
Home garden in the apartment. Incredibly beautiful winter garden in the house and apartment: examples and advice from experts

Someone will be surprised why you need to equip a winter garden in an apartment, there are enough flowers on the windowsill. Well, flowers on the window are one thing, but a green corner where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the big city is quite another. It will be the world of plants, pleasing to the eye at any time of the year, and calming the nerves.

For the comfortable growth of the plants that will make up your garden, you will need to fulfill a number of prerequisites.

Tips from practitioners for arranging a winter garden in an apartment

Where to place a winter garden in an apartment

  • Of course the most the best option, for the implementation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwith a winter garden in an apartment, the presence of a free, albeit small in size, room. It is a pity that not everyone has such an opportunity. But, even the absence of a separate room is not a reason to abandon the dream. The owners of duplex apartments have a great option: create a winter garden under the stairs, choosing for it those plants that love the shade.
  • Some nature lovers choose a bathroom for their winter garden. And for good reason - tropical plants feel great in rooms with high humidity.
  • By the way, they forgot about the loggia, or, albeit small, a balcony. If they are glazed, then these are also places that allow you to equip a home garden. The main thing is to conduct heating there, which, if desired, is not difficult.
  • In apartments whose area is not very large, craftsmen make multi-tiered podiums located in a vertical space, rising from the floor to the ceiling. The best place for them is against the wall, or in the corner of the room. Steps with different widths will allow you to install on them big number plants and decorative elements. Original neon lighting will create a feeling of magic.
  • Strokes that make the winter garden a corner of paradise, the placement of an aquarium with goldfish and a small fountain with babbling water on its territory.

Style determines the decor elements and plants that will be located in your green corner.

Choosing the “right” plants will not only decorate your apartment, but also have a beneficial effect on health. Some plants "know how" to purify the air, create a favorable microclimate.

These are miniature firs, Christmas trees, cypresses, junipers, araucaria, stylized as bonsai. Be sure to find a place for tradescantia, cereus, croton, monstera, asparagus, thuja, chlorophytum, lemon tree, dracaena, ficuses.

Beware of plants that cause allergic reactions, itching, eczema, hives, and simply poisonous. Discard magnolias, oleander, primroses, cacti, geraniums, marigolds.


Show your ingenuity and imagination by creating a winter garden in your apartment - your own oasis in miniature. Find space for a couple of armchairs covered in colorful throws, spread out some throw pillows. Have a nice holiday. Good luck

Hello, the topic of today's article is " Winter Garden do-it-yourself photo in the apartment. The winter garden in the apartment is a piece of nature, a source of fresh air. In particular, such corners are relevant in cities where people rarely go out into nature.

The winter garden perfectly cleans the air of toxic substances, increases oxygen levels and can reduce stress levels.

In addition, the green corner is beautiful and it will complement the interior well. The atmosphere in the apartment will become homely. What a do-it-yourself winter garden looks like in an apartment can be viewed here, or searched on designer websites, forums.

Landscaping an apartment is of interest to many people, so it will not be difficult to find information. How to make a winter garden in an apartment with your own hands, as well as a design photo, see below.

Do-it-yourself winter garden in the apartment photo

Work with greenhouses should begin with the choice of plants and flowers. Please note that poisonous plants can be harmful to health, provoke the development or exacerbation of allergies. Some plants absorb oxygen, they are not recommended to be kept at home.

Avoid plants with a strong smell. An overabundance of floral aroma can cause headaches. Choose plants that are easy to care for. Not everyone can spend a lot of time maintaining a greenhouse.

Ideally, if plants and flowers are unpretentious in care, not demanding on lighting and beautiful.

Nuances when creating a winter garden in an apartment

  • many plants do not like shade and drafts. Choose a place for the winter garden away from the air conditioner and refrigerator. It's good if the sun shines up to 6 hours a day there. When there is no sunny place in the apartment, then try to take them out into the sun for at least 2 hours a day.

If this is inconvenient, buy phyto lamps or other equipment that will compensate for the lack of daylight. Artificial light is relevant in winter, when there is almost no sun;

  • plants from a nursery in an ordinary apartment often die. This is due to the fact that they are fed growth stimulants and create greenhouse conditions for life. Such plants look beautiful on the counter, but die in the conditions of the apartment. If you can not provide the same conditions as in the nursery, choose simple plants.

You can buy young plants from grandmothers in the market, ask for cuttings from acquaintances or friends, or bring them from the office. It is not necessary to buy exotic plants to make a winter garden in an apartment;

  • plants and flowers need regular maintenance. The selection of plants should take into account the amount of time you can spend on the conservatory. If you have neither the time nor the inclination to spend hours fiddling with plants, choose varieties that do not need constant monitoring.

The combination of ordinary indoor plants will create an interesting winter garden. In modern conditions, an exotic winter garden is a luxury.

The greenhouse in the apartment should be in a bright place and it’s good if it doesn’t interfere with your life. You can choose a good place for a winter garden by following the rules:

  • maximum amount of daylight for plants. Choose a place for the garden where most of the day is sunny and light;
  • the south side is a priority for the winter garden. It's warmer and there's more light. When possible, put the plants there;
  • think about how and with what you will compensate the plants for the lack of daylight in winter;
  • if the apartment is hot, do not lay carpets in the room with flowers, provide ventilation and humidify the air. These measures will prevent the greenhouse effect and reduce the temperature in a natural way;
  • Will there be a rest area in the greenhouse? If you plan to relax there, then put furniture that is easy to care for. A soft sofa and chairs will not work. It is better to put upholstered furniture with leather covering or leather substitutes;
  • access of pets to the greenhouse should be limited. Cats and dogs can damage the flowers or eat the shoots, which is not good for them. Think about how you will restrict their access to the green space;
  • under the greenhouse it is good to allocate a separate room. In winter, for plants, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 degrees. They will be able to rest and gain strength for active growth in spring and summer. For a person, 16 degrees in an apartment is cold and uncomfortable. If it is not possible to isolate the winter garden and maintain the desired temperature, then choose plants that can survive the usual temperature in the apartment.

Another step towards home winter garden

Choose annual, inexpensive and simple plants for the greenhouse in the apartment. Until you learn how to care for them, it makes no sense to buy expensive crops. Not only do they cost money, but they also require special conditions of detention.

Start with plants that don't require an entire room to keep. Does everyone have the opportunity to allocate a room? Unlikely, given the standard sizes of residential apartments.

How to create a winter garden in an apartment with your own hands, see the photo either here or look on the flower growers forums. People willingly share achievements, and their experience will be useful to you.

Grow plants in convenient containers and decorative pots. There are several reasons for this:

  • pest control is easier. If aphids have started on one type of plant, they can be taken to another room and not spoil the composition;
  • will allow you to create an interesting composition for the interior;
  • for each plant, you can choose the ideal container, taking into account its growth and characteristics;
  • the space allocated for the winter garden is decently saved;
  • Feeding plants is easier when they grow in a separate container.

Choosing the style of the winter garden

Decorative details in the winter garden should be combined with plants or complement them. It’s great if they don’t interfere with caring for green pets. How to choose the style of your greenhouse and be satisfied?

Japanese style combines simplicity and aesthetics. The Japanese are practical people. Plants for such a garden are chosen green, beautiful, they can be different size and bloom with shades of the rainbow. But, they are united by a common feature - they grow freely, do not require much attention and special conditions of detention.

The Japanese-style greenhouse has an artificial fountain or pond. The decor item has two functions: it decorates the space and humidifies the air. You will not need to constantly spray the leaves of plants with a spray bottle.

Many people grow homemade tangerines. There are a lot of recommendations for the care and cultivation of citrus fruits on the net. In addition, you can grow a tangerine from seeds. Why not create a citrus garden in your apartment?

At first, trees will require care and attention from you. But then, then you can not buy tangerines for Christmas. A pleasant natural citrus aroma will soar throughout the apartment.

Growing a citrus garden is a great way to stand out. Almost every apartment has indoor plants, homemade tangerine in the amount of 1-2 pieces. And rarely anyone can surprise with a citrus garden with up to 10 dwarf trees or more. Guests will always be interested in how you managed to create home tropics.

Rules for choosing a style for a winter garden

Divide all plants according to care requirements, and origin. For example, tropical plants on the right, subtropical plants on the left. It will be easier to take care of them and observe their development.

You can set crops by growth, which will create an interesting green composition. Draw a work plan on paper and you will see what the future winter garden will look like. There is no single instruction for creating a greenhouse in an apartment; it all depends on imagination and experience.

Interesting features of indoor plants

Fir, cypress, juniper, araucaria have antibacterial properties. Growing them in an apartment, you can not be afraid of bacteria. Moreover, coniferous plants saturate the air with phytoncides and help to cope with asthma and respiratory diseases. Not in vain, after all, walks along coniferous forest useful.

Juniper and cypress can absorb noise. If you put them near the window that overlooks the road, then the room will become noticeably quieter.

Croton and Cereus can affect the ionic composition of the air in the apartment, which is good for health. Calendula, geranium and evening primrose can cause allergies. Some plants cause spots on the skin and hives.

Oleander and Magnolia cultures are not always beneficial for humans. Some varieties of these plants are toxic, can cause allergies and poisoning. Indoors, care must be taken with these plants. If you keep miter and eucalyptus at home, you will be less likely to get colds in winter.

They are able to purify the air from viral bacteria. Peremonia is a good defender against influenza and SARS. There are a number of plants that have phytoncidal properties. These include crops such as lemongrass, geranium,.

There are plants that eliminate toxic substances released by finishing materials. For example:

  • toxins and formaldehydes are well absorbed by chlorophytum;
  • formaldehydes, phenols and salts eliminates

For a winter garden in an apartment, choose plants that you like appearance, easy to care for and not overall. Consider the size of your home and the very idea of ​​​​the greenhouse. Having a winter garden in an apartment is not a luxury. Whoever wants to be closer to nature will even be in the concrete jungle of cities.

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Indoor plants have always been and remain the main natural decoration of any interior. They decorate window sills, shelves, vertical stands and even walls.

But the winter garden, tastefully decorated in the apartment, is distinguished by a special chic. Such a corner with a blooming oasis will cleanse the room of city dust, saturate it with useful phytoncides and provide harmony and comfort to your home.

Unfortunately, in modern conditions the urban environment is not always able to provide green people from subtropical and tropical zones with decent conditions necessary for their normal growth.

It became possible to create an appropriate climate regime thanks to scientific and technological progress (humidifiers, air conditioners, tropical showcases, etc.). Now, it is possible to cultivate even the most fastidious of plants in an apartment, balcony, loggia and veranda without much difficulty.

Winter garden design in an apartment - how to grow a beautiful garden in a limited space

The design of the winter garden is aimed at creating a favorable environment for both plants and owners. The value of the apartment green garden can be described as follows:

  • creating a cozy and healthy atmosphere;
  • harmonization of space;
  • lush phytodesign;
  • rich assortment of exotic plants;
  • colorful, fragrant and blooming garden.

Not everyone decides to equip their apartment with an environmentally friendly and beautiful recreation area, as sometimes there is not always enough space for the owners themselves. Think well, maybe after a slight rearrangement you will have a corner or a niche in which, after small architectural delights, you can equip the same required area under the garden?

Plants for the winter garden - the right selection and design options

Regardless of what area is allocated for a winter garden, it should be a well-composed composition, and not a cluster of flower pots. It makes more sense to collect a collection of plants from one climate zone. Since it is problematic to create a microclimate for different requirements at the same time, for example, tropical plants, moisture lovers and cacti living in dry conditions.

  • vertical wall garden

It will be very original and rational if weaving plants grow on the walls, for example, some kind of creepers (syngonium, ivy). From where to place the pots, you can determine the direction of growth, in fact, there are two ways - to rise up or fall down from top to bottom.

  • The background

Since this place is closer to the windows, it is better to allocate it for light-loving plants (for example, Dieffenbachia, Coleus, Cordyline).

  • Second row from the window

The best place for flowering large plants, such as begonia, fuchsia, azalea or bulbous (gemanthus, amaryllis).

  • First line or third row from windows

A place for bright representatives with original leaves, for example, stonecrops, echeveria, kalanchoe, haworthia.

  • central part

There should be "stars", something large and attractive, for example, a monstera or some kind of palm trees. Of course, the size is not the most important factor, the main thing is that they are beautiful plants and you like them.

Winter garden on the balcony and loggia

In the absence of free space and a room with large windows, the best option for a winter garden is a balcony or loggia. But not all of them are initially suitable for introduction of ornamental plants for permanent residence. To embody this idea in life, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the place with high quality.

1. Glazing of the winter garden

It would not be superfluous to repeat how important light is for living organisms, thanks to which flowers breathe, develop and multiply. Without a specific dose of sunlight, even the most unpretentious of green individuals can die.

The presence of a maximum glazing area (the ideal option is double-glazed windows that reliably resist freezing windows and cooling the balcony space) significantly improves the quality of living of light-loving plants from the winter garden.

2. Winter garden lighting

It is important to know what level of lighting is needed for different species. Some long-flowering plants simply cannot survive without direct sunlight, while others, on the contrary, prefer diffused light or a shaded corner to the bright sun.

The selection of plants for the winter garden is not an easy task that requires special knowledge. In order to create ideal conditions for all plants in such a limited area as a balcony, you need to try and study the tastes of green inhabitants as much as possible in order to bring flowers only benefit, and not harm. It is necessary to take into account the protection from the sun, which, by ensuring a uniform distribution of the flow of light on the balcony, will prevent the blinding effect.

The ideal place for a winter garden is a balcony or a room with windows to the west or east. The south side is characterized by excess sun, and the north side, on the contrary, is characterized by a lack.

3. Winter garden insulation

A strict condition for creating a flower garden on a balcony (loggia), without which it is not possible to arrange a winter garden -. To protect plants from cold air, scrupulous sealing of all seams and joints is required. Any gap in this case can negate all efforts aimed at creating ideal conditions for plant growth.

When insulating a winter garden, it is important that all materials are dry and non-hygroscopic (do not retain moisture). Incorrectly selected components for interior decoration can lead to darkening and subsequent decay of balcony structures in conditions of high humidity.

4. Temperature regime

Favorable air temperature for most plants - 18-24 °C Heat plays a decisive role in the normal growth and development of ornamental plants. Heat-saving double-glazed windows cope well with this task, which let in thermal radiation from the sun, but do not bring it out.

In winter, when the sun can hide behind thick clouds for weeks, the winter garden will have to be additionally heated with heating radiators or special fluorescent lamps, which not only illuminate the space in a direction, but also heat it. The ideal solution is a warm floor on the balcony, it will not let the plant freeze even on the most frosty day.

5. Humidity in the winter garden

Moist air for houseplants is as important as regular leaf washing and spraying. The optimum humidity for many species is 80%. Manually humidifying the air, especially during the heating season, is quite problematic. Ultrasonic or conventional humidifiers equipped with an automatic humidity controller will help to cope with this task.

As alternative way low pallets with fine gravel can serve. It is enough to fill them with water and place flower pots there so that the liquid, evaporating, creates an atmosphere of humidity around them.

You can recreate a relaxing atmosphere in the winter garden (and at the same time solve the problem with humidity forever) with the help of a mini-waterfall, which has a powerful beneficial effect on the human psyche. By the water, surrounded by lush greenery, you always feel much calmer and more peaceful.

6. Ventilation and air exchange

Overheating of the balcony, as well as dampness, can destroy tender plants. In this case, it is required to provide combined protection from the sun and excess moisture. Experts recommend fighting the "greenhouse effect" through ventilation.

Ventilation openings must be positioned so that fresh air enters from below, and, rising with warm air, exits from above. If the winter garden is located on a balcony on the south side, it makes sense to install an air conditioner.

Where to start building a winter garden in an apartment and on a balcony

When a decision is made to arrange a winter garden in an apartment or on a balcony, many people immediately rush to look for a photo gallery on the net to look for plants for a future flower garden. This is where you should ask yourself the question - do you have enough free time to care for capricious creatures. If so, then demanding plants will not become an obstacle to a beautiful garden.

But if doubts prevail, but you don’t want to completely abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a flowering garden in an apartment or on a balcony. Then the best solution for you may be some absolutely picky types of shrubs and flowers, which, in addition to blooming every season, also benefit:

  • the air is purified and ionized;
  • fill it with life-giving oxygen;
  • absorb street noise;
  • reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation;
  • have a calming effect;
  • remove negative energy;
  • reliably resist the growth of fungi and mold.

A wonderful apartment garden on the balcony is what fans of home floriculture need in conditions of limited living space.

Winter garden in the apartment - photo design examples

The area of ​​a standard apartment is usually not large enough to plan a full-fledged winter garden in it. But a picturesque phyto-corner - why not! So that a modest home flower garden does not become a headache for the inhabitants of the apartment, follow our advice.

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On the picture:

1. Where and what should be the window. For winter gardens, rooms with bay windows, French windows, attached loggias are optimal - here they receive more light and look more elegant. For shading, use light curtains such as Roman or Japanese, especially if the window is small. You should not place the garden close to the glass, it is better - with a margin of 0.3-0.5 m or along the wall adjacent to the window.

2. Zone decoration. It is better to think over and prepare the decoration of this zone in advance, optimally - during the repair period. When equipping a winter garden with your own hands, make sure that it is easy to keep clean in this corner. Usually the floor for the "green oasis" is faced with porcelain stoneware - such a floor covering will not suffer during watering. Beautifully look mini against the background of walls lined with artificial stone or tiles that imitate natural materials.

The best flooring for the winter garden area is a heated tiled floor.

3. Shadow or light? Flowering plants require a lot of light, it is better for them to determine the place "in the front row". Lianas and large-leaved plants can live in full shade and be content with the role of the "background". Long-term direct lighting is contraindicated for flowers, so it is better to let the sun's rays from the window near the winter garden, which faces south, through translucent curtains. The most favorable option is when the windows are facing east or west.

4. Provide light access to other areas of the room. Arrange the flowers so that they shade the interior as little as possible. Put tall planters on movable stands against the wall, and place small plants on tall stands (not on the windowsill).

In the photo: a set of Bali PRPB14 / PRPB12 flower pots from the Provence factory.

5. Select plants according to size. How to make a winter garden harmonious? The best option is a combination of tall (1.5-2.5 m), medium-sized (0.7-1 m) and small (up to 0.5 m) plants. It is important to create the impression of density, but not excessive density of individual plants, so that the neighbors do not interfere with each other and are available for care and watering. For a small winter garden, one or two tall plants are enough.

6. Create an impression of diversity. Arrange flowering plants according to the order of flowering - so your flower garden will delight the eye for most of the year. The best option is to combine plants with leaves small and large, simple in shape and more whimsical, in different colors and shades.

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On the picture:

7. Use shelves and hangers. Cantilever shelves, hanging pots, slides in the form of a ladder, small tables will allow you to distribute plants in tiers, serve small but interesting "participants in the action" advantageously and do without large plants. This convenient way make a winter garden in a small apartment more compact.

8. Choose your accessories uniform style with interior. To make the winter garden in an apartment decorated in a minimalist style look organic, place the flowers in a simple flower pot made of white ceramic or metal. For Mediterranean style, country or Provence, colored ceramics and wooden containers for several plants are more suitable. Terracotta pots or wooden planters, rattan coasters fit well into the eco-style

In the photo: Poseidon White humidifier from the Stadler Form factory.

10. Climatic features. Choose plants for a mini-garden from one climate zone. So, in apartments with dry air, cacti will feel great, but the inhabitants of the humid subtropics will begin to wither away - they will need a steam humidifier for normal development. The excessive heat of the batteries is not always favorable, so install a radiator with a heating regulator in the room.

11. Extras and special effects. The question of how to make a winter garden more interesting and unusual is not difficult to solve today. There are a lot of options, but the location of accessories should be considered before you start arranging colors. A small "green" zone will visually increase the wall mirror panel. Discreetly located LED lights in the dark will create a beautiful play of light and shadow. An artificial waterfall in the form of a wall panel or a fountain surrounded by acanthus or aroid plants will complement the impression with the sound of living water.

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On the picture:

See winter gardens at interiorexplorer.ru

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What is needed in order to create a winter garden in an apartment? First of all, a well-lit room with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters. To do this, it is better to select a room bordering on a loggia or balcony. Of course, a balcony can also be used for this, but on it we will be very limited in our capabilities.

Since the winter garden is created from tropical and subtropical plants, we need a lot of heat and moisture, as well as good air circulation. If you do not balance the three main parameters: heat, light and moisture, then all the efforts and invested money will go down the drain. The balance is achieved simply: the room is glazed on all sides and additional heating is carried out.

One of the most common tricks is heated floors, or an additional heating battery on the balcony. Humidity is ensured by installing a large aquarium or a mini pool with a fountain - there are a lot of them now on sale and at bargain prices, and good ventilation is provided to circulate air in the winter garden.

Another feature of the arrangement of the winter garden in the apartment is that, unlike the garden near the house, which can be formed over the years, the work must be carried out in a short time. And this will require a fairly large one-time investment. Of course technical stage, the restructuring of the premises for a winter garden, the implementation of heating and ventilation systems can be stretched in time, then the creative stage - the actual design location of the plants - does not tolerate delay. Since plants are planted in an apartment in a complex, and not separately.

We create a winter garden in an apartment on a loggia or balcony.

Stages of creating a winter garden in an apartment.

We check the presence of drafts on the balcony or loggia. If available, seal all gaps.

We insulate a balcony or loggia for a winter garden, carry out heating from an adjoining room or arrange a warm floor. A warm floor is especially important if we are going to relax in our winter garden on a balcony or loggia, that is, spend a long time there.

Balcony walls and internal fences for a winter garden in accordance with the design project. Naturally, we ordered the design project in advance or did it ourselves, after reading a huge amount of literature about the arrangement of gardens in an apartment, and after spending several nights on the Internet, that's how you like it. It will be very beautiful if you also finish the walls and internal fences, for example, with materials that look like natural stone.

Compositions and materials in the winter garden arranged in the apartment.

The next stage in the construction of a winter garden in an apartment is composition. Decide for yourself - only flowers and plants or decor elements will be present: a small mini-reservoir - an aquarium, a pond, a waterfall. I would advise the wall under the rock, flowing along it and flowing into an impromptu lake. In any case, your winter garden will be decorated with a tastefully designed backdrop, emphasizing all your creative efforts.

The material for creating the decor can be natural stone, but artificial stone is better - you need to take into account the additional load on the balcony slab. You also need a waterproofing device for decorative elements and floors. Decorative materials existing today, in contrast to natural ones, do not create problems with load, waterproofing, and in appearance it is difficult to distinguish from natural material.

Lighting, microclimate, plants for the winter garden.

The next stage is how the light falls in the winter garden in the apartment: this is important for choosing the color of the material, and additional lighting is also needed.
Depending on the illumination of your apartment: the sun is in the morning, in the evening, in the morning and in the evening, the sunny side, the north - you need to choose plants for the winter garden.

For the comfortable existence of plants in the winter garden, it is necessary to create a microclimate, namely humidity, this is especially important if you have a heated balcony. Balcony or loggia, usually have an elongated configuration. Therefore, the center of the entire composition should be placed in the far corner from the exit. A mini-pond adjacent to the wall of the house or a small fountain, a waterfall, a section of the wall tastefully decorated to look like a stone will embellish your flower arrangement. For her, you can use climbing plants, beautifully flowering annuals and even a small tree.

Water will create a microclimate for plants, while the noise of falling water has a strong effect on our consciousness, soothes our ears and psyche. By the water, we become calm and joyful. You can try to install artificial fog, in proportion to your reservoir, it will add positive emotions.

Compositions and combination of plants. Backlight.

Compositions with a combination of ordinary plants with tropical ones will be most interesting: agapanthus, hibiscus, citrus, clianthus, orchids, abutilon, passionflower, gloriosa. A modern assortment of flower material allows you to choose a variety of plants in accordance with the conditions of detention in a winter garden arranged in an apartment.

The main thing is to arrange a winter garden so that the minimum temperature does not fall below + 15C, any tropical plants can grow at this temperature. In summer, it should be possible to shade the leaves from the bright sun and be sure to ventilate the winter garden.

Lighting is the main thing in the winter garden. It serves as additional lighting for light-loving plants and gives comfort to the room. Spotlights, LEDs can be mounted in decorative products. And free-standing lamps or spotlights can be installed directly in potted plants.

If you are limited in your options when creating a winter garden in an apartment without decor, define a large plant as the center of the composition, for example,. Diversify the interior decoration by alternating free-standing flowers in a pot with compositions in pots or tubs. Complete it all with hanging flower baskets. Arrange the backlight and still a mini pond - and you will get the most comfortable place in the apartment. Well, if you turn on the recording, for example, birdsong, you get an Oasis created by yourself, which will be your family's favorite vacation spot, to the envy of your friends.

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