
Spheres and subdivisions of the national economy. Spheres and divisions of the economy

When analyzing National economy in economic research commonly used concepts such as sphere, industry, sector of the economy.
Spheres of the economy
From the point of view of participation in the creation of the total social product and national income, social production is divided into two large areas: material production and non-productive sphere.
Material production includes industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, public catering, information and computing services, and other activities of the sphere. material production. The non-productive sphere includes housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations of the non-productive sphere and the population), health care, physical culture and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, and the activities of the administrative apparatus.
Branches of the economy
Spheres of economy are subdivided into specialized branches. Industry - a group of qualitatively homogeneous economic units (enterprises, organizations, institutions) characterized by special conditions of production in the system of social division of labor, homogeneous products and performing a common (specific) function in the national economy.
For example, the sphere of material production includes branches in which the means of production and consumer goods necessary for the life and development of society are created.
The sectoral division of the economy is the result of a historical process, the development of the social division of labor.
Each of the specialized industries, in turn, is subdivided into complex industries and types of industries. In the industry, for example, there are more than 15 such large industries as electric power, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, pulp and paper industry, industry building materials, light and food industry and other industries.
Specialized industries are characterized by varying degrees of differentiation of production. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of the specialization of production leads to the formation of new industries and types of production. Simultaneously with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation, integration of production, leading to the development of stable production relations between industries, to the creation of mixed industries and intersectoral complexes.
Intersectoral complexes
Intersectoral complex - an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, different stages of production and distribution of the product.
Intersectoral complexes arise and develop both within a separate sector of the economy and between different sectors. In the composition of industry, for example, there are fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building and other complexes. The agro-industrial and building complexes uniting different branches of the national economy.
Intersectoral national economic complexes can be conditionally divided into target and functional ones. The selection of target complexes is based on the reproductive principle and the criterion of participation in the creation of the final product. For example, one can single out machine-building complex, fuel and energy and agro-industrial complex, forestry and
mineral resource complex, transport complex, etc.
The allocation of functional complexes is based on the principle and criterion of specialization of the complex for a certain function. Here it is possible to single out investment and infrastructure complexes, a scientific and technical complex, and, to a certain extent, an ecological complex.
On the basis of the division of labor, one can distinguish diversified and single-industry complexes, territorial production complexes, intersectoral scientific and technical complexes.
Sectors of the economy
The constituent elements of the national economic complex can be grouped according to various economic characteristics. In foreign studies, on the basis of the system of national accounts, large sectors of the economy are singled out for a generalizing characteristic of economic processes.
A sector is understood as a set of institutional units with similar economic goals functions and behavior. These usually include: the enterprise sector, the household sector, the public institutions and the external sector. The enterprise sector is usually subdivided into the financial sector and the non-financial sector. financial enterprises.
The sector of non-financial enterprises includes enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services for the purpose of making a profit, and non-profit organizations that do not pursue the goal of making a profit. Depending on who controls their activities, they, in turn, are divided into state, national, private and foreign non-financial enterprises.
The financial enterprise sector covers institutional units engaged in financial intermediation.
Sector of public institutions - a set of legislative, judicial and executive authorities, social security funds and controlled by them non-profit organizations.
The household sector includes mainly consuming units, i.e. households and the enterprises formed by them.
The external sector, or the "rest of the world" sector, is a set of institutional units - non-residents of a given country (i.e. located outside the country) that have economic ties, as well as embassies, consulates, military bases, international organizations located in this country.
According to the degree of connection with the market in the national economy, the market and non-market sectors are often distinguished.
The market sector covers the production of goods and services intended for sale on the market at prices that have a significant impact on the demand for these goods or services, as well as the exchange of goods and services through barter, wages in kind and stocks. finished products.
Non-market sector - the production of products and services intended for use directly by producers or owners of the enterprise, as well as provided to other consumers free of charge or at prices that do not affect demand.
Sometimes mixed industries are additionally identified that provide market and non-market services.
By international statistics The economy is usually divided into industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. The first group includes industry, Agriculture, construction and other branches of material production (publishing, recycling of secondary raw materials, collection of wild mushrooms and berries, etc.). Service-providing industries include education, transport, trade, healthcare, general government, defense, and others.

The national economy is a complex multi-level economic system, the definition of the essence of which depends on the objectives of the study. For analysis economic activity concept national economy is defined as follows.

National economy - it a single complex of interrelated industries (types of economic activity) formed as a result of the social division of labor, scientific and technological development, international cooperation, specific within a particular country.

Structurally, the national economy can be considered from the point of view of legal, sectoral and spatial organization.

In legal terms, the national economy is a set of organizations that have the status legal entity(commercial and non-commercial organizations).

In the sectoral plan, when analyzing the national economy, such concepts as sphere, sector, industry, type of economic activity are used.

Division of the national economy into spheres carried out in terms of their participation in the formation of the gross domestic product(GDP) and national income (ND). In addition, the division into spheres makes it possible to trace a single chain of economic activity. In accordance with this, the entire national economy is divided into two spheres: the sphere of material production and the non-production sphere.

Sphere of material production is a set of industries and types of economic activity that create material wealth or perform functions that are a continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation. The result of activities in this area are products for industrial purposes, goods and consumer goods ( consumer goods), transport, communication services, etc.

In world practice, the division of the sphere of material production into three elements is also used:

  • primary (part of the economy associated with the extraction of raw materials, crop production, animal husbandry);
  • industrial (part of the economy related to the production intermediate product- materials, components, machinery and equipment);
  • final product (the part of the economy where commodities are produced).

Non-manufacturing sphere combines industries and activities to serve the population:

  • education;
  • health and social services;
  • activities for the provision of communal, social and personal services, etc.

For a generalized description of economic processes, the national economy is divided into sectors.

Sector national economy is called a set of institutional units that are homogeneous in terms of goals, functions performed by them in the economic process, behavior and methods of financing production costs.

Thus, grouping by sector allows you to separate parts of the national economy that have general characteristics, for theoretical and practical purposes (for statistical observations, state regulation etc.).

Depending on the form of ownership, there are sectors of the economy: public and private.

Government sector represented by a set of enterprises, organizations, institutions located in state property or controlled and managed government bodies.

Private sector represented by a set of enterprises, organizations and institutions not directly controlled by the state.

In accordance with accepted system national accounts (SNA) in the domestic economy, the following sectors are formed:

  • non-financial enterprises;
  • financial institutions;
  • government institutions;
  • households;
  • non-profit organizations serving households.

The sector of non-financial enterprises is a set of economic units engaged in the production of goods and services for profit, and non-profit organizations engaged in non-market production.

At the same time, three sub-sectors are distinguished according to the forms of control:

  • state;
  • national private;
  • foreign.

The non-financial enterprise sector contributes largest contribution in the production of gross domestic product, but does not contribute to final consumption.

The financial institutions sector is represented by a combination of commercial and non-profit organizations, the main activities of which are financial intermediation, insurance, ancillary activities in the field of financial intermediation and insurance. The financial institutions sector includes: Bank of Russia; commercial banks, other financial intermediaries (investment and innovation funds, leasing organizations, charitable and sponsorship firms, etc.); financial support institutions ( stock exchanges), insurance corporations and pension funds. A distinction should be made between public, national private and foreign institutions.

The government sector includes the legislature, the judiciary, the executive, social security funds, and the non-profit organizations they control. The main functions of the government sector are: organizing the provision of goods and services to the public and financing such provision with funds from taxation or other revenues; redistribution of income and material assets through transfers; production of non-market services. The government sector has federal, regional and local levels.

The household sector is represented by a set of households consisting of a small group of persons. Within the household, they combine some or all of their income and assets, jointly consume certain types of goods and services. Some of the households carry out productive activities in the form of unincorporated enterprises.

Depending on the type of income (the largest source of income), the following sub-sectors of the household sector can be distinguished: employers; wage laborers; employed persons; recipients of property income and transfers. Households are also divided according to occupation, industry, education and qualifications of the person recognized as its head. Finally, sub-sectors of the household sector can be shaped according to total income, number of members, or location.

The sector of non-profit institutions serving households is represented by a set of non-profit organizations whose main function is to provide goods and services to households on a non-market basis. This sector is financed mainly by voluntary contributions, sponsorship, property income. This sector also includes independent subdivisions of enterprises and organizations that provide social and cultural services to their employees.

A single chain of economic activity that forms the modern economic process within the national economy can be represented as a diagram (Fig. 1.1).

The sectors of the national economy, in turn, are made up of homogeneous types of economic activity - industries, the list of which is determined by the accepted classification.

Rice. 1.1.

Industry (type of economic activity) is an a set of enterprises and organizations that are characterized by a common field of activity, products, production technology, use of raw materials, fixed assets and professional skills of employees.

The division of the national economy into sectors aims to solve numerous problems, among which the main ones are:

  • identification of economic activity declared by economic entities during registration;
  • development of regulatory legal acts relating to state regulation certain types economic activity;
  • implementation of state statistical monitoring by type of activity over the development of economic processes;
  • ensuring the needs of public authorities and management in information about the types of economic activity in solving employment problems, investment activity and etc.;
  • preparation of statistical information for its comparison at the international level.

To solve the last of the listed tasks, the resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated November 6, 2001 No. 454-ST from January 1, 2003 is put into effect All-Russian classifier types of economic activity (OKVED), built on the basis of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Economic Community (NACE). It replaces the All-Union Classifier of Industries of the National Economy (OKONKh), parts I and IV (as applied to economic activity).

In table. 1.1 provides an enlarged list of industries (types of economic activity) according to OKONKh and OKVED.

From the point of view of spatial organization for many years for the purposes of economic forecasting and programming, as well as indicative planning of territorial development Russian Federation an economic zoning grid is used.

economic region is considered to be a part of the country's territory, characterized by exemplary unity natural conditions, demographic features, settlement, specialization of the economy and social sphere, which determines its place in the country's economy, and is limited by the administrative boundaries of its constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Created in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 849 dated May 13, 2000 “On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in federal district» seven federal districts - Central (the center of the district -

Moscow); Severo-Zapadny (the center of the district is St. Petersburg); Yuzhny (the center of the district is Rostov-on-Don); Privolzhsky (the center of the district - Nizhny Novgorod); Uralsky (the center of the district is Yekaterinburg); Siberian (the center of the district is Novosibirsk); Far East (the center of the district - Khabarovsk) do not coincide with the grid of economic zoning.

List of industries (types of economic activity) according to OKONH and OKVED

Table 1.1



Industry Agriculture Construction Transport Communications

Trade and public catering Logistics and sales Procurement

Housing Utilities Non-production types of consumer services for the population Health care, physical education and social security Education Culture and art Science and scientific services

Agriculture, hunting and forestry

Fishing, fish farming Mining operations Manufacturing production and distribution of electricity, gas and water Construction

wholesale and retail; repair vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items Hotels and restaurants Transport and communications Financial activities Operations with real estate, rental and provision of services Public administration and ensuring military security; compulsory social security Education

Health care and provision of social services Provision of other communal, social and personal services Provision of housekeeping services Activities of extraterritorial organizations

National economic complex of Russia.

Spheres and subdivisions of the economy.

The economy of any country is a single complex of interrelated industries.

The national economic complex has specific sectoral, reproductive, regional and other structural characteristics.

When analyzing the national economy in economic research, such concepts as sphere, industry, sector of the economy are usually used.

From the point of view of participation in the creation of the total social product and national income, social production is divided into two large areas: material production and the non-productive sphere.

To material production include industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, public catering, information and computing services. To non-productive sphere include housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations of the non-productive sphere and the population), health care, physical culture and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, and the activities of the administrative apparatus.

The sectors of the economy are divided into specialized industries. .

For example, sphere of material production includes industries in which the means of production and consumer goods necessary for the life and development of society are created.

Each of the specialized industries, in turn, is subdivided into complex industries and types of industries. The industry, for example, includes more than 15 such large industries as the electric power industry, the fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical and petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, the timber, pulp and paper industries, etc.

Intersectoral complexes arise and develop both within a single sector of the economy, and between different sectors. In the composition of industry, for example, there are fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building and other complexes.

Under sector of the economy refers to a set of institutional units that have similar economic goals, functions and behavior. These typically include: the enterprise sector, the household sector, the government sector and the external sector. The enterprise sector is usually subdivided into the financial enterprise sector and the non-financial enterprise sector.

The existing relationships (proportions) between macroeconomic elements are commonly called economic structure. Usually, sectoral, reproductive, regional and other types of economic structures are distinguished.

The specificity of structural adjustment in Russia lies in the fact that it is carried out in the conditions of a transformational decline that accompanies any transition from one economic system to another. Structural adjustment is carried out in the context of changing forms and methods of state influence on the economy, a significant reduction public spending and centralized lending.

The main directions of structural adjustment are the curtailment and re-profiling of objectively unnecessary and incapacitated enterprises, slowing down the fall and stabilizing the output of products that are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets; creation of conditions for the revival and development of promising activities that form the real economic potential of the country.

Russia is a country with a developed industry. It accounts for 3/5 of the total gross social product, more than 2/5 of the national income, about 1/2 of the production fixed assets, and, together with construction, approximately 2/5 of the population employed in social production. Industry primarily determines the production and scientific and technical potential, the degree and efficiency of the use of natural, material and labor resources. It serves as the basis for the formation of territorial production complexes.

The national economy is structured according to reproduced and sectoral characteristics.

The reproductive structure involves the division of the social product according to the principle of their functional purpose.

Sectoral structure is the division of the economic system according to the main types of activities. Structure social production presupposes the existence of national economic proportions. Let's consider them.

General economic proportions reflect quantitative correlations, for example, between accumulation and consumption, between the production of means of production and the production of consumer goods, etc. All of them relate to social reproduction at the macroeconomic level.

Intersectoral proportions are quantitative ratios between various sectors of social production, for example, between the mining and processing industries, between industry and agriculture, etc.

Intra-industry proportions are quantitative ratios between individual industries industries (for example, lumber and furniture manufacturing).

Interstate proportions are quantitative ratios between national industries of production of various countries.

Economists of various schools offer their own options for achieving proportionality in the development of the economy. One of the first options was proposed by K. Marx in 1885 in the second volume of Capital in his famous schemes of reproduction.

He proceeded from the fact that there are two divisions in production: the first (I), where the means of production are produced (machine-building products), and the second (II), where consumer goods are created (life support). The need to single out these two divisions is due to the fact that the means of production and commodities perform different functions: the first serve to reproduce the material elements of the productive forces (replacement of equipment), the second - to reproduce the human factor.

Modern social reproduction is more complex and voluminous than that studied by K. Marx. It covers not only material production (I and II divisions), but also the non-material and military economy, which form the III and IV spheres.

The more ramified and complex connections that now exist between them no longer fit into Marx's scheme.

In modern Western literature (A. Fischer, K. Clark) the theory of "three sectors" is used. This theory is based on the division of all industries national economy into "primary", "secondary" and "tertiary" sectors.

The "primary sector" includes industries associated with the production, extraction and use of natural resources (agriculture, forestry, fisheries).

The "secondary sector" consists of manufacturing industries. The extractive industry is sometimes referred to the first, sometimes to the second sector.

The “tertiary” includes the “service industries” - transport, public services, construction, trade, finance, education, healthcare, the state apparatus, the army, etc.

The organizational and economic structure reflects the relations that develop in the process of organizing the production of a social product. This structure is characterized by a system of proportions between the shares of the social product, created by economic units, which are grouped according to the level of concentration or specialization of production.

From the point of view of the concentration of production, it can be represented by the ratio of the shares of large, medium and small enterprises in sectoral production, GNP or GDP; from the point of view of specialization - the proportion between the shares of specialized or diversified industries, calculated both for the national economy as a whole and in terms of sectors. Considered in their unity, both varieties of the organizational and economic structure quite fully characterize the level of technological monopolization of production that has developed in the national economy.

The socio-economic structure characterizes, on the one hand, the contribution of enterprises of various forms of ownership to the production of a social product, on the other hand, the differentiation of incomes of various groups of the population.

Organizational-economic and social structure social product in the Russian Federation are undergoing significant changes in the course of creating a modern market system. In the pre-reform period, the organizational and economic structure of Russia in comparison with countries with developed market economy characterized by an extremely high concentration of production, and the socio-economic structure - almost undivided dominance state form property and a relatively even distribution of income among different groups of the population. The deployment of the processes of privatization and demonopolization of production, the development of small business led to a decrease in the level of concentration of production, an increase in the share of the private sector of the economy and an increase in income differentiation.

As a system, the national economy has certain indicators characterizing the level of its development. The identity of the indicators, based on a common method for calculating them, simultaneously allows for international comparisons and the output of aggregate data for the global economy as a whole.

Economic potential reflects the volume, structure, quality and technical level goods and services produced in it, as well as material and spiritual values ​​accumulated in the country and abroad. For its complete characterization, a number of indicators are needed, but the main ones are gross domestic product, gross national product and national wealth. To finally determine the economic potential, it is necessary to compare it with similar indicators in other countries.

National wealth (NB) is the totality of the country's resources necessary for the production of goods, the provision of services and the livelihoods of people. It includes: non-financial production and non-productive assets, financial assets(passive), direct foreign investment, durable goods in households. When evaluating the elements of national wealth, both natural and cost indicators are used. Data on national wealth make it possible to assess the economic potential of the country, the level of economic development and the degree of well-being of the population.

national income(ND) - the part of the gross domestic product that remains after deducting the costs of its production, National income can be: a) produced, b) used for consumption and accumulation.

The most universal indicator for assessing the domestic economic potential of any country is the volume of gross domestic product (GDP). According to GDP indicators, it is possible to determine the value of goods and services produced by the national economy and intended for final consumption, accumulation and export.

GDP is calculated in three ways: by production - as the sum of the value added of all branches of material production and the service sector; by distribution - as the sum of public and private consumption, public and private investment, increase or decrease in stocks; by income - as a sum wages employees, all types of profits, rental income, depreciation and indirect taxes. All three methods of calculating GDP should give the same result. Dynamism and sustainability economic development countries are determined by another indicator - the average annual GDP growth rate. Complementing the overall picture is the calculation of GDP per capita.

Government Sector is a collection of legislative, judicial and executive authorities, social security funds and non-profit organizations controlled by them. It has federal, regional and local levels.

Household sector unites mainly consuming units, i.e. households and enterprises formed by them. This sector consists of several sub-sectors. Households are divided according to occupation, branch of labor, education and qualifications of the person recognized as its head. Depending on the type of income (the largest source of income), the following sub-sectors can be noted: employers working for hire, recipients of income from property. A subsector can group households by total income, number of members, or location.

outer sector, or the "rest of the world" sector, is a set of institutional units - non-residents of a given country (i.e., located outside the country) with economic ties, as well as embassies, consulates, military bases, international organizations located on the territory of this country.

There are also state and private sectors. The first unites enterprises, organizations and institutions that are state-owned and managed by state bodies. The private sector is not subject to state control.

Sectors of the economy and intersectoral complexes

Spheres of the economy, as already noted, are divided into specialized industries. The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the historical process of the development of social division of labor. It is expressed in three forms:

  • general;
  • private;
  • singular.

General It is expressed in the division of social production into large spheres of material production: industry, agriculture, construction, and transport.

Private manifests itself in the isolation of individual branches and industries within industry, agriculture and other branches of material production.

single is reflected in the division and organization of labor directly in enterprises.

The production of a particular product becomes independent industry or independent production, provided there are a number of homogeneous enterprises specially engaged in the manufacture of certain types of products. An industry can be viewed as a set of subjects economic activity regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing and (or) producing products (performing work and providing services) of certain types that have a homogeneous consumer or functional purpose. In addition to the commonality of manufactured products and the needs met, enterprises of the same industry are characterized by a common production technology, fixed assets, and professional training of workers.

Thus, industry- a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a common field of activity in the system of social division of labor, products, production technology, use of resources (raw materials, fixed assets, professional skills of workers).

Currently, there are more than 350 industries and types of industries. Dynamics of the distribution of enterprises and organizations in the main sectors of the economy from 1998 to

2002 is given in Table. 1. In 2002, in the country's economy, the largest share in the total number of enterprises were enterprises and organizations operating in trade and public catering - 35.4% (where a significant share is occupied by small enterprises), in industry - 11.2%, in agriculture - 8.7%, in construction - 9.5%.

One of the goals of dividing the national economy into sectors is the comparability of statistical information at the international level. In this regard, from January 1, 2003, the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED), providing for the classification of types of economic activity adopted in the European Economic Community.

The development of the economy, the further deepening of specialization leads to the formation of new industries and types of production, at the same time there are processes of cooperation and integration. This leads to stable ties between industries, to the creation of mixed industries and intersectoral complexes.

Table 1

Distribution of enterprises and organizations by sectors of the Russian economy, thousand (as of January 1)

Intersectoral complex- an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, various stages of production and distribution of the product.

Intersectoral complexes arise within individual sectors of the economy and between different sectors. For example, such complexes as fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building, etc. function as part of industry. The construction and agro-industrial complexes, which unite different sectors of the national economy, are distinguished by a more complex structure.

Intersectoral national economic complexes are divided into target and functional ones.

basis target complexes constitute the reproductive principle and criterion of participation in the creation of the final product, for example, the fuel and energy and agro-industrial complex, the transport complex, etc. functional complexes, the principle and criterion of specialization of the complex for a certain function (investment, scientific and technical, environmental complexes) are laid down.

Complexity, that is, the unity of growing diversity, is a consequence of the qualitative growth of the social character of production, its socialization. Russian industries are grouped into the following complexes:

  1. fuel and energy;
  2. metallurgical;
  3. machine-building;
  4. chemical-forest;
  5. agro-industrial;
  6. social (production of consumer goods in light industry);
  7. building complex (construction materials industry).

Let's take a closer look at some of these complexes. The fuel and energy complex is an integrated system of coal, gas, oil, peat, shale industries, energy, industries for the production of energy and other types of equipment, united common goal in meeting the needs of the national economy in fuel, heat, and electricity. It includes more than 2000 enterprises and joint-stock companies. Russia is the only major industrial developed country, which fully provides itself with fuel and energy from its own natural resources and exports fuel and electricity in significant volumes. The share of exports of fuel and energy products is about 50% of the country's export potential, tax revenues from fuel and energy complex structures reach 55–65% of the total tax collection, although in volume gross product their share is about 15%. However, in our country the most economical and rational use fuel and energy resources, as well as all other types of material resources, is of particular national economic importance. This must be taken into account when considering the reserves for improving the efficiency of enterprises.

The agro-industrial complex differs from other intersectoral complexes in that it includes sectors of the economy that are heterogeneous in their technology and production orientation. The agro-industrial complex includes agriculture, processing industries, agricultural engineering, engineering for light and food industries, production of mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, veterinary drugs; construction of facilities industrial purpose, including land reclamation and water management. About 80 industries are directly or indirectly involved in the activities of the agro-industrial complex. The sectors included in the agro-industrial complex are united by a common ultimate function - supplying the country with food and agricultural raw materials. Ensuring food security is the main task of the agro-industrial complex.

The presence of the rich in our country natural resources, high scientific, technical and human potential allows us to solve the problems of structural adjustment in accordance with modern requirements. These include, for example, the global trend of outstripping growth in the share of manufacturing industries compared to extractive industries. However, in the structure of the domestic industry, this direction is still being implemented very slowly. Russia in the international arena is still a supplier of fuel and raw materials and a consumer of finished industrial products. Deep structural restructuring (sectoral, regional, technological, organizational, managerial, social) should contribute to sustainable economic growth and, on this basis, ensure a high standard of living for the Russian population.

1. The national economy is divided into various areas and sectors. Depending on participation in the formation of GDP, the sphere of material production and the non-productive sphere are considered. For a generalized description of economic processes in world practice, division into sectors is used (the sector of non-financial enterprises and financial enterprises, the sector of government institutions, the household sector and the external sector).

2. Depending on the form of ownership in the economy, state and private sector; in relation to the market, there are market and non-market sectors. The structure of the national economy is the ratio between its components: between individual areas, sectors, industries.

3. The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the development of the social division of labor. An industry is a set of enterprises and organizations with a common field of activity, products, technologies and factors of production used.

4. Intersectoral complexes can arise both within the industry (for example, the fuel and energy complex - within the industry), and combine different industries (the agro-industrial complex includes agriculture and industries). Intersectoral complexes are divided into functional and sectoral.

5. The change in the structure of the national economy occurs under the influence market mechanisms and under the influence of state structural policy. The processes taking place in the economy must be taken into account when developing the prospects for the development of an enterprise in order to increase its competitiveness.

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