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Previously, registration of newborn children was carried out exclusively in the registry office, but now it is possible to obtain a birth certificate at the MFC. Such a document is the main one for a child under 14 years old. And only then is it possible.

AT last years in Russian Federation the procedure for issuing a document has been significantly modernized and simplified in comparison with the registry office. And in both cases, this service is absolutely free - no state duty is charged.

How to get a birth certificate at the MFC

The issuance of a birth certificate in a multifunctional center in 2016 did not undergo significant changes compared to last year. Only the appearance of the document has changed: its forms are printed on stamped paper and are subject to strict accountability. Forgery of the document has become almost impossible.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On acts of civil status" regulates the procedure and terms for obtaining a birth certificate for a child. The document must be issued within 30 days from the date of birth of the child. However, there are no penalties for accidentally or knowingly extending this period. We still recommend not to delay the receipt of the document for the child. Indeed, as your child grows, he will be needed more than once: for travel through the territory of the Russian Federation, for obtaining a policy health insurance, SNILS, etc.

Documents for obtaining a birth certificate

Registering a child and obtaining a birth certificate is quite easy and simple. To do this, the multifunctional center for the provision public services the same documents are provided as in the registry office. This:

  • passport of the Russian Federation or other citizenship of the father and mother of the newborn. If the parent is the only one - the passport of such a parent;
  • certificate of marriage registration (if the parents legalized their relationship);
  • a medical certificate from the maternity hospital confirming the birth of a child.

In the absence of a registered marriage, the parents must submit a certificate of paternity (it can be established simultaneously with the registration of the child's birth) or a court decision on or.

Benefits of contacting the MFC

Obtaining a birth certificate of a child at the MFC has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • The waiting time in the queue is reduced, since several specialists are ready to perform this service at the same time.
  • A very convenient work schedule of the MFC is from 8:00 to 20:00 without days off and a lunch break, while the registry offices work according to a special schedule.

The procedure for issuing a birth certificate at the MFC

The procedure for obtaining a birth certificate itself does not contain any difficulties. You apply to the MFC with an application (you will receive the form on the spot), which is drawn up according to compulsory form No. 1. The application form is filled in by hand. You can also download it from the Internet and print it on a printer.

If the parents have a marriage registered, then one of them can handle the paperwork. In unregistered relationships, the presence of both parents is mandatory. When drawing up a document by a single mother, all information about the father of the child is recorded from her words or a dash is put in the corresponding column. The child is registered in the name of the mother.

The law does not regulate the timing of the issuance of a birth certificate of a child. , but in practice it is issued and issued on the day of application, since it takes less than 1 hour to make it.

When you lose your birth certificate

If the original birth certificate is lost, a duplicate may be issued. To restore the document, you should contact the MFC that issued it. Until the child reaches the age of 14, a duplicate of the birth certificate is issued only to his parents or persons replacing them (trustees, guardians). Upon reaching the age of majority, only the citizen himself has the right to receive a copy of the document. Obtaining a duplicate is subject to the payment of a state duty in the amount of 350 rubles.

In case of a personal request to restore the document, a duplicate will be issued on the same day. In the case of a remote request, the document is produced from 3 to 10 days, excluding postage.

As you can see, the registry offices have reliable assistants, and it becomes possible to issue a birth certificate of a child at the MFC in an increasing number of cities of the Russian Federation.

From the moment a newborn is born, the first and only document that certifies his identity until the age of 14 is the birth certificate. Parents will spend no more than an hour on obtaining this document, since the procedure for its registration has been simplified.

In addition, a birth certificate is a document that does not provide for advance payment of state duty.

Procedure for obtaining a birth certificate

The scheme for obtaining the first document in a child's life has not changed for many years - only the appearance of the birth certificate has undergone changes. As in previous years, the forms are made on stamped paper, so it is impossible to forge a document - falsification is simply useless. In addition, forms are subject to strict accountability, and forgery is punishable under the relevant article of the Criminal Code.

The law strictly regulates the term for issuing a birth certificate - in accordance with the provision of paragraph 6 of Art. 16 of the Law "On acts of civil status" No. 143 FZ of November 15, 1977, the document must be issued within a month from the day the child was born. But there is an important nuance here - at the legislative level, no sanctions are provided for violation of this paragraph. In other words, it is possible to obtain a de facto birth certificate for a child until the age of fourteen. Of course, it is better not to waste time for so long, since without a document it will be impossible to issue a passport at the age of 14. During the registration of the birth of a child, the names of both parents or one of them will be written in the document (they themselves agree on whose name will be indicated). Married parents do not have to be present when receiving a birth certificate together - one of them is enough. Another situation will be if the baby's parents are in a so-called civil marriage - when issuing a document, the presence of both parents is required. Otherwise, information about the father will be recorded from the words of the mother, or there will be a dash in the corresponding column about the father.

There are rare cases, but they still happen when a child is born after the death of the father or the divorce of the parents. In such situations, information about the father in the child's birth document will be entered on the basis of the father's death certificate, and in the second case, the divorce certificate. This is possible only if no more than 300 days have passed since the death of the father or the divorce of the parents.

What documents are required to obtain a birth certificate at the registry office

To issue a birth certificate, you need to come to the registry office with a package of documents, statutory. Here is the list:

  1. Passports of both parents. If one of them is missing, then the passport of one parent.
  2. Married parents must bring a marriage certificate.
  3. A certificate from the maternity hospital or a document certifying the birth of the baby. The document can be provided by another medical institution where the birth took place. A doctor in private practice who assists in childbirth is also vested with such powers.

There are a number of cases where additional paperwork may be required. For example, if parents are not officially married, they are required to bring a certificate of paternity to the registry office - this is done if paternity is established with the birth registration of the baby. You can show a court decision on recognition of paternity. If the child was born with the help of a surrogate mother, then a birth certificate cannot be obtained until an official document is issued indicating that the woman who carried and gave birth to the child agrees to record the biological parents as such in the document.

There is one important moment when childbirth, for example, took place outside a medical institution - such situations also happen, albeit rarely. In this case, if there are no medical documents, that is, when the birth took place outside the walls of the hospital or at home without the assistance of doctors, a birth certificate can be obtained on the basis of a statement from the person who delivered or was present at them. This person does not have to be a doctor. But when issuing a birth certificate, the presence this person necessarily.

Where to get a child's birth certificate

In accordance with Art. 15, paragraph 1 of the Law "On acts of civil status" No. 143 FZ of November 15, 1997, a birth certificate is issued in the registry office:

  1. Place of residence of parents.
  2. Place of residence of one of the parents.
  3. By the place of birth of the child - accurate to the locality.

This state of affairs raises many questions, but the law provides answers to almost all the nuances that parents do not understand. Let's look at specific life examples:

What to do if a child was born on the road - in a car, on an airplane, on a ship, etc.?

AT similar situations a child's birth certificate can be issued both at the place of residence of both parents or one of them, and at any registry office, which is located along the route of the transport on which the birth occurred.

Where can I get a birth certificate for a child if the birth took place outside the country?

In such cases, parents should contact the Russian embassy or consulate in the territory of the state where the parents are or live at the time of the child's birth - this is where the birth certificate will be issued. At the same time, the scheme for obtaining a document will be similar to the procedure for issuing a metric adopted in Russia.

Where can I get a birth certificate if the birth took place in an area where there is no registry office?

A child's birth certificate can be obtained either at the place of residence of the parents or at the registry office located near the place where the child was born.

Where and how can a child's birth certificate be issued if he was abandoned by his parents and found on the street or in another place?

Such cases, despite the rarity, still take place in Russia, and today no one is surprised. In this case, the appropriate authorized bodies will be involved in issuing a birth certificate for the baby. The place where the baby was found will be the place of his birth. When the newborn is identified in the appropriate institution, the registry office located in the area will handle the paperwork. Important point: a person who discovers an abandoned child is obliged to report to the police or guardianship authorities within 48 hours.

Procedure for issuing a birth certificate for a child: procedure

The procedure for issuing and obtaining a birth certificate for a child will not take much time, as it does not involve bureaucratic difficulties. It is enough for parents (one of them) to come to the registry office at the place of residence or at the place of birth of the baby and write an application, which is drawn up in the form No. 1. The paper can be taken directly from the registry office and filled out by hand. There is a second option - the application form is downloaded on the Internet and printed on a printer. By law, you can apply orally, but practice shows that this form is not used today.
The declaration of the birth of a child is the main basis for issuing a certificate. It should contain the following information:

  1. Gender of the child.
  2. Place of birth.
  3. Date of Birth.
  4. Parent information:
    - full name of parents;
    - Nationality (at the request of the father and mother);
    - Dates of birth;
    - Identification documents;
    - Citizenship;
    - Place of residence.
  5. The basis for the inclusion of information about the father in the birth certificate. This may be a document establishing paternity, a marriage certificate.

There are situations when parents do not have the opportunity, for some reason, to come to the registry office themselves to submit an application and a package of documents. In such a situation, you can use the services of relatives or an authorized official of the medical institution where the baby is located or the mother stayed during childbirth or at the time when the birth was recorded. In these two options, it is necessary to come to the registry office, having the relevant documents in hand (for relatives, these are documents confirming kinship).

The law does not set clear deadlines for issuing the first document in a child's life. Practice shows that a birth certificate is issued quickly on the day of application and it takes from 20 to 60 minutes to produce it.

If we talk about the form of a birth certificate, then according to appearance it resembles an A4 sheet, equipped with a stamp and watermarks. It has a series and a number on it. The certificate displays information about the personal data of the child, the place and date of his birth, and the same data about his parents.

There are tragic situations in life when a baby is born dead or dies in the first week of life. The issuance of a birth certificate is regulated by law in a separate procedure, and this mournful event is also subject to state registration. If the child was born dead (perinatal death), then the birth certificate of the child will not be issued. Parents will receive a certificate in their hands, which will confirm the fact of childbirth. If there was a tragic early death (this can happen both in the first week of life, and within a month from the moment of birth), the birth certificate will be made simultaneously with the certificate stating the death of the baby.

The amount of the state fee for the birth certificate of a child

The initial receipt of a child's birth certificate does not provide for the collection of state duty. If parents need a duplicate, then 350 rubles will have to be paid for it. If the parents are not married, then the parents will need to obtain a document proving paternity (certificate). The document is also issued at the registry office, and for the issuance of a birth certificate for a baby, it is mandatory. Registration this document it will also cost 350 rubles, and it is better to pay the state duty before going to the registry office in order to promptly register the birth of a child and receive a certificate without interrupting the process by visiting a banking institution.

Within the region, as a rule, to pay state duty Bank details will be the same. For example, if we talk about the city of Chelyabinsk, then for any branch of the registry office located on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, the details will be similar. AT this issue there are exceptions - we are talking about cities of federal importance - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol. Here, city and regional registry offices have different bank details.

We recommend, in order to avoid ambiguities, contact the local registry office to clarify the details for paying the state duty. Such information can be obtained on the Internet by going to the official website State Committee on the affairs of the registry office of your region. On this resource it will be possible to download the form of receipt of payment of the state fee.

Article last updated: 04/18/2018

So the little man was born. And now parents are waiting not only for the care of the newborn, but also for the execution of all the required documents, including the birth certificate of the child, registration at the place of residence, and a compulsory medical insurance policy. All these important papers allow the newborn to become a full-fledged citizen of our state, and parents are given the opportunity to receive and use certain benefits that make life easier for the whole family.

In order for parents to comply with all the deadlines for everyday chores and not get confused in this procedure (very simplified, by the way), we suggest that you carefully study the information about what documents are needed for registering a child and what the procedure for parental actions will be.

Child psychologist

Documents for a newborn: the main stages of registration

At the birth of a child, mom and dad need to perform a series of actions in order to draw up documents for him. In fact, these procedures are not as complicated as it might seem to new parents.

Approximate sequence of actions includes few steps:

  1. Parents take papers from the maternity hospital. These are parts of an exchange card, coupons for a birth certificate and a certificate (an extract from the hospital), which confirms the very fact of the birth of a child.
  2. Next you need to go to the civil registry office (ZAGS) or a multifunctional center for providing state or municipal services(MFC) to obtain a birth certificate for a child and papers for processing cash payments.
  3. Then it is necessary to register the child at the place of residence, at the same time it is possible and necessary to issue Russian citizenship to the little man.
  4. Also, parents need to draw up a compulsory health insurance policy in order to then register the child in a clinic and receive the necessary medical care.
  5. Do not forget about receiving a one-time cash benefit from the state.
  6. It is best to immediately put the child in line for kindergarten in order to avoid various delays in the future.

If the newborn baby is not the first in the family, then parents should draw up maternity (family) capital, a certificate for which can be used for various needs provided for by Russian law.

Leaving the maternity hospital, the newly-made parent takes papers with her, with the help of which the child is further registered.

The list of these documents is standard in all maternity hospitals in Russia:

Parts of the exchange card with which the pregnant woman entered the maternity hospital. In this document, obstetricians fix themselves the process of childbirth and the condition of the woman in labor:

  • sheet number 2- the nuances of the birth process, the condition of the mother after the birth of the child are noted. This part of the map must be submitted to women's consultation, whose doctors monitored the pregnant woman. The transfer of the document must be carried out within 10 days;
  • sheet number 3- the data of the state of the newborn child are noted. The document is transferred to the medical institution to which the baby will be attached. The issued sheet is attached to the medical card, which will be taken to the newborn.

Extract from the maternity hospital (certificate), which confirms the fact of the birth of the child: the exact time, place and gender of the newborn. Also reflected are the data of the woman in labor and the medical worker who delivered the baby. The statement is valid for a month. It is necessary so that obtaining a child birth certificate and a lump sum allowance is not delayed.

Talons 3-1 and 3-2 of the birth certificate. The woman submits these documents to the medical institution to which the newborn will be assigned. It is the birth certificate that gives the right to observe the child during the first 6 months.

Thus, all information about the birth process, about the state of health of the mother and baby, about the results of the first screening examination is transmitted to the medical institution at the place of residence.

After the woman returns from the maternity hospital, she is visited by a doctor or nurse. These specialists will monitor the child, answer parental questions, and give advice on caring for the newborn.

According to Russian legislation to issue a birth certificate of your child, at the registry office or MFC must be applied within 30 days after the birth of the heir:

  • that is how long the discharge from the hospital is valid. If parents violate these deadlines, then no sanctions will be imposed against them. But if they reach the age of 12 months, then the employees of the maternity hospital may refuse to make a second certificate, so they will have to demand it through the court;
  • if the marriage is officially registered, then the presence of one parent is sufficient to obtain a certificate;
  • if the mother and father did not formalize the relationship, but the father wants to confirm his paternity and make an appropriate entry in the certificate, then both parents must come to the registry office or the MFC.

Another relative (for example, a grandmother) can also receive a birth certificate of a child by proxy, however, you should first check with the registry office or the MFC in what form a written authorization should be submitted.

To obtain a birth certificate, parents or their legal representatives must submit documents such as:

  • birth statement (the form is available at the civil status legislative bodies and at the MFC);
  • discharge from the maternity hospital;
  • parents' identity card;
  • power of attorney (if the execution of documents is carried out by an authorized person).

The registration process is very fast. Parents will be given documents such as:

  • directly
  • certificate of birth of a child (required for registration and receipt of a one-time financial benefit);
  • certificate of paternity (in the event that the father and mother are not officially married).

To issue a birth certificate for a child, be sure to first make copies of all documents, and there should be several duplicates. Just in case!

Registration of a newborn at the place of residence

Registering a newborn is the same as registering him at the place of residence (permanently) or at the place of stay (temporarily). Registration can be done free of charge in just a few days, but this procedure should not be delayed.

A registered child will be able to receive financial assistance, products for (if necessary), to be assigned to the clinic. Without registration, it will be impossible to stand in line at a preschool.

According to Civil Code Russian Federation, children must be registered where their parents are registered.

A permanent residence permit for a newborn is issued in the same place where the parents live. Moreover, in this case, the consent of the owner or tenant is not required (if the housing is not privatized). This type registration is permanent, no deadline has been set.

Permanent registration of a newborn

In order to register a man who was born at the place of residence of the parents, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory actions. The procedure for obtaining registration is the same in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Stage 1. Preparation of a package of documents

First you need to figure out what Documents needed to register a newborn at the place of residence:

  1. Statement of the father or mother (guardian, adoptive parent) about the desire to register the child at the place of residence.
  2. Identity card of the father or mother (adoptive parent, guardian).
  3. A document that would confirm the fact of guardianship (if the application is submitted by the guardian).

Additionally, employees may require other documents for registration, for example, the consent of the spouse to register the child, a certificate from the house book of the second spouse, which would confirm that the baby is not registered at a different address.

In order to receive the coveted document as soon as possible, it is better to ask the employees of the Federal Migration Service in advance what documents for registering a newborn and their copies need to be provided.

Stage 2. Submission of documents

All collected documents parents or legal representatives of the child serve:

  • to the department of the Federal Migration Service, which is located at the place of residence of the parents or one of the parents;
  • at the MFC;
  • on the online portal of the State Service.

Each registration option has its own advantages, so parents can choose what is closer or more convenient for them. Registration is free of charge, although sometimes organizations offer money Additional services(filling out paperwork).

Stage 3. Applying for a finished residence permit

If all the formalities are met, then within 1-8 days from the date of submission of documents, the registration of a newborn child is carried out. Staff will set a date for parents to pick up their residence registration certificate.

Temporary registration of a newborn child

To obtain temporary registration of a child, there is no need to take the consent of the homeowners, since this type of registration has nothing to do with property rights.

Temporary registration of a child is an attachment to a place of non-permanent residence. Documents are valid for 3 years. If for some reason it is not possible to permanent residence permit, this option is also quite convenient.

You can temporarily register a child in such government organizations, like a passport office or the FMS Office. You can choose the nearest branch of these services to you.

What documents for registration of a newborn in a temporary regime must be submitted to the Federal Migration Service? Need the following papers:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • an application signed by two parents (if they are married) or one (if the marriage is not registered);
  • certificate of temporary registration of one of the parents;
  • parent's ID.

The law provides an absolutely equal amount of benefits and guarantees to all parents and children, regardless of whether their registration is permanent or temporary. It is only necessary to register a newborn child on time.

What does it take to get a policy for a newborn?

Applies to the newborn medical insurance mothers. It will be valid for a month from the moment the birth of the child was registered. government bodies. But medical staff will insist on issuing a personal compulsory medical insurance policy, since the financing of the institution will depend on the availability of the document.

making out CHI documents for a newborn child, parents themselves choose a certain insurance company. And once every 12 months, you can change it to another organization.

Experts advise to pay attention to some important points:

  1. Registration of a compulsory health insurance policy can take place in any region and city of Russia, even if the parents have only a temporary residence permit.
  2. It is best to ask the employees of the children's clinic in advance about the policies of which organizations they would recommend. Another option is to take out a policy from a company serving parents.
  3. The lack of a policy can deprive a child of free drugs, vaccinations and a doctor's visit to the house. Mom and dad will have to pay the costs in case of inpatient treatment.

It is important to pay attention to the list of documents required for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn baby:

  1. Children's birth certificate (how to issue this birth certificate, read above).
  2. Identity card of the parent or legal guardian of the child.
  3. SNILS of the baby (only if available, if this document is not available, then it is absolutely not necessary to receive it specifically for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy).

While the document is being drawn up (approximately 20-30 days), parents will be issued a temporary policy that completely replaces a full certificate of health insurance. It can also be used in clinic, dairy kitchen.

Today in the Russian Federation there are several types of cash benefits of a compensatory and incentive nature, which are provided to families for a child at birth.

An example of such payments is lump sum, which is issued for each of the born babies to mom or dad (or guardian), regardless of their social status and character professional activity.

For 2018 size lump sum payment is 16,759 rubles 09 kopecks. A parent can receive money either at the place of service (given with maternity), or at the Office social protection population, if the father and mother do not work.

It should be understood that this payment is a state variant of monetary support, however, in any municipality to this amount is added the regional allowance. Parents should clarify this issue in advance with the local social security.

To receive this allowance at the place of work, you need to submit to the accounting department of the organization documents such as:

  • application for the issuance of payment (the form will be given by the accounting department);
  • a certificate from the civil registry office on the birth of a child;
  • parents' identity cards: originals and copies;
  • baby's birth certificate: original document and duplicate (read above about what documents are needed for a birth certificate);
  • a certificate from the place of service of the second spouse, which indicates that this allowance has not yet been paid.

If the parents do not work, then you need to submit to the Department of Social Security for benefits documents such as:

  • application for payment;
  • birth certificate from the registry office;
  • SNILS of parents (one parent);
  • parents' IDs and duplicates;
  • extract from work book about the last place of work of parents;
  • a certificate from the USZN stating that these payments have not been previously assigned.

The appeal is considered within 10 days. If the employees of the Department of Social Protection refuse the applicant, they are obliged to notify about this within five days and hand over the entire package of documents.

Registration of maternity capital

At present, the amount of family capital is 453,026 rubles. Those families in which a second or subsequent child was born after January 1, 2007 (provided that the parents did not use this right before) can receive a certificate for this allowance.

The main nuances of obtaining look in the following way:

  1. To obtain a certificate, parents need to submit all the necessary documents to the local branch of the FIU. The fund's specialists will consider the application within a month, after which they will give a positive or negative conclusion.
  2. According to Russian law, family capital can be disposed of only after the child is three years old. If the baby was adopted, then after a three-year period from the date of adoption.
  3. AT individual cases You can use the certificate even before three years. For example, if the parents are going to use the mother's capital to pay off the mortgage (or down payment), improve living conditions.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit to Pension Fund Russia the following documents:

  • application for cash assistance;
  • identification;
  • birth (or adoption) certificates for all children.

If maternal capital will receive a man, then he needs to submit documents that would indicate the deprivation of parental rights of the mother or her death.

Cash assistance can be sent for the following purposes:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • repayment of a mortgage loan;
  • mother's pension;
  • on the education of children (not only the second child).

By the way, parents can change the goal if, for example, they first allocated the mother's capital for pensions, and then decided to spend it on the education of their children. Also, the allowance can be divided into several parts: one is directed to a future pension, and the other to improving housing conditions.

One more frequently asked question regarding what documents need to be issued for traveling abroad with a newborn or infant. A standard package of papers must be prepared in advance.

Previously, for foreign trips, it was enough to enter the child in the parent's foreign transport. Now, to travel, the baby needs his own document.

Currently, there are two types of such documents: old-style and biometric. Both of them have the same legal force. Their validity period differs to a greater extent: the old passport is valid for 5 years, biometric - 10 years.

The new document also has some functional features, the main of which is the presence of a plastic first page with an electronic chip that contains all the personal information on the owner of the document, including biometric indicators.

To obtain a passport for a child, you will need specific documents:

  • original and copy of the parent's certificate;
  • a completed application for a child (depending on the type of passport, the form of the application is also different);
  • birth certificate of the child (original and copy), on the back of which there must be a citizenship stamp;
  • 4 children's photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters on matte paper (for an old-style passport);
  • 1 photo of the same dimensions for a biometric passport (it can be taken directly at the migration service);
  • receipt of payment of the state fee (for an old passport - 1,000 rubles, for a new one - 1,500 rubles).

Sometimes experts require you to provide a marriage certificate of the parents, a divorce certificate, a certificate confirming the change of surname. Full list necessary documents should be checked with the immigration officials.

Which passport to choose is up to you. You just need to understand that biometric passport will have to be changed before it becomes invalid, because babies grow very quickly, therefore, their appearance also changes.

Power of attorney for a child

Sometimes, when crossing the border, they are required to provide consent certified by a notary to take the child out. A similar document is needed if a little traveler travels outside Russia without being accompanied by his mother or father.

It is curious that the legislation of Russia does not directly establish the requirements for granting consent to travel by the second parent if the child travels outside the state for vacation or treatment with his mother or father.

But if one of the parents speaks out against such a trip, then such a dispute will have to be resolved in court. Thus, border guards want to be sure that a small child leaves the state on legal terms.

That is why, most often, when crossing the border, the consent of the second parent is required. So, from desirable documents, a power of attorney for a child turns into practically a mandatory paper, respectively, parents have to draw it up.

In addition, each of the foreign countries has its own entry rules, which, of course, must be observed. For example, Schengen countries require permission to travel with one of their parents.

To avoid problems at the border, you need to know in advance what documents are required to enter a particular state. Usually, if a country has a visa-free regime with Russia, then there is no need to issue a power of attorney for a child.

In fact, this document is not included in the list of required papers when a child crosses the state border of the Russian Federation. However, it is better to play it safe and take with you either the original certificate or a notarized duplicate.

Perhaps the border guards will require paperwork to confirm your relationship with the little traveler.

Baby insurance

As soon as possible, you need to take out insurance against various risks for the child. Experts additionally recommend remembering several important points:

  • write down the telephone number of the company, which is intended for communication in the event of an insured event;
  • carefully study the insurance contract, find out which cases are insured;
  • figure out what documents you need to submit to the company in order to reimburse the costs of medical services, the purchase of medicines, etc.;
  • mentally prepare to solve all problems with the operator of the insurance company by phone in the event of an insured event;
  • in a conversation with the operator, find out what information needs to be recorded on the spot (for example, the doctor's data, his phone number or e-mail).

“I didn’t have time to be born, but they are already being taken abroad!” some readers will think with skepticism. However, situations are different, so such knowledge will definitely not be superfluous.

Registering a child in a clinic

Newborn children are automatically assigned to the clinic at the place of residence of both parents or one of them. In practice it looks like in the following way:

  • when discharged from the maternity hospital, doctors find out at what address the child will be registered, and then transfer information about the newborn to the appropriate medical institution;
  • after which the doctor who came to the child for an initial examination takes all the papers that are necessary to attach the baby to this clinic.

However, you can enroll a child in any other polyclinic of this locality, working on CHI system. A similar right to choose a medical institution (not necessarily at the place of registration) is assigned to Russian citizens in federal law"On Compulsory Health Insurance".

A children's doctor will be able to come home to a small patient only if the address is "signed" behind his site. That is why parents usually assign their child to a clinic in their area, which they visit themselves.

What documents of a newborn child must be submitted to the medical institution at the place of registration? Required papers:

  • birth certificate of the child (what documents are needed to obtain a certificate, read above);
  • exchange card from the parental home;
  • coupons 3-1 and 3-2 of the birth certificate;
  • mother's compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • mother's identity card;
  • SNILS mother (sometimes not required).

If parents are going to attach the child to another clinic, they will have to collect the necessary a package of documents (their copies), which includes:

  • a statement addressed to the head physician;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • parent's passport
  • temporary or permanent registration;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy for the child;
  • SNILS of the child (if any).

At the age of one month, the primary examination of the child takes place. It is necessary to visit the doctor on a specially designated day for this - the day of the baby. This will eliminate the possibility of contact between your healthy baby and sick children.

Most often, parents try to put the child on the waiting list for preschool immediately after birth, in order to accurately receive locally at the required age.

You can either apply in person by visiting the branch. local government education, or via the Internet using the Unified Portal of Public Services.

In the latter case (if, of course, such a service is available in this region of the Russian Federation) parents can:

  • track the place of the child in the kindergarten queue;
  • record the child from the moment of its birth.

When submitting an application, parents indicate the expected enrollment period, the presence of various benefits, the characteristics of the group and choose 3-4 desired preschool institutions.

To apply, you must collect certain documents, including:

  • parents' application for enrollment;
  • parents' identity cards;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • certificate of permanent or temporary registration of the child;
  • papers that confirm benefits for extraordinary or priority enrollment in kindergarten;
  • papers that confirm the need to enroll in health-improving groups (if necessary);
  • conclusion of the PMPK on enrollment in a compensatory or correctional group (if necessary).

Despite the fact that all children from 3 to 7 years old are required to be admitted to kindergarten, admission is possible only if there are free places. That is why experienced parents recommend putting the child on the waiting list as soon as possible. For example, immediately after the newborn was registered in the registry office.

Information about various benefits

Many pregnant women and women who have given birth do not know what benefits or benefits are due to them and their newborn babies. Such information should be obtained from the local social security authorities. We will tell you about the most "promising" help, which for sure will be of interest to many mothers:

  1. Children under 3 years of age (and children from large families younger than six years of age) with outpatient therapy should receive prescription drugs free of charge at the pharmacy of a medical institution. At one time, the doctor has the right to write out no more than 4 free prescriptions for a child.
  2. During the first 12 months, the baby can receive one course of free massage. This question should be clarified with the pediatrician. In addition, a baby can be born with special requirements for his own health (for example, he has problems with the nervous system). In this case, the number of free massage courses can be increased as prescribed by a narrow specialist.
  3. In some Russian regions, such useful organizations as dairy kitchens are still preserved. In them, according to the doctor's prescription, babies of the first year of life are supplied free of charge with dairy food (milk, mixtures, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.). The availability of such services should be checked with social security.

To receive all of the above benefits, parents need to work with the local pediatrician. It is the prescription written by him that will allow you to get free medicines or dairy products.

So, the baby was born, so the parents go astray to draw up documents for the speedy registration of the child in the registry office. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance.

The most important condition for the calm design of all necessary papers- accounting for the validity of various certificates and extracts. In this case, parents do not have to be nervous and worried to register a small citizen.

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Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

The birth certificate of a child is the very first official paper, which is designed to certify a child's identity until the age of fourteen.

Fortunately, the state tried to save young parents from all sorts of bureaucratic delays and simplified the procedure for issuing this document as much as possible.

However, despite the absence of red tape, there are some nuances that need to be observed in order to necessary period register a child, apply for benefits and receive benefits due.

In fact, the first documents of the newborn are issued to the mother immediately after the child is discharged from the maternity ward.

These papers are a confirmation of the fact of his birth and will serve as a legal basis for obtaining other papers - for example, on their basis, parents make a birth certificate.

So, after being discharged from the delivery room, a woman has the following important papers in her hands:

  1. Exchange card, more precisely, several sheets with certain information that will be needed for consultation and management of the child by a pediatrician:
    • The 2nd sheet must be submitted to the same women's office (consultation), whose specialists observed the pregnancy. In it, doctors note information about the course of the birth process and the condition of the mother after delivery, indicate any complications.
    • The 3rd sheet is intended for the pediatrician of the hospital where the newborn will be observed. In this honey On paper, experts indicate the physical parameters of the baby - a boy or a girl, height, how much it weighs after childbirth and at discharge, the first vaccination and other important information.
  2. 3rd coupon of the certificate you can keep for yourself, but here are some of its tabs in without fail must be given to the pediatrician:
    • appendix 3-1 is necessary so that the state can pay a medical institution (polyclinic) for the first six months of keeping a baby;
    • application 3-2 is intended for payment to the clinic for the care of a child from 6 months to a year.
  3. valid for four weeks. In this document, experts indicate important information - who and when gave birth to a baby, data from obstetricians. Without this document, parents simply will not be able to receive benefits from the Social Security Administration and a birth certificate.

In order for parents to be able to issue a birth certificate, it is imperative to contact the registry office. You will be required to provide certain documents, since there are not very many of them.

What papers are needed to process the first children's documents in 2016 depends on several factors.

  1. A statement from one parent about the need to register the baby at the place of residence of the father or mother.
  2. A certificate from the other spouse, which certifies that the baby is not registered in his living space.
  3. Statement of the other spouse, where he "gives the go-ahead" for the registration of the child.
  4. Birth certificate of the baby (original and photocopy).
  5. Notes from personal account and the house book of the Unified Information and Settlement Center and the passport office from the place of residence of the parent.
  6. Originals and photocopies of parents' identity cards.
  7. Marriage registration documents (if it is official).

It assumes the obligatory presence of the parent to whom, accordingly, the baby is prescribed.

Practice shows that obtaining this document is more troublesome and time-consuming than issuing a certificate.

It is curious that the deadline for registration is not set, but delays are not needed, since a representative of the internal affairs bodies can impose a fine for staying in the premises of a person who is not registered in it.

Citizenship for a newborn is also issued at the departments of the Federal Migration Service, so these two procedures - obtaining Russian citizenship and registering a baby - are usually combined. If the mother or father is not a Russian citizen, then this person is obliged to give written permission to obtain citizenship for the baby.

CHI policy

A newborn needs a compulsory medical insurance policy, because only if it is available, the child will be able to receive the free honey he is entitled to. help.

True, during the first months of life, the baby can freely visit the clinic even without a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Most often, to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you can simply contact the clinic at the place of residence, where branches of various insurance companies are located. To quickly apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, parents should provide the following list of documents:

  • identity card of the child (the same certificate);
  • identity card of the mother or father - the one who directly submits the papers.

After submitting the documents, the parent will need to write an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy. While the document is being prepared, the baby is given the so-called Application Registration Sheet, which has all the “authorities” of this CHI policy.

So, after the birth of a baby, parents are waiting for obligatory registration little citizen.

First of all, you should make a certificate in order to then proceed to obtain citizenship, residence permit, compulsory medical insurance policy and issue state allowance. The procedure for issuing the first official document is quite simple, so it should not be ignored.

By the way, more and more information appears that very soon this impressive list of papers can be replaced with one plastic card, for which parents will simply submit everything Required documents in one window.

However, this bright time has not come yet, so new mothers can use our tips to avoid possible unpleasant situations.

Many young parents do not know. Where can they get their baby's birth certificate? Therefore, before going to the nearest registry office, it is better to study in advance the information about additional methods receipt. This will help reduce the processing time.


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A birth certificate is issued to parents after the birth of the baby. For this, it was previously necessary to visit the registry office. Now it is already possible to use not only this method, but also others.

To obtain a certificate, you must provide a certificate that is issued in the maternity hospital where the child was born.

Both mother and father can obtain a birth certificate. In the latter case, it is also necessary to provide a certificate from the maternity hospital and a marriage certificate, if any.

This process is available to the father only after providing an identity document.

Where can you apply?

at the registry office

The standard method of obtaining a birth certificate is to apply to the registry office. Here you need to provide a certain package of documents.

AT certain cases an additional package of documents is also required - for example, if the parents are not married, then they must bring documents proving paternity.

At the MFC

To issue a birth certificate for a newborn child at the MFC, you will need to provide a similar package of documents.

And if in the previous version the production time is equal to several minutes, then here the process is delayed for several days.

Does not include spending transactions.

Online through the State Services

There is the possibility of self-registration through the remote portal of the State Services.

Parents must have confirmed registration on the presented portal.

After gaining access, you must go to the official portal and order a birth certificate, entering all the necessary data.

How to get a child's birth certificate in 2019?

There is a certain procedure for issuing a birth certificate in 2019. First you need to collect all the documents, and then decide which of the above methods is suitable for a particular family.

There are some nuances in the design of the document in various ways.

How to receive

It must be understood that the procedure for obtaining a certificate may vary, depending on the specific organization that provides this service.

at the registry office

In the registry office you can get a document in the following order:

  • coming to the department at the place of registration of one of the parents;
  • by submitting an application and a full package of documents;
  • received a birth certificate.

At the MFC

You can refer to someone else public resource for receiving the document.

The registration procedure here has the following algorithm:

  • collection of documents;
  • waiting in an electronic queue;
  • submission of documents and applications of the established form;
  • waiting for the production of the document;
  • visiting the branch to receive the document.

Through Public Services

You can make a request for a document yourself:

  • go to the official resource;
  • log in using personal data;
  • go to the document ordering tab;
  • select a specific document;
  • complete the necessary information;
  • confirm your action;
  • receive a certificate within the specified time frame.

The documents

To issue a birth certificate, you need a certain package of documents. It may vary slightly depending on current position parents.

Parents in marriage

If the child's parents are married, they must provide:

  • passports of both parents (if one of them is missing, then the passport of one parent);
  • if the parents are married, then you need to provide evidence confirming this fact;
  • certificate from parental home.

Parents divorced

If the parents are divorced, then you must provide:

  • divorce certificate;
  • passport of the parent or parents, if the father wishes to participate in the life of the child;
  • certificate from parental home.

If the marriage is not registered

If the marriage is not registered, then citizens must provide:

  • certificate from the hospital;
  • a document confirming the adoption of a child or the participation of the father in the life of the baby;
  • parents' passports.

Mother or single father

Individuals will need to provide:

  • certificate from the maternity hospital;
  • parent's passport.

When do I need to apply and receive an application?

An application for a birth certificate must be submitted within the next 30 days after leaving the parental home.

But delay is allowed for good reasons. For example, a disease of the mother or child.

The birth certificate is produced instantly in the registry office. All other institutions can delay the process up to a week.

State duty

Receipt of the document is not accompanied by the payment of state duty.

However, if the spouses are not officially married, they will have to obtain a certificate of paternity. And this document already requests payment of the state fee in the amount of 350 rubles.

Special cases

There are also special cases, in which it is necessary to find out all the nuances of issuing a mandatory document.

Childbirth was in transport

In this case, it is possible to issue a certificate both at the place of residence of the parents, and in any department of the registry office, where vehicle where the birth took place.

born at home

If the baby is born at home, then it is possible to issue a birth certificate at the territorial registry office. Only in this institution can they provide the opportunity to issue an official document.

Born in another locality or abroad

In this case, parents are required to contact the consulate or embassy of the Russian Federation in the territory of the state where the birth took place.

This is where the child's birth certificate will be issued.

The scheme for obtaining a certificate here is similar to that adopted in the Russian Federation.

Childbirth by a surrogate mother

If there was a birth by a surrogate mother, then the possibility of issuing a birth certificate remains with her - at the place of residence or registration.

Her presence and her documents are also required here.

Additionally, parents must establish paternity and adoption by paying state duty in the amount of 350 rubles.

Unable to establish paternity

If it is impossible to establish paternity, then the application is submitted at the place of registration or residence of the mother.

In addition, she will be issued a certificate of a single mother, which will allow her to take advantage of some state subsidies and benefits.

If a child is found on the street

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon in Russia. And no one is too surprised.

Birth certificates are now dealt with by authorized bodies - guardianship and guardianship authorities. In this case, the place of birth is considered to be the place of his location.

When determining the baby in a special institution, the registry office will take care of the birth certificate. But it should be understood that if such a child is found, it must be reported to the police or an authorized body within 48 hours.

Frequently asked Questions

Many citizens ask additional questions regarding the issuance of a birth certificate for a child.

How to get a recertification?

The document can be obtained again in a similar way, after paying a state fee of 350 rubles.

After that, parents can.

How to apply for foreign citizens and migrants?

Registration of such citizens is possible with a residence permit. This happens in a similar way at the place of registration of one of the parents.

Is it possible to apply without registration at the place of residence?

It is possible to issue a certificate without registration at the place of residence. Then it is necessary to provide a document that argues the position of the parents and suggests a good reason.

Can the baby's grandmother apply?

The baby's grandmother can also apply, after taking the written consent of the parents and their documents. She must also provide her identity document.

How to get a power of attorney?

It is possible to obtain a document by proxy. The main thing is that it be notarized.

The representative also provides his passport and a full package of documents of the parents.


Obtaining a birth certificate does not involve a specific fee. But getting a duplicate will require an amount of 350 rubles.


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