
Floor for the winter garden in the apartment. Decoration of the winter garden in the apartment - a green garden on the balcony all year round

Many housewives dream of making a winter garden in their apartment, because this is a great way not only to decorate your home, but also to create some coziness and a pleasant atmosphere. Winter Garden will please your eye, help you relax, gain strength after a hard day's work or retire from the hustle and bustle and be alone with your thoughts. But as soon as you nevertheless decide to take such a step, many questions arise about how to properly equip such a room, what materials to use and what nuances must be taken into account. In order to create the perfect winter garden, you need to follow the simple rules that we will tell you about now.

winter garden project

Preparations for the construction of the winter garden

Before you start the main work and start arranging a winter garden in an apartment, you must definitely decide on a place. Very often, with a great desire, there is not a single corner in your house in which such a number of plants could be placed. Most often, a balcony or loggia becomes an ideal option, but here some factors also need to be taken into account. For example, the best option would be to make a winter garden with an orientation to the east, since in this case the material from which the garden is made will not overheat and this will not lead to the depletion of your flowers.

If you do not have the opportunity to choose the location of such a structure, then you need to follow the following rules:

  1. The south side is the least suitable for arranging a winter garden in an apartment, but if you have no other options, then you can try to correct this situation. In winter, your garden will warm up perfectly, so there is no reason to worry, but with the advent of summer, too much sunlight falls on the plants, so you will have to water them often and increase the ventilation of the room.
  2. For the north side, everything is much simpler, just warm the winter garden well, and the plants will feel comfortable.
  3. West. In winter, such an arrangement will only benefit you, because the sun's heat will be retained in the winter garden for a long time, but in summer you will need to constantly water and spray the plants with water so that they do not dry out from such an amount of heat.

As you can see, you can get out of any situation, the main thing is the presence of desire and strength.

You should also decide how much time you can spend on caring for the winter garden. If you are completely confident in your abilities, then be sure to plant exotic plants that require quite reverent care, and if there is very little free time, then you can limit yourself to unpretentious and effortless plants.
The winter garden in the house performs the following functions:

  • purifies the air;
  • soothes, makes it possible to relax;
  • does not allow the growth of fungus and mold;
  • protects from street noise;
  • creates a pleasant and calm atmosphere.

If no difficulties and obstacles stop you, then you can safely begin to equip a winter garden.

DIY winter garden

Special Requirements

Initially, not all rooms are suitable for a winter garden, so you need to prepare your chosen place in the apartment in order to enjoy the results in the future.

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the glazing of the winter garden. On the Internet you can find a bunch of photos and tips on how to do it all right, because it is very important how much sunlight your plants receive. For this purpose, double-glazed windows are the best option, as they will be able to keep the cold and thereby keep the heat in the garden.
  2. It is necessary to take care of the lighting of the winter garden. Sometimes this is a very difficult task, because many plants prefer a large number of light, while others - on the contrary, a shadow or diffused light.
  3. To make such a structure ideal, you need to eliminate all the cracks and gaps so that cold air does not pass inside. To do this, you can use a sealant and you need to remember that even small gaps can completely ruin all your work. For best results, it is best to use only dry, moisture-retaining materials to prevent the conservatory from rotting.
  4. It should be remembered that in your mini-greenhouse the same temperature should always be maintained. The most acceptable is from 18 to 23 ° C.
    In summer, the problem is that due to high temperatures, plants can dry out or lose their strength, so you need to constantly turn on ventilation and install reliable double-glazed windows.
    In winter, it is enough to insulate the winter garden with conventional heaters, convectors or radiators. And for those who treat their plants with special trepidation, it can be advised to insulate the floor so that they feel comfortable even on the coldest days.
  5. Do not forget about the humidity, which ideally should be at least 80%. It is very difficult to cope with such a task on your own, especially during the heating period. But with this problem you will be helped to cope with special humidifiers, which can be found in any hardware store.
  6. If you have the strength and additional features, then you can also create a small waterfall or fountain, which will also increase the level of humidity in the garden. An example of this can be seen in the next photo.

Fountain in the winter garden

Do not forget about ventilation, as its absence can lead to the complete death of your garden. It is best to arrange the ventilation system so that the air enters from the bottom and exits from the top. Owners of a winter garden on the south side will have the most problems, in which case the best option would be to purchase an air conditioner.

DIY winter garden:

  • The winter garden covers an area of ​​25 sq. m, this is just the area that is suitable for do-it-yourself construction. Gardens of a larger area require more thorough preparation and work of specialists. And in this case, everything can be done independently for arranging a winter extension.
  • First of all, you need to complete a project or sketch.
  • Then preparations for the construction of the garden begin. A 40-cm sand cushion and drainage are laid under the foundation, with a diversion to a nearby ditch. The foundation is made tape with high-quality reinforcement. (More details about foundations in the article "Types of foundations for the construction of a building." More details about reinforcement in the article "Reinforcement of a foundation made of concrete").
  • After the foundation has solidified, it is insulated with polystyrene foam 50 cm thick and waterproofing is laid, for example, hydrostekloizol. You can learn more about waterproofing the foundation in the article "Waterproofing the foundation".
  • Brick pillars are used as a building frame for our winter garden.
  • Rafters are laid on them, connected to each other through soft gaskets made of polyethylene. Thus, we increase the thermal insulation of the garden.
  • To increase reliability, the rafters are connected with a special profile.
  • The truss system of the garden is connected to the supports with the help of corners.
  • The roof of the winter garden is made of cellular polycarbonate. Three layers are used - from sheets 10 mm thick, sheets 4 mm thick, and sheets 6 mm thick. Between themselves, the upper two layers of sheets (10 and 4 mm) are mounted using a sealant and special profiles - connectors. The bottom layer (6 mm) is attached to the bottom of the rafters, creating an air cushion.
  • Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the rafters through thermal washers.
  • Then drainage lines are prepared.
  • Then double-glazed windows are installed. A sand cushion is poured on which the tiles are laid. You can learn more about laying tiles from the article "Laying paving slabs with your own hands."
  • Heating in the garden is started from a heating boiler using propylene pipes.

Winter garden - project

  • There was also a place for plate batteries.
  • Electric thermal fans are used as a backup source of heat.
  • Lighting is carried out from lamps with reflectors. A light sensor is installed that automatically turns on the lamps.
  • It remains to beautifully arrange flowers and plants, and the winter garden will begin to delight you with fresh greenery and the scent of flowers.

Of course, there will still be a lot of little things left, such as shelves for plants, furniture for your convenience in the winter garden, wall decoration, lighting elements, but this is not so hard work. Now you have to open up as an interior designer, turn your dreams and ideas into reality, create your own unique and much-desired island of happiness, which especially pleases you in the cold season.

Design methods

The design of a winter garden in an apartment depends only on your desires and preferences, so imagination and ingenuity will come into play here. It would be best to break the garden into 3 zones: a decorative zone, a communicative zone and a recreational zone. An example of such a solution can be seen in this photo:

The decorative part of the garden will be used for the plants themselves, it can be a separate corner or an arrangement of flowers, trees around the perimeter of the room, as we see in the photo.
The communicative zone is intended for receiving guests; here you can put a tea table and small armchairs.
The recreational space in the apartment is designed for relaxation, as we can see, in the photo there is a sofa, soft pillows and lamps that give some comfort.

If the area of ​​the room allows, different zones can be easily combined in the winter garden.

In order to add bright colors and at the same time create a pleasant atmosphere, you can use accessories in the form of unusual pots, paintings, hanging structures, wooden furniture or other homemade details.

For a winter garden, it is best to choose pastel colors, since such a room is intended for relaxation and rest, and bright, flashy colors will only irritate your nervous system.

To visually enlarge the room in volume, you need to make wide and big windows, you can even in full growth. This will give the garden grandeur and luxury, while you can admire the beautiful view at any time of the year.

The most interesting design solutions for the design of the winter garden can be seen in the photo below.

High ceiling garden

The right combination of plants in the winter garden

After you have prepared the room in the apartment for the winter garden, you can begin to select plants. You have probably seen many different photos and videos showing how this is done correctly, so for many such tips will not be a revelation.

The first rule tells us that all plants that are in the winter garden must endure the same climate. Since you cannot maintain and create completely different climatic conditions in one apartment.

In order for your winter garden to be beautiful and the plants well-groomed, you need to properly distribute them around the entire perimeter. In the photo below, you can see how cleverly and competently the plants are arranged. Those flowers that need a lot of light are on the windowsill, and trees that are suitable for diffused lighting are at the end of the room.

You also need to remember that many plants compete with each other, so for their correct selection, it is best to contact a specialist who will not only explain, but also help you choose the best option for you.

The video, which you can find on our website, will help you create an unsurpassed atmosphere in your apartment, and the photo will help you choose the right winter garden design. Remember that you should not give up on your dreams, because with a great desire, you can do anything, even move mountains.

Someone will be surprised why you need to equip a winter garden in an apartment, there are enough flowers on the windowsill. Well, flowers on the window are one thing, but a green corner where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the big city is quite another. It will be the world of plants, pleasing to the eye at any time of the year, and calming the nerves.

For the comfortable growth of the plants that will make up your garden, you will need to fulfill a number of prerequisites.

Tips from practitioners for arranging a winter garden in an apartment

Where to place a winter garden in an apartment

  • Of course the most the best option, for the implementation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwith a winter garden in an apartment, the presence of a free, albeit small in size, room. It is a pity that not everyone has such an opportunity. But, even the absence of a separate room is not a reason to abandon the dream. The owners of duplex apartments have a great option: create a winter garden under the stairs, choosing for it those plants that love the shade.
  • Some nature lovers choose a bathroom for their winter garden. And for good reason - tropical plants feel great in rooms with high humidity.
  • By the way, they forgot about the loggia, or, albeit small, a balcony. If they are glazed, then these are also places that allow you to equip a home garden. The main thing is to conduct heating there, which, if desired, is not difficult.
  • In apartments whose area is not very large, craftsmen make multi-tiered podiums located in a vertical space, rising from the floor to the ceiling. The best place for them is against the wall, or in the corner of the room. Steps with different widths will allow you to install on them big number plants and decorative elements. Original neon lighting will create a feeling of magic.
  • Strokes that make the winter garden a corner of paradise, the placement of an aquarium with goldfish and a small fountain with babbling water on its territory.

Style determines the decor elements and plants that will be located in your green corner.

Choosing the “right” plants will not only decorate your apartment, but also have a beneficial effect on health. Some plants "know how" to purify the air, create a favorable microclimate.

These are miniature firs, Christmas trees, cypresses, junipers, araucaria, stylized as bonsai. Be sure to find a place for tradescantia, cereus, croton, monstera, asparagus, thuja, chlorophytum, lemon tree, dracaena, ficuses.

Beware of plants that cause allergic reactions, itching, eczema, hives, and simply poisonous. Discard magnolias, oleander, primroses, cacti, geraniums, marigolds.


Show your ingenuity and imagination by creating a winter garden in your apartment - your own oasis in miniature. Find space for a couple of armchairs covered in colorful throws, spread out some throw pillows. Have a nice holiday. Good luck

The interior of the winter garden in the house will depend on the method of placing green spaces: trees, bushes and flowering plants, interior decoration with various decorative elements, selection of furniture and textiles.

Designers, architects, engineers and biologists are professionally involved in creating the illusion of living in natural conditions.

Unlike the greenhouse, which is located away from home, the winter garden is integral part at home, which is why a beautiful and presentable look, made in uniform style.

Popular winter garden styles

The main difference between classic gardens is a multi-cascade glazed roof with a protruding bay window. Windows decorated with stained-glass windows, decorative layouts or curtains will not be superfluous. Aged furniture against the background of pastel walls looks organic and restrained in English.

An excellent option for those people who, along with comfort, appreciate minimalism and Japanese philosophy. In accordance with which four important elements should be present in the winter garden - water, stone (or wood), earth and air. With the latter, everything is quite simple, but not everyone can afford a pond in the house. Mini waterfalls can be a great alternative. Selected flowers (for example, bonsai), natural materials and strict geometry are great for an oriental winter garden in a private house.

It may seem that plants surrounded by metal elements and shelving in the spirit of a spaceship will not look organic. But practice shows that there is no more functional and practical style than Hi-tech for a winter garden. Laconic, geometric shapes, a lot of open space and light contribute to the growth of plants and like the owners of the house who are open to everything new.

Those amateur gardeners who prefer flowering plants will love this rustic style. The sea of ​​greenery, rough plaster, wicker sofas and armchairs, ceramic tiles on the floor, high ceiling - all this distinguishes country from other styles.

Completely subordinated to a single concept, linked together by contrasting combinations, architectural vegetation, clear forms, lines and repetition in motifs. This project a winter garden is quite expensive, and is suitable for those who do not like to save on luxurious interior items.

Armed with the desire to have a paradise at home, a rich imagination and professional advice from a specialist, you can safely begin to implement grandiose plans in life.

How to make a winter garden universal?

The winter garden plays an important role in increasing space. It can become a continuation of one of the rooms in the house, or it can conveniently function with other living areas: a fireplace, an office, a kitchen or a workshop.

Winter garden in the living room

When they decide to attach a translucent structure to the main room of a house or apartment, many do not even realize how miraculously a corner of wildlife can change the living space for the better. Increasing the area, the winter garden creates a unique combination of home comfort and natural harmony. Tastefully selected furniture, interesting decor and original accessories make the living room with a garden the main architectural idea of ​​the whole house.

Winter garden in the dining room, kitchen

Family tea parties, dinners and breakfasts surrounded by sun-drenched spaces or gradually fading colors of twilight can become a pleasant tradition if organized in a glass building attached to the kitchen or dining room. The organic continuation of the room is not just an addition to the utilitarian space, but an important attribute of a cozy life.

Planning the design appearance garden, remember that it should be divided into three optimal zones, providing a place for cultivating plants, a corner for relaxation and a fairly free passage.

The ideas for the winter garden presented in the photo below can inspire anyone, but before choosing plants, it is important to properly organize a place that fully meets all the conditions for the best growth of citrus, orchids, begonias, cacti, palm trees and other plants for the winter garden. Start decorating your oasis by placing large plants. It is they who most often become the pearl of the garden. Hide shade-loving plants deep into the composition, and place light-loving plants closer to the glass. A multi-storey garden will significantly expand the design options.


It is important to remember that any plant is a living organism that requires careful care. It has been proven in practice that flowers grow well where they are regularly taken care of, groomed and cherished. Beautiful

The area of ​​a standard apartment is usually not large enough to plan a full-fledged winter garden in it. But a picturesque phyto-corner - why not! So that a modest home flower garden does not become a headache for the inhabitants of the apartment, follow our advice.

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On the picture:

1. Where and what should be the window. For winter gardens, rooms with bay windows, French windows, attached loggias are optimal - here they receive more light and look more elegant. For shading, use light curtains such as Roman or Japanese, especially if the window is small. You should not place the garden close to the glass, it is better - with a margin of 0.3-0.5 m or along the wall adjacent to the window.

2. Zone decoration. It is better to think over and prepare the decoration of this zone in advance, optimally - during the repair period. When equipping a winter garden with your own hands, make sure that it is easy to keep clean in this corner. Usually the floor for the "green oasis" is faced with porcelain stoneware - such a floor covering will not suffer during watering. Beautifully look mini against the background of walls lined with artificial stone or tiles that imitate natural materials.

The best flooring for the winter garden area is a heated tiled floor.

3. Shadow or light? Flowering plants require a lot of light, it is better for them to determine the place "in the front row". Lianas and large-leaved plants can live in full shade and be content with the role of the "background". Long-term direct lighting is contraindicated for flowers, so it is better to let the sun's rays from the window near the winter garden, which faces south, through translucent curtains. The most favorable option is when the windows are facing east or west.

4. Provide light access to other areas of the room. Arrange the flowers so that they shade the interior as little as possible. Put tall planters on movable stands against the wall, and place small plants on tall stands (not on the windowsill).

In the photo: a set of Bali PRPB14 / PRPB12 flower pots from the Provence factory.

5. Select plants according to size. How to make a winter garden harmonious? The best option is a combination of tall (1.5-2.5 m), medium-sized (0.7-1 m) and small (up to 0.5 m) plants. It is important to create the impression of density, but not excessive density of individual plants, so that the neighbors do not interfere with each other and are available for care and watering. For a small winter garden, one or two tall plants are enough.

6. Create an impression of diversity. Arrange flowering plants according to the order of flowering - so your flower garden will delight the eye for most of the year. The best option is to combine plants with leaves small and large, simple in shape and more whimsical, in different colors and shades.

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On the picture:

7. Use shelves and hangers. Cantilever shelves, hanging pots, slides in the form of a ladder, small tables will allow you to distribute plants in tiers, advantageously serve small but interesting "participants in the action" and do without large plants. it convenient way make a winter garden in a small apartment more compact.

8. Choose accessories in the same style with the interior. To make the winter garden in an apartment decorated in a minimalist style look organic, place the flowers in a simple flower pot made of white ceramic or metal. For Mediterranean style, country or Provence, colored ceramics and wooden containers for several plants are more suitable. Terracotta pots or wooden planters, rattan coasters fit well into the eco-style

In the photo: Poseidon White humidifier from the Stadler Form factory.

10. Climatic features. Choose plants for a mini-garden from one climate zone. So, in apartments with dry air, cacti will feel great, but the inhabitants of the humid subtropics will begin to wither away - they will need a steam humidifier for normal development. The excessive heat of the batteries is not always favorable, so install a radiator with a heating regulator in the room.

11. Extras and special effects. The question of how to make a winter garden more interesting and unusual is not difficult to solve today. There are a lot of options, but the location of accessories should be considered before you start arranging colors. A small "green" zone will visually increase the wall mirror panel. Discreetly located LED lights in the dark will create a beautiful play of light and shadow. An artificial waterfall in the form of a wall panel or a fountain surrounded by acanthus or aroid plants will complement the impression with the sound of living water.

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On the picture:

See winter gardens at interiorexplorer.ru

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What a pleasant and calming effect on our nervous system, if not plants. These green friends in the interior of a house, office or dacha have become so welcome companions of our everyday life that without them we can’t imagine who else could brighten up working days.

The most vivid and full of dreams about life among green friends are embodied if you imagine a winter garden in a house or apartment. Here you can spend your free time taking care of your favorite flowers, enjoying the peace and tranquility that are embodied in the original design and bold design solutions.

Well-known data on the beneficial effects of flowers and plants on our nerves. In addition, our silent, but such beautiful friends in the interior of the house are:

  • full, oxygenated air;
  • an obstacle to the penetration of dust into the home;
  • a great opportunity to show your friends your original hobby.

Built with your own hands according to your favorite project, such a green recreation area will make your abode a welcome escape from the daily routine.

Understanding the subject, a good plan and the right choice of materials

With a proper understanding of the subject, your dreams can easily take on real shape, and a winter garden in a private house, on the roof of an apartment building or in a single apartment, will delight your eyes. It used to be that plants in a home were considered a luxury all year round.

Now summer greenery and a piece of the tropics in the attic floor of a residential building or a country house is a completely feasible project. It is necessary to choose the right materials, draw up a project, choose the appropriate design that is in harmony with the overall interior of the house - and you can begin to fulfill your dream. Moreover, the possibilities for decoration today are truly endless, and problems with heat usually simply do not exist.

To begin with, we should decide that we are going to build a complex engineering structure with our own hands. First of all, it should be equipped for the comfortable maintenance of your green friends. It is necessary to make a garden that reliably protects from Russian frosts and has a strong glass dome. Therefore, the project will require that:

  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions;
  • breathability;
  • lighting for the full development of plants;
  • required air humidity;
  • tightness.

If a winter garden is planned in a private house, then this will most likely be an extension to the main building. At the same time, the room should be made transparent, and a glazed terrace can become another possible interior option. This is necessary for the natural access of light, which will ensure healthy plant growth.

Planning a dream with pencil and paper

Planning a dream is most effective with a pencil and paper handy. Your project should contain a house plan with the side to which you are going to add a garden extension with your own hands. You will also need a plan for the second floor - directly the greenhouse or attic, in case you decide to equip your offspring on the second floor. In any case, your annex should initially be divided into three territories:

  • communicative - these are paths that perform a connecting function in the layout;
  • recreational - a place of rest, in the interior of which not only a sofa or an armchair can be provided, but also the possibility of eating or negotiating;
  • decorative - there are, in fact, plants, in addition, the design can be complemented by modern finishes or trendy decor.

The original extension is the most popular form of arranging your brainchild. In addition to it, you can draw up a layout that will allow you to diversify the project, both as an addition to the main building, and as a separate building.

Do-it-yourself premises can be called as equivalent options:

  • corner ("encircling" the outer corner of a one-story house);
  • two-facade (in this option, the other two sides can be the inner corner of the cottage);
  • three-facade (here the fourth side is the wall of the main building).

In addition, the project may take into account that the dream to be realized will look like:

  • buffer zone (has the format of a vestibule or balcony);
  • greenhouses (this do-it-yourself garden option assumes the format non-residential premises, which is partially heated, and the air is characterized by high humidity);
  • a standard garden (a room heated in winter);
  • verandas or terraces (this format does not involve heating, and the project itself is an extension to a heated room).

With so many options available, it is possible to make the final choice in the proposed planning and it is necessary to move on to other, no less relevant issues.

Sunlight is the strategic nuance of the whole idea

The placement of the greenhouse is even more important than the layout of the room itself. From its location it will become clear whether the plants will receive the rays of the sun or they will have to be compensated for by an expensive and not always effective alternative. Let's count the cardinal directions, which include:

  • southern - it seems optimal only at first glance, any most modern design will not save green friends from overheating, and the air from drying out;
  • eastern - optimal for any room interior, the morning sun will not be a source of heat, and your plants will receive the required solar energy without overheating;
  • western - is in second place in terms of optimality, it must be taken into account that such a placement project will still provide excess heat, especially in summer, and additional watering is inevitable;
  • northern - in the design of this option, you can safely include both decorative and conventional means of heating, and the more, the better. This decision is made only if there is no other alternative.

Do not be upset if even your project turns out to be the most expensive, because the dream is good because it becomes a reality, despite the obstacles. For example, your plants will feel almost as comfortable if instead of sunlight, special fitolamps are provided in your interior. They have a service life of up to two years and perfectly perform the functions of photosynthesis assistants. If conditions allow, it is preferable to make several vents with your own hands, in which case you do not have to install mechanical ventilation.

Plexiglas, double-glazed windows or ordinary glass?

If you place your winter garden on the roof of the house, then in the process of its design it is necessary, first of all, to resolve the issue with the surface of the walls and ceiling. Here you should proceed from what the characteristics will be on:

  • bearing capacity;
  • light transmission.

The best option for the second position is ordinary glass, it allows 95 percent of natural light to pass through, and your green friends will receive the optimal amount of ultraviolet. If a we are talking about the second floor two-story house, where the roof is transparent, then glass is unacceptable due to its large weight and excessive fragility. The negative factors should also include fast heat transfer (very expensive in winter) and high price.

Plexiglass retains heat much better, it transmits 85 percent of the rays. The only drawback is the soiledness, which directly affects transparency. Therefore, this material can be used where natural light is not so relevant.

The most optimal for the overall design of the room are double-glazed windows. These are expensive products, and their installation will require an invitation from specialists. But in the end, such a costly option will pay off by reducing the cost of heating services. For example, aesthetically perfect beautiful windows made of PVC provide one hundred percent tightness, which is optimal if your green friends are tropical or demanding special attention plants. Modern aluminum in this case will be a good alternative to traditional wooden frames. Your interior in this case may include options for double-glazed windows:

  • hardened in mass;
  • laminated;
  • energy saving;
  • sun protection;
  • reinforced.

The most secure triplex in this respect. It is good if the roof design is made of laminated glass, it is practically shatterproof and consists of several layers.

Your winter garden in the house can have a retractable roof. For him, it is optimal to make an option from plexiglass, cellular and monolithic polycarbonate or transparent PVC slate. And if you equip the roof with a heating system with your own hands, then in winter you will not have to get rid of the ice or snow crust. In addition, the design of the room should include the possibility of convenient washing and other maintenance of the roof.

You should also think about how the various details of the situation are organically combined with each other in a single style, this will benefit the plants and your abode as a whole.

Floor covering and other details

Your plants should feel comfortable in the interior of the room. Therefore, you must take into account other materials that you place with your own hands inside your green abode. Fits well with the overall design of ceramic tiles. If the garden is planned to be located on the ground floor, it makes sense to think about sand or gravel. Perfectly diversify the interior:

  • brickwork;
  • wooden structures (in the form of a miniature bridge);
  • hand-made platforms from typesetting mosaic will favorably distinguish your design from other design options.

The more fantasy you put in, the more comfortable and free your plants will feel. Your green friends willingly respond to care and attention to themselves. And if you make an attic for them, more like a Garden of Eden, your flowers and other inhabitants of this secluded place will bloom in every sense of the word.

Regardless of which floor you are going to place your brainchild on, do not forget about the optimal neighborhood of your green friends. It is desirable that the plants come from the same climatic zone.

There is a good idea combining a garden with a gym or a place for yoga or fitness. The gym can be supplemented with a swimming pool (if space permits). This is how your dreams come true, and you make real miracles with your own hands, turning your hitherto gray life into a heavenly pleasure!

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