
Who to contact for housing assistance. Free consultation with a real estate lawyer

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich.

I appeal to you due to the inability to resolve the issue at the regional level, to my appeals regarding the grossest violations to the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Head of the Republic of Karelia on the grossest violations of SNiPs and sanitary standards during the construction and commissioning of houses in the city of Kem under the Federal Settlement Program dilapidated housing, formal replies were received, and they are trying to hush up the problem at the local level, without taking dirty linen out of public.

Living in the specified house, I found that the house was built with obvious violations of building codes and regulations. The organization PSK-Stroykonstruktsiya LLC, which was the contractor, built a house that does not meet the requirements for residential two-story houses in accordance with the requirements of GOST, SNiP and other current regulatory and technical acts of the Russian Federation. The specified house was issued as meeting the specified requirements. I draw your attention to the fact that the funds were provided under the federal program, and that the end result should have been the construction of a new residential building that meets all the requirements of GOST, SNiP and other applicable standards. In my opinion, based on facts and documents, the house in which I live is not suitable for living, based on the requirements of GOST, SNiP and other applicable regulations.

The identified construction violations relate not only to the apartment in which I live, but also to houses No. 17, 18, 20 in general on Gidrostroiteley Street. The visits of repeated commissions revealed violations, drew up acts, and this is where it all ends. "Customer" The head of the Kem urban settlement Pigalkin IN, does not make any claims against the construction company, and the problem is getting worse.

Briefly about the condition of the houses:

1. There is no telephone and radio installation, it is not provided for by the project.

2. There is no lighting of the yard area, it is not provided for by the project.

3. There is no children's, economic and car parking.

4. No asphalt pavement, covered with gravel, yard area.

5. There is no technical basement, unattended plumbing equipment in the basement, because its height is only 60cm, there is no way to get into it. According to 10.6 of the Code of Practice, it should be possible to access the equipment, fittings and devices of the engineering systems of the building and their connections for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement

6. There is no wall wind protection, the project provides. There is no steam wicking film on the attic and roof coverings, in the apartments there are leaks on the ceilings of the 2nd floor. As a result, in winter, there is frost on the baseboards, in apartments, cold air walks on the floors.

7. Antiseptic and antipyretic treatment of wooden frames and ceilings has not been carried out, as provided for by the project. According to 10.4 of the Code of Rules, structures and parts must be made of materials that are resistant to possible effects of moisture, low temperatures, aggressive environments, biological and other adverse factors in accordance with SP 28.13330. In necessary cases, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent the penetration of rain, melt, groundwater into the thickness of the supporting and enclosing structures of the building, as well as the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensation moisture in the external enclosing structures by sufficient sealing of the structures or ventilation of closed spaces and air gaps. The necessary protective compositions and coatings must be applied in accordance with codes of practice. 10.5.

8. Based on the design documents for our house and the Code of Rules SP 54.13330.2011 “Residential multi-apartment buildings. SNiP 31-01-2003 "I have established the following construction violations. According to clause 5.7 of the Code of Rules, in apartments with two or more rooms, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe common living room must be at least 16 m2, bedrooms - 8 m2 (10 m2 - for two people); kitchens - 8 m2. In my apartment, the area of ​​the rooms is 12 m2, 11 m2 and 10 m2. In my old apartment, the area of ​​​​the rooms was 16 m2, 9 m2 and 8 m2.

Under such conditions, it turned out that my family and I were relocated to worse conditions. the largest room in my apartment does not exceed 12 m2, but should be, according to SNiP, at least 16 m2.

9. When assembling the frame panels, nails were used; the project provides for mounting on self-tapping screws.

10. During the construction of the house, non-certified materials were used, the origin and safety compliance could not be established

11. In the design assignment "Construction of a 24-apartment residential building on the street. Hydrobuilders in Kem” (a task for the applicant) was specifically reflected in paragraph 7 “Main technical and economic indicators of the facility”, that the area of ​​​​the premises of the apartments must comply with SNiP 31-01-2003. The specified is not reflected in the project.

12. When carrying out electrical work in our house, an electrical wiring diagram was not used, as a result, there was no ground loop in the house, residents were shocked. The ground loop was privately installed by the electrician Perepelkin after the tenants moved into the house.

13. According to clause 7.3.11 of the Code of Rules, in two-story buildings of the 5th degree of fire resistance with four or more apartments in the distribution (input) electrical panels of these buildings, the installation of self-activating fire extinguishers should be provided. Not available.

14. According to 7.4.5 of the Code of Rules, a separate tap with a diameter of at least 15 mm should be provided on the drinking water supply network in each apartment for connecting a hose equipped with a sprayer to be used as a primary device for internal fire extinguishing to eliminate the source of fire. The length of the hose should ensure the possibility of supplying water to any point in the apartment. None.

15. Sewer pipes in all entrances are led to the attic, and not to the street, as a result of which sanitary standards are violated: there is a strong smell.

16. There is no entrance heating in the entrances of our house, as a result of which the temperature corresponds to the street temperature. According to 11.1 of the Code of Rules, the building, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" must be designed and erected in such a way that when meeting the established requirements for the internal microclimate of the premises and other living conditions, efficient and economical use of energy resources during its operation was ensured. My house does not have an energy passport, therefore, the thermal performance and energy efficiency class during the construction of the house were not observed and monitored. This section is not included in the project documentation.

17. The service life of houses of this series according to the passport is 30 years, subject to major repairs every 6 years.

In view of the foregoing, I can point out that when designing house number 17 on the street. Hydrobuilders of the city of Kem did not take into account the requirements of SNiP, and even ignored. During the construction of the house, gross construction errors were made that cannot be eliminated without the temporary relocation of residents to other housing. When the house was received by the controlling persons, negligence was committed and possibly forgery of documents, because. The building violations I mentioned were obvious to persons with knowledge in the building business, or the indicated persons were completely incompetent in building supervision.

Conclusion: the "Potemkin Village" was built, the money went out, the reports were delivered. No one wants to take responsibility for admitting that as a result, criminal negligence was committed in spending budgetary funds on the part of local authorities, and regional structures are hushing up the problem, maybe it will carry over. There is no more hope, only your attention to the unresolved problem will be able to move the process of eliminating impunity and callousness on the part of the apparatus of local officials.

Sincerely, Vopiyashin A.V.

A person cannot live without housing. At the same time, people do not think about the fact that there are many laws, orders and regulations that regulate housing law. The area of ​​this regulation is very extensive: starting from the definition of what is generally considered housing and how it is possible to re-plan a dwelling and ending with the issues of calculating bills for utility bills.

The list of public relations regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is specified in Article 4 of this Code.

The main laws governing housing law are:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 "On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation";
  • Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004;
  • Federal Law of July 21, 1997 "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it";
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation part two of January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ.

In addition, there are a very large number of decrees, orders and resolutions that specify the norms set forth in these documents.

The most common questions in the field of housing law

Every month, our lawyers process several dozen applications for a free legal consultation on housing issues. Typically, these questions relate to the following situations:

Free legal advice on housing has already helped hundreds of people to take procedurally correct actions and protect their rights.

What is the difficulty in analyzing the situation in the field of housing law

The Housing Code is a small document. It may seem easy to figure it out. This impression is deceptive.

The fact is that not a single case lies in the sphere of one branch of law. Housing law is closely related to family, tax, inheritance and civil law. To successfully protect your rights, you must have knowledge in each of these branches of law. Therefore, it is almost impossible to protect your housing rights without preparation. In this regard, it is necessary to seek free legal advice on housing issues from professionals.

Services of our lawyers

We are ready to offer you all the necessary services to resolve the housing issue in your favor.

Remember: the sooner you start protecting your rights, the higher the likelihood that the case will be decided in your favor. Take advantage of free legal advice on housing issues - and you will know what to do next.

You are under no obligation to consult a real estate lawyer. No one can force you to use paid services. Perhaps your situation seems confusing and almost insoluble to you. But let us prove otherwise.

A housing lawyer can help you solve any problems related to housing law. Eviction from an apartment, separation of personal accounts, collection of funds from the developer under the DDU, resolving disputes with intractable neighbors and relatives on any housing issues - all this is just a small part of the problems that we are able to solve.

Yes, it's hard enough to go against the people with whom you had or have something in common, but life dictates other rules of the game to us. I want order and peace. We, in turn, can help you find this order and peace.

We will help resolve issues related to the restoration of housing rights, such as: the bankruptcy of a developer, fraud in real estate transactions, disputes with real estate sellers, eviction, moving in, harmonization of housing issues, provision of comprehensive housing legal assistance, etc. . Hotline lawyer for housing law

Application to a lawyer for housing law

Effective protection of housing rights

The current system of housing law in Russia today is far from perfect, therefore various disputes, conflicts and conflicts constantly arise in this area. Often, only an experienced housing lawyer is able to solve serious problems associated with the daily and critical interaction of subjects of legal relations. Under the current conditions, often only competent free consultations on housing issues will allow you to accurately determine your status, rights and obligations in a particular conflict situation.

Among the most common conflicts that a housing lawyer usually sorts out, it is worth mentioning the following options:

    Problems with changing the purpose of the premises (transferring an object from residential to non-residential, etc.)

    Coordination of the reconstruction and redevelopment of premises of various specifications;

    Protection from the consequences of self-governing redevelopment of residential and non-residential facilities;

    Relationships with co-owners of real estate;

    Appealing or demanding the eviction of persons illegally residing in residential premises;

    Valuation of shared ownership;

    Analysis of conflicts in the field of social housing rental;

    Initiation of capital repairs of buildings;

    Control over the activities of housing cooperatives

In these matters, the housing consultation of lawyers is the starting point, which may be followed by administrative or judicial proceedings.

Our company offers you the following services to help protect your interests regarding housing law:

    Detailed legal advice on housing issues

    Drawing up official documents - letters, petitions, complaints;

    Free online housing lawyer;

    Competent representation in judicial instances and local governments;

    Communication with bailiffs;

    Appealing illegal decisions

The provided housing legal advice is based on the provisions of the Housing and Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulate the relationship between various entities in this area. If you are interested in effective protection of housing rights, please contact our specialists for legal information and assistance in procedural matters. The provided legal support will definitely contribute to the adoption of positive decisions and settlement agreements.

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