
Paid parking in Kazan paid off with fines. The court in Kazan decided that you can not pay in advance for parking Payment methods for parking in Kazan

Before choosing how to pay for parking in Kazan, you need to know the price of the service. One hour of parking costs from 30 to 70 rubles. A free stop is allowed for boarding and disembarking passengers for no more than 15 minutes.

There is a time to enjoy parking spaces can be free. These are weekends, holidays and weekdays after 21.00. The rest of the time you will have to pay for the use of parking.

Important! Violators will have to fork out. The fine for violating the rules is 2,500 rubles. Paid parking was introduced in order to unload the city center from road transport.

Payment methods for parking in Kazan

Confirm email address and mobile phone to go through the verification process. The account is automatically attached to the specified phone number. By the way, not only citizens, but also legal entities can use the service.

Click "Top up" to deposit money into your parking account. This can be done using SMS, a card from the Bank of Kazan or Yandex.Money. When replenishing through the Bank of Kazan, there is no commission, if funds are transferred from Yandex.Money, the commission is 5%.

In February 2016, a year after the launch of the paid municipal parking system, Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin announced that the project had fully paid for itself. According to the mayor, this took about nine months. However, Metshin did not go into details then.

The project "Kazan Parking" today really makes a profit. As Inkazan found out, since its launch, a total of 69.17 million rubles have been spent on paid parking. 84 million rubles were returned to the budget from parking lots.

The launch of the very first stage of the municipal parking space cost the city 36.47 million rubles, but then the paid parking zone expanded. In 2016, 512 additional parking spaces were organized, for which 3.2 million rubles were spent, the executive committee said in response to a request from Inkazan.

In addition, in 2016, the Kazan authorities, together with the Global Environment Facility (UN project), launched the first flat parking for 150 spaces on Mullanur Vakhitov Street. Its cost amounted to 15.5 million rubles, the executive committee said in a response.

Money was also spent on maintaining the infrastructure that ensures the operation of the system. Arrangement, current maintenance and repair of parking lots is carried out by MKU "Organizer of urban parking space". In 2016, 14 million rubles were allocated from the municipal budget of this organization. MKU, according to the procurement website, last year required telephone communications and the Internet, before that - furniture, Appliances and services for setting up parking meters.

In total, Kazan has 57 paid parking lots for 1,708 spaces, and in 2017, according to the decision of the executive committee, another 15 lots for 302 spaces will appear. The mayor's office claims that the launch of the municipal parking system has helped to improve the situation on the roads. Data from traffic detectors show an increase in throughput on the main city highways by 18%. The average speed of movement increased by five kilometers per hour, and the travel time on the main highways was reduced by at least five to ten minutes, the executive committee said in a response.


Municipal parking in Kazan would be unprofitable if it were not for fines issued to drivers for unpaid parking. According to the mayor's office, over the entire period of the project, parking fees amounted to 35 million rubles (of which 23 million in 2016).

On the other hand, more than 107 million rubles have been fined for non-payment since the launch (the amount of the fine is 2.5 thousand rubles). At the same time, far from all fines are actually paid: according to the latest data, only 49 million rubles were mobilized to the budget, that is, about 46% of the amount assessed.

70 rubles per hour

On December 19 last year, at a meeting in the city hall, the head of the transport committee, Aidar Abdulkhakov, announced that from March 1, 2017, the cost of parking in the center of Kazan would increase to 70 rubles per hour. The increase in price, he explained, is due to the overcrowding of parking lots in some areas. At the same time, parking in the least loaded areas, on the contrary, will fall in price to 30 rubles.

Tariff Growth Should Drop Demand for Parking, Adbulkhakov Hopes | Photo: business-gazeta.ru

The price change in both cases is market mechanism, they say in the executive committee. “In the first case, this is aimed at limiting demand, which will stimulate a higher turnover Vehicle and will lead to a reduction in the share of long trips by passenger transport (primarily labor). The reduction of the tariff to 30 rubles is set similarly to the minimum cost in multi-level and underground parking lots,” Inkazan said in a response.

The decision to increase the tariff was made by the authorities on the basis of data from constant monitoring of the number of parked cars, the duration of parking and changes in the situation on the roads. As follows from the response of the executive committee, the main criterion for the "correct" cost is the turnover of parking spaces and the load, which should not exceed 80-85%. The current tariff of 50 rubles, officials say, can no longer always keep the load at this level.

According to the executive committee, now at some parking lots (Teatralnaya Street, Svoboda Square, Professor Nuzhin, Tolstoy) loading in certain time reaches 95-100%. “This is the level when drivers are forced to look for a free space, creating wandering traffic, and not finding it, leave the vehicle with traffic violation- they say in the city hall. “At the same time, there are areas where parking spaces have a minimum load.” The least loaded parking lots are on the streets of Galiaskar Kamal, Khudyakov and Gayaz Iskhaki.

At the same time, the authorities do not exclude that in the future parking rates may change again - both upward (if monitoring shows an excess of 85% of the load), and lower (if the load decreases).

The loading of parking lots in Kazan is really excessive, confirms the regional representative of the Federation of Russian Car Owners (FAR) Ramil Khairullin. The situation escalated when in September 2016 the section near the NCC Kazan was closed - since then, the port has been “difficult to find a place in the center,” he admits.

However, Khairullin believes that raising the “psychological” barrier to 50 rubles per hour will not lead to the consequences that the authorities are counting on. This may not reduce the load, but drivers will stop paying for parking, the representative of the FAR is worried.

According to him, this is already being observed: “I look at the program - half of the parking spaces should be free. When I arrive, there are no vacancies: everyone stands with sealed numbers, ”says Khairullin.

The Vakhitovsky District Court took the side of drivers who do not want to pay for street parking in advance. He satisfied the complaint of the car owner against the decision of the city administrative commission, which sentenced her to a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles, allegedly for not paying for parking, although the woman paid for it - but not in advance, but in fact. The decision of the court to cancel the fine has entered into force.

I used the services of paid parking in the center several times and always paid after the fact, - lawyer Maya Mazo told the Vechernaya Kazan correspondent. - Because, first of all, I simply did not know that the rules in force in Kazan require paying a fee in advance, because their full text is not posted in the parking lots. And secondly, it's just illogical, because you don't always know exactly how long your car will spend in the parking lot. Before, I never received any fines due to payment after the fact.

As it turned out, fines did not come only because Mazo's car did not fall into the lenses of the parking attendants' cameras. And on April 30, when Maya left her car at the paid municipal parking lot No. 117 on Dzerzhinsky Street and went for a walk along the embankment, they spotted him. About an hour later, Mazo returned and paid for parking by sending an SMS from her phone, and two months later she received a fine for non-payment by mail ... At the same time, the money paid was not returned to her, that is, in fact, the municipal unitary enterprise "Organizer of urban parking space" accepted the parking fee !

essence municipal service and her legal nature is to create benefits for the population. But the organization of payment for municipal parking lots in Kazan strongly contradicts this essence! This is no good, it is generally not normal - to create for people additional complexities when using the parking lot, forcing them, in fact, to refuse to travel to the center under pain of a fine that can come even if you paid in good faith for the service, the lawyer concluded.

In her complaint to the court, she cited a number of arguments, according to which the payment of parking after the fact cannot be considered administrative offense, but one main thing was enough for the court: article 3.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Tajikistan “Non-payment for placing vehicles in paid municipal parking” provides for liability for non-payment, and parking is paid.

Maya Mazo refers to the experience of Europe, where it is not customary to demand payment in advance: “In Spain, for example, in paid parking, they put a receipt under the glass, which says that a fine threatens if the parking is not paid for within two days.”

It is hardly worth postponing the payment for parking in Kazan for such a long time, - considers the regional representative of the Federation of Russian Car Owners (FAR) in the Republic of Tatarstan Ramil Khairullin. - But it is simply necessary to make changes to the rules for using parking lots that provide for payment at the end of the parking lot, that is, after the service has been received. Firstly, article 3.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Tajikistan does not say anything about the timing of payment, and secondly, it is illegal and unacceptable to take money for services not rendered, and this is exactly what happens when we pay for parking in advance with bank card or cell phone. Indeed, at the same time, overpaid money is not returned, in contrast to payment with mobile application which not all drivers can use. However, for now, we will not go to court on this matter - we must first support the future claim of the FAR judicial practice. For those who, like Maya Mazo, will be fined for paying for parking at the end of their use, we will prepare and post on our website a sample legal complaint and accumulate information on precedents.

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