
Redevelopment of a typical panel Khrushchev series 1 464. Typical Khrushchev series

The mass construction of panel and brick residential buildings, or Khrushchev, with a simplified layout of apartments, small rooms and low ceilings, is still considered a necessary measure in construction aimed at providing the post-war generation with more or less tolerable housing. Although in fact, in order to massively build something more successful in terms of room layout, there are simply no developer resources, since the houses were built like on a conveyor belt. The layout options for Khrushchev for 2 rooms were taken as a sample, and, starting from typical housing from two separate rooms, Khrushchev for 1, 3 and even 4 rooms were combined almost on the go.

What is a two-room Khrushchev

For twenty years of intensive construction, several projects and series of Khrushchev houses were used, apartments were built of reinforced concrete panels or bricks, in four and five-story versions, with ceiling heights of 250 and even 270 cm, but the internal layout of the premises adhered to approximately the same scheme.

Almost all apartments, with the exception of block options with three rooms, were built according to the same characteristics:

  • The total area of ​​the layout of two room apartment in Khrushchev it was from 30 to 46 squares, of which 8 m 2 were allocated for the bedroom, 4.5 m 2 for the kitchen, the rest for the hall - 14 m 2, corridor and ancillary premises;
  • The hall in the layout has always been a walk-through, that is, in order to get into the most remote bedroom, you had to cross the living room or hall;
  • A bathroom for Khrushchev could be separate from a bath, but it was always located in the same block with a kitchen and a corridor, these are the features of the layout of water and sewer communications.

In the Khrushchevs of any layout there was always no elevator and auxiliary premises for the arrangement of switchboard, shut-off water supply and gas distribution valves. All vital faucets and valves were either moved to the basement or located on the facade of the building.

Important! It is worth noting that the quality of construction of brick Khrushchev houses was much higher than panel boxes.

If buildings made of silicate and red brick, according to some estimates, can stand for up to 100 years, then for prefabricated houses, structures made of reinforced concrete lose bearing capacity after 40-45 years of operation. Most of the panel Khrushchev houses of the first project are in disrepair due to planning errors and unscrupulous building maintenance.

Layout of two-room Khrushchev

The share of Khrushchev in large cities accounts for approximately 70% housing stock. For district centers and settlements, the contribution of Khrushchevs can reach up to 95%. This is due to the fact that big cities from the mid-70s they were not built up with Khrushchevs, exceptions were made for residential areas adjoining industrial zones. For district centers, Khrushchev houses with options for improved room layout were built for another 5-7 years.

The construction of Khrushchev was carried out according to several series of layouts:

  • First series 464, built from 1960 to 1967;
  • Project 335, buildings were erected 1963-67;
  • The 1-434 and 1-434C series were used as base projects from 1958 to 1964.

Note! Almost all panel Khrushchevs, and these are 464 and 335 series, had an increased kitchen size, but had exceptionally poor sound and heat insulation.

The situation began to improve only with the introduction of improved reinforced concrete panels, from the 70s expanded clay was added to concrete, the quality of cement improved, the thickness of the panel was increased, which partly reduced the severity of the problem.

Panel two-room Khrushchev

The base in the construction of panel Khrushchev was the 335th series.

A distinctive feature of the layout of the apartment was the parallel arrangement of rooms. The advantage of the project is a relatively large kitchen of 6.2 squares and good opportunities for redevelopment. A significant drawback is the combined bathroom. The door to the balcony was made from the living room.

Khrushchev 464 of the project was also built from panels, in which the same planning principles were used as in the 335 series. In the project, the layout of the rooms provides for a reduced kitchen area and the appearance of an impassable version of the hall.

As a rule, four apartments with a different number of rooms were located on one site, most often these were options with one one-room, two two-room and one three-room apartment. The apartments on the first floor were distinguished by the absence of balconies.

Today, the most popular topic of redevelopment options for panel two-room Khrushchev houses concerns two main points - expanding the kitchen space through the use of a corridor leading from the hallway to the kitchen and adjacent to the bathroom and toilet. In this case, the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen is dismantled, the bath itself is transferred to the corridor. This layout option is quite simple to implement, since the walls to be demolished and a new layout are made of brick or gypsum block. As a result, the kitchen can be extended by 1.8 m2.

Brick options for two-room Khrushchev

The construction of brick five-story buildings came after the deployment of intensive construction of Khrushchevs in regional centers. It turned out to be easier to build from silicate bricks than to transport reinforced concrete panels 70-80 km from the railway station, located in the suburbs of regional centers.

Project No. 434C was focused primarily on the possibility of building a simplified layout in conditions of limited use of cranes and lifting equipment. Most often these were four and five-story houses. The layout of the apartments almost copied panel houses. Since the late 60s, planning options have appeared in which the rooms were arranged longitudinally. This was partly due to the need to improve indoor solarization and reduce the amount of one-room apartments in the house.

A sore point of all Khrushchevs - the kitchen area decreased to 5.9 m 2, but balconies appeared and the pantry area increased. Otherwise brick Khrushchev less suitable for redevelopment. One of the most common options for a new layout is to move the door to the kitchen to the outer wall of the building or even partially demolish the wall. As a result, the kitchen room, as it were, joins the hall, and the need for a narrow and uncomfortable corridor disappears.

Features of the redevelopment of Khrushchev

The main problem of changing the layout of rooms is associated with the need to register alterations in the BTI. Making new documents is quite problematic, so the owners try not to advertise all the alterations of the rooms.

Traditionally, in Khrushchev, the kitchen and the corridor are primarily reworked. The diagram shows the most popular option for improved planning of Khrushchev rooms.

First of all, the area of ​​the corridor was reduced due to the removal of the pantry. Further, in this layout option, by demolishing brick partitions, the rooms are combined into one and connected to the kitchen, without interior doors. The entrance to the toilet-bathroom block is now from the hallway, which is quite convenient and practical. The kitchen space in this embodiment, if necessary, takes up to one fourth total area hall.

The layout of the toilet and bathroom has been significantly changed. Due to the combination, it is possible to move the bathtub under the wall without changing the installation point of the toilet bowl, behind which there is sewer riser. There is a sewer pipe from the kitchen to the toilet, so it is physically impossible to do the layout in a different way.


The disadvantage of this variant of the layout of the rooms is that the hallway space is too small, there will be enough space for shoes and outerwear, but only one person can be in the room. Besides, Appliances, without which no modern kitchen can do today, will be a serious problem for those who work or relax in the hall, so the opening between the hall and the kitchen will have to be closed with sliding doors or a stationary soundproof screen.

Since 1957, after the adoption of a law that provided for the elimination of excesses in the design of houses, buildings of a new type began to be erected in the USSR. Among the people, such houses were called "Khrushchev" (derived from the name of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N.S. Khrushchev). Such houses received a second name - Khrushchev, mainly because of the uncomfortable and disproportionate layout of the rooms, narrow corridors and spans of platforms, thin walls and, as a result, terrible sound insulation. In this article we will talk about what a typical series of Khrushchev houses are, we will try to highlight the main pros and cons of these buildings. We will provide layout features in the form of descriptions and photos.

Typical series of Khrushchev houses: the main pros and cons of houses

Let's look at the main characteristics of the apartments and determine the features of each series of Khrushchev houses that have been built for 27 years. It is worth noting that initially Khrushchev was supposed to be used as temporary housing and the operational life of the building ranged from 25 to 50 years. But, as you know, people live in such houses in our time. The disadvantages of Khrushchev include poor sound insulation and thermal insulation (it is cool in winter and too hot in the apartment in summer), not always good planning apartments and entrances: narrow corridors, a small kitchen, lack of a garbage chute and very often an elevator. The main advantages of such houses include low cost.

The main advantages of such houses include the low cost of housing and the developed infrastructure around the building. As a rule, there are kindergartens, schools, shops and excellent transport interchange not far from Khrushchev. If a Money not enough to buy an apartment, then - not the most bad option. Moreover, such buildings in Moscow and other cities of Russia are subject to demolition, in which case the owners receive brand new housing, or reconstruction and redevelopment.

Series 1-464 (1960 - 1967)

General drawing:

One of the most popular series of Khrushchevs in the USSR was 1-464 (1960 - 1967). This is a panel house with 5 floors, you can rarely see 3 and 4 storey buildings. All apartments have balconies (also additional closets), but there are no elevators and the residents of the building have to go up and down the stairs, which is quite difficult for the elderly, families with small children. The bathrooms in the apartments are combined, there is no common garbage chute in the entrance, and the number of apartments on the site is 4. The ceiling height in the apartments is 2.5 m2, the kitchen is less than 6 m2, to be more precise - 5.8 m2. Apartments 1, 2 and 3 rooms.

Picture - drawing:

1 room:

2 room:

3 room:

Series 1-335 (1963 - 1967)

From 1963 to 1967 the territory was built up with houses of the 1-335 series. These are also panel buildings, with a ceiling height of 2.54 m, balconies in each apartment, combined bathrooms, and the absence of an elevator and a garbage chute. The kitchen area is slightly larger than in the previous series - 6.2 m2, the ceiling area is 2.5 m. There are four apartments on the site - from 1 to 3 rooms. In addition to balconies, the apartments have additional storage rooms and built-in wardrobes.

1 room:

2 room:

Series 1-434 (1958 - 1964)

This series was built from 1958 to 1964; in different years of construction, the layouts of the apartments were slightly modified. So, for example, in the buildings of 1958 in one-room apartments, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room was 18.6 m2, and in 1959 it decreased to 18.2 m2, in 1969 - the area of ​​the room was 17.7 m2. And so in all types of apartments, the area of ​​​​residential premises varied in the direction of decreasing and increasing. But the kitchen area remained unchanged - 5.8 m2, as well as the ceiling height - 2.5 m. The houses are brick, combined bathrooms, and each apartment has a balcony, a pantry and built-in wardrobes.

Pictures - drawing (by years)

1 room 1958

1 room 1959

1 room 1960

1 room 1961

1 room 1964

2 room 1958

2 room 1959

2 room 1960

2 room 1964

During the Khrushchev era, not very successful apartments were built in residential buildings. The spaces are very small and not well thought out. The main task of those times was to provide each family with a separate living space. As for the comfort of living, it was not included in the tasks at all. The advantage of such apartments is that they are easy to re-plan, since the load-bearing walls are external, and the internal walls are partitions that can be demolished or moved without reducing the bearing capacity of the entire building. Despite this, it is necessary to have a project for restructuring and coordination with the relevant organization. The fact is that any changes in the design of the building must be recorded.

Any change in the configuration of walls and partitions in the apartment is considered redevelopment. As for the bearing walls, they cannot be touched at all. If there are unloaded walls or partitions, then everything is not so serious here, but it is necessary to draw up a project, after which it will have to be agreed upon, and only then can the implementation of the plan be started.

At the same time, there are options for alterations that cannot be agreed under any circumstances:

  • Expansion of the area of ​​premises such as kitchen, bathroom and toilet is possible only at the expense of technical premises. It is forbidden to place them above the living rooms. In this case, you can reduce the area of ​​​​the corridor, built-in closet, hallway, etc. Therefore, there are controversial options for some redevelopments. The photo below shows the disputed areas.

The fragment marked in red is practically located in the corridor, but the BTI documents indicate that it is living space. If in this option you submit documents for redevelopment, then they will not be accepted. In order not to quarrel with the law, you must first put up a partition that will fence off the corridor and in this form a project is submitted to increase the area of ​​​​the bathroom.

Expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, you can not do:

  • Expand with a bathroom.
  • In the case of expanding the kitchen at the expense of the living space, then sanitary ware and a stove cannot be installed in the kitchen.
  • If there is gas in the kitchen, then it cannot be combined with the living room.

This item can be bypassed by installing doors of any design, including sliding doors or accordion doors.

One-room Khrushchev: redevelopment

Young families, as a rule, buy one-room apartments. One-room Khrushchev is easy to convert into a studio apartment, which is a great option for young people. In this case, they get rid of the partitions separating the room and the kitchen, as well as the hallway.

In both cases, such a room as a bathroom remains untouched, since it cannot be moved if it is not the first floor.

The photo above shows that the redevelopment partially touched the bathroom, due to the movement of two walls for a considerable distance. This is a wall facing the hall, and a wall separating the entrance hall. Due to a slight increase in area, it was possible to place a washing machine. In small rooms, there is always a lack of space when it is required to install modern household appliances. Although the entrance hall is not large, there is enough space in the room and you can install a dressing room.

Another photo shows another version of the redevelopment of 1 room Khrushchev. This option is different in that they combined the kitchen and the corridor. The doors to the room are moved farther from the entrance, which made it possible to use the living space more optimally. As a result of this design, there was a place in the corridor for a chic built-in wardrobe. This did not affect the functionality of the kitchen, and its area increased by 0.2 square meters.

Recently, many residents have been practicing another way to increase living space - this is a combination of loggias and balconies. But for this you need to carefully insulate the walls of balconies and loggias, as well as conduct heating there. As a result, you can get another room with an optimal temperature, where you can place, for example, a study.

There is another option for redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchev house located in brick house. There are very small areas of the bathroom and kitchen, but the partitions are placed as standard.

In this case, it is advisable to abandon the bath in favor of a shower. This will optimize the usable space in the bathroom by arranging the plumbing correctly and placing the washing machine there. At the same time, one of the walls turns out to be sloping, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen is not significantly, but increases, although the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway decreases somewhat.

The living area can be increased by extending to the balcony, insulating it accordingly. On the balcony you can install a wardrobe and a work desk. Such a redevelopment is quite relevant if the family consists of five people: 3 children and 2 adults. At the same time, it is desirable to install one bunk bed for children. In the next photo you can see a similar version of the alteration of a residential apartment.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes to have a studio apartment, just as not everyone perceives a bathroom where a bath and a toilet are combined. Many people do not like the absence of walls, when you cannot sit in the kitchen unnoticed by others, especially since this is true if you have children, and even in a one-room apartment.

In this case, redevelopment is carried out by moving partitions, depending on priorities. The side wall of the hallway needs to be moved towards the room, and the front wall is moved, almost close to the door to the bathroom. After such actions, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway increases and now it becomes possible to install a built-in wardrobe and dressing room in the hallway.

Naturally, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is decreasing, so you will have to compensate for the lack of space at the expense of the kitchen. Despite this, after moving the wall closer to the bathroom door, there was a place for a refrigerator. As a result of such redevelopment, the dining part of the kitchen moved into the room. To optimize space, you should install sliding doors or accordion doors.

At the same time, the room received an L-shape, where you can install a partition to divide the room into an adult and a children's area. By the same principle, it is possible to make a two-room apartment from a one-room apartment. This is of great importance in the presence of children.

There is another option for redevelopment of a 1-room apartment, but only with a different original layout. In this case, the alteration is minimal and comes down to arranging a plasterboard partition. It is installed so that it occupies no more than half of the gap, so that lighting is available in the second part.

As an option, it is proposed to redevelop a corner one-room Khrushchev into a studio apartment with a sleeping place. In this part of the apartment, only a bed and a wardrobe can fit, but there is one significant plus: the bedroom is isolated.

Two-room Khrushchev: alteration

In the buildings of those years, there are much more two-room apartments than one-room apartments, but they have the same problems: small areas and an unreasoned arrangement of rooms, with the presence of walk-through rooms. If you start moving walls, then most of the problems are solvable. For example, it is possible to separate adjacent rooms, after which it is possible to make a three-room apartment from a two-room apartment. To do this, it is enough to mount another partition that will separate the room from the corridor. As a result, there is an additional effective area where you can place a dressing room and pantry. The second room thus obtained is longer and narrower, divided into two parts by means of a plasterboard partition.

The photo below shows the second version of the unsuccessful planning of the living space of those times. Here, to get to the second room, you must go through the first. The layout is so unfortunate that, not only are the spaces small, but dead zones also appear, which distorts the functionality of the rooms. Sometimes, at the end of the second room there is a pantry that cannot be fully used.

After alteration according to this option, the bath became square, and the hallway connected with the first room. In this case, it serves as a living room, from which the entrance to the kitchen is formed. The next, more distant room is divided into two bedrooms. The partition between the two bedrooms is mounted in such a way that there is room for small dressing rooms in one and the other bedrooms.

It is possible to turn an ordinary two-room Khrushchev in a panel house into a studio apartment by combining the living room and kitchen. The main task of such an alteration is to shift the front doors. Due to this, a large entrance hall will serve as a dressing room. At the same time, the toilet and bath are combined, and the kitchen and living room are combined due to a partially disassembled partition.

If there is a desire, then the second room can be divided into two parts, due to a plasterboard partition, which will allow you to separate the working and sleeping areas. In order for light to penetrate into the bedroom, it is enough to raise the partition to a height of no more than 1.5 meters.

Quite an interesting option for converting a 2-room apartment into a 3-room apartment. Here, the entrance hall is slightly sloping, which made it possible to increase the area of ​​​​the bathroom, and the partition that is installed between the kitchen and the room is partially removed. The second room is divided into 2 parts, the area of ​​​​which is increased by a pantry and a closet. As a result, 2 bedrooms were formed, and since the apartment is corner, each of the bedrooms has its own window.

The corridor has taken an interesting shape, as its walls are arranged diagonally. The result is a good option, although the functionality of the corridor is significantly reduced.

Three-room Khrushchev: changing the arrangement of rooms

Khrushchev series 11-57.3.2 are distinguished by the very small size of the toilet and bathroom. Based on this, the alteration of the apartment is simply necessary, given that the planet is already in the 3rd millennium and the presence of modern plumbing and household appliances indicate such a need. To optimize the living space, it is necessary to remove the wall between the bathroom and the toilet. The part of the corridor that adjoins the bathroom is fenced off with a wall where the doors to the bathroom are located. The only problem is the strengthening of the waterproofing in this part, where the corridor used to be.

The original layout did not allow the installation of a wardrobe. In a small section of the corridor that went under the bathroom, there was a small closet, but its dimensions are so small that it allows only small things to be hidden in it. Therefore, you have to move the wall of one of the bedrooms so that the wardrobe fits in the vacated space.

To combine the kitchen and living room, you need to get rid of part of the wall. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the corresponding load-bearing walls and ceilings. Since the stove in the kitchen is gas, doors are needed. Alternatively, you can install sliding.

Another repair option is also possible, which allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom, as well as turn some room into a living-dining room, from which access to the kitchen is possible. At the same time, you need to form two bedrooms.

To do this, the walls between the bathroom and the toilet are removed, and part of the corridor is taken under the bathroom. Now the entrance to the kitchen will be from the side of the living room, from the opposite side of the living room the entrance to the second bedroom is formed.

As for the door block located in the second bedroom, it must be dismantled and the opening laid.

The next redevelopment option is designed to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and kitchen. As for the bathroom, it is expanded in the classical way: the partition between the bathroom and the toilet is removed, and the wall is also trimmed. The kitchen is expanding at the expense of the room. This solution allows you to create a place to relax, where you can install a sofa and TV.

It turns out that it is possible to divide the passage rooms in this way. Although the area has decreased, they have become more functional. Wardrobe rooms can be placed on the vacated areas.

Four-room Khrushchev: alteration

This is such an unsuccessful layout that with an increase in the number of residential premises, problems become more and more. The presence, again, of a small kitchen and a small bathroom, with walk-through rooms, exacerbates the overall picture. The photo below is one of the most ill-conceived options. Here is what it looked like before the remodel.

Despite the fact that this apartment has a relatively large entrance hall, it (the entrance hall) is not fully used, but the existing normal corner is occupied by a pantry.

The problem is also connected with the fact that there are seven doors leading into the hallway. A rework option is proposed, when all rooms are re-planned into the correct shape, such as a square. This approach makes it easier to use functionality apartments in general. Two rooms are used as a dining room and a living room, and two bedrooms remain untouched. Entrance to the enclosed dressing room from the hallway.

The bath and toilet remain uncombined, but their area is increased by leveling the walls. The area, which was previously occupied by the corridor, requires increased waterproofing.


Khrushchevs have long outlived their usefulness not only from a technical point of view, but also from a moral one. In addition, modern planning takes into account the shortcomings of the past and does not allow such miscalculations. Those who still live in Khrushchev are thinking every minute and every second how to make repairs faster in order to get rid of these tiny kitchens, toilets and baths, as well as walk-through rooms where the usable area of ​​​​small rooms is not optimally used.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there is another problem, no less serious - the organization of the redevelopment project and its approval. To our great regret, the bureaucrats do not want to meet the needs of the Khrushchev owners. Such a solution is very difficult and troublesome to obtain, and even quite expensive. In this regard, many apartment owners improve their lives on their own and remodel their apartments quietly. Under certain conditions, when you have to sell an apartment, you will have to pay a fine for spontaneous redevelopment. If everything is done without violating the technology, then the passport for the apartment will be redone, naturally for a fee.

But here lies another problem related to the fact that some of the apartment owners, when carrying out redevelopment, nevertheless violate the requirements and norms, which sometimes leads to bad consequences.

Based on this, we can conclude that it is desirable to coordinate any work with the relevant organizations and obtain permission for this, otherwise you can deal with the law, which will entail administrative or criminal liability.

Khrushchev-built houses are panel, brick or block buildings, the construction of which was massive during the Soviet era under the leadership of N. S. Khrushchev. Hence the popular name - "Khrushchev". The most common series are 1-335 (subsequently upgraded to 1-335 A, 1-335 K, 1-335 AK, 1-335 D), 1-447, 1-464.

Architecture and layout

Their construction began back in 1959, but already in 1966 it was suspended due to the inconsistency of the buildings with climatic conditions. But despite this, later the creation of this type of houses was resumed and continued until the 80s.

Initially, they were considered as temporary housing for the resettlement of residents from villages and villages, but, as you know, nothing is more permanent than temporary. Therefore, there are still many such houses left. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, they are subject to demolition in the near future. And on the periphery, this is not the case. At the very least, they are doing a major overhaul.

"Khrushchev" are simple, without unnecessary architectural design of the structure of four or five floors. There is no elevator for such a number of storeys, a garbage chute is a rarity. Basically, this is a panel-type structure. This is explained by the fact that for their construction required a short time and minimal costs.

In small towns, Khrushchevs were built of brick with reinforced concrete floors. Sometimes the houses were insulated with mineral wool and the facade was finished with ceramic tiles. From the outside they seemed more attractive, but inside they were no different.

The apartments have one or two rooms (then the largest of them is a walk-through), less often three, a small kitchen ranging in size from 5 to 7 m2, a combined bathroom. The height of the ceilings ranges from 2.5 m to 2.6 m. The windows are double-leaf, almost square. All communications are central. Sometimes a geyser was installed in the kitchen to provide hot water.

The advantage of such houses was considered a balcony and a pantry. There was no balcony for the first floors. Under the window in the kitchen in the Khrushchev buildings there was a small closet that served as a refrigerator in the winter.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • low thermal insulation of walls;
  • thin, soundproof partitions;
  • small kitchen;
  • small area of ​​the whole apartment;
  • narrow corridors and hallway.

Some of the shortcomings of these premises can be corrected. Therefore, in recent years, the redevelopment of "Khrushchev" has been widespread. In a one-room apartment they make a studio apartment, in a two-room apartment they isolate rooms. All more apartments acquire a kitchen-dining-living room.

Consider in more detail one-room options.


Basically, the "odnushka" has a total area of ​​​​about 30 m2, of which the living area is about 18 m2, the kitchen is about 6 m2. These figures may vary slightly. In the corner apartments there are two windows, in the simple ones - one. The windows of the kitchen and living area face one side. Often there is a small window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

One-room "Khrushchev" is made like a cube with internal partitions. There are no load-bearing walls inside. This makes it possible to demolish and transfer barriers at your request.

However, first you need to get permission for this, and later legalize innovations.


A fashionable trend in our time is a studio apartment, which combines the space of a kitchen, a room and a hallway. The chosen space model can be implemented for multi-apartment "Khrushchev" buildings of any building series.

This option is suitable for a single person or a young couple without children. In order to legally confirm the layout, it is required to replace the gas stove with an electric one.

You can also leave a separate entrance hall, behind which there is a small dressing room and a bathroom. The rest of the space will consist of a living area, a kitchen surface and a bedroom.

Visually divide the space will help the decor of the walls and the installation of furniture. It is possible to separate the bedroom from the living room with a shelving with a built-in TV, which, if necessary, turns in one direction or another.

To separate the kitchen area, a bar counter or a symbolic round arch is suitable. It does not carry any load, except for aesthetic.

The bed can be separated by a screen or curtain to match the furniture. A good location for her would be the gap behind the hallway. Thus, you get an inconspicuous sleeping place that does not weigh down the space.

Best for interior Scandinavian style, the essence of which lies in a bright, unloaded room with a minimum of decor. This will visually expand the apartment and give lightness to your home.

The result is a free space, not cluttered with any walls. Of the minuses, it can be noted that there are no isolated rooms in the room.

Modernization of the bathroom

The considered option is suitable for "Khrushchev" with a separate bathroom (series 1-511, 1-515). The essence of the method is to increase the bathroom at the expense of the corridor so that a bathtub, sink and washing machine fit there. You can simply combine a bathroom and a bathroom. Then the latter will expand to the desired size and accommodate the listed elements and the toilet.

As such, the hallway disappears, but the space for the kitchen area and recreation area increases.

The barrier between them can be moved somewhat into the room. Then you get a fairly wide kitchen that can accommodate four people at the table, and a living room in which a sofa bed is placed, above which various kinds of shelves can be placed, and a closet. Seats can be increased by small ottomans that fold compactly into a coffee table.

Modern artists and designers produce multifunctional furniture that will help save space in a small apartment. It can be a folding wardrobe-bed, a transforming chest of drawers, folding and folding chairs and many other interesting options.

The pluses include a relatively large bathroom and kitchen. The narrow unnecessary corridor also disappears. Such housing is suitable for people who collect guests at home, for single residents and for young people. The downside is the lack of a bedroom.

Kitchen-dining room

It is assumed that a small bedroom is separated from the main space, in which only a bed and a chest of drawers are placed. The rest of the room is combined with the kitchen. Thus, it turns out a kitchen-dining room with a sofa. In such a room, you can place a bar counter instead of a regular table. It will serve as a continuation of the working area and will save space.

The selection of a bedroom is especially important for corner apartments, where there are two windows per room.

One of the walls of the bedroom can be made diagonal, in which to place the front door. Parallel to it, there will be a bar counter that will visually divide the space. From the front door to the dining room it is advisable to place cabinets along the wall. This will create the necessary space for storing things and accessories.

In some design projects, transparent partitions are used for this type of transformation. This will create additional lightness and freedom of space. For privacy, glass is equipped with blinds or roller blinds. Furniture in such an interior too must be made of transparent materials, be it glass or plastic. Mirror surfaces will look unusual. They will "push apart" the space, but caring for them will be laborious.

In the bathroom, you can place a shower cabin, and put a washing machine in the vacant space, above which there will be a full-length countertop. A washbasin is also mounted in it.

The undoubted advantage of this layout is the presence of a full bed and a recreation area with guests. It is suitable for a small family that prefers to relax at home. Among the shortcomings, one can note the lack of storage areas and the lack of a full-fledged table (in case of replacing it with a bar counter).

Increase in the number of rooms

If an indispensable condition for the dwelling is the presence of a second room and an isolated kitchen, you can make a small walk-through living room. This is especially true if there is an additional window (in corner versions). The next room will be a bedroom, in which it is possible to place not only an adult double bed, but also a crib. If the area was chosen a little more, a wardrobe can also fit in it.

In this variation, it is better to replace the wall between the living room and the corridor leading to the kitchen with folding accordion doors across the entire width. Depending on the circumstances, you can get a separate place to relax or combined with a corridor to increase the room.

The advantage of such redevelopment will be an isolated kitchen and bedroom. It is suitable for young parents with a child and for people who do not often invite friends to dinner. But such a layout suggests small narrow rooms with a small amount of storage space.

To any type of redevelopment, you can add the combination of a balcony with a residential area. There you can make a mini-study, put a high bar table along the balcony window, or even equip a sleeping area.


The layout of "Khrushchev" in all cities and regions is typical. Therefore, the same furniture was placed in the room in a similar way. Now things are different. Specialists pay great attention to the design of a small apartment. After all, it is in it that it is important to take into account all the nuances for the convenience and beauty of the room.

Zoning space with wallpaper and flooring is very popular. To do this, you should select models that are combined in one room, but visually divide the area into parts. It can be wallpaper of the same color, but with a different pattern. You can paint all the walls in one color, and highlight the functional areas with wallpaper with an ornament. The same applies to flooring.

The mass construction of panel and brick residential buildings, or Khrushchev, with a simplified layout of apartments, small rooms and low ceilings, is still considered a necessary measure in construction aimed at providing the post-war generation with more or less tolerable housing. Although in fact, in order to massively build something more successful in terms of room layout, there are simply no developer resources, since the houses were built like on a conveyor belt. The layout options for Khrushchev for 2 rooms were taken as a sample, and, starting from typical housing from two separate rooms, Khrushchev for 1, 3 and even 4 rooms were combined almost on the go.

What is a two-room Khrushchev

For twenty years of intensive construction, several projects and series of Khrushchev houses were used, apartments were built of reinforced concrete panels or bricks, in four and five-story versions, with ceiling heights of 250 and even 270 cm, but the internal layout of the premises adhered to approximately the same scheme.

Almost all apartments, with the exception of block options with three rooms, were built according to the same characteristics:

  • The total planning area of ​​a two-room apartment in Khrushchev ranged from 30 to 46 squares, of which 8 m2 were allocated for the bedroom, 4.5 m2 for the kitchen, the rest for the hall - 14 m2, corridor and ancillary premises;
  • The hall in the layout has always been a walk-through, that is, in order to get into the most remote bedroom, you had to cross the living room or hall;
  • A bathroom for Khrushchev could be separate from a bath, but it was always located in the same block with a kitchen and a corridor, these are the features of the layout of water and sewer communications.

In the Khrushchevs of any layout, there was always no elevator and auxiliary premises for arranging electrical switchboards, shut-off water supply and gas distribution valves. All vital faucets and valves were either moved to the basement or located on the facade of the building.

Important! It is worth noting that the quality of construction of brick Khrushchev houses was much higher than panel boxes.

If buildings made of silicate and red brick, according to some estimates, can stand for up to 100 years, then for prefabricated houses, structures made of reinforced concrete lose their bearing capacity after 40-45 years of operation. Most of the panel Khrushchev houses of the first project are in disrepair due to planning errors and unscrupulous building maintenance.

Layout of two-room Khrushchev

The share of Khrushchev in large cities accounts for approximately 70% of the housing stock. For district centers and settlements, the contribution of Khrushchevs can reach up to 95%. This is due to the fact that large cities have not been built up with Khrushchevs since the mid-70s, exceptions were made for residential areas adjacent to industrial zones. For district centers, Khrushchev houses with options for improved room layout were built for another 5-7 years.

The construction of Khrushchev was carried out according to several series of layouts:

  • First series 464, built from 1960 to 1967;
  • Project 335, buildings were erected 1963-67;
  • The 1-434 and 1-434C series were used as base projects from 1958 to 1964.

Note! Almost all panel Khrushchevs, and these are 464 and 335 series, had an increased kitchen size, but had exceptionally poor sound and heat insulation.

The situation began to improve only with the introduction of improved reinforced concrete panels, from the 70s expanded clay was added to concrete, the quality of cement improved, the thickness of the panel was increased, which partly reduced the severity of the problem.

Panel two-room Khrushchev

The base in the construction of panel Khrushchev was the 335th series.

A distinctive feature of the layout of the apartment was the parallel arrangement of rooms. The advantage of the project is a relatively large kitchen of 6.2 squares and good opportunities for redevelopment. A significant drawback is the combined bathroom. The door to the balcony was made from the living room.

Khrushchev 464 of the project was also built from panels, in which the same planning principles were used as in the 335 series. In the project, the layout of the rooms provides for a reduced kitchen area and the appearance of an impassable version of the hall.

As a rule, four apartments with a different number of rooms were located on one site, most often these were options with one one-room, two two-room and one three-room apartment. The apartments on the first floor were distinguished by the absence of balconies.

Today, the most popular topic of redevelopment options for panel two-room Khrushchev houses concerns two main points - expanding the kitchen space through the use of a corridor leading from the hallway to the kitchen and adjacent to the bathroom and toilet. In this case, the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen is dismantled, the bath itself is transferred to the corridor. This layout option is quite simple to implement, since the walls to be demolished and a new layout are made of brick or gypsum block. As a result, the kitchen can be extended by 1.8 m2.

Brick options for two-room Khrushchev

The construction of brick five-story buildings came after the deployment of intensive construction of Khrushchevs in regional centers. It turned out to be easier to build from silicate bricks than to transport reinforced concrete panels 70-80 km from the railway station, located in the suburbs of regional centers.

Project No. 434C was focused primarily on the possibility of building a simplified layout in conditions of limited use of cranes and lifting equipment. Most often these were four and five-story houses. The layout of the apartments practically copied panel houses. Since the late 60s, planning options have appeared in which the rooms were arranged longitudinally. This was partly due to the need to improve the solarization of the premises and reduce the number of one-room apartments in the building.

A sore point of all Khrushchevs - the kitchen area decreased to 5.9 m2, but balconies appeared and the pantry area increased. Otherwise, brick Khrushchevs are less convenient for redevelopment. One of the most common options for a new layout is to move the door to the kitchen to the outer wall of the building or even partially demolish the wall. As a result, the kitchen room, as it were, joins the hall, and the need for a narrow and uncomfortable corridor disappears.

Features of the redevelopment of Khrushchev

The main problem of changing the layout of rooms is associated with the need to register alterations in the BTI. Making new documents is quite problematic, so the owners try not to advertise all the alterations of the rooms.

Traditionally, in Khrushchev, the kitchen and the corridor are primarily reworked. The diagram shows the most popular option for improved planning of Khrushchev rooms.

First of all, the area of ​​the corridor was reduced due to the removal of the pantry. Further, in this layout option, by demolishing brick partitions, the rooms are combined into one and connected to the kitchen, without interior doors. The entrance to the toilet-bathroom block is now from the hallway, which is quite convenient and practical. The kitchen space in this option, if necessary, occupies up to one fourth of the total area of ​​​​the hall.

The layout of the toilet and bathroom has been significantly changed. Due to the combination, it is possible to move the bath under the wall without changing the installation point of the toilet bowl, behind which there is a sewer riser. There is a sewer pipe from the kitchen to the toilet, so it is physically impossible to do the layout in a different way.


The disadvantage of this variant of the layout of the rooms is that the hallway space is too small, there will be enough space for shoes and outerwear, but only one person can be in the room. In addition, household appliances, without which no modern kitchen can do today, will be a serious problem for those who work or relax in the hall, so the opening between the hall and the kitchen will have to be closed either with a stationary soundproof screen.

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