
State family support program. State assistance for young families

Russia has programs to help young families

The activities of the Russian government are aimed at providing assistance to vulnerable segments of the population.

These include:

  • old people
  • families with three or more children
  • disabled people
  • poor

Today, assistance from the state to young families is especially necessary. Spouses are very often financially limited, do not have free funds and cannot afford to buy their own separate home.

To increase the birth rate in the country, it is necessary to provide high-quality support to the cells of society, so every year the government allocates considerable funds from the annual budget for the development and implementation of various social support programs for citizens.

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State benefits and assistance programs for young Russian families

Assistance provided at the federal and local levels can provide significant support in the implementation of the life plans of spouses. Therefore, it is important to know what subsidies and benefits are available to a young husband and wife.

Affordable Housing

The housing issue remains one of the most pressing in the country. Few young families have the available funds to buy a separate apartment or build a residential building. Living with your parents or renting a home is not always convenient or profitable.

The government's activities are aimed at solving this acute problem. Every year large amounts of money are allocated from the federal and regional budgets for the development and implementation of special social programs to help citizens.

“Providing young families with affordable housing” is one of the most popular and popular types of government support for citizens.

The program has existed for several years and is aimed at providing real assistance to the Russian population in purchasing housing. The state allocates funds in the amount of 30-35% of the total cost of housing. The rest must be paid by the program participants.

Who can get help

There are a number of conditions that a young spouse must meet in order to obtain a certificate:

  • The wife and husband cannot be older than 35 years of age upon entry into the program.
  • A family wishing to receive a subsidy must be recognized by local authorities as truly in need of improved housing conditions. According to the terms of the project and the legislation of the Russian Federation, each family member, including small children, is entitled to at least 18 meters of space.
  • The spouses have savings or income that is enough to pay 65-70% of the amount when buying a residential house or apartment, or they have the opportunity to obtain a mortgage loan from a commercial bank.

Single-parent families with one or more children who meet the general criteria and requirements can also take advantage of the right to state assistance.

If deliberately false or incomplete documents are submitted, spouses will be excluded from participating in the program.
The right to receive assistance is a certificate that is transferred to a commercial bank.

Further, on behalf of the client, funds allocated by the state are sent for the purchase of an apartment under a purchase and sale agreement or the preparation of documents for the construction of an individual residential building.

It is important to note that the certificate must be transferred to the specified bank no later than two months from the date of its receipt, otherwise it will be declared invalid.

How can you manage your money?

There are several options for where . Young spouses have several options for disposing of the document:

  • Purchasing an apartment or house on both the primary and secondary markets, for those who joined the program before 2014.
  • Purchasing housing on the primary market.
  • Making a down payment on a mortgage loan.
  • Directing funds for the construction of a residential building.
  • Payment of share contribution.

Obtaining a certificate

To apply for financial financial assistance from the state, young spouses must contact the authorized local government authorities.

If a family in need meets the program's eligibility requirements, they are assigned a number in the queue. Once you receive the certificate, it must be sold within nine months.


To be eligible for payment, you need to prepare a simple package of documents:

  • copies of parents' passports
  • copies of birth certificates of all children
  • copy of marriage certificate
  • documents officially confirming the fact that authorized bodies have recognized a family as truly in need of improved housing conditions
  • certificates confirming direct or indirect income, which allows you to contribute the missing part of the funds or apply for a mortgage
  • application for participation in the program

This is the main package of documents; some additional information is possible depending on the specific situation.

Social mortgage

Large commercial banks, thanks to government support, offer special mortgage conditions to young families.

This makes the loan product more accessible to different segments of the population, reduces the monthly financial burden and reduces the total amount of interest paid to the bank. The main advantages of social mortgages are:

  • payment of part of the interest by the state
  • upon the birth of each child in the family, the principal debt and interest may be reduced if this is specified in the contract

Owners of this loan product can take advantage of all the opportunities when purchasing a home, as with a regular mortgage:

  • receiving a tax deduction when purchasing real estate
  • contribution of maternity capital to repay the principal debt or interest on the mortgage
  • if there is a special additional subsidy, it can be used as a down payment for purchasing a home

Not everyone has the opportunity to obtain a social mortgage.

To receive it, you must submit certain documents and certificates to the credit institution and stand in line.

Benefits for large families

Large families can count on help

The government of the country is trying to provide great assistance to young families with three or more children.

To educate future citizens of the Russian Federation, good living conditions and a favorable social environment are necessary.

To this end, the government issues laws that are aimed at maintaining a decent standard of living for large families.

They are entitled to:

  • preferential tariffs for housing and communal services
  • allocation of land for the construction of residential buildings or farming, including for commercial purposes
  • provision of medicines to children under 6 years of age
  • full or partial removal of obligations to pay land tax
  • exemption from fares on public transport
  • free meals for children in preschool and school institutions
  • advantage in queues for nurseries and kindergartens
  • purchase of school uniforms at state expense
  • assistance in cultural development in the form of free admission to museums and exhibitions

Maternal (family capital)

A certificate confirming the right to receive and use maternal (family) capital is issued to the mother, father or guardian at birth, as well as the adoption of a second child since 2007.

If the family has not previously exercised the right to obtain a certificate, it can also be obtained after the birth of the third or subsequent children. Every year the amount of financial assistance is indexed and grows.

Thousands of Russian families have already used the opportunity to receive this financial support from the state.

How can you use the certificate?

Cash withdrawals will not be possible. The certificate can be used for certain purposes:

  • improvement of living conditions
  • payment for children's education
  • formation of a funded maternal pension.

The first step in obtaining a certificate will be to contact the registry office. There they will issue a birth certificate for the child, giving the right to receive financial assistance. Then you need to go to the Russian Pension Fund along with the previously collected certificates and documents.

After acceptance of the application, payments are made for the specified purposes within 2 months.

Package of documents

To obtain a certificate giving the right to a government payment, you need to contact the Pension Fund at your address of residence or registration with certain documents:

  • statement
  • copy and original passport
  • copies and originals of birth certificates of all children
  • SNILS of the applicant
  • a copy of the marriage certificate, in case of a surname change

Additional state benefits

The government strives to provide the population with everything they need. Helping young families is one of the priority areas of activity of the Russian Federation.

Every year, new projects and programs are developed and implemented aimed at improving the standard of living of the country’s citizens. The following assistance is available to young sections of society:

  • dairy kitchen for children from 8 months to 2 years
  • free medicines for children under 3 years old
  • help for student parents
  • free travel for children under 7 years old
  • tax benefits
  • additional benefits and increased benefits for
  • low-income families and single parents

Most regions of Russia are also introducing additional benefits and subsidies to help the population.

Programs to help the population in 2015. Changes and innovations

The country's demographic policy is aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country and reducing mortality. Assistance to young families from the state in 2015 is aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the birth of children and at improving the level and quality of life.

2015 was planned to be the final year for some major government programs to support the young population. However, the main ones were extended for some time.

Subsidies for the purchase of housing

Today the work of the program “Providing young families with affordable housing” continues. During the program period, it is planned to provide necessary housing to 172 thousand Russian families, spending 313.13 billion rubles.

Sources of program funding

  • Federal budget - 28.18 billion rubles.
  • Regional budget - 65.76 billion rubles.
  • Savings and own or borrowed funds of citizens - 219.19 billion rubles.

For those who entered the program in 2015, the following financial assistance is provided:

  • A subsidy of 35% of the full cost of real estate for childless families. The total family budget should not be less than 21,621 thousand rubles, the approximate amount of payment is 600 thousand rubles.
  • A subsidy of 40% of the full cost of housing for families with one or more children. The total family budget and the approximate amount of payments depend on the number of members of the needy family.


The basic rules and conditions of the program remain unchanged, but there are some innovations that appeared last year:

  • purchase of housing on the secondary market is prohibited
  • removed the option to repay the principal or interest on the mortgage loan

The changes do not affect those who joined the program before 2014.

According to the original plan, 2015 was planned to be the last year for the implementation of the popular program, but so far its closure is not expected. Presumably, the subsidy will be extended until 2020.

There have been no significant changes in this project and are not expected this year.

Maternity capital in 2015

Material assistance was indexed in 2015 and was determined in the amount of 453,026.0 rubles. The state took measures to combat the difficult situation in the country, and citizens had the opportunity to allocate part of the funds from the certificate in the amount of 20 thousand rubles for everyday needs.

To do this, you need to go to the Pension Fund and write an application for payment of funds. You can receive the required money no later than two months from the date of submission of all necessary certificates and documents.

Preferential lending programs

As before, several large banks, with government support, sell loan products with reduced interest rates to needy young families. List of organizations 2015:

  • VTB 24
  • Gazprombank
  • Sberbank.


Back in 2013, a new bill was prepared, called “On additional measures to support young families,” aimed at providing support to the population.

Information is on the official website of the State Duma. According to this document, spouses have the opportunity to receive:

  • interest-free loan for the purchase or construction of real estate if the family has many children
  • special housing payment from the state at the birth of each child
  • preferential mortgage rate
  • social assistance in the form of a certain payment for the purchase or construction of housing

But this bill is still under consideration, and the timing of its adoption is still unknown.

Future plans

Every year the government issues new bills. Will the necessary services be provided in 2016? Without a doubt, the answer to the question is yes.

The demographic situation in Russia has not been completely resolved, although positive dynamics are already noticeable.

Housing programs

A project such as “Providing young families with affordable housing” will operate in 2016. On August 25 of this year, Dmitry Medvedev approved Resolution No. 889, on the basis of which assistance will be provided for another five-year period.

The project has shown high efficiency in solving a complex demographic issue. It is planned to provide support to another 235 thousand young families until the end of the program. Estimated date 2020.

Maternity capital in 2016

The period of existence of the program was calculated for 2007–2016. No significant innovations or changes are expected in the project. However, the issue of extending the program is urgent. There are various variations of the bill:

  • Eligibility for the subsidy will be available only to needy low-income families.
  • Indexation will be canceled for the coming years, or it will be significantly reduced.
  • The only direction for implementing the certificate will be to improve living conditions, since education services in Russia should be provided free of charge, and the third option of pension savings is not popular among citizens.
  • The use of maternal (family capital) will become available only for the purchase of housing on the primary market, shared or individual construction.

Dairy kitchen

A big scandal erupted over the closure of the dairy kitchen in 2016. Young parents were not prepared for such a sudden cessation of operations at baby food distribution points. Thousands of citizen signatures were collected to overturn this decision.

The government met the population halfway and postponed the closure of the dairy kitchen until at least 2016.

There are no additional new projects planned for 2016. In times of crisis, it is difficult for the state to allocate funds from the budget to implement support programs for young Russian families. However, the government promises to fulfill existing obligations in full.

State policy of support for young families

of the Russian Federation is aimed at improving the quality of life and improving the demographic situation. For this purpose, special programs have been created to make it easier for spouses to realize their plans for the future.

Special benefits for large families and single parents help ensure the full development and education of children. The government strives to provide free assistance to the population, thus showing concern for the future generation and the state of the country as a whole.

You can watch the video about helping young families:

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The Russian federal budget annually provides funding for a large number of government programs, among which we can particularly highlight those aimed at young families with children. The state helps young families improve their living conditions and become owners of their own homes. the principle of targeting and need, according to which:

  • family must be recognized in need of improved living conditions;
  • the family must belong to one of the recognized socially vulnerable categories(for example, at the birth of two or more children).

Not a single housing state program provides for the transfer of housing into family ownership for free!

To participate in any of the government programs listed below, families will need to confirm their solvency and raise their own funds for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

Below is a list of the main social housing programs for young families:

What are government programs and what are they?

The federal budget and the financing of expenditure items provided for it are carried out according to program principle, within which the concept is widely used Government program.

State program is a government strategic planning document containing a system of measures interconnected by tasks, deadlines and resources and implemented with the aim of ensuring government functions and achieving the goals of socio-economic development of Russia.

Official website of the Government

Unfortunately, due to the widespread use by the country’s leadership of the program principle for ordinary citizens, there is great confusion in the forms of existence of various programs, within the framework of which some state tasks are solved, including in the field providing housing for young families.

In particular, from official sources we can highlight at least the following: 4 types of programs:

  • state (state programs);
  • federal targeted programs (FTP);
  • subprograms within the framework of the Federal Target Program and state programs;
  • implemented in the form of separate activities within the framework of subprograms.

Maternity Capital program

The program principle of the Government clearly described above is well illustrated by the example of the familiar Maternity Capital program, according to which the Pension Fund issues state certificates to families with children in the amount of . This amount can be sent in full or in parts in several directions permitted by law, including - improvement of living conditions(purchase or construction of housing).

The financing of this program in the budget law is now carried out in the form of the following system:

  • name of the state program- Social support for citizens (valid for the period 2013-2020);
    • subroutine No. 3- Improving social support for families and children;
      • main event 3.8- Providing maternal (family) capital.

In the understanding of ordinary citizens, maternity capital payments are a separate independent government program (although in reality, as can be seen from the diagram presented above, this is not the case at all).

More information about the terms of its validity can be found on the Maternity Capital page.

Federal Target Program “Housing” and the “Young Family” Program for 2015-2020

The Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” is one of the longest-lived and has a very long history. In total, there were several editions of it:

  • for 2002-2010 - completed;
  • for 2011-2015 - replaced the completed one;
  • for 2015-2020 - adopted and extended in a new edition dated August 25, 2015 No. 889.

Subroutine “Providing housing for young families”, according to which the state subsidizes citizens for the purchase of housing in the amount of at least 30 or 35% of its cost, was present in the Federal Target Program “Housing” from its very first edition, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2002 No. 638.

Now its financing is carried out in the form of the following system:

  • name of the state program- Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013-2020);
    • Federal Target Program "Housing" for 2015-2020;
      • subroutine No. 1 - Providing housing for young families.

Thus, the general housing state program of the Government began working only in 2013 and absorbed the old federal target program “Housing” and “Young Family”, which have been in effect since 2002 and will all end together in 2020.

Detailed rules for participation in the program can be found on the pages of this website:

  • general federal rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • features of the implementation of the program in the regions of the country in accordance with local laws.

“Housing for the Russian family” for 2014-2017

By Government Decree No. 323 of April 15, 2014, Dmitry Medvedev approved the housing state program, as part of which the implementation of a new program is planned for the period 2014-2017 "Housing for a Russian family"(IOR).

Below are the features of the new program and its difference from the “Young Family”:

  • the program is aimed at providing families in need of improved housing conditions, economy class apartments costing up to 80% of the average market price for real estate in new buildings in the region, which families will have to pay on their own;
  • new economical housing must be built and put into operation by developers until the end of 2017(in total, at least 25 million square meters of apartments throughout the country) under special program conditions;
  • The government subsidizes developers the price of housing that passed the competition and was approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation as participants in the program, up to its market value.

Thus, we can highlight the following fundamental differences between the ZhRS program and the “Young Family”:

  • housing is initially provided at a price below market value, and its entire cost is provided to citizens pay independently(for this you need to confirm your solvency) - for this you can use a certificate for maternity capital or a social mortgage;
  • Government subsidy issued to non-citizens, and directly to developers who are certified as participants in the program, build economy-class housing and sell it to families at a price of up to 80% of the market value;
  • you can buy housing only on the primary market- and only in new buildings that are built by certified developers specifically in accordance with the rules of the iron ore resource program.

Financing of the “Housing for Russian Family” program for the period 2014-2017 is carried out according to the following system:

  • name of the state program- Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013 - 2020);
    • subroutine No. 1- Creating conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing to Russian citizens;
      • main event 1.8- implementation of the “Housing for Russian Family” program.

The detailed requirements of the Iron ore Works program can be found on the materials of its official website, prepared with the participation of the Russian Government.

The program gives the right to receive a subsidy to families in which:

  • at least one spouse is under 35 years old and has one or more children;
  • both spouses are under 35 years old, the marriage was concluded more than a year ago, there are no children;
  • who are recognized as in need of housing or improved living conditions in accordance with the established procedure.

Requirements for applicants for subsidies

  • Russian citizenship;
  • duration of legal residence in Moscow longer than ten years;
  • over the past five years, none of the family members have committed actions that would worsen their living conditions;
  • the area per family member is less than 10 square meters, or less than 15 square meters if living quarters were provided to different families in accordance with the decision of the authorized executive body.

What can you do with the money received under the program?

  • pay a fee for renting non-subsidized housing in the capital;
  • deposit money to pay a mortgage or pay an installment plan for housing;
  • reimburse expenses incurred by a young family as a result of renting housing in Moscow.

How is a queue formed within the framework of a social project?

The order in which the subsidy is provided will depend on:

  • dates of registration;
  • the number of children in the family (large families, families with disabled children, families with twins and triplets have an advantage, then families with two children);
  • availability of other benefits under other state support programs;
  • the size of the living area for each family member;

The program determines the size of living space that a young family can purchase as follows: for each young family member there should be no more than 1 living room.

List of required documents

  • application for participation in the program to assist young families, completed in duplicate;
  • photocopies of general Russian passports of each family member (or a photocopy of the birth certificate for children under 14 years of age). It is important that the pages with the photo and registration, the page where information about the children is indicated, are photocopied;
  • marriage certificate (for a complete family);
  • a document with which the family confirms poor living conditions. If a family lives in an apartment issued with a loan no earlier than 2006, it can also take part in the program, but will need to provide a document confirming the right to receive a government subsidy from the date the mortgage loan was issued;
  • documents confirming the family’s sufficient solvency to fully pay off the cost of housing purchased with state-subsidized funds. In the case of purchasing housing with a mortgage, the total income of all family members must exceed the costs of the mortgage by at least twice;
  • an extract from the house register, as well as a photocopy taken from the financial account, if any.

Where to contact potential participants of the program for young families in Moscow

To submit an application, you must come to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow in your administrative district. A list of department addresses can be found on the Moscow City Administration website.

Welcome to website. Most Russians are puzzled by the housing issue. The real possibility of buying a new apartment is to attract borrowed funds. But the conditions offered by banks may not suit every family, especially young ones.

Banks, together with the government, have created a large number of different programs especially for citizens of preferential categories. As a result, families can obtain a loan for the purchase or construction of housing on preferential terms. But not everyone knows how to get help for a young family from the state and acquire the coveted square meters.

Who counts as a young family is a rhetorical question. Since some consider themselves young at 40 years old, and for some, 30 years old already becomes a mature age.

But at the legislative level this term is clearly defined. A young family is considered a complete or partial family, in which at least one child is being raised, and the parents have not reached the age of 35. These families also include single mothers who are raising children without a father.

After the demographic crisis occurred in 1990, today there is an increase in the birth rate. Recently, a certain trend can be observed, as the number of elderly people significantly exceeds the number of young citizens. In other words, for a long time to come there will be more pensioners than young people.

But in order for the elderly part of the population to have someone to feed and protect, at the beginning of the 21st century, a program to help young families was created, which provides assistance in purchasing residential properties.

What assistance does the state provide to a young family in 2020?

Since the state closely monitors the demographic situation in the country, certain subsidies have been created for young families. A subsidy is free government assistance in the form of financial resources or material assets that are allocated to needy citizens.

Today it is becoming more and more difficult to give birth and raise children, as prices for necessary products are rising and reductions are being made at enterprises, but the high cost of apartments in cities has no small impact.

Most families prefer to live in a big city, since small towns have big problems with employment. And if there is no permanent income, then the family will not be able to pay for housing and communal services, food, clothing, kindergartens and schools. As a result, young people leave for the cities and only after that start families and have children.

As a result, it turns out that the main problem of a young family is the lack of affordable living space. Some live in small rooms or in a dormitory, others rent apartments. But it still turns out that a family of three has to live on an area of ​​25 square meters. In accordance with social norms, this is not enough for a full-fledged life.

To solve this problem, the state has developed several special programs:

  • Allocation of subsidies for the purchase of residential real estate.
  • Maternity capital, which is issued at the birth or adoption of a second child.
  • State program "Housing".
  • State program “Increasing the sustainability of residential buildings, main facilities and life support systems in seismic regions of the Russian Federation from 2009 to 2018.”

Each of these programs is aimed directly at improving the living conditions of families with children.

About the state program “Young Family”

Every young family that has recently been created, more than others, needs to purchase their own home. Few people will be able to collect the required amount to purchase an apartment or private house. Both at the federal and regional levels, this issue is subject to special attention. In accordance with regulatory and legislative acts, the preferences provided for the purchase or construction of housing depend on the region and its capabilities.

The most popular program is the “Young Family”. The first newlyweds were able to use the offers of this program back in 2011. After four years of operation of the program, a decision was made to extend the program. At the moment, it is known that families will be able to take advantage of preferential mortgages under the conditions that were accepted earlier, but were subject to slight changes.

Help in purchasing housing is also provided to young families at the regional level. The only difference between such programs is where funds are allocated; they are allocated from regional budgets.

Depending on how the regional budget is filled, the conditions for the allocation of subsidies may change, as a result, new units of society can save significantly. But you can only participate in a regional program or only in federal subsidies; simultaneous participation in several programs is not allowed.

Also, for their part, banks provide loans for the purchase of housing on special conditions. For example, Sberbank offers to take out a mortgage at only 8.6% per annum, and the loan repayment period can increase to 30 years. Some lenders may offer special offers in conjunction with developers, and the purchase of residential space in a building under construction may be at a significant discount. If state assistance for young families is added to such proposals, then purchasing housing becomes more affordable.

In 2018, all programs regarding housing for young families underwent some changes. In accordance with the government decree, such programs as “Housing 2015-2020” and “Increasing the sustainability of residential buildings, basic facilities and life support systems in seismic regions of the Russian Federation from 2009 to 2018” will be terminated early. But instead of these programs, others were developed, which are also aimed at improving the living conditions of young families.

  • State program “Mortgage and rental housing”.
  • State program “Ensuring the quality of housing and communal services”.

These programs were combined into one “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation.” On January 1, 2018, this program began to be provided under special conditions.

There are several main parameters that relate to the “Young Family” program - these are:

  • The program will operate from 2018 to 2025.
  • The amount of funds allocated for the programs is 1.07 trillion rubles.
  • 859 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget.

There are certain tasks assigned to this program:

  • Increase in construction volume from 2018 to 2025.
  • Reducing the average cost of one square meter for young families.
  • Improvement of the construction sector and economy in the country.

Cities with special programs for young families

There is a specific list of cities that provide assistance to young families from the state in 2018:

  • Moscow and Moscow region.
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
  • Voronezh.
  • Kazan.
  • Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Ekaterinburg.
  • Ulyanovsk
  • Astrakhan.
  • Arkhangelsk.
  • Bryansk.
  • Volgograd.
  • Krasnodar.
  • Novosibirsk
  • Orenburg.
  • Samara.
  • Tyumen.
  • Chelyabinsk.

Amount of mortgage assistance from the state

The assistance that is provided to large families to pay off their mortgage debt to the bank is not able to cover all the costs that go toward the purchase of living space. The size of the subsidy is influenced by several important factors that directly relate to the family itself and the number of children being raised in it. In accordance with the rules, which have been extended until the end of 2021, the state provides the following subsidies:

  • If there are no children in the family, the subsidy is 30% of the cost of the living space.
  • If there is one child in a family, the subsidy is 35% of the cost of the living space.
  • If there are two children in a family, the subsidy is 35% of the cost of the living space.
  • If there are three or more children in a family, the subsidy is 35% of the cost of housing.

To determine the exact maximum amount, it is necessary to take into account the footage that is necessary in each individual case. There is no single approach in this case, since regional authorities determine these standards independently. That is, in Moscow this figure is 10 square meters per person, and in Omsk and Tyumen it is 15 square meters. But it is worth knowing that even in one region, this value may differ among settlements.

To understand the counting system, you can look at one example. Two spouses who have one child are entitled to receive a subsidy in the amount of 35% of the total cost of housing. In the city in which they live, the square meter standard is set at 15 square meters per person. As a result, they can buy an apartment measuring 45 square meters. The average cost of one square meter is 30,000 rubles. To purchase their own apartment, they will need to spend 1,350,000 rubles, of which 35% is subsidized by the state, that is, state aid to young families in the amount of 472,500 rubles will be sent from the budget.

About the work of the social program to help young families

State assistance to a young family in purchasing housing in 2020 is a special series of events that provide an opportunity for citizens who have recently entered into an official marriage to resolve the issue of purchasing an apartment or building their own home. The mortgage, which is provided to young families in 2020, supports citizens who are officially recognized as in need of improved housing conditions in accordance with the housing code, as well as the conditions of the program itself. Such citizens include:

  • Families who have their own living space, but its size is less than the legal norm in a particular region.
  • The families on the waiting list do not have their own housing and live in a rental apartment.
  • Families who do not have enough savings to buy an apartment.
  • The family lives together with a person who is recognized as seriously ill.
  • The family lives in housing that is legally recognized as unsafe or dilapidated.

Citizens who are just planning to purchase real estate, as well as those who have taken out a mortgage loan and meet the terms of the program, can count on assistance. Then they have the right to use the subsidy to pay off the mortgage debt or pay off the interest on the loan with its help.

In accordance with the rules for providing subsidies, the amount of payment is established at the time of formation of the lists of those in need and does not change throughout the entire period.

Confirmation of the right to receive payment is confirmed by a personal certificate, which does not relate to securities. The validity period of this document is limited and is 7 months from the date of receipt, that is, the date indicated in it. The federal mortgage lending program is implemented by a special agency that works with residential mortgage lending; they are present in all regions of the country.

At the regional level, this assistance is handled by the administration; it is they who keep records of lists of families in need and control the process of fulfilling all the conditions of the program.

Social mortgages are aimed at helping to improve housing conditions. A young family has the right to purchase a ready-made property or to build a new house. Program participants also have the right to additional use of maternity capital, and if their own funds are not enough, then to attract mortgage loans.

It will not be possible to use the received subsidy to pay off fines or fees that arose at the time of failure to fulfill the terms of the loan agreement. A family can take part in the program only once in its life.

The main goal of this program is to provide government support for the purchase of housing to families with and without children. But at the same time, the state is trying to solve other quite important issues - these are:

  • Increase the birth rate, since a large number of families do not have children precisely because of housing problems.
  • Attract specialists to those industries where earnings are not high.

In accordance with the conditions, the main tasks set for 2020 are:

  • Providing support to families in need to purchase economy-class housing or independently build houses with similar characteristics.
  • Creating the necessary conditions for families to attract independent funds or mortgage loans for the construction or purchase of their own residential premises.

Spouses decide on their own whether to participate in the program or not, since it is provided on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the rules of participation, the budget is formed from several sources:

  1. Funds from the federal and local budget.
  2. Funds provided by credit institutions.
  3. Family's own savings.

In accordance with the plans of the country's government, about 340 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of this program from 2015 to 2021. This amount will help solve problems with living space for more than 150,000 families who are registered as needy. This amount consists of the following financial allocations:

  • The federal treasury allocates 35.85 billion rubles.
  • Regional budgets allocate 84.2 billion rubles.
  • The family's own funds or borrowed mortgage loans amount to 219.79 billion rubles.

Financial assistance for young families in 2020 can be used in the following areas:

  • Buying an isolated economy class apartment.
  • Construction of your own house under a contract.
  • Down payment on a mortgage loan.
  • Making the last payment to the housing cooperative, after which the acquired property becomes the property of the spouses, this must be confirmed by a certificate of ownership.
  • Payment of interest on a loan or repayment of a mortgage debt that was previously issued for the purchase of a home.

Unfortunately, not all families who wish can take part in this program. The new family must be listed as in need of housing. There are also restrictions regarding the age of applicants. The age of each spouse, or the person who is raising a child on their own, cannot be older than 35 years. If one of the spouses has already passed this milestone of 35 years, then the family will not be able to take part in this program.

There are also a number of additional requirements, which are influenced by the following factors:

  • If there are no children in the family, then they must both be Russian citizens.
  • If there is one or more children in the family, then one of the spouses has the right to have citizenship of another state.
  • If a parent is raising a child alone, then he must also have Russian citizenship.

Mortgage assistance is provided to young families for the purchase or construction of their own housing if the family meets certain conditions:

  • Availability of living space. If the spouses do not have their own housing, or the available living space does not meet the standards established by law, then the family has the right to apply for participation in the program.
  • Having your own savings. To receive a subsidy certificate, the family must have their own savings to pay off the remaining debt when purchasing an apartment. If these funds are not available, then the family has the right to attract loan funds, but only if they have sufficient income to make monthly loan payments.
  • Age of the spouses. According to the rules, a family is eligible to participate in the program if each spouse is under the age of 35 on the date of the decision to be placed on the waiting list as a needy family. If the spouses are older, then they cannot take part in the program, but they have the right to purchase housing at their own expense or with the help of a mortgage loan, since the age requirements are much more relaxed.
  • Registration in the program. Mortgage loans are issued to those citizens who have been officially recognized as a family in need of improved housing conditions. In accordance with the rules, there are standards that depend on the number of family members, that is, for single parents with a child or families with no children - 42 square meters, and if there are three or more people in a family, then the area of ​​the apartment should be 18 square meters meters per person, regardless of the gender and age of each family member.

Stages of obtaining a mortgage from a bank for a young family

Not every family has the opportunity to collect the amount necessary to purchase a home or build a home. That is why families are starting to look for additional sources of borrowing. But the family can get a mortgage loan from a commercial bank. In accordance with the information posted on the official websites of banks, the borrower must meet the following conditions:

  1. Availability of permanent registration in the region in which the loan will be issued. Receiving a subsidy and obtaining a mortgage is carried out only at the place of permanent registration. If a family with children has temporary registration in another region, they will not be able to use this opportunity.
  2. Official employment. For banking organizations, it is of particular importance that the borrower has a permanent place of work, and the work experience in the last place must be at least 6 months. This ensures that the person is no longer on probation and has a permanent job.
  3. Certain monthly income. In accordance with the bank's requirement, no more than 50% of the total family income should be used to pay off mortgage debt. Otherwise, there may be a risk of debt formation.

You also need to know how to get a mortgage for a young family. To do this, you need to go through several steps:

  • Find a bank that, together with the state, provides loans for the purchase of real estate to a young family.
  • Contact the bank of your choice and get specialist advice on the necessary documents to apply for a mortgage loan.
  • Collect a package of required documents and certificates.
  • Write an application for a loan, providing a package of documents.
  • Wait for the bank’s decision to allocate funds for the purchase of housing.
  • If the answer is yes, then sign a loan agreement, take out insurance and an agreement to transfer the housing as collateral to the bank for the duration of the loan repayment.

How to start participating in the Young Family program

There is a certain scheme for participation in this program in 2020:

  • The family needs to visit the housing department in the administration with the collected package of documents.
  • The administration recognizes the family as needing housing, adds it to the list of those in need of housing, and assigns a registration date.
  • When the queue begins to approach, you need to find suitable housing and conclude a purchase agreement.
  • Over the next 60 days, funds from the budget will be transferred to the seller’s account, and the family will receive a certificate of ownership from Rosreestr.

If the cost of the purchased housing is higher than the subsidy issued, then the family will need to pay the difference themselves.

If 12 months have passed since registration, the family will need to confirm its desire to continue participation in the program, and for this the necessary package of documents will be collected again.

If the family does not have any difficulties in obtaining a mortgage loan, then in order to take part in the program to provide housing for young families, you will need to adhere to a certain algorithm.

  • Submitting an application for participation. In order for a family to be put on a waiting list as needing improved housing conditions, they will need to submit an application to the local government authorities. The application will be considered within 10 days, after which the applicant will receive a response about the decision made.
  • Approval of lists. The mortgage will be issued if the application was submitted before September 1, 2018. Some regions may set their own deadlines. After funding is approved according to the approved lists, program participants are notified of receiving a subsidy. Families with many children and families that registered before March 1, 2005 have an advantage in receiving a subsidy out of priority.
  • Registration of state subsidies. After the family receives the certificate, it must be taken to the bank where the loan will be issued. 30 days are given for this. The bank opens a special account to which the subsidy will be transferred. The account number along with other documents must be submitted to local authorities within 6 days. After this, within 5 days, specialists review the application and transfer money to an open bank account. Within 5 business days, the lender must send them to pay off the debt on the loan or to the seller’s account.

Documents to confirm that the family needs improved living conditions

To get help for a young family to build a house or buy an apartment, you need to collect a voluminous package of documents, these include:

  • Originals and photocopies of spouses’ passports and children’s birth certificates, if any.
  • Certificate of change of surname, name and patronymic, if this event occurred.
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce.
  • An extract from the house register or an apartment card issued by the passport office.
  • If the family lives in a private house, then it is necessary to bring a technical passport for the building.
  • If a family lives with a person who is recognized as seriously ill, then it is necessary to bring a medical certificate about this fact.
  • If the family lives in an apartment, then it is required to bring a technical passport to the apartment.
  • A certificate from the BTI stating that the family does not have or owns residential real estate is issued for each family member.
  • A document confirming the basis on which the family lives in this premises - this is a rental agreement, an extract from the Unified State Register or any other document.
  • Application for registration as a family in need of housing.

This package of documents must be submitted to the housing department of the regional administration, only after this the family will be recognized as needy and put on a waiting list.

After the family’s turn comes and funds are allocated from the budget, you will need to collect another package of documents:

  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate for all children.
  • Marriage or divorce certificate.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Certificate of conformity of square meters per person.
  • Certificates of absence of debt for housing and communal services.
  • If so, then a social tenancy agreement.
  • If available, ownership documents.
  • Order recognizing a family in need of improved housing conditions.
  • Work records of all family members, certified by the HR department.
  • Certificate of income for 12 months in form 2-NDFL.
  • Certificate from the employment service, if you receive benefits.
  • Certificate from the bank about the maximum loan amount.
  • A photocopy of a bank account with the bank's stamp, if the family has its own funds to purchase housing.
  • A certificate from the BTI about the presence or absence of residential real estate owned by family members.
  • Certificate of assessment of the family's real estate and transport property.
  • A single-parent family provides a notarized statement confirming that the family is not married.

The documents are submitted in order to confirm the family’s solvency if it decides to purchase real estate at a cost higher than the subsidy issued.

Many young families who live in the Russian Federation are interested in one question - which one is provided for them?

Is it possible to get an apartment or land plot for free? If so, how? What benefits are they entitled to?

For these reasons, we will consider all the issues in more detail.

What can a young family get from the state?

Today in the Russian Federation there are such types of support for young families, How:

List of options for obtaining an apartment from the state and their description

Today, there are several options for obtaining an apartment from the state. In particular, we are talking about such ways:

  • queuing for a municipal apartment;
  • registration of a subsidy to cover part of the costs of purchasing real estate;
  • take advantage of .

Queuing for real estate

In order to get the opportunity to get on the waiting list for free housing from the state, you must answer the following: conditions:

  • be under 35 years of age (for young families);
  • currently live in emergency housing;
  • or the family does not have their own housing and they live in a rented apartment.

To get in line you need to contact to the local government housing department. After being placed in a queue, housing is provided at the moment when the queue itself approaches the applicants.

Registration of a subsidy

The definition of a subsidy for an apartment means the opportunity to receive government support in the form of certain funds that can be spent on a down payment on a mortgage and covering part of the costs of purchasing an apartment.

In the event that a young family does not yet have children, its size can be no more than 35%, and if they are present, from 40% of the total value of the property.

To receive a subsidy, a young family applies to the housing department of the local government.

Getting a social mortgage

This type of assistance, by and large, refers to a subsidy. To get an apartment, a young family finds residential real estate for itself. After this, she contacts local authorities.

This body checks the apartment according to the following criteria:

Residential property area, which is purchased under the social mortgage program, must be:

  • up to 40 sq. meters for a young family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. meters for each family member if there are children.

Land plots from the state

In order to qualify for a land plot from the state, young families must meet certain conditions, namely:

  • is officially married;
  • all family members must be registered in the same living space;
  • be citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • they should not already own another plot of land;
  • being no older than 35 years of age.

If a family has 3 or more children, the chances of receiving a plot of land increase significantly.

To be provided with a plot of land, first of all, a young family must apply to local authorities (housing department) and provide a corresponding application.

Documentation can be provided:

  • in person upon visit;
  • or via the Internet.

Submitting an application

As mentioned above, you can also submit an application online. To do this you need to go to the Gosusulug website, and then follow the available prompts.

Self the application must include includes information such as:

  • personal information about the family;
  • information about children, if any;
  • the grounds on which the land plot must be provided;
  • what are the further purposes of this land plot after receipt;
  • if the family is already in line to receive an apartment, it is necessary to indicate their refusal of the apartment in favor of a land plot.

There is no prescribed application form; the only thing you need to pay attention to is that there are no errors in it.

Required list of documents

Main list of documents, which are submitted together with the application are considered to be:

Depending on the region in which the family lives, the list may be supplemented.

The right to priority receipt of a land plot

Priority right have young families who:

  • are considered ;
  • are engaged in education;
  • who are caring for a disabled WWII person (this may be one of the parents with whom they live together);
  • military personnel or law enforcement officers.

Terms for consideration of the application

As such, the state does not provide for any deadlines for reviewing documents. But there are unspoken deadlines that amount to up to 30 calendar days. After this period, the young family is told about a positive or negative result.

After making a positive decision, the young family has no choice but to wait for the time when they will be provided with a plot of land. It is immediately necessary to pay attention to the fact that this can last not only for months, but also for years.

When local authorities notify a young family about the allocation of a land plot, they must contact the housing department within 5 days and begin the registration procedure. If the family ignores this notification and, for example, applies on the 6th or 7th day, the housing department may by this time give the plot to the next family in turn.

Procedure after allocating a land plot

After the family has been provided with a plot of land and they completely agree with it (they are satisfied with it), they should begin registration procedure.

Since the land is provided at the expense of the state, you do not need to pay for anything. After receiving the official act, the young family must apply to the Rossester and register ownership of it.

Submit act and statement Can:

  • using MFC;
  • using the State Services portal;
  • or by personal visit.

After registration, the young family becomes the full owner of the allocated land plot.

If we talk about realities, here a young family needs to be prepared for the fact that the area will be covered with weeds and other vegetation, so you need to be prepared for serious cleaning.

What options are there for cash payments to help young families from the state?

Any young family has every right to receive such cash payments:

State assistance “Young family”

This assistance is provided to a young family to purchase your property.

On average, cash assistance is provided in this amount size:

  • a family of 2 people receives about 600 thousand rubles;
  • a family of 3 people receives about 800 thousand rubles;
  • a family of 4 people receives about 1 million rubles.

To receive this assistance, you must contact to local authorities and provide:

  • application for financial assistance;
  • passports of each family member;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • a document confirming the need to improve living conditions;
  • documents for the purchased apartment, which indicate its value.

Maternal capital

There is a regional and federal mat. capital.

Both mat. capital is provided after the birth of a child to a young family.

If we talk about the conditions for receiving regional capital, then everything depends on the region of residence - in one it is provided after the birth of 2 children, and in another after the third.

- about 453 thousand rubles, while regional ones range from 50 to 150 thousand rubles.

To design both mat. capital needs to be applied to the Pension Fund at your place of residence with a list of such documentation:

  • applicant's passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • statement.

One-time payments

At the birth of their first child, a young family has every right to receive 15 thousand rubles.

In addition, a one-time regional payment is provided, which in each region of residence is calculated based on the capabilities of the local budget.

To make payments you must contact to the social protection body or to the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

Benefits for children up to 1.5 and 3 years old

Depending on whether the mother of the children works or not, a young family has the right to count on years in the following amounts:

  • for 1 child – about 2800 rubles per month;
  • for the second and subsequent ones about 5800 rubles.

If we talk about, then the family has the right to count on 50 rubles monthly.

How to get housing under the Young Family program is described in the following video:

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