
Liter is what. Each building, extension and structure is assigned a letter

Lesson №5,6

Theme. Inspection and preparation of accounting and technical documentation for a land plot for the formation of an inventory file.

An inventory survey is subject to a built-up land plot allocated for the placement of a building with services, structures and structures intended to service this building, and isolated in legal, territorial and economic terms from adjacent plots by certain boundaries.

For shooting land plot the available graphic plans of the territories, materials of geodetic surveys should be used to the maximum.

In the process of surveying the territory should be:

  1. all buildings, structures, supports, wells, green spaces and other ground situations have been removed;
  2. established physical and compared normative boundaries of individual built-up land plots;
  3. measured the length of the boundaries of the site and its individual parts (land, paving, etc.);
  4. the address and owner of the main structure were identified;
  5. the purpose of the object (hospital, school, residential building, etc.), the material and the number of storeys of the main building have been established;
  6. a survey description and determination of the wear and tear of service buildings and outbuildings was made.

When measuring in kind, an outline of the land plot is drawn up with the application of all existing buildings, structures and boundaries of types of land (yard, garden, vegetable garden, green spaces, etc.)

The outline indicates the number of the household, the building, the name of the street, the name of the owner, the dates of the beginning and end of the shooting, control and signature of the performers. A sloppy outline that is difficult to read is considered defective. The same applies to an outline that has gaps. If an incorrect size inscription is made on the outline, then it should not be erased. It is crossed out, and the correct number is written on top. Redrawing the outline, erasing and writing some numbers over others are prohibited.

When drawing the main buildings, the outline shows their number of storeys, wall material, purpose.

The outline is the main material for drawing the plan and must be prepared in such a way that another performer can easily draw up a plan of the land plot using it.

All site boundaries are measured along their entire length, and in the case when the boundaries are built up and it is not possible to carry out work in the usual way, it is necessary to measure in parts or parallel to the boundary. The measurement of the site is carried out along the center lines of the fences located between the sites, and along the outer side of the fences overlooking the streets, driveways, squares, etc. In the absence of landmarks, the boundary is set conditionally (which is recorded in the outline).

All buildings of a permanent type connected to the ground by foundations or pillars are measured and entered into the outline, namely:

  • main buildings and extensions to them;
  • buildings for official purposes: sheds, stables, sheds, cellars, etc.;
  • structures: fences, fences, wells, garbage pits, sidewalks, paving, fountains, etc.

Buildings and structures must be measured along their perimeter along the base to calculate the built-up area and above the base, along the body of the walls, to calculate their area.

The area under the building, located on poles, as well as driveways under it, are included in the built-up area.

The protruding parts of the walls (pilasters) up to 10 cm thick and up to 1 m wide are not measured and are not applied to the outline. All other protrusions in buildings are measured, plotted on the outline and included in the built-up area.

When measuring a building along the perimeter, it is necessary to select its individual parts, depending on the purpose, wall material and heights. The dimensions on the plan should be marked in such a way that during the assessment there are no difficulties in determining the construction volume of the building and its parts.

Each building, extension and structure is assigned a letter.

Litera - letter designation of buildings, structures and structures in the inventory and technical documentation.

Main buildings are written in capital letters of the Russian alphabet A, B, C, etc. (except for the use of the letter G, intended for service buildings and structures).

Structure- a separately constructed building, a house consisting of one or more parts, as a whole, as well as service buildings.

Signs of the unity of the building are:

  • foundation and common wall with communication between parts, regardless of the purpose of the latter and their material;
  • in the absence of communication between the parts of one building, a sign of unity can be the general purpose of the building, the uniformity of the material of the walls, common staircases, a single architectural solution.

main building a building is called, which, among others on a land plot, is dominant in terms of capital construction, architectural features and purpose. One or more buildings can be on one land plot.

Official a structure is called, which in relation to the main building is of secondary importance on the land. Service buildings are often of a non-permanent type and technical inventory them interior spaces not measured or taken into account. Outbuildings include sheds, garages (individual use), sheds, yard cellars, etc.

Outbuildings, basement, basement, insulated mezzanine, attic are written in capital letters of the Russian alphabet of the main building in which they are located, with the addition of the digital value of their number in the inventory order: A1, A2 or B4, B5, etc.

Annex called the part of the building located outside the contour of its main external walls, is auxiliary in relation to the building and has one (or more) common main wall with it. Most of the outbuildings have internal communication with the main building. These should include: attached kitchens, residential extensions, canopies, vestibules, verandas, etc.

Basement- floor when the floor of the premises is lower than the planning mark of the earth by more than half the height of the room.

Ground floor- a floor at the level of the floor of the premises below the planning level of the ground to a height of not more than half the height of the premises.

Floor technical- a floor for the placement of engineering equipment and laying communications; can be located in the lower (technical underground), upper ( technical loft), or in the middle of the building.

Mezzanine- a superstructure that rises above the common roof of a residential building, which is smaller in area than the underlying floor.

Attic- a floor in the attic space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of an inclined or sloping roof, while the line of intersection of the roof plane and the facade should be at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level of the attic floor.

Tambour- a passage space between doors that serves to protect against the penetration of cold air, smoke and odors at the entrance to a building, stairwell or other premises.

cold annex are written with a capital letter G with the addition of a digital designation of the number in the order of the inventory: G1, G2, etc.

Gates, fences and yard paving are written in Roman numerals: I, II, III

When shooting descriptions of unheated outbuildings and service buildings, the design and material of the foundation, walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs, floors, openings, the nature of the finish, the presence of electric lighting in a volume sufficient to distinguish one object from another are indicated.

The shooting description of courtyard structures is limited to indicating their presence. So, for tilings, the description can be carried out according to three characteristics: covering, base and underlying layer. If the structures or parts thereof are not available for inspection, then a special entry is made in the outline

The results of the field survey are recorded in the outline and field logs.

Redrawing the outline in office conditions is not allowed. An outline can be drawn up for several land plots that are part of the filming area, or for each individual plot.

The presence of a basement under the main structure or ground floor is shown in the outline as a dotted line along the contour of the walls where it is located.

The presence of an attic above the main structure is shown by a dotted line and the name of the superstructure is inscribed.

In the outline for the land plot, the number of storeys, the material of the walls and the purpose of the main building are abbreviated (for example, 2KN - two-story stone non-residential). For cold outbuildings and service buildings, these designations should not be given. The outline contains the name of the lands of the site (yard, vegetable garden, garden), tilings (asphalt, soil, etc.).

The shooting description is done in the margins or on the reverse side of the outline.

The plan is drawn on a scale of 1:500 in legend used in technical accounting.

The plan is oriented on the sheet along the meridian with the south side along the bottom edge of the sheet.

Physical boundaries are drawn with a solid line, conditional - with a dotted line. The plan indicates the names of streets and driveways, dimensions, heights and address numbers of buildings. The material, number of storeys and purpose of buildings is reflected in abbreviated form (for example, 5КЖ).

An explication of buildings and structures that are part of the inventory object is drawn up to the plan, reflecting their purpose.

The drawing should be oriented with an arrow to the cardinal points.

According to the plan of the land plot and the results of measurements in kind, it is determined total area and areas under construction, paving, lands, green spaces.

The current inventory of the land plot of the household is carried out in order to identify the changes that have taken place and reflect them in the technical passports.

Accountable following changes:

  • changes in the boundaries and area of ​​the land plot;
  • erection, restoration, superstructure, reconstruction and demolition of buildings and structures.

Among the variety of borrowings in the Russian language, a separate and very wide layer is occupied by borrowings from Latin. What is "letter" is of interest to anyone who has come across this word when reading special or historical literature. As is often the case, the term has many meanings, depending on the context.

Origin of the word

Etymologically, the word comes from the Latin litera, which translates as "letter", "letter", "message", "manuscript" or "literature". In Latin, in turn, it could get in the following ways:

  • From the Proto-Indo-European word "leut" ("scratch, scratch"), which passed into the ancient Latin language;
  • From the ancient Greek "difter" - "parchment", "tablet", "stretched animal skin".

This word got into the Russian language, probably through Polish, and was first mentioned in the Spiritual Regulations of Peter the Great of 1721 - the law that regulated the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In Russian, the whole variety of meanings of the Latin "letter" is more than covered by the word "letter". It has circulation, first of all, in a special professional jargon, sometimes in the feminine gender - “letter”.

In the Soviet Union, the word "liter" acquired a different meaning - it began to denote everything that went beyond something ordinary and standard, "numbered". For example, lettered trains, tickets, and even articles that were not part of the Criminal Code.

What is a letter in an address?

The requirement to assign a postal address to houses is explained by the need to help a person navigate in the stone jungle. The postal address of a house or organization should be unique and unrepeatable. In addition to the name of the street on which the house is located, the address must include a digital designation for better identification.

The modern house numbering system was introduced in early XIX century in France, and has since spread throughout the world. The numbering of houses located along the street is according to the distance from its beginning.

The European practice of numbering took root in Russian Empire. The USSR issued its own recommendations, which are still in force today:

  • An individual number is assigned only to those houses that face the street with their facade. It should be noted that this rule was not always respected;
  • A number through a fraction is given to a building when it does not have a direct entrance from the street. In some cities of Russia, however, fractional numbers are also assigned if a new building was erected on the site of several old ones (for example, number 2/5 indicates that houses with numbers from two to five were previously located on this place);
  • A letter (letter) is given if a new building is built between a pair of others with consecutive numbers, with the house number in front of the letter being inherited from the nearest building. Also, letter marks in addresses are given to many secondary buildings, designed only to serve the main one. Example: Krylov street 10/A.

Letter designation of trains

As a rule, trains are assigned a specific number for identification purposes. But in the Russian Empire and the USSR, in some cases, letters were used for this, and such trains were called letter trains. They had a higher status than license plates and were intended for transportation:

  • The first persons of the state (emperors, grand dukes, etc.);
  • Important statesmen (for example, prominent military leaders);
  • Significant cargo (for example, during civil war such trains transported white tanks, and in 1949 they were used to deliver nuclear weapons to the test site);
  • Some military trains.

The entire train schedule was adjusted to the movement of the letter. The security measures for such trains were also unprecedented. The procession of the letter train "A" included three locomotives, the first being empty. All tracks and stations were subject to the most thorough inspection by both railway workers and competent state security officers.

Currently, such trains are not used in Russia. The closest thing to the concept of a letter train is now a "train on special account", which also has priority when moving along the tracks and which is also accompanied by three locomotives. In a similar special train, Kim Jong Il traveled in 2001 during his visit to our country.

What is a letter ticket?

In the Soviet Union, there was a practice of issuing special documents for free use of services public transport for certain categories of employees. Such documents are called lettered tickets, or, colloquially, simply letters.

For example, such tickets were issued to all civil aviation workers for a free flight to rest, treatment, to a sanatorium or on business. By the time of validity, such documents were divided into the following types:

  • Single - were valid for three months;
  • Semi-annual - were to be used for six months, were intended for employees of the Far North and territories identical in status;
  • Annual - were given for 365 days.

According to the territory of use, service tickets were divided into:

  • For flights on local air lines (they had the letter " M»);
  • For flights along the routes of territorial control (letter " At»);
  • Without any restrictions on flights within the country (lit. " C" and " CA»).

Letters during the Great Patriotic War also referred to as papers for food, clothing or travel railway for military personnel and some other categories of the population.

What does a letter mean on a military ID?

A military ID is a special document in which there are marks:

  • On the passage of military service or on the release of such;
  • About staying in reserve;
  • On conferring titles and awards;
  • About statement and removal from the military account.

Every conscript goes through a medical examination, after which a decision is made regarding his possible service in the army. Among military doctors, a whole system of fitness categories has been adopted, each of which has its own letter designation:

  • Letter A speaks of the good health of a young man, therefore he is subject to conscription;
  • Letter B given to conscripts who are admitted to the service, but with some restrictions;
  • Letter B talks about enrolling a young man in the reserve in case of a military conflict, but he will not serve;
  • Liter G assigned to conscripts with very serious but temporary health disorders. In this case, the young man receives a deferment for a period of six months to a year. This delay may be extended several times until the letter “ AT»;
  • Liter D- the young man is released from service.

What is a "letter" can be explained by a railway worker, an aviator, and a military man. This Latin word, which translates simply as "letter", has entered the jargon of so many professions to refer to something that goes beyond. Now you know it too.

Video about the meaning of the word "liter"

This video shows the attack on the journalist of the newspaper "Liter" Pavel Mikheev:

The address must be written legibly.

The recipient's address must be written in the lower right corner of the item. The sender's address is in the top left.

The address indicates:

  • Full name of the recipient (in the format "Last Name First Name Middle Name") or organization name (short or full)
  • Street name, house number, apartment number
  • Name locality
  • Name of the district, region, territory or republic
  • The name of the country
  • PO Box number, if any (in the format "PO Box 15")
  • Postal code according to the sample:

Stamps should be pasted in the upper right corner of the address side of the envelope, postcard, packaging. If this corner is occupied, stick the stamps a little lower.

Sometimes the stamp may be printed directly on the envelope or postcard.

The letter A printed on the envelope allows you to send a simple letter within Russia weighing up to 20 g without gluing additional stamps.

applied to the envelope the letter D allows you to send a registered letter within Russia weighing up to 20 g without gluing additional stamps.

applied to a postcard letter B allows you to send this postcard in Russia without gluing additional stamps.

Having glued stamps for the required amount, you can send postcards and envelopes with the letters A, B and D and abroad.

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