
We present a collection of useful tips for servicemen from NachFin.info in infographic format. Calculation of the monetary allowance of a serviceman under the contract of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Nachfin info payments where to whom what how much

One day he says to me:

The Nazis are pushing hard. Our affairs are not so hot.

NachFin.info - website of the military personnel of the Ministry of Defense (MO RF)

There is no need for us to carry such an abundance of money with us. Few things can happen. We urgently need to distribute money right at the forefront. War is war, and order is order.

“I have to,” I agree.

Rules for the payment of bonuses for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments" Government Russian Federation decides:


Rules for payment to military personnel passing military service under the contract, bonuses for conscientious and efficient performance official duties;

Rules for the payment of annual material assistance to military personnel serving under a contract.

2. Payments provided for by the rules approved by this resolution, to be made within the budgetary allocations provided for the monetary allowance of military personnel as part of the costs federal budget for the maintenance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

3. This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 2012, and in relation to the persons specified in paragraph 2 of Article 7 federal law"On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them", - from January 1, 2013.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Rules for the payment of bonuses for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract

1. The bonus for the conscientious and efficient performance of official duties (hereinafter referred to as the premium) is paid to servicemen undergoing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to as military personnel) in the amount of up to 3 salaries of the monthly monetary allowance of a serviceman (hereinafter referred to as monetary salary) per year.

2. The premium is paid monthly or quarterly. The premium payment is made simultaneously with the payment allowance in the month following the month (quarter) for which the premium is paid, and in December - for December (IV quarter).

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The bonus is calculated on the basis of the monthly salary of a serviceman in accordance with the assigned military rank and the monthly salary in accordance with the military position held (in the case of temporary fulfillment of duties in a vacant military position, the monthly salary in accordance with this military position), established on the 1st day of the month in which the premium is paid, and in December - as of December 1 of the current year.

4. The size of the bonus, depending on the quality and efficiency of the performance of official duties by military personnel and the procedure for its payment, are established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads federal bodies Executive authorities in which federal law provides for military service - respectively in relation to the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - in relation to the military personnel of the military prosecutor's office, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - in relation to military personnel military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

5. For servicemen who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies for an incomplete month (quarter), the bonus is paid for the time of actual performance of duties in a military position based on the salaries of the monetary content on the day the decision to pay the bonus is made.

6. The bonus is not paid to military personnel:

serving in the military military units(organizations), where, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts The Russian Federation has established a system of bonuses for them for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of production targets and other indicators;

sent outside the territory of the Russian Federation to provide technical assistance and perform other duties;

during the period of being at the disposal of commanders (chiefs), with the exception of periods of temporary performance of duties by them in vacant military positions;

dismissed from military service on the grounds specified in paragraphs 1 - 5, 7 - 11 of part 4 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them."

7. In the event of the death of a serviceman, the bonus accrued for the time of his actual performance of duties in a military position in the corresponding month (quarter) is paid to his wife (spouse), in her (his) absence - to adult children living with him, legal representatives (guardians, trustees) or adoptive parents of minor children (disabled from childhood - regardless of age) and dependents of a serviceman, in equal shares or parents in equal shares, if the serviceman was not married and had no children.

Rules for the payment of annual material assistance to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract

1. Annual material help is paid to servicemen undergoing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to as servicemen) in the amount of at least one monthly salary of the serviceman.

2. The procedure for applying for material assistance, as well as its amount for the corresponding year, based on the budget allocations provided for the monetary allowance of military personnel as part of the federal budget expenditures for the maintenance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, are established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation , heads of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law - respectively, in relation to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - in relation to military personnel of the military prosecutor's office, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - in relation to military personnel of the military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

3. Servicemen who have the right to receive financial assistance, but did not apply for it in the current year, are paid financial assistance simultaneously with the payment of their monetary allowance for December of the current year.

4. Financial assistance is calculated on the basis of the monthly salary of a serviceman in accordance with the assigned military rank and the monthly salary in accordance with the military position held (in the case of temporary fulfillment of duties by him in a vacant military position - the monthly salary in accordance with this military position), established on the date making a decision on the payment of material assistance, and in the case of payment of material assistance in December - as of December 1 of the current year.

5. Servicemen transferred for further military service from one federal executive body, in which military service is provided by federal law, to another (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) or from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to a federal executive body, in which federal law provides military service, material assistance is paid once a year in full size upon departure from the federal executive body in which the federal law provides for military service (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), if it has not been paid earlier.

6. Material assistance is not paid to military personnel:

dismissed from military service on the grounds specified in paragraphs 1 - 5, 7 - 11 of part 4 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them." If the specified military personnel were paid financial assistance earlier, upon their dismissal from military service, the amount paid is not subject to withholding;

during the period of being at the disposal of commanders (chiefs);

dismissed from military service at the end of the current year with the provision of leave upon dismissal, ending in next year, for the year in which the vacation ends.

7. In the event of the death of a serviceman, material assistance for this year(if it was not paid to a serviceman before his death) is paid to the spouse (spouse), in her (his) absence - to adult children living with him, legal representatives (guardians, trustees) or adoptive parents of minor children (disabled from childhood - regardless of age ) and dependents of a serviceman, in equal shares or parents in equal shares, if the serviceman was not married and had no children.

Random excerpt from the book:

- Go have some fun while it's calm.

And what a lull there is, when the cannons roar somewhere very close, behind Shelon the machine guns incessantly screech, and the "Junkers" are scouring the headquarters: here the bomb will crash, then there.

“No, sorry,” I refuse. "You'd better take a walk yourself while I put things in order here."

“But I’m already in order,” the chief financial officer seemed to be offended.

- Order is order, - I object cautiously, - however ...

On the cracked floor of cigarette butts - at least rake out, the bathhouses are dirty, and the soldier's bowler hat is blacker than black.

My boss did not argue and, having grabbed his pot-bellied briefcase, he left somewhere. I briefly thought: "That's what a non-combatant means. All commanders go around with field bags and tablets, and he, an eccentric, is like a civilian."

I broke an alder broom, swept the floor clean, wiped the window, washed the benches. She scooped up ashes from under the stove and ripped the pot to a shine. And there is nothing else to do. Thus began my new service.

In general, my boss turned out to be a nice person: good-natured, polite and not picky about trifles. However, with oddities. Firstly, he is utterly distracted - he always loses something: either a handkerchief, or a belt, or he will sit on his own cap, and I am looking for it. And then the glasses suddenly rear up on the reddish half-gray hair, and again we are looking for.

The comrade chief financial officer does not lose only his briefcase: solid, like himself, tightly stuffed, with shiny worn sides, intricate on two locks. And this "suitcase" my boss does not trust anyone. During sleep, he uses instead of a pillow, works on it, as on a table. And even, funny to say, wears it to a place where it is supposed to go without anything.

NachFin.info - for the military and their families

So he doesn't let go of his hands for a minute. It is forbidden!

I already know that the portfolio contains not only all the personal property of the chief financial officer, but also money. Not our own - state-owned: monetary allowance for the personnel of the regiments. And every day my boss counts them for some reason and forces me to help.

One day he says to me:

Well? It must be so. However, having estimated in my mind how much time we would need for this operation with the slowness of the chief financial officer, I whistled: "Dear mother! So it will be" urgent "! But I did not dare to express my doubts.

Enemy mortars are whipping along the approaches to the forward edge almost without intervals, cutting off our reserves. With each volley, the chief financial officer and I "plow the earth with our noses", and as soon as the hot fragments fly by, we rise, as if on command. And we go to bed again. We run. And even crawl. The boss groans softly behind my back, complains into space: “Oh, my heart…” He breathes down my neck, like a locomotive under steam, but does not lag behind! Well done. A little ahead of me, our escort, a young boy from the reconnaissance company, snorts and spits. In a moment of calm, he is in an undertone, but on the other hand, from the bottom of a soldier’s heart, he hides Hitler and his associates so much that I plug my ears with my fingers, and the chief financial officer is indignant: “Fu, shameful! ..”

And here we have Shelon. Not wide, not deep, but you can't wade. And the river water is completely brown, like coffee without milk. The coast here is very steep. A toy bridge hung from shore to shore, and fascist machine guns cut along it with flanking fire, so much so that chips fly into the water from the carved railings.

- Lie down! - commanded the chief financier.

Lie down. And they got up again. Through thick glasses, my boss looks at me questioningly and anxiously: "What should I do?" In response, I shrug my shoulders.

“But you have to go, damn it!”

“I have to,” I agree.

Valentina Vasilievna Chudakova

In August, the forty-first on the North-Western Front, as elsewhere, there were fierce defensive battles. local importance. In our section, the Nazis rushed with terrible force to the Dno junction station in the hope of cutting off the southern railway line on the distant approaches to Leningrad.

The regiments of our cadre division held the defense at an intermediate line on the Shelon River.

I was listed at the headquarters of the division in an indefinite position, as a minor. So-so - "errand girl": bandage, bandage, call, give, help. Yes, what is it to me? I try to please everyone, if only they didn’t send me to the rear.

Comrade Boyko, our commissar, calls me and asks:

- What are you doing, Chizhik?

- That is, how is it "what"? I got lost.

- Who are you on the combat crew? the Commissioner says.

- No one! - I answer and, not knowing where he is oppressing, just in case, I add that I don’t eat soldier’s bread in vain.

- I know, - agrees Vasily Romanovich, - you've done well with us. We have chosen the right position for you. We are appointing you as an orderly to Comrade Chief Financial Officer. You see, he is not a man of his first youth - it is difficult for him to serve himself. Need help.

- There is to be an orderly of a comrade chief of finance! - I answer in a statutory way, but without any enthusiasm. Also my job!

And the commissar looked at me somehow especially intently and said:

- One condition. And here's what. Don't hate your boss. You are very tongue-tied.

- What are you, Vasily Romanovich! - I'm outraged. - How can you offend the authorities? And even a man three times his age?

That's where we ended. I come to the bathhouse on chicken legs, which the chief financial officer has occupied for his residence, and report as expected. And the comrade chief financial officer's eyes bulged.

“Hello,” he says, “I am your aunt!” Only I lacked you for completeness of happiness.

And I just throw up my hands (I understand, they say, but you understand too):

- An order is an order! - Yes, and I ask politely, what will be the orders in the first case.

“Nothing,” my boss shrugged gloomily and, after thinking just a little, he suggests:

- Go have some fun while it's calm.

And what a lull there is, when the cannons roar somewhere very close, behind Shelon the machine guns incessantly screech, and the "Junkers" are scouring the headquarters: here the bomb will crash, then there.

“No, sorry,” I refuse. "You'd better take a walk yourself while I put things in order here."

“But I’m already in order,” the chief financial officer seemed to be offended.

- Order is order, - I object cautiously, - however ...

On the cracked floor of cigarette butts - at least rake out, the bathhouses are dirty, and the soldier's bowler hat is blacker than black.

My boss did not argue and, having grabbed his pot-bellied briefcase, he left somewhere. I briefly thought: "That's what a non-combatant means. All commanders go around with field bags and tablets, and he, an eccentric, is like a civilian."

I broke an alder broom, swept the floor clean, wiped the window, washed the benches. She scooped up ashes from under the stove and ripped the pot to a shine. And there is nothing else to do. Thus began my new service.

In general, my boss turned out to be a nice person: good-natured, polite and not picky about trifles. However, with oddities. Firstly, he is utterly distracted - he always loses something: either a handkerchief, or a belt, or he will sit on his own cap, and I am looking for it. And then the glasses suddenly rear up on the reddish half-gray hair, and again we are looking for.

The comrade chief financial officer does not lose only his briefcase: solid, like himself, tightly stuffed, with shiny worn sides, intricate on two locks. And this "suitcase" my boss does not trust anyone. During sleep, he uses instead of a pillow, works on it, as on a table. And even, funny to say, wears it to a place where it is supposed to go without anything. So he doesn't let go of his hands for a minute. It is forbidden!

I already know that the portfolio contains not only all the personal property of the chief financial officer, but also money. Not our own - state-owned: monetary allowance for the personnel of the regiments. And every day my boss counts them for some reason and forces me to help.

One day he says to me:

The Nazis are pushing hard. Our affairs are not so hot. There is no need for us to carry such an abundance of money with us. Few things can happen. We urgently need to distribute money right at the forefront. War is war, and order is order.

Well? It must be so. However, having estimated in my mind how much time we would need for this operation with the slowness of the chief financial officer, I whistled: "Dear mother! So it will be" urgent "! But I did not dare to express my doubts.

Enemy mortars are whipping along the approaches to the forward edge almost without intervals, cutting off our reserves. With each volley, the chief financial officer and I "plow the earth with our noses", and as soon as the hot fragments fly by, we rise, as if on command. And we go to bed again. We run. And even crawl. The boss groans softly behind my back, complains into space: “Oh, my heart…” He breathes down my neck, like a locomotive under steam, but does not lag behind! Well done. A little ahead of me, our escort, a young boy from the reconnaissance company, snorts and spits. In a moment of calm, he is in an undertone, but on the other hand, from the bottom of a soldier’s heart, he hides Hitler and his associates so much that I plug my ears with my fingers, and the chief financial officer is indignant: “Fu, shameful! ..”

And here we have Shelon. Not wide, not deep, but you can't wade. And the river water is completely brown, like coffee without milk. The coast here is very steep. A toy bridge hung from shore to shore, and fascist machine guns cut along it with flanking fire, so much so that chips fly into the water from the carved railings.

- Lie down! - commanded the chief financier.

Lie down. And they got up again. Through thick glasses, my boss looks at me questioningly and anxiously: "What should I do?" In response, I shrug my shoulders.

“But you have to go, damn it!”

“I have to,” I agree.

"Maybe we can go around?" Let's take it right? Or to the left?

- I do not know. Do you have a map? - I'm interested.

- Where from? What am I, a construction worker, or what?

- So how do you get around it? We can easily get to the Fritz ...

- Yes, - vaguely stretched out the chief financial officer - and to the scout: - Lead to another crossing.

- Do not have another one.

“So how do our people get across?”

- Not during the day. Only at night.

I do not believe and enter into a conversation:

- And if you feel like it, how are we now?

The scout is imperturbable:

- And if you are impatient - so swim. Bullets don't get water!

Here I also realize that the lead jets flow only along the canvas of the bridge, and the river surface - dead space - is covered by the banks. “Swim so swim,” I decide, without consulting with my superiors. I hand over my lightweight cavalry carbine to the scout and stretch out my hands to the briefcase:

- Let's move it. I am a good swimmer.

- Oh, No! “Nachfin puts his treasure in an armful — you can’t tear it out by force.

- What's "no"? - I do not understand. - I'm more capable.

- No way! It's money! What if you drown? I answer.

I agree:

- Okay, take it yourself. Swim first, hold on to that willow bush. We, in case of anything, will insure.

- No! I can not. There's no way I can!

What is "I can't"? I'm losing my patience. - Cowardly?

"Don't you dare insult me, girl!" - In the voice of the chief financial officer, notes of tearfulness from resentment are heard. “I… I… can’t swim…”

— Ugh! That's what they would have said! There is no trace of my former politeness now. “We’ve been pounding water in a mortar for the last hour ...

Nachfin breathes heavily, but is silent. I consult with the scout:

— Friend, how are you swimming?

“There is nothing to swim here. One or two - and there.

- Then this: I'm moving the briefcase. You are a weapon. Then we both transport the comrade chief financial officer. frets?

The scout still does not have time to answer, as my quiet boss explodes with a bomb:

- And you asked me, sages of sorts ?! Am I here to you - zero without a wand? Look, they came up with money - they will swim the money and even throw it on the other side without protection! I will not let it!..

The scout falls face down in the grass and laughs, and I get angry. Honestly, I'd kill them both! I scream:

"Shut up, scout!" I found the time... We're going to cross the bridge. Live foot. Comrade Nachfin goes first.

“Good,” my boss suddenly agrees, unexpectedly accommodating, and, pulling his head into his shoulders, scurries quite quickly to the bridge. The bullets twang and click, howling in different voices: "Phew, puff, wow!.."

On the other side, three paces from the bridge, he suddenly falls head first into the mowing. The heart stops anxiously: "Killed!" No, alive! Rising up, he waves his hand to us. Here we break down and rush at full speed. And we barely have time to catch our breath behind the bridge, the doomsday begins: on the abandoned shore, just at the place where we just bazaared, mines begin to explode thickly.

Soon we got to the command post of one of the battalions and got to work.

We issue allowances "according to all the rules": I look for the name of the recipient in the statement, put a red bird in the margin with a pencil, count out the due amount and transfer it to my boss. He counts twice and only then gives out, having previously made sure that the painting was put on the spot.

A comrade chief financial officer is sitting in a dubious shelter, as if in his peaceful office, and it doesn’t blow in his mustache. Not in a hurry. And even, it seems, does not notice what is happening there - upstairs, on the street. From frequent and powerful explosions, our dugout shudders, the lamp-sleeve blinks and puffs, sand from the ceiling flows directly onto the uncovered head of the chief financial officer (he managed to lose his cap).

Our intelligence officer with himself has nothing to do "tongue scratches":

- Here he will take it "in the fork" and fuck it like that ...

Nachfin - zero attention, as he does not hear, and I reproach:

- Well, you are a talker! What are you messing around with?

— What should I do? - the boy snaps. - Dance?

Questions and answers

I hand him the empty flask.

- Run "into reconnaissance" - get some water. My mouth went dry. Yes, look for a helmet for a comrade chief of finance. Here's your thing.

Fighters and commanders come to us in turn. With weapons and helmets, right out of the fire. Exhausted, smoked with gunpowder and smoke. And you can not see the animation on their faces, as on the day of pay in civilian life in peacetime. Not a smile. Not a joke. And one commander-big man "joked" so much that my boss's glasses fell off his nose from resentment.

“Brother rabbits,” he boomed in a bass voice from the threshold, “have you completely gone berserk? What demon brought you here without anointing the wheels? Here we have both hell and heaven - free.

On the way back, my boss said to me with a heavy sigh:

- I, my friend, yesterday's accountant, for them - not a figure! Not a hero. So to speak, the near rear is the service sector ...

“So it is,” I agreed. “But how would they manage at the front without commissaries, commandants, clerks and cooks?”

“It’s all right,” the chief financial officer consoled himself, “we’ll survive somehow.” History will judge later.

For the military Nachfin.info NachFin.info


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1459 "On additional measures on improving the efficiency of the use of funds for the remuneration of employees of federal executive bodies "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 1 (part I), article 202) I order:

Minister of Defense
Russian Federation

A. Serdyukov

Registration N 18395


Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 N 1010
"On additional measures to improve the efficiency of the use of monetary allowance funds for military personnel and remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1459 "On additional measures to improve the efficiency of the use of funds for the remuneration of employees of federal executive bodies" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 1 (part I), art .

NachFin.info forum for the military – Main page

202) I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for determining and spending volumes budget funds allocated for additional payments to military personnel doing military service under a contract, and bonuses to civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation * (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

2. Pay at the expense of budgetary funds allocated for the monetary allowance of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), and for the remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces (hereinafter referred to as civilian personnel), in accordance with the attached Procedure for military personnel (persons of civilian personnel) performing military service (working) in the central office of the Ministry of Defense, military districts, fleets, in associations, formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, the estimated and budgetary financing of which is carried out by the Ministry of Defense, additional payments (bonuses) according to the results of service (work) (hereinafter referred to as additional material incentives).

3. Recognize invalid the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2009 N 115 "On additional measures to improve the efficiency of the use of monetary allowance funds for military personnel and remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 28 2009, registration N 13862).

Minister of Defense
Russian Federation

A. Serdyukov

* Further in the text of this order, unless otherwise stated, for brevity will be referred to as: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense.

Registration N 18395

Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when colleagues with the same ranks, the same length of stay in the army, occupying equivalent positions, receive significantly different monetary allowances. I will be retiring soon. It is known that the military pension is formed, first of all, on the basis of wages, so I decided to find out in detail what it consists of payroll calculation and what a soldier can do to increase the amount of payments.

The monetary allowance of contract soldiers includes 2 main components: salary (salary for a military position + salary for a military rank + ATS coefficient or an increase in ATS for class qualifications) and monthly allowances. If everything is clear with the first part of the DD, then we had to deal with the allowances in more detail, because often the amount of additional payments significantly exceeds the basic salary. Looking ahead, I will say that with a little effort, I managed to influence the size of the DD. I hope that my analytical experience outlined in the article will help my colleagues improve their financial situation. To understand accounting intricacies, special education is not needed. You just need to carefully study military salary calculator below.

Online military salary calculator 2018-2019

What influences the formation of wages

Mandatory payments

So the first part military DD calculator are mandatory payments. They are the same for all employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military positions are divided into 19 categories, each of which has a fixed salary. So, the salary of the I tariff category is 10 thousand 400 rubles, X TR - 20 thousand 800 rubles, and XIX - 25 thousand rubles. 480 rub.

Military rank salaries also fall into the fixed amount category. For privates (sailors), the DVZ is 5,200 rubles, a junior lieutenant receives 9,880 rubles, a colonel - 13,520 rubles, and an army general - 28,800 rubles.

The third position in the definition of mandatory - the coefficient to the ATS - varies from 10% to 100%. As a result, DD for the listed positions is fixed and ranges from 16 thousand 640 rubles. (for privates) up to 82 thousand 160 rubles. (for the Marshal of the Russian Federation).

Military personnel cannot influence this part of the salary calculator.

How to increase the monetary allowance of privates, sergeants and officers of the RF Armed Forces

The second part of the military pay calculator includes monthly additional payments, which are calculated as a percentage of the ATS. Soldiers and officers can receive bonuses for 11 positions, and they can directly or indirectly influence each of these bonuses. For example, NVL depends on the length of stay in the RF Armed Forces. However, there are territories of the Russian Federation (the Far North, the Kuril Islands, etc.), where 1 year of service is counted as 2. That is, after actually serving 5 years, a soldier can count on a 20% bonus.

Private and officers can increase DD up to 30% of the ATS by increasing their qualification category. The physical training of a contract soldier also plays an important role in the formation of his DD. So, the Masters of Sports of Russia (USSR) receive an additional 100% of ATS, and those who confirmed (received) the 1st category in one of the military-applied sports - 80%.

Also, the maximum allowance (up to 100%) is given to citizens of the Russian Federation who perform their military duty in hot spots outside of Russia. To be included in the group of Russian troops participating in operations involving a risk to life and health, it is necessary to submit a report addressed to the command. In addition, in the Syrian Arab Republic and other places of temporary deployment of a limited contingent of the RF Armed Forces, members of the mission receive additional travel allowances.

There may be other allowances during the year:

  • bonus (up to 1 salary);
  • awards (for medals "Combat Distinction" - 30%; "For Military Valor of the 1st Class" and "For Demining" - 20%; "For Military Valor of the 2nd Class" - 10% within a year from the date of receipt);
  • lifting (when changing the place of service: 1 salary + 25% of the salary for each family member);
  • material help.

Summing up, we can distinguish at least 5 actions that will help to increase wages in a short time:

  • increase personal level of physical fitness;
  • undergo training under the programs of the Higher School of Education "Physical training and sports", "Mountain training", "Physical training and sports work; transfer to the service in the region with a coefficient of payroll and accrual of preferential service;
  • take part in the peacekeeping actions of the RA Armed Forces in hot spots;
  • on high level perform their official duties.

Tax collections and salary indexation

The generally accepted conditions for the deduction of income tax apply to the monetary allowance of military personnel. Today it is 13% of the total amount of DD. The salary is adjusted for inflation. In 2018, an indexation of 5.6% is planned.

In the review article, we did not cover all the "pitfalls" military salary calculator so ask specific questions, share your stories. Our site is planning a series of articles on the features of monthly preferential payments in different branches of the military, the formation of the size of the DD of private military companies of the Russian Federation, additional benefits for military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, so add the article to your bookmarks and social networks.

Documents that regulate the amount of DD for military personnel:

  • Federal Law No. 306-FZ of November 7, 2011;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1074;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2012 No. 46;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 No. 1198;
  • order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2012 No. 2195;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2015 No. 542;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1073;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2011 No. 1122;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 No. 573;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 No. 1639; order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 1998 No. *24.

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The monetary allowance calculator for military personnel allows you to independently calculate the cash allowance in accordance with the 2012 reform that has entered into force.

In 2010, a draft of a new law was posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense, and in 2011 it was adopted. The long-awaited Law "On monetary allowance and other payments to servicemen of the RF Armed Forces" came into force in January 2012.

But the reform did not happen overnight. Two stages of its implementation are planned:

  1. Since 01/01/12, it has affected all servicemen of the Armed Forces. forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  2. Since 01/01/13, it has extended to the military personnel of all other departments (Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSO, FSB, military prosecutor's office, SVR, Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee)

In short, the reform was designed to increase the income of servicemen by 2.5-3 times, and the pension by 1.5-1.7 times. The increase in allowance occurs due to an increase in the very structure of accrual of money. Now the amount of income is influenced by such factors as:

  • Military position held
  • Awarded military rank
  • Total duration of military service
  • Tasks in progress
  • Conditions and procedure for military service

Before the start of the reform, there were numerous cash bonuses for all the factors listed above, but now they have become part of the monetary allowance itself. Therefore, the structure itself has become more transparent and salaries have become "tied" to the official inflation rate in the country.

Thanks to adopted law, the maximum allowance for special conditions of military service is 100% of the salary. Maximum size allowances for the performance in peacetime of tasks associated with a risk to life and health also amount to 100% of the salary.

If a soldier dies in the line of duty, his family receives an allowance in the amount of 3 million rubles. For example, in 2011 the allowance was 746 thousand rubles.

As for military pensioners, an increase in pensions is also provided for them. The average pension in 2012 increased to 17 thousand rubles. This amount will increase by about 4% per year, depending on the indexation due to inflation. The increase in pensions is not divided into stages, all power structures receive a higher pension from January 1, 2012.

Monetary allowance of conscripts

Most recently (until 2012), ordinary conscripts received approximately 400-500 rubles a month. On January 21, 2012, the Law on the experiment on the unification of the monetary allowance of conscripts for the period 2012-2013 was signed. Now all conscripts receive 2,000 rubles a month.

In addition, conscripts are made cash payments for travel by public transport.

Monetary allowance of contractors

Those military personnel who serve under the contract receive allowances consisting of:

  • Military salary
  • Salary by military rank

Both of these indicators in total are now called the salary of the monetary content, to which monthly or other payments may be added. Starting from 2012, military salaries range from 10,000 to 45,000 rubles. For example, the salary of an officer in the directorate of a motorized rifle (tank) corps is 22,500 rubles, and the salary of a foreman is 18,000 rubles. Salaries by rank have also increased, they range from 5 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. So, the ensign will receive 8 thousand rubles for the rank, and the colonel general 25 thousand rubles.

Taxes deducted from military personnel allowance

Despite the increase in the allowance of military personnel, their income tax remains at the same level. Like all other citizens of Russia, the military pay income tax in the amount of 13% of the allowance.

Along with all citizens, military personnel can claim tax deductions. We list the most common cases:

  • If the taxpayer took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, then a deduction of 3,000 rudders per month is available to him
  • Disabled military personnel of groups 1,2,3 can also apply for a deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles per month
  • Tax deduction provided to parents of children under 24 years of age. For the first and second child, the amount is 1,400 rubles, for the third and subsequent, as well as for disabled children - 3,000 rubles.
  • tax deduction for treatment
  • tax deduction for education
  • Tax deduction for the purchase of housing - up to 260 thousand rubles.

To start calculating your allowance, you need to fill in all the fields of the form with data on your rank, position, period of service, etc. and click "Calculate".

Monthly salary for a soldier

Military salary: Choose a position 1 tr. (Shooter, road builder, masker) 2 tr. (Sniper, machine gunner) 3 tr. (Senior grenade launcher, senior sapper) 4 tr. (Head of the pass office, tank commander, head of the autodrome) 5 tr. (Squad leader in a motorized rifle platoon) 6 tr. (Paramedic, head of the landfill) 7 tr. (Deputy platoon commander) 8 tr. (Translator, assistant on duty at the command post) 10 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle platoon) 11 tr. (Engineer in the management of a motorized rifle battalion) 12 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle company) 13 tr. (Senior officer in the directorate of a motorized rifle regiment) 14 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle company, anti-aircraft missile battery) 15 tr. (Officer in the directorate of the motorized rifle corps) 16 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle battalion) 17 tr. (Head of intelligence in the directorate of a motorized rifle brigade) 18 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle battalion, (artillery) division) 19 tr. (Officer in the management of the combined arms army) 20 tr. (Deputy regiment commander, officer in the USC VO) 21 tr. (Senior officer in the command of the combined arms army) 22 tr. (Senior officer in the management of USC VO) 23 tr. (Regiment commander; officer in the department of the Ministry of Defense) 24 tr. (Head of department in the management of USC VO) 25 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle brigade) 27 tr. (Senior inspector-navigator in the Air Force and Air Defense Command) 28 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle brigade; Head of a department in the administration of the OA) 29 tr. (Head of department in the USC VO department, deputy division commander) 30 tr. (Deputy Head of Department in the Department of the Ministry of Defense; Head of the Arsenal) 31 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle division) 32 tr. (Commander of a brigade of surface ships) 33 tr. (Head of department in the main office, Department of Defense) 35 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle corps) 36 tr. (Deputy Head of the UMC VUNTS) 38 tr. (Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense) 39 tr. (Commander of a squadron of ships) 40 tr. (First Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army) 41 tr. (Deputy Commander of the VO Troops for MTO) 42 tr. (Head of the Main Directorate, Head of the Cosmodrome 43 tr. (Deputy Head of the Military Inspectorate of the Moscow Region) 44 tr. (Commander of the combined arms army) 45 tr. (Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the branch of the Armed Forces) 47 tr (Commander of the troops of the Military District; Commander of the branch of the Armed Forces) (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces) 49 tr. (Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation) 50 tr. (First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Aircrew qualification allowance: Choose a category Pilot (navigator) 2nd class Pilot (navigator) 1st class Pilot (navigator)-sniper Pilot (navigator) - instructor 2nd class Pilot (navigator) - instructor 1st class Onboard specialist 2nd class Onboard specialist 1st class Onboard specialist-master Pilot- test pilot 2nd class Test pilot 1st class Air gunner-radio tester 2nd class Airborne gunner-radio tester 1st class Airborne test engineer 2nd class Airborne test engineer 1st class Airborne test technician 2nd class Airborne test technician 1st class Parachutist- 2nd class test parachutist 1st class test parachutist
Salary by military rank: Select rank Private / Sailor Corporal / Senior Sailor Sergeant / Petty Officer 1 article Senior Sergeant / Chief Petty Officer Petty Officer / Chief Ship Petty Officer Ensign / Midshipman Senior Ensign / Senior Warrant Officer Second Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain / Lieutenant Commander Major / Captain 3rd rank Lieutenant Colonel / Captain 2nd rank Colonel/ Captain 1st rank Major General/ Rear Admiral Lieutenant General/ Vice Admiral Colonel General/ Admiral Army General/ Fleet Admiral
The amount of the salary of a soldier: 0 rub.

Monthly extra payments

Seniority allowance: Less than 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years 20 to 25 years
Skill class allowance: No class qualification Third class Second class First class Master class
Allowance for work with information constituting a state secret: No "Secret" "Top Secret" "Special Importance"
Special conditions of military service allowance: 0% 10% 15% 20% 23% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Award for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Bonus for work experience structural divisions for the Protection of State Secrets (PSGT): Choose experience from 1 to 5 years from 5 to 10 years from 10 years and above
Allowance for military personnel with higher legal education: No legal education Military positions in the directorates of formations Military positions in military command and control bodies Military positions in the central office
For the performance of tasks associated with a risk to life and health in peacetime: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 80% 100%
Monthly bonus for special achievements in the service: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Military service allowance in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas: Select coefficient District coefficient - 1.15 District coefficient - 1.20 District coefficient - 1.25 District coefficient - 1.30 District coefficient - 1.40 District coefficient - 1.50 District coefficient - 1.60 District coefficient - 1.70 District coefficient - 1.80 District coefficient - 2.0
High mountain military service allowance: Select factor Coefficient 1.15 Coefficient 1.2 Coefficient 1.3 Coefficient 1.4
Allowance for military service in desert and waterless areas: Select factor Coefficient 1.1 Coefficient 1.3
Total additional payments: 0 rub.
TOTAL accrued: 0 rub.

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