
Exclusive projects of elite houses and cottages. Exclusive

Starting the construction of housing, the future owner has the opportunity to use both modern materials and Hi-tech installation and finishing. The number of design ideas is huge and when choosing to dwell on any one option, it can be difficult.

To make the house attractive appearance, while being distinguished by maximum functionality and comfort, you will need good ideas. You can realize your dream, because all the beautiful houses that are in the world also began with an idea.

The photo below is a successful solution to the project. The house fits perfectly into the landscape. Natural materials enhance the natural beauty of the area.

Attractive house design with a decorative pond in the yard Source stroy-podskazka.ru

Designing original and exclusive houses

The desire to have a house with qualities that distinguish it from standard structures is quite justified. Everyone has the opportunity to show their taste, unleash their creative potential and realize an old dream.

It is not always possible to do this on your own, mainly due to lack of free time. Therefore, it is better to give such a task to a professional designer, expressing his ideas regarding the shape of the house, the type of facade and the presence of additional interior details. And he will already select ready-made solutions for your needs or, together with the architect, will draw up a unique cottage project, advise the best materials for a beautiful facade decoration.

Big beautiful house the photo below is an excellent example of good taste and competent design. The arched windows on the first floor do not clash with the rectangular openings above, but complement them, since they are made in the same style.

Beautiful country house with an attic Source: blog-imobiliare.blogspot.com

Even if you shift all the work of building a house onto the shoulders of professionals, at the initial stage you still have to solve a lot of issues on your own. The first thing you need to do is choose a project. Beautiful house designs can be found among typical ones, there are a lot of them, or together with an architect and designer, you can create an individual one that reflects exactly your understanding of beauty.

A large beautiful house, the facade of the first floor is lined with stone-like panels, the second is plastered Source evrookna-mos.ru

Regardless of whether you choose a house project from the list of typical ones or draw up an exclusive plan, already at this difficult stage you will have to solve several important questions:

    In what stylistic direction do you want to see the facade of your house. The choice is quite large, but it is not necessary to stop it in any one direction, you can choose two or more and mix them in the design of one house.

    What building and finishing materials would you like to use to build a house. If you have already decided on the style, then the range of building materials will narrow significantly and the choice will be easier to make.

    How bright do you want your home to be in terms of architecture.

    Functional purpose each element of the structure and its aesthetic component.

    What color palette of the facade of the building and decor features do you prefer.

    How will the house you choose fit into the landscaping of the yard.

    Preferences for the location of the house in relation to the cardinal points. As a rule, they try to erect the facade of the household, facing east, so that the sun passes through the rooms of the house throughout the day. But such an arrangement is not always possible due to the territorial features of the location of the construction site.

    It is advisable to decide in advance on the presence of additional buildings on the site and their size. It can be a garage, a bathhouse, a gazebo and so on.

In the photo below, an interesting solution to the shape of the roof gives originality to the house with "French" windows and a door to the floor.

Unique house design with an original roof and a round hallway Source archeton.pl

How to determine the optimal size of the house

The area of ​​​​the house is an important characteristic when planning it. People who grew up in cramped city apartments, when building their own home, try to plan it so that there is more space. Undoubtedly, such a desire is justified, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.

It is customary to consider such buildings as too large a house, some of the premises in which are not used. Let them not interfere, but take away resources, for example, heating - every winter they need to be heated, and this significantly affects the size utility bills. In addition, such premises take up space on the site, especially if the house is one-story. In addition, if the premises are not used, then the money invested in them during construction is not justified. In this case, it would be more appropriate to spend money on a more expensive facade or interesting architectural solutions.

Example successful planning small two-story house Source habitees.fr

The most important criterion in determining the size of housing are personal preferences and the need to accommodate the intended items. It is best to plan for individual rooms, with the desired features, and then draw up a general plan.

For example, you need to decide which rooms you need. If the family consists of two people, then one bedroom will be enough, but in order to accommodate guests or relatives, you can add a second one.

Houses for large families often consist of many rooms. Each member of the family should have their own bedroom, it is desirable to make two bathrooms in the house. If you like to spend time with books - good decision will become a library in the house.

Fans of playing billiards often make an appropriate room in their cottage. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a gym is equipped in the house.

Video description

Watch in the video a selection of the most beautiful houses:

The main room of any home is the living room, it should be spacious with enough space for receiving guests, entertainment and anniversary events.

In addition to traditional premises, modern home you can often see the built-in sauna, swimming pool. Even garages are sometimes made adjacent to the living area or in the basement under the main building.

There are various beautiful country houses and cottages, the photo below shows a house in which all dreams come true - a built-in garage, a second floor and high-quality finishes, as well as automation that facilitates operation.

A beautiful spacious house equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay Source kbprojekt.pl

Based on how many rooms you need in the house, its total size is determined. If the site allows, then everything you need can be realized in a one-story house. If there is not so much land and you still want to equip a beautiful and spacious yard, it would be more expedient to build a cottage with an attic or a second floor.

But all this is just advice, and listening to them or not is a personal matter for everyone. Indeed, for one family, consisting, for example, of four people, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is 150 square meters. m. will be small, but for another, the same in terms of the number of people, 110 sq. m.

The photo below is a beautiful cottage for a large family. Garage for two cars attached to the house and made in a similar style. A full residential second floor may include lounges and a library. There is a basement with small windows. Probably, there is a gym or a swimming pool, but maybe a billiard room. Such a house requires a lot land plot, a significant investment - but it's worth it.

A large beautiful house, the second floor and garage of which are finished with bricks, and the first with facade tiles Source tamanme.zoo.access.ly

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of designing houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Features of planning one-story houses

If you decide to give preference to a one-story house, then there is enough space on your site for its construction. You can plan one-story houses as you like, but in most standard projects It is customary to separate the residential and economic parts of the house. The first one includes:

  • offices.

Such utility rooms as a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room are located on the opposite side of the living rooms.

Pictured below is the layout. one-story house with the separation of the residential and economic parts and the entrance to the attached garage.

Layout of a residential one-story house with a garage and a swimming pool Source pinterest.com

Often, preference is given to a one-story building after understanding all the advantages of the structure. The advantages include the following qualities:

    a lighter and easier foundation to build - there is no need to strengthen it, as for a two-story house, which means it is less expensive;

    projects one-story houses suggest simpler schemes engineering systems, and therefore more economical;

    building a one-story house takes much less time and does not require such costs monetary resources, as the construction of a two-story building;

    very comfortable close proximity to each other rooms;

    you can use the living space more rationally due to the lack of stairs to the second floor.

There are only two disadvantages of one-story houses:

    large cash costs for the installation of the roof due to its large area;

    if the house is too large, then problems may arise when planning the premises: some rooms may become walk-through, which affects the comfort of living.

Naturally, the ideas for planning a one-story house are implemented successfully when total area land permits this.

Handsome and big cottage, the facade of which is finished with plaster and decorative stone Source houmy.ru

Layout of beautiful two-story houses

Determining the look and style of a beautiful two-story house, the projects of professional architects and designers can be reviewed for a long time, because they are presented in a large assortment. Traditional layout two-storey houses can be adjusted by you the way you want, but not to the detriment of the quality of the design.

Building a cottage with two floors has the following advantages:

    saving the area of ​​the territory;

    ample opportunities for design decisions affecting the exterior;

    the ability to diversify the facade and architecture of the cottage with beautiful balconies;

    more design options interior spaces, their decorative improvement.

There is only one minus in the construction of a two-story house: high capital investments in comparison with a one-story building of the same area. Requires large financial investments interfloor ceilings, reinforced foundation, complex scheme of communication systems.

Here are a few projects and photos of beautiful houses and cottages on two floors:

An example of the layout of a two-story house Source vancouverelectricianblog.com

Stylish two-story house with a pitched roof Source archidom.by

The photo shows a magnificent example of a stylish wooden lady made of logs. National motifs are combined in a hand-carved cornice and columns.

Nice wooden house with an attic Source logcabin.ru

The layout of a beautiful and functional attic

The attic is residential attic space located under a high roof. Sometimes only one room in a certain part of it acts as a living space in the attic, but in most cases people use the entire attic, the height of the walls of which often does not exceed 1.5 meters.

Video description

See in the video a selection of beautiful houses with an attic:

The presence of an attic allows you to significantly increase the living space. There you can equip several rooms, for example, a bedroom, a nursery, a guest room or a private office.

In the photo below, an interesting solution to increase living space. In the background there is a full-fledged second floor, in front there is an attic, made in the same technique and harmoniously fitting into the facade of the building.

A beautiful house with an attic and a second floor Source econovus.ru

Below are beautiful houses, photo projects with an attic.

Facade of the house with an attic 6x9 Source farbenliebe.ru

Source opsar.ru

On the left is the ground floor plan: 1 - kitchen-living room-dining room, 2 - bathroom. On the right is the attic floor plan: 1 - corridor, 2 and 3 - bedroom, 4 - dressing room

Facade of the house with an attic 7x7 Source smarthomeconcept.ro

Source hisa-druzina.blogspot.com

On the left is the plan of the first floor: 1 - entrance hall, 2 - corridor, 3 - kitchen-living room, 4 - bathroom. On the right is the attic plan: 1 - corridor, 2 - children's room, 3 - bedroom, 4 - bathroom

Source dizayninterer.ru

Small but beautiful house with an attic Source stroy1.nichost.ru

Cottage decoration

The facade of the house is the first thing that people passing by see, your guests, and you yourself, every time you return from work. That is why the facade is the visiting card of the house, which speaks of the level of prosperity, temperament, creativity, stylistic and taste qualities.

The photo shows a small country cottage from a wooden beam. A practical and beautiful building with high thermal insulation, where you can comfortably spend time and severe frosts.

Beautiful wooden house with an attic Source ecoterem-spb.ru

Materials for finishing the facade can be both artificial and natural.

Wood. Such a finishing material is usually called a natural heat insulator, which, due to its beauty and naturalness, is used both as a heater and as a decorative decoration of the facade.

natural or artificial stone. It is the most durable material for finishing facades, but at the same time it is not cheap. This applies to both the price of the material itself and the cost of facing them. It is precisely because of the high cost that stone is often combined with decorative plaster, resulting in very original and modern facades.

Glass and concrete. Now you can often see residential buildings, the facade of which is made of concrete slabs with panoramic windows. This choice makes the appearance of the house attractive, gives originality. Facade glass allows a lot of light into the house and opens picturesque landscapes for residents.

Clinker brick. There is a wide range of colors on the market, so you can combine them to get a unique and original facade of the house.

Decorative plaster. One of the cheapest finishing materials. It has a wide selection of colors, but is poorly resistant to aggressive factors from nature. Decorative plaster on the facade requires frequent updating.

Siding. Also not too expensive and quite popular material for facade decoration. You can choose from normal or imitation wood.

Beautiful country house with columns, facade plaster was used as decoration Source ipprojekts.lv

Successful examples of beautiful country houses

In the photo below, a capital country house, solid and practical. The natural colors of the finishing materials emphasize the ideal geometry and proportions of the structure.

Large country house, the facade of which is made of facing brick Source lk-projekt.pl

Beautiful country house with decorative stone facade Source stargate-rasa.info

Houses of a unique form are very popular. Such structures are erected according to special projects, and often similar ones are rarely seen.

Unique country house with brick and decorative stone facade Source gmeyerconstruction.com

House of original shape and decoration Source farbalux.com.ua

Facades of houses made of brick or lined with it have always been in fashion and will probably never cease to be popular.

The facade of a brick house is in perfect harmony with the fence Source pinterest.ru

Brick house, with elements of artificial stone on the facade

As an alternative to real brick, tiles or panels that mimic this building material are often used.

Large beautiful country house lined with brick-like panels Source hr.everaoh.com

The photo below shows several types of decoration of the facade of the house. The second floor is plastered, there are elements of wood in the facade. The façade of the first floor is clad in brick-like tiles, while real brick is used in the fence columns and porch railings.

Frame house with a plastered facade of the second floor and the first - lined with clinker tiles Source idei-dekoru.com

Quite an interesting design of the house in the photo below - natural stone on the facade of the house, smooth curves of the roof, small neat windows.

A house with a natural stone facade with an original roof shape Source m.yukle.mobi


Considering beautiful country houses and cottages (projects, photos), it is sometimes difficult to choose a particular one. But the main thing you need to understand is that making your home beautiful and unique is easy. It is enough to have a dream and imagination, and professional designers and architects will help you with everything else.

Design view of an exclusive house from Gorodles


Elite wooden houses, elite log houses - these names are intended to denote exclusivity, having special characteristics that qualitatively distinguish them in a massive flow of proposals for the construction of wooden houses and baths.


Only we ALWAYS have in stock 1000m 3 logs of Altai cedar with an average DIAMETER OF ABOUT 1 METER for exclusive houses and baths.
Log of natural drying aged in stacks for 1 year.


We present samples of projects created by the Architectural Bureau of the GK "Gorodles" - projects of exclusive manor complexes, projects of premium hand-made elite houses (including wooden houses from cedar), author's projects of log baths and gazebos.

The level of prestige and exclusivity of the future wooden estate is determined by the architectural design. This is an axiom. And here the result depends not only on the stylistic and functional wishes of the future owners of elite suburban real estate, but also on the professionalism and creativity of an architect who specializes in designing expensive handmade luxury wooden objects.

Such specialization, which is based on an understanding of the very specifics of a tree, its “behavior”, its technological features on the one hand, and professional courage in creating complex architectural forms and solutions, on the other hand, multiplied by a sense of style and good taste - a rarity in wooden housing construction. In "Gorodles" projects of elite houses are created by such architects.


Elite wooden houses built according to exclusive architectural projects- these are expensive wooden houses, especially if we are talking about houses made of premium class large-diameter cedar logs.

Unique handmade estates, elite wooden cottages, hand-cut from logs of valuable species of wood, require skill, extensive experience, serious knowledge of the specifics of working with wood and, of course, the appropriate infrastructure during the construction process.

The final result of the process of creating turnkey log houses of an elite level directly depends on all these components.


All photos dedicated to the construction of high-quality beautiful wooden houses, elite-level hand-cut saunas, original gazebos and others special facilities country estate complexes of the Premium class are made exclusively on construction sites"Gorodles".

Elite fellings from a round log and carriage.
Production at the plant "Gorodles"

The long-term work of the Gorodles plant in the production of elite log cabins from solid wood, the knowledge and experience of our engineering and technical team, the skill of our cutters allow Gorodles Group of Companies to maintain a high quality bar in the process of manufacturing exclusive log cabins of complex, non-standard architectural forms from selected logs of Altai cedar, Siberian larch and northern pine.

Selected wood and our knowledge of preserving and improving its qualities in the process of debarking (“under the scrape” or water under pressure), natural drying and high-quality felling - contributes to the elitism of the log house. We respect both ourselves and our potential customers, and therefore we place exclusively the results of our many years of work on the creation of modern samples of Russian wooden architecture of the Premium class.

Elite wooden houses (log cabins) from GK "Gorodles" (Moscow). Design and turnkey construction of exclusive wooden houses. Samples of projects of log houses, prices and photos of the work performed. |

Elite wooden houses| 2014-10-16 12:22:25 | Super User | elite wooden houses, exclusive wooden houses, elite log houses, exclusive log houses, turnkey elite log houses

Just imagine, your house is a cottage of extraordinary beauty with convenient layout, original design, decor and interior. In a word - a real fairy tale, a dream. Do you think this is difficult to implement? By no means! The main thing is to start. And the first step is to choose a project of a beautiful house.

Beautiful and solid houses - a profitable investment in your future

Building a house begins with the creation of a project. Only masters of their craft - professional designers, architects, builders - should design the future structure.

Projects of beautiful houses and cottages deserve special attention. This is an extraordinary building: beautiful, comfortable and secure home for the whole family. And such projects beautiful cottages a lot. It is simply impossible not to notice them. Such structures are distinguished by elegant architectural ideas, both externally and interior design as well as special aesthetics. This applies not only to the use of unusual decorative elements (high towers, twisted columns, stucco, balustrades, stained-glass windows, forging with floral ornaments), but also facade decor materials (natural stone, wood, decorative plaster, etc.). You don't see beauty like this often.

A collection of typical projects of beautiful houses and cottages just for those who are still in search of their nest. All projects deserve the attention of even the most demanding customers. The possibilities of choice are quite wide: any image, any character and any stylistic direction: classic, baroque, modern, gothic style, chalet style.

When looking for projects of beautiful houses, choose the option that suits your requirements, tastes and preferences. All you have to do is buy it and start building. To build such a wonderful mansion will be more expensive than usual. After all, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. So live beautifully and do not hesitate: it's worth it!

Houses made of northern wood species combine the environmental friendliness of native Russian estates and modern comfort. Exclusive projects of wooden houses - the development of the architects of the company "Russian Mansions", perfect in all respects: layout, design, convenience, quality of materials.

The catalog of finished projects contains complex schemes and sketches of houses and estates with technical characteristics and building materials.

Features of exclusive projects

Each project of the elite wooden house or bath reflects the preferences of future owners: their tastes, lifestyle, comfort requirements. Ready-made layouts meet modern requirements for elite-class suburban housing.

Advantages of elite projects:

  • Special construction technologies. When assembling a log house, we use an assembly system that has been developed over the years, based on the best technologies of wooden construction.
  • Unsurpassed quality. The best logs from cedar, larch or pine, reliable components and consumables guarantee the durability and practicality of each building.
  • Orientation to the Customer. When building luxury wooden houses, we take into account all the ideas and requirements of the client.
  • Unique decorative elements: carved figures, panoramic windows, wood and stone finishes.
  • Unusual proposal: a picture of the future home. We will draw its exact copy with a pencil or watercolor. The picture, decorated in a wooden frame, will decorate your living room.

The cost of exclusive wooden houses depends on several factors: the area, the complexity of design and construction, the amount and type of materials used, the presence of additional buildings (veranda, balcony, gazebo, garage), additional wishes of the client. The cost is announced after the approval of the project.

Exclusive projects of houses presented on the site comply with the requirements of GOST. Each project can be adjusted at the request of the Customer.

The company "Russian Mansions" offers not only the construction of houses and baths finished projects. Our architects will design a completely new unique wooden house for you, taking into account individual preferences and budget.

Projects of elite houses and premium class cottages are the result of work that is subject to increased requirements regarding architectural solutions, scale, internal ergonomics of layouts and the need to use exclusive expensive materials. Any urban housing undoubtedly loses in comparison with country house premium class built to individual project. Non-standard architecture, high-quality materials, unique interior design and landscaping - these are the fundamental points in the creation of projects for elite wooden or stone houses and cottages from the Kalita company. When designing, we take into account the possibility of using the latest construction technologies and home control systems, and we use modern solutions to create a construct.

Exclusive house projects

Our clients will appreciate the imagination and professionalism of architects who create unique projects luxurious mansions made of wood, in which natural elements are organically intertwined - glass, stone and wood. These houses differ not only in external attractiveness. The well-thought-out layout of a rather large area is complex, but functional. Each house has several bedrooms and bathrooms, spacious kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms for receiving guests. Special attention is paid to leisure - there are rooms for home cinemas, billiard rooms, game rooms, greenhouses, wine cellars and gyms. Large halls, huge terraces with seating areas and a swimming pool, panoramic windows and separate accommodation for staff are integral parts of the exclusive project of an elite country house.

The project of a wooden or stone house of a premium class, by definition, cannot be typical. We think through every detail of the future cottage in order to satisfy any, the most specific requirements, which may affect not only the appearance of the house, but also most of the constructive solutions of the project.

As a rule, any exclusive project requires not only the work of an architect regarding the house itself, but also the interior design of interiors and landscape. Kalita specializes in integrated approach for cooperation: when creating a project for an elite house or cottage, we develop complete technical documentation, including all architectural sections object and surrounding area.

Turning to us, you get the development constructive solution, 3D visualization of the future structure, as well as preparation of the necessary documentation. Professional Architects and designers have extensive practical experience and are ready to cope with the task of any level of complexity. The result of the work of the creative team of the architectural and construction company "Kalita" are projects of elite mansions and estates of impeccable quality. They fully comply current trends fashion, versatility and practicality.

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