
Information about the development of the tourist branch of the republic of altai. Prospects for the development of tourism in the Altai Territory Regional program for the development of tourism in the Altai Territory

The main directions of the Tourism Development Program are the improvement regulatory framework tourism industry, an active marketing policy to promote the Altai tourism product, financial and credit support for the industry, infrastructure development and improvement of the display facilities, personnel training. It is planned to develop such types of tourism as cultural and educational, ethnographic, cruise, medical and recreational, ecological and adventure, rural, religious, business and event, hunting and fishing.

Financing will be provided both from budgetary sources (federal and regional budgets, budgets of municipalities), and by attracting private investment.

The relevance of the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Altai Territory is due to a number of factors:

Firstly, the presence of a huge tourist potential in the region: in the segments of cultural and educational, cruise, medical and recreational, business, ecological and rural tourism, hunting and fishing.

Secondly, the development of inbound and domestic tourism is relevant in connection with the prospect of entry Altai Territory to the route "Great Golden Ring of Altai".

Thirdly, the relevance of the Program is due to global and all-Russian positive trends in the development of inbound and domestic tourism as one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy and the multiplier effect of tourism development, which creates jobs and increases employment.

Fourthly, the relevance is due to competition from the regions of the Russian Federation. The experience of developing tourism in the subjects of the Russian Federation has shown the effectiveness of financing programs, which contributed to an increase in budgets for their implementation by 10 or more times.

Program objectives:

Increase in tourist flow to the Altai Territory;

Attracting investments for development material base tourism industry;

Development of tourist centers in the Altai Territory and the formation of a competitive tourism product.

In order to develop the tourist centers of the region, it is planned to develop engineering and road transport infrastructure, improving the state and creating new objects.

The project to improve the hotel "Obskie Plesy"

In accordance with the international classification, the hotel "Obskiye Plesy" does not even belong to the category of 1 star. At the same time, the tourist market of the Altai region has an urgent need for high-class hotels. There were cases when representatives of the world elite refused to visit our region only for the reason that no one could offer them world-class services!

The division of hotel enterprises into categories implies certain requirements and a different set of services. Naturally, hotels of higher categories provide guests with more comfortable rooms and a greater range of services. These may include services for which a license is required (for example, medical or transport services); in this case, the hotel administration is obliged to receive it. In addition to hiring new staff to provide additional services(10 people) the hotel needs to create a service sales department to ensure full capacity utilization and the fastest payback of the project. This department will consist of 3 people.

After the reconstruction of the hotel, the number of rooms will be 40 rooms, 25 single rooms, 15 double rooms.

Construction and finishing costs (together with architectural project) turnkey - 5,000,000 rubles.

Expenses for the technical equipment of the complex - 800,000 rubles.

The cost of staff training and hiring additional staff per year - 1,200,000 rubles.

The hotel reconstruction project has already paid off in the first year, the profit in the first year will be 2,750,000.

As Alexander Karlin noted, the program of socio-economic development of the Altai Territory is a basic guideline in the work of the authorities. It links the goals, objectives, resources and deadlines for the implementation of activities carried out in order to solve the key problems of the region's development in the medium term. “The document traces the consistency in the actions of regional and municipal authorities, it allows organizations operating in the territory of the region and potential investors to be aware of these actions and build their policies in the context of regulatory and organizational decisions made in the region,” Alexander noted. Carlin.

The medium-term program of socio-economic development of the region for the period up to 2012 and the report on its implementation are public documents that are adopted in an atmosphere of maximum openness, with the participation of representatives of municipalities and the business community. This program is a tool for implementing the first stage of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Altai Territory until 2025.

The concept of creating a tourist and recreational complex of international importance in the Altai Territory

The strategic goal is to create a foothill landscape-ecological tourist region (destination) for recreation and health improvement of the inhabitants of Siberia, Russian Federation and tourists from other countries.

In the aspect of specialization, the strategy for creating a modern tourist and recreational complex of international importance includes the development of four interrelated (integrated) areas (specializations, subclusters) of the Altai tourism cluster:

Altai Territory - the federal health resort of Siberia - the federal all-Siberian resort, balneological and medical center, created on the basis of modern technologies rehabilitation and treatment and local natural resources;

Altai Territory - the All-Russian center of active and sports mountain-landscape tourism and recreation;

Altai Krai is a region of tourism of all-Russian and international importance;

Altai Krai - Siberian gambling and entertainment center - the main Siberian center of recreation and entertainment for all categories of consumers.

The structure of the subcluster of the Altai All-Siberian health resort and balneological and medical center can be:

modernized federal resort Belokurikha;

a new modern high-tech resort Belokurikha-2 (with innovative, experimental and research centers, including those based on the Biysk pharmaceutical cluster);

a network of small health-improving and medical centers in the foothill zone;

a network of certified pantotherapy centers;

a network of sports and recreation complexes for children;

a network of centers based on modern healing methods (landscape therapy, hippotherapy, health paths, color therapy, etc.).

In the territorial aspect, the strategy will be based on supporting the development of the following “points of growth”:

development of the "Katunsky bush" of recreation centers located on the left bank of the Katun River and the SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun". They can receive up to 250-300 thousand tourists a year;

creation of a gambling zone on the territory of the foothill regions of the Altai Territory. This major investment project will entail a change in the entire scheme of development of the tourism industry in the region.;

intensive development of the Belokurikha - Iskra zone with access to Soloneshnoye with the prospect of creating: a) a gambling zone, b) a new resort and entertainment zone. In the future, until 2020-2025, this zone should supposedly receive up to 500 thousand tourists (up to 150 - the Belokurikha zone proper, up to 150 thousand - Belokurikha-2, up to 150-200 thousand - the gambling zone). New major center should be developed on the basis of a complex of technologies for treatment, recreation and entertainment. The organization of a new health center requires the transfer of appropriate technologies. The development of Belokurikha will be associated with the implementation investment projects reconstruction of collective accommodation facilities and modernization (technologization) of the medical base, development of medical and health-improving specialization, development of business infrastructure. It is planned to build the Biysk-Smolenskoye - Soloneshnoye road (bypassing the Belokurikha resort) and further to the Uymonsky tract in the Altai Republic. The prospect of tourism development in the Soloneshensky district is associated with the infrastructural development of the district;

prospective development of tourist centers in the triangle Zmeinogorsk - Gornaya Kolyvan - Gorny Charysh, which in the future may form a network of tourist centers. Specializations of the tourist center: ecological, cultural, educational, health, children's tourism, extreme tourism, pantotherapy;

development of Biysk as a transit tourist center (“Gateway to Altai”), specializing in services and goods for recreation, logistics, information support tourists.

In the territorial aspect, the tourism sector can develop according to 2 basic scenarios:

  • 1) a scenario of concentrated territorial development: the creation of a new tourist "axis" - "Belokurikha - Iskra";
  • 2) scenario of diversified territorial development: support for the parallel development of existing points.

The creation of a new tourism "axis" is a critical problem of choosing between territorial growth scenarios. Within the framework of the landscape-ecological approach, the second scenario is preferable.

The transit use of the territory will be related to the volume of tourist flow to the Altai Republic, where medium term special economic zone tourist and recreational type on the territory of Maiminsky (“Manzherok”, a world-class ski resort) and Chemalsky districts (sanatoriums, health centers).

Tourist development of the river. Ob, in particular, the development of rafting in the upper reaches of the Biya, pleasure cruises Biysk - Barnaul - Kamen-on-Ob, the development of a small fleet is an important direction in the development of the tourist product of the region. In a strategic perspective, it is possible to predict the emergence of up to 5 active tourism products in the field of cruise and pleasure tourism.

Ensuring security is the cornerstone of tourism development in the foothills and mountainous regions of the region. At the moment, there is actually no system of search and rescue teams, helicopter sorties, etc. Strategic Perspective will be associated with the creation of a mountain search and rescue team with a helicopter fleet on the basis of the international airport in Biysk.

The implementation of the concept described above of creating a tourist and recreational complex of international importance in the Altai Territory includes the following issues, the solution of which requires interaction with the federal center:

implementation federal projects on the territory of the region (SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun", gambling zone, etc.);

creation of additional energy capacities and transport infrastructure necessary for the implementation of these projects (reconstruction of roads, the Biysk airport, the air terminal complex of the Barnaul airport, the construction of a network of airfields local importance, modernization and electrification of the existing railway line on the section Novosibirsk - Barnaul - Biysk in order to develop high-speed passenger traffic, etc.);

modernization of the Belokurikha federal resort;

creation of a new, modern, high-tech federal resort Belokurikha-2 with innovative, experimental and research centers and using advanced health technologies developed within the biopharmaceutical cluster.

tourism altai economy innovative

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The countries of tourist interest of clients of Barnaul firms are: Turkey - 17.5%, Thailand - 14.2%, Germany - 9.2%, Spain - 5.3%, UAE - 1.9%, Czech Republic - 1.2%, CIS and Baltic countries - 1.2%, Italy - 0.8%, Egypt - 0.8%, Cyprus - 0.6%. At the same time, 85% of respondents preferred the duration of the rest from 7 to 14 days, and 15% - from 15 to 21 days.

The answers were distributed as the most significant factors in choosing tourist organizations as follows: 45% of respondents noted a wide range of services offered, 35% - the image of the company, 18% - low prices, 0.2% - convenient location of the company.

The most common reasons why residents of the Altai region do not want to rest on its territory are: high prices -46%, lack of additional services -20%, poor living conditions -19%, low level of service -19%.

Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

· Only 45% of respondents use the services of travel companies, which indicates a low standard of living of the population, revealing the following trend - the desire of tourists to travel on their own, saving money on this;

· a significant number of respondents have a rest on the territory of the Altai region (79%) and only 21% travel outside of it, which partly indicates the presence in the region of a large number of attractive tourist resources (natural, cultural, historical, archaeological sites);

· When planning the further development of tourism in the region, more attention should be paid to service, the level of service for tourists, the development of routes, tours aimed at clients with an average income level.

Thus, based on the analysis of the theoretical and practical material for the development of the Altai region, in our opinion, it is possible to predict the development of the regional market for tourist services:

-- Steady interest will remain in the sanatoriums of the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region, while the development of recreation at tourist complexes and campsites in the Altai Republic (the basin of the Katun River and Lake Teletskoye) will continue;

-- in inbound tourism, the trend of weak growth in the flow of foreign tourists will continue. Economic and political instability still remain the main constraining factors for the development of this area. With a reasonable visa policy, a significant increase in tourists from the Baltic countries, Northern, Central and Eastern Europe can be expected;

-- All-Russian trends in the structure and dynamics of outbound flows will continue, taking into account regional specifics. The situation in this market will completely depend on the policy pursued by the largest tour operators and airlines in Novosibirsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Currently, tourism in the Altai Territory is developing dynamically, showing not only high growth rates, but also the desire for deep qualitative transformations.

The Republic of Altai is one of the areas especially attracted to tourists, where there are five World Heritage Sites. The natural landscapes of the republic (stone-lichen deserts and impenetrable taiga, alpine meadows and the realm of non-melting glaciers and snow), unique objects and monuments of cultural and historical heritage complement the attractiveness of the region.

The number of tourist enterprises on the territory of the Altai Republic is constantly growing. So in 1997 their number was 14, in 2001 - 94 tourist enterprises, 4 of them carry out travel agency activities, 12 - tour operator activities, 78 - provide individual tourist services. Only one travel agency<Веритас>organizes international tours (outbound tourism). Therefore, we can conclude that the tourism sector of the economy of the Altai Republic is entirely based on the organization of domestic and inbound (foreign) tourism.

The current state of the tourism industry in the Altai Republic requires not only the inclusion of the republic in the regional, federal and world tourism markets, which requires material, labor and financial resources, the Altai Republic must have a clear understanding of the principles of business strategy.

The main difficulties and problems of tourism development in the Altai Republic are:

· the absence of an all-Russian system of normative legal acts, standards, rules, etc., corresponding to international ones.

· Poor staffing of travel companies with professionally trained personnel (in total, 516 people work in the existing travel agencies of the republic, and when registering a company in its staff, there must be at least one employee who has at least 3 years of work experience in tourism or special education, which is from the number employed in tourism this moment about 10%.

· the absence of a general strategy for the development of the tourism industry in the Altai Republic and disunity in the actions of the republican authorities to address issues related to the regulation of tourism and excursion activities.

Lack of developed infrastructure for receiving tourists, corresponding to the world level of service: airport operation, hotel complexes, vehicles, attendants, entertainment industry (casinos, variety shows, restaurants, water parks, etc.)

At the same time, the combination of improving measures with external favorable factors makes it possible to predict the development of tourism in Altai.


1. Malysheva A.N. Image policy of Altai will change // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 2004. No. 11.

2. Prokopova G.A., Russkova G.I. On the activities of tourist firms in the Altai Territory in 2002: stat. bul. // Altai Regional Committee of State Statistics. Barnaul, 2003.

3. Smirnov A.B. Trends and prospects for the development of tourism in the Altai region // Consultant and Practitioner. 2003. No. 8.

4. Dekhtyar G. "Adult approach to children's recreation" // Tourist business. 2001. No. 8.

5. Konstantinov Yu. "Pedagogical opportunities for tourism and local history activities" //People's education. 2004. No. 3.

6. Zhuravlev M. "We need a federal law" //People's education. 1998. No. 6.

7. Altai Territory in figures 1990-2003 Barnaul, 2003

8. Summer holidays for schoolchildren in 2004: current information. Altaikraistat. Barnaul, 2004.

9. http:/ www.altaionline.ru.

10. http:/ www.789.ru/portal.

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  • Osprey Vitaly Alexandrovich, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor
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The article discusses the current state and prospects for the development of sports tourism in the Altai Territory. The development of tourism in the region is accompanied not only by holding or participating in certain events, exhibitions and forums, but also by creating tourism brands. The organization and development of sports tourism in the Altai Territory is carried out by both public organizations and sports clubs. Due to the natural features of the region, sports tourism is developing and is represented by almost all of its subspecies: mountain, water, hiking, motorcycle and bicycle tourism, speleotourism.

  • Pilgrimage tourism and its place in the system of tourism activities
  • History of the development of sports tourism in Russia and abroad
  • Theoretical foundations for the formation of a tourist cluster

Altai Territory is mountainous reliefs, deep river valleys and wide intermountain areas, etc. All this makes it possible for anyone to organize an active holiday in any form. Sports tourism in the Altai Territory is on high level. This is evidenced not only a large number of various kinds of tours offered for those who wish, various kinds of competitions, but also the presence of specialized organizations involved in the development and organization of sports tourism in the Altai Territory. As well as active support for tourism in the region by the Administration of the Altai Territory. For example, the implementation of a long-term target program, within the framework of which the development of tourist routes is carried out, contributing to the popularization of existing and under construction tourist facilities, the redistribution of tourist flows throughout the territory of the Altai Territory and the consolidation of the efforts of the regional authorities and the business community to expand the list of services provided to tourists and improve their quality.

In addition, the region is actively developing sports tourism. It is worth noting the international tourist and sports festival "Great Altai". This is a mass complex tourist and sports event that combines sports, the venue for which is the natural environment. The project is being implemented under the auspices of the International Coordinating Council "Our Common Home - Altai". The first festival took place in 2013 in Mongolia. In 2019, the festival will be held in the Altai Territory. According to the Administration of the Altai Territory, in the future the project is planned to be given the status of the Altai Games for sports in the natural environment.

It is also worth noting the Siberian Cultural and Tourism Forum, which was held for the first time in 2013, organized by the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Administration of the Territory. The event was attended by about 200 Russian and foreign experts. For two days they discussed topical issues of tourism development in Altai.

The development of tourism in the region is accompanied not only by holding or participating in certain events, exhibitions and forums, but also by creating tourism brands. So, it is possible to note the branded tourist routes "Small Golden Ring of Altai" and "Big Golden Ring of Altai". As part of the routes, participants get acquainted with the diversity of the nature of the region, historical and cultural monuments, cities and regions of the region.

The organization and development of sports tourism in the Altai Territory today is carried out by both public organizations and sports clubs.

The Altai Territory Sports Tourism Federation (FTS AK) has been established in the region. FTS AK is a public organization established in 2006 to unite various tourist movements in the Altai Territory in order to best meet the needs of citizens in active tourism. To date, the federation unites route qualification commissions (MCC), territorial tourist associations, as well as the Federation Council for Sports Tourism. Thus, the federation controls the conduct of tourist and sports events - hikes and competitions, as well as the training of instructors and guides for sports tourism.

The Federation of Sports Tourism of the Altai Territory unites about one and a half thousand people. It consists of 27 masters of sports, 23 athletes - "Honored Travelers of Russia", three - "Outstanding Travelers of Russia". For the last three years, the Altai Territory has taken the highest places (1-3) in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of mass and sports work in the field of sports tourism.

It is worth noting the public organization AKOO "Association of Children's and Youth Tourism" (AKOO "ADIMTour"). This is an organization that actively develops children's and youth tourism in the Altai Territory. She is engaged in attracting students to active types of tourism and sports. The Association works closely with government agencies and public organizations who are interested in this topic.

The most popular projects of JSC "ADIMTour" are the regional tourist festival "Peschanaya" (Smolensk region), the competition of young rescuers dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the West Siberian search and rescue team named after. V. V. Zyukova. Also, "ADIMTour" held the Cup of Siberia in water tourism among students, the championship of Russia in rafting among juniors on the river. Kumir (Charyshsky district) and a meeting of instructors-guides of tourist companies and organizations working in Altai "Golden Guide of Altai".

The development of sports tourism, the main initial tourist training is carried out in the military sports club Alkor (Barnaul). For example, tourism preparation includes: development and development of tourist routes in the regions of the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory; survival in harsh natural conditions using minimum funds; cooking in field conditions; first aid; study of natural, ecological and national characteristics visited areas; participation in competitions in tourist all-around, hiking and mountain hikes of 1-2 categories of difficulty.

Cadets of the club "Alkor" take an active part in regional competitions in tourist all-around, participate in tourist rallies and competitions.

"Altai Regional Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History" (Barnaul) carries out activities in the field of tourism in the following areas: mountaineering, mountain, hiking, water tourism, caving, motorcycle tourism, cycling, ski tourism, orienteering, sport climbing, sailing tourism .

The Russian Altai company (Barnaul) offers a wide range of outdoor activities: weekend bike tours with an escort car, multi-day cross-country tours, auto-jeep tours and photo tours in Altai, ski-tour programs in Altai, dog trekking. In addition, workshop services are offered - the ability to repair any equipment.

Also, activities related to sports tourism are carried out by: The wind of wanderings, the club for training instructors in tourism and local history (Barnaul), Svyatoslav, the Altai Regional Public Fund for the Support and Development of Culture and Tourism (Barnaul), the Sports Tourism Club "Captain Vrungel" (Biysk), Military Sports Club "Borets-121" (Barnaul); travel agencies: "World of Tours", "World of Recreation", "100 Roads" - offer sports and extreme tourism.

Thus, we can say that sports tourism in the Altai Territory is well developed. Due to the natural features of the region, popularity active view recreation in the region, as well as support from the Administration of the region - sports tourism is developing and represented in the region by almost all of its subspecies: mountain, water, hiking, motorcycle and bicycle tourism, caving, etc. Altai Krai is able to offer almost all known tourist varieties. In this regard, it should be noted that the prospects for the further development of sports tourism in the region are multifaceted and diverse.

In order to analyze the resource potential of the Altai Territory for sports tourism, we consider important aspects resources of the region.


The west of the territory is occupied by the Kulunda Plain, flat, with small slopes. Here is the lowest place in the region - 96 m (the shore of Lake Kulunda). The surface of the Kulunda Plain is represented by drainless depressions with rounded lakes, mounds and ridges created by wind and water.

Further to the east, the Ob plateau rises in a ledge 50-100 m high with a rather dense network of gullies and ravines, valleys of small rivers and streams. Max Height plateau - 324 m. The main feature of its relief is the hollows of the ancient runoff of water flows of glacial origin, elongated from the southwest to the northeast. Their width is 20 km, the depth reaches 50-100 m. Modern rivers flow along the hollows and chains of lakes are located. Flowing lakes are fresh, and stagnant lakes are salty or bitter-salty. Closer to the Ob, the surface of the plateau is heavily indented by water erosion.

The Ob valley from the mouth of the Charysh to the mouth of the Inya has an asymmetric structure: a high, up to 150 m, steep left bank and a low, gentle right bank. The right bank has a wide (4-15 km) floodplain and five floodplain terraces. The floodplain is cut by oxbows. The surface of the terraces is uneven, dissected by a network of hollows. In places where the Ob undercuts the loose strata of the Priobsky plateau, landslides and ravines are formed.

To the east, beyond the wide valley of the Ob, the Biysko-Chumysh Upland (300-400 m) extends, passing to the east into the Predsalair Plain (200-300 m). Hills and hills, beams and ravines are the characteristic elements of the elevation relief.

The low (400-500 m) Salair Ridge with a huge three hundred-kilometer arc, curved to the northeast, separates the Altai Territory from the Kemerovo Region. The southwestern slope of the ridge is gentle. The steeper northeastern slope descends in several ledges to the bottom of the Kuznetsk Basin.

At the foot of the Altai Mountains lies the Pre-Altai Plain. Specific traits its relief - hills, ridges and massifs of small hills.

Only the northern part of the Altai mountain system is located within the region. These are the Kolyvansky, Tigiretsky ridges, part of the Korgonsky, Baschelaksky, Anuysky, Cherginsky, Seminsky.

The high-mountainous part of Altai is represented by the alpine type of relief and consists of separate peaks with steep slopes, sharp ridges, and deep glacial cirques. There are trough valleys.

The belt of mid-mountain relief occupies most of the outskirts of the ranges. The foot of the ridges is bordered by a belt of low-mountain relief, densely indented by shallow river valleys.

In limestones and dolomites in the south and southwest of the region, under the influence of rain and melt water, funnels, wells, mines, and caves are formed. The Denisova Cave in the Soloneshensky district at the head of the river became world famous. Anuya. It preserved traces of the presence of ancient people who lived in Altai more than 350 thousand years ago.

The relief allows the development of mountaineering, caving, hiking, cycling and car tourism.

water bodies

On the territory of the Altai Territory, the great Russian river Ob originates from the confluence of the Biya and Katun. Together with the Irtysh, it is the longest river in the country and the third after the Yenisei and the Lena in terms of annual flow. In total, there are more than 17,000 rivers in the region, of which 776 have a length of more than 10 km, 32 - more than 100 km, 5 - more than 500 km. The largest number of rivers is concentrated in the mountainous regions of the region. There are few rivers on the Kulunda Plain. In some steppe regions they do not exist at all.

The main water artery of the region - the Ob River - is 493 km long within the region, formed from the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers. Its largest tributaries (more than 500 km long) are the Aley, Charysh and Chumysh rivers.

There are 11,000 lakes on the territory of the region, of which over 230 have an area of ​​more than 1 sq. km. The largest are located in the steppe zone of the region:

  • Kulunda - 728 km 2,
  • Kuchukskoye - 181 km 2,
  • Gorkoye (Romanovsky district) - 140 km 2,
  • Big Poplar - 76 km 2,
  • Big Yarovoe - 66.7 km 2.

Many rivers are formed from glaciers and snowfields in the Altai mountains. Most of the region's rivers are fed by rain and snow. In the highlands, the rivers are fed by snow, glacial and, partially, rain.

Rivers freeze in October - November. The freeze-up lasts 110-170 days, and the thickness of the ice reaches 80-130 cm by the end of winter. River breakup usually begins at the end of April.

The rivers of the region are of great economic importance. Shipping is developed on the Ob. Navigation on the Biya, Katun and Charysh is limited. In terms of energy, the Altai rivers are little used. All rivers are suitable for sport fishing.

There are many lakes on the plains of the region (more than 5000), 60% of them are fresh, the rest are salty and bitter-salty. Twenty-five lakes are large, with an area of ​​​​more than 10 km 2. The lakes of the mountainous part of the region are small, fresh, mostly of the floodplain or cirque type.

There are a lot of fish in the fresh flowing lakes, and waterfowl in the thickets of reeds along the banks.

The lakes of the mountainous part of the Altai Territory are very picturesque. They are located in the hollows of the ancient runoff, in the place of the old channels of long-disappeared mountain rivers, which arose during the melting of an ancient glacier.

One of these lakes - Lake Aya, the blue pearl of the low mountains, is known far beyond the borders of the region. There is a health complex on its banks, and you can swim in the warm waters of Ai all summer.

The unique beauty of the Kolyvan Lake, along the banks of which bizarre castles of granite rocks are piled up. Stone sculptures of fantastic animals can be admired while lying on the sandy beach.

Many of these lakes form a long chain, interconnected by channels and small rivers. Some of these lakes give rise to the left tributaries of the Ob (the Barnaulka River, which flows through the territory of the regional center, originates from such lakes located in the forest near the villages of Peschanoe and Voronikha).

Between the Biya and Chumysh rivers there are small and shallow freshwater lakes. There are lakes on the floodplains of lowland rivers, and in the ancient and modern river valleys there are small elongated lakes - oxbow lakes.

Water objects allow the development of: sport fishing, rafting on catamarans, rafts, rafts, kayaks and inflatable boats.

Tourist development of the river. Ob, in particular, the development of rafting in the upper reaches of the Biya, pleasure cruises Biysk - Barnaul - Kamen-on-Ob, the development of a small fleet is an important direction in the development of the tourist product of the region. In a strategic perspective, it is possible to predict the emergence of new tourism products in the field of sports tourism.

Ensuring security is the main issue for the development of tourism in the foothills and mountainous regions of the region. At the moment, the system of search and rescue teams, helicopter sorties, etc. is real. The strategic perspective will be associated with the creation of a mountain search and rescue team with a helicopter fleet on the basis of the international airport in Biysk.

Thus, the resource potential of the Altai Territory allows the development of sports tourism as one of the areas that are gaining wide popularity.


  1. Durovich A.P. Marketing in tourism Tutorial[Text] / A.P. Durovich. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003. - P. 52.
  2. Official site of the Altai Territory [Electronic resource]. – Electron. Dan. - Barnaul, 2014. - Access mode: http://www.altairegion22.ru/.
  3. Altai Krai: recreation and tourism [Electronic resource]. – Electron. Dan. - Barnaul, 2013. - Access mode: http://www.acris.ru/altkray-about.htm.

Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in the Altai Territory

Tourism today is a source of profit, a factor that has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country, as well as its importance in the eyes of the world community.
The growing interest in the process of running a tourism business in a market economy in Russia in general and the Altai region in particular, its role in the organizational and economic development of the national and regional economy of the region, as well as the problems that arise in this business area, determine the relevance of the stated research topic.
Altai Krai is an ideal place for the development of tourism, because different types of tourism are possible here. For example, health tourism. On the territory of the Altai Territory, there are almost all types of mineral medicinal waters for external and internal purposes and healing mud, which are widely used or can be used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. And, according to the results of scientific research, the salt lakes of the Kulunda steppe are similar to the Dead Sea in terms of the composition of therapeutic mud and water. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of the water-mud-treatment center of the city of Yarovoe. The main therapeutic factor of the Belokurikha resort is the water of hot springs belonging to the group of nitrogen-siliceous radon-containing thermal waters with a high fluorine content and a wide range of trace elements. Under the influence of radon baths, the processes of healing and resorption in nerve fibers and muscle bone tissue are accelerated. The Belokurikha resort is growing and developing. More than 3,800 single accommodation places are offered in boarding houses, sanatoriums and dispensaries. Sanatorium and health complex in last years demonstrates high rates growth in the volume of paid services rendered to the population.
The main problems of the tourism industry in the Altai Territory are:

    underdeveloped infrastructure and also high prices for services;
    insufficient level of development of unusual types of tourism;
    insufficient staffing
    weak use of the favorable geographical position of some cities and towns.
    Uneven recreational development and development of territories
The problems in the development of tourism in the Altai Territory include the poor use of the advantageous geographical position of Biysk. Every year, the city passes through huge tourist flows heading to the Altai Mountains, the foothill regions of the region, and these are thousands of potential consumers of the historical and cultural type of tourism in the Biysk zone. Along with the oldest merchant town, the State Memorial Museum of German Titov, the All-Russian Memorial Museum-Reserve of Vasily Shukshin are located on this territory. In addition, it is here that there is a unique world-class natural sightseeing object that does not receive proper information support - the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers and the Ob River, which is born from two rivers. The niche of cultural tourism is empty, since a huge number of people attending mass cultural events in the immediate vicinity or on the territory of the Biysk zone (Shukshin days in Altai, cultural and sports holidays of Mikhail Evdokimov in the village of Verkh-Obsky, the festival of composers-bards "Songs of the Itkul Summer" in Zonal area, etc.) remain left to their own devices.
In addition, recreational development of the territory of the region is uneven. The tourist and recreational load for some territories becomes excessive, while others are slowly being developed. One of the main reasons is the underdevelopment of infrastructure: road and public utilities, energy, communications. There are problems with updating the bus fleet.
There is a problem of organizing planned program tourism in the Altai Territory. As for foreign tourists, they are found in the Altai region, but infrequently, so it is necessary to create conditions for attracting foreign tourists. It is necessary to build world-class hotels with high-quality service, create the most interesting routes, provide high security, etc.
There are problems with updating the bus fleet. There is a need not only to resuscitate the Biysk airport, but also to transfer its work to a qualitatively new level.
To transform the sphere of tourism and recreation into a profitable, budget-forming branch of the regional economy, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of intersectoral measures and attract significant investment resources.
In order to develop positive trends in the field of tourism and make them sustainable, it is necessary to make a transition from the fragmentary, which was used earlier, to a comprehensive solution to the problem of the formation and development of the tourist and recreational complex.
For the development of the tourism industry, attracting investment is of paramount importance. In 2008, the Altai Territory ranked 19th among all regions of the Russian Federation in terms of tourism potential and is the leader among the regions of the Siberian Federal District. This assessment confirms the competitive advantages of the Altai Territory in the field of tourist and excursion services, which must be effectively used in order to increase the level of socio-economic development of the region and the standard of living of its population. The share of tourism services in the region's GRP was 1.3% by 2010. Geography of licensed travel agencies - Barnaul, Biysk, Belokurikha, Zarinsk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Altai, Biysk, Sovetsky districts.
According to the criteria of tourist and recreational assessment, Zavyalovsky, Zalesovsky, Zarinsky, Krasnoshchekovsky, Kurinsky, Pavlovsky, Sovetsky, Soloneshensky, Smolensky districts of the region, as well as the cities of Barnaul, Biysk, Belokurikha, Zmeinogorsk, Yarovoe have "average" and "above average" scores.
It should be noted that the data presented do not include indicators for the sanatorium and resort complex of the Altai Territory, in which there are more than 50 specialized institutions with a total number of places for one-time accommodation of more than 4 thousand.
In recent years, a popular form of service has also become rural tourism. As an example, we can cite the data of the administration of the Altai region, where in 2008 the number of vacationers accommodated in 100 private farmsteads amounted to about 3 thousand people.
The investment climate in the Altai Territory at the moment can be called favorable.
In the schemes developed by scientists on the order of the Administration of the Altai Territory, sites for construction, permissible recreational load are predetermined, an environmental review is carried out, which is a means of attracting potential investors to the construction of tourist facilities, because. for them, the procedure for coordinating documents is greatly simplified. In addition, on the basis of the scheme, a plan for the development of the infrastructure of the territory is being developed. Thus, the partnership of the state, business and science is carried out, conditions are created for the development of tourism in the conditions of preserving the natural environment.
The regional administration has taken an active position in promoting the tourism product both within the country and abroad at fairs, exhibitions, on the Internet and in special publications.
In conditions of low budget security, a very urgent task for the Altai Territory is to attract federal budget funds for the development of the tourism sector. Along with participation in federal programs independent measures are needed to develop the industry. In particular, the continuation of the development of functional zoning schemes for areas that are promising in terms of tourism development, and the conduct of their environmental impact assessment. Without the implementation of this mechanism, it will be extremely difficult for tourism organizations to resolve land issues, comply with all legal restrictions, which will either lead to the cessation of the development of the region's tourism complex, or to its development in the shadow sector of the economy.
For the systemic development of the tourism sector, the Main Department of Economics and Investments has developed a program for the development of tourism in the Altai Territory for the medium term.
Its main goals are the creation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive high-tech all-season tourist complex aimed at the full harmonious satisfaction of the needs of Russian citizens and foreign citizens in tourism services, as well as the preservation of the unique natural and socio-cultural recreational resources of the Altai Territory with their full use for development the tourism sector.
Achieving these goals requires work in the following areas:
    formation of the regulatory framework for tourism in the Altai Territory and the provision of organizational and methodological assistance to the tourism sector of the economy by the regional administration;
    formation of the image of the Altai Territory as a center of all-season tourism, and promotion of its tourist product to the Russian and international markets;

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