
Sberbank does not accept card payments. Problems with payment Sberbank cards Maestro or Visa: what to do? Payment not going through - problem on the part of the buyer

Can't pay by credit card

When paying bills, use bank cards of payment systems VISA, Mastercard or WORLD. Payment can be canceled the following reasons:

  • map does not support 3D-secure technology;
  • map blocked;
  • at the map expired;
  • on the map insufficient funds.

Contact your bank to replace the card or pay the bill with another card.

Also, payment can be not enrolled the following reasons:

  • changed way payment;
  • produced retry payment;
  • deleted account.

In this case, send a bank stamped check via or via chat.

Invoice payment not going through

Usually, all payments are credited to the account automatically. However, sometimes things go wrong.

Possible reasons for non-acceptance of payment and their solution:

    An invoice was not issued before payment / the invoice was deleted / an error was made in the invoice number.

    Payment by wire transfer was exposed to one organization, and the payment was made by another entity or IP. Will help you.

If the payment was not received and none of the solutions worked, send proof of payment within or via the Help chat.

I paid the bill, but the service was not provided, why?

Check if you really paid service invoice, a not on replenishment of the balance Personal account:

Paypal payment not working

Paying with PayPal may fail because:

  • payment comes from business accounts;
  • payment failed due to automatic system PayPal Security;
  • not enough Money on the map;
  • map unsuitable to pay for online purchases;
  • new map(not activated by the issuing bank for online purchases);
  • limits on the map.


  • make sure that the payment is not made from a business account PayPal account, use another account type for payment Personal or Premier(for individuals);
  • make a payment from your home computer;
  • contact PayPal support.

The site company cannot influence the payment process. In case of an error, you will have to contact PayPal support.

Payment made through the terminal does not go through

There are several reasons why a payment to a favor may not be received automatically.

If the account number was entered incorrectly when paying

POS-terminal is a multifunctional complex that allows you to fully automate the workplace of a cashier-operator. If you follow all the requirements and rules of service, then there will be no problems with a unique device.

Let's figure out why it may not work and fail in the payment system, and also determine how to be a cashier in case of a breakdown.

Reasons, if the card payment in the POS-terminal does not go through

Since the POS terminal includes several important elements (customer display, cashier monitor, keyboard, cash drawer, card reader), there can be many reasons for a breakdown.

In particular, payment by card may not go through if:

  1. There is no power from the external power supply. Before turning on the equipment, you should check whether it is connected to the network.
  2. Phone connection broken . You should also check whether all the details of the complex work.
  3. The device is dead or has lost connection with the base. This condition is important for mobile terminals, which can function without communication with anything, as independent equipment.
  4. A violation has occurred in the PC system or software.
  5. Technique disconnected from computer or from other devices.
  6. Lost connection with the bank via dial-up modem.
  7. Lost internet connection, lost wi-fi.
  8. The electronic card from which information is read does not fit this terminal. In different regions, customers can pay with funds from cards of different banks. When choosing POS terminal you should pay attention to the popularity of banks in your region, region, city.
  9. There are not enough funds on the client's card. The bank operator, checking the availability of funds, sent a refusal to the equipment.
  10. The buyer did not enter the PIN code, made a mistake or forgot. This case is the most common.
  11. Chip cards not being read as contactless payment works.
  12. Cashier not trained who performs the operation.

Note that these causes are external. And there are also internal ones that are associated with the operation of the equipment interface, it is also called a virtual POS terminal.

The service system is built according to the following scheme: client or buyer - bank operator - virtual device.

Typically, the operation of the terminal is a fraction of a second. This time is required for the operator to check whether the card is valid, whether it really belongs to the buyer, and also to find out what the balance is on it and whether the client will be able to pay for the purchase. If the scheme of this operation is violated, then the payment by electronic card will not go through. This is another important reason.

What should the cashier and the buyer do if the payment on the card did not go through - instructions

To avoid problems with clients, tax service? the store employee must know what to do if payment for electronic map did not pass.

You should act according to this scheme:

  • Save the printed receipt - even if the payment did not go through to the end. And it happens that money is withdrawn from the card, but the payment does not go through the system. It may contain important information, for example, about the time of the procedure, the number of the operation.
  • Call the support hotline, or what will be indicated on the check, and explain the situation.
  • Tell the bank operator the number of the pos-terminal, as well as the number of the operation being performed.
  • Conduct a z-report in order to reconcile the funds in the system. If they arrived at the account of the organization, then the payment can be considered completed. If not, then the amount will remain unchanged.
              • Advice: Try not to lose touch with the specialist you call. Many complain that it is unrealistic to call the support service again. You can tell the operator that you are ready to wait and stay on the line until he gives a clear answer and solves the problem.
  • While you wait, the specialist will have to find your payment in the computer accounting system and make the payment manually, not automatically. If this is not offered to you, then you will have to resolve the issue by paying a visit to the bank.
  • After talking with the operator, you can check how the whole complex is connected. Perhaps the terminal or other parts are disconnected from the network, or do not communicate with each other. You can try rebooting the hardware, in some cases this helps. Do not worry that the entered data will be lost - they will be saved in the fiscal memory. You can then see what payments were made per day or certain period time.

If the problem persists, call the programmer at the Center Maintenance. Specialists they will be happy to answer all your questions and help you set up the equipment.

If the telephone consultation does not suit you, then the worker can go to the place and solve your problem in a short period of time.

Thanks to the responsibility and experience of specialists , your business will operate as before.

Now is the digital age. It is difficult to meet a person who does not have a bank card. They are different - different payment systems, credit and debit, profitable, chipped and not.
Payment by credit card via the Internet - this service is now offered by almost any online store. For example, you can buy a train ticket by paying with a bank card, make a purchase on ozon.ru.

I have always ordered and paid for tickets with a bank card via the Internet (I only use debit cards, I do not have ). The most interesting thing is that this service sometimes fails - the money hangs on the card, the payment does not go through.
But I had a case where the payment simply did not go through. Robokassa wrote a message - payment cancelled. I didn't know what was the reason. I couldn't find the error in my account.
Now I will try to talk about the main reasons why an error occurs when paying with a bank card

The main causes of errors when paying with a bank card

First reason, which is the most common - the lack of the required amount on the card. It is recommended to check your balance - for this you need to call the bank or enter the Internet bank. Sometimes a card has a monthly or daily spending limit. To check this, you need to call the bank.
This reason may not be immediately clear - if you refuse to pay, your balance may not be displayed. The 3D secure authentication error may also be related to the incorrect entry of card details in the previous step. In this case, simply repeat the payment and enter the correct data.

The second reason- on the side payment system. For example, the Russian Railways payment terminal does not allow you to pay MasterCard cards. Only Visa cards can be used.
The specified store may not support this way payment. For example, a robokassa, which is connected to many stores, offers various payment rates.

At first I wanted to pay for webmoney, but I called the store. It turned out that you can not pay for webmoney. They don't have this option enabled. Although the payment method via webmoney is offered on the payment page.

Third reason Your card may have been blocked. Again, you can call the bank and check it out. Blocking can be carried out by the bank automatically in case of suspicious transactions with the client.

Fourth reason— you do not have the 3d Secure option enabled (MasterCard SecureCode in case of MasterCard).
The 3D Secure technology is as follows: when paying, you receive an SMS from the bank, which you must enter in a special window. Only you and the bank know this SMS. Fraud in this case is quite difficult, it will require your phone.
You need this option to pay more than 3 thousand rubles. This is just my case. I bought a Bosch gas stove from an online store. When paying for goods in the amount of 22 thousand rubles, I received the following message:

I was confused, didn't know what to do. At first I thought it was a store problem. But first I still called the bank. In my case, it was Promsvyazbank and a profitable card.
Calling Promsvyazbank support, I was offered to first go through the authentication procedure

  1. Say the last 4 digits of the card number
  2. Give the last name, first name, patronymic in full
  3. State the code word.

Further, in order to connect the 3d Secure service, they demanded 2 numbers from the table of one-time keys from me. It seems like the service was connected, but after half an hour the payment failed again. I called the bank - they said wait when it connects - the service does not connect immediately. You need to wait.
I decided to check if the service is connected. I logged into the Internet bank - I saw that there is such a service (in PSB retail, you can see this on the card page by clicking on the card number)

Once again, an attempt to pay - a window popped up for me where I had to enter a confirmation code. After filling in the card details, I received an SMS with a payment code

Then voila - the order is finally paid. I received the following window and the status of the order in the store changed to "Paid"
My order was delivered to the destination, where I will pick it up within a month. The main payment went through.

Most Common Error 11070: 3dsecure Authentication Error - Causes

The most common mistake, which occurs when paying by card - 11070: 3dsecure authentication error. There are 2 possible reasons for this error

  1. An invalid one-time code was entered. You received a code, but when entering you made a mistake in the number. As a result, we got an error
  2. The one-time code is rotten. The time that you are given to enter a one-time code when paying is no more than 5 minutes. Then you will have to repeat the payment.

Table with payment error codes.

Few people know that when paying with a card, the system usually issues an error code. For example, E00 upon payment. Sometimes by mistake you can understand what the problem is

Error code and description
Code 00 - a successful operation.
Code 01 - refuse, call the bank that issued the card.
Code 02 - refuse, call the bank that issued the card (special conditions).
Code 04 - withdraw the card without giving a reason.
Code 05 - refuse without giving a reason.
Code 17 - refuse, rejected by the card user.
code 19 - technical error on the side of the bank
Code 41 - withdraw, lost card.
Code 43 - withdraw, stolen card.
code 50 - ?
Code 51 - refuse, there are not enough funds on the account.
Code 55 - refuse, incorrectly entered PIN code.
Code 57 - refuse, invalid operation type for this card type
(for example, an attempt to pay in a store with a card intended only for cash withdrawal).
Code 61 - refuse, excess maximum amount transactions for this card.
Code 62 - refuse, blocked card.
Code 65 - refuse, exceeding the maximum number of transactions for this card.
Code 75 - refuse, exceeding the maximum number of incorrect PIN codes for this card.
Code 83 - refuse, network error (technical problems).
Code 91 - refuse, it is impossible to send a request (technical problems).
Code 96 - refuse, it is impossible to contact the bank that issued the card.
Code Z3 - online does not work, and offline the terminal rejected the transaction.

What should I do if everything is OK with the card, but the payment does not go through?

The most typical problem when payment does not go through is a failure in the banking system. There may be interruptions in the work of the bank. This may not necessarily be your bank, but the bank that accepts the payment on the client side (who owns the terminal). In this case, you can give 2 tips

  1. Wait and pay later. Failures in work are quickly resolved and in an hour the payment can go through without problems. Usually you can find out about failures by SMS messages or by calling hotline your bank.
  2. Use another card. If you can't pay with one card, try paying with another card. If the payment with another card does not go through, then this is most likely a failure on the side that accepts the payment. Here it remains only to wait.

Firstly- Get yourself a special card. Do not use for payment salary card on which you have all the money. Optimal - credit card. It allows in individual cases return part of the purchase amount (CashBack). Usually this is an amount up to 5 percent of the purchase. Be careful, some services charge commissions when paying with kata. And of course, the address of the payment page should always start with https and next to the address there should be a padlock icon (https connection).

Secondly- do not keep a lot of money on the card. There should be few on the map more than the amount you need to purchase. Approximately plus 10% of the total purchase price. The logic is simple - nothing can be removed from the zero card.
When you make a purchase, you simply replenish your card in the Internet bank and receive the required amount.

Thirdly- Make card payments in well-known stores. Read reviews about stores on Yandex.Market. If you pay by card, be prepared for the fact that if you cancel an order, it may not be returned to your card immediately.
The last time I made a payment for an order and then returned the order and money, the return to the card went within 7 days. Remember - no one will immediately return the money to you. Be prepared to wait.

When shopping on Aliexpress, sooner or later you may encounter a problem related to paying money and start looking for an answer to the question - why can't I pay for an order on Aliexpress. In order to get rid of this error, you must first figure out what caused it. Now let's look at the most common ones and try to figure out how to fix everything.

There are various reasons for payment errors. This may be due to:

  • Aliexpress platforms (its workload);
  • specific payment system;
  • and the fault of the buyer.

What to do if payment on Aliexpress does not go through

Most often, the order is not paid, precisely because of server overload (on sales and promotions), but there are other possible reasons.

Another common problem is the code that was not sent to you to confirm the action (payment). The reason for this may be the load or those. operation of your payment system or bank.

Even if the code has arrived and you have confirmed the money transfer, it is quite possible that the status of the order does not change after payment. In this case, you need to do the following:

  • check if the money has been debited from your account/wallet. If yes, then the order has most likely already been paid for and is awaiting verification, no need to worry, wait a bit;
  • if the money is not touched, then the server is “loaded”. Re-payment will help;
  • if re-payment also did not help, try using another payment system, or wait a while and try again.

If, due to the loading of the site, you accidentally paid twice for the order, there is no need to panic - the money, within a few days, will automatically return to the wallet from which the purchase was made.

Payment not going through - problem on the part of the buyer

It often happens that the buyer makes erroneous actions when paying, as a result of which the money is not credited. In the event of an unsuccessful payment, many begin to panic, but in fact you should not. You need to understand what you did wrong.

Here are some common reasons:

  • many payment systems and banks have a limit money spent per day/month. If this limit has been reached, that is certain amount has already been spent or the purchase price exceeds the allowed limit - then it will not be possible to pay. You need to contact the technical support of the bank or payment system and ask to increase maximum limit or, if possible, go to your personal account and increase it yourself;
  • some cards do not allow you to make payments outside your country. If you try to send money to a Chinese bank account, the card will simply be blocked. In this case, you again need to contact the bank employees and enable the online shopping function. Often, cardholders with support face this problem. high level protection;
  • quite possible payment system/bank heavily loaded and payment can not be made at this time. If you do not want to pay in another way, you will have to wait.
  • little money on balance. You need to check the balance in advance, maybe there really is not enough money for specific item. But what could be the reason if, for example, the goods cost 200 rubles, and this amount is in the wallet, that is, there is enough money? Do not forget that many charge a fee for payment. So before buying, make sure that there is enough money for both the goods and the commission;
  • the bank refuses to make the payment. The reason for this may be blocked card or has expired. They can block the card if they are suspected of fraud or hacking;
  • oddly enough, but the reason for the wrong payment maybe even a browser. Try deleting your browser history or pay using another browser;
  • maybe you incorrectly entered payment information, such as card or wallet number, owner's name, and other data. Be sure to double-check them and try again;
  • in addition to the maximum amount of money spent, some banks also limit maximum amount transactions per day. If you made, for example, 10 payments per day, and the bank does not allow more than 10, then when you try to pay, the card will be blocked, or payment simply will not occur, depending on the level of protection;
  • if you make a payment with mobile application and the payment is not processed, please try from a computer. Really, mobile version Aliexpress has some problems with payment, so don't panic and try to transfer funds to your computer/laptop.

Unable to pay - site problems

As mentioned above, an unsuccessful payment may occur due to a system error of the Aliexpress online store itself. Why? It is very likely that site is being updated or payment function is not available due to the addition of new payment options. In this case, there is nothing left but to wait a while and then try again.

If you waited several hours or even a day, and the problem does not disappear on its own, in this case it is worth contacting those. online store support. There, professionals will contact you and help you deal with the problem.

I can not pay for goods on Aliexpress: other problems

Other reasons why you can't make a payment:

  • rarely, but it happens that the payment does not come out due to the fact that you haven't confirmed yours yet account . The code with the letter is sent to the user's email specified during registration, and if you do not confirm it, various restrictions may arise, including it will not be possible to buy. Find the registration letter from Aliexpress in your email inbox and confirm the registration;

  • might pop out Error 404, that is, such a page does not exist. This problem is often associated with the seller, and if you can’t buy from one, you can buy the same product from another. To solve the problem, you need to write to the seller and wait a while until the error is automatically corrected.
  • Aliexpress can suspect you of fraud. As a result, they may freeze your page for security purposes. This problem occurs if you entered the payment details incorrectly several times and there were unsuccessful attempts to make a payment, so be careful. And it will be possible to unfreeze the page with the help of those. support, where you need to drop the “scan” of your passport, a copy bank statement and other information. The support team will provide you with the necessary information.
  • also "double payment" may affect the status of the order. Money transfers carried out at a certain interval, and if you accidentally paid twice, this may cause an error. In any case, the money will be returned, and the seller will send the order, you just need to wait a few days;
  • maybe no access to ali. This can happen both through the fault of your provider, and through the fault of the store itself. These problems are related to DNS, usually after a while (maximum 24 hours) the problem will automatically be fixed. And if not, try logging in through your mobile phone or any other device with a different connection.
  • the reason may be in blocked account. There can be many reasons for blocking, including seller fraud, account hacking, and more. You will need to restore your account, if possible, and only after that, it will be possible to make a payment.

Why is the payment from the Sberbank Maestro card not going through?

Can't pay by card? The problem may be that some cards have restrictions, for example, the Sberbank Maestro card. This card has a good level of protection. To pay for purchases abroad, you need to contact bank employees in advance with a request to enable certain card functions: for making payments outside the country, as well as the ability to make transactions in online stores.

Often it is the owners of such bank cards face payment problems. If this function is enabled for you, but you can’t pay for the order, check for the problems described in the Problem on the part of the buyer section.


There can be a lot of reasons, some can be corrected automatically or using the above actions. In any case, try to find a solution.

Perhaps, among Internet users there are very few of those who have never heard of the Aliexpress website. A huge selection of goods at the best prices attracts attention, and therefore you want to buy products again and again. But what if for some reason the payment does not go through? You can search for information on Aliexpress for a long time, but why, if everything you need is collected in this article !?

How is the payment procedure?

The standard operation for depositing funds for the issued goods is as follows:

  • After selecting one or more products, you must go to the shopping cart.
  • Next, you need to fill in the personal data and information about the place of delivery in Latin, and also select a payment method: this can be bank card(note that Sberbank cards are not always accepted for paying for online purchases), Yandex.Money, Qiwi, WebMoney, or any other available option that seems to be the best.
  • Click on the "Pay" button.
  • Get a special secret code to the number mobile phone, enter it and thus confirm your agreement with the ongoing payment procedure.

After that, the product should go into the category of active orders - this is a hint on how to find out if the payment went through on Aliexpress. If this happens, then the client will be able to track the movement of the parcel. However, it often happens that the user does everything right, but encounters problems - the system “does not see” the payment. So why doesn't the payment on Aliexpress go through? It needs to be sorted out.

Why the payment on Aliexpress failed: simple reasons

If everything was done correctly, but the one-time password did not come to the phone to confirm the operation, do not panic. First you need to determine whether money was debited from a bank or electronic account: a visit to personal account. If the funds were withdrawn, most likely the order was sent for processing - the seller and the tracking system will let you know about this in the near future.

If state personal account has not changed, it means that the payment failed. In this case, it is not recommended to repeat it again. It is better to postpone the procedure for a certain period of time, after which it will be possible to try to make a purchase again.

The absence of a secret code sent, as well as an unsuccessful payment attempt, are usually associated with site congestion and the appearance of some instabilities in its system.

If the product did not appear in the "Orders" tab or its re-registration failed again, other factors may be the reasons for this - for example, personal errors of the client, malfunctions in the site or any non-standard situations.

Buyer carelessness

If the payment does not go through, it is not always necessary to immediately dump the blame on Aliexpress, its administration and sellers - this can also happen due to an oversight on the part of the buyer.

  • So, a one-time password may not come due to a lack of funds on the mobile phone account, and therefore the operation simply cannot be brought to its logical conclusion. The payment does not go through, the goods, as a result, are not sent.
  • The payment act may be rejected by the bank. Perhaps the reason for this expired card actions or an incorrectly completed form when registering products. If there are no reasons to doubt the correct data entry, this means that it is the servicing bank that puts the “spike in the wheels”. To solve the problem, you should contact one of the branch offices.
  • The bank may prohibit the operation, which is typical for cards of the Maestro and . This is explained by banking conditions they try to provide their clients with maximum protection and block online shopping, which is not legally connected with the territory of Russia. Perhaps a specific card can be activated for overseas purchases, but for this you will have to go to the bank and clarify the details.
  • Exceeding the limit of funds available for spending, the total amount of which is also set by the bank serving the client. To raise the limit, you should contact the bank office or use another payment method for which there are no restrictions.
  • Suspicion of fraudulent transactions. The fact is that banks allow a certain number of transactions per day, and therefore transactions that quantitatively exceed the allowed value can be blocked.
  • Congestion banking system which is especially observed during the seasons of discounts and promotions. For a successful payment, it is recommended to try again in a few minutes.
  • No connection required in this case mobile service Internet banking, which sends a one-time code.
  • Rejection of the payment due to an error in the choice of card type or incorrect completion of other fields.

Therefore, before asking why the payment to Aliexpress did not go through, it is recommended that you carefully review all the information entered again, because even a single typo can cause the system to fail.

Service malfunctions

However, it is not always the buyer's fault that the payment does not go through. On Aliexpress, users often noticed certain “mistakes”. Usually they stem from service congestion, but this quickly passes. So after a while payment act must be carried out successfully. If this does not happen, you must write directly to the administration of the site, which will explain why the payment to Aliexpress does not go through, and tell you what to do in this case.

Other non-standard problems

None of the above situations can be a specific reason. But why then does the payment to Aliexpress not go through? The case may be an accidental duplication of an order or browser settings where it is necessary to clear the cache for a successful operation. In addition, the snag may lie in an unconfirmed account, because not everyone considers it necessary to go to their own email and use the link to activate their account.

Purchase via phone

What should I do if the payment to Aliexpress does not pass through the phone? As mentioned above, this may be due to insufficient funds on the account, blocking the payment function from a mobile phone (here it is recommended to contact your operator), as well as lack of free space in the phone’s memory or lack of communication. In addition, some failures may occur when making a purchase through special applications, so it is still recommended not to order goods through portable communication devices.

Full refund

What should I do if the payment did not go through on the Aliexpress website, the money was withdrawn? In this case, you can safely claim a refund by opening a dispute with the seller, who, not wanting to lose his earned reputation and profit from the difficulties of his potential clients, will return all the funds in the original amount. If the funds are "lost" along the way, this is the fault of the organization responsible for the distribution of funds - the bank, the Yandex.Money administration, WebMoney, etc. Then it is the client's legal right to demand that they resolve the situation.

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