
Ria rating. RIA rating Results of socio-economic development for the year

The Moscow region is one of the dynamically developing subjects Russian Federation. By gross regional product, turnover retail, volume industrial production, admission foreign investment, volume paid services population occupies a leading position in the Central Federal District.

At present, the Moscow region firmly holds the second place in Russia in terms of gross regional product(GRP). Last year, GRP grew by 4.4% compared to 2011 and exceeded 2.5 trillion rubles. The turnover of organizations increased by 18.4% and reached 6.5 trillion rubles. The profit of organizations increased by 27%. The volume of industrial production in 2012 reached almost 5% of the country's total production, while in Russia as a whole a similar growth was 2.6%.

At the same time, the volume of foreign investment has decreased: last year it amounted to 4.6 billion US dollars, and in 2011 - 5.5 billion US dollars. However, this is a general trend for the country. At the rate foreign investors, in the Moscow region, as before, the return on investment is 2-3 times faster than in Germany or France.

However, the budget of the Moscow region for 2013 amounted to:

income - 289 billion rubles

expenses - 306 billion rubles

Budget deficit - 5.43% of the costs. The main income items are taxes on corporate profits (37.8%) and on income individuals(34%), as well as excises (13%). Concentration tax base is not typical for the subject (for example, the largest taxpayer - State Unitary Enterprise "Mosoblgaz" - annually transfers less than 1% to the budget own income region) Over 60% of the regional budget expenditures are socially oriented (22% of expenditures are allocated to education, 21% to social policy, 20% to healthcare). Major items of expenditure are also National economy(16%, including 10% - road sector), national issues (6%), maintenance of state and municipal debt (3 %). State debt Moscow region as of March 1, 2013 amounted to 55.5 billion rubles; it is worth noting a significant reduction in the volume of debt in 2010-2012 (by 2.5 times), mainly due to funds from the issue of securities and loans from credit institutions

A significant impact on the economy of the Moscow Region and, in particular, on the size of its budget was provided by the transfer from July 1, 2012 of a part of the territory of the Moscow Region to Moscow; Thus, according to the former governor of the Moscow region, Sergei Shoigu, due to the expansion of Moscow, the Moscow region may annually lose 35 billion rubles in taxes.

Coefficient of localization of production (index of the level of specialization)

Section F Construction

Section I Transport and communications

Section M Education

As can be seen from the calculations, the branches of specialization of the Moscow Region should be considered (in descending order):

E - Production and distribution of electricity, water and gas

H - Hotels and restaurants

D - Manufacturing

G - Wholesale and retail trade, repair auto Vehicle, motorcycles, household and personal items

K - Operations with real estate, rent and provision of services

I - Transport and communications

N - Health and social services.

L - Public administration and military security, social insurance

In order to establish the level of development of the industry in the region and the degree of inter-district marketability, the corresponding coefficients are calculated:

where, K y is the coefficient of the level of development of the industry in the region;

Consumption reg is the volume of consumption of manufactured products of the industry in the given region.

The coefficient of interdistrict marketability is calculated by the formula:

where, is the coefficient of interregional marketability, if it is more than 0.5, then more than half of the production is exported from the region;

Вв otr - the volume of exported products of the region's industry.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find data on consumption by industry (in accordance with OKVED) within a particular region in the recommended and other sources of statistical information, and therefore these indicators are not calculated as part of the work. However, the absence of these calculations will not affect the results of the study due to the partial duplication of these indicators by others.

The per capita production coefficient is calculated by the formula:

where, K d is the coefficient of per capita production;

Us reg. - the population of the region;

Us page - the population of the country.

Let's calculate this coefficient, based on the data of appendices 2, 3 and 4 for 2011 and get:

Section A Agriculture, hunting and forestry

Section B Fishing, fish farming

Section C Mining

Section D Manufacturing

Section E Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

Section F Construction

Section G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items

Section H Hotels and restaurants

Section I Transport and communications

Section J Financial Activities

Section K Real estate transactions, rentals and provision of services

Section L Public administration and military security; social insurance

Section M Education

Section N Health and Social Services

Section O Provision of Other Community, Social and Personal Services

The per capita production coefficient shows how many times more or less the same product is produced per capita compared to the Russian Federation.

As can be seen from the calculations, the value of the coefficient exceeding one is valid for industries (in descending order):

Section H Hotels and restaurants

Section E Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

Section D Manufacturing

· Section G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items

· Section K Real estate transactions, rentals and provision of services

Section N Health and Social Services

Section I Transport and communications

· Section L Public administration and military security; social insurance

This confirms the earlier conclusions about the belonging of these industries to the industries of the region's specialization.

Production efficiency is calculated by the formula:

where, Ztr reg - the cost of the region for production (domestic production consumption).

Unfortunately, to find in the recommended (and other) sources of statistical information data on intermediate consumption(production costs) in the context of industries (in accordance with OKVED) within a particular region failed, and therefore the calculation of the indicator in the framework of this work is not performed.

Thus, according to the results of the calculations performed in the second section of the work, it can be stated that the branches of specialization of the Moscow region are such industries as: "Hotels and restaurants", "Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water", "Manufacturing", " Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items”, “Real estate operations, rent and provision of services”, “Health and social services”, “Transport and communications”, “Public administration and military security; social insurance"

Director General of the Center for Scientific political thought and Ideology, Doctor of Political Science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Stepan Sulakshin; Expert of the Center Kravchenko L.I.

Diagnostics of the current socio-economic state of Russia was carried out, signs of recession were assessed.

Assessment of the current state of social economic development authorities in the country is reduced to the formula that everything is going better than expected, and from the fourth quarter, the crisis tendencies will be finally overcome. Economic growth is predicted in 2016 at the level of 2%, but it is not yet explained how this should happen. Official forecasts are extremely contradictory and unstable and rather wishful thinking. In the presidential central official report at SPIEF-2015, the figures are selected according to the principle of the most optimistic, the real figures are simply hushed up.

Analysis of socio-economic development for 5 months (January-May 2015) shows that economic downturn continues, the rate of decline in the manufacturing sector is growing, the bottom of the crisis recession has not been reached, there are no signs of recovery in any area.

The US President's statements that Russia is in a deep recession turn out to be more justified and convincing than the estimates Russian politicians regarding the dynamics of the socio-economic development of the country. The inadequacy of assessments reduces the quality of public administration.

Main parameters of economic development

As early as 2013, the Russian economy entered stagnation, which manifested itself in a slowdown economic growth, falling investment in fixed assets and almost zero level of industrial production (in 2013 it was 0.4%, in the manufacturing sector a drop of 1.1%). Due to the investment downturn in 2014, a further slowdown in economic growth should have been natural, even without external pressure. The imposed sanctions only accelerated the transition from stagnation to recession, which in 2015 became inevitable.

To analyze the current socio-economic state of Russia's development, key macroeconomic parameters are analyzed: the GDP growth rate, the state of industry, investments in fixed assets, the volume of freight traffic, retail trade turnover as an indicator of consumer demand, construction, prices, exchange rate national currency, as well as social indicators of the labor market and standard of living.

According to Rosstat for the first quarter of 2015, the fall in GDP was 2.2%, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, over five months, GDP fell by 3.2%. The forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, given at the end of May, suggests a 2.8% drop in GDP in the baseline scenario (maintenance of sanctions, the average price of energy resources is $60 per barrel). But this requires an economic revival in the second half of the year, the prerequisites for which, as will be shown below, are not observed in the Russian economy.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development, the fall in GDP in the second and third quarters will be approximately 3.5-4%, in the fourth quarter the ministry expects the fall to slow down to 2%. However, the economy will remain in recession, and the expectation of a slowdown in the decline to 2% looks unreasonably optimistic. Taking into account the traditional forecasting error of the Ministry of Economic Development in the direction of overestimated positive expectations (Table 1), we should expect a more significant drop.

Table 1

Forecasts of socio-economic development of Russia for the year, given on the eve of the year (according to the Ministry of Economic Development)

Forecast for 2012 (given 21.09.11)

Forecast for 2013

(given 12/14/12)

Forecast for 2014 (given 12/27/13)

Forecast for 2015 (given 3.12.14)

Forecast 2015 (6.02.15)

Forecast 2015 (28.05.15)

GDP growth rate, %

A typical overestimation of GDP expectations from the Ministry of Economic Development reaches more than 2%. This means that its “true” value can be up to minus 10%.

This is the test score. Exports were about 30% of GDP before the recession. Its fall in May 2015 was minus 44%. This means that the effect in GDP with the remaining components unchanged (which is overestimated in terms of the positive assessment) will be more than 10%. All this suggests that the recession effect will be greater than in the crisis years of 2008-09. and is very likely to be in the double digits.

According to Vnesheconombank's expectations, the fall should not be 2.8%, but 3.5-3.8%, which is lower than the initial estimate of 4.3-4.7%, which was revised as a result of rising oil prices. It is expected to exit the recession in the fourth quarter. The estimate for 2016 lies in the plane of insignificant, but still economic growth.

The linear prolongation of GDP growth rates (Fig. 1) indicates that the reduction in GDP growth rates is a natural result of the constantly ongoing process of economic degradation, and not a short-term deviation, as was the case in 2009. It is a consequence of the accumulated problems in the economy. First of all, it is the artificial shortage of liquidity stubbornly supported by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In the absence of long-term money, investment in fixed capital, and the growth of effective demand, primarily investment, and then consumer demand, it is not possible to overcome structural and gross growth problems. In addition, it is worth adding that the likelihood of extending sanctions after January 2016 is extremely high. Without government intervention the economy cannot recover on its own. But public policy shows the curtailment of interventions.

Fig.1. GDP growth rate, in % (according to Rosstat)

From 16 sectors economic activity(Fig. 2) only four showed growth in the first quarter - these are mining (traditionally always in growth), agriculture, almost zero growth in public administration and electricity production. Gross value added of other sectors decreased by up to 10%.

Fig.2. Indices of the physical volume of produced GDP and gross value added by type of economic activity, Q1 2015

So, the fall in GDP in 2015 will reach 3-5% according to official forecasts. According to expert estimates, the decline can be up to 10%.

industrial production

The industrial production index fell by 2.3% over five months (Fig. 3). The fall in May was even more significant, reaching 5.5%. The manufacturing industry shows the worst performance of all types of industrial production. Its reduction for 5 months reached 4.1%.

The dynamics of the decline in industrial production indicates that there are no signs of recovery in the economy and, on the contrary, the decline is accelerating. The industry is shrinking against the backdrop of rising costs (rising prices for loans and components due to devaluation), a lack of investment (expensive credit money), and low effective demand as a result of a sharp reduction in wages. For a number of industries, the decline for the period January-May 2015 exceeds 10% (Fig. 4).

Fig.4. Production index by type of economic activity for May 2015, in % (according to Rosstat)

These are textile production, production of vehicles and equipment, pulp and paper production, leather production, machinery and equipment. Failed indicators in the sector of production of machinery and equipment, instruments indicate that the task of reducing the share of raw materials in exports will not be realized. These branches of Russian industry are in dire need of state support.

The decline in industry continues even despite the gradual decline in lending rates. It is insignificant given the non-economic critical overestimation. main reason is a systemic crisis of domestic production, wear and tear of equipment, low volumes state order, which could provide demand for domestic production of these segments. 2015 was complicated by the growth of production costs, in which a significant share of imported components or imported equipment, which became more expensive as a result of the devaluation of the ruble.

The figures for January-May 2015 showed that production cars fell by 23.8%, freight - by 23.2%, buses - by 14.3%. The dynamics of three types of production - machinery and equipment, vehicles, electrical equipment shows an ongoing monthly decline (Fig. 5). May became the least favorable month for industrial production. The immediate forecast is a further decline.

The expectations of the authorities are a drop in industrial production by 1.8-1.9%, which means an economic recession, but at a level not lower than the crisis year of 2009. The May figures point to the strengthening of negative trends in the industrial production sector. The decline will be greater.

Investments in fixed assets

Investments in fixed assets show a further decline trend. And this is the main factor for predicting the dynamics of the economy (lag 0.5 - 1 year).

For the period January-May 2015, the drop was 4.8%. It was caused by a reduction in borrowed funds, which is directly associated with an increase in the cost of loans, imported machinery and equipment as a result of the devaluation of the ruble. The fall in investment is a long-term phenomenon that has been going on since 2013 (Figure 6). The reduction in investments is associated with a decrease in the volume of state support and the amount of funds raised as a result of a decrease in business profitability.

Fig.6. Investments in fixed assets, in % (according to Rosstat)

The investment indicator traditionally correlates with industrial production. Investments advocate necessary resource for industry. Their deficit leads to a slowdown in production, as shown by the data of the last two years.

Freight transport

The third indicator, which, along with investments in fixed assets and the production index, reflects the growth of gross domestic product, is the freight turnover of transport. This indicator is most relevant to GDP. In fact, it allows you to control the "subscripts" of GDP.

Its increase could signal a gradual revival of industrial production, while its fall could indicate the presence of a crisis. Cargo turnover in January-May fell by 2.1%, the decline in May was a record - by 4.1%. The dynamics of cargo turnover correlates completely with other indicators - there is a downward trend in indicators.

Fig.7. Freight turnover of transport, in% (according to Rosstat)

Based on the expectations of a drop in production, it can be assumed that there will be a reduction in the pace and turnover.


The volume of work performed in the "construction" sector in January-May 2015 decreased by 6.1%, while the maximum drop was in May, when the volume of work decreased by 10.3%. The dynamics of construction is negative, which is the result of a man-made crisis:

As a result of the devaluation, there was an increase in the cost of materials for construction, which are mainly imported;

The destabilization of the banking sector and the growth of loans made it difficult to mortgage lending, which consequently led to a reduction in demand, which was the basis of investment in the construction sector.

The decrease in the volume of work in this sector during 2014 is associated with the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, which was already experiencing economic stagnation. The construction sector is likely to recover at a slower pace than other economic sectors.

Retail turnover

The indicator indicates the state of effective demand of the population. It was this parameter that stimulated economic growth in the consumer goods sector in the early 2000s. It is a mistake to assume that consumer demand is the driver of the entire economy. Responsible for him investment demand, which really affects the economy as a whole with a longer time lag.

The slowdown in the growth of real incomes of citizens, which even began to decline in 2015, led to a decrease in demand, the final assembly industry lost an important component of its functioning - effective demand. The reason for the reduction was a sharp increase in inflation as a result of counter sanctions - the food embargo, introduced in August 2014, and the devaluation of the currency, which led to an increase in the cost of imported goods and domestic products that use foreign components in production. Both factors are the result of the Russian authorities' own actions.

For 5 months, the retail trade turnover fell by 7.5%, in May the drop reached 9.2%, which is the worst figure in 2015. Retail trade turnover in 2015 shows a more negative trend than during the 2009 crisis (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Turnover of retail trade (according to Rosstat)

In May, compared with April 2015, there was a drop in sales of cars by 7.2%, pharmaceutical, medical and orthopedic goods - by 10%, computer equipment - by 3.8%. Increased sales household appliances, but in April, the decline in sales of household appliances amounted to 5-25%, depending on its type. The biggest drop is computers by 25.6%. This factor indicates that the decline in production may be longer than in 2009, as the demand factor does not work - before the end of the year trade is unlikely to recover. The only factor of revival can be the stimulation of the state order and the increase in wages of the population with financial stabilization. But this method is completely contrary to the activities of the government.


In 2015, the country expects high inflation. For the period January-May 2015 compared to January-May 2014, the consumer price index amounted to 16.2%, industrial goods prices - 11.6%, freight rates - 10.4%. Comparison with the previous year is given in Figure 10.

The increase in consumer prices compared to December last year amounted to 11.3% for food products, 8.4% for non-food products, and 3.9% for services (the largest increase in the insurance group 20.5% and preschool education 13%). The rate of monthly price growth is slowing down. If in January the prices for these groups of goods increased by 5.7%, 3.2% and 2.2%, respectively, then in May by 0.1%, 0.5% and 0.5%, respectively (Fig. 11) .

The slowdown in inflation confirms the man-made effect of the devaluation of the ruble and counter sanctions. In other words, the authorities themselves organized this increase in inflation.

Standards of living

The standard of living of the population in 2015 fell sharply as a result of inflationary and devaluation processes. On average, over 5 months, wages decreased by 8.8%, real incomes of the population - by 3%. Considering that for the majority of Russian citizens wages are the only source of income, it is advisable to operate with the level of wages. The size of the real pension also decreased (Figure 12).

Fig.12. Growth rate wages, real pensions, real cash income(according to Rosstat)

The citizens' assessment of the forthcoming changes in the standard of living is negative. The consumer confidence index, which reflects the aggregate consumer expectations of the population, in the first quarter of 2015 compared to the previous quarter, it jumped by 14 percentage points (Fig. 13).

Other indicators of consumer expectations are characterized by similar sharp falls. Index of expected changes in personal financial situation in the 1st quarter of 2015 decreased by 7 p.p., the index of changes in personal financial situation - by 14 p.p., the index of favorable conditions for large purchases - by 21 p.p., the index of favorable conditions for savings - by 8 p.p. The share of respondents who positively assess changes in their financial situation during the year decreased to 7% (in Q4 2014 - 11%). The share of respondents who believe that their financial situation has worsened increased to 52% (in Q4 2014 - 35%).

Labor market

Official statistics indicate a low unemployment rate, which is mainly due to the fact that part-time employment is not taken into account when calculating the unemployment rate. However, the May figures were record-breaking. Compared to the same level of the previous year, the unemployment rate rose by 13.5%, although a month earlier this figure was 8.8%. For five months, there has been a trend of increasing the number of unemployed. According to the Central Bank, by the end of the year the unemployment rate will rise from the current 5.6% to 6.5%.

Wage arrears continue to grow. In comparison with April, in May it increased by 11.7%, amounting to 3.28 billion rubles. The number of employees to whom there is such a debt reached 76 thousand people in May. About 95% of this amount is due to the lack of own funds the company, that is, a shortage of working capital, which is quite natural, given high stakes on credit and tightening conditions for businesses in obtaining loans.

Exchange rate policy: ruble volatility

The Russian ruble still demonstrates high instability - volatility (Fig. 14), reaching 4-6%.

Fig.14. Exchange rate volatility of the ruble (in terms of the dollar), according to the Central Bank (calculated by TsNPMI)

The exchange rate of the national currency is significantly influenced by such factors as:

World prices for energy resources;

EU and US sanctions against Russia;

Military operations and political situation in the former eastern regions of Ukraine;

Socio-economic parameters, first of all, the state of the balance of payments, the volume of capital outflow, etc.

Capital outflow

In the first quarter of 2015, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation net outflow amounted to 34 billion dollars. On an annualized basis, this is more than $130 billion. Given the negative forecast for the overall dynamics of the Russian economy, the amount of capital outflow is likely to be even greater.


May 2015 showed the worst indicators of socio-economic development since the beginning of 2015, revealing a trend towards an increase in the dynamics of crisis phenomena. This, first of all, speaks of the inefficiency of the government's anti-crisis practice. Within 5 months there was a steady decline. The economy shows no signs of recovery. Factors of economic recovery in the form of investment in fixed assets, consumer demand, the state of monetary policy show negative trends. This indicates a further downturn.

The economy is in recession, the standard of living of the population continues to decline, industrial production is falling, which proves that the crisis has not been overcome.

An appeal to the formula voiced by I. Shuvalov - "everything went much better" is unacceptable. The authorities do not realize the magnitude of the crisis generated by the accumulated problems and their own erroneous management decisions 2014 (self-embargo, increased key rate, the introduction of floating exchange rate, self-elimination of the state, etc.), external sanctions pressure. Without an understanding of the causes of the crisis, without the active participation of the state in the economic life of the country, it is not possible to overcome the crisis so as not to slip into it again in the next 2-3 years.

RIA Rating - May 23. To the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum-2018, which starts in St. Petersburg on May 24, rating agency"RIA Rating" of the media group MIA "Russia Today" has prepared the next, eighth in a row, rating of the socio-economic situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The rating, commissioned by RIA Novosti, is built on the basis of aggregation key indicators regional development in 2017. The results of the rating make it possible to judge the positions of a particular region on the economic map of Russia, which, as before, is very heterogeneous, as well as to determine the dynamics of their development.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today" specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: the creation of ratings of regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, other economic objects; complex economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya is included in the line information resources agencies, including: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA Rossiya Segodnya is the leader in terms of citation among the Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citation in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.

MIA "Russia Today" acts as an international media partner SPIEF-2018.

Read also

  • 15.05.18

    at a meeting of the board under the head of the Khabarovsk municipal district on the issue: on the results of the socio-economic development of the district for the first half of 2017 and the main tasks for developing the economy of the Khabarovsk municipal district until the end of the year

    In the first half of 2017, the activities of the administration of the Khabarovsk municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the district administration) were aimed at ensuring sustainable economic development and social stability in the Khabarovsk municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the district).


    The basis of the region's economy is the enterprises of the agricultural complex, mining, forestry and food industries, the construction industry, trade and tourism.

    In the first half of 2017, the district administration, together with business entities, implemented the task of achieving positive dynamics in a number of key economic indicators.


    Creating a favorable investment climate in the region is one of the most important conditions for attracting financial resources and subsequent economic growth of the territory.

    According to the results of the first quarter of 2017, the volume of investments in fixed assets amounted to 87.1 million rubles.

    The main "driver of growth" of the region's economy should be the territory of advanced socio-economic development (hereinafter - TASED) "Khabarovsk", the site "Rakitnoye". Currently, the site is characterized by the presence of 8 residents, two of which have already begun production:

    1. OOO TechnoNikol - Far East. Launched production. Type of activity - production of thermal insulation of stone wool and thermal insulation from extruded polystyrene foam;
    2. OOO Khabarovsk Pipe Plant (LLC POLYPLASTIC Group). Launched production. Type of activity - production of polyethylene pipes for water supply, water disposal and gas supply networks;
    3. LLC "Wholesale and distribution agro-industrial park" AgroHub ". Kind of activity - storage facilities and ancillary transport activities, food production;
    4. LLC "STK" Type of activity - construction of an assembly shop for road construction equipment;
    5. LLC Far Eastern Production Company Khalibs (LLC DPK Khalibs). Type of activity - creation of a production and construction base for the production of metal structures;
    6. OOO "Samarga-Holding" Type of activity - creation of a transport and logistics center;
    7. OOO RM-STEEL. FAR EAST". Type of activity – metallurgical production;
    8. LLC "Investor-DV". Type of activity - development and production of concrete products.

    To date, the project for planning the territory of the Rakitnoye TASED has been approved, work is underway to design the engineering infrastructure of the site (heat and water supply), and this year it is planned to begin its construction.

    The main effect of the development of TASED for the region is associated, first of all, with the creation of new jobs and an increase in deductions from personal income tax.

    In order to improve the investment climate of the territory, the district administration developed and approved a roadmap for the implementation of the Municipal Standard for Promoting Investments and Entrepreneurship Development in the Khabarovsk Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory for 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Standard), which contains 25 activities for six target models aimed at simplifying business procedures and increasing investment attractiveness district.

    In order to implement the Municipal Standard in the first half of 2017, the district administration carried out work to update the investment passport of the Khabarovsk municipal district, the list of investment sites suitable for placement, as production capacity, and objects of tourist and recreational purposes, a plan for the creation of objects of infrastructure necessary for investors in the area.

    There is a specialized section on the official website of the district administration dedicated to investment activities and is constantly updated.

    For demonstration investment opportunities district to the largest possible circle of potential investors, including foreign ones, on July 11-12 of this year, the Amur Economic Forum was held on the territory of the Zaimka tourist complex. The event was held with the support of the Government of the region.

    As a result of the Amur Economic Forum, the following was achieved:

    1. A Memorandum of Understanding and Friendship was signed between the Administration of the Khabarovsk Municipal District and the People's Government of the City of Jiamusi of the People's Republic of China.
    2. An agreement was signed on the study of the issue of the cost and methods of delivery of products manufactured in the Khabarovsk municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory to the territory of the trading complex of the Jia Tian De Yi Trade and Industrial Company LLC in Jiamusi, between ANO Center for Social and Economic Development of Khabarovsk district and Jia Tian De Yi Commercial and Industrial Company LLC.
    3. An agreement was signed between a Chinese company and LLC Alliance from Novosibirsk on the supply of petroleum products to the Chinese market.
    4. A number of Chinese companies got acquainted with the tourism potential of the Khabarovsk region and expressed their interest in organizing tourist trips to the Far Eastern taiga. There are negotiations about routes and prices.
    5. Forum participants from the Chinese side were interested in the possibility of creating joint ventures in the field Agriculture, food production, supply of construction and road equipment.
    6. Agreements were reached between agricultural producers of the Khabarovsk municipal district on the creation of a regional center for agricultural cooperation, the main tasks of which will be the processing of agricultural raw materials and the expansion of markets for the products.

    The Amur Economic Forum is planned to be held annually.


    The result of work to improve the investment climate is reflected in the investment projects being implemented and announced for implementation.

    6 large investment projects are being implemented on the territory of the district, 2 of which are recognized as large-scale priority investment projects (LLC "SKIFAGRO-DV" and PPZ "Khabarovsky").

    1. The project for the construction of a pig-breeding complex for 70 thousand heads is being implemented by SKIFAGRO-DV LLC. Production of 5.3 thousand tons of fresh pork per year, 653 tons of offal. The planned volume of investments is 2.6 billion rubles. On 06/06/2017, the construction of the complex started.
    2. The implementation of the project "Creation of the production of organic fertilizer from chicken manure" continues. The planned volume of investments is 77.6 million rubles. The project implementation period is until 2018.
    3. Project for the construction of a year-round agricultural farmers' market in the village of Topolevo with total area 1450 sq. m. The total cost of the investment project is 43.5 million rubles. To date, all project documentation has been prepared, a land plot has been allocated. The start of construction is planned after obtaining a building permit.
    4. In the field of the gas industry, Far Eastern Gas Company LLC is implementing a project to build a mini-plant for the production of liquefied natural gas - processing, storage, transportation and sale of liquefied natural gas in the village of Matveevka. The planned production capacity is 13140 tons/year. It is planned to create 70 jobs, the planned investment is 790 million rubles. To date, all building permits have been received, project documentation has been prepared.
    5. In the field of production building materials Khabarovsk Construction Ceramics Plant LLC presents a project to create an investment park on the basis of an existing plant for the production of building materials. On the this moment 3 organizations became residents of the investment park. The issue of transferring land from the category of agricultural land to the category of industrial land is being resolved. The project implementation period is until 2019.
    6. HKOO "Khabarovsk Aerospace Museum" - the creation of a complex of the aerospace museum and a demonstration center near the regional center. The total cost of the project is 80 million rubles. The project implementation period is until 2018. It is planned to create more than 15 jobs.

    On 06/06/2017, the construction of an incubator at the Khabarovsky Breeding Plant with a capacity of 320 thousand pieces / 1 tab was completed. The total cost of the project was 250 million rubles.

    The Amurskaya Dolina LLC company announced the investment project "Creation of an integrated farm for the processing of meat and vegetable products" for implementation in the region. At the moment, the issue of allocating another land plot is being decided. The total cost of the project is 181.3 million rubles. The project implementation period is until 2020. It is planned to create more than 30 jobs.

    Agricultural Enterprise Vostok LLC announced the implementation of a project to modernize a dairy shop and build a logistics center in the village of Vostok. At the moment, the enterprise has a land plot of 19 acres, on which the production of dairy products is located. The total cost of the project is 66.2 million rubles. The project implementation period is 2020. It is planned to create 23 jobs.


    The region continues to actively develop the sphere housing construction.

    For five months of 2017, 14.2 thousand square meters were put into operation in the district. meters of total housing area at the expense of all sources of financing.

    In the first half of 2017, 30 houses with a total area of ​​9.0 thousand square meters received permits to commission facilities. meters, including:

    • 28 objects of individual housing construction, with a total area of ​​3.9 thousand square meters. meters;
    • 2 apartment buildings residential buildings(97 apartments), with a total area of ​​5.1 thousand square meters. meters.

    Granted construction permits for 231 residential buildings with a total area of ​​46.9 thousand square meters. meters, of which:

    • 221 individual residential buildings with a total area of ​​35.2 thousand square meters. meters;
    • 10 multi-apartment residential buildings (216 apartments), with a total area of ​​11.7 thousand square meters. meters.

    In order to implement measures aimed at increasing the affordability of housing and promoting housing construction, the municipal program "Development of housing construction in the Khabarovsk municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020" is operating in the district.

    As part of the program, it is planned to introduce changes to the Spatial Planning Scheme of the Khabarovsk municipal district.

    Work is underway to prepare master plans for rural settlements: Kukanskoye, Naumovskoye, Pobedinskoye, Ulika-National, Malyshevskoye, Novokurovka Village and Sikachi-Alyan Village. To date, developed technical task, requests were sent to design organizations. By the end of the year it is planned to approve master plans Kukansky and Naumovsky rural settlements.

    In the first half of 2017, a master plan and rules for land use of the Michurinsky rural settlement were developed. The cost of the contract amounted to 50.0 thousand rubles.

    On the portal of the federal state information system"Territorial Planning" posted draft master plans for Osinovorechensky, Michurinsky, Sergeevsky rural settlements for approval by interested authorities. At the approval stage are master plans, rules for land use and development of rural settlements - "Village of Petropavlovka", Druzhbinskoye, "Village of Chelny".

    In June 2017, the district administration sent a confirmation to the Ministry of Construction of the Khabarovsk Territory on participation in co-financing in 2018 of program measures to provide engineering and transport infrastructure land plots provided to citizens with three or more children, in the amount of 90 percent of the project cost.

    The municipal program "Development of housing construction in the Khabarovsk municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory for 2013-2020" includes the above activities and funds.

    A package of documents is being prepared for participation in 2019 in co-financing program activities at the expense of the regional budget for the construction of rental houses, in the amount of 90 percent of the project cost. To date, a promising area for construction is the village of Knyaz-Volkonskoye.


    In the budget of the district, within the framework of the municipal program "Major repairs and ensuring the functioning of communal facilities for 2016-2020" for 2017, appropriations in the amount of 41.5 million rubles were approved (taking into account regional co-financing in the amount of 15.7 million rubles), which are directed to the implementation of measures for the overhaul of communal infrastructure facilities.

    In the first half of 2017, the following activities were implemented:

    • overhaul of the water conduit in the village of Rakitnoye in the amount of 600 thousand rubles;
    • purchase of a transformer substation in the amount of 270 thousand rubles;
    • flushing of a water well in the village of Roschino in the amount of 300,000 rubles;
    • repair of the water supply system in the village of Chistopolye in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

    By the end of the year, the following activities are planned:

    • overhaul electrical networks Michurinsky rural settlement in the amount of 4.2 million rubles;
    • overhaul of a pressure sewerage collector in the village of Nekrasovka in the amount of 5 million rubles;
    • purchase of diesel generators for the diesel power plant in the village of Naumovka in the amount of 3 million rubles;
    • overhaul of the main water conduit from the village of Nekrasovka to the village of Ilyinka in the amount of 4.8 million rubles;
    • installation of a steam boiler in the village of Zaozernoe in the amount of 3.8 million rubles;
    • overhaul of heating networks in the village of Vostochnoye in the amount of 898 thousand rubles;
    • purchase of materials for overhaul a water pipeline in the village of Topolevo in the amount of 907 thousand rubles;
    • reconstruction of the municipal boiler house in the village of Galkino in the amount of 2.4 million rubles.

    Municipal program "Clean Water for 2016 - 2020" in current year the following activities are planned:

    • design of an iron removal station in the village of Roschino to the amount of 1.4 million rubles;
    • design of sewage treatment facilities in the village of Bychikha in the amount of 3.4 million rubles;
    • designing a water pipeline to the village of Garovka-1 in the amount of 1 million rubles.

    The total budget of the program for the current year is 9.6 million rubles.

    Within the framework of the municipal program “Improving the quality of the road infrastructure of the Khabarovsk municipal district and organizing measures to improve road safety in the district for 2016-2020”, the district budget provides 84.8 million rubles for the repair and maintenance of public roads, including within federal program development transport infrastructure Khabarovsk urban agglomeration.

    This year, repair work is planned, including the following roads:

    • "Matveevka - Zaozernoye" in the amount of 38.3 million rubles (the contract is being executed with a deadline of 31.08.2017);
    • "Entrance to the village of Matveevka" in the amount of 6.3 million rubles (the contract is being executed with a deadline of 08/31/2017);
    • "Sergeevka - Complex" in the amount of 3.5 million rubles (the contract is due until 31.08.2017);
    • "Entrance to the village of Svechino" in the amount of 3.3 million rubles (contract deadline 08/15/2017);
    • "Entrance to the village of Voronezhskoye-3" in the amount of 3.2 million rubles (the contract deadline is 08/31/2017);
    • repair of roads in the villages of Rakitnoe and Nekrasovka.

    In addition, in the first half of this year, a number of rural settlements received an amount of 3.0 million rubles from the district budget as part of co-financing measures to repair roads that are municipal property of settlements.

    Program "Gasification of energy facilities and housing stock Khabarovsk Municipal District for 2016-2020” for 2017, funding in the amount of 18.9 million rubles is provided, of which: 11.7 million rubles are the funds of the regional budget, 7.2 million rubles are the funds of the district budget.

    The construction readiness of intra-quarter networks for the intra-settlement gas pipeline in the village of Kazakevichevo is 100 percent. VostokAvtoGaz LLC completed the installation of light poles for the power supply of the GRPSH (cabinet gas control points). An agreement is being drawn up with Gazprom Gas Distribution Far East JSC for technical supervision.

    The construction readiness of intra-quarter networks along the intra-settlement gas pipeline Michurinskoye - Vinogradovka is 100 percent. Re-pressurization and purging of gas networks is being carried out. In order to eliminate disagreements between VostokAvtoGaz LLC and Gazprom when accepting work, a decision was made to open 3 end sections of the gas pipeline. VostokAvtoGaz LLC must provide technological map to Gazprom for pressure testing of networks. The as-built documentation is being reviewed by Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC, after approval and signing, it will be submitted to the administration of the Michurinsky rural settlement of the Khabarovsk municipal district.

    Gazprom Gas Distribution DV JSC completed the work on the Natural Gas Pipeline in the Fedorovka Village and the Voronezhskoye-3 Village of the Khabarovsk Municipal District in full. There are comments on executive documentation. The contractor is working to eliminate the shortcomings in the documentation.

    Works on the facility "Distribution gas pipeline of medium pressure in the village of Osinovaya Rechka, Khabarovsk Municipal District" in 9 households on the street. Pervomaiskaya were produced and accepted by Gazprom Gas Distribution Far East JSC. To date, work has been suspended due to lack of funds from the contractor. An appeal was sent to VostokAvtoGaz LLC about the need to accept work on the installed in-house gas equipment in the owners' households.

    The initial maximum price of the contract for the development of a natural gas supply scheme for the village of Bychikha was determined at 417.42 thousand rubles. The budget provides funding for this event. The auction documentation is being prepared.

    Draft Transfer Agreement project documentation for the construction of an intra-settlement gas pipeline in the village of Matveevka is being approved by the management of JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Far East, which is evaluating project documentation in order to control the correctness of tax payments.

    In order to carry out measures to adjust the gas supply scheme, the authorities for gas supply were transferred to the rural settlement "Selo Ilyinka" for the period from 01.05.2017 to 01.10.2017. The rural settlement is working with Gazprom Gas Distribution Far East JSC to conclude contracts for the adjustment of the gas supply scheme.


    As of July 1, 2017, the Property Register of the Khabarovsk Municipal District contains 18,830 units, which is 8 percent more than the same period last year:

    • objects are not movable property- 1342 units, including: 379 land plots;
    • objects of movable property - 17488, of which: 140 vehicles, 1 package of shares in a business entity.

    In the first half of 2017, 2 objects were transferred from the district ownership to federal ownership real estate, in the state ownership of the Khabarovsk Territory - 3 real estate objects. 8 real estate objects were transferred to the ownership of rural settlements.

    From the federal property to the property of the district, 1 property was accepted, from the regional property - 2 objects.

    For the first half of 2017, the district budget received 7 million rubles from the sale of municipal property, which more than the amount received from the sale of municipal property for the same period in 2016 by 3.7 million rubles.

    3 open auctions were held for the sale of municipal property (in the first half of 2016, auctions for the sale of property were not held). In addition, property was sold under the pre-emptive right to purchase in accordance with Article 250 Civil Code Russian Federation (part one).

    For the first half of 2017, income from the lease of land plots amounted to 52.5 million rubles, against the plan of 53.2 million rubles (98.6 percent). In the same period of 2016, revenues amounted to 63.3 million rubles against the plan of 59.9 million rubles (105.7 percent).

    The decrease in income was due to the revision cadastral value land plots of DGK JSC (8.9 million rubles) and exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 21.1 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ (termination of activities legal entities) (LLC "Bereket" - 720 thousand rubles, LLC "InvestStroy +" - 350 thousand rubles, LLC "EuroStandard Group" - 897 thousand rubles).

    In the first half of 2017, income from the sale of land plots amounted to 19.5 million rubles, while the plan was 13.5 million rubles (144.4 percent). In the same period of 2016, revenues amounted to 21.7 million rubles against the plan of 21.7 million rubles (99.6 percent)

    The decrease in income by 2016 was due to a decrease in consumer demand for the acquisition of land plots in connection with a change in the redemption value of land in accordance with Resolution No. 354-pr dated October 28, 2015.

    For the first half of 2017, the land tax collection amounted to 30.8 million rubles against the plan of 25.6 million rubles (120.1 percent). For comparison, in the first half of 2016, revenues amounted to 23.7 million rubles against the plan of 24.9 million rubles (106.5 percent).

    The increase in land tax by 2016 occurred due to the registration of land plots in the ownership of individuals and legal entities.

    Incomes from the lease of municipal property for the first half of 2017 amounted to 7.6 million rubles against the plan of 9.2 million rubles (83 percent). For comparison, in the first half of 2016, revenues amounted to 12.1 million rubles against the plan of 11.3 million rubles (107 percent).

    The decrease in income was affected by the transfer of property into economic circulation by the newly created municipal unitary enterprises Housing and communal services (Comcenter LLC - 1.9 million rubles, MMO Garovsky water intake LLC - 683 thousand rubles, Rakitninskoye Utility Networks LLC - 1.3 million rubles, Galkino LLC - 228 thousand rubles) .

    In addition, in accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 159-FZ “On the Peculiarities of the Alienation of Real Estate State-Owned by the Subjects of the Russian Federation or Municipal Property and Leased by Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, and on Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation, tenants, individual entrepreneur Borovikova Lyubov Vasilievna - 111 thousand rubles, Olevin LLC - 93 thousand rubles, Ecol-DV LLC - 150 thousand rubles, took advantage of the preemptive right to buy out the leased real estate, which led to a decrease in income.


    As of 07/01/2017, 12 agricultural organizations, 82 peasant (farm) enterprises, 6 agricultural cooperatives and more than eight thousand personal subsidiary farms. The number of registered agricultural producers increased by 8 units (6 - C (F) H, 2 - cooperatives) compared to the end of 2016.

    The following dynamics are observed in the main directions of the industry development.

    For five months of 2017, farms of all categories produced livestock products :

    • 69.8 million eggs - at the level of the same period in 2016;
    • milk 2720 tons (68.1 percent compared to the same period in 2016);
    • livestock and poultry meat 3475 tons (96.5 percent compared to the same period in 2016).

    The decrease in milk production is due to a decrease in the number of cows in agricultural organizations in connection with the withdrawal of a herd of cows with leukemia from circulation. In order to completely eliminate hematological diseased cattle, Sergeevskoye LLC is working on updating the livestock by acquiring highly productive non-infected cows.

    Despite the difficult conditions for conducting agricultural production, the enterprises of the Khabarovsky Food Processing Plant and LLC SKIFAGRO-DV successfully implement investment projects.

    In 2017, work continued to provide support measures for small businesses.

    In order to participate in the competitive selection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the provision of grants to novice farmers and grants for the development of family livestock farms, supported and directed 8 business projects for the total amount of attraction of regional and federal funds in the amount of 34.7 million rubles. The results of the competition will be summed up in August 2017.

    Solving the tasks of creating comfortable living conditions in rural areas, forming a positive attitude towards the village and rural lifestyle, improving the investment climate in the agro-industrial complex in rural areas through the implementation of infrastructure measures and retaining personnel in rural areas, the implementation of the municipal program "Sustainable Development of Rural territories of the Khabarovsk municipal district for 2016-2020”.

    A subsidy from the regional and federal budgets in the amount of
    17.6 million rubles for the construction of a gas pipeline. The planned volume of residential development is 193 individual residential buildings. The work is scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2017.

    In order to attract federal funds for the implementation of the second stage of the project, with a total cost of 131.3 million rubles - the construction of inter-house roads, sidewalks, sports facilities, fire tanks, competitive materials were sent to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Khabarovsk Territory. On July 24, 2017, the federal selection of regional programs will take place.

    To implement measures for the sustainable development of rural areas, on April 3, 2017, a competitive selection was held for the development of design estimates and obtaining a positive conclusion from the state examination between the urban and rural settlements of the district. According to the results of the competitive selection, 2.0 million rubles were allocated to: Vostochny and Rakitnensky rural settlements for the reconstruction of roads, with a total length of 1.9 km; rural settlement "Selo Ilyinka" for the reconstruction of the house of culture, with a total area of ​​500 sq. meters.

    In order to raise funds from federal budget in 2018, on June 28, 2017, competitive materials were sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the implementation of projects in the Vostochny and Rakitnensky rural settlements for the reconstruction of roads.

    For the first half of 2017, 19 packages of documents from citizens, including young families and young professionals living and working in rural areas, were formed and sent to the Ministry of Agricultural Production and Rural Development of the Khabarovsk Territory.

    In 2017, 5 families of the Khabarovsk municipal district will receive social payment from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Khabarovsk Territory to improve housing conditions through the construction (acquisition) of housing.

    For 2017, the district budget provides 300.0 thousand rubles for the provision of subsidies to citizens who received social benefits.

    The direction of support of local initiatives of citizens has been successfully implemented.

    Due to the fact that prerequisite to receive a regional subsidy for PPMI projects is to provide a share of co-financing from the budget of the settlement, not all settlements of the district can participate. In this connection, for the first time, a district competitive selection was held for co-financing of PPMI projects, 2.0 million rubles were allocated from the district budget in 2017.

    As a result of the joint work carried out with the heads of the district settlements, 12 FPMI projects are being implemented in 2017 (3 projects in 2016).

    A regional subsidy in the amount of 14.8 million rubles (26 percent of the total regional subsidy) was allocated for the implementation of 12 projects in the Khabarovsk municipal district (29 percent of the total number in the region). The total cost of projects is 24.9 million rubles (2016 - 7.3 million rubles).


    The development of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the priority areas of the policy of the Khabarovsk municipal district, which allows you to create new jobs, replenish the local budget through tax revenues, and increase the income of the population through independent economic activity.

    The number of registered small and medium-sized businesses in the district for the first quarter of 2017 amounted to 4686 units. Since the beginning of 2017, the number SMEs increased by 46 units.

    For the first half of 2017, tax revenues from small and medium-sized businesses to the district budget amounted to 50.8 million rubles, which is 47 percent more compared to the same period in 2016.

    A patent taxation system is being developed in the district, available to individual entrepreneurs engaged in certain types activities.

    For six months of 2017, 13 district entrepreneurs applied this species taxation. The number of issued patents for the first half of 2017 amounted to 29 units, the amount of the transferred tax amounted to 984.5 thousand rubles, which is 22.5 percent higher than planned.

    In order to spread the application of the patent system of taxation in the Khabarovsk municipal district, on June 21 of this year, a seminar was organized and held on the advantages of applying this type of taxation. The issue was also considered at the Council for Entrepreneurship and Investment Climate under the head of the Khabarovsk municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the Council). Individual entrepreneurs actively participated in the discussion of the issue.

    The Council is a coordinating body formed to ensure practical interaction between the district administration and a wide range of entrepreneurs, as well as to develop proposals in the main areas economic policy district. Currently, the Council includes 18 people. 72 percent of the staff are representatives of the business community.

    Council meetings are held quarterly. For the first half of 2017, 2 meetings were held at which 12 issues were considered.

    The decisions taken by the Council are the result of the joint work of the bodies local government and representatives of small and medium enterprises of the region.

    The municipal program "Development and support of small and medium-sized businesses in the Khabarovsk municipal district for 2014-2020" is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the sustainable functioning and development of small and medium-sized businesses.

    The program provides financial, property, information and consulting support.

    The amount of financing in 2017 from the district budget compared to 2016 increased by 73 percent and amounted to 1.1 million rubles.

    The district administration took part in the competition of municipal programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, which made it possible to attract regional co-financing in the amount of 858.0 thousand rubles.

    Due to the increase in funding in 2017, the areas of financial support were expanded. So this year, financial support will also be provided to start-up businesses. The amount of the subsidy is no more than 300 thousand rubles per start-up entrepreneur - the recipient of the subsidy. Subsidies are provided on the condition that the start-up entrepreneur co-finances the costs of implementing a business project in the amount of at least 15 percent of the amount of the subsidy received, which are not refundable. Competitive selection will take place on 21.07.2016.

    Support for small and medium-sized businesses in terms of their provision with production, storage, office and other non-residential premises is carried out by means of effective implementation on the territory of the Khabarovsk municipal district of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 159-FZ “On the Peculiarities of the Alienation of Real Estate State-Owned by the Subjects of the Russian Federation or in Municipal Ownership and Leased by Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, and on Amendments to separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.

    In accordance with the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On Protection of Competition”, measures are being taken to conclude lease agreements, including by providing municipal preferences to small and medium-sized businesses, in accordance with the procedure established by the decree of the administration of the Khabarovsk municipal district.

    In addition, in order to support small and medium-sized businesses, the Decree of the Administration of the Khabarovsk Municipal District dated December 16, 2014 No. 4145 approved a list of municipal property owned by the Khabarovsk Municipal District and free from the rights of third parties (with the exception of property rights subjects of small and medium-sized businesses), intended to be provided for possession and (or) use by small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses. This list includes 11 real estate objects.

    On an ongoing basis, work is carried out to support small and medium-sized businesses, including granting them a pre-emptive right to purchase leased property. As of 07/01/2017, 2 tenants for the total amount of 2.2 million rubles took advantage of the pre-emptive right to purchase leased property.

    In accordance with the current legislation, auctions are held to sell the right to conclude lease agreements for municipal property, and lease agreements are concluded by providing municipal preferences. For the first half of 2017, 10 municipal preferences were provided in the form of property support to small and medium-sized businesses.

    In order to form a positive image of the business community in the region, events are held that contribute to the search for common ground and mutual interests in the work of enterprises various areas activities that allow a significant number of entrepreneurs to participate.

    In March 2017, a round table was held at the House of Culture of the Khabarovsk municipal district on the implementation of the national project Our Choice 27 and increasing the representation of products from regional producers in the district's trade enterprises. The event was attended by 40 trade enterprises, public catering, food and processing industries, peasant farms, representatives of educational institutions of the Khabarovsk municipal district.

    9 enterprises of the food and processing industry of the region presented a wide range of their products for tasting: Ostrov LLC, Niva LLC, Aqualux Trade LLC, Aquakorf LLC, Daltradeservis LLC, JSC SK Agroenergo, LLC Ecolux”, KFH Aryankina O.A., Nekrasov Consumer Society.

    Based on the results of the round table, agreements were concluded between food and processing industry enterprises and trade enterprises for the sale of products of a local manufacturer, among them: LLC Malinka, LLC Mostovik, LLC Ostrov, LLC Vostok, LLC Ecolux, LLC Pamir.

    For entrepreneurs, training seminars are held on topical issues, including jointly with the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory. In September 2016, a seminar was held in the district administration on the topic: "Participation of small and medium-sized businesses in placing orders for state and municipal needs." Round tables, conferences are organized with the participation of small businesses, specialists from the district administration, representatives of ministries and departments of the Khabarovsk Territory.

    Consumer market The area is characterized by a stable state and saturation with goods and services. A competitive environment with a fairly high entrepreneurial activity has been formed in the district. The consumer market remains one of the most resistant to the risks of economic development sectors of the economy, is one of the main sources of replenishment of the district budget and employment.

    The retail trade turnover for the five months of 2017 amounted to 159.1 million rubles, or 106.2 percent compared to the same period in 2016.

    As of July 1, 2017, 355 retail facilities with an area of ​​26,845.94 sq. m. In the first half of 2017, due to the construction, as well as the reconstruction and repair of unused premises, 4 retail facilities were opened with a total area of ​​372.4 sq. m. m. (in the villages of Osinovaya Rechka, Druzhba, Vyatskoye, Ilyinka).

    At the same time, 4 objects of trade ceased their activities (in the villages of Ilyinka, Osinovaya Rechka, Vyatskoye). The main reason for the closure of these stores is their lack of competitiveness in relation to larger retail outlets.

    For five months of 2017, the turnover of public catering decreased by 1.8 percent in actual prices compared to the same period in 2016 and amounted to 86.4 million rubles.

    Today, 53 public catering enterprises for 2,500 seats operate in the district. The number of enterprises remained at the level of the previous year. During the first half of the year, 1 catering facility was opened in the village. Korfovsky for 12 seats, 1 catering facility ceased operations in the village of Bychikha for 125 seats.

    An important component in the service sector is consumer services.

    Subjects of consumer services are represented by enterprises of non-state forms of ownership. The basis of the sphere of consumer services for the population is small business and individual entrepreneurs with the number of employees from 2 to 10 people.

    On the territory of the district as of July 1, 2017, 65 consumer service enterprises operate.

    The most demanded types of services are hairdressing salons - 48 percent, enterprises for the repair and tailoring of clothes - 17 percent, tire shops - 13 percent. At the same time, such activities as the repair of furniture and home furnishings, repair and Maintenance household appliances, activities in the field of photography.

    Public service enterprises actively participate in the social policy of the district, provide services to veterans of war, labor, home front workers, pensioners with discounts from 3 to 50 percent to current prices.


    According to the United state register legal entities as of June 1, 2017, 70 non-profit organizations operate in the Khabarovsk municipal district (compared to the end of last year, their number increased by 6 percent).

    On the territory of the Khabarovsk municipal district, the municipal program of the Khabarovsk municipal district "Promoting the development and support of socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Khabarovsk municipal district for 2015-2017" continues to operate.

    In 2017, budget allocations in the amount of 3.0 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program activities, which were distributed in the following priority areas:

    • organizing the activities of citizens for the improvement of the territory and housing stock (4 grants of 150 thousand rubles each, 4 grants of 100 thousand rubles each);
    • work with veterans and disabled people, children, teenagers and youth (3 grants of 150,000 rubles each; 2 grants of 100,000 rubles each);
    • development of mass physical culture, formation of a healthy lifestyle (3 grants of 200 thousand rubles each, 3 grants of 150 thousand rubles each, 2 grants of 100 thousand rubles each);
    • protection of the original habitat, preservation and development of the traditional way of life, management, crafts and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East Russian Federation (1 grant for 100 thousand rubles).

    In March 2017, a competition was held for the provision of municipal grants to socially oriented non-profit organizations(hereinafter - SONKO) in 4 priority areas. Based on the results of the competitive selection, it was decided to award 17 grants totaling 2.4 million rubles. Social projects will be implemented on the territory of 1 urban and 8 rural settlements of the district.

    As part of the competitive selection of municipalities of the region for the provision of subsidies from the regional budget for activities to support SONPO, 605.8 thousand rubles were won, which were distributed among 5 grants. (1 grant of 105.8 thousand rubles, 1 grant for 200 thousand rubles, 3 grants of 100 thousand rubles) in 3 priority areas.

    In connection with the provision of a subsidy from the regional budget and the remaining funding for the provision of grants in the first competitive selection, on July 20, 2017, a second competition will be held.

    According to the data of the heads of the urban and rural settlements of the district, as of January 1, 2017, 1,419 representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North live on the territory of the Khabarovsk municipal district, and 8 communities of the indigenous peoples of the North carry out their activities. The communities are engaged in the extraction of fodder fish for the needs of the population, which are not able to engage in fishing themselves.

    Council operates in the district authorized representatives indigenous peoples of the North of the Khabarovsk region, which includes representatives from 12 rural and 1 urban settlements of the Khabarovsk municipal region, chairman this council is Nikolaeva Tamara Afanasievna. There are 14 members in total. Also, the Khabarovsk regional branch of the Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North of the Khabarovsk Territory operates on the territory of the district, chaired by Andrey Zufarovich Sibagatullin.

    One of the features of the region's tourism potential is the possibility of integrated development of several types of tourism on its territory at once, which allows satisfying the needs of any target audience.

    Today, 50 objects offering tourist and recreational services operate in the district, among them: recreation centers, hotel complexes, sports facilities, medical and recreational institutions, objects of ecological and cultural tourism.

    In order to develop tourism and attract investment, the district administration provides information support for the tourism industry, as well as monitoring current situation in the field of tourism. At the moment, an online survey is being conducted on knowledge and satisfaction with the quality of tourist services provided by tourist sites in our area.

    On the official website of the administration posted and constantly updated information about the objects of demonstrations, events held in the district, tourist routes, information articles.

    Private investments in the industry for the first half of 2017 amounted to 772.76 thousand rubles.

    Eco-Park "Voronezh" continues the construction of a multifunctional entertainment center. On the principles of municipal-private partnership, work is underway to build an access road to the complex. Currently being developed design and estimate documentation. The construction of a bath-health complex was carried out.

    On the territory of the tourist complex "Zaimka" events of various events are constantly held: sports competitions, traditional calendar and ritual holidays, in January the annual dog sled race "Amur Blizzard 2017" was held.

    Social sphere

    The basis for the development of any territory is its demographic potential. In order to improve demographic situation The district administration is working to support young and large families.

    Today, the problem of providing housing is especially acute for young families. As a rule, young families cannot access the housing market without budgetary support. Therefore, the district administration is involved in the implementation of activities state program"Development of housing construction in the Khabarovsk Territory", aimed at providing housing for young families.

    As the results of the program implementation showed, young families mainly purchase comfortable living quarters (apartments) on secondary market in areas with developed infrastructure. 78 percent of young families out of the total number of families that have improved living conditions, acquired residential premises in the Khabarovsk municipal district.

    Also, at the birth (adoption) of a child, young families are provided with an additional social payment at the expense of the budget of the Khabarovsk municipal district in the amount of 5 percent of average cost housing, to repay part of the loan or loan, or to compensate for the expended own funds for the purchase of residential premises or the construction of an individual residential building.

    In 2017, it is planned to improve the living conditions of 14 young families. On April 28, 2017, certificates for receiving social payments were issued. The budget of the Khabarovsk region provides for 3.6 million rubles.

    In addition, 2 young families received an additional social benefit in the amount of 372.7 thousand rubles in 2017.

    In the first half of 2017, work continued on the provision of land plots for free use within the framework of federal law dated 01.05.2016 No. 119 “On the peculiarities of providing citizens with land plots that are in state or municipal ownership and located on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern federal district, and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. As of July 1, 2017, 2292 applications were received, of which: 750 contracts were prepared free use land plots, 605 contracts were registered.

    In pursuance of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012, work is underway to provide families with three or more children with land plots. For the first half of 2017 granted to the property large families 158 sites with a plan of 500.

    Thanks to the implemented measures, natural and migratory population growth is preserved in the region. natural growth population for the five months of 2017 amounted to 89 people, migration population growth - 90 people. Among the municipal districts of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Khabarovsk municipal district is the only one that has provided a migration increase, which characterizes its territory as favorable for living. According to the local authority Federal Service state statistics in the Khabarovsk Territory as of January 1, 2017, the population of the district was 90,875 people.


    The labor market remained stable in the first half of 2017.

    In the first half of 2017, 728 people applied to the regional state-owned institution “Employment Center of the City of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk District” (hereinafter referred to as the Employment Center) for assistance in finding a suitable job, which is 3 percent more than in the same period of 2016. Of these, 253 people were recognized as unemployed, which is 37 percent less than in the same period in 2016.

    The number of officially registered unemployed decreased by 108 people compared to 2016 and amounted to 304 people as of July 1, 2017.

    The level of registered unemployment decreased by 0.23 percent and as of 07/01/2017 amounted to 0.61 percent of the economically active population.

    With the assistance of the employment center, 424 people found work (58.2 percent of those who applied), 150 of the unemployed.

    In January-June 2017, 96 minor citizens aged 14 to 18 were employed for temporary work in their free time, which is 20 percent more than in the same period last year. It is planned to employ 426 underage citizens in this area during 2017.

    At the meetings of the interdepartmental commission to solve the problems of overdue wage arrears and reduce informal employment in the district in the first half of 2017, 12 enterprises with wage arrears were considered, 2 of which were absent at the place of registration.

    Based on the results of the work of the municipal commission in the first half of 2017, the enterprises of the district repaid wage arrears in the amount of 13.8 million rubles (to 369 employees), including:

    • to employees of economically active enterprises: MO Vodokanal LLC - 678 thousand rubles, MUE Korfovskoye - 194.7 thousand rubles, Sergeevka LLC - 695 thousand rubles, Galkino LLC - 469 thousand rubles, LLC "Sergeevskoye" - 1.8 million rubles, SKGAU "Amgun forestry" - 2.9 million rubles;
    • to employees of enterprises in bankruptcy proceedings: OJSC Zarya - 587 thousand rubles;
    • to employees of organizations that are absent at the place of registration: Samstroy LLC - 4.7 million rubles, Karier-Service LLC - 1.9 million rubles.


    There are 35 secondary schools, 31 pre-school educational institutions, 3 organizations of additional education, 2 evening schools in the district.

    In order to eliminate the second shift and taking into account the prospective needs for student places, the district administration sent an application to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Khabarovsk Territory for the construction of eight schools (r.p. Korfovsky, the village of Matveevka, the village of Bychikha, the village of Ilyinka, the village of Rakitnoye, the village of Garovka -2, the village of Krasnorechenskoye, the village of Michurinskoye). Currently, the objects are included in the regional program "Development of Education in the Khabarovsk Territory". The development of project documentation for the construction of the object "School for 250 students in the village of Michurinskoye, Khabarovsk Municipal District" and project documentation for the construction of the object "School for 525 students in the village of Khabarovsk" are already underway. Korfovsky Khabarovsk municipal district.

    To solve the problem of priority in preschool educational institutions children aged 0 to 3 years in 2017, construction began kindergarten in the village of Topolevo for 95 places. The construction of the kindergarten is planned to be completed in December 2018.

    From local budget in 2017 to host current repairs in educational organizations 10 million rubles were allocated. Of these, 7.8 million rubles were allocated to schools; 1.8 million rubles for kindergartens; 363 thousand rubles were allocated for institutions of additional education; 40 thousand rubles for the directorate.

    The total amount of the district budget spent in the first half of 2017 for current repairs amounted to 1.8 million rubles. Of these, for schools - 1.3 million rubles; for kindergartens - 0.5 million rubles.

    The average salary for the first half of 2017 was: for teachers - 31.0 thousand rubles, for teachers of preschool educational organizations - 30.8 thousand rubles, for teachers of general education organizations - 37.2 thousand rubles.

    The accessibility and quality of education has increased. In educational organizations, the transition to the Federal State Educational Standards for Primary general education(hereinafter referred to as GEF). Currently, the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard at the level of basic general education continues.

    The average percentage of education quality in the first half of 2017 amounted to 41.4 percent (in the first half of 2016 - 41.1 percent). Number of participants in the municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in 2017 amounted to 874 students, of which 173 students were winners and winners.

    The staffing of general educational institutions with higher education teachers is 80.9 percent, in preschool educational institutions - 51.2 percent, in educational institutions of additional education - 80 percent.

    Over the past 3 years, 43 young specialists have been employed in the schools of the district and continue to work. By target admission at the Pedagogical Institute of the Pacific state university 10 students study, students of the 1st and 2nd year of study receive a monthly scholarship from the district administration in the amount of 2000 rubles.


    Key priorities social policy Khabarovsk municipal district is the formation and dissemination of a healthy lifestyle, the creation of conditions for physical culture and sports for various groups of the population, the availability of a developed sports infrastructure.

    In the first half of 2017, the values ​​of the coefficients for the provision of sports facilities amounted to:

    • the coefficient of provision with planar sports facilities amounted to 25.8 percent of the one-time capacity standard;
    • the coefficient of provision with sports halls amounted to 49.8 percent of the standard one-time capacity.

    In comparison with 2016, there was a slight decrease in the coefficient of provision with sports halls and flat sports facilities due to an increase in the population of the district.

    Particular attention is paid to stimulating the population to maintain a healthy lifestyle, attracting them to systematic physical education and sports.

    In order to implement these priority areas, the administration of the Khabarovsk municipal district is implementing the municipal program "Development of physical culture and mass sports in the Khabarovsk municipal district for 2012-2020".

    Program expenses for the first half of 2017 amounted to 1.1 million rubles, including:

    • organization and holding of sports events - funds from the district budget - 923.7 thousand rubles;
    • organization and implementation of activities for the phased introduction and implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" - 232.2 thousand rubles from the district budget.

    The district administration, together with the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Khabarovsk Territory, is working to include the construction of the following facilities in the list of regional targeted investment projects:

    • "Sports complex - stadium" on the territory of the rural settlement "Selo Nekrasovka";
    • "Sports complex - stadium" on the territory of the village. Korfovsky.

    The projects are being approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Khabarovsk Territory.

    During the first half of 2017, two sports grounds have already been built to accept the standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex Ready for Labor and Defense (VFSK GTO) in the village of Ilyinka and the village of Osinovaya Rechka.

    The administration of the Khabarovsk municipal district sent a package of documents to the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Khabarovsk Territory to receive a regional subsidy in the amount of 156 thousand rubles for the implementation of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex Ready for Labor and Defense (VFSK GTO).

    There are 25 cultural institutions on the territory of the district, including 22 municipal state-owned cultural institutions of urban and rural settlements, a municipal institution of additional education "School of Arts of the Khabarovsk Municipal District", municipal state-owned cultural institutions "Inter-settlement Library" and "Inter-Settlement Cultural, Leisure and Methodological Center ".

    In the first half of 2017, construction began on a social and cultural center in the village of Osinovaya Rechka for 230 seats. Design documentation is being developed for the construction of the Cultural and Leisure Center in the village of Kukan.

    One of the priority areas of activity in the field of culture is to improve the quality of library services to the population. The Municipal State Institution of Culture "Intersettlement Library of the Khabarovsk Municipal District" includes libraries of rural settlements. In the first half of 2017, 2 updated model libraries of the Khabarovsk region were opened. The volume of the electronic library LitRes as of 07/01/2017 amounted to more than 80 thousand copies.

    As of 01.07.2017 compared to the same period last year:

    • the fund of public libraries increased by 7,022 copies and amounted to 359,051 copies;
    • the number of registered library users increased by 2,760 to 14,860;
    • the number of visits to libraries increased by 31,311 to 112,127 times.

    In the first half of 2017, the municipal cultural institutions of the district, as well as urban and rural settlements, continued to organize leisure activities, realize the creative potential of the residents of the district, and preserve cultural heritage.

    Compared to the same period in 2016, the main performance indicators of municipal cultural institutions have changed as follows:

    • the number of participants in cultural and leisure formations (club formations of amateur folk art, groups, interest clubs, etc.) decreased by 369 people and amounted to 3439 people. The decrease in the indicator is associated with a decrease in the number of cultural and leisure institutions.
    • the number of mass cultural (cultural, leisure and information and educational) events increased by 101 units. and amounted to 3121 events;
    • the number of cultural events held on a paid basis increased by 24 units. and amounted to 615 events.

    Budget expenditures for the "Culture" industry in the first half of 2017 amounted to 110 million rubles. Compared to the same period last year, expenses in the industry increased by 8.6 million rubles. This is due to the equipping of 3 model libraries in 2017, as well as a number of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Khabarovsk municipal district.

    From general expenses in the industry, the expenses for the implementation of measures provided for by the municipal program for the first half of 2017 amounted to 57.1 million rubles, including at the expense of the district - 42.3 million rubles, at the expense of the regional budget - 14.8 million rubles .

    Expenses in the "Culture" industry per inhabitant of the Khabarovsk municipality in the first half of 2017 amounted to 1.2 thousand rubles. The total cost of teaching one student of the art school for this period amounted to 41.8 thousand rubles.

    The wages (nominally accrued) of industry employees in the first half of 2017 increased by 3.3 percent and amounted to 25.6 thousand rubles. The average nominally accrued wages of employees of cultural and art institutions in the first half of 2017 amounted to 25.6 thousand rubles, which exceeds this figure for the same period last year by 12.1 percent.

    Employees of cultural institutions of the district - 22.8 thousand rubles, which is 3.1 percent higher this indicator for the same period last year. However, the achieved level of average wages for employees of cultural institutions is 17.0 percent lower than the average wage set for 2017 by the municipal road map (27.4 thousand rubles). By the end of 2017, it is planned to bring the actually achieved level of the average wage of this category of workers to the level of the average wage established for 2017 by the municipal road map.

    Teaching staff - 49.3 thousand rubles, which is 3.6 percent higher than this indicator for the same period last year, and 31.3 percent higher than the average wage set for 2017 by the municipal road map. A significant excess is associated with the payment of vacation pay to teaching staff in the month of June.

    Based on the information presented above, we set ourselves the following tasks:

    Continue work to improve the investment climate in the region. We see the fulfillment of the task through solving the issues of providing investors with land plots, production areas, connecting to engineering networks, as well as the provision of preferences in the form of a reduction rent per land and municipal property on which investment projects are being implemented. Measures aimed at solving these problems roadmap on the implementation of the Municipal Investment Promotion and Entrepreneurship Development Standard;

    Create the most favorable living environment in the district, maintain and increase the rate of increase in the main planned indicators characterizing the socio-economic development of the district through the implementation of adopted municipal programs in the district;

    Continue work to reduce the informal employment of people of working age, as this is a resource for replenishing the budget (payments from personal income tax);

    To develop the economy of the region in the first place by creating the most favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity, reducing and eliminating administrative barriers;

    To form a sustainable dialogue between the authorities and society by ensuring the activities of public councils, supporting local initiatives, territorial public self-government and socially oriented non-profit organizations.

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