
How to ask the rich for help. Free financial assistance from rich people is a reality

Financial assistance from rich people- monetary support, which is provided directly or through special funds to solve various problems of the party in need. Funds are raised to pay for treatment, contribute funds for an operation, repay debt, build or save a business, realize a long-time dream or other goals.

Despite the high probability of success, get financial assistance It is not always possible to receive free and urgent assistance from wealthy (wealthy) people. The reason is ignorance of the basic rules and subtleties of attracting financing. Below are tips that increase your chances of success.

How to get financial help from rich people?

They say that “brevity is the sister of talent.” Perhaps this rule works in many sectors of our lives, but not in the matter of material assistance. To receive money from rich people, and even for free, it is important to describe the situation in detail. When describing the problem, it is important to focus on the purpose of fundraising:

  • Treatment. When collecting money for an operation or payment for other services of a medical institution, it is important to accurately disclose the diagnosis, attach documents confirming the problem, and attach a photograph. It is necessary to describe what has been done to solve the problem, what are the chances of success, and for what purpose will the material assistance received free of charge from rich people be used. According to statistics, it is for these purposes that it is easiest to raise money.
  • Business. An equally popular sector is raising money for the implementation of your business project. Many investors are interested in such startups and donate the required amount. In this case, funds can be issued either free of charge or subject to the return of part of the money in the form of a percentage of the profit received. The nuances of cooperation largely depend on the agreements of the parties. To place an ad, you can use crowdfunding services or other platforms.
  • Dream. The possibilities of the Internet allow you to ask for financial assistance for various purposes, for example, buying a car or real estate. Rich people have enough resources to help solve the problem. The main thing is to prove the importance of this event and provide evidence. But you should not expect that the required amount will be collected in one day. Most often, fundraising takes 1-2 months or more.

When does asking for financial help work best for rich people?

To ensure that an appeal to wealthy individuals does not remain unanswered, it is important to approach the formation of the request correctly. So, when writing a letter about financial assistance, you need to find a “key” to a rich person and follow these tips:

  • We contact you personally and write the word “Dear.” This requirement applies to cases where the letter is issued in relation to a specific person.
  • We reveal the features of the current situation and write what was done to solve the difficulties that arose. This point is important. A potential benefactor must see that the recipient of the funds has taken all possible measures and really needs financial support.
  • We indicate contacts. It is important that a potential investor can contact the recipient of funds and clarify the purpose of fundraising, as well as the circumstances of the incident (if required).
  • Here are the details. It will not be possible to receive immediate financial assistance from rich people if you do not register information for receiving funds. The request must contain the card number, EPS wallet details, details for crediting money to the cryptocurrency wallet, and so on.
  • Thank you for your support. A request for financial support and receiving the amount of interest should end with gratitude to the people who responded to the request and did not stay away from the problem.

Where can I get targeted financial assistance from a foreign rich person?

To attract money for the implementation of any of the projects mentioned above, it is better to use proven and universal platforms. Unlike competitors, this site is free, has wide functionality and gives the result in the form of attracting the amount of interest. The resource is visited by rich people who are ready to provide money. Your only request is to expand on the topic “Provide financial assistance” and provide a detailed description of the situation.

Surely many of you, at least once in your life, have found yourself in a difficult situation that you cannot cope with on your own. You urgently need money for surgery, treatment, business - the problems may be different, but the solution does not always seem obvious.

And when you can’t borrow from relatives and friends, banks refuse to issue a loan, you can try asking rich people for free financial assistance.

How can you get it? Are there really people in Russia and other countries who simply give away their money to those in need?

Everything is not so simple, however, there is still a chance to receive the amount you need, and today we will tell you how you can find a sponsor.

What options are there for receiving money?

In case you have any problems financial difficulties, there are several options for solving them:

  • The first thing that comes to mind is to find additional source earnings, . But family circumstances, health status, education, and city of residence do not always allow this.
  • Next, try to borrow from friends or relatives. At the same time, not everyone has such close people who own a large free amount of money to borrow. Besides, sooner or later it will have to be given back.
  • Then - contact them, but they will require you to provide collateral, guarantors, and a bunch of certificates from work. The overpayment here will be significant, especially if the money is needed urgently (up to 35-40% per annum). Besides this, your credit history must be clean, but if not, you will be refused.
  • If your credit history is damaged and you have no official employment, citizenship, or registration, you can visit. Here, according to your passport, they will give you a loan of up to 50 thousand, however, the interest for this will be rather large - up to 2% per day.
  • If you have property, you can try to sell it to a pawnshop or pledge it; the interest rates will be more favorable than in an MFO.

If all these options are not suitable, people begin to look for other ways to get money. They ask friends, search on social networks, and now, on the Internet, they may come across advertisements asking to help people in need. How does this happen?

Rich people helping with money in difficult situations

Today there are many of our fellow citizens who need financial assistance for a variety of reasons. And if they have no one to turn to, they place their ad on special websites, in the hope that millionaires will pay attention to them, for whom the requested amounts will be a trifle, but for others - a real salvation.

Indeed, for some, the amount of 100,000 rubles seems small, many receive much more per month, and can afford to spend it on charity. But for some, such an amount seems overwhelming, because it takes several months to collect it, and the goals can be urgent - paying for treatment, buying food, paying for services, etc.

How to find sponsors? To do this, you need to post your call for help on all available Internet resources; the more there are, the higher your chances that someone will respond to your request.

What are these sites? These are special Internet platforms where anyone can post their request for help completely free of charge. Among the most popular are:

  • zaimyonlinex.ru/poprosit-deneg
  • naodnom.ru/sbor-sredstv
  • pozitin.ru/poprosit-pomoshchi

What is the essence of their work?

Anyone who needs sponsorship can register and leave their application here. In it, he describes in great detail what happened in his life, why he himself cannot cope with this situation, how much money he needs to resolve difficulties.

The advertisement must include:

  • a brief description of your problem,
  • contact and personal details of the requester so that he can be easily contacted and make sure that his situation is real.
  • in addition, the details by which the transfer can be made must be written down - cards, bank accounts,
  • if there is such an opportunity on the website, you can attach photographs from hospital reports, extracts, etc. to the recording.

After publishing his call for help, the author can only wait for the rich man to pay attention to his letter. And this is very difficult, because there are dozens and hundreds of such letters, and each contains a real problem.

Please note that you should only use sites where registration and publication of advertisements is free. If they ask you for money, even a symbolic 50-100 rubles for access to a supposedly secret database of rich millionaires, immediately pass by, because these are scammers who are trying to profit from someone else’s misfortune.

Do they really help?

It’s hard to believe that someone can disinterestedly give away their money to anyone, because millions don’t just appear, they are earned through serious knowledge and hard work. Therefore, simply hoping that a millionaire will go to one of these sites and send you money is quite naive.

It’s a completely different matter - through which rich people engage in charity. They transfer donations in the form of considerable sums to their accounts, and representatives of the foundations decide who and what to use this money for.

How to get there? It's simple - you need to find a fund in your city/region/country that deals specifically with your problem.

Most of these organizations have a clear direction of work - with children, the homeless, cancer patients, young families, single mothers, etc. Once you have found their contact information, try calling them by phone, emailing them, or visiting their office in person to see how they can help you.

If your problem is worthwhile, then they will definitely pay attention to it, and either help themselves or introduce you to rich people who can give you money for free.

Add your review or comment below:

  1. How loans and banking system influence people's souls? When can you take out a loan? And when you can’t take it!

Financial assistance from rich people- a type of monetary support that involves transferring a certain amount to another person to solve any problems (treatment, rehabilitation, business, and so on). The reasons for the transfer differ depending on the goals that the person pursues:

  • Charity. In this case, the money is transferred free of charge, and the amount may vary (depending on the situation and financial situation of the benefactor).
  • Sponsorship. Such financial assistance is often refused by wealthy people from the US, Russia or the EU. The sponsor transfers a specific amount in anticipation of the sale specific project. Such support may be free of charge.
  • Investments. Invested here a certain amount in the hope of making a profit in the future. A rich person will provide financial assistance only if he is confident in the return and increase of the invested funds.

Each of the directions has the right to life. The first option is suitable for people who have acute financial difficulties and are unlikely to be able to return the funds. The second method is optimal for talented people who are realizing a goal. When it comes to investing, in most cases we're talking about on investing in business projects.

Finding rich people is not difficult, but asking for financial help correctly is an art. Let's take a quick look at how to do this correctly:

  • When contacting a person, we consider the situation in detail, describe the task at hand and reveal the final goal. It is important to describe in detail the essence of the problem or provide a brief business plan (if you need money to implement your project).
  • We indicate the exact amount and tell you where and for what purposes you plan to spend the money. To get financial help from rich people, you need specific numbers. It’s a good idea to provide plans for where the funds received will be spent.
  • We register the details(the more there are, the better). If the fundraising page is created on the Internet, it is important to provide as much information as possible to transfer funds. This could be a bank account and card number, an EPS wallet number, a Qiwi wallet, and so on. If a person lives abroad, for example, in the EU or the USA, it will be more convenient for him to give money via PayPal.

Reviews of financial assistance from rich people - money for free

The effectiveness of submitting requests online is confirmed by numerous reviews. People claim that they received financial assistance from rich people, thanks to which they were able to realize many of their ideas. Let's highlight a few comments:

  • « I always believed that people are greedy and are unlikely to share money just like that. Creating a page on the siteSbordeneg. comshowed how deeply I was mistaken. It turns out that there are many kind and sympathetic citizens in the world who help for free. I told about my large family and difficulties with buying a home (not enough money). After 3 days, 1000 rubles arrived. I thanked the person in the comments, after which the money began to arrive almost every day. I haven’t assembled enough for the apartment yet, but within 2-3 months I’m thinking of solving the problem." Igor, Tver.
  • « Before creating a fundraising page, I studied the Internet and the intricacies of receiving free financial assistance from the rich. Feedback from people and practice show that there are two types of “investors” - benefactors and scammers. The former transfer money and do not demand anything in return, while the latter use every opportunity to deceive. Fortunately, in my situation there were kind and rich people who transferred 100,000 rubles for treatment without demanding anything in return" Nikolai, 50 years old.

There are many more reviews about the possibilities of receiving financial assistance. Some people complain about fraud, while others praise their benefactors. To avoid being scammed, it is better to use the website, where you just need to create a fundraising page and receive the required amount in a short time.

Fundraising - sponsorship, or simply charity, is becoming increasingly important every day. In America alone, about $500 million is donated to charity every year. Usually people feel shy and awkward when they have to borrow.

Thanks to the tech boom, today there are many new ways to borrow money or even get it for free.

Today almost everything is possible via the Internet. Asking for financial help from rich people is no exception. After all, no one is immune from getting into difficult life situations. There is no shame in asking for help.

Money can be transferred directly to the card, so you can use it almost immediately. It's playing important role in situations where money is needed, for example for urgent surgery and every second counts.

To get help, you first need to:

  • find a list of suitable forums or sites where people turn for such help;
  • in order to attract the right sponsors (especially foreigners), you need to describe the problem as accurately as possible, explaining exactly how the money received can help;

Step-by-step algorithm for getting help:

  • find a website in this field of activity;
  • register;
  • indicate what the money was needed for;
  • indicate the required amount;
  • indicate methods for withdrawing/receiving funds.

After the request for help is published, all you have to do is wait for someone to respond. This usually takes no more than a few days. Basically it all depends on the goals and the required amount.

It is important to submit several applications on different resources, then your chances will increase significantly.

In order to increase your chances several times, it is important to describe in as much detail as possible the reason that prompted you to seek help. Moreover, the reasons can be completely different from purchasing medicine to buying a brand new yacht or going on vacation. There are many more kind people in our world than many are accustomed to think.

It is advisable to write it as emotionally as possible in order to at least slightly hurt the feelings of the readers. So that after reading the questionnaire you will really want to help.

Strange as it may seem, many people forget to provide their details, and this is very important. After all, otherwise there will be nowhere to send the money. People will want to help, but there will be no help. It is not known who will get the money in this case.

There are several areas where you can always get money:

  • to develop your business;
  • to solve health problems;
  • on Unexpected expenses, going to a birthday party, and others.

Anyone can ask rich people for money on the Internet. We all have situations when we urgently need to get at least some amount of money for urgent expenses. Using this page you can ask for money free of charge for any purpose.

There is no shame in asking for money on the Internet, because no one sees you and the request remains virtually anonymous. You don't have to turn to friends and acquaintances.

The only important condition for posting your request on the site is detailed description your problem, so you need to specify:

  • your name
  • Tell us in detail what you need money for
  • City
  • Details for transferring funds

In order for your request to be posted, be sure to share it on social media. networks:

3375 entries.

From the city of Saratov wrote on 05/25/2019 at 05:02:

Hello. I will help you solve your financial difficulties. [email protected]

From the city of Ileza wrote on 05/24/2019 at 23:16:

Help, I’m in a difficult situation, my husband left me with three children, I have a lot of debts. I live for the sake of my children, my husband doesn’t need them. I have a loss of strength. Yandex Money 5106216020000596.

From the city of Vladimir wrote on 05/24/2019 at 22:40:

Hello, help me, I have a lot of debt.

From the city of Balashikha wrote on 05/24/2019 at 22:27:

Help with money for free. The boss forced me to write a receipt for 5.5 million and subsequently sued for this amount. Now I was obliged to pay, and with interest. I don’t know what to do, there has never been such money, and there never will be. I am appealing to everyone who can help. For contact email [email protected]. Write if you are ready to help. Let's agree on further actions.

From the city of Podolsk wrote on 05/24/2019 at 21:02:

in 2015, probusinessbank took out a loan and in 2015 the bank was deprived of its license, but in 2019 the bank was found and now, by court decision, they will deduct 50 percent from the pension. I’m 73 years old, I’ve been almost unable to walk for 3 years now (I’ve lost my back), and a lot of money is spent on medicine. I don't know how to survive. Please help me! I will be very grateful to you. card number 63900240 9073662138

From Moscow wrote on 05/24/2019 at 20:58:

Hello! We found ourselves in a very difficult life situation... I need money for food and medicine for my three children. It’s not our godfather’s help, so I really hope that through this site they will help us with at least some penny. The ruble is also important for us now. Give up, please!! Bank of Moscow card 4652 0608 1962 1076

From the city of Glazov wrote on 05/24/2019 at 20:54:

I will provide you with financial assistance. [email protected]

From the city of Kazan wrote on 05/24/2019 at 20:46:

Good day everyone! Help is needed. My husband died and I was left alone with my daughter. Benefits and salaries are not enough. Help with food, clothing, home improvement, and rent. We need 100 thousand rubles. We're about to be kicked out of the house. These are temporary difficulties, but I can’t cope on my own. Please, help. Sberbank 63900238 9080217789

From the city of geysk wrote on 05/24/2019 at 20:04:

Hello. My name is Konstantin, I’m 55 in 2010. I moved from Sakhalin to the Krasnodar region. The money deposited in the savings bank of 1,111,000 rubles to buy a home turned out to be stolen and it turned out to be impossible to return it. before 2017 there was nowhere to live. I was tired of wandering around rented houses and, surprisingly, Sberbank gave me a mortgage of 1,165,000. Housing appeared. But now at work my salary has been cut and my position has been eliminated. I have nothing to pay the mortgage with, to fix the situation, I took out a loan of 265,000, but the people who promised to help deceived me. This is how huge debts have formed and the impossibility of paying them. Please, I ask for help, I won’t be able to get out on my own and I’m back on the street again t. +79618538645 map 4276 3000 2155 9920 I was a diver in the past, I can be useful to you.

From the city of Ilek wrote on 05/24/2019 at 19:50:

Ryabyat needs a sum of 100 thousand, urgently fell into a credit hole, the priests are threatening to seize the property, they gave a deadline until June 10, 2019. Who can use a Sberbank card 4276460037483380 I will be very grateful for any of your help... All the best

From the city of Minsk wrote on 05/24/2019 at 19:44:

Hello to me, I have a child for as many as 4 children, as a believing dad, as if a tough wife left us and went to another, we don’t have enough money for food, and public utilities they pay people well, you can help any amount. kekvenas rublis is important for us, I will try only for my child my details Payeer perveskit, how much you cannot be indifferent to the virgin musu payeer P76820389

From the city of Ust-Dzheguta wrote on 05/24/2019 at 19:07:

The child needs 120,000 for treatment... I’m a single mother, I don’t have such an opportunity... Please help.. Thank you all in advance... Sberbank 5469 6000 3388 6318

From the city of Tobolsk wrote on 05/24/2019 at 18:20:

Hello, I'm asking for help, I'm just losing strength and nervous, and I'm still expecting a baby! Got into the big one debt trap and I don’t know how to deal with this right now, it’s just a black streak, I don’t need a certain amount, I know that there are people in the world who can help and will not pass by as long as they can, I don’t have anyone else who will help me, so I’m writing here, I hope there are people who Have you been in the same trouble or another, well, I urgently need your help card number: 639002679017708789 Sberbank God bless you and your home, God forbid, I don’t wish anyone to get into such a situation!

From the city of Omsk wrote on 05/24/2019 at 18:10:

I am a pensioner, I receive 4 thousand pensions, the rest is calculated by the bailiffs, which goes towards paying for the apartment, the debt is big, I won’t be able to pay it off for the rest of my life, who can help me with money on the card, post office bank4059 9301 6024 8878

From the city of Zelenograd wrote on 05/24/2019 at 17:05:

I am a single mother, I have two children, we live in an apartment with a mortgage, a lot of loans and debts, I don’t know how to get out of this situation, it’s just a cry from the heart for help. 5336 6901 0458 3671 thank you all in advance.

From the city of Omsk wrote on 05/24/2019 at 16:47:

Kind people, I’m begging for help, I’ve found myself in a very difficult life situation, I’ve gotten into debt that I don’t have the strength to live like this anymore, not to live, but just to survive, I have three children, I can barely get by, I’m barely ashamed to look my children in the eyes, I don’t drink, I lead a good lifestyle, but I’ve driven myself into such bondage that sometimes I don’t want to live, I’m ready to take out a loan to pay off everything and pay off one little by little, so there’s no place where they don’t give gas for debts, they turned off the house, there’s no heating in front of the children, it’s a shame. HELP WHOEVER HAS THE OPPORTUNITY. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU DAY AND NIGHT. My Sberbank details card 2202201554546552

From the city of St. Petersburg wrote on 05/24/2019 at 15:18:

Parents with many children ask for help from kind people Konovodova Irina Viktorovna 19091978 this data can be entered on the website bailiffs and check we live in my 12th room in a communal apartment, I am a wife of 4 children and now we are supposed to get an apartment from the state, but because of debts they won’t give it to us, we found out about this yesterday, the natary reported money 350,000 rubles, I can’t get it anywhere I have no relatives and my wife’s mother is retired, if anyone can help, can you help me with money on my card 5368290058787534 or on the court website, thank you in advance to everyone who responded, I just have nowhere to turn

From the city of Glazov wrote on 05/24/2019 wrote on 05/24/2019 at 13:22:

Good afternoon Recently I worked at an equestrian club as a groom. I needed money, so I took out a loan from a microfinance organization. Then he turned it off. After some time, I took out a loan again. Then problems started at work, they started delaying pay, and eventually quit. Within three months I paid small amounts. Then I couldn’t swim out. Today they called me and said that the documents were sent to the court this month. It is possible to pay at least 6,000 rubles for loan renewal before Monday (05/27). The whole amount is 16000 Please help, as much as you can Card Sberbank 5469 0400 1655 0369 Vitaly Ivanovich R

Today many people want to ask for help with money. Some people simply don’t have enough wages, others don’t have the funds for urgent payments. In any case, all problems can be solved, and if we help each other, everything will work out.

We hope that after introducing this service on our website, you will no longer have the question of where you can ask for money and all your financial difficulties will be resolved as soon as possible.

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