
Gradation of plastic cards. What are bank cards, types of bank cards

Plastic cards– this is the most popular banking product. Almost every bank client has a credit and debit card, and even more than one. But all cards may have their own characteristics and differences, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the types bank cards. The classification of “plastic” will help in the future to make right choice product.

What is a bank card

We have been familiar with this payment instrument for quite some time, in simple words“plastic” is the key to a bank account, debit or credit. Using it, you can manage money remotely, pay in stores or on the Internet. In addition, if you have a plastic card, you can top up via Internet banking mobile phone, pay public utilities, fines and state duties.

But, due to the fact that there are quite a lot of banking offers, it is difficult for potential clients to make a choice. Let’s try to look as accurately as possible at what types of payment cards exist and how they differ.

Types of cards

Currently, there are the following types of bank cards:

  1. Personal. The owner of the plastic can only be individual, it is issued for non-intended use.
  2. Salaries. This type cards are issued for a specific purpose - translation wages, that is, it is not a credit one.
    Corporate. This is a payment instrument, usually linked to the company's current account, used by it confidant in order to ensure the activities of the organization.
  3. Pre-released. This is no name “plastic” instant release, its main difference is that there is no surname and first name of the owner on the front side.
  4. Prepaid. The card has a certain limit that can be used; further replenishment of the account cannot be done.
  5. Gift. This is an alternative option for a holiday gift; the point is that there is a certain amount on the card account that can be spent on purchases, but not withdraw cash. It is also disposable and cannot be refilled.

So, bank plastic cards are divided into replenishable and non-replenishable. Let's look at the features of these cards in more detail.

Classification by settlement transactions

All payment bank cards are divided into debit, credit and overdraft. Credit cards require the use borrowed money bank, this is, in other words, one of the forms of lending. Accordingly, the user is required to pay interest for using loans, with the only difference that there is no payment schedule and fixed amount to pay. In addition, each bank offers borrowers Grace period, during which no fee is charged for using the funds.

Another, no less popular type of banking “plastic” is a debit card. There are no borrowed funds on it, and its owner can only replenish the account and use it to pay for goods and services. Salary cards are also debit, with the only difference that the account is replenished not by the owner, but by his employer.

Classification plastic cards

Debit cards are easier to issue; in order to become the owner of a “plastic” card, you just need to come to any bank with your passport and fill out a form.

An overdraft card has similar features to a credit and debit card. Usually an overdraft is available for participants in a salary project. The essence of an overdraft is that the user, after own funds can use borrowed funds. The overdraft debt (overspending) is written off upon the first replenishment of the account.

Classification depending on the global payment system

Here we're talking about about the choice of world payment system, we will consider only the most popular of them, namely Visa, Master Card, American Express. The most common and in demand all over the world is Visa. Its main currency is the dollar, that is, when paying for purchases abroad, this fact must be taken into account. For example, if a user pays for purchases and services in dollars, then currency conversion is carried out at no additional cost. And when paying for purchases in another currency, a double conversion will occur, first into dollars, then into another currency.

The Visa card is available to users in more than 200 countries of the world, it can be opened in any currency, and several accounts can be linked to one card at the same time.

The “native” currency of the Master Card is the euro, that is, it is more relevant for those who often use this currency abroad. Otherwise, the card has a lot of advantages - bonuses and discounts from partners, the ability to use it anywhere in the world, transfer to any currency.

American Express- This American company, one of the largest in the world financial companies. In our country, American Express is less common than Visa and MasterCard, however, it is the choice of some bank clients. The main advantage of American Express is that they are accepted anywhere in the world.

The choice of payment system is important mainly for those who often travel abroad; for those who use a card within our country, this criterion is not of great importance.

Classification of cards by status

Everyone who is a bank client knows that all bank cards have a certain status, or, in other words, all plastic can be divided into several classes: Standard, Gold, Platinum, Premium. The entry level is Standard, these are, as a rule, cards that have a limited range of capabilities, although they are also accepted both in Russia and abroad, not all of them are suitable for paying for purchases in online stores.

Classification of bank cards

“Plastic” class Gold, Platinum, Premium differ significantly from the standard version in that its owners can count on premium 24-hour service, a huge number of bonuses and discounts in our country and abroad. As well as service anywhere in the world, including cash issuance in case of loss of a credit card, travel insurance abroad and many other benefits. By the way, premium cards all are embossed, that is, on the front side there is the name of the owner, which indicates a high degree of security of the funds, for example, in order to pay, you must enter a PIN code.

Please note that the more opportunities a banking product provides, the more expensive its servicing.

How to make the right choice

There is no need to talk about the number of banking offers; there are so many of them that everyone potential client will definitely find one that has the optimal set of functions and will best meet individual requirements. Special attention among other things, it is worth paying attention to security, insofar as we are talking about money, no matter your own or borrowed. Modern system 3-D Secure makes online shopping safer.

Another fact that users often pay attention to is bonus programs, they are offered by the banks and payment systems themselves. It may also seem like an attractive offer Cash Back, that is, a refund to the account when paying for purchases.

The most important thing when choosing banking product– the cost of its maintenance should be comparable to the volume of capabilities provided.

And these are not all types of bank cards, moreover, the area banking services They are developing rapidly, new products are appearing and those that have long been familiar to us are being improved. Today, a user can not only receive a real plastic card, but also a virtual one (it does not have a physical medium, only a set of details), which is convenient for those who prefer online shopping.

Banking payment card - this is personalized plastic card with a magnetic stripe or chip module, which is the access key to managing a bank account and provides its owner with the opportunity cashless payment goods or services in various trade and service enterprises receiving cards for payment, receive cash at bank branches and ATMs, as well as use other additional services and certain benefits.

Appearing in the middle of the last century, bank cards have become widespread in more than 200 countries of the world and have become an integral attribute of a civilized person.

Today bank cards act as a key element of electronic banking systems, more and more actively displacing the usual check books and cash. The feature that map contains certain information that is necessary to access a bank account, make payments for goods and services, as well as withdraw cash, allows payment card serve as a simple and progressive means of organizing non-cash payments.

Besides that bank plastic card provides 24/7 access to bank account, the holder of such a card has a number of advantages. Full list These benefits vary depending on the type of card. However, no matter what card, its advantages over cash are as follows:

- Reliability. A loss bank card does not mean that the money is missing. The card can be stolen, it can be lost, it can be burned in a fire, but the money will still be kept in a bank account. Even if someone takes over by bank card, he will not be able to use the funds due to reliable protection.

- Convenience. At the holder cards problems associated with change when paying for goods and services disappear. They won't be able to give him counterfeit bills, shortchange and shortchange, and the size of the wallet will not change from the size of the amount to bank card.

- Simplicity. When traveling abroad with the holder bank card There are far fewer problems than when taking out cash. The card is the access key to cash on bank account, which means he does not need to declare it. There is also no need to exchange currency for local currency, since when paying for goods and services, the conversion is carried out automatically.

- Saving. When carrying out foreign exchange transactions abroad, the costs associated with this are reduced, since the conversion is carried out at a lower cost. favorable exchange rate than at exchange offices.

- Income. Unlike cash, funds deposited in a bank account that the holder uses when conducting transactions using the card bring additional income in the form of interest on the balance.

- Control. Having a map makes it very convenient to control family budget and lead home accounting. Holder bank card there is no need to remember how much money he spent and on what, since you can always get an account statement.

Depending on the type of payment scheme, credit and debit cards are distinguished:

Credit card- it's universal means of payment, with the help of which the cardholder can make payments for goods and services and receive cash not only from their own funds, but also from a loan provided by the bank.

main feature credit card- opening by a bank line of credit, which is used automatically every time a product is purchased or a loan is taken out in cash(cash withdrawal). The credit line is valid within established by the bank limit. In some systems, banking credit card can be used for preferential payment for certain types of services, as well as for receiving money from ATMs.

The lending limit is determined by the issuing bank for each owner credit card individually, depending on financial condition client and his credit history. After the end of the reporting month, the client receives an account statement indicating what portion of the used credit he must repay in order to renew the credit limit.

The issuing bank, as a rule, sets specific terms for repayment of the loan by the client. In case of delay in loan repayment, the bank has the right to charge interest pre-agreed with the client for each day of delay.

Conditions for granting a loan and the procedure for making payments credit cards determined by the issuing banks. These may vary markedly between individual issuers. Yes, one by one credit cards The payment loan provided must be repaid within a month, and for others credit cards Payments made within 25 days are not considered a loan at all and no interest is charged. One at a time credit cards one-time payments may be limited certain amounts, for others - no, but only by the total limit of the credit line, for others credit cards It may even be possible to exceed this limit. The competitive struggle between banks for their clients forces them to constantly improve credit cards and make them more and more attractive to customers.

Let's take a closer look at the types of credit cards and give them a brief description.

Credit cards can be divided into two groups - bank cards and maps for tourism and entertainment.
Bank cards can be personal and corporate.

A personal card (individual) is issued to individual bank clients (issued to an individual) and can be “Standard” (regular), i.e. designed for the mass market, or “Golden” (elite), designed for citizens with high incomes and high credit rating. Elite (privileged) credit cards are intended for persons with high creditworthiness and provide their owners with a lot of additional services and benefits.

Corporate credit card issued to employees of a legal entity (firm, organization, etc.) to pay expenses related to their economic activity and with business trips. Based on a corporate card, an organization can issue individual credit cards selected persons (managers or valuable employees). They are given personal accounts “linked” to the corporate account. card account. Account holders corporate cards are legal entities. Responsibility to the bank for corporate account is borne by the organization, not the individual owners of corporate cards.

Tourism and entertainment cards are issued by companies that specialize in providing travel services, such as American Express and Diners Club. Cards are accepted for service by hundreds of thousands of merchants and service enterprises all over the world to pay for goods and services, and also provide owners with benefits for booking airline tickets, hotel rooms, receiving discounts on the price of goods, life insurance, etc.

The main differences between this type of cards and bank credit cards- no one-time limit on purchases and the cardholder’s obligation to repay the debt within a month without the right to extend the loan. In case of late payment, the cardholder will be charged an increased interest rate.

Payment mechanism based on credit cards

Let's consider the sequence of operations performed by payment system entities in the process of providing services and purchasing goods using credit cards:

1. Wanting to make a purchase (or pay for the service received), the holder credit card gives it to the seller.

2. The seller must make sure that the transaction is possible. To do this, it checks the authenticity credit card and the competence of the buyer to dispose of it (visually - the card meets the specifications of the payment system, the appearance of the card bearer matches the image in the photograph (if present) or using a POS terminal - the terminal reads the number credit card and checks whether it is on the stop list) and, if necessary (if the transaction amount does not exceed the payment system limit), carries out authorization (voice over the phone or through a POS terminal). When making a decision, the acquiring bank is guided by the data received from the service point, as well as information about the cardholder, his limits, and transactions stored in the database. This information can be located either in the database of the acquiring bank, or the processing center, or the issuing bank. The location of the information depends on the specific organization of data storage in the payment system on this moment. If the payment system limit is exceeded, the acquirer mandatory must pass the request for authorization to the payment system, which makes the decision.

If doubt arises, the seller has the right to demand the presentation of an identity document, and if it is missing, refuse to complete the transaction.

3. Having made sure that the transaction can be carried out, the seller issues a check (slip), and transfers the data from the card to it. When processing manually, an imprinter is used for this purpose, where the holder credit card then it is signed (usually three copies of the check) and the seller is obliged to check whether the signature on the slip matches the sample signature on the card (the signature on the card is required).

During automatic processing, the check is printed in two copies by the POS terminal, which are signed by the buyer: the 1st is issued to the buyer, and the 2nd check remains with the seller (company).

4. The card, purchased goods and the first copy of the receipt are handed over to the buyer.

5. At the end of the day, the service point sends information about transactions for the day to the acquiring bank (for manual processing, transfer may occur once every few days). In this case, in the case of manual processing, copies of slips are sent, and in case of automatic processing, the POS terminal transmits the data accumulated during the day via a communication channel.

6. The acquiring bank verifies transactions and makes settlements with the service point (recalculates funds to its current account). Transactions that concern cardholders who are clients of other issuers are transferred to the processing center.

7. The processing center processes transactions submitted by acquiring banks and generates reporting data for mutual settlements between banks participating in the payment system. General results are transmitted to the settlement bank of the system, and individual results are sent to participating banks as a message about mutual settlements.

8. Settlement bank carries out mutual settlements between participating banks that have opened correspondent accounts with it. Other participating banks carry out transfers independently.

9. Holders credit cards return to the issuing banks the funds provided to them on credit for the purchase of goods and services.

Credit card cash withdrawal process

Process cash withdrawal by credit card is completely similar to the payment procedure for goods/services, with the only difference that in this case the points of service are the acquiring banks themselves - their branches and branches, and/or ATMs. In addition, ATMs operate on-line and carry out authorization each time cash is dispensed.

Debit cards are intended for paying for goods and services, receiving cash from banks by directly debiting money from the cardholder's bank account. Debit card cannot be used to pay for a purchase if there is no money in the account.

In the absence or insufficient funds for card account when performing transactions using a card using a debit scheme, it is possible to provide short term loan- overdraft.

Cards with overdraft allow you to make payments in excess of the amount credited to the owner's account debit card(small loan amount without a special loan agreement).

Overdraft conditions are determined upon opening card accounts and are indicated in the agreement concluded between the holder debit card and the issuing bank.

So bank payment card is a personalized payment instrument that allows the cardholder to carry out non-cash payments for paying for goods or services, as well as receiving cash at bank branches and automated teller machines (ATMs). Acceptance of the card for payment and issuance of cash on it is carried out by trade (service) enterprises and banks that are members of the payment system servicing the cards.

Non-banking (trading) cards are cards issued for circulation legal entities for payments for goods (services) that belong to them as property. For example, telephone cards, metro cards, Internet cards, etc.

Bank card- a tool that allows you to access your personal bank account. Such an account is called a special card account (SCA). It is opened by the bank to reflect all transactions performed by the client using a bank card. Cards will not have their own special card account only if the bank has all plastic cards of the same type “linked” to a single account, or if the card is prepaid.

Bank cards are used for non-cash payments, including via the Internet, as well as for withdrawing cash or replenishing an account through an ATM or cash point. They are also sometimes called credit cards or credit cards, but this generic name is misleading since cards can be either credit or debit.

The type of card, credit or debit, is determined by the account to which it is attached, or which is the main account for the card. A card can be attached to several accounts at once (such cards are called multi-currency cards) and, conversely, several cards can be attached to one account. Some credit organizations enable their clients to replace their main card account with another card account of theirs opened with the same bank.

The card can be issued both on a tangible medium and in in electronic format(virtual card).

Any image may be printed on the front side of the card. The card must contain its number and expiration date. If the card is issued on a physical medium, then the name of the bank, the logo of the payment system and the name of the holder (not always) are also applied to it. On the back there is a magnetic stripe and a paper stripe for the holder's signature. Cards of some categories indicate the code CVV2 or CVC2.

A bank card can simultaneously use a number of technologies and work in several payment systems at once. For example, the card bears the logo of payment Mastercard systems and Cirrus, or, the card has a magnetic stripe, a chip and is equipped contactless technology Mastercard.

Modern society actively practices plastic cards 2015 in everyday life and business. They allow you to quickly pay for services and goods, receive discounts, bonuses, and are a tool for personal identification. Plastic cards have many categories depending on their purpose, type and functionality. The article contains detailed information about payment and non-payment plastic products.

Types of plastic cards. Classification

Residents of the country have many cards in use, each of which has a specific history, quality, features and disadvantages. Depending on their purpose, all these products can be payment or non-payment. Non-payment types of plastic cards include:

  • Discount – developed by trade associations to stimulate their customers. They provide a 3–5% discount. You can get such a card for money or as a reward for a significant amount of purchases.
  • Membership (corporate, club and trade union) - issued by a specific organization for its members. This type of plastic card confirms membership and provides established benefits.
  • Identification cards (smart cards and passes) – contain personal information and are used in restricted access systems. They are used at the enterprise, they allow you to monitor the movement of employees and prevent visits to prohibited areas.

Payment cards depend on the manufacturing organization and, accordingly, are classified:

  1. Universal – produced by financial institutions and banks.
  2. Private – developed by commercial companies for payment transactions within the service and trading network this company.

What are the types of bank plastic cards?

Considering legal status holder, cards designed:

  • personal – imply use by private individuals;
  • corporate – for clients with legal status;
  • family - for use by family members.

Bank plastic cards with money, depending on functionality, are divided into categories:

  • Debit – they are used to pay for services, work and goods by debiting money from the owner’s account within the limit. The account is replenished when a salary/pension is transferred or the client deposits his own funds.
  • Credit – allow owners to receive a certain amount from the bank and use it for their own purposes. The debt is repaid with interest over the established period.

Type-aware bank clients, cards differ in services, additional bonuses and discounts. The more prestigious the product, the higher its cost. The following classes exist:

  • Electronic plastic cards are the most budget option. They are used in all payment systems and make up the majority of salary cards. They are designed for service at cash registers and ATM terminals.
  • Classic cards - designed for ordinary customers. With their help, payments are made in terminals, on the Internet, and orders are accepted by phone.
  • Gold and vip class – plastic cards designed for wealthy clients. Their prices are usually high, which is compensated by many additional services, bonuses and discounts.
  • Business class cards are designed for persons with legal status. The products are linked to accounts registered with the company and allow specially authorized employees to manage this money.

How are plastic cards classified by payment systems?

The electronic card is linked to a bank account and is an electronic medium. It should be noted that one plastic can support a single payment association. Based on the payment systems within which cards are serviced, the following financial products can be distinguished:

Today, there are no special differences between Mastercardi Visa plastic cards of the corresponding classes. When going abroad, you can link an account opened in the desired currency to any card. If the money in the foreign currency account runs out, debiting from the account in Russian rubles at the conversion rate provided by the bank.

What do the numbers on a plastic card mean?

Most information is printed on the front of the card. A long number, most often containing 16 digits, contains the following information about the banking product:

  • The first means the type of payment system. American Express, Visa and Mastercard correspond to the numbers 4, 5 and 3.
  • The 2nd, 3rd and 4th indicate the number financial institution who owns the product.
  • The 5th and 6th indicate additional information about the bank. The six initial digits that contain bank plastic cards make up the bank's BIN.
  • The 7th and 8th digits indicate the program under which the card was issued.
  • The remaining numbers correspond to the card number, with the exception of the last one, which is the control one.

The card also indicates the expiration date of the product. The reverse side contains the seven-digit card number or the last four digits contained in it. In addition, there is a three-digit CVC code for making online payments.

The features of plastic cards issued by other institutions are reflected by the initial digit of the number. It indicates the activities of the company that issued the card:

  • 1, 2 – type of airline;
  • 3 – institutions in the field of tourism and entertainment;
  • 6 – merchandising companies;
  • 7 – fuel companies;
  • 8 – telecommunications companies;
  • 9 – structures of the public sphere.

How to enter the necessary information

During the period of market development, many innovative technologies appeared with plastic cards. For informational purposes, the maps contain the following technical elements.

It should be noted that most cards contain several technical devices.

Contact and contactless plastic cards

Among the listed technologies used by financial institutions, smart cards are the most promising. They have a microscopic circuit with a processor, operating system, memory and a device that controls the input and output of data.

Today, the plastic card markets are saturated with smart plastic. Russia supports two methods of information reading using the following products:

  1. Contact - equipped with metal contacts that are combined with the contacts of the reader (device for reading data). As a result, information exchange occurs. Such cards are actively used by financial institutions.
  2. Contactless - equipped with an antenna that emits and receives radio waves. Information is read at a distance of several meters from the reader using a radio frequency identification system.

Such smart cards are characterized by:

  • Ease of servicing plastic cards.
  • Unlimited resource and reliability;
  • Versatility;
  • Increased speed of information exchange;
  • Possibility of numerous applications;
  • Security of information.
  1. The Bank of Moscow has developed a plastic card for metro passengers that allows them to pay for travel without cash. Money is debited from this debit card and when making payments in other modes of transport. The package of services includes a special program to reduce the cost of travel. As a result, the more often you pay for a trip, the lower the price for the next ticket.
  2. The Euroset company has developed a plastic card Kukuruza to stimulate its visitors. When making purchases, the card accumulates bonuses in the amount of 1% of the amount. They can then be exchanged for a discount on products contained in the catalogue. The card supports online payments and is serviced abroad.
  3. Certain banking organizations For an additional fee, plastic cards are produced according to our own designs. Photo samples can be selected from the proposed catalog or you can provide your own version.

There are many definitions of what a bank card is, but their meaning is as follows: it is a convenient universal tool access to your bank account, also called special bank account(SKS). The card makes sense only in conjunction with your bank account, all operations are carried out with it (payment at a point of sale or on the Internet, cash withdrawal from an ATM, transfers and charges). To be more precise, the card account reflects the above-mentioned money transactions (debit or replenishment).

It follows from this important point– there is no money on the plastic itself, there is only a coded one digital information(on a magnetic stripe or in a chip), which, using all sorts of “tricky” protocols, is transmitted to the bank, and it then decides: to give you money through an ATM or to allow payment for goods in a store (any action on the card begins with ). Simply put, a bank card is the key to money, not the money itself. This, by the way, is one of its advantages.

This whole kitchen with the exchange of information and so on is more interesting to a technical specialist, but for an ordinary card holder it is enough to know that the payment system (PS) is responsible for all this. That is why on the card you can see not only the name and logo of the bank, but also, without fail, an image of the payment system (often these are international Visa or MasterCard payment systems, less often - local domestic (national) Sbercard payment systems, Gold Crown and etc.). In fact, the payment system is an intermediary between you and the bank, providing the ability to make payments bank card everywhere (naturally, within the framework of her presence).

If we are talking about the exchange of information, then it is important to note the fact that the card without modern means and communication capabilities (Internet, etc.) becomes a beautiful piece of plastic (or a more noble material, if the card is privileged), although previously they managed without it (read about slips and embossing).

It is interesting that the bank that issued the card () is its owner (i.e., by and large, you must return the bank card back to the bank after its expiration date or if you wish to close it), but does not have the right to dispose of the card holder’s money (only within the framework of a card agreement or by court decision).

You can fully use the card after using it.

Types of bank cards

6. Card authentication code only on American Express cards. It is usually located on the back of the plastic (see 11).

7. Chip is a microprocessor with external contacts (in fact, it is a small computer). The chip contains information on the card in the form of digital data and, unlike a magnetic stripe, has an increased level of security. For example, if data from a magnetic stripe can be copied by creating a clone card, then such an operation will no longer work with a chip - it uses hardware and software protection against hacking. Cards with one chip are practically not found in Russia - banks usually issue combined bank cards - and a magnetic stripe.

8. Bank logo– can be placed anywhere on the map, it depends on the design decision. The logo indicates that the card belongs to the bank that issued it (the issuing bank). Usually the logo contains the name of the bank in abbreviated form.

Back of the card

The back of a bank card usually looks like in the following way:

9. Bank information– at the bottom of the back of the card, the following information is usually provided: the card was issued by such and such a bank (its name) and only the card owner has the right to use it. You can often find a toll-free number here hotline to communicate with contact center specialists.

10. Paper signature strip– located immediately under the magnetic strip (12). It is on any cards, even non-personalized ones. The absence of a signature on this strip can lead to the cashier refusing to accept the card (sometimes this happens), which the bank warns about in small print under the paper strip in Russian, English and French: “Sample signature, without a signature is not valid.” On the other hand, the presence of a signature may be ineffective, but it protects against the use of plastic by an attacker (in this case, it is necessary to check the signature of the card holder with the signature on it during each purchase - but is this advisable and realistic?).

Usually present on a paper strip last group of four digits of the card number slanted to the left (you can also find the entire number) and followed by 3 digits of the authentication code (security code).

The design of the strip can be different: plain or filled with diagonal lines with the words Visa or MasterCard (depending on the payment system of the card).

11. Card authentication code(CVV2/CVC2), also known as a secret code, consists of 3 digits and is called CVV2 (in Visa cards) or CVC2 (y MasterCard cards). It is usually placed on a small strip of white paper, next to the holder’s signature strip after the last four digits of the bank card number. The font is slanted to the left.

This code is used when making payments on the Internet (online stores and any online purchases) to verify the authenticity of the card as an additional security element, which significantly increases the security of calculations. Cards with entry-level payment systems (Maestro, Cirrus, Electron) may not have it, i.e. the holder will not be able to pay with such a card on the Internet.

12. Magnetic stripe is a strip of digital data on a magnetic storage medium. The data is recorded on it only once at the time the card is issued by the bank and contains the information necessary to make payments using this card.

Advantages and disadvantages of bank cards

Advantages of bank cards:

First of all, plastic card replaces cash(especially small things), but does not create inconvenience, because payment for it in retail outlets for its holder there is no commission (shops themselves pay a significant commission according to the rules of payment systems - on average about 2% per transaction). You also don’t need to carry large amounts of money with you; they are all safe in your bank account.

It follows from this no need to declare a large amount of money when traveling to another state(at customs) – cards are not subject to customs registration.

Loss or Theft of a bank card is no longer a problem Compared to the loss of a wallet with money, the card can be quickly blocked by calling the bank or by SMS message (the holder should always know how to block his card). The fraudster (or the one who found it) will no longer be able to use it, but the bank will issue you new map with the same amount in your account.

If you have an international payment system (IPS) card, then you will have no problems paying abroad in most countries of the world, where this MPS operates. Your funds will be automatically transferred into local currency at the established bank rate (with a possible small commission). You can also pay via the Internet.

Any payments will be processed quickly, no matter what country you are in. It's also easy you can withdraw money from any ATM(with the logo of your payment system).

The holder can Top up your account quickly and interest-free through payment terminals or ATMs with the function of accepting cash without wasting your time in queues at the bank cash desk.

If the cardholder is Abroad, That replenishing a card account is The best way transfer him money, unlike systems instant transfer, who charge a certain percentage for this service.

Disadvantages of bank cards:

The main disadvantage is lack of 100% security when making payments at retail outlets and on the Internet. The point here is not even in the standards and data exchange protocols used, but in the targeted actions of attackers aimed at stealing card details (especially on the Internet). They use many illegal methods and protection from this is - financial literacy and attentiveness of the cardholder.

Some transactions may require a commission, for example, payment abroad in foreign currency. It is important to have an understanding of such operations and be sure to clarify the size of the commission.

The remaining shortcomings are rather the underdevelopment of the plastic payment infrastructure: cards are still Not all stores accept payment; there is some difficulty of use when working with an ATM(especially for older people); problems with paying tips(in Russia this is not as developed as in Europe and the USA, where tips are provided on a separate line in the check and are made as a separate payment).

Separately, it can be noted that All purchases using the card are not anonymous, this information is available to the authorities.

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