
The term green building implies. Green building

Faced with the growing threat of depletion of natural resources and the collapse of the global ecosystem, the philosophy of man's attitude to life began to change to some extent. The concepts of “prevention” rather than “correction” of the deed have become more popular. Green building refers to a preventive measure against the growing environmental threat, since its goal is to reduce the consumption of energy and material resources and reduce human impact on the environment. All over the world, building according to green standards is already a common phenomenon, while in Russia green building is just taking its first steps.

In a broad sense, the concept of a green building means design, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal at the end of the service life, which ensure the safety of human health, increase productivity, prudent use of natural resources and reduce environmental impact. In other words, each stage of green building is carried out in accordance with environmental feasibility.

Design, preparation and development of a land plot

Thoughtful and efficient site design and development can reduce the building's environmental impact and improve the energy performance of the structures being built. When designing, special attention is paid to the preservation of trees, the system storm sewer with infiltration/retention and house orientation for maximum solar energy.

resource efficiency

Green building is most successful when its principles are taken into account and implemented at the design stage when choosing materials, equipment and systems. Creating resource-efficient designs and using resource-efficient materials can maximize functionality while optimizing the use of natural resources. For example, you can use structures made of wood, which are made with less consumption of raw material than conventional products. But before choosing this material, it is worth comparing the savings in wood and the amount of energy consumed in the manufacture of structures.

One of the goals of resource efficient construction is to reduce waste at the construction site. Of course, in any case, some material will remain. But thanks to recycling and the rational use of materials, it is possible to reduce the amount of material that goes to landfill, which will also reduce the cost of construction.

energy efficiency

This concept is of fundamental importance in green building. The energy efficiency criterion applies to all systems in the building. Windows, thermal insulation, sealing, ventilation and air conditioning, heating, etc. must be energy efficient.

Water efficiency

Often, the concept of a green building is based on the principle of saving water used in the building itself and the rational use of water used outside the building. Using more efficient home water systems, using rainwater and treated water from the sewer for irrigation, and planting drought-tolerant vegetation in the area that can retain moisture for a long time can prevent wasted water resources.

Air quality in the building

The increase in respiratory diseases and allergies are often associated with indoor use of household chemicals and materials that emit substances harmful to humans. When erecting a green building, systems are provided that can reduce the effects of possible pollution, including control of pollution sources, dilution of polluted air with clean air, and air filtration.

Operation, maintenance and education of the building owner

Incorrect and incomplete maintenance can negate all the efforts of planners, designers and builders to create a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly building. Only a competent owner who knows how to use the systems and devices in the building, how to properly operate and maintain the building, can help achieve the goals of green building.

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"Green standards" is not ecology, but a rating system

Recently, the term "green building" is increasingly appearing in various publications, discussions and even standards. However, sometimes it seems that different people understand this term also in different ways. For clarification, we turned to the expert - the head of the technical center of the strategic direction "Construction" of the company REHAU, Ph.D. Anton Karyavkin (photo on the left):

Anton Viktorovich, let's first try to understand what "green technologies" really are and why they are not yet developed in Russia. And is there a chance that interest in them will increase over time?

I’ll make a reservation right away that we now sometimes have a substitution of concepts, and by “green technologies” they mean environmental friendliness, energy efficiency, the use of alternative sources energy and building materials of plant origin and so on. It is not right.

In world practice, "green construction" is a special system for evaluating certain building solutions. There are not so many such systems in the world. The Americans were among the first to deal with this topic, they developed the LEED assessment system. Then the British entered the work - this is the BREEAM system, and then the Germans, who developed the DGNB system.

In these systems, each building decision is assigned a certain number of bonus points. For example, if you are building a building in an area where there is a problem with clean water (such as a country with a hot climate), then any solution that saves water will be rated higher. If you are building in Europe, then the solution that saves energy will get a higher rating there. Considerable importance is attached to solutions that allow the reuse of materials. The total energy consumption is also estimated both for the production of a particular building material, and for its disposal at the end of life cycle.

Since this system is quite complex, there is no mass use of it in Russia yet. As a rule, we evaluate the product quality indicator, its durability, economic parameters, but in general, to evaluate a building solution with a well-known perspective further use and recycling, that is, with an assessment of the entire life cycle of a construction object - there is no such experience yet either.

- Where are such complex assessments in demand?

Abroad, developers who are engaged in investment and further operation of facilities want to have such a comprehensive assessment in order to understand how decision it will be beneficial, how convenient such a building will be in operation, how it will fit into the landscape and local climate and economic conditions. This is an international approach. I think that in Russia, over time, such a system could be in demand among large developers at large facilities. By the way, the "green building" system was in demand and used at the Olympic venues in Sochi.

The peculiarity of all these systems is that they are usually focused on certain standards and rules. Therefore, if you first build a building and then try to certify it according to some system, then it will be extremely difficult to do this - the fundamental principles of construction and evaluation of building decisions can differ greatly. For this reason, to my knowledge, none of operating systems"green building" was not suitable for the Olympic venues, so Olimpstroy developed its own.

You have already mentioned that “green standards” are practically not applied in Russia. Where should you start using international systems so as not to reinvent the wheel every time?

There is no single cure for all diseases and cannot be. So for each type of construction and each area where this construction is going on, the “green building” system will need to be improved. Of course, it is possible to take as a basis one of the systems that is closest to a particular type of construction - for this you just need to have knowledge of what this system gives and how it works. There are already organizations in Russia that have this knowledge and are considering practical application. With experience, it will be possible to analyze how these systems are used.

By the way, in Russia there are still several objects that have international certificates of "green building" enough high level. Of course, there are no platinum certificates (this is the highest category), but there are up to 10 objects in Russia that claim to receive gold certificates.

You are right that building a building and then certifying it is not the most the best option. Probably, all the same, "green construction" should begin with a project, when certain materials and technologies are laid?

Quite right. The most correct way to start "green construction" is not even from the project, but at the stage of the concept of the building. Because, as a rule, mathematical modeling plays a very important role in all green building systems. That is, the concept of the building, invented by the architect, is analyzed for various influences: wind, sunlight, excessive heat that comes with sunlight in the summer, or cooling in winter, the operation of the ventilation and air conditioning system, and so on. Without the use of such mathematical models and confirmation of the correctness of the chosen concept of the decision, as a rule, is not accepted.

Of course, for mathematical modeling it is necessary to have an appropriate software and employees who can work with him.

In which areas of construction are "green technologies" most in demand? cottage construction or multistory? Or is it applicable to any object?

Green technologies can be applied to any type of objects - this is housing construction, and public buildings. Here, rather, it is necessary to understand in whose interests this is being done. As a rule, the developer is interested in this. And if a promising foreign tenant comes to a developer, then the rating of an object that has a LEED certificate is usually higher, and, accordingly, this is a higher price category.

Such an independent assessment shows the potential of this object, and not according to abstract criteria such as finishes or location in the city, as realtors practice. This is an assessment by specialists who understand what this building consists of, how it will behave in various operating conditions, and, most importantly, if it has to be demolished, then by what methods it can be done. Thus, we can say that this is a comprehensive assessment for making a decision on the value of the object - both for rent and for sale.

- I think that our developers are still far from such evaluation criteria...

You know, yes and no - it depends on the level of the property being rented or sold. As far as I know, the new buildings of large companies built in Moscow were originally laid down according to the standards of "green building", and this is already taken into account when capitalizing the object - its cost is calculated in a completely different way.

- As I understand it, these systems are quite complex, and in Russia they will be implemented very, very hard ...

Despite the fact that this is a complex system, it provides a certain advantage and, with certain skills, simplifies, among other things, the design process. If our designer is forced to keep in mind a bunch of SNiPs, norms, fire safety requirements, ventilation, etc., then when using this system and mathematical modeling, all these rules are pulled up automatically.

It's just a different level of design and approaches to evaluating a particular solution. Here there is a certain breakdown of consciousness, but with a little effort, in the end everyone gets their pluses: both simplification of decision making and a certain guarantee, because mathematical modeling gives an idea of ​​how a building or part of it will behave in the event of a certain type of impact. There is no other mechanism than to build a building and see how it behaves. But it is very expensive and unpromising!


Photos courtesy of REHAU

Durability and comfort.

Although new construction technologies green buildings are constantly being improved, the main goal of this idea is to reduce the overall impact of development on the environment and human health, which is achieved through:

  • efficient use of energy, water and other resources;
  • attention to maintaining the health of residents and improving the efficiency of workers;
  • reducing waste, emissions and other environmental impacts.

A similar natural building approach, on a smaller scale, is to use natural local materials.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 4

    ✪ Green building / Building Green. 03. Frame and roof

    ✪ Green building / Building Green. 09. Lighting

    ✪ Green building / Building Green. 04. Straw blocks

    ✪ Green building / Building Green. 06. Exterior finish



  1. Reducing the cumulative (over the entire life cycle of the building) detrimental impact construction activities on human health and the environment, which is achieved through the use of new technologies and approaches
  2. Creation of new industrial products
  3. Reducing the load on regional energy networks and increasing the reliability of their work
  4. Creation of new jobs in the intellectual sphere of production
  5. Reducing the cost of maintaining buildings of new construction


  1. In the 1970s, movements for a healthy lifestyle and a clean environment were popularized.
  2. The first exotic private houses appeared in which ecological approaches were implemented and alternative energy sources were used
  3. from 1974 to 1993 - promotion of energy efficiency strategy:
    • since 1975, the construction of demonstration energy-efficient buildings began
    • an understanding of the importance of energy efficiency at the state level has been formed, and state support for private initiatives has emerged. The goals and objectives of Green Building were formulated
    • 1990 - Implementation of the BREEAM standard in the UK
    • 1992 - Start of the Energy Star program in the USA
  4. from 1993 to 1998 - promotion of the strategy of resource saving and rational management and use of resources consumed in the construction of buildings:
    • the increased computing power of computers significantly improved the quality of processing state statistical data, and it turned out that 40-45% of the generated energy resources go to the maintenance of buildings
    • the movement at the national and intergovernmental levels for the prevention of climate change and the reduction of CO 2 emissions had a serious impact on the development of Green Building
  5. The collective efforts of the developers formalized integrated approaches or Green Building Standards
  6. Based on the aspirations of public and business groups, in developed countries there was a state policy towards green building. From now on, investors and developers were forced to stick to it;
  7. from 1998 to 2005 - promotion of innovative approaches in construction and the transition from integrated efficiency to zero-impact and zero-emission buildings:
    • 1998 - introduction of the LEED rating system
    • 1999 - first meeting of the World Council for green building with the participation of 8 countries: USA, Australia, Spain, UK, Japan, UAE, Russia and Canada
    • 2002 Establishment of the World Green Building Council.
  8. 2005 and in the near future - application of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA and LCC) method, where at the level of the ecological and economic footprint it will be possible to calculate all costs, risks and feasibility from end to end, that is, from disposal to the original idea

Green design standards as a regulation for sustainable construction

Green building is a comprehensive knowledge structured by design and construction standards. The level of its development directly depends on the achievements of science and technology, on the activity of industrial engineers and on the awareness of environmental principles by society.

Green standards designed to accelerate the transition from traditional design and construction of buildings and structures to sustainable, which preaches the following principles:

  • safety and favorable healthy conditions for human life;
  • limiting the negative impact on the environment;
  • taking into account the interests of future generations.

Green standards are designed to regulate a sustainable approach to building and assess the degree to which buildings comply with the original principles.

Development and implementation of standards green building stimulates business development, innovative technologies and economy, improves the quality of life of society and the state of the environment [ ] . They are a tool of a smart economy - they save money at all stages and contribute to integration into the global movement, they are the key to foreign investment and recognition at the global level. In particular, on September 8, 2014, under the leadership of the Energy Efficiency Committee of the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, with the support of the Green Building Council, the Russian Green Zoom system for compliance with environmental requirements and energy saving in commercial and residential real estate was developed and approved.

Green standards for design, construction, operation of buildings, business and life in the construction industry are phenomena that guide, correct and manage the development of society, economy and infrastructure.

National Green Building Standards

In countries where Green Building is developing, national standards are being created that take into account socio-economic and natural conditions countries: legislation, state policy in relation to energy resources and ecology, climatic conditions, degree of awareness of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness problems by professional communities and the population.

The essence of the development of the national standard is the reformulation of only those conceptual recommendations of generally recognized systems of environmental impact assessment of real estate objects that the national design and construction sector can put into practice. For example, it is inappropriate to introduce such recommendations in the northern regions of Russia as autonomous generation of electricity by wind generators and solar batteries. The adaptation of international green standards is intended to give the construction sector methodological basis for activities, for the construction of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and comfortable housing.

The development and implementation of Green standards is carried out by Green Building Councils, specially created non-profit organizations.

Councils and other green building and management companies are coordinated by the International Green Building Council, World Green Building Council (WorldGBC).

WorldGBC is non-profit organization, whose activity is to bring the experience of the leaders of the construction industry to other market participants and provide an international discussion platform for discussing the most advanced methods of design, construction and architecture within the generally accepted concept of sustainable development of territories (generally accepted in the concept is the recognition of the priority of "green" solutions in the industry) .

The organization has many activities, including support for developing national Green Building Councils and certification systems for assessing the quality of buildings. WorldGBC experts are engaged in the development of organizational tools, marketing promotion of green solutions in core business sectors, information support for WorldGBC programs and national green building councils, as well as organizing independent briefings and advising individuals interested in climate change and green solutions in construction and design.

Benefits of implementing the approach

Benefits of certification of buildings, structures and products in accordance with the Green Standards for investors, property owners, developers, designers and management companies:

  1. Greater competitiveness in promoting your project or solution as environmentally friendly and in line with the principles of sustainable development of the environment;
  2. Guarantee that during the construction of the facility, technologies were used that correspond to the basic principles of sustainable development of territories;
  3. Activation of the search for innovative solutions that minimize the impact on the environment;
  4. Reducing operating costs and improving the quality of the working and living environment;
  5. Compliance of the property with a standard that demonstrates progress towards corporate and organizational environmental goals, gives the right to be publicly referred to as a Green Real Estate Company.

In other words, certification according to Green Standards and achieving high energy efficiency indicators becomes a significant competitive advantage, which increases the profitability of the project through rent increases and cost reductions, which is highly valued by potential investors .

Benefits for the environment:

  1. Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, garbage and polluted water;
  2. Enhancing and protecting natural habitats and biological diversity;
  3. Conservation of natural resources.

Benefits for health and society:

  1. Creating more comfortable indoor conditions in terms of air quality, as well as thermal and acoustic characteristics;
  2. Reducing the level of pollution entering water, soil and air, and as a result, reducing the load on urban infrastructure;
  3. Improving the quality of life with the help of optimal urban design - placing places of application of labor in close proximity residential areas and social infrastructure(schools, hospitals, public transport etc.).

Economic benefits:

The operation of Green buildings in comparison with traditional structures is more cost-effective. So:

  1. Energy consumption is reduced by 25%, and, accordingly, a reduction in electricity costs is achieved;
  2. Reducing water consumption by 30% naturally leads to a significant reduction in the cost of water supply;
  3. Reducing building maintenance costs is achieved through higher quality modern means management, effective control and optimization of all systems;
  4. Increased current net proceeds(eg 3% premium on average lease rate) and the value of property assets (eg 10% premium on commercial value) can result in lower financial and insurance costs;
  5. Reducing the number of rental and property abandonment, increasing tenant satisfaction, which can also lead to lower costs;
  6. The introduction of the principles of Green Building is perfect for attracting public attention, contributes to the speedy payback of rental space and greater tenant loyalty;
  7. According to socio-economic research analytics predict the growth of the Green Building Materials market by 5% annually from $455 billion in 2008 to $571 billion in 2013. Most of the world's largest construction companies by 2013 plans to conclude at least half of all its contracts for Green Buildings; [ ]
  8. Buildings built using Green technologies contribute to the health of the people who work in them, which can reduce losses from health insurance payments;
  9. The principles of Green Buildings are already in line with the expected tightening of environmental legislation related to limiting carbon emissions;
  10. Continuous cost reduction. Most Green buildings are no more than 4% more expensive than conventional buildings, and in the near future, the use of Green technologies will become the most effective means to reduce construction costs. At present, additional costs can be amortized over the life of the building, and are usually offset within the first 3 or 5 years by reduced operating costs.
  11. Many investors are already considering the construction of conventional buildings as an increase in their risks and increased responsibility.

Technical regulation in the world

The main standards in the world are American LEED and British BREEAM, which account for 80% of all certified buildings.

Today, the trend of building highly environmentally friendly buildings, involving a minimum and even zero level of energy consumption, is becoming more and more relevant. As a rule, such buildings are very efficient, due to the existing ability to generate energy from renewable sources.

  • March 18, 2014, 11:30

The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has launched global project: to establish, finally, the connection between the quality of the "green" office environment, the health of employees and their productivity.

There are separate studies that, for example, show that good ventilation and fresh air in the premises give up to 11 percent increase in labor productivity, and high-quality and healthy lighting adds up to 23 percent. This suggests that even modest but systematic steps towards creating a healthy workspace can result in a dramatic increase in profitability.

The main problem remains - how and with what to measure the quality of staff health and how to connect it with financial results firm's activities. Therefore, the new WorldGBC aims to create a unified methodology for identifying and comparing the benefits derived from the implementation of the best recommendations for green building solutions.

The project is based on the WorldGBC report "The Business Case for Green Building", which was published in March 2013. He acknowledged that further work is needed to build the evidence base and translate scientific research into actionable information that can be used to inform business decisions.

  • December 13, 2013, 04:39 PM

These people think so, but what do you think?

"Green is innovation in action!"

"Green Building Creates Sustainable and Renewable Communities"

  • August 3, 2013, 15:50

What does the term "green" mean? This is not only an eco-friendly design, but also weighty arguments that increase living comfort and reduce health risks.
Among these factors of "green building" can be identified:

Reducing the impact of buildings throughout the entire life cycle on the environment and on humans is achieved primarily through:
-Efficient use of energy and water resources
-Use of environmentally friendly building materials
-Reduction of waste, harmful emissions and other environmental impacts
-Use of building materials of local origin (reduction of environmental damage from the transport of materials)
-Use of renewable energy sources to meet energy needs (, wind energy, geothermal energy)
-Using materials from increased rates energy efficiency and energy saving

To assess the effectiveness of measures to reduce the harmful effects of buildings on the environment and human health, there are many green standards in the world. The main ones are LEED (USA), BREEAM (Great Britain), DGNB (Germany). In Russia, in February 2010 federal agency for technical regulation and metrology, the first Russian national system of voluntary certification of real estate objects - "green standards" was registered. Since April 2011, the second, improved, version of the System of voluntary certification of real estate objects - "green standards" has been in force.

  • June 18, 2013, 14:35

  • April 26, 2013, 03:01 pm

the construction is taking place in the "eco" format - with the preservation of forest areas, the cleaning of nearby water bodies and the use of environmentally friendly materials during construction. This is a promising direction, the main condition of which is the preservation of pristine nature during construction. In addition, in the process, future residents are offered programs for the reasonable use of electricity, resource utilization and eco-style infrastructure!
"Green" construction in the city is a worthy alternative to suburban eco-housing.

An example of such projects will be the new residential eco-quarter "Forces of Nature" in the Murino area ( Saint Petersburg), which will be presented on All-Russian competition on environmental development and energy efficiency Green Awards. Green Awards is a dissemination of successful experience in the implementation of resource-efficient and environmentally friendly projects in Russia and public recognition of the contribution of builders, developers and architects to the development of environmentally friendly construction. Development projects considered from the standpoint of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness are submitted to the Competition, and this time the Forces of Nature complex is on the list of nominees.

Start of construction of the project "Forces of Nature" - 2013, the end of the 1st stage - the end of 2014. The main features of the quarter will be modern architecture, bright colors of facades, "green infrastructure", as well as the use of innovative KUB 3V technology and eco-development in construction.

It is also possible to live ecologically in an urban environment, because the most important thing is to think ecologically!

Recently I boasted of her husband and wrote that he was engaged in "green architecture". Many have asked me - what is it? In response, I will show you an article that has not yet been published - an interview with my husband for one newspaper. She will explain everything.

National Scale for Russian Green Architecture
Under the Union of Architects of Russia, a Council for Environmentally Sustainable Architecture is being created. On the structure, goals and objectives of the T.S. Council said its head architect Alexander Remizov.

- Alexander Nikolayevich, why is it necessary to create a Council for Environmentally Sustainable Architecture under the SAR?- The creation of the Council for Environmentally Sustainable Architecture within the structure of the Union of Architects of Russia was preceded by the appearance of two international documents. Firstly, it is the Copenhagen Declaration of the International Union of Architects, in which the UIA announced its new strategy- “sustainability as a project” or “sustainability by design” (Sustainable by Design). And the second document is the Memorandum of Understanding, signed on January 18, 2010 by ISA and World Council on Green Building (WGBC) . This document was the first step towards mutual recognition of the two international organizations, in which they stated the need to start acting together in order to fight for "green" architecture and the creation of a "sustainable living environment".
"Sustainable" architecture is at the intersection of three areas, three areas: construction, society and nature. When choosing the name for the Council of the RAA, which should deal with issues of environmentally sustainable architecture, we focused on such a fundamentally important concept as sustainable development. And here it is necessary to understand what the term “sustainable development” means in our context, since the translation of the English phrase sustainable development into Russian is not entirely correct.
The definition of sustainable development - "sustainable development" was introduced in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in the following interpretation: "sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, but does not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their needs." In addition to the meaning "sustainable", the word sustainable in English has other meanings: "supported, self-sustaining", "long-term, continuous", "reinforced", "protected". In Germany, the term Nachhaltige Entwicklung is used, in France, développement durable. The first meaning of these words is "long-term, long-term", and this is very important. Because the compliance of buildings with "green" standards is assessed not at the time from the start of design to commissioning, but taking into account the entire cycle of their existence, including operation and disposal. Only with such a temporal assessment will a “green” building ultimately be more economical than a conventional one. And savings will be achieved, first of all, precisely due to cheaper operation.

Another extremely important clarification for understanding the essence of the concept of "sustainable": sustainable development is not so much a state as a dynamic process, a vector of development, all components of which - such as the exploitation of natural resources, the direction of investment, scientific and technological development, the formation of personality - are consistent with each other and work together for the present and future potential of generations to meet human needs.
The third thing I would like to emphasize is that fundamental to understanding sustainability is the difference between the concepts of "growth" and "development". Growth is aimed at a quantitative increase, and development implies qualitative changes - in structure, construction, composition. Growth based solely on quantitative indicators eventually leads to self-destruction and is thus "unsustainable". And development, understood in qualitative terms, is “sustainable”. This is directly related to the "green" architecture - it is not based on quantitative growth, but on a sustainable process of qualitative development.
In addition, ecological or "green" architecture considers only issues of ecology and management, while the concept of sustainable architecture includes such concepts as the economy, social and functional orientation of architecture and takes into account the entire life cycle of the building - that is, a holistic, comprehensive approach is applied. Therefore, we have chosen the name - "Council for Sustainable Architecture".

- What are the main advantages of "green" construction? Can a "green" house or office be a profitable development object?
- What gives green building? The first is environmental protection: the design principles of green buildings take into account the tightening of international agreements on the level of CO2 emissions. The second is the careful use of natural resources - water, air, fossils and other materials. The third is the priority of social and cultural values. Fourth - guarantees of health and comfort for a person: buildings designed using "green" technologies help to preserve the health of working people (due to a healthy microclimate, comfortable lighting). Fifth - the creation of a human-friendly environment. The sixth is a reduction in the cost of building operation, and, finally, the seventh (how could it be without it!) Is a guarantee of economic benefits. It is on this last point that it is worth dwelling in more detail. It is only important to clarify that we are talking about a guarantee of economic benefits throughout the entire life cycle of the building. Following the principles of "green" construction allows you to reduce energy consumption in the operation of the building by at least 25% (possibly up to 50-80%), water consumption - by 30%. But even more impressive results are possible. In Germany, houses with zero energy costs, zero CO2 emissions and zero waste are already being built - these are the so-called houses of three zeros (3"0" homes). We also have conceptual designs for such buildings.
For Western investors, a "green" building is a brand that increases the value of real estate, its liquidity, increases the number of potential tenants, which also reduces costs. Therefore, many investors are already considering the construction of conventional buildings as an increase in their risks and increased social responsibility. But this applies mainly to Western experience and Western investors. In Russia, there is still no systematic, thoughtful approach to "green" construction, "green" architecture, and, first of all, because of the lack of state support.

- Are there buildings already in Russia that have received "green" certificates?
- By and large, no. In St. Petersburg, about five buildings have been LEED certified. In Moscow, several office buildings are currently undergoing BREEAM certification, but the procedure was started after the facilities were put into operation. For a building to be truly green, it must be designed as green. Moreover, this should be preceded by a fairly serious stage of pre-project work, when the design task is only drawn up and the final goal is determined - the type and level of the certificate for which the building being designed will apply. This preparatory process takes a lot of time, but the design period is shortened, since the main contradictions between the designer, customer, and investors are removed in advance. Plus, at the exit there is an opportunity to save building materials and save in the operation of the building.

- What needs to be done in order for the Western experience, the Western "green" worldview, the Western attitude towards "green" construction to come to Russia?
- It seems to me that respect for the environment, comfortable living conditions, and the creation of a friendly environment are universal values, and not just a "Western" way of life. To successfully implement these principles, three things must be done: to create and start applying the Russian system of certification of "green" buildings and structures, to form an appropriate legislative framework, and educate a new attitude towards the environment, a healthy lifestyle in society, and in business and in political circles.

We plan to acquaint public authorities, local governments, the public with how "green" design and construction of buildings and structures, an environmentally sustainable approach to urban planning projects and territorial planning affect the nature of society development and the environment - human habitat. And how you can contribute to the sustainable development of environmental and innovative technologies in construction.

- At what stage is the creation of the Council for Sustainable Architecture now?
Now the main composition of the "Council for Sustainable Architecture" is being formed. The main task of the Council will be to develop criteria for "green" architecture in relation to different types buildings. It is important to prioritize the "green" assessment of buildings in various climatic zones and in various socio-cultural aspects from an architectural point of view.

- Does Russia need national system"green" certification, why can't we use one of the already existing, internationally recognized systems?- In the world today there are three main systems of "green" certification of construction projects. The very first time of creation - BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) was created in the UK in 1990. In 1998, the United States created the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) environmental rating system. In 2007, the German Green Building Council developed the third certification system - DGNB (Deutsche Gesellshaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen), which is now becoming international. A number of countries are developing national green rating systems for buildings and structures, which are used domestically along with international rating systems.
To judge the merits and demerits of the already established international systems, let's see what are the evaluation criteria that they use.
BREEAM evaluates building objects in terms of management and ecology: human health and well-being, combating environmental pollution factors, efficiency in the use of energy, water, territory, transport, safety of building materials, waste disposal - only about 60 points, each is assigned a certain number of evaluation points. The BREEAM certification system has a well-developed typology of certified objects. These are offices, trade, educational and medical institutions, prisons, courts, apartment buildings. Separately, eco-houses are singled out as a national standard for municipal affordable housing and infrastructure projects, and communities (Communities) - this is approximately what we once called "condominiums" - socio-territorial formations with integrated conditions for work, living and leisure. In each typological group, the emphasis is on something different. For example, when evaluating housing - on energy efficiency, and, for example, when certifying prisons, the presence of a church and a sports hall for prisoners adds a lot of evaluation points, i.e. in this category, special emphasis is placed on philanthropy. BREEAM has five grades. Depending on the total score, a building can be rated "satisfactory", "good", "very good", "excellent" and "excellent". Note that none of the listed criteria includes an assessment of architectural components. Why? Because this system was created mainly by developers, environmentalists, engineers, as well as commercial companies - manufacturers of building materials and technologies. That is, first of all, it is focused on commercial demand.
The American LEED certification system is based solely on building codes and US regulations, so it is less flexible, less adaptable to the standards of other countries. Nevertheless, like everything American, it is very popular in the world. So, in many countries LEED is accepted as the main system of "green" certification. The American system has the same main drawback as the British one: it does not take into account the specifics of architecture, the potential of architectural methods to improve the environmental sustainability of buildings and structures. In these systems rating score economic, socio-cultural factors, as well as the technical characteristics of the building during operation and the entire life cycle of the building are not taken into account. As a result, buildings that are completely inexpressive in terms of architectural and artistic appearance often receive the highest rating points. It may just be a barn that you never notice as you pass by. But it turns out this barn is LEED Platinum certified because it has zero energy consumption.

That is, such a moment as visual ecology is not taken into account ...
- That's it. They thought about it in Germany. Creating the next generation DGNB certification system, the Germans tried to take into account the shortcomings of the previous two systems and involved architects in the development: they make up about 30% of the founders of the German National Green Building Council. Thanks to this, in the German building certification system we already see a certain, rather significant attention to the specific issues of architecture and the functioning of the building.
The DGNB certification system includes 5 evaluation criteria, each of which has a detailed breakdown. These are ecology (1), economics (2), socio-cultural and functional aspects, including architecture (3), technical characteristics (4), quality of design and construction (5). The sixth section - location - is not taken into account in the total score, and this is reasonable. Because if the location is included in the overall rating, then, for example, any Moscow building with a view of the Kremlin will immediately receive the highest score, regardless of other components.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the socio-cultural and functional criteria of the German system. Which aspects in this section are directly related to architecture? The roof must be maintained, landscaped or combined with the roofs of historical buildings. Ventilation grilles, pipes, air conditioners, other technical systems on the facades should be hidden and not conspicuous. The participation of an architectural project in competitions of various ranks is evaluated. An interesting criterion, which is not in either the British or American systems, is "the potential adaptation of the building to other functions, its integration into the public space." This is exactly what Dmitry Likhachev called "the ecology of culture." For urban development, this is a very important criterion. For example, you can provide that office cafes are available to residents of the city. Or the first floors were used for some public needs (for a club, a library and other generally useful functions). There are also a number of interesting points that the German system takes into account: accessibility for the disabled, the availability of parking lots and changing rooms for cyclists (for us, this is still exotic). Or, finally, such curious evaluation criteria: whether works of art are used in architecture, whether the names of artists and titles of works are signed; whether architects consulted with art historians, whether architecture promotes young artists, whether there will be exhibitions for the public - each of these items has a certain rating in common system building appraisals.

- Can we say that the third attempt to create a "green" certificate for building objects turned out to be successful and the German system is devoid of flaws?
- We can only talk about a comprehensive approach to the development of the DGNB green certification system, which, unlike BREEAM and LEED, most fully reflects the entire life cycle of a building, but it continues to be constantly improved. None of the current certification systems is ideal. In particular, because they do not take into account the passive method of energy saving, based on architectural principles, and not on new technologies. Modern technologies simplify "green" construction. There are technologies that improve thermal protection, waterproofing, and so on. But in many cases, it is possible to achieve an excellent result only through competent architecture, original design solutions, and it will be more environmentally friendly and economical, since it will not require huge energy costs, for example, for the production of solar panels. An office building 30 meters deep has been built in China. The first 6 meters are illuminated by natural light, the rest of the space is illuminated by reflected sunlight transmitted through a system of mirrors. So witty design solution in the LEED and BREAM certification system would not receive a single point. But if the designer used energy-saving lamps, and even those working in automatic mode... At a conference in Greece, an architect from Tunisia spoke about traditional dwellings - these are low-rise buildings with a deep courtyard, with facades dotted with relief patterns. These reliefs have not only a decorative function, but also increase the surface of the walls in order to "store" the cold at night, and in the hot daytime - to create an additional shadow. There are similar "green" secrets in any traditional dwelling - in a Russian hut, in a yurt, etc.
The existing systems of rating "green" certification are overly commercialized. Lobbying by a number of manufacturers of certain energy-efficient technologies has led to the fact that the simplest energy-saving methods are forgotten. For example, the correct orientation of the building to the cardinal points: depending on the location of the windows, we can receive energy, or we can lose it. Having passed the air through the basement in the summer, we can naturally, without any fans, air conditioners, fan coils, cool it and then spread it around the building. But for such a decision, we also will not receive a single “plus sign” in any of the current existing systems certification. Therefore, one of the tasks of our Council is to create Russian system certification of "green" buildings, in which such architectural and design methods will be given a worthy place.

- Is it planned to involve non-architects – environmentalists, lawyers, etc. in the Council?
- Undoubtedly. In addition to the Council for Sustainable Architecture, a non-profit partnership "Council for Green Building" will be created, which will include specialists from various fields of knowledge. We assume that the percentage composition of this Council will be approximately as follows: about 30% - architects and urban planners; about 20% are design engineers, the remaining 50% are specialties that are related to construction business, ecology, building materials production, building maintenance, financial institutions, government structures, individual specialists, all organizations interested in "green" construction. This professional team will develop a national system for sustainable certification of architecture and construction.

- Will Western specialists be involved in the work of the Soviets?
- Necessarily. And we will create a certification system that will be able to obtain an international status, will be recognized at the international level, on a par with LEED, BREEAM, DGNB. We consider it a matter of national honor for Russia to have its own green building quality assessment certificate. The certification system being developed by the Council is important in that it will not only evaluate what is being designed and built, but will also begin to form a "green" architecture.

- Do you suppose that in our country, obtaining a "green" certificate for a project will become mandatory?
- All over the world, environmental certification of buildings and structures is still voluntary. But after 2017, it may become mandatory for all WTO member countries. So, if Russia joins this organization by this moment, then for us also "green" certification will become mandatory. But already today all objects of international importance (for example, for the Olympic Games in Sochi, etc.) are subject to mandatory "green" certification.

- How does the "green" certification system compare with the national technical regulations in the field of construction in force in the country?
- "Green" certification is always a little "higher" than general construction standards. For example, if a house is designed according to British technical regulations, then it can only qualify for a BREEAM rating of “good”. The same goes for LEED and other national systems, and I think we will too.

- Will the Russian "green" certificate evaluate any visual aspects? Let us suppose the organic inclusion of the building in the natural, urban, historical landscape, its architectural expressiveness. Are these things quantifiable?
- The question is not simple - beauty criteria are always subjective, but this is an important issue for us and we will think about it .... As one of the possible ways - this is a kind of collegial decision.

- Who will directly carry out the certification?
- Direct certification is carried out by experts or auditors. They accompany the project from the beginning of development terms of reference before completion of construction.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources announced the start of work on the creation of a "Green Standard" for construction projects, the Olympic Committee is creating its own corporate certification system for sports facilities, and the newly created "Russian Green Building Council" announced its intention to develop environmental standards for Russia. Will we not get a dozen national certification systems as a result, each of which will protect the corporate interests of the “department” that created it?
- Russia needs one national system of "green" certification. When creating it, the developments that are available in different departments should be used, taking into account the interests of all parties involved in the design, construction and operation of the building, in order to arrive at a single rating system that should protect the interests of the whole society.

- What is the strength of the position of the CAP and RAASN compared to other contenders for the development of national "green" standards? Why, in your opinion, architects should lead and lead this business?
- The fact is that it was the architects who, due to the specifics of the profession, developed a comprehensive approach to the creation of construction, urban planning objects - buildings, structures, settlements. Ecologists look at this process from the point of view of safety for the environment (this is such an altruistic position), manufacturers of building materials evaluate, first of all, the commercial prospects for the introduction of "green" technologies and materials, and architects embrace everything - ethics, aesthetics and economics. Because of this, it is easier for architects to unite the efforts of people of many professions involved in the industry of design, construction and operation of buildings, to involve people from other fields of knowledge who are not indifferent to the very idea of ​​"green" construction in the "green" certification - to develop uniform comprehensive criteria for the national standard. But certification is just a tool, in order for this tool to work, it is necessary to create an appropriate legislative framework and form public opinion. And, by the way, the media in this case should be in the foreground.

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