
Modern international economic relations. The concept of meo

World financial crisis clearly demonstrated what modern global economy even for those who are far from detailed knowledge economic theory and subtleties of management. The interconnection and mutual influence of economic processes in different parts of the world have become even more obvious, globalization has acquired real features: mortgage market in the USA - it was bad for all countries. International economic relations are a prerequisite and integral part global economy, so understanding these relationships should help you see the big picture more clearly.

Who is involved in international economic relations

International economic relations (IER) - a system of economic relations between states, regional groupings, transnational corporations, firms, organizations and other subjects of the world economy, based on the international division of labor. The MEO complex includes trade, monetary and financial, labor, information, production, scientific and technical, investment and other types of relations. MERs are generated by the division of labor and internationalization economic life. The deepening and development of these factors depends on a number of geographical, demographic, technological factors, as well as social, political, legal, national and other conditions.

The main role in coordinating the world economic order belongs to the owners of international capital and international institutions, the most important of which are The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The main areas of global economic life, which are most covered by international economic relations, are:

  • international trade,
  • migration of capital and labor,
  • credit, financial and informational connections,
  • international specialization of production,
  • integration in terms of scientific and technical developments.

As for the subjects and objects of the IER, they basically coincide with the subjects and objects at the level of national economic systems, however, due to international specifics, they acquire new properties. The objects of international economic relations are, first of all, goods and services circulating in international trade. Also, as a special subject in this case, it is necessary to note the cooperation of countries and international organizations in the field of ecology and, by decision of other global problems. The subjects of international economic relations have in general the same features, and, as in the scale of intranational economic systems, relations between partners are carried out mainly at the level of private firms, enterprises and individual private entrepreneurs. At the same time, the international nature of economic relations is emphasized by the active participation of state structures, as well as various international organizations (UN, World Bank).

as options state participation in international economic relations, the following are possible:

  • direct action operations by central government departments;
  • activities of regional and municipal governments;
  • granting state powers to conclude various foreign economic transactions to private commercial and financial structures;
  • provision of guarantees under certain export or import agreements.

Signs of international economic relations

In general, international economic relations are a logical continuation of economic relations at a more local level, but taking into account qualitatively different quantitative indicators and the specifics of the interaction of economic systems of different levels of development. At the same time, the IEO, as an integral and in many respects a system-forming part of the world economy, retains signs of belonging market economy and subject to its laws and principles. In other words, international economic relations are the same market relations, but only at a higher statistical and communicative level. Among the signs of the MEO belonging to a market economy are the following:

  • the effect on the IEO of the classical market laws of demand, supply and free pricing;
  • the presence in the international market of competition of goods and services, sellers and buyers;
  • exchange of goods and services, international movement of investments and labor resources driven by movement cash flows, financial and currency relations, settlement systems;
  • the international division of labor at the basis of the international economic relations with the constant integration of various segments of the world economy;
  • economic isolation of participants in international economic relations, which is confirmed by the commodity-money nature of international economic relations;
  • availability of a special infrastructure that ensures the establishment and development of international economic relations, in the form of international economic and financial institutions(International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization);
  • the potential emergence of monopolization in the field of international economic relations - in the form, for example, of the concentration of production and marketing of one or another type of goods in the hands of individual states or transnational corporations.

Alexander Babitsky

In our time, there are rarely countries that would not depend on world development in economic, political and cultural terms. In particular, world economy and economic relations at the global level affect the economy of each state separately. The only difference lies in the extent to which one or another power is able to apply measures in a timely manner in order to currency market and the labor market did not suffer from external influences.

What is the world economy?

The world (or international) economy is understood as a global economic system that has many levels and unites economies different countries peace. This unification takes place on the basis of the international division of labor with the help of a system where interethnic economic relations play the main role.

More briefly, the world economy is defined as the totality of the economies of different peoples, as well as non-state structures which are united by international relations.

The concept of an international economy appeared due to the fact that an international division of labor arose. Experts note that this entailed, on the one hand, the distribution of production between different powers, and on the other, the unification of specializations. At the same time, economic relations between countries have been and remain to this day.

The concept of economic relations

AT general sense economic relations are understood as such relations between people that develop in the process of exchange and consumption of goods, production, distribution of goods, etc. If we are talking about international economic relations, here "hand in hand" go the international economy and international economic relations (IER).

As for the latter, in the process of relations in economic sphere both transnational corporations, international entities of the world economy, as well as entire countries, regions or regional groupings can be involved.

MEO forms

Economists have identified the following main forms of international economic relations:

  • international cooperation in the production of goods;
  • exchange of scientific and technical achievements;
  • international specialization of production and works of a scientific and technical nature;
  • trading internationally;
  • relations between states, among which the most important are monetary, information, credit;
  • cooperation of powers in relation to the solution of global problems.

International economic relations are dependent on the international division of labor (MRT). Proceeding from this, the main forms and directions of MEO are determined by the fact that this division of labor is gradually moving to a new level and acquiring a new type.

Types of international division of labor

It should be noted that there is a significant difference between different types of MRI. So, the general type implies trade and exchange of goods of manufacturing and extractive industries between specific states. If the MRI is of a private nature, then this will lead to the fact that trade in ready-made products from various industries will prevail. Separately, the division of labor of a single type is singled out: it means specialization at certain stages of production and stages of the technological cycle. Thus, conditions are created for a more dynamic growth of trade volumes and the exchange of products at the world level.

Monetary and credit relations

The leader among the various forms of international relations in the field of economics is considered to be monetary and financial or credit relations. What are they? These are relations of a financial nature that develop between subjects of different powers. In other words, these economic relations may arise between residents and non-residents.

There are also cases when monetary and credit relations develop between subjects of law of the same state. Here we are talking about currency values, to which the right of ownership is transferred. In addition, other property rights may be associated with foreign exchange transactions.

international trade

On the this moment almost all countries of the world take part in foreign trade, that is, they are directly related to the system of international commodity monetary relations. In simple words, international trade is understood as the totality of foreign trade of different states.

For the first time, Italian economists started talking about trade at the world level in the 12th century. The development of trade is the most important factor in the development of the entire world economy. There is an opinion that participation in trade provides its participants with a lot of advantages. One of the most important advantages is that international competition arises, which leads to the need to improve enterprises and products.

IEO problems

According to experts, today the following main problems of economic relations can be distinguished:

  • creation of international transport corridors;
  • creation of free economic zones;
  • problems of the Internet economy.

An international transport corridor is understood as such transport system, which concentrates on general directions different kinds transport, including road, rail, sea, pipeline, and telecommunications. Such transport corridors contribute to the more active development of world economic and international economic relations.

Free economic zones (or special economic zones) are certain territories that have preferential economic conditions for local and foreign entrepreneurs. Such zones are created with the aim of developing the state as a whole or a specific territory separately, where foreign trade, social, general economic and regional tasks are solved.

As for the Internet economy, new economic relations are developing here, which are aimed at solving many global problems. Here, questions are raised about the security of these business entities in the global Internet space, about the possibility of facilitating trade and the exchange of products.

A synthetic indicator of the degree of participation of a country in world economic relations is the export quota (the share of goods exported from countries in GDP). However, this indicator has disadvantages: an overestimation of the share of exports, since exports are taken into account in full market value, and GDP represents the part of the value of the total product minus the value of inventories; the reliability of the export quota is weakened due to the uneven growth of prices on the domestic and foreign markets. In addition, a certain degree of uncertainty arises in the calculations associated with fluctuations in exchange rates.

Indicators of the country's participation in world economic relations are characterized by the openness of the national economy. open economy- this is economic system, focused on maximum participation in world economic relations and in the international division of labor. To characterize the degree of openness (closedness) of the national economic system of the country, it is customary in practice to use two groups of indicator indicators: direct and indirect.

The direct (basic) indicators of the openness of the national economy include:

Share of foreign trade (export+import) in gross domestic product(GDP), or foreign trade quota;

Share of exports in national production, or export quota;

Share of imports in national consumption of goods and services, or import quota;

Specific gravity foreign investment in relation to internal.

In addition, this group of indicators of openness is divided into more specific indicators that characterize various aspects of the openness (closedness) of the national economic system. For example, the threshold (maximum permissible) values ​​of these indicators determine the degree of economic (food, technological, etc.) security.

The second (indirect) group of indicators-indicators of openness (closedness) of the national economic system are, as a rule, quantitative values expert assessments various processes and phenomena occurring in the country's economy. For example, the volume of import/export foreign exchange to/from Russia; number of free economic zones various types operating in the country's economy; participation of the country in interstate economic unions, treaties, agreements, etc.

International economic relations, their forms.

International Economic Relations (IER)- economic relations between states, regional groupings, transnational corporations and other subjects of the world economy. They include monetary, financial, trade, production, labor and other relations. The leading form of international economic relations is the currency financial relations.

AT modern world especially relevant is the globalization and regionalization of international economic relations. The dominant role in establishing the world economic order belongs to transnational capital and international institutions, among which important role owned by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As a result of the international division of labor, the world's poles of economic and technological development (North American, Western European and Asia-Pacific) have formed. Among the urgent problems of international economic relations, the problems of creating free economic zones, international transport corridors and the Internet economy stand out.

The most important forms of world economic relations are as follows:

1. International trade in goods and services;

2. International movement of business and loan capital;

3. International labor migration;

4. Creation joint ventures;

5. Development of international corporations;

6. International scientific and technical cooperation.

International trade is the exchange of goods and services across national borders. Such an exchange is based on the principle of comparative advantage proposed by D. Ricardo. In accordance with this principle, the state should produce and sell to other countries those goods that it is able to produce with the greatest productivity and efficiency, i.e. at a relatively lower cost than other goods in the same country, while buying from other countries those goods that it is not able to produce with similar parameters.

International trade consists of imports and exports.

Import is the acquisition of products in another country.

Export - sale of products to other countries.

The export of capital is the export of funds from one country to another for their profitable placement.

The export of capital is carried out in the form of entrepreneurial (direct and portfolio investment) and loan capital.

Direct investment is the investment of capital in foreign enterprises, providing the investor with control over them. For such control, the investor must have at least 20-25% of the share capital of the company.

"Portfolio" investment means buying valuable papers foreign companies. Unlike direct investments, such investments do not give the right to control the activities of enterprises and are used mainly for growth. financial resources by receiving interest and dividends on invested capital.

The export of loan capital is the provision foreign companies, banks, government bodies medium and long-term loans in cash and commodity form with the aim of making a profit due to the favorable rate of loan interest.

International labor migration is the international movement of workers associated with the search for employment in other countries. This process is explained by the possibility of obtaining more high income, the best prospects for social, professional advancement.

Establishment of joint ventures to combine cash, technology, managerial experience, natural and other resources from different countries and carry out common production and economic activities in the territory of any one or all countries.

The development of international corporations, whose activities are carried out mainly through direct foreign investment from one country to other countries. There are transnational and multinational corporations.

Transnational corporations (TNCs) are a form of international business, with the parent company owned by the capital of one country, and branches located in other countries of the world.

Multinational corporations (MNCs) are international corporations both in terms of their activities and capital, i.e. its capital is formed from the funds of several national companies.

The vast majority of modern international corporations have the form of a TNC,

International scientific and technical cooperation is an exchange of research and development results, technical and technological innovations. This cooperation can be carried out by exchanging scientific and technical information, scientists and specialists, conducting scientific research and developing scientific and technical projects, etc.

International Economic Relations (IER)- economic relations between states, regional groupings, transnational corporations and other subjects of the world economy. They include monetary, financial, trade, production, labor and other relations. The leading form of international economic relations is monetary and financial relations. In the modern world, globalization and regionalization of international economic relations are especially relevant. The dominant role in establishing the world economic order belongs to transnational capital and international institutions, among which an important role belongs to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As a result of the international division of labor, the world's poles of economic and technological development (North American, Western European and Asia-Pacific) have formed. Among the urgent problems of international economic relations, the problems of creating free economic zones, international transport corridors and the Internet economy stand out.

MEO forms

There are the following forms of MEO:

  • international specialization of production and scientific and technical work;
  • exchange of scientific and technical results;
  • international production cooperation;
  • information, monetary and financial and credit relations between countries;
  • the movement of capital and labor;
  • activities of international economic organizations, economic cooperation in solving global problems.

Since the MER is based on the international division of labor, the significance and correlation of the main forms and directions of the MER is determined by the deepening of the MRI and the transition to its higher types. In this regard, the following should be noted: The general type of MRI predetermines inter-sectoral international exchange, in particular, goods of the extractive and manufacturing industries of individual countries. The private division of labor leads to the development and predominance of international trade in finished products of various industries and industries, including intra-industry. Finally, a single type of MRI means specialization in certain stages of production (assemblies, parts, semi-finished products, etc.) and stages of the technological cycle (re-production), as well as within the framework of scientific, technical, design and technological developments and even the investment process. This creates prerequisites for accelerated growth in the capacity of the international market and sustainable expansion of international economic relations.

World economy

Generally world economy can be defined as a set national farms and non-state structures united by international relations. World economy arose thanks to the international division of labor, which entailed both the division of production (that is, international specialization) and its unification - cooperation.

international trade

International trade is a system of international commodity-money relations, consisting of foreign trade of all countries of the world. International trade arose in the process of the birth of the world market in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Its development is one of important factors development of the world economy of modern times. The term international trade was first used in the 12th century by the Italian economist Antonio Margaretti, the author of the economic treatise “The Power of the Masses in Northern Italy”.

Monetary and credit international relations

Monetary and credit relations - financial relations between subjects of different countries, i.e. residents and non-residents, or relations between subjects of the law of one country, the subject of which is the transfer of ownership of currency values ​​and other property rights associated with currency values.

Bretton Woods system

Bretton Woods system, Bretton Woods agreement Bretton Woods system) - international system organization of monetary relations and trade settlements, established as a result of the Bretton Woods Conference (from July 1 to July 22) Named on behalf of the Bretton Woods resort (Eng. Bretton Woods listen)) in New Hampshire, United States. The conference marked the beginning of organizations such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The US dollar has become one of the types of world money, along with gold. It was a transitional stage from the gold exchange standard to Jamaican system, which establishes the balance of supply and demand for currencies through free trade in them.


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT , GATT) is an international agreement concluded in the year with the aim of restoring the economy after World War II, which for almost 50 years actually performed the functions of an international organization (now the World Trade Organization). The main purpose of GATT is to reduce barriers to international trade. This was achieved by lowering tariff barriers, quantitative restrictions (import quota) and trade subsidies through various additional agreements. GATT is an agreement, not an organization. Initially, GATT was supposed to be transformed into a full-fledged international organization, such as the World Bank or the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, the agreement was not ratified and remained only an agreement. The functions of the GATT were transferred to the World trade organization founded by the last round of GATT negotiations in the early 1990s. The history of GATT is roughly divided into three phases - the first, from 1947 to the Torquay Round (focused on which goods are subject to regulation and the freezing of existing tariffs); the second, from 1959 to 1979, included three rounds (tariff reductions) and the third, the Uruguay Round from 1986 to 1994 (expanding GATT to such new areas as intellectual property, services, capital and Agriculture; the birth of the WTO).



  • Dergachev V. A. International economic relations. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. ISBN 5-238-00863-5
  • International economic relations. Ed. V. E. Rybalkina. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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International economic relations include a multi-level complex of economic relations between individual countries, their regional associations and entities, as well as individual enterprises (transnational, multinational) corporations in the world economy. When considering international economic relations from the point of view of science, the object of study is not the economy foreign countries, but the features of their economic relations, and only the most frequently repeated, typical, characteristic, defining relations. The study of international economic relations includes two aspects:

  • 1. Actually, international economic relations;
  • 2. Mechanism for their implementation.

One of distinctive features world economy in the second half of the 20th century. is the intensive development of international economic relations (IER), where there is an expansion and deepening of economic relations between countries, groups of countries, economic groupings, individual firms and organizations. The subjects of international economic relations include at the macroeconomic level:

  • 1. Selected countries and their subjects;
  • 2. International economic integration groups;
  • 3. Large cities;
  • 4. TNCs and global corporations.

At the microeconomic level, the subjects are: 1) small and medium enterprises, cooperatives, etc.; 2) individuals.

Subjects at the supranational level:

  • 1. International economic organizations;
  • 2. Supranational institutions.

The mechanism for implementing the IER is being improved and rebuilt. The mechanism of international economic relations includes:

  • 1. Legal norms and instruments for their implementation (international economic treaties, agreements, "codes", charters, etc.);
  • 2. Relevant activities of international economic organizations aimed at achieving the goals of developing international economic relations.

These processes appear:

  • 1. In the international division of labor;
  • 2. In the internationalization of financial and economic relations;
  • 3. In the globalization of the world economy;
  • 4. In increasing openness national economies, their complementarity and rapprochement;
  • 5. In the development and strengthening of regional international structures.

The main forms in the structure of international economic relations are:

  • 1. International trade in goods and services;
  • 2. international movement capitals;
  • 3. International labor migration;
  • 4. International technology exchange;
  • 5. International monetary and financial and credit relations;
  • 6. International economic integration.

The structure of the IEO in a broad sense also includes international transport and international customs relations (ITO). International customs relations include (include a set of economic, organizational, legal and psycho-ethical relationships in the field of regulation of foreign trade activities. They are based on the legislative principles and directions of the customs policy of the countries participating in the IEO.

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