
And the transition economy is fast. transitional economic system


1. Transitional economy: concept, features, varieties, features, functions

2. Transformational recession as a phenomenon of transitional economy


List of used literature


Since 1992, Russia has been undergoing profound changes. In some other countries, mainly in Eastern Europe, the change started even a little earlier.

The transitional period in the economy is a historically short period of time during which the dismantling of the administrative-command system is completed and the system of basic market institutions is being formed. This period of time is often called the period of post-socialist transformation.

Naturally, economic transformation is part of deep, usually fundamental changes in society - in political and state-administrative device, in social sphere, in ideology, in internal and foreign policy.

Change of order can proceed in different ways. In our country, the change of power in 1991 occurred after dramatic events - the suppression of the August coup, the collapse of the USSR, the self-dissolution of the Supreme Soviet and the forced resignation of the President of the USSR.

Let us consider in more detail what is a transitional economy?

1. Transitional economy: concept, features, varieties, features, functions

A transitional economy is a transitional state from one economic system to another economic system. As a result of this transition, a fundamental transformation of the foundations of this system is carried out, which determine the genesis and development of both new features of the transition economy and its features.

The following main features of the transitional economy are distinguished.

1. The transitional economy will have to create the basis of a new economic system, while the past economy was reproduced on its own basis. The term "basis" in economic theory is a key one and includes: the type of ownership of the means and products of production; forms of economic relations; type of coordination of activities between economic entities.

With the creation of a basis new economy the transitional state of the economic system ends and it acquires a new quality.

2. An important feature of the transitional economy is its diversity. The economic structure refers to the type economic relations, which allows the simultaneous coexistence in a given country of not only different forms, but also types of property. Thus, the transition economy is characterized by the presence of an old and a new basis, as well as the coexistence of various types of regulation of economic relations between economic entities.

3. Unsustainable development is characteristic of a transitional economy, since old relations are constantly being transformed in the absence of new institutions and rules, as a result of which! there is a conflict of old and new economic interests.

4. Transformations in the transitional economy take a rather long period, which is explained by a number of factors:

The complexity and inconsistency of transformations;

natural factors;

The inability to simultaneously carry out a revolution in the technological basis, modify the economy, form new economic institutions.

A transitional economy and a mixed economy have common features:

Combination of market and state regulation;

Combination of capitalist forms and social orientation of economic development, etc.

At the same time, qualitative differences are also inherent in these types of economy. Let's note some of them.

First, a mixed economy is a modern economic system that combines market and state regulation.

Secondly, a mixed economy as a modern economic system is dominant in most developed countries mi

As for the transitional economy, it:

It is not reproduced on its own economic basis, but is transferred from one economic system to another;

In contrast, a mixed economy is characterized by instability;

It covers a relatively short time period, while a mixed economy is characterized by an unchanged state of the economic system.

The transitional economy has several varieties:

1. The economy of the transitional period from capitalism to socialism (in our country it covered the period from the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 to the 1930s).

2. A fundamental change in the methods of coordination within the same economic system, but they concern its basis and economic policy. This kind of transitional economy implies the inevitable replacement of old institutions, the development of new methods of regulation and the choice of new theories of socio-economic development.

3.Economic system individual countries requires a change due to a change in the place of a particular country in the system of international economic and political relations. These changes are due to the need to eliminate deformations in the economies of the former colonial countries.

4.Overcoming a long period of unstable economic development of states. Examples of such a variety are, for example, countries Latin America, which have experienced low economic growth for more than two decades, growing external debt, a sharp contrast in incomes of the population, high inflation, etc.

5. Transition economy of the former Soviet republics of the USSR and other post-socialist countries. She wears an intersystem transition. The peculiarity of this transitional economy lies in the fact that there is a transition from a socialist economic system to a capitalist economic system, i.e., a reversal, or, more precisely, a transition from a “pure” economic system to a mixed one.

In a modern mixed economy, the state should perform the following functions:

1. Ensuring the institutional and legal basis for the activities of economic entities (determination of rights and forms of ownership, conditions for concluding and executing contracts, relationships between trade unions and employers, general principles externally economic activity etc.).

2. Elimination or compensation of the negative effects of market behavior and satisfaction of people's needs in public goods that the market cannot produce: solving issues of national defense, ecology, education, science, healthcare, etc.

3. Pursuing an economic policy aimed at:

Maintaining the normal functioning of the market mechanism;

Smoothing of cyclic fluctuations;

Overcoming the consequences of economic shocks;

Providing prerequisites for long-term economic growth(especially through fiscal, monetary and structural policies).

4.Implementation of an active and principled antimonopoly policy.

5. Maintaining a sustainable social climate in society through the redistribution of available income.

6. Pursuing a stabilization policy of the state, aimed at restoring and maintaining macroeconomic) equilibrium (in particular, full time, a stable price level). Distinguish between formal and real stabilization. Formal stabilization is the achievement of a steady state in terms of one macroeconomic indicator (inflation, unemployment, and changes in the gross domestic income). Real stabilization means not only, for example, a reduction in unemployment, but the existence of conditions for economic growth. The transition to real stabilization presupposes the need for an increase in state demand, investment, and strict control over prices and incomes.

2. Transformational recession as a phenomenon of transitional economy

Throughout the 1990s until 1999 Russian economy was in a state of protracted economic recession, which reached its highest point in the crisis of 1998. economic recession preceded by stagnation Soviet economy in the 80s, to overcome which the concept of accelerating development, developed during the years of perestroika, was aimed at the time. However, the development potential of socialism was by that time completely exhausted, which was reflected in its inability to ensure further economic growth. The hopelessness of the situation doomed the attempt to resuscitate socialism, which ended in its death, to failure. Since 1990, economic growth has stopped even according to official data. A protracted transformational recession began.

The term "transformational recession" was introduced into scientific circulation by the Hungarian scientist J. Kornai. He argued that during the transition from the administrative-command system to the market, the economy is going through a deep crisis caused by the transitional, transformational state of the economic system. It is expressed in the fact that the former, planned mechanisms for organizing economic coordination have already been destroyed, while new market mechanisms are still weak or absent altogether.

The transitional economy is no longer planned, but not yet market economy. Between various types economy, there is a long period of transition between different economic systems, which, by definition, is not capable of providing an immediate economic upswing already as a result of a radical transformation of the entire system of economic and other relations. Therefore, it is inevitable in any transitional economy. There were many transitional periods in the centuries-old history of mankind, when there was a change in economic, and consequently, in all other social relations.

is no exception and transition period from planned to market economy, from socialism to capitalism. None of the post-socialist countries managed to avoid the transformational decline, although the scale of the decline in production was different.

A transitional economy is a state of the economy when there is a transition from one type of economic system to another. It should be emphasized that the transition economy is not a type of economic system.

During the period of transition to a new type of economic system, the foundations of the existing economic system are transformed: 1) the dominant form of ownership of the means of production changes, that is, the nature of socio-economic relations changes; 2) changes economic mechanism, i.e., methods of coordinating economic relations: methods and forms of organizing production, management, principles of distribution, etc.; 3) organizational and legal forms are changing economic life(the constitution, laws, institutions change).

The essence of the transitional economy is revealed in its main features.

1. The fundamental feature of a transitional economy is that it is characterized by a transition to a new type of economic system, and not a transition to a new way of regulating the economy within the same economic system. A similar change in the way the economy was regulated took place in the middle of the 20th century. in the United States and Western European countries, when a number of countries switched to the Keynesian type of economic regulation within the framework of the capitalist economic system.

However, if we use a technocratic approach to the classification of economic systems, then it can be argued that the period of transition to the Keynesian type of economic regulation is a kind of transitional economy, to a post-industrial society. When analyzing socio-economic processes, it is important to determine the approach to the analysis.

The second feature of the transition economy is that it is characterized by a combination of elements of the previous economic system and the newly emerging one. For example, in the Republic of Belarus, there is a combination of elements of the command-administrative system and the market system (prices are “released” for some goods, and for some they are regulated by the government).

The third feature is instability, the state of disequilibrium of the economy, which continues until the transition to a new economic system is completed. The expression of this instability is the crisis in production, trade, finance, monetary system etc.

The fourth feature is qualitative changes in production relations, i.e., relations in production, distribution, exchange and consumption. This is expressed in a change in the dominant form of ownership, relations between business entities, between producers and consumers, etc.

The fifth feature is diversity. The economic structure is a sector of the economy, which is characterized by a special type of economic relations, determined by the form of ownership of the means of production. A transitional economy can have different structures: small-scale (private labor property), capitalist (with the use of hired labor), state, municipal, etc.

This diversity is also characteristic of the mixed economic system of Western countries.

This begs the question: what is the difference between the multistructural nature of a transitional economy and the multistructural nature of a mixed economic system?

A mixed economy is a type of economic system where there is a dominant form of ownership with its inherent principle of coordinating economic relations, and against this background there are various other structures.

A transitional economy is an intermediate state between one economic system and another, and it is not yet clear which type of economic system will win. Here there is still no (or almost no) one dominant form of ownership (private or state), its formation is taking place, and multi-structure exists in the absence of one common ground. There is a struggle, a clash of old and new economic interests, economic, political, social relations are constantly aggravated, which is an internal property of a transitional economy.

The sixth feature is the relative duration of the period of transformation of the old economic system into a new one (at least 10-15 years). This is due to the complexity of the transition process. It is impossible to instantly change the technological basis, replace personnel and established views, change the structure National economy, create new economic and political institutions (laws, institutions, organizations). It is necessary to create a special mechanism for coordinating interests for the entire period of the transitional economy.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that the transition to a new economic system requires time, which is called the transition period.

The transition period is the time during which there is a transition from one economic system to another. And the science that studies the reforms of the transitional period, that is, the science of the transitional period, is called transitology.

Varieties of transitional economy

The first type of transitional economy in the XX century. was the economy of transition from capitalism to socialism in connection with the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, which ended in the 30s.

The main features of the transition economy from capitalism to socialism:

- revolutionary replacement of capitalist production relations with socialist ones;

- a multi-structural economy with a gradual transition to one structure based on a public type of property;

- the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as a tool for suppressing resistance to the ideas of socialism;

- the desire to shorten the transition period.

The tasks of the transition period were:

- the establishment of the dominance of public property in two forms: state and collective-farm-cooperative;

– transition to the distribution of the social product according to work;

- carrying out industrialization and collectivization;

– creation of the material and technical base (MTB) of socialism;

- limiting the scope of the market mechanism and the transition to a planned economy.

The second type of transitional economy (if we stand on the positions of a technocratic approach to the classification of economic systems) can be called the transition to a new Keynesian type of economic regulation in Western countries in the middle of the 20th century, which resulted in the emergence of a post-industrial type of economic system.

During this transitional period, fundamental changes took place in the way economic activity was coordinated, namely, the rejection of Smith's idea of ​​an "invisible hand" regulating the economy, and the recognition of Keynes's idea of ​​the need for state regulation of the economy.

Countries began to develop a special fiscal, monetary policy, that is, a system of measures that regulate the behavior of economic entities. All this ensured the stable development of Western countries for quite a long time, until the 1970s. 20th century

The third type of transitional economy is the transition of the developing countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America to a new independent economy after liberation from colonial dependence in the middle of the 20th century.

The main tasks of the transition period in these countries are:

1) the elimination of deformations in the economy: a change in the structure of the national economy; creating a basis for independence;

2) transition to a new economic system - a mixed economy.

The fourth type of transitional economy is the transition from an administrative-command economy to a market one.

The main features of the transition period are:

- the transition to a multi-structural economy with the dominance of a private form of ownership - the basis of market relations;

- a combination of elements of the old and new economic systems;

- instability, a state of disequilibrium (crisis phenomena in production, trade, finance, etc.);

– qualitative changes in production relations: replacement administrative methods market management;

- the transition is carried out in the conditions of the destruction of the USSR - a single powerful state, when the existing economic ties were broken;

- the transition is carried out in the conditions of the formation of new international relations.

The need for a transition to a market economy is due to its efficiency. Historical experience has shown that the most efficient type of economic system that provides the highest standard of living for the population is a market economy based on private property and self-interest, where transaction costs are lower, and where “public benefits” arise, i.e. benefits for the consumer and the manufacturer, provided that the goods are sold at an equilibrium (competitive) price.

The purpose and objectives of the transition period to a market economy

The main goal of the transition period is the transition to a new economic system - a market economy of a mixed type.

To do this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. By reforming property relations, create a new basis characteristic of a market economy.

2. Make the transition from planned system management to market. Form market relations, create market infrastructure.

3. To overcome the crisis in the economy.

4. Create an advanced system social protection population.

These tasks are solved in different ways.

The first task - the reform of property relations is carried out through denationalization and privatization, the essence and methods of implementation of which are considered in the topic "Socio-economic essence of property relations".

The second task - the formation of market relations is solved in three ways: 1) through the liberalization of the economy; 2) structural transformations of the economy; 3) institutional transformations.

Economic liberalization is a system of measures by which state restrictions on entrepreneurial activity subjects of the economy in such processes as: 1) price movements (they should be formed under the influence of supply and demand, that is, they should be established by the market, and not by the state); 2) the movement of goods and services, especially resources; 3) taxation, quotas, licensing, etc.; 4) state monopoly on economic activity.

Structural transformations, as a way of solving the second task, is a change in the structure of the national economy: the elimination of obsolete industries and industries, the creation of new ones taking into account available resources, the transition to new technologies, etc. All this can be done with the help of the state (government), which is capable of develop and implement industrial policy, i.e., a system of measures for the rapid growth of the economy.

Institutional transformations are the process of emergence, development and strengthening of market rules for the economic behavior of economic entities, the creation of market organizations and institutions and the replacement of old, command-and-administrative ones. It is the creation of conditions for action. market system, i.e., the creation of a market infrastructure.

Market institutions are market rules, laws and institutions that develop these rules and control their implementation. Without control, market institutions collapse and criminal structures emerge.

During the transitional period, it is necessary to create new laws on property, taxes, prices, entrepreneurship, competition, banks, stock exchanges, and on a new system of state regulation of the economy. We need to create markets consumer goods, capital, land, labor, money, currency.

Market relations will be created when all subjects of the economy will have market behavior, that is, they will have economic freedom, economic isolation, and a competitive environment will dominate in the economy.

The third task - overcoming the crisis phenomena, is solved by developing an effective economic policy (budget-tax, monetary, social).

There are great difficulties in solving this problem. First of all, it is not clear what methods to influence the economy. Administrative-command relations must be abandoned, while market relations are not yet in effect, since market relations have not yet been created. Such an intermediate state, especially if it lasts for a long time, entails the emergence of crisis phenomena. It is necessary to create market relations as soon as possible and give them a dominant character.

The fourth task is to create developed system social protection, due to the need to protect the population from the severe consequences of reforming the economy. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a system of measures with targeted social support for needy segments of the population: payment of pensions, benefits, salaries on time, subsidizing payment utilities and etc.

The social policy of the state includes a system of measures aimed at increasing standard of living and improving the quality of life of the population.

In the order of independent work, students will prepare abstracts-reports on ways to solve the main tasks of the transition period in the Republic of Belarus.

More on the topic 1. Transitional economy: essence, main features, varieties, necessity. Goal and objectives of the transition period:

  1. 2.2 Economic risks and assessment of the stability of the Russian banking system
  2. Improving Management Efficiency - the Main Guideline for Institutional Changes
  3. 1. Transition economy: essence, main features, varieties, necessity. Goal and objectives of the transition period
  4. 3.3. Forms of non-cash payments, their features, disadvantages. The economic role of non-cash payments.
  5. § 3. Flaws of the security function of the post-Soviet housing legislation
  6. Section XIII Election Campaigning, Electoral Technologies, Election Information Support, Mass Media and Elections
  7. Problems of researching the effectiveness and quality of enforcement technology
  8. Projects of individualization of land ownership and land use of rural inhabitants (1858-1860)
  9. § 1. The history of the development of relations on the resource supply of housing and communal services under civil law
  10. §2. Chronology of legislative regulation of the enterprise in Russia.
  11. The essence and main currents of the conservative legal ideology of Russia
  12. 1.1 Development of legislation on representatives of the interests of employees in labor law

- Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and management - Civil law and procedure -

3.10.1. Essence, patterns and main features of the transition economy.

3.10.2. Ownership and privatization.

3.10.3. Shadow economy.

3.10.4. Social justice and social inequality.

3.10.1. The essence and patterns of the transition economy

transitional economy- an economy that makes a transition from one state to another, in the process of which radical transformation of the entire socio-economic system, property relations, institutions and management tools, goals and means of economic development are being transformed.

The transitional economy is an intermediate state as a result of socio-economic transformations. As applied to Russia, the transitional economy corresponds to the transition from the administrative-command Soviet economy to the market economy system.


inertia of the reproductive process;

intensive development of new forms, relations, institutions;

the role of the subjective factor.

The main features of the transition economy:

variability, instability;

the emergence of special transitional economic forms- a mixture of old and new;

alternative nature of the development of the transitional economy;

special character contradictions of development;

the historicity of the transitional economy.

Specificity transitional economy in Russia:

the historical unprecedentedness of the transition;

an extremely high degree of nationalization of the economy;

long stay in the conditions of the administrative-command economy;

deep structural deformation of the economy;

low quality of many types of domestic products;

high degree of monopolization;

complete absence of market institutions.

Main tasks transitional economy:

liberalization of the economy (transition to free pricing);

privatization state enterprises;

implementation of institutional reforms;

demonopolization of the economy and creation of a competitive environment;

structural transformations of the national economy;

transition to an open economy (liberalization foreign trade);

restriction direct government intervention into the economy.

3.10.2. Ownership and privatization

Forms of ownership

On the basis of assignment:

individual- personal ownership of consumer goods, personal subsidiary farm, individual labor activity;

collective- cooperatives, collective, rental enterprises, partnerships, joint-stock enterprises, etc.;

state: national, regional and municipal.

By legal grounds : private property (of citizens and legal entities), state, mixed (joint).
Objects of property: goods, labor, land, Natural resources, residential buildings, securities, capital.

Subjects of ownership: citizens, collectives, the state.

Denationalization is a set of measures to transform state property aimed at eliminating the excessive role of the state in the economy.

Privatizationspecial form property transformations are:

the process of transferring state property into private hands (denationalization) and transferring service management from the state to private sector. The reverse process is called nationalization. The goals of privatization may be different (Figure 49).

The concept and essence of the transition economy

Definition 1

The transition economy is a period when there is a change in the economic system in the country.

So, for example, the most recent such transition of the economy in our country was the time of transition to market relations, that is, the end of the 20th century. Today, Russia is dominated by a market economy and market relations. More clearly, the main features of the transition economy are shown in the figure:

Figure 1. Features of the transition economy. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

The main directions of changes to the transition to a new economy:

  1. All economic and social relations within the state are changing, that is, the entire economic system is undergoing global changes in its basis and structure;
  2. The principles, as well as methods and methods of managing in the country, are completely subject to change. The production process is organized differently, conditions change economic interactions, the distribution of resources begins to occur in other directions;
  3. The legislation of the country is changing due to global changes economic structure and the system as a whole, somewhere additions are made to the laws, and in some legislative documents subject to a complete review.

The essence of the transition economy is also shown in the figure:

Features of the transition economy

A transitional economy, that is, a transition to another system, implies a number of features that are characteristic of all countries and their economies:

  • Scientists all over the world recognize that the main feature of the transitional economy is that in this case the transition to a completely different type of economic system is realized, but not as a way of regulating this system;
  • Another feature is that the new system of the transition economy also combines elements of the old system, thereby obtaining a smooth transition, not a sharp one, and most of the innovations of the transition economy are based on old methods and experience;
  • The instability of the new economic system, which implies chaos, as well as crisis processes during the transition itself, that is, when the new system has not yet fully entered into its rights, and the old system has not completely lost its power. This period is considered not the best for the country, since most often many sectors of the economy suffer because of this: trade, production, Agriculture etc. To establish a new economic system, as a rule, it takes a lot of time, usually from a year to several years;
  • Significant changes in the manufacturing sector. Since the economy is largely sustained and dependent on production processes in the country, from their development and quality, it is this sector that is undergoing great changes, namely, the distribution function begins to work differently, consumer groups change, innovations with suppliers of raw materials, exchange is organized differently, etc.;
  • In connection with the transition to a new economic system, the very structure of the economy is changing. The sector of the country's economy, where the very form of ownership is considered, depending on the means of production, is called the mode of the economy. In the economic structure, its own type of all economic relations is realized. Thus, the following structures in the economy are known: municipal, private property (small-scale production), capitalist, as well as state, etc.;
  • Long transition from one system to another. If the transition is made old system completely new, dissimilar to it, then this process can last not several years, but several decades in order to restructure all processes (trade, tax, legislative, social, etc.).

As a rule, the time during which the transition occurs is called transition economy.

Types of transition economy

In a transitional economy, there are several types of it:

  • The first type of transitional economy is called natural or in some other economic documents natural - evolutionary. The very name of the type of economy suggests that it is formed by itself under the influence of certain factors. Such factors may be the global development of scientific and technological progress (leaps in the field of information, innovative technologies), social and cultural development of society (improving the quality of knowledge, skills, experience exchange, etc.), improving legislative framework etc. natural type the transition economy is going quite calmly, without unnecessary problems for the country, since the country is preparing for it, as if realizing in advance that it will smoothly move from one economic system to another;
  • Another type of transitional economy is the reformist one. It assumes a scenario planned in advance by the government, which is based on the transition from one system to another. The reform of society, the social environment, including the country's economy, begins overnight, that is, everything changes in one day. Such a transitional economy is difficult to adapt to in society, as it involves many problems that, although they were predetermined, but their resolution in practice requires a lot of effort and time. It should be noted that the state has been preparing for this type of transitional economy for several years, they are also trying to solve problems using progressive methods and methods, and this type should be chosen only if the society has a highly developed structure and capabilities.

Remark 1

These types of economy determine the further development of the economic system that the state has chosen for itself. Some countries are subject to natural processes of evolution, while others, on the contrary, use reformist paths.

Each country, depending on its resources, capabilities, chooses a path for itself, but in the era high technology it is preferable to use all the same path of reforms, only it is necessary to prepare in advance for this, create programs and systematize the development of economic relations.

Thus, the transition economy is the time of transition from one economic system to another. It has a number of features, given which, you can make this transition less painful. There are also two types of transitional economies, it is preferable for modern times to use the reformist path.

Economic development is inevitably associated with the transition of the economy from one state to another. The need for a radical reform of the administrative-command economy was recognized by the majority of the population and political leadership of the former socialist countries, since it became obvious that this system was ineffective. Today, the attention of both Russian and foreign scientists and the general public is attracted by the complex and contradictory transformations taking place in post-socialist countries, including Russia. In this chapter, we will consider the essence of the transition economy, its main features, options for the transition to a market economy, as well as the specifics of reforms in a number of post-socialist countries.

Introduction to the Theory of the Transition Economy

The transitional economy is a special state of the economy when it operates in the era of the transition of society from one historical stage to another. Transitional economic relations are characterized by the fact that economic systems at this moment combine the features of both the old and the new structure of society. The transitional economy is a transformation of the entire system of economic relations, and not just a reform of their individual elements. Transition economy - the intermediate state of the economy as a result of socio-economic transformations; it is a transitional state from one socio-economic system to another.

In the course of socio-economic development, society faced various types transition economies. Modern economic thought distinguishes between the economy of the transition period, reforming the system of coordination of the economy, the elimination of deformations and overcoming the instability of economic development, intersystem transition. The most striking example of the economy of the transition period from capitalism to socialism was the transformation that began in 1917 after the Great October Socialist Revolution until the end of the 1930s. The peculiarity of this type of transitional economy was that the purpose of the transformation was the creation of a one-way socialist system, the prevention of any other social relations. The guarantor of reforms was the strength of state power.

An example of reforming the system of coordination of the economy was the change in the mechanism and scale of state regulation of the economy in the 1930s. 20th century World economic crisis 1929-1933 ("Great Depression") swept all the capitalist countries and hit the United States most of all. He showed that hopes for self-regulating market mechanism do not justify themselves. This has led to the recognition of the need for macroeconomic policy states focused on eliminating the shortcomings of the market system.

The most striking example of the elimination of deformations in the economies of countries is the transformation of the economies of developing countries. The group of developing countries in the world economy was formed mainly on the basis of former colonies. The economic development of the colonies was determined not by the needs of the latter, but by the needs of the metropolises. This fact for a long time determined the socio-economic backwardness and dependence of the developing countries on the former mother countries. After independence economic strategy most of the former colonies was aimed at strengthening their independent position in the world. To this end developing countries reformed the structure of the economy and strengthened national independence, including through the annulment of unequal treaties that limited national sovereignty.

An example of overcoming a long period of instability in the development of the economies of states is the economic transformation of the countries of Latin America, where for more than 20 years there have been high inflation rates, low economic growth rates and growing external debt. Since the mid 1970s. leading Latin American countries proclaimed a transition to new strategy development - liberal, providing for a sharp reduction in state intervention in the economy. Today economic development region has become dynamic.

The transformations of the economy taking place today in the post-socialist countries are characterized as a transitional economy. The modern transition economy is an intersystem transition, a transition from an administrative-command (single-structure) to a mixed (multi-structure) economic system. Systemic reforms are transformations that change the type of socio-economic system. The task of transition from an administrative-command economy to a modern market economy arose in history for the first time.

The transitional economy is characterized by a number of specific features. First, the transitional economy is multi-layered. The economic structure is a special type of economic relations. Multiformity - the presence of a number of sectors of the economy, characterized by various forms of production. The main feature of the intersystem transition is that economic relations of both economic systems coexist in society - both the outgoing and the emerging one. Secondly, the instability of development. The transitional economy involves the search for new more effective forms economic relations. On this path, miscalculations, mistakes, and reverse movement are possible. For example, in cases where the application of a particular economic innovation worsens the macroeconomic situation. Thirdly, alternative development. The results of the development of the transitional economy can be variant. Economic reforms are aimed at achieving a certain expected result. However, expectations may not be met. Many economic reforms either did not produce positive results or were too small.

Socio-economic reforms taking place in countries with economies in transition can be called a kind of revolution, since they led to a radical transformation of the former economic system in the shortest possible time. Transition period - a historically short period during which the liquidation or radical transformation of one economic system and the formation of another takes place. According to most economists, the duration of today's transition period should be 10-15, maximum 20 years. These theoretical assumptions, based on forecasts of socio-economic and political development, are confirmed by the results of transformation in small countries. of Eastern Europe. In the most developed of them, economic reforms are completed in about 10 years. In Russia, the transition period is longer and will probably last until the end of the first decade of the 21st century. In the narrow sense of the word, the end of the transition period is marked by the restoration of pre-crisis production volumes and the standard of living of the population. However, in a broad sense, the transition period is considered completed when the majority of the country's population begins to live better and, most importantly, perceives the new economic system as more efficient.

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