
An unofficial group of shareholders of the power of nature residential complex. Residential complex Forces of Nature in St. Petersburg: reviews of shareholders and the latest news about the developer

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Forpost had photos and videos at its disposal. interior spaces buildings of the infamous residential complex.

In early April, a group of shareholders who invested money in the largest unfinished construction Leningrad region, snuck into the construction site, which had been “standing” for more than two years, in order to look at her “apartments.” The picture that appeared before their eyes shocked people and revived the desire to get an answer to two original Russian questions: “who is to blame?” and “what should I do?”

The authorities of the Leningrad region are also trying to find an answer to the second question. Moreover, on a global scale, and not just in relation to the “Forces of Nature”. Thus, at the end of March, Deputy Chairman of the regional government Mikhail Moskvin said that in the near future the regional administration plans to conclude agreements with the developers of problematic buildings on the completion of long-term construction.

“We will provide any organizational support to the developer, meet him halfway and make concessions where possible within the framework of the law. But the developer and shareholders must understand that the authorities cannot provide financial assistance, give state guarantees for loans to developers and oblige resource supplying organizations to connect their houses for free,” noted Mikhail Moskvin.

The developer of the Forces of Nature residential complex notified shareholders about the results of the meeting with the heads of Absolut Bank and Baltinvestbank. According to the official group residential area“VKontakte”, “the decision was made to open line of credit for the completion of the residential complex “Forces of Nature”.

Cooperation agreements will be sent to such companies or their subsidiaries as Norman, Navis, O2 Development, Glavstoykompleks, Leader Group, Lenspetsstroy. The document will determine the responsibilities of the parties for the commissioning of facilities, the timing of their commissioning and the required amount of financing for the work.

There is no doubt that such an initiative is needed. According to information from unofficial sources, there are more than eight thousand defrauded shareholders in the region. The official figures are, of course, much more modest. At the end of last year, for example, the register of affected participants shared construction Just over a thousand citizens were included. Moreover, the authorities then hastened to report that their number was three last month decreased by almost three hundred people.

Shareholders of the notorious long-term construction “Forces of Nature” in Murino received hope. They were promised that they would take the unfinished houses seriously. Leningrad Region Governor Alexander Drozdenko and his deputies are rushing to the rescue. The issue price is 950 million rubles.

The defrauded investors themselves view such juggling with numbers with a fair amount of sarcasm. After all, the residential complex “Forces of Nature” alone managed to conclude 2,666 contracts. The developer promised to deliver the first phase, consisting of two buildings and designed for 1,850 apartments, at the end of 2014. The second, with almost 2,000 apartments, will be launched at the beginning of 2015. But, apparently, something went wrong, and people were left without real estate. And without money, of course.

Since then they have been fed with promises. The shareholders received the last portion quite recently - the developer agreed to let them go to the construction site on April 10 to assess the volume of work performed. True, not everyone. The debate about how many people who are not “loyal” to the developer have the right to look at “their home” went on for quite some time. One side insisted on the number 14, the other - that seven people would be enough. However, these conversations had exactly the same relation to reality as all previous promises. Shortly before hour “X” it became known that everything had changed and officially no one would be able to get to the construction site.

“We made our way in unofficially. What they saw was horrifying. The plaster layer, gypsum particle boards, gypsum blocks, and concrete floors are torn apart by water from the inside. Freezing and expanding in winter, it destroys buildings, is absorbed into the mineral wool of external panels and other Construction Materials. As a result, mold and mildew have already appeared in the apartments. All these years we have been observing the deliberate destruction by the developer of property for which they paid a lot of money! A normal company that actually plans to build and deliver houses spends on Finishing work billions of other people’s money, including “our own 632 million,” would she allow this?” - asks Nikolai, one of those who once bought an apartment in the Forces of Nature residential complex.

The developer, apparently, is not taking any action to stop the destruction. “And so it will do,” as another famous builder from the cartoon of the same name once said. But is it possible to complete these buildings? Perhaps the answer to this question is much more relevant than all the previous ones. Here we are no longer talking about philosophy, justice, or even the potential punishment of the perpetrators, but about basic security.

It is difficult, without being a lawyer, to understand the intricacies of the current situation. To understand who is really to blame and why the initiators of this construction are still at large? Where to find a new investor, rumors about whose appearance periodically arise, instilling hope in shareholders, but always turn out to be “fake”? Who benefits from the court's decision, which declared the Murinskoye-1 residential complex bankrupt, but postponed the bankruptcy case of Romantika LLC, the second developer of the Forces of Nature residential complex?

Only one thing is clear. Refusal of shared housing construction and transition to a mechanism project financing with the participation of banks is the only sure way that will allow the country to forever get rid of such a shameful phenomenon as defrauded shareholders. Another thing is that this will no longer help people who bought apartments in “Forces of Nature”. But it’s still quite difficult to say who will help them.

A residential complex is being built in the village of Murino between the Okhta River and the highway to Lavriki. Construction was started by O2 Development, but the project was later frozen. In February 2019, an agreement was concluded between the developer and Lenobl AIZhK. If 21 buildings were originally planned, now 4 are being built. The first two buildings are called the Murinskoye-1 residential complex (formerly the Forces of Nature residential complex). The second phase included buildings 3 and 4 called the residential complex "Romashki".

Object characteristics

The eco-quarter will be made in bright colors using a large area of ​​glazing on the facades. The buildings will be multi-story and consist of several sections arranged in a cascade.

According to the developer's plans, the residential complex will have apartments of different layouts, from compact studios to three-room apartments. The construction of 10-18-storey buildings is carried out using frame-monolithic technology.

All apartments will have metal entrance doors, energy-saving double-glazed windows, and coarse water filters. Telephone, television and Internet lines will be organized on the “one cable” principle. Comfort-class elevators will be installed in each entrance and provided with a fire safety system.


The infrastructure of the village of Murino is not sufficiently developed, considering the density of buildings and the number of people living here. There are a number of hypermarkets 4 km away - Lenta, Okay, Magnit, Karusel, Northern Mall, etc. There is an acute shortage in the area educational institutions, but by the end of construction O2 Development will build:

  • 2 new kindergartens;
  • center for further education;
  • school for 700 places;
  • clinic;
  • modern sculpture park.

Also, according to the project, the ground floor premises are allocated for fitness centers, shops, a bank, a veterinary center, a library, beauty salons, etc. The developer will landscape the territory of the Forces of Nature residential complex, organize children's playgrounds, sports and recreation areas for adults, and on-site parking.

Transport accessibility is provided by the highway to Lavriki with access to Toksovskoye and the Ring Road, 3.5 km away. Along the same highway in Lavriki you can get to the station by car. Devyatkino metro station is 3 km away or walk 1.5 km. A kilometer from the complex is the Lavriki railway station, from where trains depart in the direction of the Finlyandsky Station.

Page real estate in the Leningrad region, Leningrad Region, real estate in the Vsevolozhsk region and places Lavriki (highway) st.

The residential complex “Forces of Nature” on the highway in Lavriki in Murino is one of the most famous long-term construction projects in the Leningrad region. Conceived by O2 Development as an economy class eco-quarter, it was to consist of eight phases, including not only residential buildings, but also numerous infrastructure facilities. However, due to problems with the partner bank, as well as difficulties with connecting to utility networks, work stopped already at the beginning of construction of the second stage. In total, about 2,500 shareholders of the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative (1st stage) and shareholders of Romantika LLC (2nd stage) are waiting for apartments in the complex today.

Last fall, surveillance procedures were introduced at the Murinskoye-1 housing complex. Almost simultaneously with this, a new investor was connected to the project, ready to invest in completing the long-term construction in exchange for the right to sell the remaining apartments in the second stage of the complex. In February 2018, workers returned to the Forces of Nature construction site. Today houses are being completed by force general contractor Construction Management LLC. At the same time, the figure of the investor remains behind the scenes. The official representative of the developer, Anatoly Sobolev, only assured that he was a “great” and “well-known in the region” person. When asked whether his name was known to the administration of the Leningrad region, Mr. Sobolev did not answer, limiting himself to assurances that the officials were convinced of the seriousness of the new player’s intentions.

Now work is being carried out mainly on the first building of the first stage. Representatives of the investor promise to put it into operation in January-February 2019. At the same time, the transfer of apartments to buyers will begin. After this, the teams will begin finishing the second house from the Murinskoye-1 housing cooperative. It, in turn, is promised to be completed by July 2019. Both buildings of the first stage are being completed in accordance with the original O2 Development project.

Otherwise, things will be arranged with two houses of the second stage. Its new investor allocated new project under the brand "Romashki". These will be buildings 15-18 floors high with a total of 2,470 apartments. Sales of housing in the complex, which were stopped two years ago, will be resumed. The unsold 1,504 apartments ranging from studios to three rubles, as well as commercial premises on the ground floor, will begin to be sold on July 1. Price square meter at the start it will be 50,000 rubles; as the buildings are ready, the cost will increase. The scheduled delivery date for Daisies is June 30, 2020. At the same time, the head of the marketing and sales department of the complex, Andrey Kuchmin, in a conversation with the site, named more early date completion of work - before the end of 2019, according to the current validity period of the construction permit.

The appearance of new houses will be different from those already built. Thus, unusually shaped windows will disappear from the project, and the extravagant colored porcelain stoneware finish will be replaced with plaster. The facades of buildings will be decorated with giant images of daisies. The same flowers, already in metal form, will be mounted in the courtyard of the new building next to the parking lots, children's and sports grounds. The installation will have a height of about 10 meters; according to the builders, it should become a symbol of love and happiness.

Let us note that the prospects for the construction of the third to eighth stages of the complex remain vague. Permits for their construction have been revoked.

st. Zastavskaya, 31, building 2 196084 St. Petersburg,
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While the Arbitration continues to consider the bankruptcy case of the second developer of the Forces of Nature residential complex, Romantika LLC, the developer announced another new investor for the project. Leningrad region authorities are asking to present the “goods in person” in two days

In the near future Arbitration court Petersburg and the Leningrad region must publish the reasoning part of the decision on the further progress of the bankruptcy case of Romantika LLC, the second developer of the problematic residential complex “Forces of Nature” in Murino from 0 2 Development.

As noted in the official group of LenoblAIZHKA and the Directorate of KRT LO for the completion of a residential complex on the VKontakte network, at the last meeting it was announced that the shareholder Nikolaev ceded his right of claim to the Leningrad Regional Agency mortgage lending. The same requirement was also claimed by the debtor, who wanted to introduce a monitoring procedure with his manager - the debtor paid off Nikolaev’s demand so that the court would move on to consider the next creditor affiliated with the debtor.

As the report emphasizes, during the meeting, representatives of the debtor put forward two dozen arguments that the agency violated the law, ranging from the fact that the assignment agreement should be registered, and ending with the fact that LenoblAIZhK violated the law on public procurement when buying out the claim.

However, the court considered their arguments to have no basis and confirmed the transfer of the claim in the bankruptcy case to Lenobl AIZHK.

“Since the new investor from O2 Development has not yet been presented, the agency will request the introduction of a monitoring procedure in relation to Romantika LLC,” the message in the group emphasizes.

Let us note that the media also reported about a new investor for the completion of the complex just the other day. The corresponding official letter was received by the authorities of the Leningrad region on behalf of lawyer Natalya Shatikhina, representing the interests of the O2 Development group of companies. In the document, she proposed organizing a meeting with a potential investor... only in December 2018. According to Natalya Shatikhina, such a long delay is required, since the company is geographically located in Moscow. However, as the lawyer noted, at the insistence of the authorities of the 47th region, such a meeting could take place earlier.

As StroyPuls learned, the governor of the Leningrad region, Alexander Drozdenko, really wanted to meet earlier. He has already instructed Deputy Chairman of the Government of Region 47 Mikhail Moskvin to organize a conversation with representatives of O2 Development and a potential investor from February 19 to 22 of this year. In addition, Mikhail Moskvin’s office is also interested in the specific legal name of the investor, his authorized capital, founders, completed and ongoing projects. The lawyer is asked to provide this data by February 16.

We note that according to open data on the Facebook page, Natalya Shatikhina is a managing partner in the Consulting Ligitation Arbitration group of companies. The Gazprom website notes that she has been listed as an arbitrator at the Gazprom Arbitration Court since 2011.

Let us remind you that shareholders and shareholders of the Forces of Nature residential complex (4 houses in total) have been waiting for housing for more than four years. Back in 2014, the deadlines were postponed by two years.

O2 Development has been trying to obtain funding for the completion of the facility since March 2016, but was rejected over and over again. Then the executive authorities also joined in the search for the bank and contractor. Later, information appeared that ex-co-owner of Baltinvestbank Yuri Rydnik could give money for completion, but he never became involved in the project. The owners of O2 Development themselves said that a certain investor had been found, but again the money did not come.

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