
The absolute elevation of the building. Engineering improvement

  • Horizontal and vertical integration, forms of integration in agriculture
  • Social mobility: group and individual, horizontal and vertical
  • Vertical referencing of buildings to a piece of terrain, the relief of which is characterized by horizontal lines, is performed by interpolation. For this, the following must be taken into account:

    1. If the point (the corner of the building) lies on the horizontal, then its elevation is equal to the horizontal elevation.

    2. If the point lies between the horizontals, then it is necessary to draw a line through this point perpendicular to the adjacent horizontals and measure the length of the segment " m” in mm (distance from the junior horizontal to the point) and the distance “ d" in mm between horizontals.

    3. we calculate the black marks of the corners of the building according to the formula:

    m- the distance from the junior horizontal to the corner of the building

    d- the distance between the contour lines between which the corner of the building is located.

    h is the height of the section relief.

    The mark of the clean floor of the first floor is found as the arithmetic mean of the obtained marks of the corners of the building.

    This value is:

    But the floor level of the first floor should be 1-1,200 m higher than the floor plan level - this is the level of the ground surface for residential buildings with an entrance to the stairwell.

    H 0 \u003d 198.450 + 1.00 \u003d 199.450 - this mark of the finished floor of the first floor is conventionally taken as the zero design horizon.

    For industrial buildings, the ground surface mark is taken 0.150 m below the workshop floor mark, therefore

    H 0 \u003d 198.450 + 0.150 \u003d 198.600

    Thus, the floor level of the first floor has two marks:

    Relative or conditional (0.000) and absolute or geodetic.

    The design (red) marks for the layout of the corners of the building are selected in such a way that the slopes of the layout in the direction of the longitudinal and transverse axes of the building are in the range of 0.0010 + 0.0030 and ensure the flow of atmospheric water in the right directions.

    Taking into account these slopes and the dimensions of the building, the red marks of its corners can be taken: H a \u003d 198.60; H in = 198.80; H d = 198.20; H c \u003d 198.30 and, accordingly, we determine the relative ground marks of the corners of the building, which should be written in brackets next to the absolute marks.

    To do this, from the absolute mark of the floor level of the first floor, subtract successively the angular absolute marks of the corners A; AT; WITH; D.

    For example: corner A

    199,45 – 198,60 = - 0,85

    199,45 – 198,63 = - 0,83

    Knowing the values ​​of the relative marks of the ground levels at the corners of the building, pay attention to the number of steps in the porches of the external entrances, and for industrial workshops, the installation of inclined planes - ramps.

    An example of performing a height reference, see figure

    Black marks are written below the line.

    Purpose of building vertical reference- this is the definition of the absolute mark of the level of the finished floor of the 1st floor, i.e. the start of reference of relative marks (0.000). When designing and reconstructing, this mark is determined based on the planning mark of the transformed relief of the territory adjacent to the building. This mark - red - is determined by the red (planning) horizontal lines. It is known that red (design) marks, as well as black (marks of the existing terrain), are called absolute.

    Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, they have a single reference point - the level of the Baltic Sea. The marks of the elements of each individual building are called relative. Their starting point in each building is the level of the clean floor of the first floor. To calculate the absolute mark of the clean floor of the first floor of any building, you need to know how much the floor is above the ground. As a rule, this value - the mark (ground level) - is indicated on the drawings of the facades and sections of the building with a minus sign. It is added without taking into account the sign to the absolute planning mark of the earth and the desired value is obtained.

    In the training project, it is allowed to link the building to the existing relief of green areas, i.e. calculate the black marks on the corners of the building. The planning mark (red) should be taken at the highest elevation of the entrance. At all corners of the buildings on the general plan, red marks should be indicated on the remote shelves at the top, black marks at the bottom. In the center of the building in the rectangle indicate the absolute mark corresponding to the value of 0.000 relative marks (Fig. 1).

    Picture 1.l - designed building; II - existing building; i - direction of surface water runoff; A, B, 1, 10 - designations of axes

    In conditions of significant differences in the heights of the terrain of the microdistrict, urban planners use a large set of techniques vertical layout. With their help, they form the planning surface of the territory of the microdistrict, organize transport and pedestrian traffic between the terraces lying at different levels. In each specific case, one or another method or device for vertical planning is chosen depending on the properties of the soil, geological and hydrological conditions, and the requirements for the territory of the microdistrict.

    The simplest element of the vertical planning of the territory when pairing surfaces with a difference in elevations is a slope. Main question when designing slopes - establishing its steepness. It is chosen from the conditions of soil stability, prevention of landslides and erosion. It depends on the elevation difference. With a slope height of up to 6 m in stable soils (semi-rocky and similar), the steepness is expressed in a ratio of 1:1 to 1:0.5; with soils of medium stability - up to 1: 1.5; with loose soils (fine-grained sands and the like) - 1: 1.5 or less. To protect the slope from erosion by surface waters, trays, ditches, and drainage pipes buried in the ground are arranged at its sole (Fig. 2). Through them, rainwater is directed to the water intake grids of the city drain or to the nearest body of water. In addition, the slopes are strengthened by planting green spaces, sown with grasses with a developed root system, covered with turf, paved with stone, concrete and reinforced concrete slabs. For the same purpose, cement-concrete slabs with holes filled with herbs or perennial flowers are used for paving slopes. When using green spaces to fix slopes, it is important to provide them with a vegetative layer of soil.

    Figure 2.

    retaining walls make vertical and inclined (slopes 1:10 and 1:12). So that the soil of the overlying terrace does not erode, the upper terrace provides drainage system and trays intercepting rain flows. Retaining walls are decorated with stone, rustication and other types of finishes.

    For pedestrians, terraces lying at different levels are connected by stairs. Stairs are arranged in slopes and gaps in retaining walls with a slope of no more than 1: 3, with a riser height of 10 ... 14 cm. The width of the tread of the stairs is not limited. With a slope of less than 1:13 (8%), it is allowed to install inclined pedestrian ramps - ramps. Stairs and ramps are arranged taking into account the main directions of the system of transport and pedestrian routes of communication.

    The design marks of characteristic points are indicated on the vertical layout project: at the corners and entrances of buildings, at places of change in the longitudinal slope and at the intersections of the red lines of the streets, in the trays of the streets arrows indicate the directions and values ​​​​of the longitudinal slopes (in percent). Surface water runoff will occur in these directions. In addition to the longitudinal slopes of driveways, sidewalks, green areas, as well as areas of microdistricts, transverse slopes are arranged for the convenience of rainwater drainage (Table 1).

    Table 1.

    Type of building

    Cross profile view



    From the house shed



    single slope

    single slope



    car parks

    single slope

    Green spaces

    single slope

    garden paths

    Single slope with trays

    slopes of great height (more than 5 m), it is sometimes advisable to dissect in height by horizontal surfaces, which are called berms. Berms can be used for footpaths.

    Instead of slopes, retaining walls are often arranged. They are made of durable material (stone, concrete, reinforced concrete), which can withstand the pressure of the overlying soil. Retaining walls are calculated according to the shape and section from the condition of equilibrium of earth masses. The height is determined by the vertical layout according to the height difference.

    The longitudinal and transverse slopes of all platforms and paths have a direction that ensures the flow of water towards the nearest passage.

    In the case of complex terrain with slopes greater than the limit accepted for sites, they are located in recesses, on embankments

    or partially using cut and fill. At the same time, the architectural and planning combination of territories should not deteriorate.

    Friends, of course you all know this guest on the design of the master plan, we all use it, and it is as important to us as other priority design standards.

    In this article I will give a description of those plans-drawings that we have located at the end of this document and are presented as examples for the manual. Why am I doing this? but in order to make it easy for you to understand and immediately understand what should and what should not be on this or that plan-drawing. I will start from the very beginning and not from working documentation, and with the design and I will clarify some important points there.
    Project documentation is drawn up in accordance with RF PP No. 87. The listing of the graphic part is as follows: a situational plan, a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot, a plan of earth masses, master plan engineering networks. Page of working documentation: general data, layout plan, relief organization plan, earth mass plan, land improvement plan, master plan engineering networks.
    It can be seen from the above that the P and R stages have common sheets. Below I will list all the sheets and try to give each one a description: what exactly should be displayed on each of them.

    Sheet - Situational plan. (stage P)

    On situational plan shown large-scale aerial photograph of the work site, so that the boundary of the site and the surrounding area can be clearly seen. The territory and buildings in the border of the site are hatched and signed with callouts. And in the upper right corner of the sheet, the same place is given, but on an even larger scale (like a miniature), so that our selected area turns into approximately a square with a side of 0.5 cm.

    Situational plan (example):

    Sheet - General data. (stage P)

    On the general data lead a list of drawings of the main set, a list of reference and attached documents, technical and economic indicators of the general plan (in tabular or free form) and a text part.

    General data (example):

    Sheet - Scheme of the planning organization of the land plot. (stage P)

    The most indistinct sheet of stage P. According to 87 PP, almost everything must be indicated on it: landscaping, relief organization, breakdown, dismantling of objects. Then this sheet will be oversaturated with information and, for convenience, it is divided into different sheets, as in stage P. Now it is customary to indicate the following information on the ROM sheet: the boundary of the site according to the GPZU with coordinates at the corners, the construction site, all driveways, platforms and sidewalks, coordinating axes of objects and their binding (coordinate or linear), this sheet can also be slightly decorated with hatching (driveways, sidewalks, lawns, construction objects). Also on the sheet is an explication of buildings and structures or a list of residential and public buildings and structures. Symbols corresponding to your driveways, sidewalks and more. And the inscription above the stamp about the ownership of the GPZU and topographic survey, i.e. who and when developed.

    ROM sheet (example):

    Sheet - Layout plan. (stage P)

    The layout plan shows all designed objects with characteristic coordination axes, all designed driveways, the border of the site according to the GPZU. And, of course, linear or coordinate referencing of designed objects on the ground. The layout plan is also called the horizontal layout.

    Layout plan (example from GOST):

    as you can see, the following elements are shown on the sheet: buildings and driveways, axes of buildings and driveways, marks of "zeros" of buildings, coordinates of building corners (note that a rectangular building has coordinates of only two opposite corners - this is a sufficient condition), elevated overpass , culvert (tray), fencing, benchmark, slopes, retaining wall, the buildings show a blind area, entrance openings and a ramp at the gate, a red line. The breakdown was made by drawing a construction grid 0A-0B on the drawing, the linear width of the passages is indicated, the turning radii are indicated, the corresponding coordinate binding of the axes of the passages, overpass and other elements. I also want to say that the construction grid is not required if you want to give a coordinate reference if we are talking about coordinate binding in the X and Y system. The main condition for the correct correspondence of coordinates is the correspondence of the topographic survey to the local coordinate system of the MSC.

    Sheet - Terrain organization plan. (stage P)

    Relief organization plan in design elevations (example from GOST):

    My comment for an example from GOST: Construction grid 0A-0B can be omitted. The arrows show the directions of surface drainage.

    Sheet - Plan of relief organization. (stage P)

    This drawing is made on the basis of the layout plan, without showing the axes and their reference elements. All elements for drainage are indicated: trays, channels, culverts. Vertical planning is carried out on the plan with the help of: design marks (typical for stage P), design horizontals (typical for stage P).

    Relief organization plan in design contours (example from GOST):

    My comment for an example from GOST: And so what is shown here: corner marks at the corners of the building (set at the corner of the blind area), the absolute zero mark of the building is shown, red (design) horizontal lines are drawn across the site (berg-strokes are put down with a mark after the integer), do not forget about the horizontal lines along driveways. Slope indicators are shown on the driveways, above the arrow is the slope indicator in ppm, under the arrow is the distance of the section in meters. How to calculate the slope indicator in ppm: we take the difference between the red marks on the site and divide it by the distance of this site. Example: if the difference between the marks is 0.3 m, and the distance between them is 25 m, then the slope between them is 12 ppm. Please note that the figures are taken in meters. It is said like this: a slope of 12 ppm or 12 thousandths.

    Sheet - Plan of earthen masses. (Stage R&P)

    Earth mass plan(PZM) is done after the plan for organizing the relief has been agreed and approved, because if the slightest change is made to the elevation, this will also entail a change in the plan of earth masses. On the plan of earth masses, only the external contours of buildings, the square grid and the design elements of these squares are indicated, respectively, for the calculation of the volume of land itself.

    Earth mass plan (example from GOST):

    My comment for an example from GOST: Sometimes it happens that backfilling or planning on the spot of the building itself is not required, then we leave an empty space inside the building and do not count the soil. In the statement, we will take into account only the displaced soil from under the foundations of buildings and structures. It is better to indicate the breakdown of the grid of squares from the corner of the future building, or rather from the intersection of its two axes. But as you can see from the example, we have shown a construction grid, which means we are laying out the grid from the coordinate of the beginning of the grid 0A-0B.

    Sheet - Plan of improvement of the territory. (stage P)

    Improvement plan is done on the basis of the alignment without showing the axes and axial bindings. All dimensions are affixed (it is better that they are chains) of driveways, distances from the edge of the walls to driveways and other linear dimensions. Hatching or marking of landscaping elements (according to the types of driveway structures, sidewalks, lawn) and the callout of their designations are carried out. Also, the statements corresponding to them are taken out on the sheet.

    landscaping plan(example from GOST):

    MAF Plan(example from GOST):

    Route plan and sidewalks (example from GOST):

    My comment for an example from GOST: The landscaping plan here is divided into 3 separate drawings. This is not prohibited. Here my comments are minimal. Let us pay attention only to some facts, this is the absence of a geo-base and the absence of coordination axes of buildings. On the plan of driveways and sidewalks, the bindings of linear dimensions from the outer boundary of the building wall are shown. It is very important! It is not necessary at the very beginning to indent the passages of the building from the axes, you can get into an unpleasant situation. Put the building on the master plan in accordance with the plans from the builders. After all, the wall of the building has a thickness, and besides, architects can also indent from the wall inward (because of the columns, for example). All this may eventually result in the fact that, for example, you took a minimum travel distance of 5m. from the axis, but when the builders on the site begin to make a breakdown, this distance will decrease after the thickness of the wall and its indentation. Everything, the size will not be normal. As a result, the court, penalties, etc.

    Sheet - Summary plan of engineering networks. (Stage R&P)

    Master plan of engineering networks(SPS) is not designed by you, I mean the engineering communications (networks) themselves. You only reduce the ready-made designed materials provided to you from related departments (electricians, plumbers, heating engineers, linemen, etc.) to a master plan of engineering networks and finalize it. When you have brought everything to one plan, then you analyze and identify places where the networks went in a controversial / incorrect way: they overlapped each other, intersected, passed in the wrong place. While it's not your job to check the technical aspects of laying networks, make sure they at least go through a building. If, in your opinion, a disputed place is revealed, then pay attention to it to those allies who had a hand in it. Such collisions often occur due to the fact that the subcontractors' departments are located in different places of the office or subcontractors worked at all and because of this they could not coordinate their networks with each other, as is often the case.

    Summary plan of engineering networks (example from GOST):

    My comment for an example from GOST: On this plane you can see symbol storm water well marked D5 and D6. Also, the drawing shows the underground sewerage network K1, storm water K2 and water supply B1. An above-ground overpass is shown on supports at number 23, retaining wall 24. The heating mains T1 and T2 are laid underground in the channel. Drainage trays are shown. I also want to note that here it would be necessary to indicate the coordinates of the vertices of the turns of engineering communications. It doesn’t matter, but in the examination it may even be required, especially if the object is for industrial purposes. It is also necessary to show the coordinates of the points of attachment of the designed networks to existing communications and the points of attachment to objects. The coordinates of the building corners can be omitted, they are already shown on the layout drawing - there is no need to duplicate the information. Coordinates can be of the form X; Y and on the grid 0A; 0B.
    As for the design, it is customary to make the geodetic base itself black and white or gray. Designed networks, of course, are highlighted in the appropriate color. You can download all the colors and designations of such networks from me in the "DWG Files" section or immediately

    The rules for the design of the master plan include:

    • Fundamentals of the design of the master plan.
    • Organization of transport and pedestrian traffic.
    • Landscaping.
    • Landscaping of the territory.
    • Binding of buildings on the master plan.


    The master plan as part of the architectural and structural design of the building is a drawing of a horizontal layout with a solution to the issues of improvement and landscaping of the site of the projected building, located in the residential development system of a microdistrict or a quarter of a residential area of ​​the city.
    For development master plan of the designed building, the size of the land plot for it and the surrounding buildings should be determined:
    For residential buildings land plot(including the built-up area) allocated near residential buildings should be taken at the rate of not more than 150 m2 per apartment in multi-storey block houses, and in major cities IV climatic region, this area is reduced, but should be at least 40 m2 per apartment.

    For public buildings:
    1. Kindergartens-nursery, per one place:
    - in a nursery garden for 90 places 40 m 2;
    - in a nursery garden for 140-320 places 35 m 2;
    - in the complexes of nursery gardens for 560-640 places 30 m 2.
    2. Medium educational establishments, depending on capacity (per 1000 students):
    — 6.0 ha for 480 students;
    — 4.0 ha for 960 students;
    — for 1200 students 3.6 hectares;
    — for 1440 students 3.2 hectares;
    - for 1920 students 3.0 hectares.
    3. Institutions of culture and art, per 1000 people:
    — club 0.6 hectares;
    — library 0.3 ha;
    - cinema 5.0 m 2 per seat;
    – house of culture 0.5 -1.0 ha
    4. Enterprises of trade, public catering, consumer services, communications and public utilities:
    — shopping center 0.5 — 0.8 ha;
    — shop selling area, m 2:
    250 - 650 0.1 - 0.3 ha;
    1000 - 2000 0.3 - 0.5 ha;

    2500 - 4500 0.6 - 1.0 ha; 2500 - 4500 0.6 - 1.0 ha;
    6600 - 11000 1.0 - 1.2 ha
    5. Catering establishments with the number of seats in the hall (per one seat in the hall):

    - up to 50 inclusive 28 m 2;

    - up to 100 - "- 23 m 2;
    - up to 200 - "- 14 m 2;
    - up to 300 - "- 10 m 2;
    - up to 500 - "- 9 m 2;
    - up to 1000 - "- 7 m 2;

    6. Receptions of laundries, dry cleaners 0.1 ha
    7. Baths 0.2 ha;
    8. Houses of life 0.6 ha;
    9. Communication enterprises 0.5 ha;
    10. ZhEK 0.4 ha.


    When developing a horizontal layout drawing, great attention should be paid to
    organization of transport and pedestrian traffic. Taking into account the rules for drawing up the master plan within the microdistrict, it is allowed
    movement of only local road transport for the delivery of goods to residential and
    public buildings.

    Intra-microdistrict passages are divided into three categories according to their purpose:
    I - passages with two-way traffic;
    II - one-way driveways;
    III - dead-end driveways for entrances to individual buildings.

    For access to groups of residential buildings, large institutions and enterprises
    service, shopping malls main passages should be provided, and to separately
    standing buildings - secondary passages, the dimensions of which should be taken in
    according to table 3.
    Neighborhoods and quarters with buildings of 5 floors and above, as a rule, are served
    two-lane, and with buildings up to 5 floors - single-lane driveways. On single lane
    driveways should provide for traveling platforms 6 m wide and 15 m long on
    no more than 75 m apart. Within the facades of buildings with entrances,
    driveways are arranged with a width of 5.5 m.

    Dead-end driveways are designed with a length not exceeding 150 m and with turning
    platforms that provide the possibility of turning garbage trucks, cleaning and
    fire trucks.
    Sidewalks and cycle paths should be raised 15 cm above
    travel levels. Intersections of sidewalks and bicycle paths with secondary
    driveways, as well as with the main driveways and on the approaches to schools and preschool
    institutions should be provided at the same level with a ramp, which suits the length
    respectively 1.5 and 3 m.

    Distances from the edge of the main carriageway of streets, local or side roads to
    building lines must be taken no more than 25 m. In cases where the specified
    distances should be provided at a distance not closer than 5 m from the building line
    6 m wide, suitable for the passage of fire trucks.
    At the end of the carriageways of dead-end streets and roads, platforms should be arranged with
    islands with a diameter of at least 16 m for turning cars and at least 30 m when
    organization of the final destination for the reversal of means of public passenger
    transport. The use of turntables for parking is not allowed.

    On the main streets of regulated traffic, it is allowed to provide
    bike lanes separated by dividing lanes.

    In public recreation areas and other landscaped areas, bicycle paths should be provided, isolated from streets, roads and pedestrian areas.

    Bicycle lanes can be arranged with one-sided and two-sided
    driving at the smallest safety distance from the edge of the track:

    - to the roadway, supports and trees - 0.75 m;
    - to sidewalks - 0.5 m;
    - to parking lots and bus stops public transport- 1.5 m.

    The rules for the design of the general plan allow arranging bicycle lanes along the edge of the carriageway of streets and roads with
    marking them with a double line. The lane width must be at least 1.2 m
    when moving in the direction of the traffic flow and at least 1.5 m in the oncoming
    movement. The width of the cycle lane along the sidewalk should not be
    less than 1.0 m.

    Radii of curvature of the carriageway of streets and roads along the edge of the sidewalk and dividing
    bands should be taken at least:
    - for main streets and roads of regulated traffic - 8 m;
    - for the streets local importance- 5 m;
    - on transport areas- 12 m.

    To detached buildings with a height of no more than 9 floors, as well as to objects
    visited by disabled people, it is allowed to arrange driveways combined with sidewalks when
    their length is not more than 150 m, their width is not less than 4.2 m, and in low-rise buildings (2-3
    floors) with a width of at least 3.5 m.


    Of no small importance, given the rules for drawing up the general plan, when solving issues of landscaping the territory is
    correct placement of sites for various purposes (recreation, sports, children's,
    economic), as well as small architectural forms, this is one of the basics of the general layout design rule.
    The sizes of sites for various purposes and the distances from them to residential and
    public buildings should be taken according to table 4.

    1. Distances from playgrounds for physical education are set depending on their noise
    characteristics; distances from areas for drying clothes are not standardized, distances from areas for
    garbage bins to sports grounds, playgrounds for children's games and adults' recreation should be taken
    not less than 20 m, and from sites for economic purposes to the most remote entrance to a residential building - not
    over 100 m.
    2. It is allowed to reduce, but not more than by 50%, the specific dimensions of the playgrounds: for children's games, recreation
    adult population and physical education in climatic subregions IA, IB, IG, ID, IIA and IVA, IVG, c
    areas with dust storms, subject to the creation of closed structures, for economic purposes with
    development of residential buildings of 9 floors and above; for physical education in the formation of a unified
    sports and recreation complex of the microdistrict for schoolchildren and the population.

    1. *Distances are determined in agreement with the authorities of the State Sanitary
    epidemiological surveillance.
    2. Distances from sectional residential buildings to open areas with a capacity of 101-300 cars,
    placed along the longitudinal facades, should be taken at least 50 m.
    3. Distances of pedestrian approaches from parking lots for temporary storage cars to the entrances
    in residential buildings must be no more than 100 m.

    Open parking lots for temporary storage of cars should be
    provide for at least 70% of the calculated fleet of individual
    cars, in including, %:
    residential areas 25;
    — industrial and municipal storage areas 25;
    — citywide and specialized centers 5;
    - zones of mass short-term rest 15.


    Landscaping area for the designed buildings is assigned at the rate of 6 m2
    for 1 person (excluding the area of ​​schools and preschool institutions).
    Landscaping of the territory is carried out due to ordinary and group planting of trees,
    bushes, breakdown of lawns and flower beds.
    Distances between tree trunks should not be less than 5 m. Minimum
    distances from buildings and structures to trees and shrubs are taken according to table 6.


    Binding of buildings and their exact location is carried out on the master plan by the system
    coordinates. The coordinate axes are taken parallel to the axes of the master plan, and the origin is
    below and to the left of the drawing, providing positive building coordinates. Such
    the coordinate system is called construction. In contrast to the geodetic coordinate system
    the axes of the building grid are indicated by letters and can have any direction along
    to the cardinal points in accordance with the accepted orientation of the building on the site.

    On the drawing of the general plan, as well as in kind, the construction coordinate grid
    break, as a rule, after 100 m. The marking axes of the construction grid indicate
    conventional names: horizontal - 0A, 1A, 2A ..., vertical - 0B, 1B, 2B ... and
    etc. Accordingly, in the drawings, performed on a scale of 1:500, the axes of the building grid
    denote: 0A, 0A+50, 1A, 1A+50; 0B, 0B+50, 1B, 1B+50, etc. Allowed when
    necessary, the use of negative values ​​​​of the axes of the building grid: 0A, 0A-50, -
    1A, -1A-50; 0B, 0B-50, -1B, -1B-50, etc.

    To link with state system geodetic coordinates, accepting the rules for drawing up the general plan, in which topographic survey of the area is carried out and transferring the project to nature, on the general plan
    the geodetic coordinates of the beginning of the adopted system must be determined
    construction coordinates (points of intersection of the initial axes of the construction grid: 0A and 0B) and
    axes direction. The latter can be given by the coordinates of two points of the basis. Building,
    having the shape of a regular quadrangle in plan, should be coordinated by points
    two opposite corners, and a complex configuration - at the points of all corners in order to avoid
    erroneous turn of the building in kind.
    The construction coordinate grid is not applied if it is possible
    tie the designed building to existing buildings or structures.

    An example of layout design manufacturing enterprise with
    coordinate referencing is shown in fig. one.

    Rice. 1. Fragment of layout drawing production building with coordinates. Designed according to one of the Rules for the design of the master plan.

    The relief of the territory of the designed building in educational projects is set conditionally
    calm. Horizontals are assigned after 0.5 m.



    Settlement and graphic work

    by discipline

    Construction Process Technology.

    Completed by: st. Usov D.I.

    Check Associate Professor

    Semenov V.V.

    Balashikha 2012

    1.1. Definition of black, red and working marks.

    1.2. Construction of a line of zero works.

    1.3. Determination of soil volumes in the main figures.

    1.4. Determination of soil volumes in the slopes of the site.

    1.5. Balance sheet of earth masses.

    1.6. Determination of the volume of a pit of a straight shape by dimensions in plan along the bottom.

    1.7. Drawing up a plan for the distribution of earth masses, determining the average distance of movement.

    2. Development of work production technology.

    2.1. Choice of machines for planning work.

    2.2. Selection of an excavator for excavation.

    2.3. The choice of dump trucks for the transport of soil.

    2.4 Selection of dump trucks for transporting soil from the pit to the embankment

    1.5. Determination of the composition and number of auxiliary machines.

    Drawing up a calculation of labor costs and building a schedule for the implementation of work.

    3.1 Drawing up a calculation of labor costs for the production of work of the zero cycle.

    3.2Construction of a schedule for the implementation of earthworks.

    Calculation of the volume of work at the construction site.

    Definition of black, red and working marks.

    Calculations are carried out by the method of tetrahedral or trihedral prisms. A planning grid is applied to the plan of the plot in horizontal lines, which divides the plots into squares and rectangles. The size of the square is assigned depending on the terrain. We accept the size of the side of the square as 100 m. To simplify the calculations, it is desirable that the squares (rectangles) be the same in size, and their number is not large. In the corners of the planning grid (the intersection of the sides of the squares) we set the actual (black) H h, design (red) N cr and working marks h p.

    black mark(landmark) in the corners of the planning grid is found by interpolation along the horizontals according to the formula:

    where G 1 and G 2 - the height of the contour lines;

    x is the distance to one of the horizontal lines

    planning grid;

    L is the distance between horizontals.

    Let's find black marks in accordance with our version (Fig. 1.1.1)

    11 =152+(152-152,5)*8/18=151,78

    12 =152,5+(152-152,5)*34/53=152,18

    13 =153+(152,5-153)*45/54=152,58

    14 =153+(152,2-153)*4/54=152,96

    15 =153,5+(153-153,5)*27/58=153,27

    16 =153,5+(153,5-153)*19/58=153,66

    21 =153+(152,5-153)*22/35=152,69

    22 =153+(152,5-153)*5/26=152,90

    23 =153,5+(153 -153,5)*5/21=153,38

    24 =154+(153,5-154)*5/22=153,89

    25 =153,5+(154-153,5)*17/24=153,79

    26 =153,5+(154-153,5)*4/29=153,57

    31 =153,5+(153-153,5)*13,3/33=153,30

    32 =154+(153,5-154)*22/28=153,60

    33 =153,5+(154-153,5)*24/31=153,89

    34 =153+(153,5-153)*26,5/33=153,40

    36 =152,5+(153-152,5)*17/27=152,81

    41 =153,5+(153,5-153)*27,5/32=153,93

    42 =153,5+(154 -153,5)*38/55,5=153,84

    43 =153+(153,5-153)*45/48=153,47

    44 =153+(153,5-153)*4/48=153,04

    46 =152,5+(153-152,5)*24/21=151,93

    Value red marks depends on the type of planning, which in turn is determined by the conditions of the terrain, economic considerations and can be as follows: under a natural slope, predetermined mark, zero balance.

    When planning for a given slope, the site plan indicates the elevation of the design plane at some point on the site, as well as the magnitude and direction of the slope. Red marks in this case in the corners of the squares are determined by the formula

    where H - mark of a given point, m, for the initial value we find H cf; l - distance from the given point to the top of the square (in the direction of the slope), m; i -Slope value in hundredths or thousandths. In the formula, the sign " plus ' applies if the vertex is higher than the given point, and ' minus » - at its location, below the given point. With the direction of the slope (in our comparison) parallel to the side of the square, all the vertices of the squares located on a straight line perpendicular to the direction of the slope will have the same red mark.

    To find H cf we use the formula

    The sum of the black marks of the vertices common to one, two, four squares, respectively.





    H cf =(611.3+2*1836.21+4*1227.85)/(4*15)=453.25

    Determine the red marks of intermediate vertices using the formula above






    Working marks are defined as the difference between black and red marks:

    Calculations to determine the working mark are made in one step (easy to carry out on a microcalculator), so we will immediately fix their values ​​\u200b\u200bin Scheme 1

    If the black marks are greater than the red ones, then the workers have a "+" sign and correspond to the notch; if the red marks are greater than the black ones, then the working marks have a “-” sign and correspond to the embankment.

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