
The dollar will always rise. What is the most stable currency in the world

Speaking of saving money, immediately come to mind currency operations and exchange as a way of saving. As practice shows, it is very unprofitable to keep money in the national currency, especially if we are talking about the ruble.

Over the past decade, the ruble has not been less than 10 times cheaper against the same dollar. And this is clearly not a sign of stability and reliability. Of course, in last years the government is directing a lot of efforts to strengthen the ruble, including the proposal to make payments in the national currency, but this is only the beginning of the path in the process of strengthening national currency. In the meantime, it is unstable, you need to determine the top most reliable currencies in which you can store your own savings and not be afraid that in ten years they will depreciate.

In ancient times, when the concept of a national currency did not yet exist, and commodity exchange already existed, the first money began to emerge, they were of gold and silver and had real value and weight. But over time, use precious metals it became too expensive, and paper money was invented. Their release is strictly limited by the real gold and foreign exchange reserve, and they cannot be printed to your heart's content.

Zlatnik - the first ancient Russian gold coin,
minted in Kyiv at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century shortly after the Baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir.

Depending on the development of the country and its economy, the size of the gold and foreign exchange reserve, economic relations between countries, world trade, investment attractiveness the value of the national currency is formed by the country, the goods it sells and buys.

The most expensive currencies have advanced economies. This is due to the stability and reliability economic well-being countries. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether a large country or a very small one, for example, Switzerland, but due to its status and reliability, the currency of this country is one of the most expensive in the world. No wonder so many people choose swiss banks to save your savings. Even Swiss watches have the status of the most accurate, reliable and durable. And this once again underlines the level of development of the state.

Let's return to the ruble, and what do we see? In fact, Russia is the largest state in the world, but its currency is completely dependent on the same dollar, although it is not considered the most reliable, and in recent years it has not even been included in the top five currencies of the world, although it is a reserve. The cost of the ruble directly depends on the export of oil and gas, and since recent years have become very difficult for the country due to the introduction of a huge number of sanctions, one should not be surprised at the level of the ruble.

Top 10 world currencies in terms of stability

Probably, for the majority of citizens, when the word “currency” is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is dollars and euros, although the latter are probably a little less common. The dollar has become the most popular currency for the whole world, which is recognized and accepted for settlements by most of the countries of the world. Although in fact, the level of its reliability is far from in the first place.

How are things today with the leaders of the foreign exchange market? To get an answer, it is enough to analyze the real data on the value of different currencies. And this is what we get:

Swiss francs (CHF)

We have already focused on the fact that Switzerland is rightfully called one of the most developed countries in the world and at the same time has one of the most expensive currencies in the world. The country's economy is built in such a way as to maintain the exchange rate of its own franc as much as possible, even forming reserve fund with 40% franc reinforcements. The main emphasis in the development of the country is on the development of the banking system. Swiss banks are not only the most reliable in the world, but also guarantee complete confidentiality own depositors. It doesn't matter who wants to make a deposit and how much to deposit in bank accounts, everyone will be under reliable protection of sealed banking secrecy.

Frank is not prone to sharp jumps and falls, this is precisely the guarantee of the stability of the economy. Even in times of global crisis, the country has created conditions for natural growth national currency. At the same time, the inflation rate over the past decades does not exceed 0.5-0.6% per annum. To date, the price of one franc is 63.37 rubles.

Kuwaiti dinar (KWD)

The Kuwaiti dinar can rightly be called the most expensive currency in the world. He has held his high position for more than 20 years. Such high level the development of the currency is achieved due to the stability of development macroeconomic indicators country, and one of the main components - the giant oil production in the world. Like most other currencies, the dinar is still pegged to the dollar, and even having the status of the most expensive and stable, it cannot compete with the dollar for popularity. It is worth paying tribute to this currency for its resistance to various downturns in the economy, but most likely it will never be possible to make it a reserve currency. It is very difficult to buy a currency in the public domain, most often it is available at auctions and financial trading markets. According to the exchange rate for May 2019, the cost of the Kuwaiti dinar is 212.45 Russian rubles.

Bahraini dinar (BHD)

Another dinar, which ranks second in terms of its high cost, is Bahraini. His market price in relation to the ruble is 171.28. Like Kuwait, Bahrain is one of the developed powers, the main component of the GDP of which is formed due to the export of oil. An important feature of Bahrain is its free economy. There is an opportunity for free employment foreign workers, this makes the country as interesting as possible for both workers and investment.

Omani rial (OMR)

Oman is a country with an absolute monarchy, in which there is really no unemployment and homeless people. While creating a high standard of living for its citizens, the country is actively developing and maintaining its own currency at a very high level. The main export item is black gold, which helps the rial for several decades to occupy high positions among the most sought after, expensive, and, most importantly, stable currencies peace. To date, the purchase of one Omani rial will cost 168.43 rubles.

Japanese yen (JPY)

Japan raises the level of development of the country, and with it the rating of its national currency grows. The yen is one of the ten most stable currencies in the world, thanks to which more than 1/5 of transactions on foreign exchange market carried out with her participation. In confirmation of its stability, the annual inflation rate does not exceed 1.2%, and the last denomination was in Japan 65 years ago. Let's not forget to mention the country's gold reserves: Japan is in 8th place among the countries of the world in terms of gold reserves. And this once again emphasizes the level of development of the country, which even a nuclear catastrophe could not bring down. The course of 1 yen \u003d 0.58 rubles.

Pound sterling (GBP)

One of the most attractive currencies for investing money is the pound sterling. It is the national currency of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is worth noting that its exchange rate is almost 2 times higher than that of the dollar, and this is a guaranteed entry into the heavyweights among world currencies. For many countries, this is the reserve currency of the state. The pound to ruble exchange rate is 84.45.

Euro (EUR)

Another young, but significant currency in the world is the euro. For many countries, it acts as a reserve, and although it is prone to jumps, like the dollar, it will no longer be able to enter into decline and lose its status. The euro is used in all EU countries and helps to pull the economy less developed countries, from which it suffers seriously. For those who have decided to keep their savings in euros, the forecasts are not entirely comforting, due to the protracted European crisis, the euro may still lose its positions and drop almost to the dollar, although these will be temporary currency difficulties.

US dollar (USD)

So, it is the most demanded, exchanged and popular currency all over the world. Almost 90% of transactions of financial exchanges are carried out using the dollar. This is not only a reserve currency for many countries, but also a national one, and not only for the United States, but also for El Salvador, for example. In some countries, the dollar is used for everyday life on a par with the national currency. Of course, the dollar is unlikely to collapse to its historical low, but let's not forget that America no longer has its own gold and foreign exchange reserves. Although their country is very developed, the reality is that the dollar is, in fact, an unsupported piece of paper, the real value of which is overestimated many times over. But if you plan to save your money in dollars, then you can not worry, in the next 50 years the dollar will take its stable position in the foreign exchange market. Today the dollar exchange rate is 65.22 rubles.

Swedish Krona (SEK)

The Swedes are prudent and thrifty people, none of them are too poor, the state provides many benefits for people. Swedish financial policy is based on the fundamental principle of maintaining the exchange rate of its national currency. Thanks to this, there is practically no inflation and devaluation in the country, which helped the kroon to become one of the most stable currencies in the world, and, accordingly, earn the status of a reliable one. Let's also pay attention to the fact that even being a European state, Sweden is not going to abandon its currency in favor of the euro, but on the contrary, the course is aimed only at its strengthening and further strengthening. However, if you plan to start buying crowns to save own money, then such an investment is not fully justified. Although the country's economy is one of the most stable, the exchange rate for this currency is still "floating", and for investors this is a signal to think. And the exchange rate for today is only 6.85 rubles.

Australian dollar (AUD)

Another happy stable currency is the Australian dollar, which is the national currency of the whole continent with adjacent islands. At the same time, this dollar is used not only in Australia, it turns out quite well in the world as a whole. Due to its isolation, Australia is less prone to global crises, but the exchange rate is still associated with the import of raw materials for the chemical industry, oil, and agricultural products supplied by the country for the world market. Many buyers willingly settle accounts with the country in its national currency, having previously bought it from stock brokers and at auctions. The value of the kroon at the beginning of May is 45.82 Russian rubles, which is significantly less than the US dollar.

What to do with the ruble?

As you can see, the most expensive currency and at the same time quite stable in our rating turned out to be Kuwaiti dinar. What can not be said about the ruble. Everyone understands that the more stable the state of the economy, the lower the inflation rate and the more competitive the own currency. The ruble is unstable primarily because of the main export product of the country - oil, the price of it is constantly changing, and with it the exchange rate of the national currency floats. The second blow to the economy is caused by the sanctions policy of half of the countries of the world with which Russia has cooperated, thereby undermining the already unstable situation in the country. Only after the country's economy is built in such a way that goods produced in Russia cover 80% of the country's own needs, while minimizing imports, but accordingly increasing exports to other countries, then it will be possible to stabilize the national currency.

To be or not to be?

So, the last and most important question: “Is it worth keeping your savings in foreign currency?”. It's worth it, experts say. Moreover, in the short term, for 10 years, investments in foreign currency will pay off with a vengeance. Which currency to choose is already a matter of taste, but as you can see, the same dollar for 20 years, 6 rubles, has grown to 65, and this is no less than an increase of 11 times. Let's not forget that one of better ways an investment that you will certainly never fail is the purchase of gold. But storing ingots is not very convenient. Therefore, experts advise to keep money in several stable currencies, the purchase of liquid shares is quite justified.

How to buy exotic currency?

If you decide to choose some exotic as your home reserve currency: the Swiss franc, yuan, dinars or yen, then you can look for them in banks. If you contact the central branch of the bank, you can try to place an order for rare banknotes, if they are difficult to find in small branches. We strongly do not recommend using exchangers or buying from speculators. The probability that you will not buy what you need, that you will be offered an overestimated rate or even palmed off with a fake is very high. Moreover, if the real difference when buying at a bank and an exchange office is calculated in a couple of tens of rubles, it’s better to play it safe and be sure that you will buy the currency you really need.

Another profitable solution, if you travel abroad, of course, is to purchase currency directly in the country. So it will be very profitable to buy currency immediately on the spot. But if you go directly for the currency, then it will be completely irrational.

In summing up, we note that all experts recommend dividing your assets and keeping them in at least 2 different foreign currencies. You can also save in rubles, but in this case it is better to put money in the bank, albeit at a small percentage, but then the likelihood that inflation will gobble up your savings will be much less, but you will hardly be able to earn extra money in this way.

What do you think is the most expensive currency in the world today?

Most believe that the British pound is the most expensive currency, however, as it turned out, this is not the case.

Especially for blog readers, we have compiled a list of the most strong currencies in the world (as of January 20, 2020).

So, the most expensive currency in the world ...

#1 - Kuwait Dinar ($3.29)

Currency code - KWD.

Kuwaiti dinar exchange rate:
1 KWD = 3.29 USD(Kuwaiti dinar to dollar).
1 KWD = 202.94 RUB(Kuwaiti dinar to ruble).

The most expensive currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar(in relation to the dollar and the Russian ruble).

Kuwait is a small country with huge wealth. The high value of its currency is explained by the significant export of petroleum products to the world market.

Thanks to a stable economy, a highly developed oil production and export industry, Kuwait is considered one of the richest countries in the world.

More than 80% of the country's income comes from oil industry, since the extraction of black gold here is the easiest and, accordingly, the cheapest in comparison with other countries.

Until 2003, the Kuwaiti dinar was pegged to the dollar, but in 2007 the government decided to tie it to the multicurrency basket.

In addition to a very stable economy, Kuwait is a country with almost no taxes and very low unemployment.

#2 - Bahrain Dinar ($2.66)

Currency code - BHD.

Bahraini dinar exchange rate:
1 BHD = 2.66 USD(Bahraini dinar to dollar).
1 BHD = 163.78 RUB(Bahraini dinar to ruble).

The Bahraini dinar is the second most valuable currency in the world.

Bahrain is an island state in the Persian Gulf with a population of just over 1 million people. As in the first case, the main source of income for this country is the export of black gold.

Interestingly, the Bahraini dinar is pegged to the dollar, and for the past 14 years, its value against the dollar has not changed.

#3 - Omani Rial ($2.60)

Currency code - OMR.

Omani rial exchange rate:
1 OMR = 2.60USD(Omani rial to dollar).
1 OMR = 160.17 RUB(Omani rial to ruble).

Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula. Due to its strategic location, it has a developed economy and a high standard of living.

The Omani rial, like the Bahraini dinar, is pegged to the dollar.

It's interesting that purchasing power of this currency is so high that the government has to issue paper notes in denominations of 1/2 and 1/4 rials. In the picture above you can see 1/2 rial.

#4 - Jordan Dinar ($1.41)

Currency code - JOD.

Jordanian dinar exchange rate:
1 JOD = 1.41USD(Jordanian dinar to dollar).
1 JOD = 86.86 USD(Jordanian dinar to ruble).

It is rather difficult to explain the high value of the Jordanian dinar, since the country is not particularly developed economically and lacks important resources such as oil. However, 1 Jordanian dinar is worth about $1.41, making it one of the 10 most expensive currencies in the world.

#5 - British Pound ($1.32)

Currency code - GBP.

British pound exchange rate:
1 GBP = 1.32 USD(British pound to dollar).
1 GBP = 80.18 USD(British pound to ruble).

It is the British pound that everyone considers the most expensive currency in the world, but, as it turns out, it is only in 5th place.

By the way, the British colonies issue their own banknotes, which are visually different from those issued by the Bank of England, but are quoted 1 to 1.

So, there are also: Scottish, Northern Irish, Manx, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar pounds, as well as the St. Helena pound and the Falkland Islands pound.

It's funny, but native Brits don't always want to accept "other" pounds as payment.

#6 - Cayman Islands Dollar ($1.22)

Currency code - KYD.

Cayman Islands dollar exchange rate.
1 KYD = 1.22 USD(Cayman Islands dollar to US dollar).
1 KYD = 75.01 RUB(Cayman Islands dollar to ruble).

The Cayman Islands are one of the world's top tax havens. These islands have given power to hundreds of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies.

In particular, due to its leadership among tax havens, the Cayman Islands dollar is worth about US$1.22.

#7 - European Euro ($1.11)

Currency code - EUR.

Euro exchange rate:
1 EUR = 1.11 USD(euro to dollar).
1 EUR = 68.31 RUB(euro to ruble).

Even considering that the Euro has lost about 20% of its value over the past year, it is still one of the strongest in the world.

Part of its strength comes from the fact that it is the official currency in 17 European countries, including several economic heavyweights.

In addition, the Euro is the world's second reserve currency, covering 22.2% of all world savings (the dollar has 62.3%).

#8 - Swiss Franc ($1.01)

Currency code - CHF.

Swiss franc exchange rate:
1 CHF = 1.01 USD(Swiss franc to dollar).
1 CHF = 63.61 RUB(Swiss franc to ruble).

Switzerland is not only one of the richest countries in the world, but also one of the most stable. Her banking system known for its unshakable “Banking Secrecy”.

In addition, their high-tech products are appreciated all over the world.

Pay attention to the original appearance of this banknote. It's the only currency I've seen that "looks" vertical.

#9 - US Dollar

Currency code - USD.

Dollar exchange rate:
1 USD = 0.90 EUR(dollar to euro).
1 USD = 61.58 USD(dollar to ruble).

America's dominance on the world stage has earned its currency the title of “world's reserve currency.” In other words, you can pay with dollars anywhere in the world.

#10 - Canadian dollar ($0.75)

Currency code - CAD.

Canadian dollar exchange rate:
1 CAD = 0.75 USD(Canadian dollar to US dollar).
1 CAD = 47.14 RUB(Canadian dollar to ruble).

The Canadian dollar is the fifth largest reserve currency in the world. It is often referred to as the "moon" after the bird depicted on the $1 coin.

Dropped out of the top ten

Due to the dynamically changing economic and political situation in the world, it is difficult for a currency to remain in this ranking, so here is a list of currencies that have left the top ten in previous periods.

Australian dollar (Australian dollar)($0.68)

Currency code - AUD.

Australian dollar exchange rate:
1 AUD = 0.68 USD(Australian dollar to US dollar).
1 AUD = 42.35 USD(Australian dollar to ruble).

Interestingly, the new series of Australian banknotes, as pictured above, will have a tactile feature (Braille) to help the visually impaired community determine the denomination of the bill.

Azerbaijani manat (Azerbaijani manat)($0.59)

Currency code - AZN.

Azerbaijani manat exchange rate:
1 AZN = 0.59 USD(Azerbaijani manat to dollar).
1 AZN = 36.30 RUB(Azerbaijani manat to ruble).

Seeing the Azerbaijani manat on this list is, of course, surprising, but the currency of this Middle Eastern country is only slightly cheaper than the US dollar.

It should be noted that the local economy is actually quite strong, and the unemployment rate in the country is low.

Seborga Luigino?

Have you ever heard of a currency called the Seborgan Luigino?

This currency belongs to the virtual state of the Principality of Seborga, which is located on the border of Italy and France. Luigino circulates mostly locally and is not considered legal tender in any other country.

But interestingly, the local rate of luigino is 1 SPL = 6 USD, which could make this currency the most expensive in the world if it were officially recognized outside the principality.

Thus, despite the huge value of the SPL, the luigino cannot yet take the top spot on our list of the most expensive currencies in the world.

Is high currency value a sign of a strong economy?

It is known that the currencies of not very successful countries tend to depreciate. However, when the economy is doing well, we are unlikely to see the opposite effect.

Indeed, there have been very few cases in practice where the value of a currency has steadily increased. The reasons may be different, but basically, the state itself does not benefit from the constant strengthening of the currency, because. the population begins to actively save money instead of spending it.

Thus, the high cost of the currency only indicates that the inflationary processes in the country are under control.

In the context of this article, one should also mention Japan and its one of the strongest economies in the world. At the same time, the cost Japanese yen very small $1 = ¥108.74.

Information about the highest value of currencies can hardly be used by investors to make any decisions. investment decisions. In this case, it is better to consider the most stable currencies.

By the way, did you know that you cannot use images of banknotes without the inscription "SPECIMEN"? Let's learn to follow the laws, comrades!

Why are the dollar and euro growing against the Russian ruble? This question worries not only leading experts in the field of economics and finance, but also the majority of ordinary Russians, since it is known that the lion's share of the population prefers to keep their funds in dollars and euros.

It would seem that there are not many reasons for the growth of the single European and American currency - the American economy, which has been predicted for a year already for a year, the same applies to the economic situation in most countries of the Eurozone, but everything looks even more impartial there: high unemployment, decline social payments, rising prices, all this together should not seem to contribute to such a currency strengthening its position. However, everything happens exactly the opposite, but there are reasons for this.

Why is the euro rising against the ruble?

That the course is unified European currency is growing against the Russian currency, is a consequence of the economic situation in Russia.

It is no secret to anyone that the state of the national economy of Russia largely depends on how much oil costs on the world market, namely “black gold”, which is the strategic reserve of our country. Given the fact that the price of this product is not getting higher, it becomes clear why the Russian ruble is losing ground against the single European currency. At the same time, if the situation is studied more deeply, it will become clear that the euro is also falling, but the Russian ruble is falling much faster, which is why it seems that European money is becoming more expensive.

As for oil prices, not so long ago the American Petroleum Institute published the results of scientific research. The result of these studies is as follows: the world's reserves of "black gold" are quite sufficient, and not only Russia, but also many other countries have enough oil deposits, so that countries are not afraid of an oil crisis. Therefore, the prices for such a product do not increase, which obviously does not contribute to the rise in price of the Russian national currency, but is the reason that the cost is growing. However, it should be noted that for Russia, the appreciation of the single European currency is not the cause of a significant decline in the national economy - our country has large gold and foreign exchange reserves, thanks to which the state Russian economy relatively stable.

Speaking about the increase in the value of the eur, it should be noted that no matter how bad things are in the economy of individual European countries, it should be noted that the Commonwealth of European countries provides much more serious support to strengthening single currency than support for the Russian ruble. All this contributes to the fact that if the euro falls in price in the near future, it will not happen soon, and at least this process will not take place at a very fast pace.

The situation around the euro

It should not be overlooked that a large number of Russian citizens prefer to keep their savings in euros. Even though trust a large number Russians to the Russian ruble has increased significantly in recent years, yet the euro continues to be very popular, which is also one of the reasons for the growth of this currency. It should also be taken into account that, despite the fact that some countries of the European Union are in far from the best economic situation However, the leaders of the European Union, such as Germany and France, feel quite confident on the world market (especially Germany), which is also the reason for the fairly strong position of the single European currency.

However, most authorities agree that the long term significant euro growth is not expected, simply because most eurozone countries have not yet fully recovered from the global financial crisis. This will take time, which will affect the euro, but the whole problem is that the Russian economy also cannot boast of great growth, which clearly does not contribute to the strengthening of the ruble. Thus, everything depends on the state of the national economies, this is the factor that determines the growth of national currencies.

Why is the dollar rising?

Despite the fact that talks about the instability of the American currency have been going on for the first year already, the dollar continues to grow in price not only against the Russian ruble, but also against a number of other world currencies. The growth of the American currency is due to many reasons, but not all of them are related to national economy United States of America.

Many leading American experts explain the growth of the American currency by the fact that a large number of The economies of the world depend on the dollar. At the same time, none of the experts says that the US economy is in a stable position - a large number of large American banks are not going through better times, many of the largest enterprises are closed.

One of the main reasons that the US dollar is growing in value is that for a large number of countries, it is the usd that is the main reserve currency. Consequently, if the dollar falls in value, the economic condition of these countries will be unenviable. It is known that world settlements between states and largest enterprises are carried out most often in dollars, which also contributes to their strengthening in the global financial market.

Prospects for the growth of the American currency

As for the growth of the dollar against the Russian ruble, it should be noted the instability of the Russian economy, which is based on the prices of raw materials (mainly the cost of oil). In this regard, the Russian ruble remains extremely sensitive against usd, in addition, one should not lose sight of the fact that Russia has a huge amount of imported goods, which also contributes to the growth of foreign currency prices.

At one time, many people began to prefer to keep their funds in euros, but the economic situation in most eurozone countries is far from stable, which once again proved that usd remains one of the most stable world currencies. In this regard, it is the dollar, which is the reserve currency for most countries, that is one of the most attractive.

It should not be overlooked that America continues to attract investments from many countries to its banks and that the American economy is far from being in the best condition scares not all world investors. tributary foreign capital is the reason that the economic condition is getting better, which is the reason for the strengthening and appreciation of the US currency. This is one of the answers to the question why the dollar is growing.

However, a large number of experts and financial analysts agree that usd growth will not continue forever. This is due to many factors, first of all, it should be noted that the exchange rate of the American currency is not supported by real financial achievements, but by an artificial influx of foreign capital into the country, as well as huge government loans(it's no secret that the United States of America is the world leader among debtors).

One possible reason for usd to fall soon is that some major countries with a developed economy will refuse to make payments in dollars and switch to yuan, for example (and this situation is quite possible). Then the situation with the US currency will not be so clear, but when it will be and whether it will be in reality, is unknown. Therefore, while many people, when asked in what currency they prefer to keep their funds, choose exactly the money that was described above. In any case, most experts advise not to keep your savings in one thing - as you know, you should not put all your eggs in one basket.

For Russian currency it's time for calm. Despite the pessimistic forecasts of last year, the dollar is trading at the level of 65.59 rubles. Helping the Russian currency to strengthen the rising oil prices, as well as the decision of the US Federal Reserve not to touch the discount rate. However, the precarious balance could be upset by new sanctions from Washington at any moment. In this case, the dollar will jump to 70-72 rubles, experts say.

Despite all the pessimistic forecasts, the Russian currency in 2019 did not fall to the level of 70 rubles per US dollar - the level for the US currency that experts so willingly predicted at the end of 2018.

On currency trading Now there are multidirectional reasons, experts explain.

Of the positive factors for the ruble - the rise in oil prices. As of Monday, February 4, the price of Brent futures for April 2019 delivery fluctuates around $62-63 per barrel.

In the near future, "black gold" quotes may return to $65-75 levels, says Vasily Karpunin, head of the expert department stock market BCS Broker.

“Continued recovery in oil prices is possible against the backdrop of a decrease in drilling activity in the United States, a collective reduction in production by OPEC countries, and also due to the approaching expiration of the deadline for which an exception was made for buyers of Iranian oil (until May),” the expert says.

Recall that last year the US administration decided that US sanctions against Iran would not apply to eight countries, allowing them to continue to buy Iranian oil. Among them are Italy, India, Japan and South Korea.

In addition to rising oil prices, another positive factor for the ruble is the decision of the US Federal Reserve to leave the discount rate at the same level. Last week, the Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System announced that the discount rate would remain at the level of 2.25 to 2.5% per annum.

“The US Federal Reserve unequivocally pointed to the increased likelihood of ending the program of targeted increase in the discount rate: now the main Central Bank of the world has promised to focus on real macro statistics, that is, other things being equal high returns instruments in the dollar zone is not worth waiting for now. The volume of the Fed's balance sheet will also remain high, and the program for its reduction will also be put on pause, ”explains Vladimir Rozhankovsky, an expert at the International Financial Center.

According to him, in particular, this increases interest in the assets of emerging markets.

After the decision of the Fed, the acute risks of global financial markets, putting pressure on commodity prices, stock indices and emerging currencies in general, agrees Petr Pushkarev, chief analyst at TeleTrade Group.

The Fed's refusal to aggressively raise rates means maintaining relatively inexpensive lending in dollars, which makes it possible for the situation in the global economy to develop more calmly, and reduces the risks of collapses and defaults in the markets.

Oil also received support from such changes and may well rise to $65 and above, Pushkarev adds.

At the same time, according to Karpunin, it is necessary to remember the budget rule, according to which the Central Bank will continue to buy foreign currency for open market.

Since 2019, the regulator has resumed buying foreign currency for the Ministry of Finance on the open market, interrupted in August this year due to the increased volatility of the ruble exchange rate amid the threat of new sanctions. Until February 6, the regulator allocates 265.8 billion rubles for these purposes. Since February, the Central Bank will also start making pending purchases.

“There will be more operations, the higher oil prices rise. Such a mechanism reduces the potential volatility of the ruble due to fluctuations in oil prices,” says Karpunin.

Although the domestic currency made attempts to strengthen last week, it has not yet succeeded in holding its positions, says Andrey Lyushin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Loko Bank.

The most likely course of events in this moment looks like a decrease in the value of the Russian currency to 65.8 rubles per dollar, says Mikhail Mashchenko, an analyst at the social network for investors eToro in Russia and the CIS. At the same time, if there are no more reasons for optimism, then by the end of March the rate may fall to the level of 66.5 rubles for the US currency, he adds.

Which country's currency is the best in the world in 2018? We have prepared a rating of the top 10 best world currencies.

Russian ruble, unfortunately, is not a role model with a long list of achievements. If we analyze the entire modern historical period of the formation and existence of the ruble, one can easily notice a trend that indicates that the ruble almost always demonstrates indicators of a decrease in its value against the strongest world currencies.


Until 2005, the currency from the “Celestial Empire” was pegged to the US dollar, but in recent years, the Chinese government has directed its efforts towards manual and controlled depreciation of its currency to accelerate economic growth.

Nevertheless, even a weakened yuan has risen in price by as much as 228% against the ruble over the decade. Since October 2016, the Chinese currency has become the fifth world reserve currency approved by the International Monetary Fund.

Israeli shekel

The third place was won by the Israeli shekel. Over the decade, he managed to rise in price by 216% and demonstrate a floating, but relatively stable rate, which allowed him to stay at about the same indicators against the dollar that were at the very beginning of the study period.

U.S. dollar

As for the most famous in our country and the most used currency after the ruble, it took only eighth place. The dollar exchange rate has strengthened by 170% and was replaced by those currencies, the existence of which most of our fellow citizens do not even suspect.

Schedule. US dollar to ruble exchange rate for 10 years

TOP 10 best currencies of the world ranking

So let's take a look at full list TOP 10 most powerful currencies in the world:

  1. Swiss franc (237% increase over the decade).
  2. Chinese yuan (228% growth against the ruble in a decade);
  3. Israeli shekel (216% growth);
  4. Bolivian boliviano (211% growth);
  5. Singapore dollar (206% increase);
  6. Brunei dollar (205% increase);
  7. Thai baht (196% increase);
  8. US dollar (170% growth);
  9. Japanese yen (169% growth);
  10. UAE dirham (168% increase).

It is worth noting that the most expensive currency in ten years was the Kuwaiti dinar, which reached almost 248 rubles per unit. Nevertheless, if we take into account only the increase in percentage, then it amounted to almost 158%, which allowed us to take a place in the second ten of the overall standings. Two other popular currencies in the Russian Federation (the euro and the British pound) took 26th and 33rd place, respectively.

The most expensive currencies against the dollar

If we check the dynamics of the exchange rate of all the above currencies, but instead of growth against the ruble, we take indicators against the US dollar, then CNY, which strengthened by as much as 25%.

The Swiss currency will not fall so low and with a 20% appreciation rate will be in second place. The third place will invariably remain with the Israeli monetary unit, which will demonstrate an indicator of 15%.

Curiously, even the Thai currency once again outperformed the US dollar, up 9% overall.

Why is the ruble always among the "weak" ones?

In general, the national currency is nothing more than a reflection of the degree of independence and development of the economy of one's country.

At this historical stage, the exchange rate of the ruble is very dependent on the cost of oil, one of the main exporters of which is the Russian Federation

The main way out of this unpleasant situation is the improvement, modification and reorientation of the economy of our country, which will improve not only its performance, but also the overall investment climate of the Russian Federation.

Ultimately, all this will lead not only to greater independence of the country from external factors, but also to the stability of the national currency, which, at a minimum, will not lose in value, but, as a maximum, will begin to grow, like the currencies of other countries focused on the development of industry and the economy.

Foreign currency investment and savings outside banks

Most financial experts believe that investing in today's strongest foreign currencies not only help to save savings, but also bring some profit over a relatively long period (the next decade). Considering the current economic crisis, there is no reason to believe that growth will not continue further. Moreover, the dollar exchange rate is now predicted to rise to 80-90 rubles in the coming autumn of 2018.

Financiers recommend not to get involved in investments only in the most popular now dollar. It is worth trying to disperse your savings in several areas: the most stable currencies, company shares, precious metals

Relying only on the US currency is risky due to the fact that even it has certain cycles of growth and decline, which cannot be accurately predicted.

Also, experts advise to partially keep your savings in paper form, because in difficult economic situations it will be much safer.

Where can I buy rare currencies?

Most unpopular, but economically stable currencies can be purchased even in Russian banks. This statement applies to: yuan, Swiss francs, yen, shekels and others. Of course, in stock financial institution there will be fewer of them than the same dollars, but they will definitely be.

The main advice is to contact real representative offices of banks, and not to incomprehensible exchangers that can deceive both on the course and with the currency itself, which may turn out to be fake.

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