
Doing work without pay in a family business. Lectures for students

This is the part of the population that offers its labor for the production of goods and services. The entire population of the country can be divided into two groups: economically active and economically inactive population.

The economically active population (also called the labor force) includes two categories - employed and unemployed.

Employed persons include persons of both sexes aged 16 years and older, as well as persons of younger ages who, during the period under review:

  • performed work for hire for remuneration, money or paid in kind, as well as other work that generates income;
  • temporarily absent from work due to: illness or injury; days off; annual leave; various types of vacations, both with pay and without pay, time off; vacations at the initiative of the administration; strikes and other reasons;
  • did work without pay in a family business.

When classifying or not classifying a person as employed, the criterion of one hour is used. In Russia, when surveying employment, the number of employed includes persons who worked one hour or more in the surveyed week. The use of this criterion is due to the fact that it is necessary to cover all types of employment that may exist in the country - from permanent to short-term, casual and other types of irregular employment.

The unemployed include persons aged 16 and older who, during the period under review:

  • did not have a job (or an income-generating occupation);
  • looking for a job;
  • were ready to start working.

This definition is consistent with the methodology international organization labor (ILO). When classifying a person as unemployed, all three criteria mentioned above must be taken into account.

Economically inactive population is the population that is not part of the labor force. This includes: pupils and students; pensioners; persons receiving disability pensions; persons engaged in housekeeping; persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and willing to work; other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

The categories discussed above economic activity populations do not assume that once having got into any group, a person remains there forever. The labor market is highly dynamic in nature, so it is necessary to consider not only the size of each group on the certain period time, but also the movement (flows) of people between different groups. The diagram below illustrates the dynamic model of the labor market.

Flows shaping the labor market

In the diagram, arrows represent the directions of movement of people from one category to another. The arrows going from the category "employed" show the decrease in this group due to the fact that people for some reason leave their job. previous job, but cannot instantly find another one (arrow to the category "unemployed") or stop working altogether, retiring, or guided by other reasons (arrow to the category "economically inactive population"). Employment increases if a part volunteers non-working population gets a job (arrow from the category "economically inactive population"), or if a part of the unemployed finds a job (arrow from the category "unemployed"). Part of the unemployed population may despair of finding a job and leave the labor force (arrow from "unemployed" to "inactive population"), or vice versa, part of the voluntarily unemployed decide to work and start searching (arrow from "inactive population" to "unemployed" ).

In the short run, when the supply of capital is fixed, the volume of national production depends directly on the amount of labor used. Obviously, the more people employed in production, the more volume can be produced. It can be seen from the diagram that in the creation national product not the entire population of the country is involved, but only a certain part of it. The question arises which largest number workers can be used in the country's economy to maximize national production. This indicator called full time.

Full employment is a long-term situation in which the labor market is in equilibrium. This means that all people who want to work are employed in manufacturing process and it is impossible to increase the number of workers by non-violent methods. Thus, we can also talk about the maximum volume of production, since all available in this moment economic resources used to full capacity.

In a planned economic system, full employment was understood as such a state of the economy when social production all labor resources were involved. In the world economic theory and practice, full employment is considered to be achieved when everyone who wants to work has a job at the current level wages. Full employment corresponds to a certain level natural unemployment» - no more than 3.5-6.5% of the total workforce.


Employed in the economy are people who reporting period worked for wages, as well as income-generating self-employment, work in a family enterprise without pay, employed in the household in the production of goods and services for sale, for which this work is the main one. This also includes persons who were temporarily absent from work for various reasons (annual leave, study leave, illness, holidays, etc.). holidays, leave without pay or with partial pay at the initiative of the administration, etc.).

Employment rate

The employment rate shows the ratio of the number of employed people in the economy to the number of economically active population.

Employed persons include:
  • employees of working age
  • self-employed people
  • family workers (including unpaid work)
  • employers
  • members of cooperatives
  • collective farmers and persons employed in the household
  • employees retirement age
  • working persons younger than working age


The unemployed include persons at the age of the economically active population who, during the period under review, simultaneously met three criteria:
  • did not have a job (another profitable occupation);
  • were looking for work in any form;
  • were ready to start working.

Retirees, students, students and the disabled are considered unemployed if they were looking for work and were ready to start working. The concept of the unemployed corresponds to the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Statistics determine the number of unemployed by sex, age, marital status, urban and countryside, by the level of education, by the presence of work experience (has work experience or does not have it), due to loss of work (liquidation of the enterprise, the end of the term of temporary or seasonal work, voluntarily, other reasons).

In the total number of unemployed, the number of unemployed registered in government bodies employment services according to the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation. At the end of November 2000, out of the total number of unemployed, only 1037 thousand people. (which is 14.8%) was registered with the employment service. Organs public service Employment keep statistics of applicants on the issue of employment and the number of employed. Statistics on the number and composition of the unemployed is necessary for the development social programs to increase the employment of the economically active population, improve and stabilize the state of Russian market labor.

The information base for calculating employment and unemployment indicators is the current (monthly, quarterly, annual) statistical reporting on the labor of organizations, data from reports of small enterprises, materials from sample surveys of the population on employment problems, reports from employment services on the number and composition of the unemployed, and other information.

unemployment rate

The ratio of the number of unemployed to the number of economically active population.

The sum of the employment rate and the unemployment rate is equal to one.

Indicators of the composition of employed persons in the economy

Russian statistics has extensive experience in studying the composition employed persons. Statistical annual collections publish information on the distribution of employed persons according to various criteria.

Accounting for employed persons by gender

As of the end of November 2000, out of those employed in Russian economy 64686 thousand people men accounted for 33,375 thousand people, or 51.6%. By regions, sectors of the economy, these indicators differ significantly.

Distribution of employed persons by age

The average age of employed persons at the end of November 2000 was 40.6 years, among them the average age of men was 39.2; women - 41.8 years. Almost half of all employees (48.9%) are between 20 and 39 years old inclusive; 30.4% are aged 40 to 49 inclusive; over the age of 50 - 19.1% (out of 64,686 thousand employed persons).

Distribution of employees by education

higher professional - 21.7%; incomplete higher professional - 4.5; secondary vocational - 28.7; primary vocational - 11.0; average (complete) general - 23.5; secondary general and primary - 10.7%.

Statistical authorities systematically study distribution of employees by sectors of the economy: for each sector of the economy, the number of employees and the share in the total number of employees are determined. Of the total average annual number of employed persons in 2000 (64,600 thousand people), the following were employed: in industry - 22.7%; in agriculture- 13.0; in construction - 7.9; in wholesale and retail and public catering - 14.6%. Over the years market economy there have been significant changes in the distribution of employees by industry in the Russian labor market. The proportion of those employed in industry (29.6% in 1992) and those employed in construction (11.0% in 1992) decreased. The proportion of employed persons increased in trade and public catering (7.9% in 1992), and in management (from 1.9 to 4.5%).

Statistics studies distribution of employees by type of ownership. During the period from 1992 to 2000, a significant redistribution of employed persons by form of ownership took place in the Russian labor market. The share of employed persons in organizations of the state and municipal property decreased from 68.9 to 38.1%, while the share of those employed in enterprises of private ownership increased from 19.5 to 45.0%, mixed Russian ownership increased from 10.5 to 14.1%, the ownership of public and religious organizations did not changed and remained at the level of 0.8%, foreign, joint Russian and foreign increased from 0.3 to 2.0%, but is a very small share.

Activity groups

Depending on the type of work performed or occupation of the employee, his qualifications and in accordance with All-Russian classifier classes (OKZ) employed persons are divided into the following main groups of occupations:

  • heads (representatives) of authorities and administration, including heads of organizations, institutions and enterprises;
  • specialists top level in the field of various sciences (natural, engineering, biological, agricultural, etc.);
  • mid-level specialists in various types of activities (in the field of education, healthcare, in the field of financial, economic, administrative and social activities, etc.);
  • employees involved in the preparation of information, paperwork and accounting;
  • service sector employees;
  • workers of housing and communal services;
  • skilled workers in agricultural production, forestry, hunting, fish farming and fishing, producing products for personal consumption;
  • workers in the metal-cutting and machine-building industries;
  • professions of transport and communication workers;
  • unskilled workers employed in industry, construction, transport, communications, geology and mineral exploration.

The above incomplete list of groups and subgroups of occupations gives an idea of ​​the importance of such a study of employed persons. The All-Russian Classifier of Occupations was developed on the basis of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO), which makes it possible to use information on the distribution by occupation for international comparisons on the employment of the economically active population.

By employment status

According to the status of employment, the entire employed population is divided into two groups: employed and self-employed.

Employees(employees) are persons whose activities are carried out under the direct control of the employer (or persons authorized by the employer). On the conditions of work and its payment, they conclude labor contract(contract) with the head of an organization of any form of ownership or an individual.

Self-employed are persons employed in own enterprises. They are responsible for the state of affairs in the enterprise. Their remuneration depends on financial results activities.

The self-employed include the following groups:
  • employers (hire workers on their own or with business partners, it can be a legal entity or an entrepreneur without education legal entity, but using the labor of hired workers);
  • self-employed (work independently without the involvement of employees on a permanent basis);
  • members of production cooperatives (each member of the cooperative for equal rights participates in solving production and management issues);
  • unpaid family workers (the activities of these persons are headed by a relative living in this household, the degree of their participation in entrepreneurial activity different in time, participation in solving various issues).

    performed work for hire for remuneration, money or paid in kind, as well as other work that generates income;

    temporarily absent from work due to: illness or injury; days off; annual leave; various types of vacations, both with pay and without pay, time off; vacations at the initiative of the administration; strikes and other reasons;

    did work without pay in a family business.

When classifying or not classifying a person as employed, the criterion of one hour is used. In Russia, when surveying employment, the number of employed includes persons who worked one hour or more in the surveyed week. The use of this criterion is due to the fact that it is necessary to cover all types of employment that may exist in the country - from permanent to short-term, casual and other types of irregular employment.

The unemployed include persons aged 16 and older who, during the period under review:

    did not have a job (or an income-generating occupation);

    looking for a job;

    were ready to start working.

This definition is in line with the methodology of the International Labor Organization (ILO). When classifying a person as unemployed, all three criteria mentioned above must be taken into account.

To adequately reflect and study the ongoing processes in the Russian labor market, a system of indicators of labor market statistics has been created.

Country population =Economically active population + Economically inactive population.

Economically active population= Labor force = busy + Unemployed

The economically active population is part of the labor force. The number of economically active population changes in individuals in relation to a certain period of time.

Number of people employed in sectors of the economy is an indicator characterizing the demand for labor in the labor market. The higher the demand for labor, the higher the employment rate in the economy. Every economy strives for performance full time population.

Number of unemployed is the excess of supply over demand for labor in the labor market. Usually, the supply exceeds the demand for labor, which objectively determines the availability of unemployment. This does not exclude the opposite situation in certain sectors of the labor market (regional, by type of activity).

The level of economic activity of the population is calculated by the formula:

EAN - economically active population (labor force),

H is the total population.

EAN = Employed + Unemployed

The level of employment of the population (the ratio of the employed population to the total population of the surveyed age) in July 2012 amounted to 65.2%.

Usually distinguish 5 statuses employment for the economically active population, including the unemployed:

1. Employees are persons working under a concluded written contract (agreement), or under an oral agreement with the management of the enterprise on the conditions of labor activity, for which they receive the payment agreed upon when hiring.

2. Self-employed - persons who independently carry out activities that bring them income, do not use, or use employees only for a short period.

3. Employer - persons who manage their own enterprise or are authorized to manage a joint-stock company, business partnership, etc. The employer can fully or partially delegate his functions to hired managers, leaving behind the responsibility for the well-being of the enterprise.

4. Unpaid family workers - persons who work without pay in a family business owned by their relative.

5. Persons not classifiable by status in employment: unemployed persons who have not previously engaged in a labor activity that brings them income. This includes persons who are difficult to attribute to a particular employment status.

According to Rosstat, the number of economically active population aged 15-72 years (employed + unemployed) in August 2011. amounted to 76.7 million people, or more than 54.0% of the total population of the country.

In the economically active population, 72.0 million people were classified as employed and 4.7 million as unemployed using ILO criteria (i.e. not having a job or gainful employment, looking for a job and ready to start it) during the study week).

Fig.9. Dynamics of economically active population

These are persons capable of work labor resources they are included), but in a market economy they cannot be classified as either employed or unemployed.

Economically inactive population is the population that is not part of the work force. This includes: pupils and students; pensioners; persons receiving disability pensions; persons engaged in housekeeping; persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and willing to work; other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

In a market economy, the possibility of unemployment of the able-bodied population is allowed. The reasons for the economic passivity of this part of the population are social status, material security, housekeeping, raising children, or the futility of employment. In Russia, this category of the population has several million people. The primary task of statistics is to study employment, that is, the degree of satisfaction with the supply of labor. The number, composition, territorial distribution and reasons for economic passivity are also subjected to research.

Topic 15. Statistics of the labor market, use of working time, productivity and wages

Labor market statistics use such basic indicators as the number of economically active population, which is divided into the number of employed and unemployed. Based on these indicators, the level is determined. Labor market statistics use such basic indicators as the number of the economically active population, which is divided into the number of employed and unemployed. employment and unemployment, as the ratio of the number of employed and the number of unemployed to the number of economically active population, respectively.

Grouping and classification methods are used to assess status in employment.

To analyze the demographic burden, the population in Russia is divided into two main groups:

The working-age population (according to the legislation, the working age for men is from 16 to 59 years, and for women - from 16 to 54 years).

For a comprehensive statistical analysis labor potential of the country, the labor market, employment and unemployment, the structure of employment by sectors of the economy and forms of ownership, by region and at the macro level, to assess reserves, directions of replenishment and retirement of the labor force is compiled balance of labor resources.

The labor force is defined as the total working-age population plus the non-working-age population (teenagers aged 14-15 and people who retired by age and working people of working age who retired under preferential pension regimes) and minus the number of non-working disabled people 1 and 2 groups and persons of working age, but retired at preferential terms.

For integrated assessment The number of people employed in the economy uses such indicators as the average headcount, the average headcount and the average headcount actually employed.

Currently, the following indicators are calculated in statistical practice:

1. An absolute indicator characterizing the availability of the labor force is economically active population(EA) - part of the population that provides the supply of labor for the production of goods and services. It includes employed (3) and unemployed (B): EA = W + B

To obtain information on the size and composition of the economically active population, employed and unemployed, the level of economic activity and unemployment and their dynamics, a survey of the population on employment problems (labor force survey) is carried out. The survey is carried out four times a year; observation units are persons 15-72 years old. In addition, an estimate is made of the economically active population on the basis of balance sheet calculations for labor, which make it possible to determine hidden employment. Therefore, the data obtained from these two sources may have some discrepancy.

2.Relative indicator of economic activity or economic activity rate(K eka) - it is the share of the economically active population (EA) in the total population (N); data is calculated as a percentage:

The economically active population is calculated for the country as a whole, for men and women, and by age groups. Accordingly, the economic activity rate is also calculated for men and women in general and by age groups.

3. K busy includes persons of both sexes aged 16 years and over, as well as persons of younger ages. These persons are considered employed if they:

Performed work for hire for remuneration or other income-generating work;

Temporarily absent from work for all reasons that can be considered as valid (holidays, illness, training, retraining outside the workplace, etc.);

They did work without pay in a family business.

Employed in the economy are grouped by sex, age groups, level of education, marital status, sectors of the economy, and categories of personnel.

4. Employment rate or employment rate(K h) is calculated as the ratio of the employed population (3) to the economically active population (EA), (%):

5. Unemployed- These are persons 16 years of age and older who, during the period under review:

Did not have a job (profitable occupation);

Engaged in job search;

Were ready to start work.

When classifying persons as unemployed, all three criteria must be met.

The scale of unemployment is characterized by an absolute indicator - the number of unemployed(B). Data on the unemployed are developed according to the following groupings: by sex, age and level of education, by circumstances of non-employment, by profession, by marital status, by duration of job search, by method of job search, by type of work.

6. For characterization unemployment rate calculated unemployment rate(K b) as the ratio of the number of unemployed (B) and the economically active population (EA). The data is calculated as a percentage:

7. In addition to the general unemployment rate, the following indicators are calculated: the proportion of women among the unemployed, the average age of the unemployed (years), the structure of the unemployed by level of education; the level of registered unemployment, etc.

8. To determine the effectiveness of the work of the employment agencies, the share of employed citizens in the total number of those who applied for employment to the state employment service is calculated.

9. The population of the surveyed age (15-72 years old) that is not part of the labor force is economically inactive population. It includes the following categories:

a) pupils and students, listeners and cadets attending daytime educational establishments;

b) persons receiving old-age and concessional pensions, as well as receiving survivors' pensions when they reach retirement age;

c) persons receiving disability pensions;

d) persons engaged in housekeeping, caring for children, sick relatives, etc.;

e) persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and ready to work;

f) other persons who do not need to work, regardless of the source of income.

The economically inactive population (Ena) is grouped (as well as the indicators listed above) by sex, age group, level of education, etc.

10. The economically active population is classified by status in employment. Classification by status in employment includes the following groups:

1) employees (civilian labor force and military personnel);

2) employers;

3) persons working on an individual basis;

4) unpaid family workers;

5) members of collective enterprises;

6) persons who cannot belong to any of the listed groups.

EXAMPLE. The following data are available on the number of economically active and economically inactive population:

Employees - 920 thousand people.

Persons working on an individual basis - 120 thousand people.

Unpaid employees of family enterprises - 25 thousand people.

Employers - 15 thousand people.

Members of cooperatives - 150 thousand people.

Collective farmers - 90 thousand people.

Persons who do not have a job and are looking for it - (previously employed) -145 thousand people.

Faces for the first time job seekers- 5 thousand people.

Persons of younger ages - 50 thousand people.

Students of working age with a break from work - 150 thousand people.

Persons engaged in housekeeping, childcare - 150 thousand people.

Pensioners and disabled people - 520 thousand people.

Working persons of retirement age - 30 thousand people.

Working persons younger than working age - 10 thousand people.

Non-working people of working age who do not need to work - 30 thousand people.

Persons who have been unemployed for a long time, who have stopped looking, but who are ready to work - 5 thousand people.

Population - 2620 thousand people.

We define:

1) Number of employees (3):

3 = 920 + 120 + 25 + 15 + 150 + 90 + 30 + 10 = 1215 thousand people;

2) The number of unemployed (B): B = 145 + 5 = 150 thousand people;

3) Economically active population (EA):

EA = 3 + B = 1215 + 150 = 1365 thousand people;

4) The number of economically inactive population (Ena):

Ena \u003d 50 + 150 + 150 + 520 + 30 + 5 \u003d 905 thousand people;

5) The coefficient of economic activity (K eka):

6) Employment rate (K s):

7) Unemployment rate (K b):

The population in the country is divided into two groups: working age population and disabled population. According to the current legislation, the working age for men is from 16 to 59 years, and for women from 16 to 54 years. Based on these data, demographic burden indicators can be calculated. The calculation is made in ppm.

The coefficient of the total workload of the population of working age (K ob.n) is calculated as the ratio of the population of working age (N ntv) to the population of working age (N tv).

Where H 0-15 - persons under 16 years of age;

N pv - persons older than retirement age.

The total load factor of the working-age population consists of two indicators: the coefficient of potential replacement of the able-bodied population (K pz) and the coefficient of "pension burden" of the able-bodied population (K pn)

To obtain a comprehensive picture of the formation of the country's labor potential, the creation of a labor market, the study of employment and unemployment, the study of the structure of the employed by sectors of the economy, forms of ownership, regions and other areas; study of labor reserves for the country as a whole, sources of replenishment and directions of disposal, and other issues, a balance of labor resources is drawn up.

The number of labor resources is calculated as follows: 1) the number of working-age population is determined; 2) the number of non-working disabled people of groups I and II and the number of people of working age who retired on preferential terms are deducted from this value; 3) then the number of people of working age employed in the economy is added (teenagers aged 14-15 and people who retired by age and working people of working age who retired under preferential pension regimes).

Appointment. The online calculator is designed to calculate coefficients of economic activity of the population, employment and unemployment.

See also Population statistics: calculation of birth rates, death rates, natural increase, intensity of migration turnover.

Population aged:

  • younger than working age: age: 0-15 years.
  • able-bodied: 16-59 men and 16-54 women.
  • older than able-bodied.
All population, including aged, years: Both sexes Men Women
over 60

Economically active population- ensure the supply of labor in the labor market for the production of goods, performance of work and provision of services. That is, they want to work, but at the same time they can both work and look for work. In accordance with this, the economically active population is divided into two categories: the number of people employed in the sectors of the economy and the number of the unemployed.

Employed persons include:

  • employees of working age;
  • self-employed people;
  • family workers (including unpaid work);
  • employers;
  • members of cooperatives;
  • collective farmers and persons employed in the household;
  • employees of retirement age;
  • employed persons younger than working age.


  • did not have a job (another profitable occupation);
  • were looking for work in any form;
  • were ready to start working.
Retirees, students, students and the disabled are considered unemployed if they were looking for work and were ready to start working.

Economically inactive population is the population that is not part of the labor force. This includes: pupils and students; pensioners; persons receiving disability pensions; persons engaged in housekeeping; persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and willing to work; other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

Population of the country = Economically active population + Economically inactive population

According to the status of employment, the entire employed population is divided into two groups: employed and self-employed.
Employees (employees)- these are persons whose activities are carried out under the direct control of the employer (or persons authorized by the employer). They conclude an employment agreement (contract) with the head of an organization of any form of ownership or an individual on working conditions and its payment.
Self-employed- These are people employed in their own enterprises. They are responsible for the state of affairs in the enterprise. Their remuneration depends on the financial results of their activities.
The self-employed include the following groups:

  • employers (hiring workers on their own or with business partners, it can be a legal entity or an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, but using the labor of employees);
  • self-employed (work independently without the involvement of employees on a permanent basis);
  • members of production cooperatives (each member of the cooperative participates on an equal footing in solving production and management issues);
  • unpaid family workers (the activities of these persons are headed by a relative living in this household, the degree of their participation in entrepreneurial activities varies in time, participation in solving various issues).

Example. The following data are available on the number of economically active and economically inactive population (thousand people):
Employees of working age.......................................920
Individuals working on a self-employed basis…............120
Unpaid Family Business Workers..........25
Employers .................................................. .....................fifteen
Members of cooperatives .................................................................. ...........150
Rural workers .................................................................. ..............90
Persons without a job and looking for a job (previously employed) ........ 145
First-time Job Seekers....................................................................5
Persons of younger ages ............................................... ......fifty
Out-of-work students of working age.......................150
Persons engaged in housekeeping, childcare 150
Pensioners and the disabled .............................................................. ...520
Employed Persons of Retirement Age.........30
Employed Persons Below Working Age.......................................................10
Unemployed persons of working age who do not need to work .........30
Persons who have been unemployed for a long time, who have stopped looking, but are ready to work ............... 5
Calculate: 1) the number of economically active population, including: a) employed; b) the unemployed; 2) the number of economically inactive population; 3) coefficient of economic activity of the population, employment and unemployment. Group the population by status in employment and determine the structure of employment.

Solution. Let's define the following indicators:
1. Number of employees:
H \u003d 920 + 120 + 25 + 15 + 150 + 90 + 30 + 10 \u003d 1360 thousand people.
2.Number of unemployed:
B \u003d 145 + 5 \u003d 150 thousand people.
3. Number of economically active population:
EA \u003d W + B \u003d 1360 + 150 \u003d 1510 thousand people.
4. Number of economically inactive population:
ENA = 50 + 150 + 150 + 520 + 30 + 5 = 905 thousand people.
Country population = Economically active population + Economically inactive population = 1510 + 905 = 2415
5.Coefficient of economic activity:
K ea = EA / Population of the country = 1510/2415 = 62.5%
6. Employment rate:
K z \u003d Z / EA \u003d 1360/1510 \u003d 90.1%
7. Unemployment rate:
K b \u003d B / EA \u003d 150/1510 \u003d 9.9%
Grouping the population by status in employment.
Employees = 920 + 90 + 30 + 10 = 1050
Self-employed = 120 + 25 + 15 + 150 + 0 = 310

Human Resources

Human Resources- this is the part of the population of the country, which, by age and state of health, is capable of working. The composition of the labor force includes:

¨ able-bodied population of working age;

¨ adolescents under the age of 16 who actually work;

¨ actually working persons older than working age.

The change in the number of labor resources (replenishment, disposal and natural increase), not related to the migration of the population, is called natural movement of labor resources.

Natural replenishment of labor resources(Natural PTR) occurs due to the entry of adolescents into the working age, as well as due to the involvement of pensioners and persons under 16 years of age in labor activity.

Natural retirement of labor resources(VTR natural) occurs at the expense of mortality, retirement or disability.

natural growth labor resources is the difference between natural recruitment and natural outflow of labor resources.

Under mechanical the movement of labor resources is understood as a change in their number due to migration.

Workforce balance

Workforce balance is a system of indicators that reflects the number and composition of labor resources, their distribution among employees by industry National economy and forms of ownership, unemployed and economically inactive population. The balance sheet is drawn up annually for the country as a whole, as well as for the regions, divided into urban and rural areas.

The balance of labor resources consists of two sections: in the first section they show labor resources, in the second - their distribution.

The number of labor resources is determined based on the number of able-bodied population of working age and working persons who are beyond working age.

Determination of the number and composition of employees

The total number of people employed in the economy is defined as the sum of employees of all enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, whose activities are legally registered.

All persons employed in the economy, depending on the type of work performed or the occupation of each employee, as well as his qualifications, are distributed by type of occupation in accordance with the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ), developed on the basis of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88).

OKZ consists of enlarged groups, which are divided into subgroups, composite groups and basic groups of classes.

Enlarged OKZ groups:

1. Heads of government and administration at all levels, including heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises;

2. Specialists of the highest qualification level;

3. Specialists of an average level of qualification;

4. Employees involved in the preparation of information, paperwork, accounting and maintenance;

5. Workers in the service sector, housing and communal services, trade and related activities;

6. Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fish farming and fishing;

7. Skilled workers large and small industrial enterprises, art crafts, construction, transport, communications, geology and exploration of subsoil;

8. Operators, apparatchiks, machinists of installations and machines, fitters;

9. Unskilled workers.

Unlike ISCO-88, which contains 10 enlarged groups, there is no Armed Forces group in the UKZ, i.e. it represents only the civilian labor force.

OKZ contains information about all employees and fully reflects the structure national market labor.

Economically active population This is the part of the population that offers its labor for the production of goods and services.

International statistical standards state that the term "economically active population" can have two meanings. If the economically active population is defined for a short period of time (a day or a week), then it means the population active in this period, to which the term "labor force" applies; if the economically active population is determined over a long period, then the active population is usually assumed.

The active population in a given period (or labor force) is the most commonly used measure of the economically active population. The coefficient of economic activity of the population is determined by the formula:

where R eq.ac. - the number of economically active population on the date - t;

P t is the population on the same date.

The economically active population is divided into two categories - employed and unemployed.

To busy includes persons of both sexes aged 16 years and older, as well as persons of younger ages who, during the period under review:

¨ performed work for hire for remuneration, as well as other work that generates income, independently or with partners, with or without the involvement of employees, regardless of the timing of receiving direct payment or income for their activities;

¨ temporarily absent from work due to illness or injury; days off; annual leave; different kind vacations, both with maintenance and without maintenance, time off; leave at the initiative of the administration; strikes and other reasons;

¨ did work without pay in a family business.

The concept of "employment" is directly related to the concept of "production frontier", since the SNA defines that people who are involved in the creation of goods or services within the production frontier should be considered employed . In other words, the number of people employed in the economy includes persons engaged in the production of goods or services in their own household - only for their own consumption.

Based data on the number of employed and economically active population calculated employment rate:


where T is the number of employees on the date.

The employment rate is calculated both for the population as a whole and for sex and individual age groups.

To unemployed includes persons 16 years of age or older who, during the period under review:

¨ did not have a job or income-generating occupation;

¨ looking for a job;

¨ ready to get to work.

When classifying a person as unemployed, all three of these criteria must be taken into account.

To characterize the unemployment rate is calculated unemployment rate:


where B is the number of unemployed on the date;

P - the number of economically active population on the date.

In the event that the numerator denotes the total number of unemployed, then the unemployment rate is obtained according to the ILO methodology; if the numerator means the number of officially registered unemployed, then the coefficient of officially registered unemployment is obtained.

Unemployment data is compiled by sex, age and marital status. The distribution of the unemployed by education and professional affiliation is also being studied.

Economically inactive population is the population that is not part of the labor force (including those under the age established for accounting for the economically active population). The inactive population can be defined as the difference between the total population and the labor force. The economically inactive population is measured relative to the survey period and includes the following categories.

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