
Cardboard banker. Details of the death in the colony of the founder of Mosoblbank Malchevsky: meningitis, pills, a mystery Public and political activity

Andrzej Ryszardovich Malchevsky(born May 6, Moscow, USSR) - Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist, public and political figure, founder of Mosoblbank, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the FINHOLCOM-GROUP Consortium, President of the Saint Tryphon National Fund, former member of the Public Council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Central Federal District, former member of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian Police Association of the IPA. On April 29, 2016, on charges of fraud on a large scale, he was sentenced to four years in prison.


Andrzej Ryshardovich Malchevsky was born on May 6, 1963 in Moscow. Mother - Malchevskaya Tatyana Vasilievna worked as the Chief Expert in State Committee USSR in science and technology (SCST USSR). Father - Malchevsky Ryszard, a citizen of Poland, held senior positions at the enterprises of the electronic industry in Poland, graduated from.

On February 28, 2012, by decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, he was elected a corresponding member.


Thanks to interaction with regional administrations, by 2010, at the very “peak” of the crisis, Mosoblbank deployed a network of 347 different structural divisions. Largely due to the constant geographical expansion in September 2009, the “National rating agency” (NRA) assigned Mosoblbank an individual credit rating of “A-” (high creditworthiness, the third level), and in 2010 it raised the individual credit rating of Mosoblbank to the level “A” (high creditworthiness, the second level). In August 2013, the NRA upgraded Mosoblbank's credit rating to 'A+'.

In mid-November 2011, it became known that the Central Bank of Russia issued an order to Mosoblbank limiting the acceptance of deposits from citizens, except for the bank's shareholders, for six months. However, Mosoblbank circumvented this decision and gave its own shares for a symbolic amount to each depositor.

In 2012, Malchevsky transferred control of the bank to his son Alexander.

By April 2014, Mosoblbank was among the top 100 banks in Russia in terms of such indicators as net assets, net profit, capital and loan portfolio. For each of the indicators, after the acquisition by Malchevsky, the bank rose by several hundred positions.

In 2013, the Kuban Finance Business Bank became part of FINHOLCOM-GROUP.

In May 2014, he ceded control over the banking holding Republican financial corporation”, including all the companies and banks included in it, as well as CB Finance Business Bank LLC, the owners of SMP Bank Arkady and Boris Rotenberg.

More than 100 billion rubles were allocated to the sanatorium, which significantly improved the position of SMP Bank itself, which fell under Western sanctions and lost most of its depositors. Also, thanks to the reorganization of Mosoblabank, SMP Bank managed to bypass the ban on working with international payment Visa systems and MasterCard.

On June 17, 2015, it became known that the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation filed charges of particularly large-scale fraud against Andrzej Malchevsky and his son Alexander Malchevsky. According to investigators, Andrzej and Alexander Malchevsky withdrew funds from the balance of Mosoblbank, then cashed them out and stole them. According to law enforcement agencies, we are talking about the amount of about 70 billion rubles. Andrzej Malchevsky was detained, Alexander Malchevsky was charged in absentia.

On April 29, 2016, Andrzej Malchevsky was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of 400,000 rubles.

National Equestrian Park "Rus"

One of the socially significant projects of Malchevsky is the support of equestrian sports and the development of Paralympic equestrian sports in Russia and its regions. In 2012, Malchevsky began financing the construction of the Rus National Equestrian Park in the village of Orlovo in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, which, according to the plan, should become the largest sports and leisure cluster in Europe focused on the development of equestrian sports. The park is being built in stages, it is planned to build equestrian centers, a sports school, a circus, a museum and a zoo.

Since 2012, equestrian events have been held in the Park in all Olympic, Paralympic and several non-Olympic disciplines of international level.

In 2013, a children's and youth sports school was opened in the National Equestrian Park "Rus", as well as a department of hippotherapy. The Park has a Paralympic dressage team, as well as the strongest in this moment driving team in Russia.

Since 2014, the Park has been able to hold competitions in all Olympic equestrian sports, both outdoors and in a closed winter arena. The complex "Vivat, Russia!", Built on the territory of the National Equestrian Park "Rus", according to athletes and foreign judges, is the most modern in Russia.

In July 2014 in the complex "Vivat, Russia!" the first Paralympic international dressage competitions in the history of Russia were held.

In 2014, a complex of structures and monuments was laid on the territory of the park, united under a single project aimed at the patriotic education of young people. In particular, in May, the only Memorial in Russia "Glory to the Russian Cavalry" was opened, in August the Obelisk "To the Warriors of the First World War", and on November 3 the monument " People's Militia 1612". In addition to the memorial part, the military-patriotic site "Peresvet" should be included in the complex.

Also in 2014, at the initiative of Malchevsky, a multi-page work was published describing the history of the creation, development and main victories of the Russian cavalry - “Russian Cavalry. The history of our cavalry - regular and irregular - in documents, memoirs of contemporaries, battle paintings of the 14th-20th centuries. The author of the book is Alla Begunova, a well-known historian and researcher of Russian military history.

On November 20, 2014, the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) nominated Malchevsky for one of its annual awards - FEI Solidarity Award, awarded for the promotion of equestrian sports through the development of equestrian projects.

Public and political activities

Personal life

Andrzej Malchevsky is fond of equestrian sports, studying the history of Russian hunting, and animalistic painting. Sponsors the publication of several magazines dedicated to this topic. According to sources close to the family, it is known that Andrzej Malchevsky had a long relationship with the head of FINHOLCOM Group Yulia Zedina (the couple has common child, (Anastasia Malchevskaya (born 2011)).

Son - Alexander Malchevsky (born 1983), works as President-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Investment and Financial Company MVB.



  1. Andrzej Malchevsky was awarded an order "For preservation cultural heritage Russia" (indefinite)
  2. Andrzej Malchevsky was awarded a honorary diploma and breastplate of Parliament of the Chechen Republic (indefinite) . Retrieved April 11, 2014.
  3. Board of Trustees of the All-Russian Police Association of the IPA (indefinite) . rusipa.ru. Retrieved April 8, 2014.
  4. Sergey Nikolaev, Elena Kovaleva. The investigation reached the former leaders of Mosoblbank (indefinite) . Kommersant.ru. Publishing House Kommersant (06/17/2015).
  5. Big Biographical Encyclopedia: Malchevsky, Andrzej Ryshardovich (indefinite) . dic.academic.ru(December 18, 2013). Retrieved April 11, 2014.
  6. Russian genealogical tree (indefinite) . r-g-d.org. Retrieved April 11, 2014.
  7. Andrzej Malchevsky was awarded the title Academician International Academy Social Sciences (indefinite) . tent-palatka.ru(February 22, 2011). Retrieved April 8, 2014.

The owner of Mosoblbank and the RFK banking holding, Andrzej Malchevsky, in 2010 “created an organized criminal group from his proxies” (there are five of them in total), follows from the indictment (Vedomosti has a copy).

Two of them - the former first deputy chairman of the board of the bank Dmitry Vasiliev and the ex-president of the RFK holding Alexander Malchevsky, son of Andrzej Malchevsky - were arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list. With regard to Olga Lutsai, who headed the department of lending to individuals of Mosoblbank, separate production a criminal case was singled out, which was immediately suspended due to her serious illness.

Thus, only Malchevsky Sr. (arrested in June 2015) and former top managers of the bank Yulia Zedina (she is under house arrest) and Viktor Yanin (sentenced to six years for causing damage to the bank in the amount of 578 million rubles) will appear before the court. ). They are accused of embezzlement of the bank's property by deceit and abuse of trust by an organized group and on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The maximum punishment is up to 10 years in prison. All three pleaded guilty and agreed on compensation for damages with Mosoblbank.

Andrzej Malchevsky's lawyer Andriy Solomenny expects that "the court will show indulgence" and take into account that his client admitted his guilt, repented, took measures to compensate for the damage, as well as "the state of his health."

“The defendants filed a petition for consideration of the case in a special order – a verdict without a trial, questioning of witnesses and examination of evidence – and we expressed our consent,” says Mosoblbank lawyer Roman Golovkin. When considering a case in a special order (with the consent of the prosecutor), the punishment cannot be more than 2/3 of the maximum.

At the direction of Malchevsky, a scheme was developed that made it possible to circumvent the Central Bank's restrictions on accepting deposits from individuals and hide their real volume, the indictment says. For the first time, the document describes in detail the scheme for withdrawing money from the bank, it is described below.

Around October 2009, after the Central Bank ordered Mosoblbank to limit the acceptance of deposits, Malchevsky Sr. decided “on the need to continue the work of the bank in circumvention of the established instructions”, because otherwise “the bank would not be able to function due to its unprofitability”, told the main accused to the investigation. He collected in his office on the street. Solyanka, the son of Alexander, Yanin, Zedin and Vasiliev, and “set them the task of developing a way for the bank to work, in which<...>reports will be submitted in accordance with the established restrictions,” Andrzej Malczewski testified.

Vasiliev proposed to him a scheme for withdrawing from the bank's balance sheet the money accepted as deposits, allowing him to generate the required reporting for the Central Bank. Malchevsky agreed and "gave the command" to take all measures to implement the plan. In October-November 2009, his son Alexander and Yanin formed the so-called "VIP department", which officially did not exist in the bank (see inset).

Its employees (at first it was two people) were tasked in the Inversion XXI Century program to perform “operations on the accounts of individuals – depositors of the bank necessary to conceal reporting”. Malchevsky ordered to explain to the employees of the "VIP department" that this is necessary "to distort the reporting to the Central Bank." In December 2009, the instructions of the Central Bank expired and Malchevsky ordered to restore all deposits on the bank's balance sheet. At the same time, he remarked to himself that<...>scheme<...>works successfully and allows not only to distort reporting<...>but also to make expenditure operations on customer accounts.

Around the end of December 2009, Malchevsky ordered his son, Zedina, Yanin and Vasilyev to resume the work of the “VIP department” from January and to tell employees about the instructions of the Central Bank, so that workers who “understand that they are acting contrary to established rules and regulations, have developed the opinion that their actions are aimed at concealing real reporting<...>rather than embezzlement." In reality, the money deducted from deposits began to be stolen "by cashing out through the cash desks of the bank." Over time, the number of "VIP department" has grown several times due to increased workload.

Lutsai organized the withdrawal of money to the cashier's account of the additional office "On Tkatskaya". And she brought cash to Yanin, Vasilyev or directly to Malchevsky Sr. Daily debited amounts varied from several hundred thousand to hundreds of millions of rubles.

Malchevsky, it follows from his testimony, gave instructions to his son, Zedina, Vasiliev and Yanin, how to manage money. That is how the accounts of the equestrian club "Levadia" (now NKP "Rus"), controlled by the bank MFO "Ramfin" and RIK, received money written off from the accounts of depositors.

From about 2013, Malchevsky established “obligations to Solyanka”, according to which his son “had to collect the amounts designated” by his father from the heads of these organizations and transfer them to him. Zedina, Yanin and Vasiliev "were also aware" of this. On behalf of Malchevsky, they converted the funds into foreign currency, credited them to the account of the RFK structures or the Finholcom consortium, or deposited them in safes rented from other banks.

By the beginning of the reorganization - by May 5, 2014 - Mosoblbank was "on the verge of bankruptcy, since it worked on the principle of a pyramid, paying one depositor cash at the expense of others, but the size of the kidnapped increased at the same time.

According to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this corresponds to the plot of the prosecution. “We have reviewed the case file and believe that the guilt [of the accused] has been fully proven,” Golovkin said.

At the direction of Malchevsky, the stolen funds were used for the construction and support of the NCP "Rus", the acquisition of land in the Moscow, Tula and Arkhangelsk regions, real estate in Moscow, financing of the companies of the RFC holding and the Finholcom consortium (in particular, for salaries, rent of premises, development of a branch Mosoblbank networks). “The development and strengthening of business also meant the strengthening of his personal financial situation,” Malchevsky’s testimony, cited in the indictment, says. “Some part” Malchevsky, according to his confession, “sent for personal expenses, and also allocated” to his son, Zedina, Yanin, Vasiliev and Lutsai - “in different periods in different amounts, the size of which he does not remember exactly.

The investigation found no circumstances aggravating the punishment of Malchevsky, Zedina and Yanin. And as mitigating, they indicated that everyone had young children and voluntary compensation for damage, and Zedina also “actively contributed to the disclosure and investigation of the crime.”

Prestigious department

Employees of the "VIP department" received an increased salary, in connection with which other employees of the bank often asked them to be employed there, according to Zedina's testimony. Its employees deducted funds from the accounts of depositors without their knowledge. Cashiers confirmed said operations and gave money to Lutsai or to someone at her direction without any paperwork. Before the checks of the Central Bank, a mass of expenditure cash warrants was created for the accounts of depositors, and the signatures on them were performed by bank employees. When "the volume of documents that required the signatures of depositors reached prohibitive volumes, not all documents began to be drawn up, often they simply were not done."

Svetlana PETROVA

The owner of Mosoblbank and the RFK banking holding, Andrzej Malchevsky, in 2010 “created an organized criminal group from his proxies” (there are five of them in total), follows from the indictment (Vedomosti has a copy).

Two of them - the former first deputy chairman of the board of the bank Dmitry Vasiliev and the ex-president of the RFK holding Alexander Malchevsky, son of Andrzej Malchevsky - were arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list. In relation to Olga Lutsai, who headed the department of lending to individuals of Mosoblbank, a criminal case was separated into a separate proceeding, which was immediately suspended due to her serious illness.

Thus, only Malchevsky Sr. (arrested in June 2015) and former top managers of the bank Yulia Zedina (she is under house arrest) and Viktor Yanin (sentenced to six years for causing damage to the bank in the amount of 578 million rubles) will appear before the court. ). They are accused of embezzlement of the bank's property by deceit and abuse of trust by an organized group and on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The maximum punishment is up to 10 years in prison. All three pleaded guilty and agreed on compensation for damages with Mosoblbank.

Andrzej Malchevsky's lawyer Andriy Solomenny expects that "the court will show indulgence" and take into account that his client admitted his guilt, repented, took measures to compensate for the damage, as well as "the state of his health."

“The defendants filed a petition for consideration of the case in a special order – a verdict without a trial, questioning of witnesses and examination of evidence – and we expressed our consent,” says Mosoblbank lawyer Roman Golovkin. When considering a case in a special order (with the consent of the prosecutor), the punishment cannot be more than 2/3 of the maximum.

At the direction of Malchevsky, a scheme was developed and implemented that made it possible to bypass the Central Bank's restrictions on accepting deposits from individuals and hide their real volume, the indictment says. Employees of the officially non-existent "VIP department" made transactions on the accounts of depositors, as a result of which funds were withdrawn from the bank's balance sheet and hidden from official reporting. Theft was carried out in the premises of the head office of the bank on the street. Solyanka, and then Bolshaya Semenovskaya, as well as the additional office "On Tkatskaya". Until 2013, illegal debiting of money was carried out to the cash accounts of the head office of the bank and the additional office "On Tkatskaya" (there were jobs for employees of the "VIP department"), and then to the settlement accounts of the companies "Ramfin" and "RIK", included in the holding "RFK". As a result of the activities of an organized group led by Andrzej Malchevsky, a fraud was committed, “by deceiving the employees of the bank and the banking holding “RFK” and abusing the trust of the clients of the bank-individuals”, at least 68.29 billion rubles were stolen from Mosoblbank, the conclusion says.

For the first time, the document describes in detail the scheme for withdrawing money from the bank, it is described below.

Around October 2009, after the Central Bank ordered Mosoblbank to limit the acceptance of deposits, Malchevsky Sr. decided “on the need to continue the work of the bank in circumvention of the established instructions”, because otherwise “the bank would not be able to function due to its unprofitability”, told the main accused to the investigation. He collected in his office on the street. Solyanka, the son of Alexander, Yanin, Zedin and Vasiliev, and “set them the task of developing a way for the bank to work, in which<...>reports will be submitted in accordance with the established restrictions,” Andrzej Malczewski testified.

Vasiliev proposed to him a scheme for withdrawing from the bank's balance sheet the money accepted as deposits, allowing him to generate the required reporting for the Central Bank. Malchevsky agreed and "gave the command" to take all measures to implement the plan. In October-November 2009, his son Alexander and Yanin formed the so-called "VIP department", which officially did not exist in the bank (see inset).

Its employees (at first it was two people) were tasked in the Inversion XXI Century program to perform “operations on the accounts of individuals – depositors of the bank necessary to conceal reporting”. Malchevsky ordered to explain to the employees of the "VIP department" that this is necessary "to distort the reporting to the Central Bank." In December 2009, the instructions of the Central Bank expired and Malchevsky ordered to restore all deposits on the bank's balance sheet. At the same time, he remarked to himself that<...>scheme<...>works successfully and allows not only to distort reporting<...>but also to make debit transactions on customer accounts.

Prestigious department

Officially, the "VIP department" did not exist, its employees were listed in other positions and received increased salaries, in connection with which other bank employees often asked to be employed in this department, according to Zedina's testimony. The "VIP department" worked in two shifts, two working days and two days off. Its employees in the ABS program "Inversion XXI Century" carried out operations to write off funds from the accounts of bank depositors without their knowledge, to the cash desk. At the same time, the cashiers confirmed the specified operations in the program and issued the money to Lutsai or to someone else at her (Lutsai's) instructions, without completing any documents. Before the checks of the Central Bank, bank employees processed the documents of the day, for which they massively created debit cash orders for the accounts of depositors. Since all write-offs, as well as the expenditure of funds from the accounts of individuals, were carried out by employees of the “VIP department” without the knowledge of depositors, the signatures in cash debit orders and other documents (in the case of non-cash transfers) were performed by bank employees. Employees of not only the “VIP department”, but also other services were involved in the design and filling of documents for the contributors. After checks by the Central Bank, such documents, as a rule, were destroyed. Every day, from several thousand to several hundred million rubles were debited from the accounts of private depositors. When "the volume of documents that required the signatures of depositors reached prohibitive volumes, not all documents began to be drawn up, often they simply were not done."

Around the end of December 2009, Malchevsky ordered his son, Zedina, Yanin and Vasilyev to resume the work of the “VIP department” from January and to tell employees about the instructions of the Central Bank, so that workers who “understand that they are acting contrary to established rules and regulations, have developed the opinion that their actions are aimed at concealing real reporting<...>rather than embezzlement." In reality, the money deducted from deposits began to be stolen "by cashing out through the cash desks of the bank." According to Vasiliev, Yanin and Zedina, Malchevsky knows that a copy of the main base of the Inversion XXI Century program - OBD was made for the employees of the "VIP department". Debit transactions were carried out in it on the accounts of depositors, which led to the debiting of funds to the accounts of the bank's cash desk, "while the corresponding expense documents were falsified by the bank's employees, since ... they were drawn up in the absence of depositors and their will." At the same time, employees were told that this was necessary "in the interests of the bank to conceal reporting to the Central Bank." Over time, the number of the “VIP department” has increased several times, which was caused by an increase in the workload.” (It lasted until May 2014 - the beginning of the rehabilitation of Mosoblbank).

In order to accumulate funds, Malchevsky “involved his old acquaintance whom he trusted in committing theft,” Lutsai. She “seized them from the settlement and cash centers of the head office of the bank, controlled and organized, at his direction, the seizure of funds illegally debited from the accounts of depositors” to the account of the cash desk of the additional office “On Tkatskaya”. And she brought cash to Yanin, Vasilyev or directly to Malchevsky Sr. The amounts debited daily "varied from several hundred thousand rubles to several hundred million rubles."

Malchevsky, it follows from his testimony, gave instructions to his son, Zedina, Vasiliev and Yanin, how to manage money. That is how the accounts of the equestrian club "Levadia" (now NKP "Rus"), the MFO "Ramfin" and the RIC, received money written off from the accounts of depositors.

From about 2013, Malchevsky established “obligations to Solyanka”, according to which his son “had to collect the amounts designated” by his father from the heads of these organizations and transfer them to him. Zedina, Yanin and Vasiliev "were also aware" of this. On behalf of Malchevsky, they converted the funds into foreign currency, credited them to the account of the RFK structures or the Finholcom consortium, or deposited them in safes rented from other banks. Zedina confirmed in her testimony that, at the direction of Malchevsky, she exchanged money for currency and brought him: “To object to depositing money on her behalf into the accounts of organizations or as contributions to authorized capitals, she could not, as she worked for Andrzej Malczewski and followed his instructions.

Vasiliev most often reported on the work of the “VIP department”, and Yanin and Zedina were also involved in coordinating and optimizing its work, according to Malchevsky’s testimony. For cover illegal operations Malchevsky instructed Zedina "as the curator of the bank's legal service, to develop regulatory and legal documentation" that would allow the recovery of funds on the accounts of depositors who applied for statements or closing deposits.

By the beginning of the reorganization - by May 5, 2014 - Mosoblbank was "on the verge of bankruptcy, since it worked on the principle of a pyramid, paying money to some depositors at the expense of others, but the size of the stolen money increased at the same time."

According to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this corresponds to the plot of the prosecution. “We have reviewed the case file and believe that the guilt [of the accused] has been fully proven,” Golovkin said.

At the direction of Malchevsky, the stolen funds were used for the construction and support of the NCP "Rus", the acquisition of land in the Moscow, Tula and Arkhangelsk regions, real estate in Moscow, financing of the companies of the RFC holding and the Finholcom consortium (in particular, for salaries, rent of premises, development of a branch Mosoblbank networks). “The development and strengthening of business also meant the strengthening of his personal financial situation,” Malchevsky’s testimony, cited in the indictment, says. “Some part” Malchevsky, according to his confession, “sent for personal expenses, and also allocated” to his son, Zedina, Yanin, Vasiliev and Lutsai - “in different periods in different amounts, the size of which he does not remember exactly.”

The investigation found no circumstances aggravating the punishment of Malchevsky, Zedina and Yanin. And as mitigating, they indicated that everyone had young children and voluntary compensation for damage, and Zedina also “actively contributed to the disclosure and investigation of the crime.”

The original of this material
© "Money", 06/16/2014, Bezbashenny Mosoblbank, Photo: levadiya.ru, rfcor.ru

Artem Nikitin

Horses, hunters, retired politicians, acting generals, suitcases of cash and robots are just some of the participants in what may be called one of the biggest scams in the Russian banking market.

A few hours after the publication in Vedomosti of the news about the upcoming reorganization of Mosoblbank, the largest after the Bank of Moscow, he offered his clients an unusual deposit - Brave Mosoblbank with a yield of 10.65% in rubles and 5.5% in foreign currency with daily interest payments. Like the conditions, the name of the deposit was frankly mocking - that was the name of the group on the banki.ru forum, in which the head of the analytical department of the BKF bank, Maxim Osadchy, for several years tried to draw public attention to the dubious operations of Mosoblbank.

The allusion to their impunity was not mere bravado. When it turned out that Mosoblbank is a giant vacuum cleaner that withdrew at least 100 billion rubles from the balance sheet. depositors, hiding them in exotic projects, the Central Bank (CB) only shrugged, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) was "amazed by the scale of the problems," and law enforcement agencies preferred to withdraw. The "Money" columnist understood where Mosoblbank got its self-confidence from.

Robot vacuum cleaner

For a professional depositor, Mosoblbank was a godsend: interest was paid on time, the yield almost always exceeded 10%, there were branches on every corner, utility bills without commission, deposits for pensioners, students, hunters, fishermen - in general, for every taste and color. A cowardly depositor would bypass such a bank in a kilometer, but a professional would not. Yes, and zero risks: up to 700 thousand rubles. the state will return. These depositors are calm even now, when, instead of revoking the license, the Central Bank subjected Mosoblbank to reorganization for a record amount of 117 billion rubles after the Bank of Moscow. Investors will save not only their funds, but also interest.

Analysts a few years ago, watching the behavior of Mosoblbank, rolled their eyes and said: "Again the vacuum cleaner." In 2013, according to the RBC rating, it took the seventh position in terms of the size of the branch network (585 branches), overtaking even the good old Alfa-Bank. In just six months of last year, he opened 74 offices, putting up three signs a week. McDonald`s (424 restaurants in Russia) and Starbucks (71 coffee shops) would envy such expansion. In terms of the volume of issued consumer loans Mosoblbank did not even make it into the top 50 list (Alfa-Bank, for example, is in seventh place there).

Even with the naked eye, one could see that Mosoblbank, for some reason, was pumping money out of the market and paying interest to depositors at the expense of some unknown funds. However, according to the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vladimir Safronov, the regulator revealed the scheme by accident. One of the depositors turned out to be an employee of the Central Bank, who noticed that the deposits brought to the bank were withdrawn almost in full the next day, and in other offices and cities.

Later it turned out that fictitious cash withdrawals were far from the most creative way to hide deposits from the Central Bank. Every night, a special macro automatically terminated contracts, allegedly at the request of Mosoblbank clients, and then entered into new ones - for investments in securities. The funds went first to the accounts of OAO RFK (at the end of 2013 it owned 97.96% of the shares of Mosoblbank), and then completely in an unknown direction. Part of the funds was found on the accounts of the Rus equestrian park, according to the Central Bank and SMP Bank. Traces of this violent activity are reflected in financial statements companies: only in 2012 JSC RFK earned net profit in the amount of as much as 210 billion rubles, which did not embarrass either the Central Bank, or the tax authorities, or even the FFMS, although the main source of this profit was supposedly income associated with the conversion valuable papers in accounting (197.7 billion rubles).

Experts interviewed by "Money" agree that it is not worth looking for a rational grain in the schemes of Mosoblbank, since its managers were engaged in "artistic creativity": they kept double bookkeeping and painted for the Central Bank a picture that he wanted to see. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about the legality of such a macro if there were actually no real operations. “As can be seen from the description, the termination of the deposit and the completion of another transaction was simulated by a computer program,” says Roman Malovitsky, senior lawyer at Egorov, Afanasiev, Puginsky and Partners. “Relations between the bank and an individual from a legal point of view were still relations under an agreement Thus, with the help of the macro, the bank provided false information to the CBR so that the violation of the order would not be obvious to the regulator." As for the program itself, according to Deneg, it is not difficult to write it, and the price of the issue is about 100 thousand rubles.

According to Safronov, Mosoblbank began to build schemes after the Central Bank in 2011, sensing something was wrong, introduced restrictions for the bank on accepting new deposits from individuals, except for shareholders. At the same time, the regulator appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office, but "the first letter did not lead to any results," says the deputy chairman of the Central Bank. In February 2012, the Department of Internal Affairs for the SWZO of Moscow conducted a search in the office of Mosoblbank on Solyanka, but the official reason was different - a criminal case against a bank depositor.

The pressure of the Central Bank, it seems, only provoked talented managers. A few months after the order of the Central Bank, the National Fund of St. Tryphon, headed by the main beneficiary of the bank, Andrzej Malchevsky, began distributing shares of Mosoblbank with a par value of 40 rubles free of charge to customers, thus avoiding the instructions of the Central Bank. Analysts admit that such audacity has not been observed for a long time, and hastened to write down such a "knight's move" in textbooks on economics.

In late 2012 - early 2013, Safronov says, the Central Bank again checked the bank and sent a new letter to the Prosecutor General's Office, at the request of which the law enforcement agencies nevertheless carried out an audit. The facts were confirmed, but no criminal case was opened. It is curious that it was at this time that the financial markets service of the Bank of Russia discovered exchange manipulations with the shares of Mosoblbank, LLC RIK and OJSC RFK; all three companies are clients of another bank of Malchevsky, Inresbank (also subject to reorganization). Law enforcement agencies are silent even now. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation told Dengam that as of May 30, investigators had not received any materials about Mosoblbank.

According to Maxim Osadchy, Mosoblbank also bypassed the capital adequacy standards of the Central Bank. He did this with the help of so-called gifts - gratuitous contributions from shareholders, without which he would have to show losses. In 2012, the bank went negative by 15.9 million rubles. even taking into account "gifts" of 0.7 billion rubles, in 2013 it almost went to zero with a meager income of 12.8 million rubles, but shareholders' contributions increased to 11.4 billion rubles.

According to the unofficial rating of banking analysts, in 2013 Mosoblbank had no equal in terms of the volume of "gifts". Immediately after him in the rating are Leto-Bank (a specialized subsidiary of VTB; 7.8 billion rubles) and Bank Yugra (7.2 billion rubles). Further by a wide margin - starting from 3 billion rubles - were Volkswagen Bank Rus, Sovetsky Bank, Russian Standard, Baltinvestbank, Binbank, Svyaznoy Bank and others. Thanks to the "gifts", Mosoblbank's H1 capital adequacy ratio jumped from 10-11% (risk zone) to 22.13% by May 1, 2014, which once again misled the Central Bank.

According to Osadchy, the increased interest to old depositors was most likely paid at the expense of new ones, which makes Mosoblbank look more like MMM than Master Bank with its black cash desk and cashing out. However, without an "envelope", it seems, it could not have done here either. According to the Kommersant newspaper, in order not to disclose the double balance, cash was secretly brought to the branches to pay interest. “Apparently, Mosoblbank was entrusted with the functions of working with cash - the so-called unaccounted for cash,” Kirill Kabanov, chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, told Dengi. “For this purpose, most likely, attractive programs for private clients were created.”

However, Mosoblbank did not have disproportionately large turnovers on cash accounts 20202 and 20209 (form 101). For comparison, the Dagestan bank "Express", at the beginning of 2013 caught in cash, exceeded this standard of the Central Bank by 3-4 times.

According to the banker Alexandra Lebedeva, for cashing out it is not at all necessary to collect the money of depositors in such a volume. “The Central Bank did not allow Mosoblbank to attract new deposits, so they started using schemes,” he told Dengi. “The usual story: you take client money and put it in your pocket. This is a normal business in Russia.”

In other words, it looks like we are dealing with a banal attempt at theft, Lebedev believes, but on a very large scale. The DIA was also surprised at the scale of the scheme. According to representatives of the Central Bank, the regulator decided to land its troops in Mosoblbank only after the latter, after an ultimatum, was forced to reflect 76 billion rubles on the balance sheet. deposits instead of the drawn 20 billion rubles. They pulled, they say, due to the fact that the money could disappear altogether, as it happened more than once with the assets of banks whose license was revoked. In addition, SMP-Bank itself volunteered to sanitize Mosoblbank and was the only one willing, they say in the DIA. After all, under the conditions of sanctions, get a loan for ten years at 0.51% per annum and ready branch network is worth a lot.

However, this does not mean that professional investors can relax. As SMP Bank told Dengi, the sanator doubts the veracity of the register of Mosoblbank depositors: some of the real names in it have been replaced with fictitious ones, and in order to return the money, the DIA will need additional verification. Moreover, the hole in the balance sheet of Mosoblbank continues to grow (the initial estimate of the Central Bank is 60 billion rubles), they say in SMP Bank: former owners among other things, they also overestimated the cost of collateral.

And yet, where to look for assets withdrawn in such volumes?

Andrzej's stables

Unlike the ancient Greek king Avgii, businessman Andrzej Malczewski looked after his stables. From early childhood, he was used to sitting in the saddle, and when he grew up, he turned his hobby into a source of income. Although in a very sophisticated form.

The son of a Pole Ryszard Malczewski (he is now 76 years old, lives in Poland), Andrzej ran the Moscow company Kartontara in the 1990s, but in the early 2000s he transferred it to Astrakhan. In 2004-2006, Malchevsky worked in the apparatus of the State Duma, where he met Gennady Seleznev, later chairman of the board of directors of Mosoblbank, as well as with his chief PR and dzhiarshchik.

Little is known about Malchevsky in banking circles: for a long time his interests in the bank were represented by his son Alexander and business partner Viktor Yanin, with whom he bought Mosoblbank at the end of 2006 from the Krestin brothers. In an interview with Dengam, President of the Association of Russian Banks Garegin Tosunyan admitted that he had never heard of Malchevsky as a banker and did not know him personally. Another thing is the National Fund of St. Tryphon, at the head of which Malchevsky is engaged in breeding horses, protecting animals and hunting. In this capacity, he is a highly respected person.

Until 2006, Yanin, with a team of enterprising managers, worked at the United Transport Bank, whose license was revoked, in fact, with a wolf ticket. According to the Central Bank, the bank committed violations of the law on combating money laundering, including not sending Federal Service on financial monitoring reports on transactions subject to mandatory control, did not comply with the procedure for submitting information to the authorized body, did not identify customers, and in June-July 2006 even issued more than 16 billion rubles from the cash desk to customers. to buy securities. However, this did not prevent Yanin and Malchevsky not only to buy new bank, but also continue to use the worked out schemes.

However, do not be deceived: Malchevsky is fond of, of course, not only equestrian sports. The Banking Holding of the Republican Financial Corporation (BH RFC), 70% owned by Finholcom LLC (90% by the Malchevsky family) and 30% by Viktor Yanin, included not only Mosoblbank and Inresbank. The company owns an entire empire: construction, development, investment, insurance and travel companies, a pawnshop, a private clinic, a microfinance agency, a media group, the Technocomplex-TM company (participates in the program for the modernization of outdoor lighting in the Moscow Region), the Avtorus-94 transport company (removal of industrial waste, snow, distribution of reagents in Moscow), hotels, camp sites, shops and hunting farms. Among the development projects of RFK are the construction of a hotel in the center of Suzdal, residential complex"Birch Grove" in Kashira, a logistics complex in the Odintsovo district, apartments in Moscow (near the "Partizanskaya" metro station), a shopping and entertainment center on Korovinskoye Highway (Moscow), an office and warehouse complex in the Basmanny district (Moscow), restoration of a 17th-century mansion in the center of Moscow ("Levashov Chamber"). In 2013, NOK Profit Line, Gorislavtsev & Co.-Otsenka, and the Academy of Professional Appraisal estimated the income from the implementation of these projects at 68 billion rubles. Whether these funds are supposed to close the hole in the balance sheet of Mosoblbank, Dengam's SMP Bank found it difficult to say. Although the amount surprisingly coincides with that which was invested in "exotic assets". Last week, one of the RFC employees told Vedomosti that Viktor Yanin publicly announced the transfer of all the group's companies under the control of SMP Bank shareholders. However, this is unlikely to add money to sanatoriums: both the Central Bank and the DIA have doubts about the liquidity of these assets.

Another structure of the Malchevskys - "Finholkom-Group" - just specializes in the equestrian business. The main assets are the equestrian park "Rus", KSK "Levadia", Publishing House"ST-Media" (magazines about hunting and horse breeding), the National Fund of St. Tryphon and the sports and entertainment complex "Ilya Muromets". In addition, the group includes the refinery im. G. M. Borisov with a capacity of 750 thousand tons per year (Ai-95, diesel, fuel oil) and before rehabilitation - Finance Business Bank. Malchevsky's company also has business centers in Moscow, and its own development agency. This holding does not pass under the control of SMP-Bank, although it was in its companies that the missing funds from the balance sheet were partially found.

The equestrian business is the best suited for the further withdrawal of assets, Lebedev believes. Investments in breeding horses are colossal, and the payback can be up to 15 years. In addition, a thoroughbred sports horse costs like a new sports car. In the equestrian park "Rus" there are officially about 100 such animals, and the Central Bank is unlikely to understand the intricacies of evaluating horses. "This can also be a way to withdraw money," says Lebedev.

According to balance sheet JSC RFC for 2013, its shareholders also have accounts payable before the company: 580 million rubles - from Malchevsky and 157 million rubles - from Yanin. Whether this money is planned to be returned is unknown.

Fight for suit

The value of the Andrzej stables is not only in their potential economic benefits. The horse is also a valuable political resource. Although, according to Lebedev, the practice of gifting horses as a way to bribe an official went away with the 1990s, horse riding and hunting remain a popular form of recreation among intelligence officers. Yes, and Gennady Seleznev himself, by his own admission, has a category in show jumping. On this basis, it is not a sin to become friends. According to Kirill Kabanov, the large-scale expansion of banks into the regions rarely does without a corruption component and agreements with local elites. So those assets can come in handy.

Among the members of the supervisory board of Mosoblbank were other political figures: retired FSB major general Nikolai Kostrov, reserve colonel general Nikolai Pishchev, who worked for many years in the government of the Moscow Region Governor Boris Gromov, former general representative of the DIA Nikolai Orlov, former Moscow government official Vladimir Volkov and others. It is curious that almost the entire managerial staff of Mosoblbank, BH RFK and Finholcom Group participated in the management of the National Fund of St. Tryphon and its activities.

Among other things, Malchevsky and Seleznev actively participated in fight for the chair of the head of the Russian Equestrian Federation(FCSR). In 2005, the former Duma speaker defeated Elena Baturina in the elections (the head of the Moscow federation was then Vladimir Resin). In 2009, he gave this place to Sergey Maslov, a former top manager of Surgutneftegaz, LUKOIL and Transnefteprodukt. In May 2013, Maslov headed OJSC "Corporation of Development" (the former name of the corporation - "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar"), a regional development institution created to implement mega-projects for the development of the Ural region. A month later, Finholcom-Group became the owner of a refinery in Ugra. Maslov himself was at the center of a scandal at the beginning of 2014: officials from Tyumen accused him of corruption, of appointing acquaintances from the Moscow equestrian park "Bitsa" to key positions in the corporation, and of transferring 10 million rubles. FKSR at the expense of the organization.

The increased attention to equestrian sports may also be explained by the fact that the authorities have been wanting to exclude equestrian sweepstakes from the category of gambling for many years already - and then hippodromes will become very profitable business. The sanators of Mosoblbank themselves are also fond of horses. For example, a wife Boris Rotenberg(co-owner of SMP Bank and Vice President of the Russian Judo Federation) Karina heads the Moscow Equestrian Federation.

Malchevsky made friends with some officials, including through the All-Russian Police Association of the IPA, whose members of the Board of Trustees were not only Malchevsky and Yanin, but also Sergey Stepashin, Senator Alexander Korovnikov, as well as heads of police veteran organizations. It is known from open sources that Malchevsky is a member of the public council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, but they told Dengi that they had never heard of such a thing.

Both Seleznev and Malchevsky, and several other key figures in the story, refused to talk to Dengi.

Andrzej Malczewski: banker, horse breeder, "order bearer"

The original of this material
© "Company", 06/09/2014, In the footsteps of Count Orlov, Photo: levadiya.ru

Where the money of Mosoblbank depositors was withdrawn

Andrey Krasavin

The promised twenty minutes, during which you can drive 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kashirskoye highway to the Rus equestrian park, turned into a Saturday morning at ten o'clock. The first thing that catches your eye is a huge administrative complex built in the style of ancient Russian chambers. Nearby is a small zoo, followed by sports arenas. Near the beach, for which Spanish sand was specially ordered. There is even a small circus on the territory. All this is the domain of the former owner of Mosoblbank (MOB) Andrzej Malczewski. A few years ago, as they say, with the money of Mosoblbank, he equipped this equestrian park on an area of ​​250 hectares. They say that the idea of ​​​​the equestrian park belongs to the former speaker of the State Duma, the ex-head of the Russian Equestrian Federation, as well as the chairman of the board of directors of Mosoblbank Gennady Seleznev. “In the mid-2000s, Malchevsky worked in the State Duma,” explains Ko’s interlocutor. “On the basis of his love for horses, he got along with Seleznev, and after the speaker resigned, he invited him to his bank in 2009 ".

"Gennady Seleznev is a well-known horseman. He takes part as a jury member in many competitions, keeps his own jumping horses," says Valery Mishchenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kaskad Family. According to him, before the KSK "Rus" was built, Seleznev's horses were based in the Olympic training and sports center "Planernaya", a few kilometers from Moscow along the Novoskhodnenskoye highway. "The system-forming people for the complex are starting to think more and more about creating their own bases," notes Valery Mishchenko. "The same logic can be traced in the story with Rus." Gennady Seleznev himself refused to answer Ko's questions.

Keeping a horse is expensive. Wait costs about 60,000-80,000 rubles. per month plus the cost of a bereator (a trainer who keeps the horse in shape). On average, a good club gets at least 100,000 rubles. monthly. Given the not very favorable location (south - not west and not north), stay in "Rus" should be cheaper. "A good complex, built by missionaries who would like to be related to sports," says CEO Penny Lane Realty Georgy Dzagurov. - But the place is not quite right. The presence of free land in the vicinity would increase their capitalization. It would be possible to build cottage settlements or townhouses, as is done in the Otrada or Novy Vek residential complex. But there are no free fields in the vicinity of "Rus".

250 hectares are 303 football fields put together, so there is no feeling of a crowd in Rus. On the contrary, there is a shortage of the public. At the end of May, with half-empty stands, Western competitions were held at the main arena. "KSK" Rus "is one of the largest equestrian sports projects of recent times, gigantic investments (an amount of 3 billion rubles appeared - Note" Ko "), - says the owner of one of the small equestrian clubs. - On its territory there are several separate sports facilities for various kinds sports, the construction of a hippodrome is planned. The construction of one arena costs at least $ 5 million. Six in Rus have already been built. - Two weeks after the opening of the KSK "Vivat, Russia!" (part of "Rus") the plaster at the new complex has already begun to fall off. And yes, they are still going on construction works. In some places, money is simply buried in the ground: either their hotel will slide into a ravine, or the parade grounds will be washed away. The actual cost of the project could be doubled."

What does Orlov have to do with it?

Ambitions of Mr. Malchevsky over the edge. National Equestrian Park "Rus" positions itself as the largest amusement and recreation theme park in Russia, located in the former estate of Count Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov-Chesmensky. There is a beautiful story with the Oryol trotters and the Russian horse, bred at the count's stud farms. However, no connection between Orlov and KSK, except for the name of the village of Orlovo, next to which the park is located, could not be found. Alexei Grigorievich was born in the Tver province, his stables were near Strelna, not far from St. Petersburg, and after retiring, the count lived in Moscow. His noble estate "Neskuchnoye" is now part of the TsPKO them. Gorky, and the Khrenovsky stud farm, where horses were bred, was located in Voronezh region. We can talk about the estate "Ostrov", which belonged to the count and is located a few kilometers from the KSK. Indeed, a large stud farm was founded there in the 18th century. But the first experience was unsuccessful. Thoroughbred horses, not adapted to indoor stalls, died. There are quite a lot of similar inconsistencies in the biography of Malchevsky.

Moskvich, graduate of the Moscow Aviation Technical Institute. K.E. Tsiolkovsky (mechanical engineer), after the institute he worked for three years at the defense NPO Fazotron. In 1990, Malchevsky became the commercial director of the Rehabilitation-F cooperative, created Russian fund mercy and health, and a year later he founded his own small enterprise "Bios" for the production of equipment for people with disabilities.

Andzhdey Malchevsky's career changed dramatically in 1995. First, he became the first deputy general director, and a year later, the general director of the capital's Kartontara OJSC in Tekstilshchiki. Sources of "Ko" say that his partners in this project could be notorious bankers, the father and son of Krestina, associated with the bankrupt CB "Moscow Capital", from which he bought Mosoblbank.

"In the process of reforming, Malchevsky brought the enterprise ("Kartontaru" - note "Ko") from Moscow to the Astrakhan region, where it functions to this day," says the website of his Finholcom holding. However, these are just words from the site.

Cardboard banker

Kartontara is a subsidiary of OJSC Southeast Industrial Company KT (YuVPK), which is associated with the ex-co-founder and chairman of the board of Moscow Capital bank Viktor Krestin and his son Roman (deputy chairman of the board of the same bank). Among the founders YuVPK, as "Ko" managed to find out, there was a certain "Capital-Region XXI Century" LLC. Anna Dunaeva was listed as its general director. The same LLC was the founder of CB "Moscow Capital". "Ko" could not find out what attitude Anna Dunaeva has to the ex-co-owner of Finance Business Bank Leonid Dunaev and his brother, General Director of the Management Company Project Alexander Dunaev, suspected of involvement in the attempted theft of 120 real estate objects in Moscow. Another former co-owner of Finance Business was another suspect in this case bank" Alexey Bolotin, ex-head of the Moscow department of the Federal Property Management Agency Anatoly Shesteryuk, Viktor Krestin and Mikhail Bashmakov, who was the bankruptcy trustee of Moscow Capital.

According to investigators, officials of the Federal Property Management Agency issued expensive objects state real estate in the management of abandoned state-owned enterprises that do not have property and personnel, and then alienated them with the help of the Moscow Capital bank under the guise of paying debts. But the investigation failed to prove their guilt. "Objective evidence indicating the involvement of the defendants in the commission of this crime has not yet been received," the investigating authorities said. It was decided to withdraw historical buildings from the file into a separate proceeding, and now "unidentified persons" appear in it. But Shesteryuk and Krestin went to trial on charges of stealing three gas stations near Moscow and land plots below them.

The purpose of the withdrawal of Kartontara from Moscow was the territory under industrial enterprise, but it still remains untapped. OJSC Southeast Industrial Company KT, naturally, together with the land plot, was sold to PPF Real Estate Holding (a subsidiary of the Czech PPF Group) only in 2012. There is nothing about Kartontara's activities in the Astrakhan region now known.

For two years, from 2004 to 2006, Malchevsky worked in the apparatus of the State Duma, where he became friends with Gennady Seleznev. Information about his activities, posted on the website of the lower house of parliament, is extremely scarce. Presumably, he could hold the position of assistant to one of the deputies. Unexpectedly, in 2006, Andrzej Malczewski decided to change the type of activity and, together with the former top managers of the United transport bank, in particular, with Viktor Yanin, bought Mosoblbank.

Curiously, the previous owners of MOB were Victor and Roman Krestin. In 2005 they sold their shares to a "group individuals", according to expert estimates, for about $ 4 million, and a year later, the structures of Andrzej Malczewski became the shareholders of the bank. This is how the foundation of the Finholcom-group banking holding appeared. Later, Inresbank, Kontrast-bank and Finance Business Bank became part of Finholcom The last two banks were purchased from Leonid Dunaev and Aleksey Bolotin, who are connected with the Krestins.


Andrzej Malczewski is vain. "Avid hunter and lover of horses, philanthropist with an equestrian Orthodox accent," - this is how a businessman familiar with him speaks of him. A few years ago, the banker established the charitable National Saint Tryphon Foundation, in which he headed the board of trustees. Among the recognizable faces of the council are State Duma deputy Alexei Mitrofanov and Gennady Seleznev. Of the priority areas of activity - "the revival and development of primordial hunting traditions, the preservation and improvement of the quality of hunting and fishing grounds, the organization of excursion and tourist work." Naturally, plus the charity itself.

Another thing is interesting: the foundation lives and works at the expense of grants. "A premium grant (...) is one of the main tools for implementing charitable activities fund. The foundation's granting system is based on collecting donations from philanthropists and distributing them among those who are awarded through a collegial review of applications submitted by applicants by a specially formed commission, according to the foundation's website. - The merits of philanthropists (donors) in accordance with the contribution made are marked by the decision of the committee with an appropriate diploma and an honorary badge (order) - the cross of the Holy Martyr Tryphon of three degrees. "In Russian, the more money a philanthropist paid, the more likely he is to receive an order from the fund .

The money goes to various charitable programs and is distributed by the same award committee. For example, for the construction of a family recreation center "Badger" in the Tula region. The rates for vacation there, by the way, are rather big. The cost of a double room starts from 4000 rubles. per day, the presidential quadruple costs already 15,000 rubles. And such a recreation center is not the only one. Other assets include the motor ship Vliyatelny, the Yary breeding kennel, the Dolgolugovskoye dog training center, the Ves hotel, Krechet LLC, and the Gusiny Ostrov recreation center. Coincidence or not, but while working on the material, the website of the charity foundation with detailed information about its activities was closed for reconstruction...

Chest in crosses

Passion for all kinds of titles and orders is the weak point of Mr. Malchevsky. He is the owner of the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree, the Order of Lomonosov, the Order of the Patron of the Century, the Order for the Preservation cultural heritage of Russia", the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called "For Mercy and Generosity", medals "For Valiant Labor", "For Strengthening the Russian State", "For Contribution to Development local government"and some other commemorative medals. He has a cross of the Russian Cossacks "For the Faith and Service of Russia", a breast cross "Cossack Glory", a breast cross "For Services to the Central Cossack Army", a certificate of merit and huge contribution in the development and strengthening of the Russian state, a memorial sign of the governor Volgograd region"70 Years of Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad" and even a memorial sign and gratitude from the Parliament of the Chechen Republic. For what merit are all these awards?

The Order of Peter the Great is awarded to citizens for selfless deed, courage, courage and heroism shown in the performance of military, service and civic duty, for high achievements in state, industrial, research, social, cultural, public and charitable activities. This insignia was established by the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement (ABOP). But the activities of the academy itself arose claims from law enforcement agencies. They suspected the organization of handing out their orders and medals for money. "The ABOP and the National Committee, contrary to the current legislation, established 73 types of identical state awards, including orders, medals, badges, and also established academic degrees, introduced uniforms similar to military uniforms, as well as military ranks ... - the statement said Prosecutor General's Office - ... Samples of diplomas and certificates issued by the academy are similar to state diplomas and certificates, which does not exclude their use as such ... ". All this, according to the prosecutor's office, "...creates conditions for corruption and discredits the government..." Annual budget The ABOP amounted to about $1 million. In December 2008, all orders and medals declared invalid were removed from the organization's office on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street. The Order of Lomonosov was also established by the ABOP. Paradoxically, both the Order of Lomonosov and the Order of Peter the Great still appear in the official biography of Malchevsky.

The founder of the order "Patron of the Century" is unknown, but an international charitable foundation worked with this name, the website of which is not loaded, and the phones indicated in the directories are not serviced.

The organizations that established the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called "For Mercy and Generosity" and "For the Preservation of Cultural Heritage" are still working. This is a charitable foundation for the support of young talents "Runway" and the Central House of Actors. A.A. Yablochkina. The memorial sign "70 Years of Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad" is a distinctive sign of belonging to participation in a grandiose battle. But what does a banker born in 1963 have to do with this? And what are the merits of Malchevsky to the Central Cossack Army?

"My competence included the general leadership of the Central Cossack army, including orders for awards. But I have not heard anything about the introduction to the Cossack crosses ("Cossack glory" and "For services to the Central Cossack army." - Approx. "Ko") Andrzej Malchevsky,” Cossack Colonel Vasily Solovyov, a member of the board of the army, told “Co.” There was no such order for the army, but unscrupulous employees could award without wide publicity.” According to him, the government abolished all Cossack awards on September 1, 2011 (they are now invalid) and put into circulation only a small list of orders and crosses, which are awarded to recognized Cossacks. All awards are now strictly regulated. "It is possible that the foreman of the farm Cossack society Nagatinsky Zaton, Mikhail Kozlov, may be involved in this story," suggests Vasily Solovyov. "His son worked at Mosoblbank." The colonel did not remember the details, but in the additional office of the Na Fergana bank, Dmitry Mikhailovich Kozlov, possibly the son of the foreman of the Nagatinsky Zaton, worked as a manager. Mikhail Kozlov did not answer Ko's questions, emphasizing that he "does not personally know" Malchevsky himself.

Perhaps, one of the few real awards can be considered the gratitude of the president "For the achieved labor successes, many years of conscientious work and active social activity." Although this is a rather controversial wording, given the problems that Mosoblbank faced two and a half years ago. [...]

Two years ago, Andrzej Malczewski pretended to retire. He handed over control of the bank to his son Alexander. So, Malchevsky Jr. became the owner of 80% of the shares of the Republican Financial Company (RFC), which owns 74.19% of the bank. 28-year-old Alexander at that time was already president of the RFC banking holding, headed the RFC supervisory board and was a member of the board of directors of Mosoblbank. [...]

You can't go bankrupt

As a result, the Central Bank decided to sanitize the MOB with the help of the "SMP Bank" of the Rotenberg brothers. It will cost him 94 billion rubles. They will be allocated for ten years at 0.51%. "When I Saved" Russian capital“About the same size as Mosoblbank, they gave me 8.5 billion rubles at 6% per annum. And then after four months the bank was taken away,” recalls the founder of the National reserve bank Alexander Lebedev. Why did they decide to sanitize the MOB, while Andrzej Malczewski is still at large?

The first and apparently main reason- the need to help the Rotenberg brothers, who fell under US sanctions in connection with the Ukrainian events. The second is the lack of funds reserve fund Deposit insurance agencies (DIA). The size of the fund as of May 7, 2014 is 195.7 billion rubles. If we subtract the formed reserve for payments for insured events that have already occurred, the DIA will have 157.6 billion rubles. Hence minus 60 billion rubles promised to Crimean investors. The total is less than 100 billion rubles, and the revocation of licenses continues. Bankruptcy of Mosoblbank would devastate the "piggy bank" of the DIA.

The third reason that could soften the attitude towards the bank is the exemplary behavior of the owner. Mr. Malchevsky actively began to cooperate with both the Central Bank and the DIA. He even made a statement about his readiness to compensate depositors for lost money in case of force majeure. The management and owners of the bank declined to communicate with "Ko" during the preparation of this material. But it looks like the relationship between them has become tense.

In one of his latest statements, Malchevsky indirectly tries to blame the bank's top managers for what happened. "The distortion of reporting by the governing bodies misled the regulator, but could not harm creditors and depositors, since the assets of the Republican Financial Corporation were enough to cover the debt," his open letter says. It also tells the prehistory of sanitation. "On April 30, 2014, Finholcom Group took possession of a 70% stake in the authorized capital of Republican Financial Corporation OJSC and, accordingly, gained control over Mosoblbank. Having studied the state of affairs, on May 5 we were instructed to correct the organization's financial statements and apply to the Civil Code "DIA" with a request to reorganize the bank (providing a sufficient amount of assets) to provide a loan to the reorganizing organization," the document says.

It is hard to imagine that the business owner was not aware of the withdrawal of depositors' funds from Mosoblbank in the amount of 60 billion rubles, especially since this money remained in the holding structure. "After the schemes for withdrawing deposits were discovered, a lot of interesting things were found there," says a representative of SMP Bank. "For example, inadequate valuation of assets." However, according to him, the bank has a written assurance from the former shareholders of Mosoblbank that there are "certain significant assets that can be used to correct the situation in the bank." "SMP Bank" is now carefully checking all the documents, and they do not exclude that they will find something new and unexpected. The situation may turn out to be worse than originally thought.

Thus unknown so far general public the owner of Mosoblbank can not only enter the annals of banking with his schemes for attracting depositors, but also interest the investigating authorities. It is clear that, most likely, "SMP Bank" will correctly dispose of the assets of the National Fund of St. Tryphon, and KSK "Rus", and all the rest that were part of the Finholcom group. Moreover, in the family of Boris Rotenberg, horses are also not indifferent. His second wife, Karina Rotenberg, is currently the head of the Moscow Equestrian Federation. So KSK "Rus" may have a good future. Andrzej Malczewski
Year of birth: 1963
Place of birth: Moscow
1982-1987 - Moscow Aviation Technical Institute named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, specialty "Machines and technologies for processing polymeric materials into products and parts"; according to the results of state examinations, the qualification "mechanical engineer" was awarded
Professional experience:
1987-1990 - technologist, head of the workshop of NPO "Fazotron"
1990-1991 - commercial director of the cooperative "Rehabilitation-F"
1991-1995 - founder of the small enterprise "Bios"
1995-2006 - First Deputy General Director, General Director of OAO Kartontara
2006-2014 - co-owner of Mosoblbank Assets of the holding "Finholcom-group"

OOO "Finholcom" - the asset manager of the parent organization of the holding

National Equestrian Park "Rus"

Refinery them. G.M. Borisov in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (in July 2013 it became part of the holding)

Saint Tryphon National Trust - non-profit organization acting for the purpose of reviving folk traditions, reviving and developing traditional cultural and historical values, riding traditions

KSK "Levadia" is an equestrian club located on the territory of the national equestrian park "Rus"

Publishing house "ST-Media" - entered the banking holding "Finholcom-group"; in the asset portfolio - magazines dedicated to hunting, tourism and equestrian sports, an Internet portal about the horse industry, a number of Internet projects in the financial, development, sports fields, and the oil refining industry

Investment development agency - development company

What and why was arrested from Yanin and Malchevsky

List of property seized from owners of Mosoblbank, impressive: real estate in various regions of the country, charitable and investment funds, subsidiaries. Thanks to this, adventurers who led with the help computer program tens of millions of rubles within a few seconds, for a long time it was possible to create the illusion of respectability and well-being of one’s own financial institution. And the pretentious equestrian park "Rus" and the Fund of St. Tryphon were called upon as a screen of demonstrative "patriotism", behind which it was possible to turn the most dirty deeds. But, as you know, everything comes to an end.

The search for the guilty

After the Central Bank announced the reorganization of Mosoblbank“due to the threat to the interests of their creditors and depositors” and found a huge financial hole in the organization, the former owners - Andrzej Malczewski and his partners, as well as the top managers of the bank - more than once managed to declare that they were not to blame for what happened.

During the year, it seemed that the only person responsible for Mosoblbank's losses would be Yanin, who served as chairman of the bank before its reorganization. He was arrested in July 2014 at the request of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was investigating the theft at Mosoblbank. True, he was accused of embezzling a small amount compared to overall size missing funds. The investigation believed that a few days before the change of owners of the bank, Yanin transferred 580 million rubles to himself under fictitious contracts. from funds allegedly contributed by Mosoblbank depositors. Then Yanin transferred most of the funds to the Ida company, which is part of Malchevsky's Finholcom, and she repaid the real debt to Mosoblbank.

The court nevertheless arrested the largest asset of the Malchevsky family - the Rus equestrian park (pictured) - in the case of embezzlement in Mosoblbank. Photo Wikimedia

When on May 6 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia announced that the case of embezzlement of "more than 70 billion rubles." at Mosoblbank, having warned that the issue of criminal prosecution of the Malchevskys was being considered by the investigation, Malchevsky Sr. was not going to not only hide or hide assets, but even remain silent. In an interview with his horse-park.ru portal, he stated that his Finholcom company was an “indirect shareholder” of Mosoblbank “only 19-20 days” and “such large-scale figures as 70 billion are bewildering”: “In such a short period of time It is impossible to learn to read and write, not to use some schemes there, to cause damage. June twenty second Yanin received six years in a penal colony, in addition, the court seized his assets (see inset). True, the verdict has not yet entered into force - the defense has filed an appeal.

As follows from the text of the verdict, Malchevsky, both in conversations with investigators and in court, insisted that he did nothing bad for the bank. According to him, due to the story with Ida, the bank received not damage, but profit - due to the restoration of reserves. As Malchevsky reported, “all the most liquid assets were transferred to the new owners”, obligations to them were fulfilled and he was not going to transfer the assets of Finholcom to them.

Nevertheless, on June 18, the court arrested on charges of organizing the theft of 76 billion rubles from Mosoblbank. Malchevsky himself and former deputy chairman bank board Julia Zedin, and his son, the ex-head of the RFK banking holding, which united financial assets Malchevsky, Alexander Malchevsky and Dmitry Vasilyev were put on the federal wanted list as accomplices. In mid-July, at the request of the investigation, their assets were also arrested.

[Vedomosti, 08/03/2015, "Assets of the founder of Mosoblbank arrested": The list of property is quite large, said the managing director of Mosoblbank Dmitry Rimashevsky, we are talking about real estate in the Moscow, Tula, Astrakhan regions, owned by Andrzej Malchevsky, Zedina, Vasiliev, as well as structures Malchevsky - "Finholkom", the National Equestrian Park (NKP) "Rus", the National Fund of St. Tryphon, OOO "Forest Dali" and the Investment Development Agency.

The largest asset is NCP "Rus", which, according to its own data, occupies 250 hectares in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. Now it is a popular equestrian base and a theme park with hotels, cottages and shops. The data of Rosreestr indicate that the plots occupied by the NCP "Rus" were arrested on the basis of a decree dated July 17.

At the time of revocation of the license from Mosoblbank on May 21, 2014, the Malchevsky structures, not directly related to the bank, had about 100,000 sq. m. m of various real estate and 1000 hectares of land, estimated at that time at 8.7 billion rubles. Plus development projects, future income from the sale of which the owners estimated at 68 billion rubles. fair price land occupied by NCP "Rus" - about $ 3,000 per hundred square meters, says the head of the department of evaluation and analytics Geo Development Pavel Leontiev. It turns out that about $75 million can be earned for 250 hectares. But now it is not easy to find a buyer for agricultural land, often in question about serious discounts, he warns. [...]

The websites of the Malchevsky structures have not been working since mid-July - they indicate that they are "under maintenance." Several employees of NCP "Rus" stated that the park is operating normally, although there are problems with the server. “This does not concern us,” one of them replied to a question about how the seizure of real estate affected the park.

Back in the Moscow region, the Malchevskys owned the Dolgolugovskoye hunting estate, projects of several cottage settlements (Koni-grad, Ilya-Muromets residential complex, etc.), in the Tula region - the Barsuchok hunting base and the Yary kennel, where Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs and birds of prey, as well as farming Agropark Russian Field.]

Ex-owners version

Whom do the former owners and top managers consider to be guilty of Mosoblbank's problems?

Yanin, who did not admit his guilt in embezzlement of funds from Mosoblbank, judging by the text included in the verdict, accuses the Central Bank: according to his logic, since 2009, the regulator "impeded the bank's normal activities by conducting numerous inspections", its instructions and restrictions - mainly the maximum volume of private deposits - were aimed at destabilizing the work of the bank, as "they were not feasible and could lead to an outflow of funds from the bank and its bankruptcy." Due to the excessive and unlawful sanctions of the Central Bank, the bank had to separately - “behind the balance sheet” - take into account deposits that went beyond the amount allowed by the regulator - not at all for the purpose of theft, but in order not to violate the instructions and keep the license, Yanin explained to the investigation and court.

In the testimony of Malchevsky, who claimed, however, that he knew nothing about double-entry bookkeeping at Mosoblbank, one can also hear reproaches against the Central Bank. According to him, it was precisely because of the instructions of the Central Bank that the bank "incurred serious maintenance costs" - 1.2-1.5 billion rubles each. per month, "which created a liquidity shortage in the amount of 56 billion to 72 billion rubles over the period of validity of the Central Bank's instructions (about four years)." But "this imbalance", in the words of Malchevsky, "is covered by the assets and projects that the bank was supposed to implement in the near future." What - in the testimony is not specified. According to the assessment of Deloitte & Touche CIS, which is also cited in the verdict, by the beginning of the reorganization of Mosoblbank, 85% of its corporate loan portfolio (and this is the main part of the bank's assets) accounted for "technical loans issued on a non-repayable basis", and fair value real estate owned by the bank turned out to be 30-40% less than the balance sheet.

How did the money disappear?

The investigation is sure that the ex-managers and former owners were involved in the theft in Mosoblbank, follows from the stories of people familiar with the case file. “The bank was engaged in financial fraud with the money of depositors by the hands of its employees. I am a former direct executor ... All deposits over 500,000, and later almost over 50,000 on the opening day, disappeared from the program [of funds through bank accounts]. Withdrawing from them (if such an opportunity is prescribed in the contract) was a whole hemorrhoid: first you had to call the so-called special department, which drew an order (sometimes extremely mediocre, it clearly differed from the standard one, we cried) and sent it to us by mail. The dialing time kept growing! Later<...>a call ban followed, a module for interacting with a special (correspondence) was created ”- such a review of work at Mosoblbank, signed by a certain Alexei, can be found on several sites about employers at once. Fiction? A very similar, though less emotional, description of this scheme can be found in the materials presented to the court in support of the arrest of Malchevsky and Zedina. The investigation considers them to be the organizers of the scheme.

From the materials submitted to the court, it follows that no later than January 2010, a special department was created in Mosoblbank supposedly for working with VIP clients, said Roman Golovkin, the bank's lawyer. “According to the investigation, this department did not officially exist, but it was its employees who made debit transactions from deposit accounts of individual clients without their knowledge in order to steal bank funds,” he notes. - Employees of the "VIP department" made fictitious primary cash documents, allegedly confirming the issuance of cash to the bank's clients - individuals, and subsequently - the alleged receipt of an amount that corresponded to the previously stolen amount to the client's account. Theft of funds was also carried out by transferring them from the accounts of depositors to the accounts of the structures of the RFC holding controlled by the Malchevskys - in particular, RIK LLC and Ramfin OJSC. Funds were usually transferred to them for the purchase of securities (usually bills and shares of Mosoblbank), says a person close to the investigation.

It turned out to be a kind of pyramid - after all, the influx of deposits increased, at the expense of new depositors, in fact, they paid off the old ones who wished to withdraw their money. At the beginning of the work of the special department, several people worked in it, at the end - already several dozen employees who were housed in the additional office "On Tkatskaya", said a person close to the investigation.

Golovkin confirmed that there is information about this in the materials submitted to the court. The result of the work of the special department is known: by the beginning of May 2014, deposits worth 76 billion rubles were outside the official reporting of Mosoblbank. These billions returned to the bank's balance sheet in an even more striking way. Most of the "missing" deposits came to accounts at Mosoblbank on May 5 in just one minute, follows from the text of the sentence to Yanin. At 11:59 p.m., Mosoblbank transferred 57 billion rubles to the settlement accounts of 22 companies that were part of the RFC Malchevsky. on loan agreements dated 23 April. At 11:59 p.m., these same companies transferred 53.93 billion rubles to Yanin's account. under loan agreements dated May 5. At the same moment, money in four transfers in the amount of 53.8 billion rubles. from Yanin's account went to the intra-bank account "Demands", and then to the account "Obligations to clients". And from it - and again at 23.59 - were transferred to almost 69,000 current accounts of individuals with the basis of payment "Arrival of funds on deposit."

Why did the money return on this particular day? Yanin explained it this way: in connection with the audit of the bank by the Deposit Insurance Agency, he decided to restore the reporting on May 5 - when the term of the next order of the Central Bank ended. He expected new sanctions and understood that the data on attracting deposits are fixed at the date the restrictions were introduced.

Loans to nowhere

The volume of loans issued on May 5 was 1.5 times higher than the loan portfolio of Mosoblbank formed by that time. In reality, the bank had an amount in the range of only 10-15 billion rubles, the verdict states. The court also recognized the minutes of the meeting of the bank's credit committee as fictitious: the members of the committee stated that in reality it was not held.

“The bank had no restrictions on the provision of loans, the availability of funds in bank accounts did not matter, there was enough money to provide a loan in the bank,” Yanin explained in his testimony. According to him, all 22 companies that received loans that day were really operating, had real estate and other assets.

The heads of 22 companies, as follows from the verdict, issued credits and loans by order - sometimes even under threat of dismissal, follows from the text of the verdict. Everyone was given a payment template and a ready-made set of loan documents with a request not to ask any questions. “So it is necessary for the interests of the RFK and the bank” or “this is an order from above” and “the decision of the management” - this is how the RFK management explained the purpose of financial transactions.

These companies issued personal loans to Yanin secured by RFK shares. He settled with them, giving away these shares (in total, 23.5% of RFK shares turned out) under a compensation agreement. According to Yanin, the companies had to pay off the loan with Mosoblbank with the same shares. “The debtor organizations had no other way to repay the loan,” he admitted.

No one was going to pay off the bank, it follows from other testimony given in Yanin's verdict. At the end of May 2014, Yanin gathered all the directors and accountants of the RFK holding companies in a conference room and said that everything would be in order, new owners had come who would make independent decisions for each holding company, said the ex-director of one of these companies . "To the question<...>regarding the credit obligations that the companies have formed, Yanin replied that no one<...>did not worry, since there is a possibility that all extraction operations credit lines will somehow be canceled and no one will owe anything to anyone. However, this did not happen, ”said the manager.

So, the company did not transfer the shares of RFK to Mosoblbank, they do not service loans. Yes, even if they had been transferred, the papers would hardly have improved the financial situation in Mosoblbank. Experts appraisal company LLC Master Dialog determined the fair value of 100% of the shares of RFK OJSC as of May 12, 2014, equal to minus 93.5 billion rubles, follows from the text of the verdict.

Actions of such magnitude and cynicism raise concern about the coordinate system in which the bankers, participants financial market, says FBK partner Alexei Terekhov. “We are already accustomed to withdrawing money through the purchase of non-existent property, securities and other assets, fraud with deposits through splitting, lending to non-existent businesses through tech companies, transactions at non-market prices, - he notes. - So accustomed to it that it is reflected in normative documents Central Bank. But what happened in Mosoblbank is not typical, given the scale of the violations, their systemic nature and the number of people involved, Terekhov points out: "Analogues are unknown." But the end result is well known. According to the Deloitte & Touche CIS report submitted to the court, as of May 21, 2014 net assets Mosoblbank were "in the zone of negative values": their fair value was minus 94.2 billion rubles.

The list of property is quite large, said the managing director of Mosoblbank Dmitry Rimashevsky, we are talking about real estate in the Moscow, Tula, Astrakhan regions, owned by Andrzej Malchevsky, Zedina, Vasiliev, as well as the structures of the Malchevskys - Finholkom, the National Equestrian Park (NKP) "Rus" , the National Fund of Saint Tryphon, Lesnye Dali LLC and the Investment Development Agency.

The largest asset is NCP "Rus", which, according to its own data, occupies 250 hectares in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. Now it is a popular equestrian base and a theme park with hotels, cottages and shops. The data of Rosreestr indicate that the plots occupied by the NCP "Rus" were arrested on the basis of a decree dated July 17.

At the time of revocation of the license from Mosoblbank on May 21, 2014, the Malchevsky structures, not directly related to the bank, had about 100,000 sq. m. m of various real estate and 1000 hectares of land, estimated at that time at 8.7 billion rubles. Plus development projects, the future income from the implementation of which the owners estimated at 68 billion rubles. (see inset).

The fair price of the land occupied by NCP "Rus" is about $3,000 per one hundred square meters, Pavel Leontyev, head of Geo Development's valuation and analytics department, believes. It turns out that about $75 million can be earned for 250 hectares. But now it is not easy to find a buyer for agricultural land, and serious discounts are often involved, he warns.

A former representative of Finholcom said that now he does not work for this company and, according to his information, it does not have a representative. The websites of the Malchevsky structures have not been working since mid-July - they indicate that they are "under maintenance."

Several employees of NCP "Rus" stated that the park is operating normally, although there are problems with the server. “This does not concern us,” one of them replied to a question about how the seizure of real estate affected the park.

What can Viktor Yanin part with?

The Izmailovsky District Court of Moscow ruled to recover from Viktor Yanin in favor of Mosoblbank the 580 million rubles stolen by him. To compensate for the damages, left unchanged provisional measure in the form of an arrest imposed earlier by a decision of the Tverskoy District Court on funds, real estate and vehicles belonging to Yanin. The list of seized property included 204 million rubles. on the accounts of Yanin in Mosoblbank, a residential building with an area of ​​379 sq. m and land plot in 1044 sq. m in Pushkin, two parking spaces in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard with total area 22.7 sq. m, red Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2009 release, black Mersedes-Benz Vito 2013, cash in rubles and foreign currency for a total amount of about 3 million rubles. at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank. “The property mentioned in the operative part of the verdict is not enough to cover the losses,” said Dmitry Rimashevsky, managing director of the bank. - During enforcement proceedings search for other property will be conducted. The execution of the sentence, including the sale of the seized property, is possible only after the sentence has entered into force, that is, after it has been considered by the court of appeal, since Yanin's defense filed an appeal against the sentence, he explained.

How did the money go

Technically, the debiting of funds from the accounts of Mosoblbank depositors, according to the investigation, was carried out as follows. Every day, when a report with client account balances appeared in the program, an employee of the “VIP department” selected accounts with large amounts, pressed the “OK” button - and the program deducted funds from the selected deposits and “transferred” them to the additional office cash desk. It was a fictitious posting, but in reality, the data on such accounts simply moved to special zone program, visible only to employees of the "VIP department". They had to prepare an account statement and a debit note, according to which the depositor allegedly withdrew money from the cash desk. And although the documents were fictitious, the cash left the bank was quite real. Not all, of course: it was at the expense of such funds that they paid off invisible clients who needed to withdraw money. Then the “VIP department” had to prepare a receipt order for reporting - supposedly the funds were again deposited into the cash desk, from where they were then “credited” to the depositor's account.

Management opinion

Andzhey Malchevsky, founder and former co-owner of Mosoblbank, chairman of the board of directors of Finholcom LLC, told the investigation that he learned about the reorganization of Mosoblbank on May 21, 2014 from the media

Alexander Malchevsky, a former co-owner of Mosoblbank, told the investigation that he did not know about the essence of the instructions issued by the regulator to Mosoblbank. Due to poor health, I learned about the sale of Mosoblbank after the transaction

Viktor Yanin, former chairman of the board of Mosoblbank, told the investigation that at the time of issuing loans, the bank is not required to have sufficient liquidity, but must have it at the time of presentation to the bank of the borrower's requirements for the transfer of funds to other banks or for the issuance of cash

(From the testimony of all three to the investigation, read out during the trial of Viktor Yanin.)

Svetlana Petrova

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