
Concierge service on the world map premium. How to make money fulfilling other people's whims

What do you expect from your long-awaited vacation? Distract and relax after stressful office routine, important business negotiations and transactions. Replenish energy reserves, restore health and appearance. Bring home exclusive antiques, local delicacies and a million positive emotions. A classic VIP vacation from Platinum Vip Travel meets all your expectations. We are ready to realize your wildest dreams.

Exclusively for you

Platinum VIP Travel offers a range of services that will satisfy the highest requirements. Your personal Concierge will help in organizing and conducting various events. Will help you choose a luxurious home for living, for an event, relying on your taste and preferences and other services. Choosing gifts for your family, friends, companions. We will fully organize your trip and provide you with luxurious service during your trip.

Platinum VIP Travel ready to fulfill any request. Do you want to relax and update your wardrobe in accordance with fashion trends in Paris and Milan? We organize shopping at the highest level. Are you planning to improve your health or organize a business conference in Europe? Platinum VIP Travel will provide you with everything you need.

Our services:

  • luxury holidays in the best destinations in the world (Paris, Cote d'Azur, Monaco, Ligurian coast, Tuscany, Israel and others);
  • exclusive tours to Europe, individual tours to Europe and Israel;
  • organizing visits to prestigious global events (Cannes International Festival, Berlinale, prestigious auto racing, regattas, etc.);
  • exclusive flights on private jets, as well as regular business class flights;
  • yacht charter, car rental from business class to exclusive;
  • rental of prestigious apartments, villas and chalets in the best resorts in Europe and Israel;
  • programs for lovers of adventure and new experiences;
  • original gastronomic programs and tastings;
  • personal shopping;
  • various seminars for children and adults in private workshops of artists, photographers, chefs, confectioners, chocolatiers;
  • organization of unusual and original excursions;
  • organization of business trips;
  • obtaining a residence permit in European countries;
  • selection of highly qualified personnel

All the most exclusive things for you!

Benefits of a luxury holiday

Advantages of cooperation with Platinum VIP Travel obvious.

Only an exclusive holiday, you manage your own time and dictate the rules. Platinum Vip Travel offers not only organized exclusive individual tours to Europe and Israel, but also all conditions for independent travel for VIP clients. At your service you can rent a private jet, villas, yachts, organize a trip on a yacht to the best places in Europe for yachting.

All you need to do is leave a request or contact us by phone +7 495 967 40 37.
We are ready to provide you with the best destinations and the best prices.

A special feature of the services of the Arteko Management Company for residential buildings is the provision of Concierge service or Reception Service. This service makes the stay of the residents of the house especially comfortable.

Concierge service originates in five-star hotels, where guests with special requests stay. To meet their needs, the hotel has employees (Concierges) whose responsibilities include relieving the client of all everyday and organizational issues. The Arteko company took as the basis for this service the experience of providing similar services in the world's best hotels and Concierge services and adapted it for provision in residential buildings. Now residents of houses serviced by the Arteko Management Company can feel like they are in the best hotel in the world and will be provided with attention 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Concierge service services:

  • Reception of linen for washing and dry cleaning;
  • Ordering air and train tickets;
  • Booking hotels in Russia and abroad;
  • Organization of apartment cleaning;
  • Organization of one-time apartment cleaning work (dry cleaning of furniture, carpets, floor polishing, etc.);
  • Ordering tickets to theaters, sporting events, cinemas, show programs, etc.;
  • Reserving tables in restaurants and clubs;
  • Taxi ordering;
  • Ordering a transfer in other cities of Russia and abroad;
  • Organization of VIP access at airports in Russia and abroad;
  • Information on addresses and telephone numbers of companies in Moscow;
  • Financial information (exchange rates, stocks, etc.);
  • The best currency exchange rates in Moscow;
  • Weather forecast in Russian cities and abroad;
  • Ordering air taxis and charter flights;
  • Ordering car rentals in Russia and abroad;
  • Organization of travel and business trips;
  • Organization of festive events (birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc.);
  • Order and delivery of flowers;
  • Veterinary care (including telephone consultations);
  • Express food delivery to the apartment;
  • Ordering drinking water;
  • Ordering courier delivery;
  • Translation services;
  • Organizing the selection of nannies and housekeepers;
  • Astronomical forecasts;
  • Call a tow truck;
  • Organization of art consultations in leading galleries in Moscow;
  • Organization of personal security;
  • And many other services.

The provision of concierge services is becoming widespread in Moscow. But to join Concierge service clubs, you need to pay entrance fees and pay membership fees every year, which amounts to thousands and tens of thousands of dollars a year. The concierge service of the Arteko company is provided only to residents of serviced buildings and without payment of annual fixed fees. This makes the provision of services accessible to most residents, which increases the level of prestige of your home.

While still studying for her master's degree at MGIMO, Yulia Lukoyanova decided to go work in a concierge service. Starting as a night concierge, the girl gradually mastered the intricacies of working with important guests, gained experience and made connections with the right people. A year ago, she opened her own concierge service, which, among other things, began to help expats get comfortable in Moscow. Now Capital Concierge serves about 150 individuals and two dozen corporate clients.

Yulia Lukoyanova director
and founder
Capital Concierge

How it all began

I was inspired by the idea of ​​business while still in graduate school. Since childhood, I have had a craving for luxury and everything exclusive, which shocked my parents. One day I found an article in one of the glossy magazines about a concierge service in England, written on behalf of its founder. After reading the article, I realized that this is exactly what I want to do, and I wrote a letter to the company.

After the interview, I was accepted into the Moscow branch as a night concierge. It was wildly romantic and complex. When I first started working, I received a request to urgently find a box of exclusive wine, which was brought to Moscow only on order, and deliver it to the client’s country house in half an hour. Of course, we couldn’t find the required wine, but we offered an alternative - the client was satisfied.


At some point, I realized that I had the strength and a great desire to do something of my own, and I founded my own concierge service. The technical director of our company and the financial director, with whom we started a new business together, knew me from my previous place of work. The market for concierge services is very narrow, and everyone who works here has overlapped in one way or another.

Currently, our office employs seven people. I looked for them through ads on HeadHunter. When selecting personnel, the first thing that is important to me is English. We place great demands on it, since we provide services all over the world. During a conversation with a candidate, it is important for me to understand the person’s life position, how honest and customer-oriented he is. Knowledge of key services, goods and services, brands and the city of Moscow itself is important. Mostly Muscovites work for us, and almost all employees speak two foreign languages.

Start-up capital

Friends and relatives helped raise 3 million in starting capital. I didn’t call or convince anyone, I just shared the idea with people close to me, they supported me - morally, financially and with contacts.

The money went to rent an office in the very center of Moscow - clients care where we are located. In addition, we had to spend money on the technical part. The telephone is our main work tool. We operate on a call center principle: we accept all requests by phone and email. We didn’t skimp on this, because we understood that the better the system we built, the better our company would work.

The website is also a big expense item, because concierge service is an image business. The brighter you make something, the more likely you are to hook a client. Therefore, we have been working on the website for more than six months; it should be launched soon.


The first clients appeared through personal contacts. My investor friends helped me a lot. Thanks to them, we attracted two very large corporate clients. I cannot disclose their names, but I will say that we have three large contracts. We also serve about 20 small companies: we work with real estate agencies, private educational and medical institutions, and expat communities. We do not have a strict club system - we work with each corporate client in a way that is convenient for him. We currently have about 150 private individuals. There is already a subscription system in place here - for a year, three or six months.

Concierge services came to Russia around the early 2000s, and then there was a wow effect. Accordingly, people's reaction was not entirely adequate: clients called and asked to do something to check how far we could go. In recent years, the client's portrait has changed a lot. But still, the client often cannot understand what he needs, does not fully describe the problem, and the manager’s task is to get to the bottom of the matter and offer what is needed.

One day the client asked to transport his dog's corpse with whom on a trip trouble happened

It’s also not easy with corporate clients. They mainly need event organization. We also accept individual orders from top managers, but they, as a rule, have their own staff of assistants, so people turn to us if they have only exclusive desires, for example, organizing a turnkey individual trip to Africa. To do this, you need to know the region and the right people there, develop a route and program, organize car and real estate rental.

Strange orders

Orders are very different. For example, we were recently approached by a client who really wanted to watch a TV series released several years ago in Canada, Good Dog. It was never shown on TV, and it’s generally unclear how the client found out about it. We found only the first season, but the client insisted that there was a second season. We scoured the Internet, and it turned out that the second season was renamed and was not even completed. We found both seasons, but they were impossible to download. Our technician recorded video literally from the screen. As a result, we delivered the disc to the client - he was pleasantly surprised.

Another person, who is not yet our client, called and said: “I have a global problem, my wife cannot have children from me, and we really want a child.” Our first question was whether he knew where he was calling - it turned out he knew perfectly well. Since our first visit is free, we made him a selection of various treatment options and indicated the amounts. But he hasn't appeared again yet.

Recently we had to transport a girl from Russia to Ukraine. She called and said that she was standing in a terrible line to cross the Kerch Strait, where our government is transporting military equipment. The girl asked for help to speed up the process. We contacted the head of the checkpoint, and he helped.

Another time we were asked by a client to transport the body of his pet. He was traveling with his dog, and on the way it got into trouble. The client returned to Moscow, but we later transported the dog’s body so that he could bury it in peace at home.

So far we have had no outstanding demands. We immediately refuse to fulfill orders that are contrary to the law. For example, ordering drugs, although now there are much fewer such orders than before.

Here is a real example from my previous company. At night a girl called, already very cheerful. She demanded that a prostitute be called to her home, otherwise “her husband will come and we’ll all be fucked.” We very tactfully explained to her that we don’t do such things, but we can tell her an anecdote so she doesn’t get bored, or recommend a movie.

Working with expats

Expats are exactly the people who need help most. We have prepared an individual package of services taking into account the interests of a person who came from another country: what he needs in the first month, in six months, in a year. We formed it so that at all stages a foreigner would feel comfortable and would not feel the gap between Russia and the West.

Expats pay a lot of attention to detail and want to know everything: why this and not that, and did we check it accurately? Some of them use our service to save money. First of all, such clients want to know how much it costs - milk, coffee, tea - and how much their cost differs from the prices at home. Therefore, price comparison is our first item on the list of services for expats. Foreigners want to be accompanied in furniture, food, and clothing stores. In Russia, not all Internet resources are available; sites are in English, so we also help with online translation. There are also more complex services: recruiting personnel or placing children in private schools.


The company's revenue this year should amount to almost 45 million rubles. Gross profit is approximately 14.5 million rubles.

We have an annual subscription for 85 thousand rubles. It includes information services, searching for specialists, making an appointment with them, booking tables in establishments and taxis, delivering flowers, gifts, food and alcohol. The client pays for these services himself - the subscription only covers our labor costs, this is a kind of insurance in case he refuses the order.

Additional services may be subject to a separate service fee on our part, but this has almost no effect on the price for the client. We cooperate with regular suppliers - our prices are lower than for people on the street.

For one-time orders without a subscription, the maximum service fee is 10% of the cost of goods or services. The higher the price, the lower our percentage. It may be absent altogether if the supplier gives a commission.

We also accommodate clients halfway if they ask us to help their friends. We do this to earn the loyalty of current clients and potential clients.


We are interested in corporate cooperation and various forms of partnership. There is an idea in the future to gather 20–30 people and create a closed club with powerful personal assistants. But this must be done for clients and for absolutely different money.

At the same time, we expect a reduction in orders from expats: today, not every foreigner wants to go to work in Russia.

Photos: Semyon Kats

Concierge service from VTB 24 is a program that makes it possible to delegate to the banking service the execution of all client affairs. It is available to holders of Premium debit and credit cards, regardless of card type - Visa or Mastercard.

Concierge service - what is it and how does it work?

The personal manager provided under this service provides the necessary information free of charge around the clock anywhere in the world, wherever you are.

Book a hotel room, pay for cinema tickets, pay for car rental services - all this can be done using the free VTB 24 service.

You can change the language to Russian. If you speak English well, you won’t have to set up the service.

Basic parameters of the VTB 24 Concierge service

Joining this service will provide you with:

  • Get the information you need, anytime, in any industry.
  • The ability to make a reservation for your favorite product or service.
  • The ability to pay for a product or service.
  • Possibility to place an order at home or at a specified address.

This service from VTB 24 covers various areas of activity.

For travelers

Travel enthusiasts may request the following information:

  1. Individual travel regulation.

The concierge service will inform you about the schedule of planes and trains in the desired direction, select direct and connecting flights with the least loss of time, and recommend worthwhile hotels for accommodation. Information is provided anywhere in the world all year round.

  1. Payment and booking.

The privilege is that the service not only informs you, but also, if desired, makes a reservation and makes payments for tickets, hotels, etc.

  1. VIP rooms and related services.

The company has taken care of your comfortable stay and waiting at airports in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and abroad. The concierge service will make room reservations upon request, provide fast track service, and others.

  1. Vehicle rental.

All information about car classes and rental availability will be available through the service. He will also handle all car rental payments.

Related article:

What does the Privilege card from VTB 24 give?

  1. Language capabilities.

24/7 language support in over 69 languages ​​is available to all Premium cardholders. The transfer will be carried out at the same second using 26 call centers.

  1. Important travel information.

The service will provide detailed information about the country you are traveling to. This applies to visas, vaccinations, security, weather and sending urgent SMS.

  1. Theft or loss of important documents.

The service will take care of you in difficult times. He will advise you on how to protect yourself, restore or make new documents.

For entertainment and leisure

For entertainment lovers, the Concierge service will help with:

  1. Preparation of events and holidays.

The new service will find you a place with a good location and reasonable prices for corporate parties, birthdays and other events.

  1. Restaurants, cafes and bars.

The service will reserve a table in one of the first-class restaurants and the best cafe, and will find a bar with the best cocktails at a reasonable price.

  1. Sports and cultural events.

The service will inform you of what events will happen in the region of your stay. He will inform you about the availability of tickets, pricing policy, and will also give you the addresses of the event and the telephone number of the desired box office where you can purchase them. If you don’t want to go yourself, the service will arrange home delivery.

  1. Holidays with Concierge service from VTB 24.

You can quickly get yourself in order, work out in the fitness room, or go on an excursion with the Concierge service. Upon request, he organizes any trip.

  1. Purchasing goods and services.

The best stores with the most varied assortment will be at your disposal. And through the service you can place an order and delivery.

  1. Gifts and gift certificates.

Delighting your loved ones with gifts - what could be better? Here the service will also become a faithful assistant. He will place an order and send it to the recipient.

  1. Taxi.

At any hour of the day or night, the service from VTB 24 will order a taxi with comfort.

  1. Medicines.

Any drug will be found by the service at the lowest price. You will be given an address and telephone number to clarify the nuances of the drug.

For business

Business services concern:

  1. Organization of business meetings and negotiations.

I was recently connected to a concierge service. So far I haven’t used it, because there seemed to be no need, but when I started telling my friends about it, there was not a single one who knew what it was. Everyone asked the same question: “What is this?”
We already know firsthand what a cleaning service is. This is when, instead of keeping a cleaner in the office, professional cleaners come there with equipment and clean the room.
Slightly fewer people know what a catering service is. This is when office employees do not bring food from home, do not heat it in the microwave and do not run to a nearby grocery or fast food, but at lunchtime a car comes to them with a hot lunch and feeds all the company employees. This is beneficial both for employees who receive nutritious meals and for company management, who do not need to think about how to provide food for employees or bother organizing their own kitchen.
And now we come to what concierge services are. They can be completely different, both for individuals and for organizations. Today we will touch upon individuals.
I won’t lie, I’ve already heard about one concierge service, to which clients of one large bank are connected for free when opening an account there. But to become a client of this concierge service, you need to deposit at least 2 million rubles into the bank. =)
It is clear that not everyone has that kind of money, so I perceived the concierge service as something elitist, inaccessible to ordinary people.
But it turned out that there are much more affordable concierge services.
So, what is a concierge service? To put it very primitively, this is something between a very super developed 09 and a personal assistant secretary.
That is, the concierge service will tell you everything: where the necessary medicine is, when some organization is open, they will make an appointment for you, buy tickets for you, order pizza for you and much more.

Well, in order not to guess, I will now simply reprint a list of what one of these concierge services IQ Service does, what they tell people:
film review and showtimes,
score of sports competitions,
ordering food,
weather forecast,
presence of traffic jams on your way,
booking plane tickets and much more.

Example: You have arrived in an unfamiliar city and want to have a meal in some good, but not expensive restaurant, no more than 10 minutes walk, with Italian cuisine, where there would also be free seats and a smoking area. And also, so that in an hour a taxi will arrive at the restaurant and take you to the station. Where you would already have tickets booked for the nearest train, in a compartment car, on the bottom bunk.
That's how many conditions we'll set! =)
Now you don’t have to surf the Internet from your mobile phone, you don’t have to ask passers-by, you don’t have to download your local friends (if they even exist there). There is no need to rush around, thinking about what to grab onto and how to make it in time. Just call the concierge service, and they will immediately tell you where you need to go, call a taxi, book tickets (of course, if they are available, and if there are no tickets for the desired train, they will offer an alternative). And there can be a lot of such examples!

I’ll write a few examples of very real requests made by people through this service:

A car tire was punctured near 18 Ivan Franko Street. You need to find the nearest tire shop.
The nearest tire service is located 800 meters along Ivan Franko Street. The address, telephone number and cost of tire fitting were provided - 900 rubles.

The client urgently needs to get from Moscow to Nyagan. There are no direct flights for the required date. The client reported the option he found with a transfer. Asks if there is a better option.
A more profitable route with 1 change was selected. The savings for the client amounted to more than 18,000 rubles. Tickets were booked and delivered.

A client wants to go on vacation to Thailand for 1 week. Asks you to choose the cheapest option.
With the help of our partner, we found an option for a trip to Thailand to the Pattaya resort at the Fortuna 3* hotel, breakfast, 7 nights for $399. Booking and purchase arranged.

That's what a concierge service is. Now know and don't say you didn't hear!
By the way, on the site that I gave for a sample there is now a promotion - you can connect this service for free for one week, so each of you can now try it.

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