
Economically developed countries how many there are. The most developed countries in the world: description, rating and interesting facts

The United States has the most developed economy in the world. China, Japan and Germany follow.

Rating Economy GDP ($ million)
The whole world 85,804,390.60
1 United States of America 20,494,100.00
2 China 13,608,151.86
3 Japan 4,970,915.56
4 Germany 3,996,759.29
5 UK 2,825,207.95
6 France 2,777,535.24
7 India 2,726,322.62
8 Italy 2,073,901.99
9 Brazil 1,868,626.09
10 Canada 1,712,510.03
11 Russia 1,657,553.77
12 South Korea 1,619,423.70
13 Australia 1,432,195.18
14 Spain 1,426,189.14
15 Mexico 1,223,808.89
16 Indonesia 1,042,173.30
17 Netherlands 913,658.47
18 Saudi Arabia 782,483.47
19 Türkiye 766,509.09
20 Switzerland 705,501.30
21 Poland 585,782.87
22 Sweden 551,031.68
23 Belgium 531,766.94
24 Argentina 518,475.13
25 Thailand 504,992.76
26 Venezuela 482,359.32
27 Austria 455,736.58
28 Iran 454,012.77
29 Norway 434,750.94
30 United United Arab Emirates 414,178.90
31 Nigeria 397,269.62
32 Ireland 382,487.49
33 Israel 369,690.44
34 South Africa 368,288.20
35 Singapore 364,156.66
36 Hong Kong 362,992.54
37 Malaysia 354,348.42
38 Denmark 352,058.41
39 Philippines 330,910.34
40 Colombia 330,227.87
41 Pakistan 312,570.06
42 Chile 298,231.14
43 Bangladesh 274,024.96
44 Finland 273,960.97
45 Egypt 250,895.47
46 Czech 245,225.88
47 Vietnam 244,948.45
48 Romania 239,552.52
49 Portugal 237,978.94
50 Iraq 225,914.18
51 Peru 222,237.57
52 Greece 218,031.84
53 New Zealand 205,024.94
54 Qatar 192,009.34
55 Algeria 180,689.12
56 Kazakhstan 170,538.87
57 Hungary 155,703.07
58 Kuwait 141,677.81
59 Ukraine 130,832.37
60 Morocco 118,495.33
61 Ecuador 108,398.06
62 Slovakia 106,472.19
63 Angola 105,750.99
64 Puerto Rico 101,130.90
65 Cuba 96,851.00
66 Sri Lanka 88,900.77
67 Kenya 87,908.26
68 Ethiopia 84,355.46
69 Dominican Republic 81,298.59
70 Oman 79,294.93
71 Guatemala 78,460.45
72 Myanmar 71,214.80
73 Luxembourg 69,487.92
74 Ghana 65,556.46
75 Bulgaria 65,132.95
76 Panama 65,055.10
77 Croatia 60,805.66
78 Costa Rica 60,126.01
79 Belarus 59,662.50
80 Uruguay 59,596.89
81 Tanzania 57,437.07
82 Lebanon 56,639.16
83 Macau 54,545.18
84 Slovenia 54,235.48
85 Lithuania 53,251.37
86 Serbia 50,508.37
87 Uzbekistan 50,499.92
88 Libya 48,319.62
89 Democratic Republic of the Congo 47,227.54
90 Azerbaijan 46,939.53
91 Ivory Coast 43,007.05
92 Jordan 42,290.83
93 Sudan 40,851.54
94 Paraguay 40,842.34
95 Turkmenistan 40,761.14
96 Bolivia 40,287.65
97 Tunisia 39,860.72
98 Cameroon 38,502.06
99 Bahrain 37,746.20
100 Latvia 34,849.08
101 Zimbabwe 31,000.52
102 Estonia 30,284.89
103 Nepal 28,812.49
104 Uganda 27,476.95
105 Yemen 26,914.40
106 Zambia 26,720.07
107 El Salvador 26,056.95
108 Iceland 25,882.22
109 Cambodia 24,571.75
110 Cyprus 24,469.84
111 Senegal 24,129.60
112 Honduras 23,803.23
113 Papua New Guinea 23,431.60
114 Trinidad and Tobago 23,410.35
115 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19,781.78
116 Afghanistan 19,362.97
117 Botswana 18,616.02
118 Laos 18,130.72
119 Mali 17,196.69
120 Gabon 17,017.40
121 Georgia 16,209.82
122 Jamaica 15,717.86
123 Albania 15,058.88
124 Palestine 14,615.90
125 Malta 14,542.04
126 Namibia 14,521.71
127 Mozambique 14,457.96
128 Burkina Faso 14,441.76
129 Mauritius 14,220.35
130 Brunei 13,567.10
131 Equatorial Guinea 13,317.45
132 Nicaragua 13,117.86
133 Mongolia 13,009.57
134 Macedonia 12,672.13
135 Armenia 12,433.09
136 Bahamas 12,162.10
137 Madagascar 12,100.46
138 Moldova 11,309.08
139 Chad 11,302.54
140 Congo 11,263.68
141 Guinea 10,989.79
142 Benin 10,358.99
143 Haiti 9,658.08
144 Rwanda 9,509.00
145 Niger 9,239.51
146 Kyrgyzstan 8,092.84
147 Kosovo 7,900.27
148 Tajikistan 7,522.95
149 Malawi 7,064.97
150 Isle Of Man 6,592.63
151 Monaco 6,400.95
152 Liechtenstein 6,214.63
153 Guam 5,859.00
154 Fiji 5,479.50
155 Montenegro 5,452.17
156 Mauritania 5,365.87
157 Togo 5,300.21
158 Maldives 5,272.29
159 Somalia 4,721.00
160 Swaziland 4,703.79
161 Barbados 4,673.50
162 Sierra Leone 3,999.95
163 US Virgin Islands 3,855.00
164 Guyana 3,610.44
165 Cayman Islands 3,570.58
166 Suriname 3,427.27
167 Liberia 3,249.00
168 Andorra 3,236.54
169 Curacao 3,116.61
170 Burundi 3,078.03
171 South Sudan 3,070.89
172 Lesotho 2,791.76
173 Greenland 2,713.53
174 Aruba 2,700.56
175 Faroe islands 2,689.16
176 Eritrea 2,607.74
177 Timor Leste 2,581.00
178 Butane 2,534.97
179 Central African Republic 2,379.72
180 Cape Verde 1,986.93
181 Djibouti 1,965.98
182 Belize 1,925.00
183 Saint Lucia 1,876.19
184 San Marino 1,632.86
185 Gambia 1,624.46
186 Antigua and Barbuda 1,623.80
187 Northern Mariana Islands 1,593.00
188 Seychelles 1,590.18
189 Guinea-Bissau 1,458.16
190 Solomon Islands 1,411.90
191 Grenada 1,207.45
192 Comoros 1,203.08
193 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,039.88
194 Turks and Caicos 1,022.31
195 Vanuatu 887.82
196 Samoa 861.49
197 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 813.09
198 Eastern Samoa 634.00
199 Dominica 503.65
200 Tonga 450.35
201 Sao Tome and Principe 422.30
202 micronesia 344.50
203 Palau 310.11
204 Marshall Islands 211.52
205 Kiribati 188.28
206 Nauru 114.72
207 Tuvalu 42.59

Each individual country has its own economic policy, in which there are inherently both strong and weak sides. If the state is rich in minerals, then most often the economy is built on the export of resources, which weakens the production component.

10 largest world economies in 2018


The most stable economy in the world belongs to the United States, it has held its leading position for more than 100 years. Comprehensively developed economic policy based on the banking system, the largest stock exchange, advanced technologies in the field of IT and agriculture, which is not devoid of innovative solutions and progress.

America, thanks to its significant coverage of fields of activity and advanced technologies in them, has great influence in the world and enjoys it.

The dollar has been a world currency for many years and is quoted in all countries. for 2019 amounted to 20.494 trillion dollars, which makes it possible to understand: why the US economy is the first, leading the ranking.


The fastest growing economy, which can soon displace America and move it from its leading position in the TOP of the largest economies in the world. In China, industry, agriculture and technology are actively growing. The automotive market is larger than the American and Japanese combined.

Chinese clothing and technology enter the markets of most countries, exports are very developed in all directions. China provides food for 1/5 of the world's population, while using only 9% of the land intended for Agriculture.

Annual GDP growth is 10%, which gives America cause for concern. represented in the TOP economies of the world in the face of China, as the strongest and most developed power, the rest of Asia has weaker performance.

Despite the crisis that Europe is experiencing in last years, is still stable on its feet and provides itself with an annual increase in GDP, which is this moment amounted to 3.996 trillion dollars.

Great Britain

The economy of Western Europe in the face of the participating countries presents a blurry picture, but the undisputed leader is, which was included in the overall rating for all countries of the planet. The country is poor Natural resources, so its economic policy is based on services, industry and tourism.

In terms of industry, the leaders are the following areas: aviation and pharmaceuticals, as well as the automotive and textile industries. The UK attracts investment infusions from business representatives of other countries with its liberal banking policy, which allows money laundering to take place.

But in 2018, the country leaves the composition, and experts find it difficult to guess: what damage will this bring to the state's economy and how its position in the world will change.

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Economic situation countries achieved thanks to the industrial-agrarian policy. At the expense of agriculture, France provides EU countries with products, ¼ of all supplies fall to the share of this state.

The best performance in terms of attendance of the country was achieved largely thanks to the Eiffel Tower, its recognizability and the atmosphere of romance associated with it.

But having a high attendance of the country, tourism does not come up. The fact is that cash, left by tourists in the country, have a smaller volume compared to America, this is due to the fact that tourists in France do not linger, and when they see the main attraction, they leave for neighboring countries. The GDP of France at the moment is 2.777 trillion US dollars.

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Developing or third world countries characterized by a low level of socio-economic development. Despite their number, vast territory and population (80% of the world's population), they account for less than a third.

The main features of a developing country are:

  • Colonial or semi-colonial past
  • Agrarian-raw material orientation of the economy
  • Diversified economy: pre-industrial type of production is adjacent to industrial and post-industrial
  • Heterogeneity social structure societies
  • Low quality workforce
  • social tension
  • Dependence on developed countries market economy, especially from foreign loans

List of developing countries

Developing countries mainly include countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The most advanced in the economic sense are new industrial countries (NIS), which have achieved high growth rates (more than 7% per year) due to effective use national competitive advantages (an excess of cheap labor, geographical location) and a purposeful restructuring of the economy in favor of knowledge-intensive technologies and services.

It is customary to single out new industrial countries:
  • First wave: Hong Kong (Hong Kong), South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan;
  • Second generation: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Chile;
  • Third generation: Cyprus, Tunisia, Türkiye, Indonesia;
  • Fourth generation: Philippines, south of China;

Oil producing countries

Oil-producing countries are primarily member countries of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (). Due to the export of oil, they have a level comparable with developed countries. The one-sidedness of economic development does not allow them to be classified as developed countries.

Least developed countries

50 countries in Africa, Oceania, Latin America. They have an extremely backward patriarchal economy, which is characterized by low GDP per capita (less than $350). The share of the manufacturing industry in is less than 10%. Adult literacy does not exceed 20%.

Main economic strategies developing countries are: the nationalization of the captured foreign capital resources, industrialization and sectoral diversification of the economy, protectionism, overvalued exchange rate, import substitution and development of export-oriented industries. The idea of ​​collective self-reliance presupposes the regional integration of developing countries.

Highly developed countries, how are they distinguished from the total number of states? How to determine whether a particular state can be called highly developed?

International statistical services use to rank countries special indicator, referred to as the HDI (Development Index human potential). It is he who is the main criterion for determining the level of development of the country. Depending on its indicator, the level of development of the state can be characterized from "low" to "very high". Most highly developed countries are those whose human development index is close to the score of 1.

The value of the HDI depends on several factors. Indicators such as life expectancy, level of education, quality of life, well-being of children, equipment and level of health care are assessed, economic well-being and simply the human happiness of the population. The calculation formulas use all of these variables as factors. Based on the data obtained, the top ten best countries for human life are determined. Critics (especially from those countries that did not make it into the top ten) consider the HDI assessment to be inaccurate and vague. However, after reading the top list of ten highly developed countries, every sane person will understand that the error, if any, is very small.

Highly developed countries Top 10


Score: 0.943

The Kingdom of Norway is a country that has been ruled by monarchs for a long time, and which can be proud of its excellent level of education and impressively low unemployment. This country, the first of all states, in 1163 officially proclaimed the right to inherit the throne. Much later, already in 1814, a constitutional monarchy was proclaimed in the country.

The average life expectancy of Norwegians is 80.2 years, and there are simply no people living below the poverty line in the state. Norway became one of the main founding countries of NATO, but the country rejected the proposal to join the EU. Despite this fact, Norway still maintains friendly neighborly relations with all European powers. In addition, Norway has become one of the sponsors (in addition to being considered one of the founders) of the UN, it is also a leading member of the OECD and the WTO. The kingdom is rich, it owns the world's largest reserves of oil, gas, timber, various minerals, fresh water, and seafood. Norway has received universal international recognition for the development of world health, the improvement of the advanced foundations of the education system, and the improvement of social security systems for citizens. It is thanks to these factors that the Kingdom of Norway deservedly takes the honorable first place in the ranking of highly developed countries compiled by the UN.


Score: 0.929

In terms of economic development, Australia ranks only 13th in the world ranking (its GDP is $ 918,978,000,000) and 5th in per capita income ($ 40,836). In Australia, the form of government is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. This country occupies a leading place in the ranking in terms of quality of life: happy people live, there is quality healthcare and good system education (100% literacy and a large percentage educational institutions on the number of inhabitants). It is important for every person that the rights and freedoms of citizens are respected in this country: full protection of human rights, economic and civil freedom.

22.7 million residents of the state are satisfied with a stable government that protects the interests of its citizens, peace and sustainable development of the state, environmental protection measures, life expectancy (81.2 years). In addition, Australians are pleased that Australia is a fantastically popular country to visit: tourists from all over the world flock here to get in touch with the wild, protected by people, nature and see beautiful cities like Sydney.

3. Most highly developed countries: Netherlands

Score: 0.910

The Netherlands (the more popular but officially incorrect name Holland) is nominally ruled by a monarch (King Willem-Alexander), but, in fact, the state is governed by a democratic parliament. Over the years of development, the Netherlands has been able to achieve high rates of education and literacy, with a virtual absence of the poor and unemployment. The Netherlands plays a leading role in the activities of the WTO, EU, OECD and NATO. The state is often referred to as the "legal capital of the world", as it is home to the main legal instances of the five courts. international systems. The state GDP is impressive ($ 832.160 billion), which in terms of per capita corresponds to $ 49,950. According to a survey conducted in 2011, 16,700,000 people live in the Netherlands who consider themselves happy people. Holland is a country with a stable economy, honest government, low taxes and amazing cities (the capital city of Amsterdam is an example). People here live a full, healthy and happy life, its average duration is 79.8 years.

4.United States of America

Score: 0.910

America has come a long way since 1776, when, after the victory over the British in the American Revolution, a new state appeared. Today, having overcome many difficulties ( civil war, the Great Depression, participation in world wars), the United States became the most influential state on the planet. The states have the largest GDP ($15 trillion, which equals $48,147 per capita). The United States is one of the world's major commodity importers and exporters. The USA is a very multinational state, for example, in California, out of almost 40 million inhabitants, 50% of the total number are from Asia, Latin America and Africa.

But in terms of human happiness in the United States, everything is not particularly rosy, here the States are losing points a lot. Of the 315 million people in the country's population, 15% are considered poor, unemployment reaches an average of 9% (and in some states it reaches 14%). Experts argue that the American education system lags far behind similar systems in most developed countries. The US is also losing points in health care, as although life expectancy is relatively high at 79 years, obesity is skyrocketing. This problem exists in 33% of the adult population, among children the figures are almost the same. In addition, for many years America has a huge debt to other states.

5. New Zealand

Score: 0.908

Geographically, New Zealand is located on a remote small group of islands. Thus, the state can be proud of the stunning landscapes and the free life of animals. To admire the amazing flora and fauna of these places, many tourists visit the country every year. Although New Zealand is governed by parliament, the head of state is the monarch, Elizabeth II. The country has excellent performance in terms of standard of living and the happiness of citizens. This state is an active supporter of peace, a protector of the environment and animals. Zealand's GDP is $157.877 trillion ($35,374 per person). The population of the island state is about 4.3 million people. Experts praise the education, literacy and sanitary standards of the country. Perhaps this explains the significant life expectancy (average 80.2 years). In addition to the beauty of nature in New Zealand, there is something to admire. For example, magnificent modern cities, such as Wellington.


Score: 0.908

In terms of land area, Canada is the second country in the world after Russia. The country's parliamentary democracy coexists perfectly with a constitutional monarchy. Even this country has two anthem - "Oh Canada" and "God Save the Queen." Economically, the country is well developed (per capita GDP is $ 51,147 with total GDP in 1758 billion). The population of Canada is considered one of the most educated and intellectual in the world. This is supported by the fact that most Canadians speak two or even three languages. Thanks to a developed and well-functioning healthcare system, the average life expectancy of Canadians is at around 80.7 years. Taxes in the country are low, and the country has approximately 34.7 million inhabitants. Many tourists visit the country every year to look at Niagara Falls or visit the capital Ottawa and ancient city Quebec.

7. Ireland

Score: 0.908

Ireland, which is governed by a parliamentary democracy, has only 4.5 million inhabitants. The Irish literacy rate is high (99%), life expectancy is estimated at an average of 78.9 years. GDP – $203.89 trillion ($45,497 per person) The state stands guard over the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Ireland has been hit hard by economic crisis which started in 2008. The country has accumulated huge debts, however, the country is successfully cooperating with the leading EU states (France and Germany) and is successfully moving forward in solving this problem.

8. Liechtenstein

Score: 0.905

The small Principality of Liechtenstein provides its citizens with a decent, comfortable and joyful life. This country is one of the least populated countries in the world. For every person in the population of 35,000, there is a high GDP ($141,000). At the same time, the country has many zero indicators: zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero public debt. The Principality is famous for its very low taxes. If you ever feel like making an exciting trip to Europe, then go to Liechtenstein. There you can explore the capital of the Grand Duchy of Vaduz and visit the majestic Castle, which has been the home of the princely family for many years, as well as chat with someone from the 5100 inhabitants of the glorious cozy city.


Score: 0.905

Germany is one of the most economically developed European countries. High level Education provided 100% literacy of the German population, and the country is home to 82.2 million people.

German Hi-tech, especially in the automotive industry, have proven themselves worldwide. German cars of various brands (Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW) are popular due to the reliability of their design and build quality, which was made possible by the use of a highly skilled workforce. The life expectancy of Germans is 79.4 years. country's GDP- $ 3.5 trillion, which is $ 40,631 per capita. Despite the fact that unemployment in the Federal Republic of Germany takes place (it is approximately 7%), the level of poverty is extremely low.

10. Sweden

Score: 0.904

The Kingdom of Sweden, with its capital Stockholm and a population of 9.3 million people, is an economically stable European state. A small territory (the size of the country is comparable to the US state of California) did not prevent the state from becoming financially strong and independent. The Swedes are among the wealthiest ($35,876 GDP per person) and happy people planets. In addition to economic stability, liberal Sweden is characterized by environmental sustainability, a significant life expectancy (80.9 years), a high level of health care and education.

Europe has always developed dynamically and has been the center of civilization. The most highly developed states on the continent are Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy, members of the Big Seven.

Causes of the economic recovery

The above countries survived the capitalist revolution earlier than others and managed to form a fully democratic society, optimize resources and form priority areas of production.

Consider the main development factors:

  • Natural resources . The European continent has always been rich in various fossils. Today, the sources are practically depleted, so the states are switching to importing raw materials.
  • Geographical position . All the Big Four countries are neighbors, located in the very center of the continent and have access to the seas, which has always been of paramount importance.

Rice. 1 Income of the EU countries, in million euros

Economically developed countries Foreign Europe are characterized by a high level of urbanization, an automated type of production, huge gold and foreign exchange reserves, and are leaders in world tourism. They became the initiators of the unification of countries.

Economy of Germany

The largest economy in Europe. Germany ranks third in the world in terms of per capita income. The main areas of production: automotive, machine tool, chemical industry.

UK Economy

The leading sector of the country's economy is the service sector, namely the banking system that serves the whole world. The per capita income is 41.5 thousand dollars. Britain also specializes in the production of electrical equipment, telecommunications, the metallurgical industry, and food.

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Rice. 2 European unemployment rate

Economy of France

By total volume economic indicators, France ranks second in Europe. The income per inhabitant of the country is 42.4 thousand dollars. It is a nuclear and space power.

Economy of Italy

Italy is an agrarian country that has managed to establish both the production of agricultural products and sell them around the world, and heavy engineering. A large share of income comes from tourism.

Rice. 3 Tourists in Rome

The developed countries Foreign Europe have a share in the world industry of more than 30%. They have one of the most high income per capita. These states are engaged in science, studying new technologies and successfully implementing them, thanks to which they manage to remain leaders in scientific and technological progress.

What have we learned?

The economically developed countries of Western Europe are Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France. All of them managed to find their strengths and develop them until they reached world domination.

Reports and analytical notes are compiled annually, which allow assessing the state of the world economy, the regional market. occupy a special place in such reports, since analysts monitor who, where, the reform of industries, industry, services, education, the army is actively taking place, or the problem of migrants has become aggravated.

Reports and analytical notes are prepared annually, which allow assessing the state of the world economy

The collected information is compared, since the composition of an organization includes a different number of participating countries, and their development (index) is assessed differently. There are general parameters, as well as specific ones, and therefore it becomes necessary to summarize the data that such international organizations: IMF, UN, WB, etc.

Developed countries on the world map

The UN evaluates other aspects:

  • Production of essential goods and services.
  • Poverty level.
  • How entrepreneurship develops.
  • system social insurance, protection.
  • State financial market.
  • Position banking system.
  • Ecological problems.
  • Trends in demographic and social sphere. Birth and death rates.
  • GDP level.
  • The level of investment and lending to projects and various economic sectors.

All these indicators are necessary in order to obtain a complete and comprehensive picture for each region, to single out the share of developing and capitalist countries in it, choosing the largest, industrially developed and quite promising.

Competitive countries of the world

Recently, IMF experts decided to single out another type - economically advanced countries. These powers include:

  1. East Asian: Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
  2. Cyprus.
  3. North American: Canada and USA.
  4. Western European: France, Britain, Italy, Germany.
  5. Some and Central, who have become.

The number of developing countries changes every year. If we consider economic characteristics countries of the world, then the focus of the economy, including the sectoral one, the presence of relevant science-intensive areas, the level and quality of life of the population are taken into account.

Structure of developing countries

Within the countries that are developing, you can make your own division. To define individual groups, the criteria are:

  • structure of productive forces and production;
  • prospects for economic development;
  • economic relations within countries and beyond;
  • number of external and domestic debt;
  • the presence or absence of inflationary growth / fall;
  • conditions for the development of transnational corporations;
  • the role played by small business in the formation of industries and services.

Gold reserves in various countries

These parameters make it possible to single out several types of countries with actively developing markets and economies:

  1. "Asian tigers" of Eastern and Latin America.
  2. Large and Asian countries that export oil and other minerals. Bahrain, Qatar, Libya, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates are engaged in oil exports. Since each of them has a favorable economic and geographical position, plays an important, practically key role in the energy resources and carriers market, the population is not poor and can save money.
  3. Developing countries where high the average size GDP per capita. For example, in Guatemala or Colombia, there is US$1,000 per person.
  4. , vast territories, large population: India, Indonesia, Pakistan. They develop through investment projects from Europe and America. At the same time, other trends are observed: people often live below the poverty line, the level of GDP is $300 per capita, and low rates of industrial development.
  5. Poor countries in Africa and Asia, such as Bangladesh, Benin, Somalia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan. Despite the provision of loans, material and technical assistance, these developing countries are struggling to overcome their backwardness. The economy has a clear agrarian character, pre-industrial forms of labor predominate in production. Relations with the outside world are either absent or very poorly developed.

In 2020, the number of countries that fall into the “developing” category has reached 132. All of them occupy a special place in the world economy, they are connected in different ways with the capitalist countries, the world economic system and the market. Because of this, in such states, a multi-structural economy has long been formed, depending on developed and advanced countries.

Watch the video: salaries in various countries of the world.

Characteristics of developing countries

  • The standard of living of the population is very low.
  • There is no middle class. Society is divided into the rich and the very poor. The income of the rich is many times greater than the income of ordinary citizens.
  • The absence of laws, so investors from abroad rarely invest their finances in the economies of countries.
  • Financial, tax and banking systems are poorly developed.
  • The control device does not work.
  • Unemployment is constantly rising, so the population does not have a fixed income.
  • High birth and death rates.
  • Small sizes and volumes domestic market.
  • Dependence developed countries world, which gives rise to a constant accumulation external debt.
  • The presence of specific socio-economic problems.
  • The economy is subject to ideology, religion and political system.
  • Communal interests prevail, which is why civil society is either just beginning to develop, or completely undeveloped.

Developing countries have scientific and technical potential, but it is weak, which is why they practically do not develop scientific directions, economics, production. At the same time, many states have huge reserves of natural resources.

Developing countries freed themselves from colonial dependence in the sixties, therefore, negative factors are still observed in the social, economic and political structure:

  1. Inability to deal with internal economic problems, which were previously decided by the metropolitan countries.
  2. There are no democratic institutions, which is why the political culture is just beginning to develop. The leaders of the country in their government do not rely on various bodies and institutions, but on the army and the police.
  3. Corruption and bribery are widespread.
  4. Constant wars, interethnic conflicts.
  5. Formation of self-isolation economic model centralized type. It is not market-oriented and does not take into account the peculiarities of the global economy, its trends and key changes.

Corruption index in various countries

In many ways similar situation in third world countries is due to the fact that in the eighties the Soviet Union and the CMEA states invested in the construction of metallurgy and heavy industry facilities. The peculiarities of the geographical position of developing countries and their specificity were not taken into account. Therefore, an imbalance arose in them, there was a complete dependence of the economies on developed countries.

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