all Feng Shui masters tell us about this. So if we save money, then we definitely set ourselves a joyful and bright goal - a vacation in Goa, for example, or, a budget option, in Finland, or buying a mountain bike.

Decide - what do you want to get first? What accommodation, what car, tour, equipment? And what can you really do? How long will you be able to save the required amount if you start saving so much, starting from next month?

Include "goal" in your article monthly expenses and, having received the money, set aside a fixed amount first for this item, and then for other items of expenditure.

Learn to shop

The breadth of the Russian soul hardly coexists with the principles of economy. What is good for a European is good for a Russian... and so on. How to come to terms with the habit of taking into account savings of fifty and even ten rubles? First, be aware of the crisis! Secondly - you need to tune in to the positive! Imagine that you are playing Monopoly, but you are not getting paper money, but quite real money.

To learn economical European shopping, you need to:

- Don't be impulsive. When entering the store, watch yourself from the side. How many times have you bought a thing that you were not going to buy, standing on the threshold of the market? Ask yourself two questions: “do I have something similar” and “can I do without it?”. Remember your financial goal - by postponing an optional purchase, you can bring the fulfillment of your desire closer.

- Plan purchases. Write a list of what you need to buy (food, tights, thread, a light bulb), and do not deviate from it even one item. Prices in hypermarkets are quite friendly, and if you do not get carried away with exotic and elite products, then it is quite possible to save (if you have a regular customer card) from fifty to one hundred rubles daily. Now multiply this amount by the number of trips to the store every month. How much will it be in a year?

The cost of food for the average Russian is from 50 to 65 percent of the costs. You don’t need to save on yourself, but it’s quite possible to refuse semi-finished products. Food is expensive and unhealthy. And save on medicines at the same time. Try to make a menu for the week - the advantages of this approach are that, having painted the menu, you will practically not overeat in the evenings. Lose weight and save money - two bonuses in one bottle!

Gift spending

To allocate money for gifts from a meager budget, and even if you remembered the solemn date two days in advance - yes, this is a real headache.

But what if you include this item of expenditure in your budget in advance? Write a list of relatives, friends, colleagues in which month you need to buy a gift. It would be nice to decide in advance on the gift, but if such a feat is beyond your power, just decide how much you are willing to spend.

Do not forget about gifts for the New Year, March 8 and February 23. These days cannot be ignored if you do not want to hear reproaches for a whole year. Loved ones may be offended if Valentine's Day is ignored (don't forget your wedding anniversary or the day you first met!).

Naturally, we allocate b O a larger amount, for gifts for the holidays - less, but Western economists say that reasonable spending should not exceed 10 - 15 percent of the donor's monthly income.

When compiling a calendar of holidays, do not forget to note additional expenses (for packaging, shipping, flowers). When calculating expenses for major annual holidays, include a family feast or a contribution to dinner at a restaurant with colleagues.

It is better to save money for gifts for relatives in advance so that they do not make holes in your monthly budget.

Turn on saving mode

We will not save on paper clips and liquid soap, as some companies are already doing (although, who knows, maybe we should not promise?). But to optimize costs, while trying not to lose all the joys of life, is simply necessary.

The first is to cut payments on public services(up to 30 percent savings!) install water meters, energy-saving lamps, switch to payment at day and night rates (the washing machine can be turned on after 23:00, saving twice on electricity).

The second is to save on the subway or public transport, buy travel cards - they beat themselves off if you use the travel card more than once a day. And if you travel with transfers (bus - metro - trolleybus - metro), the travel card simply becomes a salvation. To save on gas, fill up at one station, preferably where regular customers give discount card.

Thirdly, it is better to buy food products that do not spoil for a long time (flour, sugar, salt) and household chemicals (powders, liquid products) once a month in large packages - significant savings.

Save, but let's not fanaticism. It is important not only to survive the crisis and survive, it is important not to forget during this time how we know how to enjoy life!

Chapter 15


Who am I - lucky or loser? The question of questions, stronger than Hamlet's "To be or not to be?"

How long has civilization existed, so much humanity has been asking itself the question - what is the real secret of success: in a developed intellect, luck, or in simple practicality?

In fact, to name one of these reasons would be too simple, and perhaps wrong. After all, the secret of success, according to people included in the top ten Forbes, is the combination of several necessary components.

Moreover, successful people call desire one of the main pieces of the “success” puzzle. The strongest desire to succeed in this life. And it should come from the soul, and not from the mind. Logic, even the most impeccable, can easily be overcome by emotions of fear or despair. But the feeling of sincere hope and faith cannot be extinguished by any reasoning. If you desire something with all your soul, then invisible energies are attracted to you, which are necessary for the realization of your desire. If you want something with your mind, or rather, you believe that you need it, but are not ready to accept it internally, you will never get what you want. But if you feel that you are ready to accept something new in your life, then this will definitely happen. When desire rules intentions (as the feeling of craving rules your actions almost automatically), the law of energy attraction allows that to happen in your life.

Many have often observed this situation: a person wants to achieve something, but does nothing to achieve his goal. Paradox? It's just that his desire was a product of social attitudes or the desire to be like everyone else, it did not correspond to his true desire. In fact, this man passionately and wholeheartedly wished to be left alone - this is his true desire and found its embodiment in reality.

If your desire is true, then you are ready to do anything, make any effort to achieve it, because you understand that this is “yours” and it will definitely appear in your life sooner or later.

The second piece of the “success” puzzle is to figure out what really matters to you. What do you mean by "success"? For some, this is a standard set - a country mansion, a yacht, a prestigious car for each of the family members, a wife is a model, a husband is an oligarch, and so on. But there are people who strive for other success - harmony with the world, peace in the soul, comprehension of the new, the joy of expressing yourself in creativity ... Remember the moments of life when you felt complete inner harmony and calm, confident joy. This is what your definition of success is. Look for your success, something that charges you with positive energy and a desire to act.

The third piece of the puzzle - believe that the Universe is abundant and generous, misfortune, illness, poverty - all these are deviations from the norm caused by our internal installations that block success. Remember: when something does not go the way we planned for ourselves, we immediately decide that it is a failure, failure, misfortune, and so on. But why do we think that we have chosen the ideal life scenario for ourselves? After all, "other" scenario does not mean "worse". Maybe being fired from your job will open up unprecedented career prospects for you? And parting with the guy whom you consider the love of your life will be forgotten in a month, when you meet your real Prince. Do not try to put your life on the shelves, dividing success and failure - we are not given to assess the significance of events now, only in the future. Therefore, do not O it is to suffer, perceiving any unplanned events negatively - believe in success, wait for it, do not try to reshape the whole world for yourself, and then it will be kind and generous to you.

The fourth piece of the puzzle. Set specific goals that can lead you to success, and move on, conquering peaks one by one. Maybe you do not yet know how you can achieve what you want, but take at least the first step, set a goal for yourself. This also needs to be decided. By setting specific goals for ourselves, we launch the subconscious mind, tune it to a certain wave. When you make your choice, amazing events will begin to happen in your life that will help you achieve your goal.

The fifth piece of the puzzle is that there is enough magic in our Universe for everyone, but in order to achieve your goals and become successful, it is not enough just to make a wish. Gotta plow. Work hard, a lot - more than others, make tens and hundreds of attempts, do not despair of failures, try again and again, work harder and more attentively than the bulk of people. Moreover, you should rely only on your own strength, intelligently managing others. Good luck accompanies those who do not make it high stakes.

If a person has correctly determined his goal, the work will bring him only joy, only positive emotions. Believe me, it happens. People who truly love what they do are more likely to succeed than others.

The fifth piece of the puzzle is believing in yourself! What words do you usually use when talking about yourself? What thoughts about yourself do you visit most often? Do you love yourself, or at least like yourself? Thought is material - it is an axiom, so learn once and for all - what you think about yourself will be embodied in reality. So drive away all the negativity - you are super! You are a megastar! If only because there is no other such person, never was and never will be. You are a unique entity, endowed with everything to achieve success and happiness. Think of yourself in this way for at least five minutes a day - when brushing your teeth or riding the subway. Make it a habit. Every day, discover another great quality in yourself that will lead you to success (it cannot be that they are not). Remember more often how well you did on that project, how your boss praised you, how your colleague N envied you. Did you smile, believed in yourself? Even though you only thought well of yourself for ten seconds, imagine what will happen to your personality if you train a positive attitude towards yourself, like training biceps or triceps? You will be impossible to sink! You will radiate confidence and success - and people will believe what they see. Your sacred duty is to think only good of yourself, even if you are wrong, even if you do something wrong - be more indulgent with yourself than others. Love yourself, believe that you deserve the best in this life - without faith you will not achieve anything.

The sixth piece of the puzzle - from time to time imagine that the goal has already been achieved. Imagine the environment, smells, objects, your own feelings, joy, smile - in NLP this is called a visualization technique. An important condition is to imagine that you are experiencing it right now, this minute, and not in the distant future.

The seventh piece of the puzzle is to use your time as rationally as possible. Use time management theory tips, read literature on your specialty when riding the subway, waiting in line or waiting for an appointment. If you drive to work in your car, listen to audiobooks. If the texts you need are not available, you can download them online. Let learning materials surround you everywhere: in the car - a CD, in a bag - a brochure, in the player - new audio files. This will be your home university of success.

The puzzle has been completed - and you are on the threshold of success.

Chapter 16 is the final one.


Whatever may be said about the benefits of poverty, the fact remains that it is impossible to live a truly fulfilling life without being rich. Alas. There are, of course, exceptions - monks, downshifters, but this is only an exception, not a rule.

The goal of our life is development, and for this we must freely and unlimitedly use everything that helps us in mental, spiritual and physical development. And without money it is impossible.

The desire to realize innate abilities - an integral part of human nature, and we should not limit ourselves. And without money, this, alas, is impossible.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing money and wanting to live with dignity. But why do some people succeed and some don't?

Take a closer look at your friends, the poor and the rich. See the difference? The rich are self-confident, calm, unperturbed. And the poor are always fussing, asking for forgiveness, and sometimes it seems that they are either begging for money, or just a good attitude towards themselves.

Of course, you can say: no wonder, because those are rich, and these are poor, and they behave according to the contents of their wallets. But perhaps you knew these people when the rich had not yet become rich, but quite coincided with the poor in terms of material prosperity. After all, remember, then both the rich and the poor behaved in exactly the same way as they do now. Maybe these features in them only slightly intensified with age, but this is not surprising - the older the person, the more it manifests itself in his face, gestures and intonations. inner essence, its pivot. Why were some confident in themselves when they had not yet become rich? And others always apologized, although they did not yet know that they were poor? Then the presence or absence of money had no effect on them. After all, in fact, it is not money that affects us, but we influence money. Money, if you like, is the rats from the tale of the Pied Piper of Hammel. It just seems that they are organized, scary and strong. One has only to play the magic pipe, they immediately stretch out into the front and march after its owner.

That's the way life works. Some of them she gave from birth with a magic pipe, while others did not. What to do, is it possible to find this beautiful pipe somewhere? And what does she represent?

There is no fairy tale, riddle or mysticism here. It's just that some people are confident and others are not. Confidence is just the magic pipe. It is clear that this trait of a human character does not in itself attract wealth. Its derivatives attract money: human respect, sympathy, trust. After all, even in debt you are more likely to give to a person who is confident in himself, and not to someone who hides his eyes. And you will hire exactly the one who looks openly, answers calmly, behaves with dignity. He is confident in himself not because he is lucky, but he is lucky because he is confident in himself. He does not think that something bad can happen to him, and the loser always expects a dirty trick from life. And he programs his life for a catch. In American prisons, a survey was conducted among robbers, rapists and other citizens sentenced to long terms. They were shown footage of a street with people walking and were asked to point out who they would choose as their victims. And, surprisingly, in different prisons, in different states, in the north and south, west and east, different criminals have chosen the same people as potential victims. The researchers asked them to explain their choice, but the perpetrators were unable to do so. In fact, everything is very simple: the potential victims were not confident in themselves. It is terrible to attack someone who is confident in himself. Even if he seems weaker. Why is he so confident? Maybe he has a gun? Or a black belt in karate? Or something else? After all, he is not afraid of anything, and it shows! And he does not feel fear simply because he feels confident. That's the whole mystery. Every person, including a criminal, is partly an animal. The perpetrator may be an animal a little O more so than other people. In order to survive in the jungle of crime, where anyone is ready to eat anyone, they need a keen sense of smell and a superbly honed intuition to help avoid danger. Therefore, in a self-confident person, they feel a threat to their criminal plans. And ordinary people see the exact opposite - such a person can be trusted. You can rely on him. He won't let you down.

So how can the insecure learn to be confident? On the one hand, it is very simple to say: “From now on, from this very minute, I am confident in myself, I will succeed. I will be rich." But after all, one who is not confident in himself is not so sure that he will not believe in these words, he will not believe even himself, his own. So, we need to repeat this phrase again. Then again. And further. Until you believe in it. Until it becomes your breath. Until it is imprinted as a matrix in your mind.

You ride in transport and say to yourself: “I am rich. I'm rich. Money loves me." Stand in line and with all confidence say mentally: “I'm lucky. Luck is on my heels." We went to work, greeted our colleagues and immediately mentally said: “I will succeed. There is nothing in the world that I can't do!"

True, it will have to be said a lot of times. After all, you have been saying the opposite words all your life! So you can't change yourself in one day.

But don't be afraid, you will succeed!

It's not about how much you earn, but how much you spend

Like any other job, increasing your fortune requires some sacrifices, for example, spending less than you earn, studying . If you are a day trader experiencing ups and downs in your income, here are a few ways for you to take your income to the next level and save significantly more money.

Strive to execute every trade perfectly without obsessing over the money that is on the table.. If you execute a profitable trading plan (that you have found, tried and perfected), then the profit will definitely come. When you focus on the performance itself, you will gain consistency by doing the same thing all the time. Use a checklist for each trade if necessary.

If you want to earn a lot, know that consistency is the key to success. If you make money one day and lose the next, or make money one month and lose the next, you are stuck in one place and get nowhere. By focusing on consistency, you will be able to generate profit/income every month.

“A professional worries about doing the right thing, not just making money. He understands that profits will take care of themselves if other things are given due attention.” - Jesse Livermore


Day trading has its advantages, but there are also advantages to investing. Mainly due to the fact that investing is a more passive process. Spend a few hours a month looking for stocks with great profit potential and buy them one day - they require a minimum of effort from you to hold them for the next 1-5 years.

If you are an intraday trader, then you already love financial markets. The transition to investing will be very easy once you do. Once you make a couple of investments and find more instruments that you want to invest in, you will find that they are much easier to keep (spend less) because you will need them to invest in stocks or other assets.

Building a lot of capital means you can't waste any of your earnings. However, putting money in a bank account, exposing inflation, is also not very good. good idea. Make the savings you don't need right now work for you.

Multiple Sources of Income

If you trade two to four hours a day (two hours is really all you need), you have plenty of free time to apply your mind in other areas. Find an additional source of income.

Above we discussed investing. This can be some form of additional income, especially if you invest in stocks that bring high dividends. Dividend shares create a steady cash flow monthly or quarterly.

One idea for an additional source of income could be to create an online business that does not require much time to manage (like eBay, for example). Write about topics you enjoy or know about, or create a website for it.

Choose a business model with minimal risk, cost and expense. Your goal is to increase your income, not to blow money earned by intraday trading. Howtakes time, so your additional source of income will also take time to develop.

The first step to capital growth is to make sure that your income from intraday trading became stable. Focus on stability. A good profit one month but a big loss the next won't make you feel secure when you're able to save, invest, and maybe start something else.

Once your intraday trading income is stable - stability will come from focusing on the process, not the money - then start investing. This process will encourage you to be frugal with your money, and by looking for investment ideas, you will have a reason to save/invest instead of spending everything you have.

Having fixed income and by saving/investing some amount each month, start creating alternative sources of income. Choose an online business or freelance business with low monthly costs and initial investment. Your business should take no more than 1-2 hours a day to be able to do it. By engaging in day trading and an additional (or multiple) source of income, you will effectively spend your working day and build long-term capital. As your income grows, don't forget to save/invest a certain portion of it.


Follow this three step process to increase your income. First, stabilize your intraday trading income by focusing on the process itself. Then get in the habit of saving your money and investing it when a good opportunity presents itself. Then work on additional or multiple sources of income in your spare time, which all intraday traders usually have in abundance.

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