
Free programs for small and medium businesses. Free financial accounting program Control and management capabilities of the financial program

Question No. 0023 “Software for economists”

More details about the essence of the issue: Good afternoon I work at a company that needs the help of an economist. There is an accountant who deals with postings and simply maintains the usual Accounting. I recently graduated from university with a degree in economics. I want to apply my knowledge in practice, for this I need computer program, which would be very useful for maintaining internal accounting enterprises! Please tell me which program I need to purchase! I will be very grateful! Thank you in advance!

P.S. Are there any useful configurations for economists in 1C 8.0?


Daria, good afternoon! To be honest, this moment You need knowledge of Excel, and a fairly good knowledge of it, plus 1c. I'll explain why. At the moment, you are just starting to work at the enterprise, there is a suspicion that you are not yet aware of all the features and needs of management personnel for information, that is, in what form and what information will be required from you, therefore, you are unlikely to need any specialized software now will help, but will only further complicate your understanding of the situation at the enterprise.
Regarding 1C, I can say that most likely you will need it, since an economist can often use 1C to generate one or another report based on his needs, which are often very different from accounting needs, therefore, so that your work does not depend on your mood , employment as an accountant, I highly recommend studying it. Here's our opinion in a nutshell. If I don’t understand something, please clarify, I will be very happy to help you!

Every specialist at some point begins to think about possible ways simplify your work. What can make it easier? professional activity economist or accountant, a large part of which is the processing and analysis of numerical data?

In the age of technology, there are many computer programs that can cope with this task. Perhaps one of the simplest, most versatile and convenient tools is the Microsoft Excel application, in which professionals can find various options to simplify their routine tasks.

Basically, this program is designed for users with a minimum level of training, although it also has “advanced” capabilities that allow you to largely automate the processing of tabular data.

We suggest that we begin our acquaintance with the functionality of the program not with the possibilities of different presentation of tables, which purely visually will help to bring order to the data, but with the most important part from the point of view of the work of an economist - carrying out calculations of various values ​​and their analysis.

Based on mathematics and program

Standard calculations and comparisons of numerical data in Excel can be done in two ways.

Firstly, using arithmetic operators, known to everyone from the school course:

Addition (+) / Subtraction (-);

Multiplication (*) / division (/);

Exponentiation (^).

Secondly, using the functions built into the program by Excel developers.

Knowing mathematics at just a basic level, you can already perform various economic calculations in Excel.

As an example, let’s take calculations that perhaps most economists encounter - costing and determining the selling price of goods.

Suppose we have a number of data for calculations - naturally, each organization will have its own data, so we will limit ourselves to conditional ones (see Table 1).

Table 1



Raw materials and materials (S&M), rub.

Returnable waste, %

Fuel and energy, rub.

Basic salary (salary)

production workers, rub.

Additional salary for production workers, rub.

10% of the basic salary of workers

Deductions from the salary of production workers, rub.

General production expenses, rub.

15% of workers' salary

General expenses, rub.

20% of workers' salary

Profit, %

6.5% of the total cost

20% of the wholesale price

Based on the table data, we will calculate the cost and calculate the selling price using the usual mathematical formulas:

1) returnable waste = 100 x 0.05 = 5 BYN;

2) additional salary = 55 x 0.1 = 5.5 BYN;

3) deductions from salary = (55+5.5) x 0.35 = 21.2 BYN;

4) general production costs = (55+5.5) x 0.15 = 9.1 BYN;

5) general running costs= (55+5.5) x 0.2 = 12.1 BYN;

6) total cost = 100+5+23+55+5.5+21.2+- 9.1+12.1= 230.9 BYN;

7) profit = 230.9 x 0.065 = 15 BYN;

8) wholesale price of goods = 230.9 + 15 = 245.9 BYN;

9) VAT = 245.9 x 0.2 = 49.2 BYN;

10) selling price of goods = 245.9 + 49.2 = 295.1 BYN.

Now let's look at how easy it is to make similar calculations in Excel.

First, let's pay attention to some features of working with the program.

1. The formula can be entered directly into the cell in which the calculation is carried out, or by selecting the required cell, to the formula bar (see Table 2).

table 2

2. Entering a function begins with the “=” sign.

3. Formulas can use both numbers and references to cells containing numeric values, as well as their combinations. The convenience of using links in calculations lies in the automatic recalculation of formulas when the values ​​in a cell change.

4. After entering the formula, you must press “Enter” to calculate it.

Let's demonstrate what costing and selling price calculation look like in Excel (see Table 3).

Table 3

Thus, in table. 3 we see the total values, as well as formulas for their calculations using both numbers and cell references.

Minimum formalism and formulas

In a similar way, using ordinary arithmetic operators in Excel, you can absolutely any economic calculations. But how do the calculation capabilities of the program differ from a regular calculator?

One of the main differences is another method of calculation mentioned earlier, namely the use of formulas that the developers carefully recorded in the program, thereby significantly simplifying the work of the Excel user.

The program presents a wide selection of functions, divided into blocks of their area of ​​application: from general (text, mathematical, logical) to special formulas (static, engineering, financial). See full Function library you can by going to the tab Formulas.

In total there are more than 400 of them in the program, but for efficient work in the program you don’t actually need to remember even 10%. In addition, for each of the given formulas in the program there is a help that can come to the rescue and remind you at the right time, incl. demonstrating with an example how to use the function.

Formulas are entered in the same way as for arithmetic calculations, but the ability to select the required function from the library is added. You just need to enter “=”, and then select the formula that interests us and fill it in with the data according to the structure.

First, let's look at the simplest, but most frequently used formulas for economic calculations and data analysis: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN.

1. SUM function. To summarize economic results, perhaps this function is used most often. It can help you calculate both the sum of individual numbers and the sum of values ​​in one or more data ranges.

Record structure: SUM (cell/range 1; cell/range 2; …).

Usage example: Let's return to our costing example. Thus, when calculating the total cost, it was possible not to enter the sum of many terms, but to apply the SUM formula.

The function in this case would look like this: =SUM (C3:C10).

2. COUNT function. This formula counts the number of cells containing a numeric value. You can count in one or more ranges, as well as in data arrays.

Record structure: COUNT (cell/range 1; cell/range 2; …).

Usage example: Let's assume we have monthly shipment data broken down by clients specified cost. To calculate the number of shipments made in a given period, the COUNT function can be used, where the analysis range is the column with the amounts of goods.

3. AVERAGE function This is another example of help from Excel developers, replacing the combination of the SUM and COUNT formulas for calculating the arithmetic average of the arguments. Both individual numbers and ranges of values ​​can be used for calculations.

Record structure: AVERAGE (cell/range 1; cell/range 2; ...).

Usage example: Let's continue analyzing shipments. For determining average cost we can apply this formula, where the range for calculation will be the cost of shipments of goods.

4. MIN/MAX functions. These formulas help analyze data, making it easier to find the minimum and maximum value from individual numbers or ranges of values.

Record structure: MIN (cell/range 1; cell/range 2; ...); MAX (cell/range 1; cell/range 2; …).

Usage example: Let's assume, using our example, that we also want to analyze the range in which the cost of shipments varied during the month. Thus, to find the minimum value we will need the MIN formula, and to find the maximum value - MAX. In both functions, the data for analysis will be the amount of shipments.

We have examined, so to speak, the basic principles of Excel, which are necessary for an economist or accountant, who often must perform its functions, to use this program in their work. Even with the help of these simplest ones, basic functions you can significantly simplify your work with calculations and data analysis.

In the future, we will look at more complex, but at the same time very useful formulas for your work, as well as some other features of the program.

(basic version) is a free financial accounting program that can be used for various purposes. The program has sufficient functionality for the implementation of various financial accounting models business transactions.

Free program financial accounting can be used by economists and other specialists of the financial and economic block in their work (not only for financial accounting, but also for maintaining management accounting, warehouse accounting, treasury management, contract management, financial analysis and for other purposes), as well as by students or novice economists who do not yet have sufficient experience. A free financial accounting program paired with a basic training course will be a good methodological and practical guide for those who plan to master the setup and implementation of a management accounting system in an enterprise.

ESYSI (in its basic version) can be useful not only for specialists in the field of economics, but also for ordinary users. In particular, the free financial accounting program can be used by individuals to keep track of their personal finances. You can use pre-configured models and choose exactly the one in which it is most convenient for you to keep track of your personal finances.

Consultants or economists often ask the question: what are the options for free software for accounting for business finances?

We divided them into three groups:

  • simple programs of unknown authors;
  • Office program Excel;
  • automated ESYSI

If free programs from unknown authors may raise doubts about their sufficient functionality for management accounting, due to the fact that many prefer to automate only a small area of ​​accounting (warehouse accounting, Money or accounting for income and expenses), then the functionality of Excel does not, at first glance, raise any doubts. Yes, you can create any form of reports in Excel spreadsheets, but Excel is flat tables, not a database. On the one hand there is unlimited flexibility (do what you want), on the other there are serious problems in the necessary restrictions and rules for entering information.

The ESYSI system has, on the one hand, flexibility in generating reports, and on the other hand, a powerful mechanism that allows you to limit and create rules for entering transactions in accordance with the existing management accounting methodology. Try the free financial accounting program ESYSI.

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Financial programs

Main features of the program:

    Work with money in any currency is supported

    All departments of the organization can work in a single information system via the Internet

    The program shows current balances in real time for any cash register or bank account

    You will be able to keep full financial records: post income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    You will have a unified database of clients and suppliers with all the necessary contact information

    You can plan cases for any client

    The program will allow you to plan expenses for certain period

    You will always have all detailed reporting for each cash register or account in any currency “at your fingertips”

    All financial movements you will have complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

    The program will show you statistics on savings or excess costs for your items

    A clear visualization of profit dynamics will help you easily analyze the company’s activities and profitability

    Separation of access rights is supported. Each employee will see only what he is supposed to see

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your clients and deservedly gain your reputation modern company



    for staff

    for clients

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. This is done using convenient manual data entry or import.

    The program interface is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order an international version of the program, into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

Financial programs allow you to fully automate most processes related to the material aspects of the enterprise. Every year, such economic and financial computer programs become more functional and provide more and more opportunities to those organizations that use them. In most cases, economic systems not only work with the company’s financial accounting, but also allow for the implementation of management accounting, as well as for establishing teamwork among employees.

Relevance of management financial control forces all organizations to abandon traditional options and switch to modern financial and economic programs. The Universal Accounting System company offers a financial and accounting program that will replace paper accounting, reduce the amount of manual work and automate most of the work processes. The financial program for USU banks can operate in multi-user mode, with each individual user having their own access rights. Financial software for business easily processes large amounts of information in a matter of seconds, regardless of how much data has been entered and how many records are already in the database. Financial software from USU is a universal financial program for business, which gives the owner a lot of opportunities to optimize the operation of the enterprise. You can even work with the financial analytical system and economic program remotely; it also allows you to combine several branches into a single one information system. Analyze your financial results with a financial analytical program to predict future expenses and potential income. If you previously had to use the economic and financial program Excel, then you will be pleasantly surprised, because USU is several times superior to it. The system implements the ability to send mailings using a database of e-mail addresses and mobile phones, and this point can be flexibly configured - for example, sending notifications only to debtors.

You can download the financial program for free - after downloading, you will have access to a demo version of the economic system. The financial computer program does not require resources and will function correctly even on a computer with an average configuration. You can find out prices for USU financial programs by writing or calling us at the contacts listed on the website.

The monitoring and control program can be used by:

  • Any government company;
  • Private company;
  • Individual entrepreneur;
  • Self employed;
  • and so on.

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

Possibilities for control and management of the financial program

  • The financial program controls cash flow at all stages of work;
  • The financial program records and stores all the results of the company’s activities, which allows you to eventually form your own customer base with all the necessary data;
  • The financial and economic program has a system of alerts and notifications to employees;
  • The grouping and sorting functions in the financial and economic program are well implemented, which makes searching for the entered data quick and convenient;
  • Using search tools, you can quickly find the necessary information in the financial and economic program, regardless of the size of the database;
  • A rich set of functions and tools of the financial and accounting program makes the work of each employee more efficient;
  • The financial and economic program for banks keeps records of work performed, and you can find the required record at any time if necessary;
  • IN economic system records of invoices and other financial documents are maintained;
  • The interface adapts to each employee, making it easy for even beginners to navigate the system;
  • A convenient and understandable interface is the key to comfortable working conditions for each participant in the work process;
  • The system makes it possible to control everything that happens in production;
  • You can download the financial program for free from our website;
  • We work with each USU client individually;
  • Automation is a guarantee of improving the quality of services provided and accuracy financial accounting in company;
  • Try it economic program in action and make sure that it truly meets all the needs of your organization.

Download Financial Software

Below are the download links. You can download the presentation for free software in PowerPoint format and demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of use time and functionality.

Using software significantly saves a lot of time and simplifies the work of an accountant and economist. During recent years Accounting software has made huge strides forward. Today it is possible to find software to solve many accounting and economic tasks, beginning with accounts receivable, ending banking transactions via the Internet. There are many types of programs that are useful for economists and accountants, the most basic ones can be identified in the following list:

is a universal program that is included in the Microsoft Office suite of office programs. Indispensable for working with spreadsheets, with the ability to store, organize and analyze information. Flexible and easy to use.

- this is the most famous accounting program, which brought accounting automation to a whole new level. Services connected to it effectively cope with tasks accounting. IN key features This program includes: accounting in accordance with the law, registration of business transactions, timely user support, and this is only some of the features.
– this program allows you to automate issues related to calculations wages and implementation personnel policy organizations. Widely used in human resources and accounting departments.
– A modern ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system with an extensive set of tools for managing business processes and employee work. Serves to automate work with documents in an organization. Significantly reduces the time required for approval and adoption of management decisions.
– the system includes many features, such as electronic document flow within the organization and with contractors, submission of reports via the Internet to all government bodies, corporate social network ( news feed and discussions, reposts, likes and comments), point of sale and much more.

is a modern tool that allows you to monitor the movement of the car in real time, the driver’s work and rest mode, speed vehicle and fuel consumption. The optimal solution for an economist who monitors fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants).

– a convenient system with which the client is able to make transactions on the account, exchange information and documents with the bank via telephone and computer.

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