
What is the average salary in Belarus. Real wages in Belarus exceeded Russian ones

The average salary in Belarus in 2019 is of interest not only to Belarusians themselves, but also to residents of Russia. The fact is that, according to the legislation on the Union State, citizens of both countries can work for each other without obtaining additional permits - and therefore a considerable number of Russians move to Belarus and work there. Let's see what they can count on by finding a job in this country.

The amount of salary depends largely on how efficiently the country's economy works. With regard to Belarus, this is quite true. During the times of the USSR, this republic, although it was largely agrarian, at the same time had a fairly powerful industrial base. Despite the events that have taken place over two and a half decades, by 2019 Belarus still retains a developed industry, especially mechanical engineering and metal processing.

However, it should be borne in mind that in Belarus the salary varies greatly, depending on:

  • from the region - the difference can be one and a half to two times;
  • from the field of activity in which the employee is engaged ( the highest salaries in the industrial and financial sphere, the minimum - in agriculture and social areas).

The Belarusian state allocates additional funds for certain areas, but in general it should be noted that Belarusian economy is experiencing in 2019 not better times. There is a trend towards an increase in average wages - but at the same time, an increase in unemployment is also possible. Inflation also has a certain influence - according to it, Belarus is now in 14th place in the world ranking of states.

In addition, despite the agreements on the Union State, Russia and Belarus have not yet united their currencies. Therefore, although the currency neighboring country also called the ruble, but the local ruble is, on average, (as of the summer of 2019) 30-31 Russian. That is why in the future, when speaking about the size of the salary or salary of a Belarusian, it will always be indicated which rubles are in question. In some cases, for convenience, the amount will be indicated in US dollars, since the rate of this currency is known throughout the world.

Territorial distribution of average wages

According to Belarusian statistics, the highest average wage in the region was achieved in 2019 in the Soligorsk district of the Minsk region. There, the average salary is 1,208 Belarusian rubles. Even Minsk itself is a little behind - there are only 1,103 rubles.

On the contrary, Belarusians earn the least in the Sharkovshchina district of the Vitebsk region. It recorded an average salary of only 446 rubles. This disproportion is explained by the fact that Minsk and the Minsk region are the region where the majority of large industrial enterprises, and Soligorsk, in addition, is a center for the extraction of potash salt. Vitebsk region is predominantly agricultural.

  1. Minsk.
  2. Brest.
  3. Grodno.
  4. Gomel.
  5. Mogilev.
  6. Vitebsk.

In general, in the country, the average salary of a worker in Belarus in 2019 is about 795.20 Belarusian rubles, or about 23 thousand Russian rubles.

Salaries, depending on the field of activity

In Belarus, as of 2019, the following professions are most in demand:

  1. trade sphere (from manager to sales assistant);
  2. engineering field;
  3. programming and IT-sphere;
  4. the medicine;
  5. pedagogy.

However, the demand does not mean that in each of these areas the salaries are maximum. Salaries for managers financial sphere and programmers are indeed high (1,481 and 2,460 Belarusian rubles, respectively), but teachers can count on only 538 rubles, and in healthcare - only 615 rubles.

For comparison, here are the average salaries in some other areas of activity:

  • agricultural workers, workers of forestry and fisheries - about 543 rubles;
  • builders - 779 rubles;
  • social workers - 435 rubles;
  • transport - 844 rubles;
  • cultural workers (libraries, museums, etc.) - 430 rubles.

The minimum you can count on

As in Russia, in Belarus there is a minimum amount of the amount that the employer is obliged to pay to his employee. As of June 2019, it is 265 local rubles. The value was set in January and has not changed since then.

However, in addition to the local analogue of the minimum wage, there is also such a value as the cost of living. This value is set by the government and shows what sum of money necessary, in fact, for the guaranteed survival of a citizen. As of June 2019, the budget for this minimum in Belarus is 183.82 local rubles.

Belarusian pensions

In conclusion, we should mention what pensioners in this country can expect. Belarus has:

  1. Labor pension - accrued after 15 years of service.
  2. Social - for the unemployed.

The retirement age of our neighbors is:

  • for men - 60 years;
  • for women - 55.

For some citizens employed in the profession with special conditions, the age can be reduced. This applies to the military, employed in aviation, teachers, athletes, etc.

The amount of the pension depends on how much the citizen paid in Pension Fund. Minimum size at present, it is approximately equal to 5,500 Russian rubles.

$500 per person

Recently, the authorities of Belarus have set themselves the task of bringing the average size payments up to $500 per person per month.

The execution of this program is scheduled for December 2019. Since the plans were officially announced, the country's leadership will try to:

  • not reduce the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble lower than the current one at the time of the publication of the plans;
  • increase the wages of workers in Belarus to the specified amount.

However, as of July 2019, the plans are still far from being fulfilled. In particular, the media note that for the remaining 7 months, an increase of at least $74 is required.

Important! However, over the past 10 years overall size average salary consistently showed a desire for growth. From May 2007 to May 2019, it grew by almost 13 times.

Thus, for a simple worker, Belarus is a rather attractive place where you can provide yourself at a decent level due to your work. There are certain problems in the economy, but they are not serious enough to seriously interfere with decent earnings.

As Dmitry Kruk, a researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Education Center (BEROC), noted in an interview with RBC, in 2017 in Belarus there was indeed an increase in real wages, although not radical (according to Belstat, it amounted to 7.5% compared to the previous year). ). “Real wages peaked in mid-2014, then they declined for three years until they resumed [growth] last year, from about the second quarter,” the expert said, noting that the dynamics of PPP wages has its own characteristics and can differ.

Situation in Russia

In 2015, real accrued wages in Russia decreased by 9% compared to the previous year, HSE experts recall, citing Rosstat. In subsequent years, it grew at a slow pace: the increase was plus 0.8% in 2016 and plus 2.9% in 2017. The growth of nominal indicators in these years amounted to 5.1, 7.9 and 6.7%, respectively. At the same time, the devaluation of the ruble in 2014-2015 led to a reduction in wages in Russia in dollar terms, economists say.

The Ministry of Economic Development expects the growth rate of real wages to slow down from the planned 6.3% in 2018 to 0.8% in 2019. As follows from the forecast of the ministry (*.pdf), this is primarily due to the high base of 2018, since the salaries of social workers (they fell under the May 2012 decrees) were brought to the target level, and the minimum wage was living wage. Other reasons may be the acceleration of inflation and a change in the timing of indexation of salaries of state employees (from October 1, 2019 instead of January 1, as this year). In 2020, salaries will grow by 1.5%, in 2021 - by 2.3%, and in the next three years - by 2.8% annually, the Ministry of Economic Development predicts.

The countries closest to Russia in terms of average monthly wages are Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan: in 2017, wages there amounted to 76% of the Russian indicator ($1252 at PPP). In general, in all CIS countries, except for Belarus, comparable salaries are lower than in Russia. In Ukraine, which previously decided from the CIS, the average PPP salary is also consistently lower Russian indicators. In 2017, it amounted to $1074 (65% of the Russian one).

Eastern Europe and BRICS

Among states of Eastern Europe Russia is inferior in terms of wages according to PPP to such countries as Poland ($2343), Czech Republic ($2026), Croatia ($1950) and Hungary ($2107), follows from the monitoring. Bulgaria and Romania lag behind Russia in terms of wages, but in last years the difference in wages in Russia and these countries is rapidly declining, experts say.

As for the two BRICS partners considered in the monitoring, Russia is ahead of them in terms of wages. In China, at a nominal exchange rate, salaries exceed Russian ones, but when switching to PPP calculations, Russia maintains a higher figure, HSE experts say. So, in 2016 (comparable data for 2017 for China is not yet available), the average salary in China was $1,461, and in Russia — $1,561. But the gap is also closing: in 2011 it was more than $450, and in 2016 it was $100. In Brazil, the average salary last year reached only $1407 - its level of wages in Russia exceeds steadily.

The news headlined “Real wages in Belarus exceeded Russian ones” went like hot cakes. And what is even worse is the figure, supposedly in Belarus they earn $1648 per month. Let's figure out what really happened, and what the journalists decided to keep silent about in pursuit of hype.

What was the matter?

The Higher School of Economics has published a special issue “Cross-Country Comparisons wages in 2011-2017." The study is published on the organization's website.

Economists compared salaries in dollars in Russia, the CIS countries, Eastern Europe, China and Brazil.

The analysis was based on data from national statistical services, statistical databases of the Organization economic cooperation and Development (OECD), the CIS Statistical Committee, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The researchers calculated salaries in two versions - at a nominal rate and in terms of parity. purchasing power(PPS).

We consider nominally ...

Most often, salaries are converted into dollars at the nominal rate of the dollar to the currency of a particular country. In Russia in 2017, real wages at the nominal exchange rate amounted to $670.9, in Belarus $421.9, and in Kazakhstan $459.1. These are the highest figures among the CIS countries, but less than in Hungary, the Czech Republic or Croatia. where the average salary ranges from $1,000 to $1,216.

What else is parity?

Usually, the nominal exchange rate makes such calculations biased and incomparable for different countries. Roughly speaking, we do not understand what we can buy in such a country with a local salary if we work there?

Therefore, the exchange rate is additionally calculated at purchasing power parity, and the average salary in the country in local currency is already multiplied by this rate. At this rate, you cannot change the currency in any exchange office. It is an abstract analytical tool. Just a figure that allows you to understand the ratio of the level of prices and production in different countries. It is based on a comparison of the cost of the same consumer basket in national currencies in different countries. And here everything is not so simple. for example, for Russia the nominal exchange rate dollar last year was 58 rubles, and recalculated at PPP only 25 rubles per dollar.

Therefore, salaries recalculated at PPP are almost three times higher than in nominal terms.

But here the situation is not so clear. in terms of PPP salaries, Belarusians were ahead of us - for them it amounted to $1602.6, while for us Russians it was $1550.0.

But here the essence is about the same. In 2017, its average monthly amount was $1,640.4. However, the indicators of Belarus exceed the average salary in Russia and amount to $1,648.3 per month.

Let me note again that these are abstract figures that characterize only the availability of goods and services for the population that can be bought with an average salary. What are these calculations for? Only for one thing - to track how the situation changes in different years.

Objectively, these figures show that the average resident of Belarus has begun to live a little better over the years, and now he can afford to buy even more than the average Russian on his salary. It's no secret that Belarus has cheap food, cheap household items and home-made clothes - all thanks to subsidizing industries and a favorable geographical location, which allowed our neighbors to make very good money on our food embargo. In addition, Belarusians earn money by refining Russian oil, which comes to them from Russia at reduced prices. Oil is processed into petroleum products - gasoline, fuel, which go to Europe. Since 2015, Belarusians have been paying a duty Russian budget they do not pay for them and win billions of dollars on this. But, of course, a Belarusian worker, alas, does not earn $1648 yet.

The Belarusian Republic is located next to Russian Federation. But, despite such a close neighborhood, the foundations and standard of living in these two countries are different. Belarus cannot be called a poor country. It has a well-developed industry and economic system. But the level of wages leaves much to be desired. And despite this people If you are going to visit the Belarusian Republic, you will need

Geographic map

national currency Belarus is the Belarusian ruble. But it should be borne in mind that in everyday life money goes in thousands, and people receive wages in millions. Therefore, most of the data in this article, for ease of perception, will be presented in denominated and Belarusian rubles. D. r. - denominated ruble (100 rubles - 1 million Belarusian rubles, b.p.).

Minimum wage in Belarus has increased since January 1, 2020. This year it is 375 d.r.

Table. The dynamics of the growth of the minimum wage in Belarus in the period from 2003 to 2018

Year Minimum wage (expressed in Belarusian rubles)
2003 The minimum wage was 3600. At the beginning of the year it was 2200, but it was raised twice to 2600 and 3600.
2004 The minimum wage has been raised three times. On March 1, it was 5700. Then, on July 1, the rate was raised to 7500. From December 1 this indicator stayed at 10,000.
2005 17,000 - one-time increase on March 1st.
2006 40,600 - one-time increase on January 1st.
2007 "Minimal salary" was raised twice:
2008 The increase was on January 1st. Since that date, the minimum wage has been 128,860.
2009 The indicator rose on January 1 to the amount of 156,900.
2010 The minimum salary was 179,050.
2011 On January 1, the figure was increased to 208,800.
2012 229 700
2013 The minimum wage has been raised twice:
2014 The indicator has changed eight times:
2013 On January 1, the government decided to set the minimum wage at one million. But during the year, this figure increased eight times. The last increase occurred on November 13th. From this date, the minimum wage rate equals the amount of 1,109,120.
2014 6805978
2015 7424092
2016 801,6
2017 995,3
2018 1115,3

The average salary in Belarus is 1080 rubles. But this figure varies greatly by region.

Table. Average salary in Belarus by regions in 2018-2019

Each region has districts that differ in terms of average wages.

The highest salaries in Belarus are in such regions of the republic:

List of areas with the lowest average wages:

  1. Sharkovshinsky district - 4,406,000 b. R.
  2. Miory district - 4,678,000 b. R.
  3. Loevsky district - 4,709,000 b. R.
  4. Ushachsky district - 4,820,000 b. R.
  5. Senno district - 4,863,000 b. R.
  6. Kormyansky district - 4,902,000 b. R.
  7. Beshenkovichi district - 4,932,000 b. R.
  8. Mstislavsky district - 4,942,000 b. R.
  9. Voronovsky district - 4,991,000 b. R.
  10. Oktyabrsky district - 5,052,000 b. R.

In 2018, the average salary in Belarus began to decline sharply.

Table. Dynamics of the average salary in Belarus in 2018

Salaries by industry

In the Republic of Belarus, aviation workers receive the highest salaries. On average, their salary is 2083.2 d.r.

Belarusians working in the chemical industry earn from 1192.2 roubles, while workers in the mining industry receive from 1212 roubles. The remuneration of workers in the field of oil refining is equal to the amount of 1228 d.r.

Specialists financial sector and the insurance industries receive approximately 1,394.5 roubles. Employees of the telecommunications sector earn monthly from 1189.5 rubles.

Representatives of the legal field can count on a salary of 1105.7 d.r.

In the field of IT technologies, the average salary is 1638.8 cash rubles. In the construction industry, the salary does not exceed 1148 roubles, and in the field of transport and communications employees do not receive more than 846.9 roubles.

In the education sector, the average monthly salary is 760 roubles. (7.6 million Belarusian rubles). Doctors earn about 895 roubles.

In real estate, the average salary is CU1400. in the hotel and restaurant business workers receive about 940 roubles. In the manufacturing sector, the average wage is 1,200 roubles.

The lowest salaries

Most low salaries specialties in 2020:

Rating of the highest paid specialties

The highest paid specialties in the Republic of Belarus are:

  1. Marketing director - 53 million bp. R.
  2. Advertising director - 53 million bp. R.
  3. Trader - 53 million bp. R.

Salaries in the medical field

A doctor is the most demanded profession in the Republic of Belarus. According to statistics, only the city of Minsk needs more than two thousand medical workers in various industries.

The salary of a surgeon is 960 roubles, and the salary of an obstetrician-gynecologist is 850 roubles. A dentist earns $1,057.8, while an otolaryngologist usually earns no more than $769.

Translated into foreign currency The salary of a doctor in a public hospital is $478, while the salary of a paramedic does not exceed $377.

The salary of a medical worker consists of three parts:

  1. Basic salary. The rate is determined according to the billing. Dentists can count on an increase in the rate in the amount of 5% of the total salary and surgeons in the amount of 40%. Doctors who lead structural divisions, additionally receive in addition to the basic rate from 10 to 30% of the total monthly salary. If the doctor works in countryside he is legally entitled to a 20% surcharge.
  2. Allowances. It is calculated on the continuity of work experience, achievements in the field of medicine and qualification category.
  3. An additional payment that is accrued if a medical worker works on holidays or weekends, night shifts, or supervises postgraduate studies. For work in holidays The surcharge is double the salary for the working day. If the doctor works in night shifts, then 40% of the shift payment is added to his salary. When supervising students, the additional payment ranges from 15 to 45%, depending on the number of graduate students.

The first thing that catches your eye when crossing the Belarusian border is the almost perfect cleanliness and order, which, unfortunately, Russian and Ukrainian cities cannot boast of. It's just not customary to litter on the streets here. Litter bins are everywhere, so people throw garbage only in them. Life in the Republic is in many ways reminiscent of the former Soviet Union. And despite the fact that the average salary of civil servants in Belarus is relatively low, there is practically no corruption. It is not difficult to make sure of this, since for Russians entry into the country is visa-free and a passport is not required. It is enough to violate the traffic rules and try to "negotiate" with the inspector, it is unlikely to succeed here. It is customary in the state to strictly adhere to statutory norms and rules.

According to a sociological survey conducted at the beginning of 2016, only 15.7% of the local population are satisfied with their standard of living. Among the positive factors, the majority of Belarusians noted material stability and opportunities for self-realization, but social sphere received the worst ratings. According to data for 2019, a third of all residents of the state can be attributed to the middle class.

Today, the situation in the state is not changing for the better, due to this economic crisis, due to which the local currency has significantly weakened in the country. Therefore, according to experts, the standard of living in Belarus will gradually decline. And this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the middle class.

The features of life in the Republic include: free, high-quality medical care, in the absence of corruption (in the truest sense of the word). In fact, employees of medical institutions take gifts from their patients, only not directly, but through proxies(which still needs to be found).

Statistics Belarus GDP, billion US dollars

It is also worth noting that the government is trying in every possible way to introduce paid services and medical field is no exception. It even has its own plan. Therefore, doctors are forced to impose them on their patients, and this primarily applies to foreign citizens.

The range of local pharmacies is not very diverse. Basically, they sell pharmacological preparations of their own production.

According to official data, there is no unemployment in the country, but in reality its level reaches 15%. Many citizens regularly leave to work: to Russia, Poland, Germany, the Baltic States. This is explained by the fact that the average salary in Belarus is much less than in these countries.

As for the cultural level of the local population, it remained at the level of the 80s, when there was still the Soviet Union.

Country through the eyes of Russians

Citizens of the Russian Federation willingly visit this power. This is due to such factors:

  • a large number of attractions, especially those associated with the Great Patriotic War;
  • measured way of life, peace and quiet;
  • non-conflict of local citizens;
  • low prices for food and other goods;
  • relatively cheap real estate (by Russian standards);
  • visa-free regime.

Particularly comfortable here are citizens who move here for permanent residence from the countries of the former CIS, who have a stable passive income in rubles, euros or dollars.

Comparing the level of prices for living in the republic, it should be noted that if they do not differ much for most products, then for housing the difference is significant. Monthly rent one-room apartment in Minsk, is 250-300 US dollars, and the city of regional significance is an order of magnitude less, somewhere around 130-200.

Statistics of the average salary in Belarus, Belarusian rubles per month

But the prices for household appliances and electronics in the power is much higher. Travel to public transport relatively inexpensive:

  • in a fixed-route taxi - translated into Russian ruble is only 15 rubles;
  • monthly pass - $15;
  • in a taxi, the fare for one kilometer is 20 rubles;
  • for payment utilities per month goes - 30 - 70 $ (in summer and winter, respectively).

But to buy an apartment in Minsk you have to fork out. Consider how much housing in Belarus costs in the capital and regional centers. One-room on secondary market it will cost about 60 thousand dollars, and for a kopeck piece 100 thousand. New housing costs an order of magnitude more expensive. In other large regional centers (Mogilev, Grodno, Brest and others) prices are lower - 40 - 50 thousand dollars for a two-room apartment and 30 thousand in Vitebsk, which is considered the most inexpensive in this regard.

More an important factor is the safety of life. There are no gang shooters and showdowns, robbery or rape is extremely rare. In almost all cities, the streets are well lit at night.

Comparing the pros and cons of living in the state, it is necessary to note the high quality of local products. This is due to the fact that there is a very strict control over the quality of their production.

Village life

Many residents of cities have recently been trying to move to the countryside, this trend is explained by the presidential program for the revival of the village. As part of the latter, many high-quality brick houses, which collective farmers receive for free, and after 10 years of living in them and working on a collective farm, they become full owners. In addition, there is plenty of work on collective farms, and his payment is quite acceptable according to Belarusian rates.

For example, a tractor driver or a milkmaid, on average, receive in their hands an amount equal to 200-300 dollars in terms of American money. But the prices of goods in Belarus in 2019 increased markedly. But in the countryside, this difference is not so noticeable, especially when it comes to food. The salary of a teacher in the village is 1.5 times higher than in the city. Such advantages have already been appreciated by many settlers. The village is most suitable for emigration to this country.

Rumors and reality

Due to some political secrecy, there are many rumors about life in the Republic that actually do not correspond to real facts or distort them.

Myth one - free medicine. Refutation - gratitude to doctors in the form of gifts and offerings is required. The purchase of medicines, systems, syringes, dressings is carried out at the expense of the patient himself. This is due to low wages. For example, a young specialist with a medical degree can expect a salary of 100 US dollars. The qualifications of medical workers are approximately at the same level as in the Russian Federation.

The second myth is quality and free education. In reality, schools everywhere practice the collection of additional Money. You have to pay for teaching materials, school lunches, repairs, everything.

The third myth is the absence of corruption in the Belarusian police. In fact, it also exists, but of course not on the same level and scale as in other states. post-Soviet space. This mainly concerns inspectors of the road patrol service, district police officers, as it is mostly of a more everyday nature. Explained by a wide range of penalties. Reading the reviews of Russians about their stay in the state, many of them note that driving at a traffic light prohibition sign will cost the driver at least $ 20, a fine in the range of $ 15 - $ 100 is provided for speeding, and at least $ 30 will have to be paid for parking in the wrong place.

Police in cities and settlements quite a lot, so running into penalties is quite simple. Moreover, there are a lot of points for which you can get them here.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that the average salary in Belarus allows local residents to live quietly, without frills in the state. But for foreigners, in particular Russians, who have fixed income in rubles, dollars or euros, life in the Republic will be very comfortable and safe.

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