
Implementation of the university science development strategy: new and non-standard solutions. Implementation of the university science development strategy: new and non-standard solutions Strengthening the scientific component in the educational process and “rebooting” the organization of scientific activities

A "reset" of university science is required not only by an innovative economy, on the rails of which Russia is going to get up in the distant future, but also by a dynamically changing labor market. How can universities move to research activities and what place will the educational component take?

Formulation of the problem. The universality of the remaining problems in the development of scientific activity in Russian and foreign universities, mainly related to the low demand for generated scientific results, which goes beyond the limits of scientific journals indexed in the WebofScience database, equalizes the chances of Russia and developed countries in terms of forming an effective university research and development sector at a fundamentally new level of quality.

Strategy for the development of university science, the elements of which are presented in official documents (in particular, the Strategy innovative development Russia - 2020) and in an aggregated form in the author's work , suggests positioning modern leading universities as organizations with a dual status: educational organization and scientific organization. Using the example of creating a network of NRUs, such an attempt has already been made in Russia, however, management technologies for the development of research activities of universities have not undergone significant changes against the backdrop of a dynamically changing profile regulatory framework. It should be emphasized that universities that develop exclusively educational programs cannot be considered as participants in the development strategy of university science.

The development of the research direction in the activities of universities is associated with a set of measures implemented, first of all, by the university itself, including in the educational sphere, changes in legislation that expand their degree of freedom, as well as overcoming university stereotypes that have been formed and maintained for decades. Consideration of new approaches and practical solutions in the organization of scientific activities of universities that ensure the implementation of the strategy for the development of university science, and this work is devoted.


Considering the university as both an educational and scientific organization, it should be noted that both areas of activity should be carried out on a permanent basis. professional basis. Moreover, in value terms, the scale of these areas should be comparable and, accordingly, equally important for the university.

Recognized as a necessary condition for the quality of higher education, the relationship between science and education in the activities of universities is realized not only in “splashing” the scientific results obtained by the teaching staff into the audience, but also through the participation of students in the implementation of research projects of the university. The second form of realization of the connection between science and education seems to be more significant than the simple transfer of new knowledge to students, but it is less developed at universities.

The main reasons for the insufficient coverage of students with scientific work are related to:

  • with the dominance of the educational component without allocating sufficient time for scientific work;
  • with a lack of scientific projects financed by attracted and own funds universities, in which students could take part;
  • a shortage of scientific and pedagogical personnel with real scientific qualifications (and not just the qualifications of a lecturer) and who are capable of organizing and conducting scientific research with students as project managers.

Student scientific contract. Previously, the idea was expressed that the key task of universities is to give students the opportunity to touch science and thereby try on the work and career of a researcher. In the light of this proposal, it seems appropriate to shift the focus in work with students: reduce the time for work on the perception of knowledge in finished form (that is, reduce the number of classical classroom hours) and, due to this, allocate time for students to participate in the generation of scientific results. If we talk about the proportion of "educational" and "scientific" time of students, then the target value is probably 50/50, although the period for adjusting the university system to achieve this proportion can be quite long. To date, the official "research" time of students takes on a zero value and, at best, occurs in the format of an elective.

However, the "research" time of students, in our opinion, should not be considered free of charge for the university. Of course, the scientific volunteering of students can be welcomed in every possible way, however, the remuneration of their participation in scientific activities will make it possible to discipline not only students, but also universities, which must assume the obligation to provide students with scientific, scientific and technical work, the results of which will be important for the university and, accordingly, the final student. customer. This approach means the participation of students in the implementation of not training quasi-research projects, but real work.

It is proposed to institutionalize the implementation of students' participation in the scientific activities of the university through the so-called student scientific contract. In the language of the modern Labor Code Russian Federation such a document could be civil contract, although a more adequate tool is labor contract to fill the position of a part-time scientific and technical worker. The conclusion of such agreements obliges universities to provide jobs for students and pay wages using the mechanism of incentive payments.

Since for students the offer from the university to conclude such agreements is not mandatory for acceptance, then accordingly the university gets the right to form separate groups of students, both focused on scientific activity and not interested in it. The emerging differentiation of students will allow universities to implement a targeted approach to teaching and the content of disciplines. Most likely, students who are indifferent to science will choose in advance universities that are not seriously engaged in research activities.

The proposed mechanism of the student scientific contract has a number of advantages. Firstly, the possibility of concluding a student scientific contract will become a worthy competitive offer for creative youth in conditions when students, regardless of the form of education, as a rule, work in parallel with their studies in non-core areas for themselves. Secondly, the implementation of the proposed mechanism will also ease the burden of paid higher education for students actively involved in scientific activities at the university, when wages under a student scientific contract can be spent on paying off the cost of education. Thirdly, a wider coverage of students' scientific activities will limit the ability of universities to artificially inflate the "scientific" salaries of a narrow group of faculty members working on an internal part-time basis as scientists.

In general, the implementation of a student research contract should provide graduates with a qualification level corresponding to a junior researcher, and thus prepare those wishing to start a scientific career in academic or industry science to the maximum. At the same time, the formed thinking of a junior researcher will be useful to a graduate both in business and in the state or municipal service.

It should be noted that the first steps in the implementation of the proposed approach and, accordingly, the strategic initiative for the development of university science were intercepted by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The creation of scientific companies initiated by the ministry from among potential conscripts actually fulfills the function of universities, but is directive recruiting, immersing students selected on a competitive basis in scientific activities outside the universities. Naturally, no remuneration of students in scientific companies is provided.

Thus, the promising mechanism of the student scientific contract is transforming the role of universities, turning them into a major employer in the field of research and development for talented young people.

Are there any barriers to the implementation of student research contracts? The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not interfere with the implementation of the proposed form of work with students, even with those who study full-time: an employment contract is concluded with them for a part-time job.

However, even a small coverage of students with scientific contracts becomes a challenge for the archaic university system of organizing and conducting scientific research, which in modern conditions should still work as a classical scientific structure.

First of all, universities have developed and widely used the practice of filling the positions of scientific workers (researchers) by the teaching staff on the terms of internal part-time work, as well as persons on the terms of external part-time work. This university “tradition” of freelancing in science does not allow the formation of scientific teams that function on a permanent basis, ensure the level of remuneration of scientific workers that meets modern requirements, prevents the universities from building up and fully implementing their scientific potential, limits the ability to increase the efficiency of using universities financial support scientific activity.

Undoubtedly, the regime of amateur science in higher education is set up for the development of scientific money, the main source of which is federal budget. Hence, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the corporate sector is not inclined to take most universities seriously as executors of orders, and universities, in turn, are not ready to work on projects for the results of which you need to bear real responsibility, which is fundamentally different from responsibility to students for quality educational services.

Along with the scientific component, attention should be paid to the educational process. Currently, the institutional forms of education that have been operating in universities for decades are losing their adequacy and efficiency. One of these forms of education, which has almost completely devalued, are lectures. Based on open sources, and most often on ordinary textbooks, lectures become meaningless. Firstly, the content of the lecture material is easily accessible to students, and because of this, there is no need even to take notes. Secondly, lectures with unique and hard-won material will also not be in high demand, since the moment practical application such knowledge cannot be correctly assessed by either the teacher or the students due to the blurred planning horizon (obviously, very short). Accordingly, such unique knowledge is likely to depreciate by the time graduates decide to turn to it for practical use.

In this regard, it is advisable to reorganize the educational process under the institution of a student scientific contract. The format of lectures should undergo changes, and it is advisable to give the place of a classical teacher with a scientific degree to a professional researcher, practitioner, manager, who, on the terms of part-time positions of the teaching staff, will link the “lecture” material with the current scientific work of students and, at the same time, take on the role of coordinator (leader) of a scientific project. The latter function will be more appropriate for the leading scientists of the university. one.

Figure 1 - The relationship between the scientific and educational components in the preparation of students at the university.

The proposed scheme of scientific and educational activities of the university is aimed at achieving a new level in research work, the quality of training of young people, gives new opportunities to universities to make their diploma recognizable and competitive due to the “pumped” scientific component. However, it is difficult to fit into the system state standards, which by themselves do little to reflect the changing demand in the labor market and the specific requirements of employers. It should also be expected that the introduction of a scientific component into work with students will inevitably increase the cost of education, since part of the funds from payment for educational services can be invested in scientific research. As a consequence, the reduction in demand for higher education as a result of its increase in its cost will help counter the inflation of the university bubble and the inefficient spending of consumer funds for low-quality educational services and inefficient employment in this area. In general, the strengthening of the scientific (intellectual) component in the preparation of students will make it possible to turn the system of higher education from mass character towards elitism.

Development of the Institute of Postdocs in Russian Universities. It should be noted that the vast majority of Russian universities, as well as state scientific foundations (RFBR, RHF) ignore such an institution for the development of university science as postdocs. This institute is recognized by the world scientific community and has been successfully implemented for decades in developed countries. In particular, it allows expanding opportunities for young people to work in leading universities (scientific organizations); is considered as a stage in the scientific career of novice researchers, when, after receiving a degree, there is a thirst for new projects, a breakthrough in professional development. Finally, the institute of postdocs is a form of academic mobility, the development of network communications in science. It can be added to the above that, in relation to Russia, the institute of postdocs, as a mechanism that meets modern realities, has the potential to partially compensate for the abolished system of state distribution of scientific personnel.

Postdocs at universities are, as a rule, young researchers who have a scientific degree and are engaged in scientific activities on the terms of a fixed-term contract (agreement) under the guidance of professors and are not distracted by teaching. In addition to scientific work, postdocs receive training from their supervisors.

The limiting state of university science in terms of the scale of involvement of postdocs is demonstrated by US universities. The National Postdoctoral Association estimated that there were approximately 89,000 postdocs in the country in 2008. For example, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the number of faculty members reaches 1,000, and at the same time, 1,400 postdocs work at the university. It is these people who provide a significant part of the publications. Accordingly, almost all of the university's expenses for science (at the expense of borrowed and own funds) are spent on paying postdocs. So, in 2011, the scientific budget of MIT amounted to 723.61 million dollars. Taking into account minimum size postdoc salaries at MIT ($39,264 per year) it is not difficult to determine that this group is the beneficiary of the lion's share of university spending on research and development.

Thus, from the point of view of the organization of science, an American university is fundamentally different from an average Russian university: teachers work out their scientific ideas with the help of postdocs, and do not, as in Russia, combine teaching and research work, acting as both a professor and a postdoc in one person.

Today, for a young Russian scientist, the opportunity to become a postdoc at a foreign university is immeasurably higher than the chances provided to young people by Russian universities. In the absence of widespread programs of domestic universities, state scientific foundations for Russian and foreign postdocs focused on conducting scientific research in leading universities, the latter remain obscure and unformatted for the outside world. The absence of this tool does not add to the attractiveness and does not increase the openness of the Russian research and development sector in general and its university segment in particular.

Attention should be paid to the fact that not only the cultural unpreparedness of university management, financial restrictions, but also the lack of adaptation of the current labor legislation hinders the spread of the institution of postdocs among universities. Thus, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2002 No. 4114, all positions of scientific workers in universities must be filled by competition (this requirement does not apply to scientific organizations). At the same time, the university does not have the right to announce a specialized competition for attracting postdocs. In this connection legal framework needs to be adjusted to give higher education institutions a greater degree of freedom in the admission procedures for young researchers.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science initiated the inculcation of the culture of scientific research organization in Russian universities by attracting postdocs. As a pilot project, the initiative was enshrined in the event 1.3.1 "Conducting scientific research with the involvement of highly qualified novice researchers" of the federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2014-2020. According to the conditions of the event, postdoc is provided high level wages, which turns out to be comparable with the value of the same indicator in the same MIT. This circumstance forms the basis, although still small, for the return to Russia of part of the scientific youth who have received a degree abroad.

The scale of activity 1.3.1 of the Program is in itself insignificant and should be taken up and expanded by interested organizations. Established in November 2013, the Russian Science Foundation has the potential to have its own postdoc programs in various formats. At the same time, the attraction of postdocs to universities at the expense of subsidies allocated to universities for the fulfillment of the state task in the field of scientific activity is not ruled out. Improving the effectiveness of the use of this departmental tool for the development of university science will be discussed in the next section.


The main potential of higher education and university science is concentrated in state universities, the vast majority of which are founded by federal executive authorities. Having the status of autonomous or budget institutions, universities automatically become recipients of subsidies for the fulfillment of the state assignment for the provision of educational services and the performance of research work. Potentially, the resource of this subsidy allows you to radically change university science, however, due to the vagueness of the target state of university science, the institution of the state assignment remains on the periphery. In general, the main issues of using the subsidy spent by universities on science are optimal ratio the volume of initiative and directive topics of scientific projects, as well as the further fate of the results obtained.

On the example of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which acts as the founder of about 300 universities, one can trace the evolution of the goal of the state assignment for the implementation of research. intra-university competition and competition held by the founder. In 2012-2013 years, under conditions state task, the principle of supporting the initiative work of universities was preserved, but a mechanism for their rating was introduced when determining the amount of funds transferred to universities to finance projects selected at an internal competition. However, the financing of initiative scientific projects actually meant the implementation of the function of grant support for research inherent in a scientific foundation (for example, RFBR), which government agency is not in any way.

Regarding the state task for 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia announced the goal of directly and directly through salaries to support leading researchers and scientific and technical workers filling relevant positions in universities full-time. which, in connection with the reform state academies sciences are not the most experienced better times. In general, this step can be viewed as a measure to reorganize scientific activity in subordinate universities and change for the better the profile of university science.

In our opinion, changing the goal setting for the state task for R&D is a useful step, but this seems to be insufficient. If we develop the proposal for the transition of universities to a student scientific contract, then within the framework of the state task, scientific projects should be supported that involve the involvement of a wide range of students and the synchronization of their scientific work with educational program. In particular, within the framework of the state task, it is advisable to establish requirements for the minimum number of students involved in the implementation of research and the share of student remuneration in the total amount of project financing.

It should be emphasized that despite organizational changes in the mechanism of the formation of the state task for universities to carry out research, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is forced to give meaningful things at the mercy of the universities themselves due to diversity scientific directions in which they specialize. It is very difficult to trace the chain of growth of initiative projects into serious research in demand, including taking into account the rather small number of such projects. So who will form the state task for universities to carry out research, the results of which will be received by an external consumer?

Probably, the answer to this question can be obtained as a result of interdepartmental coordination of scientific research funded within the framework of the state assignment, namely, “university sector – academic sector”, “university sector – corporate sector”.

The link "university sector - academic sector" means the implementation of major scientific projects by leading universities (universities of the "5/100 Project", national research and federal universities) together with highly productive academic research organizations. At the same time, the demand for the expected results should be obvious, as well as the significant role of university science in the implementation of such projects. It should be noted that it is not difficult to implement a form of interdepartmental coordination of research. As a result of the reform of the state academies of sciences in October 2013, federal agency development scientific organizations(FASO), which is the founder of the former academic organizations and determines the amount of funding for their state task. Legally, the mechanism for the formation of a state task for the implementation of research, implemented jointly by academic organizations and universities, can be enshrined in a joint order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and FASO.

Interaction between the university and corporate sectors can be carried out on the basis of approved joint research programs of leading universities and organizations, included in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia of August 04, 2004 N 1009 in the List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies. Joint research programs should meet the long-term objectives of the development of high-tech industries national economy provided for by the current regulatory legal acts of the President and the Government of Russia.

In case of successful implementation of joint scientific projects by leading universities with academic scientific organizations, as well as strategic state enterprises, firstly, the amount of financing of the state task can be reasonably increased, taking into account new opportunities, and, secondly, the intersectoral transfer of scientific personnel will be intensified. A positive balance of "the outflow of researchers from universities to academic and corporate science - the influx of researchers to universities" will mean the success of university science, the staff of which will be replenished from among graduates while maintaining the backbone of scientists.

At the same time, the volume of funding for scientific research of universities is not limited to subsidies from the founder and is supplemented by funds from interested enterprises, especially if for such expenses in tax legislation a separate accounting regime will be provided. The next section will present suggestions for improvement public policy in the development of science in universities.


One of the objectives of the university science development strategy is to strengthen its integration with corporate (industry) science and increase the demand for the results obtained by enterprises. Above, we considered the possibility of strengthening such ties through a state task, which, nevertheless, is of a point nature and does not pretend to be large-scale.

Creation of comfortable working conditions for business with university science. Creation of tax conditions that set for business as an R&D customer a more favorable mode of cooperation with universities than with other organizations.

When is it beneficial for the business sector to work with universities to implement R&D? First of all, universities can be involved in R&D if the scientific potential of the university exceeds the capabilities of the customer. Secondly, the transfer of some R&D to outsourcing to universities should become economically beneficial for the enterprise in comparison with their implementation by their own resources. structural divisions and at the same time should free up time for corporate science to solve other problems.

Let's focus on the conditions of economic attractiveness of business interaction with universities. The main factor of this attractiveness is traditionally tax preferences. From point of view tax regime current Russian legislation already provides conditions close to greenhouse conditions: the contractual cost of R&D is not subject to VAT, it is possible to obtain an investment tax credit, an increased coefficient of 1.5 is applied to the actual R&D costs attributable to expenses in priority areas, determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2008 city ​​No. 988.

To increase the attractiveness of universities as R&D performers, it seems appropriate to establish a similar multiplier for projects implemented by leading universities on orders from enterprises. If scientific projects belong to priority areas, then the base value of the multiplier coefficient increases by 0.5 and as a result will be 2. This proposal can also be extended to scientific organizations that are classified as category A in terms of performance (in accordance with the rules established by the Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated April 08, 2009 No. 312).

Along with the expansion of opportunities for the use of multiplying coefficients, the attractiveness of working with universities can also be increased through the implementation of the following measures:

  • introduction of additional grounds for granting investment tax credit enterprises implementing major research projects in priority areas together with leading universities;
  • establishment of a subsidy program interest rates for loans to strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies acting as R&D customers carried out by leading universities, with reference to the volume of work performed.

Conducted analysis foreign experience shows that a number of states resort to assistance fiscal instruments to strengthen the integration of the corporate sector with universities. Thus, Japan demonstrates an example of tax incentives for interaction between corporations and universities, when property tax on equipment purchased by an enterprise for the purposes of a scientific project and placed at a university is reduced by 2 times. In this country, the practice of providing tax credits for interactions between organizations in the "corporation-university" format is also common.

In addition to the remoteness of university science from the business sector, it also remains isolated from the needs of the regions, although this niche contains new drivers for the development of university research that need to be involved.

Integration of universities in the affairs of mother regions. It should be noted that state universities of federal subordination for the most part are divorced from the needs of the regions in which they are located, which is expressed in the discrepancy between the trained specialists and the demand in the local labor market, as well as the insufficient degree of integration into the economy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the lack of interaction with its major players represented by industrial enterprises. These problems were raised at the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation, held on August 21, 2013.

Currently, among the federal executive authorities, the holder of the largest group of state universities is the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. At the same time, universities are differentiated according to their specialization, and at present there is no justification for their historically established jurisdiction. For example, what substantive issues bind MSTU im. Bauman, MAI, MEPhI and other technical universities with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science? In addition to administrative subordination, no other unifying factors can be seen.

In order to develop the scientific, and along with it, the educational activities of universities, it is advisable to implement their resubordination, transferring them to the sectoral federal executive authorities or regional authorities. A similar scheme has been implemented in the USA, Germany, in which there are no federal universities, with the exception of educational institutions who train personnel for the military, law enforcement agencies. Classical universities will be especially significant for the regions. In this context, it is possible to merge universities to provide a polytechnic or classical profile for new universities.

The proposed "landing" will force universities to fit into regional economy, look for new opportunities in the parent region and implement scientific work with maximum applied significance together with local enterprises. In turn, the regional authorities receive an additional incentive to compete with each other through the development of universities, they will be interested in their promotion in national and world rankings. its implementation will be of increased utility. It is at the regional level that there will be a clear dividing line between universities that have and do not have the right to award academic degrees. In general, universities should in the future take a central place on the calling card of every constituent entity of the Russian Federation and every city with a population of a million.

From the point of view of priority and expectedly the most effective measures for the development of university science, it seems to be a priority to implement a set of measures to reformat the organization of scientific activity within the university. By and large, the overdue changes are hindered not by the current legislation, to the imperfection of which it is customary to appeal, but by the inertia of university administrations and an acute shortage of leaders in their composition. In addition, a sufficient relevant measure to ensure understanding real opportunities university science is the establishment of a permanent centralized program for monitoring and evaluating the applicability of the results of university science, especially for initiative work. Such a program can be integrated into the mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of universities, built by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
* * *

The considered approaches to the "reset" of university science and the measures that ensure it involve radical transformations. In fact, universities need to make a turn towards research activities carried out on a professional basis, while moving the educational component to the background. Such a change in priorities in the activities of universities is not due to the momentary goal of intensifying research work at universities, but is dictated by the modern requirements of an innovative economy, the labor market.

Strategically, the implementation of the proposed set of measures for the development of university science, including a student scientific contract, an institute for postdocs, an improved mechanism for state assignments, additional fiscal incentives to expand business interaction with universities, and, finally, the administrative linking of state universities to regions, will create an effective university sector research and development, represented by leading universities that are in demand from the business sector within the country and are competitive at the global level.

The work was carried out under a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for state support young Russian scientists and leading scientific schools (project MK-3351.2012.6).

Gordeev O.I.

Strategy for the development of scientific, technical and innovation activities in conditions market relations: methodological aspect

In the new millennium, attention to the problems of managing scientific and technological progress has sharply increased in the world economy. This is due to the special role of STP in modern society, its increased influence not only on social production but also in all aspects of people's lives. The consequences of such influence (positive and negative) cannot be uncontrollable and uncontrollable. At the same time, it should be remembered that the management of scientific and technical progress is understood only as an opportunity to create the most favorable conditions for the emergence of new ideas, discoveries, inventions and their practical application in the interests of society.

From this point of view, the role of planning scientific and technical progress should also be considered as an important and integral part of managing any process of social development. Thus, it becomes necessary to plan its management at the state and regional levels, capable of not only foreseeing the consequences of certain scientific and technical developments, but also smoothing out or even eliminating their possible negative impact on the development of production, nature, public life etc. In a planned economy with a high level of centralization of management, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of scientific and technical progress was formally facilitated by the possibility of wide maneuver in the use of certain technical innovations. However, in practice these planning possibilities could not be realized in view of the presence of a high degree of the same centralization of the management of the national economy. As a rule, the subjective factor came into play when making an appropriate decision, and the problem of scientific and technical progress was not solved in accordance with the objective laws of socio-economic development.

The existing planning system was also methodologically not adapted to a balanced, scientific approach to making centralized decisions. This, along with other management factors, fundamentally did not allow to organically combine the planning of scientific and technical progress, including the planning of science and technology, with the planning of other tasks of socio-economic development. To some extent, they tried to smooth out such shortcomings with the help of program-target methods, but no special positive shifts were observed here.

However, the above does not mean the impossibility of planning scientific and technical progress in general, and the lack of success in this area of ​​management, in particular. Planned Economy had a significant asset both in the development of planning methods and in the experience of their concrete application in the development of major national economic programs and five-year plans.

In the context of inflation, deficits and market conditions that are currently taking place, industrial enterprises focused on maximizing income and payroll. This does little to increase their interest.

Responsibility in the introduction of new technologies and financing of research and development. There is also a redistribution of resources from high-tech industries to the extractive industries and the sphere of circulation. There is a drain of personnel from science to areas that have nothing to do with scientific and technical progress, or abroad. All this leads to the "eating away" of the scientific and technical potential of the country and regions in a rather short period of time.

Such a state of the country's economy, and market relations in general, cannot provide the necessary conditions for the normal development of scientific and technological progress. Historical experience shows that only with the active participation government controlled it is possible to create prerequisites for the accumulation and implementation of the national scientific and technical potential, for stimulating and ensuring the innovative activity of all economic entities, regardless of the norm of ownership. This should be facilitated by the planned regulation of scientific and technical progress, taking into account its role in the development of society and the requirements of a market economy.

From the standpoint of the market and the experience of other countries, the planning of this process involves, first of all, the transition from the balance to the program-target method. Developments should be focused on identifying promising problems of economic development and organizing their solution through economic incentives for all economic entities. Achieving the desired results in planned activities related to the development of science and production is possible with the use of indicative planning, long-term feasibility studies, probable technological trajectories, selection, evaluation and implementation of priority areas for the development of science and technology. It is based on the program-target principle of planning.

AT general view, strategic planning of scientific and technical progress is a part of the economic planning of the country (region), which ensures the implementation of the most important tasks of a unified scientific and technical policy, compliance with the necessary proportions in the development of individual links of scientific and technological progress. In the process of planned regulation, it is necessary to coordinate the available resources with individual areas of development of science and technology. At the same time, it is necessary to create conditions for achieving proportionality between the individual stages of the creation and application of new technology. This content of the planning of scientific and technological progress largely corresponds to the strengthening of the role of long-term planning.

It is usually carried out in two stages. At the first (pre-planning) stage, forecasts are developed on the most important problems of science and technology for 10-15 years. They make it possible to scientifically substantiate the main direction of socio-economic and scientific and technological progress, the ways of developing the country's economy and individual industries based on new technology and modern technology. Based on the forecast, state and regional (interregional) scientific and technical programs are developed. They reflect the direction

research and technical development the results of the application of the achievements, the procedure and sources of funding.

At the level manufacturing enterprises it is possible to independently develop a program for the development of technical and innovative activities of the enterprise. At the same time, the main task here is to create conditions for the rapid and timely, from the position of the market, the introduction and development of fundamentally new equipment, progressive technology and other innovations. It is important to use planned methods to ensure the impact on the concentration of forces and means of solving problems related to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization). Thus, the plans become real management tools for carrying out the technical policy of the organization, on which its position in the market in the future largely depends.

Proceeding from the internal logic of scientific and technical progress, the target approach to planning most fully corresponds to the introduction of new technology. The most important feature of the targeted programs of scientific and technical progress should be considered their complexity. They cover the entire cycle of "science - technology - production - consumption", ensure the docking of individual stages of research and implementation of new technology, interaction between organizations involved in this process, innovation, training, etc. The target program for the introduction of scientific and technological achievements should cover the entire period: from research to the widespread use of new technology in production, broken down by year of the main work, material, labor and financial costs.

When developing a program of scientific and technological progress and regulating their implementation, one should take into account the multivariance of implementation, i.e. the possibility of allocating different amounts of resources for their implementation. Their size and structure determine the speed of implementation by options, different terms for meeting demand in the market and other parameters for the implementation of technical innovations. The variant of the program that provides the maximum economic effect is selected.

Market economy toughens the competition between producers for markets. The main condition for victory in this struggle is the expansion and deepening of the application of new equipment and technology, the acceleration of the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technical progress into the practice of enterprises. All this requires the involvement in the turnover of significant capital associated with the process of introducing innovations in the sphere of production of goods and services.

Control national economy as a whole and by a separate enterprise provides for planning as an integral part of it Money for the indicated purposes. In the practice of market relations, they act as innovations, which are a set of costs for the creation of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing fixed assets of production and industrial purpose. A planned approach to the regulation of such funds is associated with the formation of sources of funds and their efficient use according to market requirements.

In general, the sources of innovation are the means state budget, a fund for the development of production, science and technology and a depreciation fund for enterprises and organizations. A certain place among them is occupied by a loan from banks that finance the innovative activities of enterprises, firms and individuals. It should be borne in mind that innovative banks often operate in conditions of increased risk associated with the uncertainty of the results of the innovation process. All this imposes certain requirements on the planned regulation of the innovation sphere, their reflection in the plans and programs for its development.

In order to successfully master innovations in the development of such programs, it is necessary to reflect the following production and economic characteristics:

The increase in production capacity at existing enterprises due to their technical re-equipment and reconstruction;

Commissioning of production facilities, individual facilities and structures for industrial purposes through the expansion of existing and construction of new enterprises, facilities and structures;

Commissioning of objects and structures of nature protection;

Commissioning of residential buildings, facilities public utilities, education, etc.

Simultaneously with the development of such measures, calculations are made of generalizing indicators of the effectiveness of the planned funds. Usually they offer several options for the use of new technology, from which the optimal one is selected. In general, the choice of option corresponds to the definition of the payback period, calculated as

Where O is the payback period in years,

K1 and K2 - capital investments before and after implementation, C1 and C2 - production costs before and after implementation. The option with the shortest payback period is accepted. It allows you to set the amount of capital investment in the technical improvement of production, which meets the requirements of a balanced market, taking into account the trends of scientific and technological progress.

The planned regulation of the innovation sphere should cover the entire innovation process, which consists of three main stages. The first of them covers the period from scientific research to the first industrial development received innovations. The second stage is associated with expanding the production of new products to a scale sufficient to meet the needs of the national economy. And, finally, the last stage of the innovation process ensures the use of innovation by end users, including maintenance and disposal of the used product.

Planned regulation should be carried out for the totality of these stages, and not for each of them separately. Only then will it be possible

nym achievement of continuity of the innovation process in development, which reflects the essence of scientific and technological progress. With this approach to the development of programs for the innovation sphere, qualitative improvement is ensured in any area of ​​production or technology. (That is why they talk about generations of computers, robots, spaceships).

On the other hand, the implementation of scientific and technological innovations (especially radical ones, i.e., dramatically changing the level of development of productive forces in any industry) usually requires the participation of many organizations, which are often not always directly related to each other. Therefore, the planned regulation of the innovation process should provide for the coordination of the work of all its sections. This is achieved by reflecting in the programs and plans of direct links between them on the basis of cooperation in the activities of various participants and integrated management the whole process.

The specified directions of the planned impact on the innovation sphere allow us to consider the process of its regulation as an integral part of the management of social and economic development country or particular region. In general terms, it represents a system of purposeful influence of management on research, design, technological, production and other departments. The object of planned regulation of the innovation sphere is the process of continuous improvement of means and objects of labor, technology and products, forms of organization of production and labor, elimination of the adverse impact of production on the environment and improvement social development society. According to its intended purpose, it acts as a means of the best use of the achievements of modern scientific and technical progress.

The methodology of planned regulation of the innovation sphere is aimed at ensuring the measurement and accounting of the influence of science and technology on the pace and main structural proportions of the development of the society's economy. At the same time, it must determine feedbacks that reflect the depth and pace of the impact of the economy on the speed and direction of scientific and technological progress. General methodological provisions determine the tasks of regulating the innovation sphere. These include the following:

Selection of the most effective areas of scientific and technical progress and determination of ways for their implementation;

Economic substantiation of the results of scientific research and development;

Establishment of the security of the selected areas of scientific and technical progress with material, labor and financial resources;

Introduction of the obtained scientific results into the practice of the national economy;

Preparation of a system of measures to ensure scientific and technical progress in National economy;

Carrying out a unified technical policy in the country and regions, taking into account public and territorial interests.

The solution of these problems is ensured by the development of target complex scientific and technical programs. They represent a set of measures planned for consistent implementation to maximize the use of scientific and technological potential in order to increase the level of economic and social development of society. At the same time, scientific and technical potential is understood as a set of elements of a personnel, information, technical, managerial and organizational nature that determine the ability to solve national economic problems based on the latest achievements of science and technology.

At the same time, the planned regulation of the innovation sphere involves the use of the potential of innovation, which characterizes the possibilities for further improvement of innovation, the emergence of other innovations on its basis, as well as its distribution to new areas and obtaining a socio-economic effect. In relation to an individual enterprise or organization, it is considered as the readiness and ability of the primary link for the first time to implement or accept this or that innovation. It's connected with technical condition production, personnel potential, market share and business performance of the enterprise.

The effectiveness of the use of scientific, technical and innovative potential largely depends on the form of organization of innovative activity. This role is played by specialized and regional intersectoral research centers, scientific centers, scientific and production associations, centers for the production and maintenance of scientific institutions, intersectoral design and installation and construction firms, engineering centers, etc. Diversification scientific centers, which are powerful scientific and technical complexes for the development and implementation of innovations, have become widespread in foreign practice. They are able to conduct research in a wide range of scientific disciplines with deep specialization in priority areas of science development. Developments here are carried out on a control basis by program-target groups with a special role for the leaders of such groups.

In general, all forms of organizing innovation activity are aimed at concentrating scientific forces, material, technical and financial resources for solving major scientific and technical problems, creating and mastering fundamentally new types of equipment and technology. In modern conditions, they also include informational resources on which the prompt elimination of shortcomings in the activities of institutions at various stages of innovation largely depends. Therefore, the choice of directions for development and development information technologies becomes one of the important conditions for successful innovation at all levels of the national economy.

in the Republic of Tatarstan until 2015

Passport of the Strategy for the development of scientific and innovative activities

1. Name of the Strategy

Strategy for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the Republic of Tatarstan until 2015.

2. Basis for the development of the Strategy

Order of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan following the results General Assembly Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan on February 3, 2006; Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan dated January 12, 2007 No. UP-4 "On the Strategy for the Development of the Scientific and Innovative Sphere of the Republic of Tatarstan"; Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated January 19, 2006.

3. Main Developers of the Strategy

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan; Center for Perspective economic research Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

4. Purpose of the Strategy

Creation of conditions for the rapid development of the research sector, scientific developments and an effective innovation system that ensure the technological modernization of the economy and increase its competitiveness based on advanced technologies and the transformation of scientific potential into one of the main resources for diversified economic growth.

5. Expected results of the implementation of the Strategy, target indicators

1. Height increase industrial production at the expense of innovation-active organizations by at least 0.8% per year (3,869 million rubles in 2005 prices).

2. Reducing the resource intensity of the gross regional product by 0.2% annually due to the introduction into production of the achievements of research and development work (hereinafter referred to as R&D).

3. Bringing the share of total (public and private) spending on science to 2% of the gross regional product (hereinafter referred to as GRP) by 2010 and to 3% by 2015.

4. Increase in spending on science at the expense of extrabudgetary funds up to 60% in 2010 and up to 70% in 2015.

5. Increase in employment in the field of science and scientific services by 0.9 people. per 10,000 population (i.e., per 3,300 people), including those who studied abroad, until 2010.

6. Ensuring annual positive growth rates in the number of students involved in research activities.

7. Bringing the coefficient of inventive activity (the number of patent applications for inventions per 10,000 people) to the average for the Russian Federation (2) by 2010.

8. Increase in exports of scientific and innovative products.

9. Increasing the number of international research programs and projects implemented with the participation of domestic scientists.

6. Objectives of the Strategy

1. Increasing the competitiveness of the scientific potential of the Republic of Tatarstan, maintaining and further developing internationally recognized scientific schools.

2. Integration of academic, university, industry science and innovation activities into a single efficient synchronously functioning system.

3. Improve efficiency financial investments into scientific research.

4. Creation of economic and social incentives to attract young people to science and improve the skills of scientists.

7. Terms and stages of implementation of the Strategy


first stage: 2008-2010;

second stage: 2011-2015.

8. List of main events

Implementation of existing republican programs:

Republican program for the development of innovation activity in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2004-2010, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated March 12, 2004 No. 000.

Development and implementation of new programs:

- target program "Formation of a bank (shared use center) of equipment and unique installations in the interests of performing fundamental and applied research for 2008-2010";

Target program of development in the Republic of Tatarstan of works in the field of nanotechnologies;

Industry republican target programs of a technological profile in the following areas:

1. Scientific and innovative support for the development of the petrochemical cluster in the Republic of Tatarstan.

2. Scientific and innovative support for the development of the energy cluster in the Republic of Tatarstan.

3. Scientific and innovative support for the development of the air cluster in the Republic of Tatarstan.

4. Scientific and innovative support for the development of the automotive cluster in the Republic of Tatarstan.

5. Scientific and innovative support for the development of the agro-industrial cluster in the Republic of Tatarstan.

7. Development of the education system in the Republic of Tatarstan.

8.Strengthening scientific potential in priority areas of fundamental research.

9. Increasing the efficiency of research, development and capitalization of their results.

The main sets of events:

Implementation of effective state support for fundamental science and ensuring its advanced development;

Improving the mechanisms and principles of budget financing of applied research and development;

Support for the effective reproduction of the personnel potential of science;

Promoting the integration of science and education;

Reforming scientific organizations and increasing their capitalization, restructuring the public research and development sector;

Ensuring the continuity of financing of business projects at all stages of the innovation cycle; redistribution of public funding to support programs for innovative projects that are at the initial stage;

Support for the formation and development of a system of state scientific and venture funds;

- development of production and technological infrastructure (technoparks, innovation and technology centers, business incubators, technology transfer centers, engineering centers, etc.);

Promoting the development of links within the framework of innovation and the "diffusion" of knowledge, support for joint research at the pre-competitive stage;

Training of personnel for the innovation sphere, training in innovation management;

Encouraging companies to produce new products, technological re-equipment and R&D;

Assistance in the formation of sustainable cooperative ties and innovation clusters;

The systemic influence of the state on the formation of subject-oriented innovative demand in the business sector;

Development of public-private partnership mechanisms in the implementation of major promising areas of innovative development;

Formation of an effective management system in the innovation sphere, including the development and implementation of a long-term state innovation policy.

9. Volumes and Strategies for 2008-2015 (in 2005 prices)

Annually 0.2% of GRP from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan and funds attracted on a parity basis within the framework of contractual obligations.

1. Analysis of the state of scientific and innovative activity

in the Russian Federation, including in the Republic of Tatarstan

Over the past fifteen years, the development of research and development in the Russian Federation has been characterized by a number of contradictory trends, directly caused by the consequences of the transformation of the directive-planning economic system in the market and a certain change in the role and importance of science in society. First of all, it should be noted that both internal R&D costs and the volume of budget allocations for research and development have been reduced. There is a sharp decline in the prestige of the profession of a scientist. In Russia, according to a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), the profession of a scientist is prestigious in the estimates of only 1% of the country's inhabitants. At the same time, in the United States, according to the results of research in 2002, the profession of a scientist was the most prestigious - 51% of the population called this profession highly prestigious, 25% - very prestigious, and 20% - prestigious.

In fact, the intensity of the “brain drain” from Russia is not decreasing. By expert opinion Since 1989, more than 25,000 scientists have gone abroad and about 35,000 are working abroad on temporary contracts. Although this makes up about 5-6% of the country's scientific potential, those who left are, as a rule, the most competitive scientists, who are in the most productive age interval.

The most important problem continues to be the imperfection of competitive mechanisms for allocating funds for financing the scientific sphere. Lack of real competition in distribution budget spending on R&D reduces the efficiency of the functioning of the scientific sphere, prevents large amounts of funding from being received by the most demanded scientific organizations.

In general, the key problems in the development of the domestic research and development sphere lie in the field of not so much financial as organizational solutions - the search for new forms of development of fundamental and applied science, its integration with the real sector of the economy.

Main system problem is that the level of susceptibility of the economy to new developments is less than 5%, there is no multiplier relationship between the increase in R&D and gross regional product. The current level of integration of education, scientific and innovative activities does not allow optimizing the process of scientific and technological transfer and increasing the efficiency of research funding. Further conservation of the current situation is fraught with the loss of prospects for the growth of regional competitiveness in the market of science-intensive products, an irreversible lag behind the world level of technology development. A simple increase in the volume of funding for the scientific sphere will not lead to a solution to the problems it faces. It is necessary to reorganize the management system of scientific institutions, improve the mechanisms for integrating science, innovation system and real sector economy, which, in turn, based on the growth in demand for the results of scientific research will cause an increase in their funding.

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