
CTP base rate max. OSAGO insurance rates

It is always defined as a tariff corridor within which all insurance companies are allowed to set their initial prices for policies and make final calculations of their cost.

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It is for this reason that this type of insurance among the consumer will never be considered stable and calm. What are the forecasts for tariff increases in 2020? Are there any affirmative indicators of a rise in prices for today - at the end of January 2020?

Let's take a look at these and other questions related to new rates or rate increases for compulsory auto insurance policies.

Who regulates

Every year, the size of the basic OSAGO tariff is reviewed and approved by such an influential institution as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The fact that it is the Bank of Russia that undertakes to set the final tariff annually is even mentioned in the standard legislative provision No. 40-FZ dated April 25, 2002 (), effective after latest edition held on 07/03/16 (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

All CMTPL tariffs put forward by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are identified and calculated based on certain parameters.

These parameters relate not so much to drivers, but to the most dangerous automotive equipment that must participate in road traffic.

Bets are accepted depending on the following criteria:

  • car specifications vehicle;
  • design features of technology;
  • the purpose of vehicles on the roads, which is quite considered as risky for other road users.

All tariffs are set actuarially - that is, in the range of the minimum and maximum value, which allows insurance companies to vary and set not their own fixed base rate, but one that will correspond to the range.

At the same time, the Central Bank puts forward its requirements for insurers, within the framework of which they are obliged to act ().

For instance, insurance premium, or rather, its share, which must be paid to policyholders in the form of compensation or standard insurance, should not be less than 80% of the total insurance premium.

When was the last time they changed

According to the requirements of the Law, tariffs cannot be changed several times during the year or 1 time in several years.

There is a fixed provision in this regard, which states that the validity of tariff rates, approved by the Central Bank, is exactly 1 year old.

This means that they can change 1 time per year stably, so the last time such tariffs were recalculated in the spring - April 12, 2015.

Following this, insurers immediately began to raise tariffs for CASCO, because it is closely connected with the mandatory “autocitizenship”.

All this means that until April 2020, last year's tariffs, which were in effect throughout almost the entire 2020, will still be in effect.

And in 2020, the tariffs have not changed since April 2015, they were central bank simply approved by the previous ones, those that were adopted in 2015.

No compensation associated with an increase in insurance rates is provided (). All statistics on such tariffs, all innovations, changes and new data - all this must be published by the Bank of Russia in its official Bulletin ().

Therefore, all insurance companies, as well as advanced insurers who are not indifferent to their own spending, keep a close eye on those issues of the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia that come out in the spring.

OSAGO rates for 2020

It should be noted one special detail related to the pricing of OSAGO policies.

If the rates of 2020 were valid at the time of the purchase of the policy, then they do not increase throughout the year if you have to use the classic standard insured event.

But if the insurer suddenly requires an additional payment from the insured for certain risks that have arisen again during the insurance period, then these additional payments will already be calculated taking into account the new tariffication that will be introduced by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2020.

This should be remembered by those clients of insurance companies who do not faithfully fulfill the terms of the insurance agreement or those whose parameters may suddenly change during the insurance period in a particular case.

At the beginning of 2020, until the next increase, tariffs are still in effect, which are adopted for 2020, which are the following indicators in tabular form.

By insurance companies

It should be understood that not every Insurance Company takes for the base tariff rate exactly the lower threshold of the range of tariffs allowed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Because each insurer has a certain set of permitted activities - licenses.

Someone specializes more in car insurance, and someone is interested in expanding their coverage in business and adding OSAGO tariffs for trucks, which differ significantly from tariffs for cars.

But there are also large "sharks" insurance market who have the right to insure for any types and categories vehicles and even special equipment.

Let's look at insurance companies, which rates are usually applied and which cars are insured for.

OSAGO rates for various insurance companies for 2020:

Name of the insurer Vehicle type Tariff, rub.
Rosgosstrakh Motor transport
RESO-Garantia Moto
Ingosstrakh Motorcycles
MSC Motorcycles
VSK Motor transport
Yugoria Motor transport
Alpha insurance Motor transport

By region

In addition to the fact that each insurance company will choose its own tariff option from the “corridor” proposed by the Central Bank, prices will also differ by region.

Closer to the European part of Russia, central, southwestern or northwestern - tariffs are usually more expensive than in the eastern regions.

Although in large cities, regardless of regionality and affiliation to the administrative municipality, OSAGO tariffs show themselves almost equally high as at Moscow rates. This is due to the activity and traffic density on the roads.

The greater the risk of accidents on the roads of the city, the more expensive the insurance policy will be evaluated.

But large companies-insurers do not set different base rates themselves. It is the base rate that is almost always the same. For example, consider several such options.

Tariffs for 2020 of OSAGO policies for different regions and regions of Russia:

Name of the region, region, territory Insurance Company Vehicle type Average tariffs, rub.
Ivanovo region Rosgosstrakh Motor transport
A car
Passenger minibuses
The Republic of Buryatia
Nalchik, Cool
Moscow RESO-Garantia Passenger 3775
Chechen Republic 4084
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 3775
The rest of the territory of the Russian Federation 4118
Moscow Alpha insurance Passenger car 3700
Kaliningrad 4118
Samara 4118
All other regions 4118

However, it should be borne in mind that if under the tariffs of the OSAGO policy a simple layman understands that this is the full cost of the insurance product, then the prices will, of course, be higher.

After all, various coefficients are necessarily multiplied to the base rate. Everything should be taken into account here - the terms of insurance, the parameters of the car, the parameters of the driver, as well as the type of vehicle.

Here, for example, in the same Ivanovo region, insurance in Rosgosstrakh for drivers aged 20 to 30 years, with a driver's experience of 2 to 10 years, different price tags will be set for various passenger cars.

For legal entities

Prices for - enterprises and companies that keep their vehicles and drivers on the balance sheet in the state, of course, will be very different from the prices for insurance services for individuals.

This may be the sale of policies for transport companies, various fleets, then, special base rates are set, for example, tariffs or for special equipment that cleans roads in the city in winter.

Whatever type of activity this or that legal entity would not be engaged in, tariffs for some types of transport will be high.

This is even noticeable in the table with base rates set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, where, depending on the tonnage of vehicles and their risk on the roads in case of accidents, an increased rate is set.

For example, you can see some offers of insurance companies working with corporate clients(legal entities).

Basic tariff rates for OSAGO policies for legal entities for 2020 in different insurance companies:

Name of the insurance company Vehicle type Base rate, rub.
Rosgosstrakh Cars
Trucks weighing up to 16 tons.
Trucks weighing more than 16 tons.

RESO-Garantia Cars
Trucks weighing up to 16 tons.
Trucks weighing more than 16 tons.
Passenger vehicles with seats up to 16 people.
Passenger vehicles with seats for more than 16 people.
Tractors, self-propelled and other working equipment


Yugoria Cars
Trucks weighing up to 16 tons.
Trucks weighing more than 16 tons.
Passenger vehicles with seats up to 16 people.
Passenger vehicles with seats for more than 16 people.
Tractors, self-propelled and other working equipment

Is there an increase

Usually the Central Bank of Russia reviews insurance rates in the direction of compulsory OSAGO car insurance every year in the spring.

This suggests that we can definitely and confidently talk in January-February about some increase in tariffs for this species insurance is still early.

Usually rates are reviewed at the end of March or mid-April, so there is still time to use the old rates that have been in effect since last year, in the range 3432-4118 Russian rubles.

Experts today, as well as at the end of 2020, have already identified a certain degree of unprofitability in the sale of OSAGO policies.

As of July 30, 2016, the average loss amounted to 104 400 rubles for passenger cars for individuals persons. At the same time, each payment for insured events averaged - 72 700 rubles.

How high the cost of OSAGO policies will make drivers have fewer accidents is unknown. In addition, it is also unknown whether such an amendment will really be introduced, because the opinion of experts sounded only as a recommendation.

The only thing that can already be said now is that in those amendments that are submitted for consideration by the State Duma, there is not only a revision and final approval of the OSAGO rate, but also a revision of the coefficients for gross traffic violations on the roads.

The latest data of such coefficients presented the following picture:

This suggests that if the drivers allowed the largest number violations in a year according to the rules of the road, he will have to pay 3 times more for the policy than a more accurate driver.

As for the elimination of unprofitability, as experts and the Central Bank itself see it today, the administration of the President of Russia today rejects the proposal to increase rates immediately by 64%, believing that such a proposal is still quite “raw” and poorly predicted and worked out in theory.

There were also inclinations in the direction that the calculation of OSAGO tariffs was not handled by the Central Russian Bank, and RSA - the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, already starting its work on January 1, 2020.

According to the current legislation, every car owner in Russia is obliged to issue an OSAGO policy - compulsory auto insurance civil liability. It is forbidden to drive a vehicle without insurance. For violations of the law, administrative punishment in the form of a fine is provided.

Today, you can calculate the cost of auto insurance for a particular car in just a few minutes. The payment amount depends on the size of the base rate and odds. In accordance with the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated December 4, 2018, a tariff corridor has been established - the maximum and minimum values ​​​​of the base OSAGO rate, within which insurance companies determine the cost of policies.

OSAGO cost factors

To be correct, the following parameters must be taken into account:

Vehicle engine power. The higher the score, the higher design factor power (KM). So, if for vehicles with engines up to 50 hp. with. it will be 0.6, then for a car with a capacity of more than 150 liters. with. KM increases to 1.6.

Territory of Primary Use (CT). Drivers in major cities more accidents than residents countryside. Therefore, for megacities the coefficient is higher than for regions. For example, OSAGO insurance rates in 2019 for car owners from Moscow include a territorial coefficient of 2.0, and for drivers near Moscow - already 1.7.

Age and experience of the driver (PIC). The lower the age and experience of the car owner, the higher the cost of the policy. If it is issued for several drivers, the FAC coefficient will be determined by the youngest and most inexperienced of them. And when open policy policy (this is the so-called unlimited list), the coefficient will be 1.87.

Number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle (KO). With an unlimited list, the basic OSAGO insurance rate is multiplied by the coefficient KO \u003d 1.87. When reflected in the policy of a limited list of persons - by 1.0, provided that these drivers are of sufficient age and experience.

Accidents in the past (bonus malus, or BCM). Accident-free driving entitles you to a discount. With careful driving, the cost of the policy is reduced by 5% during the year, by 10% for two consecutive years, and so on. The maximum MTPL insurance rates can be reduced by 50% within 10 years.

Possibility of using vehicles with a trailer (KPR). This coefficient is relevant primarily for legal entities, owners of trucks, motorcycles and scooters. It does not apply to individuals owning passenger cars.

Period of use of the vehicle (KS). It reflects the period of time during calendar year during which the car will be used. The minimum period of use in contracts with individuals is 3 months.

The value of the base rate of insurance tariffs

The base rate of the OSAGO insurance tariff for individuals and individual entrepreneurs driving vehicles of category "B" and / or "BE" is established on the basis of the following documents:
  • (pdf, 376 KB)
  • (pdf, 746 KB)

Coefficients of insurance rates

1. Coefficient of the territory of predominant use of the vehicle (CT)

Territory of primary use of the vehicle Coefficient for vehicles, except for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines Coefficient for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines, with the exception of vehicles without wheel propellers
Moscow 2 1,2
Moscow region 1,7 1
Saint Petersburg 1,8 1
Leningrad region 1,3 0,8
Ekaterinburg 1,8 1
Ufa 1,8 1
Yakutsk 1,2 0,7
Krasnodar, Novorossiysk 1,8 1
Permian 2 1,2
Vladimir 1,6 1

Complete list of cities and settlements reflected in the instruction Central Bank RF No. 5000-U dated 12/04/2018

2. CBM coefficient

Class at the beginning of the insurance period Coefficient Class at the end of the insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events in previous periods insurance through the fault of the insured
0 insurance payments 1 insurance payment 2 insurance payments 3 insurance payments 4 insurance payments or more
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

3. Coefficient of insurance rates depending on the availability of information on the number of persons admitted to driving a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the coefficient KO)

The KO coefficient for a legal entity is set at 1.8.

4. Coefficient of insurance rates depending on the age and driving experience of a person admitted to driving a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the coefficient of FAC).

Age, years Experience, years
0 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 Over 14
1 16-21 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,66 1,66
2 22-44 1,77 1,77 1,77 1,04 1,04 1,04
3 25-29 1,77 1,69 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,04 1,01
4 30-34 1,63 1,63 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,01 0,96 0,96
5 35-39 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,99 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
6 40-49 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
7 50-59 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
8 over 59 1,60 1,60 1,60 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93


At compulsory insurance civil liability of owners of vehicles registered in foreign countries and temporarily used in the territory Russian Federation, the KVS coefficient is set in the following size:

  • 1.7 - in relation to a vehicle owned by an individual;
  • 1 - in relation to a vehicle owned by a legal entity.

5. Passenger car engine power factor

6. KPI coefficient for a vehicle with a trailer

No. p / p Trailer depending on the type and purpose of the vehicle Coefficient
1 trailers to cars belonging to legal entities, to motorcycles and scooters 1,16
2 Trailers for trucks with a maximum authorized mass of 16 tons or less, semi-trailers, trailers-dissolutions 1,40
3 Trailers for trucks with a maximum authorized mass of more than 16 tons, semi-trailers, trailers-dissolutions 1,25
3 Trailers for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines, with the exception of vehicles that do not have wheel propellers 1,24
4 Trailers for other types (categories) and purpose of vehicles 1

7. Coefficient of the period of use of the vehicle

Full information on the coefficients is given in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated 12/04/2018.

You can quickly calculate the cost of buying a new policy and apply for it online on the AlfaStrakhovanie website. If you have any questions, please contact the specialists by phone.

Strictly mandatory for all vehicle owners without exception. Lack of this policy will result in a fine.

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At the same time, the value of the base rate, in accordance with which the cost of this policy changes, changes annually - and it is different for individuals and legal entities.

What it is

First of all, it is important to get acquainted directly with what exactly is an OSAGO policy.

Since 2003, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it was established that all citizens of the country, without exception, are required to purchase a policy of compulsory motor third party liability insurance. The insurance process is carried out directly in special companies.

The main difference between OSAGO and other types of insurance that are practiced on the territory of the Russian Federation is its mandatory nature. At the same time, the cost is regulated by federal legislation quite strictly.

The base rate is used to establish the minimum cost of the policy. It is also referred to as the base rate.

Under the base rate is meant a certain amount of money, which is set in order to determine the price of OSAGO.

The type of cost value of this indicator is primarily affected by:

  • the type of vehicle itself;
  • the legal status of the buyer of the policy.

However, there are a number of different features associated with the base rate.

If the driver wants to independently calculate the cost of his own OSAGO policy for control, he should definitely deal with all of them.

This will allow you to independently monitor compliance with legislative norms by the insurance company.

What does it depend on

The value of the base rate for OSAGO depends on a large number of various factors.

First of all, these include the following:

  • vehicle type;
  • the amount of inflation;
  • the cost of spare parts for specific types of vehicles;
  • foreign policy situation;
  • policy of insurance companies;
  • federal law.

The main purpose of the base rate for OSAGO is to regulate the amount of insurance premium charged directly to the insurance company.

It is at the expense of insurance premiums that payments under OSAGO will be made in the future in the event of insured event.

Since the amount of insurance payment implies the repayment of expenses for compensation for damage, the rate is matched with the type of vehicle, as well as the cost of services.

Inflation is an important factor. Since it is slightly different every year, the increase in the base rate will also be different in different years.

Insurance payments involve paying for car repairs. The cost of parts, as well as work to restore the vehicle, is determined by inflation.

Accordingly, the increase in the cost of certain works and parts directly affects the size of the base rate.

The inflation rate is also affected by a large number of different factors. This is the policy of the state regarding the supply of car parts from abroad, as well as the position of the insurance companies themselves.

Since certain amendments to are also adopted taking into account the interests of these companies. There are many different nuances directly related to the increase in the base rate for this type of insurance.

There is a certain tariff corridor within which the cost of an OSAGO policy can be set. It must be remembered that the insurance company has no right to violate the boundaries of this corridor.

And not only in a big way, but also in a smaller one. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as the RSA, are responsible for monitoring and controlling compliance with the law in this area.

If any difficulties arise, controversial situations- It is best to resolve them through the courts. Because this body It has maximum amount tools to deal with such situations.

When was the last time you changed

The minimum basic OSAGO rate for companies and individuals differs quite significantly. From year to year, the value of this indicator varies quite significantly.

You can get up-to-date information on this subject directly from official sources. Publications take place on resources where amendments to current federal laws are posted.

For individuals

Particularly relevant are changes in terms of the cost of OSAGO for individuals. Not all drivers track changes in the base rate.

Otherwise, the cost of the policy in the new year would not cause such a strong surprise.

Edits to the base rates under the OSAGO policy have been made two times during the entire existence of this program. First time in 2014, second time in 2020.

Until 2014, for individuals, the base rate was 1,980 rubles.

But it is important to remember that due to the use of various kinds (regional and others), the total cost of the policy becomes significantly higher.

The most significant factor is the accident rate of driving in a particular region. The highest in the country it is in Moscow. The smallest one is in Volgograd.

That is why it is cheaper to buy a policy in regions with a low regional coefficient. In October 2014, the size of the base tariff corridor increased significantly. It began to range from 2,440 to 2,574 rubles.

At the same time, most insurance companies chose the maximum threshold. Which led to a significant increase in the cost of the policy - on average, the price per this service grew by as much as 30% across the country.

The most significant rate increase for individuals occurred in 2020. The basic tariff for the ranged from 3,432 to 4,118 rubles. But such increases have quite serious reasons.

First of all, it must be remembered that the value maximum limit on payment as a result of the occurrence of an insured event increased from 120 thousand rubles to 400 thousand rubles.

It was in accordance with these amendments that amendments to the legislation on OSAGO were adopted.

For legal entities

The main difference between the value of the base rate for legal entities and the same indicator, but for individuals, is precisely the lower cost. For 2020, it is a price corridor from 2,573 to 3,087 rubles.

Within this indicator, the cost of an OSAGO policy is calculated for each car.

You can again familiarize yourself with all the changes regarding the base rates for legal entities on official resources - where all texts related to amendments to federal laws are published.

Basic OSAGO rates

One of the most important points is the change in the base rate for OSAGO depending on the region. Since a special regional coefficient is established, by which the cost indicator of the base rate for OSAGO is multiplied.

Moreover, it differs significantly in different cities. The driver, before applying for the purchase of a policy, should definitely familiarize himself with the relevant information on this matter. This will allow you to independently predict the cost of OSAGO.

Base rates for different for legal entities and individuals. At the same time, the data differences are quite significant.

On this moment for legal entities the following are established: values

Transport category Rate for 2015, thousand rubles Rate for 2020, thousand rubles
B, BE 2.9-3 2.5-3
B, BE 3.6-3.8 5.1-6.1
C, CE up to 16 t. 2.4-2.6 3.5-4.2
C, CE less than 16 t. 3.9-4.2 5.2-6.3
D, DE number of passenger seats no more than 16 1.9-2.1 2.8-3.3
D, DE number of passenger seats more than 16 2.4-2.6 3.5-4.2
D, DE if applicable for scheduled flights 3.6-3.8 5.1-6.1
For trolleybuses 1.9-2.1 2.8-3.3
For trams 1.2-1.3 1.7-2.1
For tractors, self-propelled machines various types 1.4-1.5 1.1-1.5

It must be remembered that in different regions and in different insurance companies the cost of the policy may differ quite significantly.

And greatest influence It is precisely the chosen insurance company that renders the cost of OSAGO. That is why it is worth carefully considering the choice of the institution where the appropriate insurance policy will be purchased.

Often there are various special promotions, within which it will be possible to get a fairly significant discount on the policy.

At the same time, you should not chase after a low price and apply to little-known insurance companies. Since in the future it may be difficult to receive payment in the event of an insured event.

It is also important to avoid purchasing policies from non-official company offices. There are a lot of scammers operating in this area. Therefore, the best solution would be to use the services of trusted institutions.

By regions of the Russian Federation

By regions of the Russian Federation special coefficients, by multiplying by which the base rate it will be possible to obtain the cost of the OSAGO policy.

At the moment, such coefficients are established for all subjects of the federation. Information on this matter is open, presented on official websites.

The following rates have been set for 2020:

Region name The value of the coefficient for all vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled machines)
Adygea 1.3
Nalchik 1
Elista 1.3
Crimea 0.6
Saha Republic 0.6
Kazan 2
Naberezhnye Chelny 1.7
Chechnya 0.6
Permian 2
Vladivostok 1.4
Khabarovsk 1.7
Volgograd 1.3

Each region has its own coefficient. Its value is selected based on the statistics of accidents that occur within 1 year.

The more essential this indicator, the larger the coefficient is set. Accordingly, the smaller it is, the smaller this coefficient will be.

There are also other factors that in one way or another affect the size of the base rate, as well as the coefficient.

By insurance companies

OSAGO insurance companies with a low base rate will save a fairly significant amount. At the same time, the most profitable terms insurance is usually offered by large, well-established institutions.

The main reason for this is the very fact that it is possible to provide certain discounts without compromising one's own income.

At the moment, the following indicators are in effect at base rates, at the cost of an OSAGO policy:

Company name Base rate, thousand rubles Level of payments at the end of 2014, %
"VSK" 4.1 61
"Ingosstrakh" 3.4 59
"Agreement" 4.1 66
AlfaStrakhovanie 4.1 74
"UralSIB" 4.1 60
Sogaz 4.1 30
"MSK" 4.1 38
"Renaissance" 3.4 68
"Reso" 3.6 47
"Rosgosstrakh" 4.1 51

The best solution would be to choose the largest companies. This will minimize the likelihood of any problems in the event of an insured event and the need to receive appropriate payments.

There are quite a few different nuances. It is also worth looking at reviews from real customers of companies in advance before buying an OSAGO policy.

For trucks

Significantly different base rate for various kinds transport. Including for trucks. Moreover, the value of the basic OSAGO rate for various types trucks is also different. And quite significant.

The main parameter on the basis of which the calculation process is carried out is precisely the carrying capacity of a particular vehicle.

At the moment, the following tariff rates are set for vehicles of this type, depending on the maximum transported cargo:

That is why, before purchasing a truck with a certain carrying capacity, it will be necessary to take into account the cost of an OSAGO policy. Since the difference is slightly less than 2 times from the base cost.

The registration process implies the presence of a certain list of documents. At the moment, there are a number of different features associated with the calculation of the cost of an OSAGO policy.

A specialized formula for making calculations has been established at the legislative level.

On a motorcycle

The basic rate for a motorcycle, which is similar to the technique, differs significantly from the basic rate for cars/trucks. And to a much lesser extent.

At the same time, the tariff for motorcycles is set regardless of the carrying capacity or the number of seats. It is the same for all vehicles belonging to category "A".

These are not only motorcycles, but also mopeds, some types of ATVs and more.

For 2020, the following corridor of base rates for OSAGO was established:

It is best to deal with all the nuances in advance. The process of calculating the cost of OSAGO for a motorcycle and other equipment of category "A" is standard.

At the same time, the main difference of this procedure is that the base rate is set as standard for legal entities and individuals. During 2020, certain difficulties arose with the purchase of OSAGO for a motorcycle.

Smart insurance

CMTPL price increase, but not in Ingosstrakh!

How to quickly apply electronic policy?

In accordance with latest changes legislation on OSAGO it is planned to increase the base rate, from which the final policy price. Now the average rate in Moscow has been adopted at the level of 4,118 rubles, the planned maximum will be at the level of 4,942 rubles. Within this corridor, the insurer, once a quarter, independently determines its pricing policy. This mechanism is designed to regulate fees and payments by insurance companies, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to give the end consumer the opportunity to choose in which company and at what price. buy insurance. Today the company adopted OSAGO base rate at the level of the average for Moscow - 4,118 rubles.

Expansion of OSAGO to 500,000 and 1,000,000 rubles.

At registration of the OSAGO policy we recommend to every driver purchase an extension (DSAGO). If you are an experienced driver and have never been the culprit of an accident, you must remember that even with a slight violation of the rules, you can provoke an accident involving several expensive cars. OSAGO extension It is recommended to purchase drivers with little experience.

OSAGO in Ingosstrakh is reliable!

Millions of people from year to year trust us with the safety of their own lives and property. We are grateful to our customers for their trust! The experience and qualifications of our specialists at all levels of the company allow us to provide high quality services for a reasonable price. We are glad to try for your benefit and look forward to a long and warm partnership.

We leave in the morning - we need a policy.

Leave in the morning, and the policy is expired or just lost? In order not to get into an unpleasant situation with a traffic police officer, it is still better to issue a policy. It must be remembered that when making OSAGO policy You must have a valid Diagnostic Card(TO ticket).

Five reasons to apply OSAGO in INGOSSTRAKH:

OSAGO policy check carried out upon its delivery by calling the company;

Possibility to issue an extension (DSAGO) for 500,000 and 1,000,000 rubles;

The company has an extensive network of sales offices (more than 60 offices in Moscow and Moscow Region), where you can quickly make changes to the policy (add a driver, enter a registration mark of the vehicle, etc.);

The company carefully approaches the selection of insurance agents

75 years of history



75 years of history



International activity the most important line of work of Ingosstrakh, since the company was established in 1947 to represent the interests of the Soviet Union abroad.

In 1997, companies with the participation of the capital of Ingosstrakh merged into the transnational group Ingosstrakh (TNG Ingosstrakh). TNG was created to coordinate insurance and reinsurance policies, joint staff training, exchange of experience, etc.

Over the period of its existence, TNG has transformed into a community of insurance companies closely connected by industrial and commercial ties, while maintaining the leading role of Ingosstrakh. On the basis of TNG, MSG "INGO" was formed.

The signing of the contract and agreement on the establishment of the INGO MSG took place on August 27, 2004 in Helsinki. The INGO Group is a qualitatively different, much more high level company integration. The group included insurance companies, as well as companies providing services ancillary to insurance and reinsurance, the management of controlling stakes of which is carried out by Ingosstrakh.

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We will advise you on the types of insurance you are interested in, calculate the cost of the policy and send all Required documents to your email.

What do we pay attention to when choosing an insurance company? Of course, for her "age", experience, low rates and stability of work. Undoubtedly, only one company, Ingosstrakh, can boast of such qualities. The history of its activities dates back to the distant 1947. To say that the organization has been rapidly developing and growing is an understatement. Today the insurance company Ingosstrakh has its representative offices in Europe, Asia and America. Her authorized capital totals more than 28 billion rubles.


What confirms the reliability of the company? Undoubtedly, the results of her work. Of course, over 68 years, a considerable track record has been formed. let's consider maximum dimensions insurance claims that have ever been paid by the company:

  • 150 million rubles (1999) - the crash of the SU-30 fighter;
  • 179 million rubles (2009) - fire at the Snow Queen warehouse;
  • 180 million rubles (2011) - compensation for damage caused by a fire in the Mechanical Engineering and Hydraulics building;
  • 800 million rubles (2011) - the crash of the An-148 during a training flight;
  • 1 billion rubles (2009 and 2012) - payments for the occurrence of insured events related to the loss of spacecraft;
  • 2 billion rubles (2006) - compensation for losses as a result of a fire on the territory of a company - a distributor of medicines;
  • 7.5 billion rubles (2012) - the largest payment in history Russian insurance. Total loss of space ship Express - AM4.

What types of insurance are offered?

Insurance company Ingosstrakh offers a huge number of programs, so you will find the option that is relevant for you. Here you can:

  • take care of your own health, the future of your children and parents. Savings programs, voluntary health insurance or accident insurance - the choice is yours;
  • protect your own property from damage, as well as protect yourself from civil liability to third parties as a result of the damage;
  • secure the payment of obligations. With the insured mortgage loan you will not have any misunderstandings with the bank;
  • to insure the car against troubles on the roads (OSAGO, DSAGO, CASCO), protect your boat or yacht from damage and even purchase a green card.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the compulsory insurance of civil liability of drivers. This applies to damage caused both to the property of third parties, and to their life and health. There are certain limits on payout amounts. All of them are installed by the company in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. You also need to know that OSAGO insurance does not cover damage caused to your car. To do this, you must purchase a CASCO policy.

How to calculate the site?

If you are interested in the price of the policy, it is not at all necessary to go to the office. It is enough to enter the Ingosstrakh website, calculate OSAGO on your own within a few minutes and get the necessary information without leaving your home. Everything is calculated by the system, so the probability of error is reduced to zero. You need:

  • indicate who is the owner of the car: an individual or a legal entity;
  • choose the type of vehicle, as well as its power;
  • determine the type of insurance contract, as well as select the period of use of the car;
  • indicate the number of drivers and their driving experience;
  • enter the region in which this vehicle will be used.

OSAGO calculator Ingosstrakh makes it possible to find out full cost insurance policy in real time. This feature will save you time, as well as eliminate the cost of travel to and from the company's office.

Can I insure myself?

As you know, the most expensive resource today is time. It is not surprising that the possibilities of technology in our age are endless. If earlier it was impossible to imagine obtaining an insurance policy without a preliminary meeting with an agent, now there is no need for this at all. Everything is done elementarily simply through your own computer and access to the World Wide Web.

Now it's even easier to design a website in Ingosstrakh. You just need to sit comfortably in your own chair and devote half an hour of your personal time to simple manipulations. The process consists of the following steps:

  • registration on the site;
  • filling electronic application. We enter our personal data and information about our car;
  • payment of insurance premium remotely. To buy OSAGO in Ingosstrakh online, it is enough to have funds for bank card or on a well-known payment system(WebMoney, Yandex money, etc.);
  • obtaining a policy. You can either print it out on a printer, or order it at the company's office and get it by coming to pick up a copy yourself.

Summarizing the above, we can confidently state that insurance in Ingosstrakh is one of the most reliable. This is confirmed, first of all, by the duration of its work (more than 67 years) in the Russian and world insurance markets, the amount of payments, as well as the internal capital of the company.

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