
Projects of houses and cottages with a basement and an attic. Houses with a basement (Project selection)

When choosing a house project for yourself, you will probably proceed from considerations rational use area and own financial opportunities. In this case, we advise you to take a closer look at the projects of houses with ground floor.

What exactly is a basement? This is a room whose floor mark is below the ground mark. That is, part of its outer walls is in the soil and rests on the foundation.

It is better to build such a house on a small plot with difficult terrain, when it is not possible to build a house in several full floors.

What are the benefits of a basement

  • Obviously, this house gives its owners considerable advantages. Considering that the cost of implementing a house project with a basement floor will be cheaper than building an above-ground floor of a two-story house, we get the first advantage - cost savings on construction.
  • In addition, the basement floor may be larger than the area of ​​​​the house itself. And this allows you to diversify the architecture of the building. For example, the ceiling of the basement can serve as the basis for an extensive veranda or balcony.
  • But the main advantage of a house with a basement is that it becomes possible to move auxiliary premises from the residential area to the lower floor. Agree that it is logical to organize a boiler room, a water metering unit, and a laundry here. Sometimes this floor is used as a recreational area, placing a gym, billiard room or sauna there. There are projects where the basement is used as a place to store tools or products. Some equip a wine cellar in such a room. But most often the basement is used as a garage with a workshop.

Project of a house with a plinth: a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey

  • But not every site can build a house with a basement. You need to understand that it is reasonable to erect such a building where groundwater is deep enough. Otherwise, the idea will have to be abandoned, because the waterproofing device will ultimately cost more than building a ground floor.
  • It is worth mentioning another minus of the basement, which is hard to argue with - the lack of natural light. But here everything depends on you: if you don't like the darkness - take care of the lighting, if you want to save money - move around the basement in the twilight with a flashlight. In Dom4M projects, we try to minimize this factor as much as possible, but nevertheless, it should be taken into account.

The choice in favor of a house project with a basement is obvious

Summarize. Of course, there will be certain expenses for the basement. But, firstly, they are not commensurate with the construction of a full-fledged ground floor. And, secondly, you get a huge gain in the form of additional square meters. usable area which you can use as you wish.

    What was done

    Project: the Innsbruck project was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer's family, a decision was made to relocate the terrace.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect's calculations, the house was built on a pile-grillage foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, laying with masonry glue. Windows are made to order, with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tile.
    exterior finish: walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered, finishing elements are made of wood, made on site, based on TK-visualization, painted. The plinth is lined with decorative stone.
    interior decoration: the decoration was carried out according to the design project, where the combination of decorative plaster with stone and wood was taken as the basis. False beams were mounted on the ceilings.
    additionally: a fireplace is installed and finished.

    What was done

    The very case when our Customer and we speak the same language and are inspired by the ECO high-tech style! Designer Ilya came to us with finished Project your future home! Our team liked the project - after all, such unusual and stylish solutions are always a professional challenge!
    We prepared estimates for Ilya and developed unique Constructive decisions- all this allowed us to realize this project! Frame house made in our proven Canadian technology with 200 mm insulation around the entire contour! Outside, the house is sheathed with imitation timber. All windows are custom-made and laminated in colors according to the project. Additional accents are placed thanks to the professional coloring of imitation timber and the selection of colors.

    What was done

    What does it cost us to build a house? Indeed, having a team of professionals and knowledge - building a house from scratch is a matter of time! But sometimes the task is more difficult! We have introductory - an existing foundation, or buildings on the site, extensions to existing buildings and much more! For the Matsuev family, it was precisely such a difficult task. They had a foundation from an old burnt house, and a landscaped area around it! The new house had to be erected in a short time on the existing foundation. Dmitry and his family had a desire to build new house in hi-tech style. After careful measurements, a project was made that took into account the old layout, but had a new one. modern form with exciting news! The house has an entrance group where you can sit at a table on cozy evenings and a complex but possible exploitable roof in our lane. To implement such a roof, we called on our knowledge and modern Construction Materials LVL beams, welded roofing and more. Now in the summer on such a roof you can arrange an unusual dinner or watch the stars at night! In the decoration, our architect also emphasized the minimalistic and graphic high-tech style. Smooth stucco walls with painted planken details add personality to the wooden beams at the entrance. Inside, the house is finished with imitation timber, which is painted in different colors depending on the purpose of the room! Large windows in the living room kitchen overlooking the plot - created the desired effect of illumination and airiness of the space! The house of the Matsuev family has graced our photo gallery in the country architecture section in high-tech style, in the style chosen by bold Customers with excellent taste.

    What was done

    Olga and her family have long dreamed of a country house! A reliable, solid home to live in, which will fit perfectly into their difficult narrow lot! With the advent of children, it was decided to realize the dream, children grow up quickly and in their own house in nature there are many opportunities and fresh air. We, in turn, were happy to work on an individual project of a classic red brick house with a bay window! After the first acquaintance with our company in a cozy office, we invited Olga to take a look at our current construction site: evaluate the order and construction processes, store materials on the site, get acquainted with the construction team, make sure the quality of work. After visiting the facility, Olga decided to work with us! And we were happy to do our favorite work again to make another country dream come true!

    What was done

    Project: changes were made to the San Rafael project and redevelopment was made according to the wishes of the Customer.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete floor slabs; interfloor - reinforced concrete floor slabs
    box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, mortar masonry??? Windows inserted.
    roofing: metal tile
    terrace: rough enclosing elements are made, flooring is done.

    What was done

    Dmitry approached our company with an interesting draft design to calculate the cost. Our experience allows us to perform such calculations according to draft designs with minimal errors, no more than 2%. Having visited our construction sites and received the cost of construction, Dmitry chose us from among many of our colleagues in the shop to complete the project. Our team has begun to implement a difficult and expressive country project with spacious rooms and a garage, big windows and complex architecture. After the delivery of the project, Dmitry chose us as a contractor company, and we, in turn, wanted to do further work on the same high level! Since the object is large, Dmitry proposed a phased cooperation, namely, upon successful completion of the foundation work, we proceeded to the second part of the project - walls + ceilings + roofing. Also, the exact timing of construction was important for Dmitry, in order to speed up the construction processes, the team was reinforced by 2 experienced masons.
    The box on a pile-grillage foundation was handed over right on time! The result pleased us and the Customer. All stages of work were coordinated and worked out under Dmitry and his individual project from which all participants in the process benefited!

    What was done

    Project: The project of our company Inkerman was changed taking into account the wishes of the Customer's family, the house was planted on the site, taking into account the existing situation on the site and the relief
    foundation: based on geology and the architect's calculations, the house was built on a reinforced pile-grillage foundation.
    ceilings: wooden on wooden beams, in places of large spans installation of LVL beams. The basement is insulated with 200mm basalt insulation; interfloor overlap with sound insulation 150mm.
    box: box: walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, mortar masonry. Windows inserted.
    roofing: installation of metal tiles.
    exterior finish: the facade is insulated with 100 mm basalt facade slabs, the facades are closed facing brick; the color scheme was proposed by the architect and agreed with the customer.

    What was done

    The Krutov family decided to build a spacious house for the whole family!
    From the idea to its implementation, Olga and other family members went through several stages! The choice of technology, a long work on the project, the construction of the foundation, the construction of a house with exterior finishes and then work on interior decoration! The frame technology was chosen as energy-saving, prefabricated and high-tech! Why did the Krutovs choose our company? They liked the quality of work at our construction site and the workers who gave a detailed tour! We also worked on the estimate for a long time, combining different finishes, comparing their cost. This made it possible to choose the best option from a wide variety finishing materials and kits.
    The project was created by an architect friend, but we had to work out the constructive part of it. After that, the most reliable and effective foundation- USP. Then work began on the box. A frame house with 200 mm insulation along the entire contour and a unique 300 mm roof insulation technology. For the exterior, siding was chosen in a spectacular combination of colors - coffee and cream. The accents are placed thanks to the powerful roof overhangs, interfloor belt and large windows!

    What was done

    When you decide to become a happy owner of your own home and move to a new home for permanent residence, first of all you think about what the house will be like; what to build it from; how much will it cost and most importantly, WHO will do all this?
    Alexander, came to our company with the desire to move to his own Vacation home. He liked the Avignon project and there was already a strip foundation. After the initial visit to the site, measurements and examination of the foundation, we gave our conclusions and recommendations. Strengthen the foundation, change the project and adapt it to the dimensions of the existing foundation! After agreeing on the cost, it was decided to build in the winter. Alexander received as a gift reinforced concrete floors, one of the leading construction teams and a house according to the project you liked, which stood on the site with exterior decoration by spring! Alexander watched every stage of construction, regularly visiting the construction site and was pleased with the result, and we were satisfied with our work. This is an individually designed Avignon project, implemented in stone technology with external insulation and siding!

    What was done

    Each house is a separate story of creation and implementation! Once we built a house for good people and they recommended us to someone else good man! Rumyantsev Andrey came to our company with the desire to build a one-story spacious country house with a fireplace for warm family evenings on the site of an old country house ... It was decided to build the house from aerated concrete blocks so that the future country handsome man would please the owner for decades! The customer voiced his wishes for finishing - and we, in turn, brought everything to life. Thanks to the detailed visualization of the project, each element of the exterior decoration is a member of a friendly ensemble! Bavarian masonry, as the final stage of exterior decoration looks noble and thorough. Without a doubt, such a tandem - aerated concrete and brick can be safely called best solution in the field of stone housing construction - warm, affordable, beautiful, reliable. Modern technologies we have stepped forward so much that such unique configurations become available in a short time, because we built this project during the winter months. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and constantly replenish their stock!

    What was done

    Project: the project of a European company was taken as a basis and was adapted to the site and the wishes of the Customer's family, a terrace and a patio were proposed, taking into account the cardinal directions on the Customer's site.
    foundation: based on geology and the architect's calculations, the house was built on a pile-grid foundation.
    ceilings: basement - reinforced concrete monolithic; interfloor - wooden on beams with a sound insulation device of 150 mm.
    box: walls made of aerated concrete blocks, laying with masonry glue. Windows are made to order with one-sided lamination, installation on site.
    roof: metal tile.
    exterior finish: the walls are insulated with basalt facade insulation and plastered. Based on the visualization, facade panels were added under the Tolento stone. The enclosing elements of the terrace, balcony made of wood, made on site, based on the TK-visualization, painted. Roof overhangs are hemmed with spotlights in the color of the roof.

    Vladimir Murashkin,

    The owner of the house "individual 8x9m"

    House options:

    What was done

    When Customers come to us with bright, modern ideas for a future home, we light up doubly! After all, working on a new stylish project is always interesting and a challenge, how to implement all the bold ideas from a constructive point of view, what materials to use? Vladimir bought a plot with picturesque views of the Oka River! Such a view could not be ignored, so a dizzying terrace (51.1 m2) and a large balcony, focused on beauty, became an indispensable attribute of the future home! Vladimir wanted to relax in nature in wooden house, and it was necessary to build a house in a short time and the ideal solution for such tasks was frame technology construction! If we are different, then in everything! The house was made even more spectacular by the vertical finish with an imitation of durable larch timber, painted in natural shades with an accentuated wood texture. Complement the modern look of the house - windows with lamination! It turned out to be an excellent country house, with zest and at the same time incredibly functional.

One of the most inexpensive ways to expand your house without taking up much space on the site and without violating the norms of number of storeys in suburban development is the arrangement of the space under the house and the creation of a basement floor. This approach makes it possible during the construction to take out all the premises of an auxiliary nature and separate them from the living rooms. Since it is not useful for human health to be at levels below zero (that is, buried underground) for more than four hours a day, it is not worth placing a dining room, living room, or, especially, bedrooms on the basement floor.

Design features

  • It is necessary to think about sufficient ventilation in order to prevent air from stagnation and humidity to rise, otherwise there will be a danger of fungus on the walls.
  • Since sunlight does not penetrate underground, enhanced artificial lighting will be required, which must be taken into account when calculating the load on the networks at the stage of creating drawings.
  • When constructing a sauna, showers and bathrooms, it will be necessary to install a special pump for sewage, since natural drainage underground is not possible.
  • The height of basements must be at least 2.2 m, which is the norm for both the physical and psychological comfort of residents.
  • In areas with wet soils, the cost of waterproofing will be significantly higher than in sandy or rocky soils.

FROM It should be borne in mind that when arranging in the basement of rooms where people will stay, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 16 to 22 0 C. In pantries or dressing rooms, heating up to 8 0 C is sufficient.

Use cases

The arrangement of a garage in the basement is a great opportunity to create convenience for all family members at the same time. This is a comfortable parking, and saving space on the site, and the safety of other family members. There are quite a few projects with such a solution in the catalog:

  • original log house on a high stone plinth;
  • three-story with a garage for two cars, making it possible to build on a small plot;
  • compact modern cottage
  • unique, unparalleled

In the basement, home gyms and mini-gyms can be placed:

  • where the “simulator” is adjacent to the sauna and the laundry room, and the technical room separates the cold pantry from them;
  • a cottage with a corner terrace where the size of the basement allows you to plan a spacious billiard room next to the sports area;
  • aristocratic where a staircase hall separates the gym from a large recreation room with a home theater.

A rather reasonable solution is to equip a sauna or a steam room with a relaxation room in the basement, where you can take various wellness treatments at any time of the year. These are projects such as:

  • a cottage with a small attic, where on both sides of the shower there is a steam room and a dry sauna;
  • a representative three-story building, whose underground level accommodated both a sports area, a play area, and a corner where you can listen to music or watch a movie while relaxing after a Finnish bath;
  • quite economical and compact » with a large shower room and Jacuzzi, combined with a steam room in one volume.

In addition, the underground space can be completely utility or designated as a workshop. You can fill it with pantries for various purposes, both heated and cold for food storage and home preservation. When choosing a project, be guided by the needs of your family, and we will be happy to help you with this.

Every person dreams of having their own home. Time passes, dreams take shape, plans appear. And now the long-awaited moment - the decision was made to start construction. Many questions immediately arise:

  • how to place a spacious house on a small plot so that all household members and guests are comfortable;
  • how to equip a garage, workshop, boiler room, bath;
  • where to place a gym, a winter garden;
  • whether the children need a playground, and the wife needs flower beds and a gazebo.

You can combine all the wishes by building a house with a basement and an attic. Currently, more and more developers are choosing just such projects. There are many offers on the market. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is worth understanding the nuances of such a construction.


Ground floor construction

Before starting work, you need to know:

  • what is the depth of groundwater;
  • is there a high probability of flooding during the spring flood;
  • what type of soil is on the site: clay, sand, stones (the cost of excavation will depend on this).

If you have thought of everything and decided, you can start building. Work is performed in a certain order:

  • Dig a pit of the desired size.
  • Level and roll the bottom.
  • Pour sand - crushed stone or concrete mixture with a layer of at least 20 cm.
  • Lay reinforced foundation pads of standard size (110 cm long, 70 cm wide, 40 cm high). This is necessary to ensure better stability of the building.
  • Fill in the draft floor (slab). For a finishing floor, especially a decorative one, high-grade cement is used (700, 800 and above).

  • Build concrete block foundation walls with cement mortar(cement brand 300, 400). When reaching the zero level, their thickness must be at least 60 cm (for reliable protection against moisture and freezing in cold climates).
  • Make an exhaust, ventilation.
  • Lay the floor slabs (voids) on the ceiling on the concrete mortar. If the length of the slabs is less than the width of the building, it is necessary to lay out an additional main brick wall in the basement, a support.
  • Carry out a complete thermal and waterproofing outside and inside the room.

It is worth remembering that when equipping the basement, it is necessary to ensure a good hood. Ventilation provides air circulation, prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor and dampness.

It is better to make a staircase to the basement a marching one. For convenience and safety, it must have a railing at least one meter wide.

The arrangement of the basement is an expensive pleasure. Its cost is 25-30% of the project budget. However, there are pluses - space is saved on the site.

All outbuildings and outbuildings will be "hidden" and will not occupy usable space.


Houses with a basement are built from building and silicate bricks, aerated concrete and foam blocks. Blocks retain heat much better than bricks. Also they have larger size, so the work will go faster. When erecting walls above window openings, window lintels made of concrete are used.

Since the ceiling of the house will serve as the floor of the attic, it also needs to be well strengthened. To do this, lay concrete floor slabs or wooden beams.

The second option is preferable, since it reduces the load on the foundation. A heater is placed between the timber and the finished floor.

Construction of the attic floor

When building an attic, you need to consider some important points:

  • Lightweight materials should be used so that excess weight cannot collapse the structure.
  • It is necessary to additionally insulate the roof and side slopes. Now in construction stores you can find many modern high-quality materials with high thermal insulation properties.
  • The ceiling and walls of the attic are sheathed. There are two finishes: traditional (with wood different types: lining, imitation of timber, blockhouse) and modern (using drywall, cork panels, etc.). Wood paneling creates a healthy microclimate in the room and a special "rustic" atmosphere. Modern materials are easier to install, with their help you can create an interior of any complexity.
  • It is important to consider the arrangement of windows. If the room is small, window openings are made not in the side walls, but on the slope of the roof.
  • Stairs can be designed marching or spiral. The main thing is that it is comfortable to walk on it.

The advantages of the attic are obvious:

  • An additional floor allows you to increase the area at low cost. For example, during construction one-story house 9 by 9 meters, its area will be 81 square meter. When installing an attic, it will increase by 1.5 times and amount to 130-140 square meters.
  • So you can effectively use the usually empty attic space. In the attic, you can equip a bedroom, a room for a school-age child, a creative workshop, etc.
  • Compared to simple one-story house, heating costs are reduced. The reason is the additional insulation of the roof.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Due to the multi-level ceiling and broken lines, it is more difficult to finish such a room than an ordinary room with straight and even walls.
  • You will not be able to avoid additional costs for the insulation and waterproofing of the side slopes and gables, as well as for the installation of windows.


The project of a small one-story house with a basement, without an attic

This option is suitable for a small family. In the basement you can arrange a garage, workshop, furnace. In the future, if necessary, the attic can be converted into an attic floor. To provide for the possibility of such an alteration, the ceiling of the building is immediately additionally strengthened.

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