
When will payments from maternity capital begin. Maternity capital: how to get monthly payments for a second child? The amount of the state payment

Recipients of maternity capital are interested in whether they are entitled to any payments from the certificate funds in 2019. Previously, citizens were several times given the opportunity to receive from the capital. The last time this measure of social support was introduced in 2016, everyone could apply for a one-time payment - 25 thousand rubles, but since then the question of its re-provision not even considered.

In 2019, the only opportunity for parents to receive funds from mother capital is to apply for one that appeared in the family no earlier than January 1, 2018. Monthly allowance provided low-income families at the rate of minimum child living wage installed in a certain region for the second quarter of last year. Any other actions to cash out a certificate for maternity (family) capital (MSK) will be recognized illegal.

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Will it be possible to withdraw 25 thousand?

In 2019, one-time payments of 25 thousand rubles from maternity capital will be made will not. This measure of social support was introduced as part of an anti-crisis plan to help families with children during the unstable economic situation in the country. The acute phase of the crisis is considered completed after 2016 which officials have repeatedly stated.

Apply for lump sum payments all owners of family capital living on the territory of the Russian Federation, if their certificates still had unspent funds. The family money received could be spent for daily needs(for example, for the fees of children to school), and not just for the capital. The majority of holders of MSC certificates took advantage of the opportunity to issue one-time payments. Only in 2016 was it adopted 1.8 million applications(applied 54 percent of those eligible).

During the MSC program, parents could receive lump sum payments several times:

  • in 2009 and 2010, the amount was 12 thousand rubles;
  • in 2015 - in the amount 20 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 25 thousand rubles.

In 2016, a bill was submitted to the State Duma from the deputies of the LDPR faction, proposing the introduction of annual payments of 50 thousand rubles. However it was not even considered in the first reading due to non-compliance with the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Regulations of the State Duma.

One-time payments were the only way for parents to legally cash out part of the MSC and send the money to any needs.

Is it possible to cash out maternity capital in 2019 partially?

Many citizens ask if it will be possible to withdraw cash from the MSC certificate in 2019? Answer - No. Mother capital money can only be spent on certain needs, provided by law(part 3 article 7 federal law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006). For any attempts to cash out maternity capital, not only the recipient of the certificate, but also all participants in such a transaction are responsible.

Monthly payments from maternity capital in 2019

In 2018, Law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 on monthly payments for families with children came into force. According to its provisions, the right to monthly allowance granted at the birth or adoption of a second child from January 1, 2018. Required condition– compliance with the criterion of need, the monthly average per capita family of the applicant should not exceed one and a half times the living wage established for the working-age population for the second quarter in the region where the family lives.

On February 20, 2019, Vladimir Putin delivered his annual Address to the Federal Assembly, during which he proposed simplifying the conditions for receiving monthly payments for the first or second child and raising the bar up to two living wages per family member from January 1, 2020. As the President noted, such measures will make it possible to increase the number of families that can apply for benefits by almost one and a half times (they will be able to apply for payments 70% families where the first and second children appear).

The amount of the payments themselves is equal to the children's subsistence level in force in a particular subject of the Russian Federation in the second quarter of the previous year. In 2019, the average benefit amount will be 10836 rubles. You can find out the exact amount of payments for your region at.
The allowance will be given to the family until the second child is one and a half years old or until the full expenditure of funds on the MSC certificate. Depending on the date of application to the Pension Fund, payments will be assigned:

  • Since the birth of a child— if parents apply for payments in the first six months after birth (the amount for the missed months will be credited in full).
  • From the date of application- if it followed later than 6 months after the birth of the second child.

First time payments are made for one year If a year and a half has not yet passed since the birth of the child, then you can apply for an appointment again. The FIU needs to provide updated documents and confirm that the average per capita family income still does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum for able-bodied citizens.

Last update 08.10.2019

During the existence of maternity capital, it was possible to cash out the certificate four times. In 2009 and 2010, they were allowed to withdraw 12,000 rubles, in 2015 and 2016 they paid lump sums 20,000 rubles and 25,000 rubles, respectively. Then any owner of the certificate, regardless of the wealth of the family, could receive money and spend it on any needs.

This measure was introduced to fulfill the anti-crisis plan to help families with children. By the end of 2016, the economic situation in the country, according to officials, improved and payments stopped.

Latest news

In 2017, the law on the payment of cash from maternity capital was canceled and certificate holders could use it only for certain purposes: improving living conditions education or health of the child.

Since 2018, low-income families have been allowed to apply monthly payments from maternity capital, as an additional allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years. The amount of payments is equal to the size of the child's living minimum in the region where the family lives. In 2019, Putin proposed extending the payment period to 3 years and from 2020.

Therefore, there is no talk of new laws directly on cash payments from mother capital.

How to withdraw cash

The only one legal way cash out maternity capital - receive monthly payments to low-income people.

To qualify for this benefit, the following conditions must be met:

  • A child who gives the right to maternity capital must be born after January 1, 2018. This may be the second or third child (if the capital has not been received for the second and he is not yet three years old). Certificates are not issued for the first child.
  • The family should be recognized as poor - the average per capita income of all family members should not exceed one and a half times the value of the SM in the region (from 2020 - two times).

In 2019, the average amount of monthly payments in the country is 10,836 rubles.

If the parents apply for benefits in the first six months of the baby's life, the payment will be assigned from his birth. If the documents are submitted after 6 months, the allowance will be assigned from the moment the papers are submitted.

Is it possible to withdraw money for school

Payments from maternity capital by September 1 for school uniforms and stationery are also not provided. Funds can be used to pay for children's education: kindergarten, school, college or university - this will be considered a targeted spending of money. You can’t just ask for a benefit from the mother’s capital by the beginning of the school year.

In some regions, large or low-income families. The amount of such benefits varies: Muscovites receive 10 thousand rubles, in Tambov - 7 thousand, in Yekaterinburg - 2 thousand.

It is better to specify the conditions for registration and the amount of payment in your city.

The only one statutory the way to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2019 is to issue, which are paid from January 1, 2018 from the funds provided for by the certificate for mother capital (now its size is 453,026 rubles). equal to the children's subsistence minimum, which is set at the regional level.

To find out if a family is eligible for the payment, it is necessary to calculate its average per capita income. To do this, the amount of income for Last year divided by the number of all family members (including children). If the number received is less than 1.5 times the living wage for the working-age population, you can apply for monthly payments.

The following types of income are taken into account:

  • salary and other types of remuneration for the performance of labor duties, compensation and incentive payments are also taken into account;
  • pensions, allowances, scholarships;
  • insurance payments to successors in case of death of insured persons;
  • business income;
  • compensation for the performance of state or public duties;
  • monetary allowance (maintenance) of military personnel and employees of bodies that provide for the passage public service associated with law enforcement.

It is important to remember that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, when determining the need for establishing social support measures, family income is taken into account before taxes are deducted (since taxes and other mandatory payments are taken into account when determining the subsistence level of the able-bodied population).

How to get monthly payments from mother capital (registration procedure)

To arrange monthly payments for a second child, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) at personal visit territorial branch or through a branch of the Multifunctional Center (MFC).

Benefit paid until the child is 1.5 years old, you can apply for it at any time after birth or adoption. However, it must be taken into account that:

  • if an application is submitted before the child is six months old, the money will be paid for all months from the date of birth;
  • if the appeal is registered later than 6 months after the birth of the child, then deductions will be made only from the date of application.

The application is required to provide such the documents:

  • Identity cards of the recipient of the MSC certificate and his family members.
  • Confirmation of the place of residence (stay) of the applicant's family.
  • SNILS of all family members of the certificate holder.
  • In the case of contacting the FIU through a representative - the identity of the representative and confirmation of authority.
  • In the case of the appeal of the guardians or trustees of the child - the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities (OOiP) to spend the funds of the capital.
  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Confirmation of the establishment of guardianship over children under 18 years of age (relevant certificate, agreement on a foster family, act of the OOiP on the appointment of a guardian or custodian).
  • Help about bank details. The account must be in the name of the applicant or the minor's representative.
  • Certificates, court decisions or other documents confirming the reason not to take into account the information of a family member when calculating the average per capita income.
  • If the applicant applies as a single parent, confirmation of the absence of the second parent.
  • Court decisions to cancel the declaration of a citizen as dead, missing, or deprivation of parental rights.
  • Income documents of all members of the applicant's family.

The pension fund is given 30 days for consideration of the application and 10 working days to transfer funds to the bank account of the certificate holder after a positive decision is made on the purpose of the payment.

Monthly payments from maternity capital are set for a period of 1 year. To extend the period of receiving this social support until the child reaches 1.5 years old, you must re-apply to FIU authorities or MFC and confirm the need of the family.

Latest news and changes

As mentioned above, it was only in 2018 that recipients of the certificate got the opportunity to make monthly payments from maternity capital. However, this is not the only innovation, now the funds of the certificate can be used to pay for children without waiting for three years from the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child.

  • Since 2018, it is possible to dispose of mother capital funds for preschool education of children at any time after receiving a certificate for maternity capital.
  • Only the services of organizations registered as legal entities can be paid with MSC funds.
  • It is obligatory to draw up a contract for the provision of services between the applicant and the organization, which includes obligations for the maintenance of care and supervision of children, as well as the calculation of the amount of the fee.

Also, Russian families, in which the second or third child will appear in the period from 2018 to 2022, will be able to obtain a mortgage for the purchase of housing in the primary market at preferential rate - 6% per annum. Loans issued before 2018 can also be refinanced under these conditions. Subsidizing for the second child lasts 3 years, and if a third child has appeared in the family, then for 5 years.

Although the new lending conditions are only indirectly related to the family capital program, such a government decision will help families with children improve their living conditions.

Based on the law “On additional state support for families with children”, which came into force in 2007, all families in which a second child was born receive state support, called maternity capital.

For 2015, it is about 455,000 rubles, which is a pretty decent amount. That is why many parents are so worried about the question: how to get this financial assistance in cash? Actually, the whole problem lies in cashing out, since the legal schemes allowed by the state can be counted on the fingers. That is why some of the parents often turn to scammers for help or try to “crank out” fraud with family capital.

The first steps to obtaining maternity capital

by the most important point, worrying many parents is the fear of losing the right to such state support, in case of untimely application for it to the pension fund. But you should not worry about this, since no one can deprive parents of this right.

Documents for the certificate are submitted after any time has elapsed. True, a family can use this right only once.

Required documents

To obtain a certificate, the following documents are required:

  • the passport;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • adoption order;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • documents confirming the citizenship of children.

With these documents, you must go to the pension fund located at the place of registration, and there draw up and submit an application. If you personally do not go to visit the government agency, the package of documents can be sent by registered mail. After a month, the applicant has the right to receive a certificate.

Is it possible to cash out maternity capital?

It is unrealistic to receive money according to a certificate in your hands. There are legal ways of cashing out, they are also called "white", only their list is small, "gray" - which are at odds with the law and "black" - which are criminally liable.

Legal Methods

If there is a need to improve living conditions, you can safely use state assistance for the following purposes:

  • purchase, construction or renovation of a residential property, through non-cash transfers funds to organizations, real estate sellers or banks (mortgages);
  • erection or restoration of housing, carried out without outside help (on their own). In this case, the funds are transferred to the bank account of the one who carries out the reconstruction or construction.

It is important to know that apartment renovation is not a reconstruction. Reconstruction assumes only the expansion of living space (some kind of extension or the construction of a new floor).

If a person builds a house for personal funds, he can claim to receive 50% of the capital, and six months later receive the rest of the money. To use the funds, you must provide a huge package of documents, which will vary significantly depending on the chosen method.

It should be noted that the simplest, most popular and currently in demand legal way to exploit such state aid is the repayment of a loan or the payment of a down payment on a mortgage.

Other legal methods:

  • payment for the education of a child who is under 25 years old, in higher education educational institution. Moreover, the subsidy issued at the birth of a child applies not only to this child, but also to any other in this family. And most importantly, capital does not depreciate over time, it is annually indexed to the inflation rate;
  • payment for education in municipal, state, school and preschool training centers who are properly licensed;
  • an increase in the funded part of the mother's pension.

"Grey" methods

These include a fake purchase of housing from friends or relatives, when the purchase occurs only on paper. former owner remains to live in this apartment, but the funds are returned only in cash to the owner of the certificate.

In principle, all the formalities are observed - housing is registered as the property of children. But the state has long been aware of this trick, and therefore the question often arises of how to eliminate the possibility of conducting false operations.

"Black" methods

All "black" schemes are associated with the purchase of housing with maternity capital. This is the sale of uninhabitable real estate, dilapidated houses, houses for demolition for the full amount of the subsidy, but not at the real price. At the same time, part of the “laundered” money is received by the owner of the certificate (minus the real price of real estate, plus payment for the services of scammers, which on average make up about 40% of the cost of maternity capital).

The second way is a mortgage for the purchase of housing. It is very difficult to issue it, in addition, reliable banks are not involved in any illegal schemes, so only scammers - agencies or one-day real estate firms can do this. The pension fund transfers money to their bank accounts, and for parents, the risk in such cases is maximum. Often they receive nothing or at most 50% of the capital.

Maternal capital and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Parents who are thinking about receiving maternity capital, first of all, should not forget that certificate holders are criminally liable for all illegal actions related to these funds.

To protect motherhood, childhood and family values, the state takes a number of measures aimed at improving the standard of living, financial support for citizens.

Perhaps the most popular of them is the federal program " Maternal capital”, which has been operating since 2007. It is perceived by many as the only breakthrough success of Russian socio-economic policy in the 2000s.

Is there maternity capital in 2017?

In 2017, federal program"Maternity Capital" anniversary - 10 years (from 01/01/2007, the Federal Law No. 256 of 12/29/2006 is in force). During this time, it has become a financial support for almost 4.2 million families (have used the funds; there are a total of 7.3 million certificates) with a second or any subsequent child. The amount of capital has doubled, and the possibilities for its use have expanded. On its main goal - to increase the birth rate - maternity capital influenced mostly positively, playing the role of another tool of social security.

In 2016, by decision of the President, the program was extended until December 31, 2018 (Federal Law No. 433 of December 30, 2015). A number of changes have been made to the legislation, which will speed up the transfer of funds for targeted needs. On the other hand, the indexation of maternity capital was suspended until 2020 (FZ No. 444 of December 19, 2016), while the opportunity to use a one-time cash payment in 2017 is still questionable.

Changes have been made to the procedure for obtaining a certificate for maternity capital. Thus, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 253 dated 03.03.2017, the term for transferring money in favor of financial, educational and other organizations will be reduced from 30 to 10 business days. At the same time, the period for considering an application for the use of maternity capital by the Pension Fund is, as in 2016, one month.

This change will allow, first of all, to close real estate transactions faster (since most of the funds go to mortgages). In many cases this will reduce debentures families who have taken advantage of loans from credit cooperatives. Interest on them is up to 1% per day.

Since 01/01/2017, there have been changes in the legislation regarding the state registration of real estate. Yes, old cadastral passports and a certificate of ownership is replaced by an extract from the USRN. When receiving materiel, the family must take this innovation into account and request an extract from the local branch of Rosreestr (750 rubles on paper).

The rest of the program continues to work under the same conditions:

  • the certificate is received only once in a lifetime; the right to it arises from the birth or adoption of a second or any subsequent child from 01/01/2007;
  • capital is used in 4 main areas. It is expected that before the end of 2017 it will be allowed to receive cash lump-sum payments;
  • funds can be used after the child is 3 years old. The exception is the purchase mortgage real estate and social adaptation (payment for medical, developmental goods and services) of disabled children.

The mother (adoptive parent) has priority in receiving family capital. The following conditions apply:

  • the second or any subsequent child was born or adopted after January 2007. The rule does not apply to stepdaughters and stepchildren: the program is aimed, among other things, at finding a new family for orphans. According to legislators, the child of one of the spouses, adopted by the other, already has it. Guardians are also deprived of the right to mother capital;
  • mother and baby are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • the mother is not deprived of parental rights, has not committed and has not been prosecuted for crimes against the person, has not used the MSC before.

The right to family capital has the father who is the only adopter of the second or any subsequent child, or left alone after the death of the mother, the deprivation of her parental rights, the commission of crimes against her person. In the latter case, the nationality of the father is not important - the only thing that matters is that the mother at birth had the right to capital.

The right to receive the MSC is “inherited” to children under 18 years of age (23 if they study at a Russian university full-time), if their parents have died, are deprived of their rights, or the mother has died, and the father is not his own.

Where to get a certificate for MSC?

The FIU of the Russian Federation and its territorial divisions are in charge of issuing certificates and channeling funds for targeted needs. It is there that it is necessary to provide documents and an application for obtaining and using MSCs.

For convenience and unification of data throughout the country, the FIU maintains a single register of certificates. Thanks to this, the mother can apply to any department pension fund, not only at the address of registration.

There are several ways to apply for family equity:

  • personally to the territorial division of the FIU. Reception is conducted by appointment, available by phone and through the official website;
  • by mail, while all documents must be in copies certified by a notary;
  • remotely from using EDS through the portal of public services or the PFR website;
  • at the MFC.

It is possible to submit an application by a representative under a notarized power of attorney.

Application and documents for the MSC certificate?

The application for materkapital must contain:

  • recipient details. They are filled out on the first page, include items on biographical and passport data, citizenship, SNILS number, representative;
  • information about natural and adopted children with the date and place of their birth, citizenship, details of the certificate;
  • data on certificates received earlier (always “Not issued”), on the facts of deprivation of parental rights and the commission of crimes against the person.

The following documents must be prepared along with the application:

  • recipient's passport (for those living abroad - a passport);
  • birth certificates of all children (a mark of citizenship is affixed to the certificate. If it is not there or the child was born abroad, a certificate from the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required);
  • adoption order that has entered into force.

AT special occasions are served:

  • child's death certificate. If the baby was born alive and lived for more than 5 days, the mother is entitled to family capital;
  • confirmation of the right to MSC in the event that it passes to the father or heir children (mother's death certificates, decisions to deprive her of parental rights, a sentence on the fact of a criminal offense, etc.);
  • notarized copies of documents in a foreign language, if the recipient has become a citizen of the Russian Federation as a result of naturalization.

The FIU makes a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a certificate within a month. He notifies the mother of this at the address indicated in the application. After 5 days, you can pick it up in person at the PFR office, MFC (if the documents were submitted there), by mail or electronically.

Size and indexation of maternity capital in 2017

The amount of family capital will not change until 2020. Thus, it remains at the level of 2015 and is 453026 rubles. Refusal of annual indexation according to inflation growth was caused by economic crisis in the country and the budget deficit for 2017.

Indexation was carried out annually until 2015. If the capital was received earlier, but not spent, the amount in 2017 will be 453026 rubles. The increase concerned only the remainder Money on account.

So, for example, the mother issued a certificate in 2010 in the amount of 343,379 rubles. and at the same time received a lump sum payment in cash in the amount of 12 thousand rubles. In 2011, 331,379 rubles were indexed. Thus, in 2017, she can spend 437,193 rubles for targeted needs.

The FIU annually sends information letters to MSC owners about the balance of funds in the account. From 04.2016, it can also be found on the official Internet resource of the Pension Fund through Single register certificate number.

Use of maternity capital in 2017

Family capital in 2017 is used in 4 main areas. It:

  • acquisition of new or reconstruction of old real estate;
  • payment for the education of any child in a Russian university;
  • mother's funded pension. The most unpopular direction, since by “freezing” the indexation of funds accumulated in funds, the government has practically reduced the idea funded pension to zero;
  • social adaptation of disabled children.

Periodically (in 4 years out of 10), the state allows you to cash out part of the MSC funds. Whether there will be a payment from maternity capital in 2017 is not yet clear.

Adaptation as a direction for using MSCs appeared relatively recently - since 2016. It includes payment for goods and services in medical, developmental, rehabilitation institutions necessary for the social and technical integration of a disabled person into society. Full list approved by Government Decree No. 831-r. Permits for the use of MSCs for adaptation are issued by the regional health committee, the department of social protection and the ITU.

In this direction, as well as for making a down payment on a mortgage or repaying a loan, family capital can be used ahead of schedule - before the baby's 3rd birthday.

Maternity capital in 2017: lump sum payment

A lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 is a real bone of contention between the economic (represented by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development) and the social (represented by the Ministry of Labor) block of the government. Both are responsible for developing recommendations on the advisability of cashing out part of the MSC funds. The Ministry of Labor, based on ordinary Russians and, accordingly, the need for real help "here and now", is in favor of allowing payments. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development claim that the money for this is Russian budget no.

As of May 2017, this issue has not yet been closed. Last year, the decision to lump sum payments was adopted already in April, and by the end of autumn more than 2 million families took advantage of this opportunity.

According to experts, in current year the law on payment will be adopted (if any) not earlier than September 2017, and the acceptance of applications and the cashing out of part of the mother's capital will be extended until mid-2018. I would not like to think that the government is thus trying to close the issue with payments immediately for 2 years.

Legislative initiatives on maternity capital

Every year in the Government and State Duma there are several initiatives related to maternity capital. One of the latest is a bill that provides for monthly payments to the poor for the birth / adoption of each of the children (with an increasing amount) until they come of age.

Since there is no free money in the budget, it is planned to replace cash payments with natural ones - land plot, if there are more than 5 children in the family, or by car - for those who are raising at least seven kids. This bill existed for almost 2 months before its cancellation: according to forecasts, the state will spend much more than it does now, but it will bring disproportionately less benefits.

In March 2017, a group of deputies from the United Russia proposed to introduce another direction for the use of mother's capital - to buy a car. This measure of social support will be available to large families in which there are children with disabilities or adopted children. Since it will be possible to buy only Russian automatic telephone exchanges at MSC, legislators thus seek to support also. The project is being consulted by the State Duma committee, but it has little chance of being accepted.

And the most joyful news for young mothers - since 2018, it is planned to pay extra 250 thousand rubles. in addition to the MSC, those who gave birth or adopted a second or any subsequent child under 35 years of age. This money is offered to be given in cash, and it will be possible to spend it at the choice of the recipient.

All proposed bills under consideration by the State Duma, if adopted, will put more pressure on federal budget than the elementary indexation of the ISS according to inflation. Therefore, it is unlikely that the rules, the procedure for obtaining and using, the amount of maternity capital will change significantly in 2017-2018.

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